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Functional domains of the human estrogen receptor   总被引:116,自引:0,他引:116  
V Kumar  S Green  G Stack  M Berry  J R Jin  P Chambon 《Cell》1987,51(6):941-951

For screening of a large number of samples for androgenic activity, a robust system with minimal handling is required. The coding sequence for human androgen receptor (AR) was inserted into expression plasmid YEpBUbi-FLAG1, resulting in the plasmid YEpBUbiFLAG-AR, and the estrogen response element (ERE) on the reporter vector YRpE2 was replaced by an androgen response element (ARE), resulting in the plasmid YRpE2-ARE. Thus, a fully functional transactivation assay system with beta-galactosidase as a reporter gene could be created. Furthermore, green fluorescent protein (GFP) was introduced as an alternative reporter gene that resulted in a simplification of the whole assay procedure. For evaluation of both reporter systems, seven steroidal compounds with known AR agonistic properties (5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, testosterone, androstenedione, 17 alpha-methyltestosterone, progesterone, epitestosterone, and d-norgestrel) were tested, and their potencies obtained in the different assays were compared. Furthermore, potencies from the transactivation assays were compared with IC(50) values obtained in radioligand binding assays. The newly developed androgen receptor transactivation assay is a useful tool for characterizing compounds with androgenic activity.  相似文献   

We conducted a quantitative analysis of ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA expression in normal human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle in regular menstruating premenopausal women, taking advantage of this real-time PCR assay. Endometrial dating was determined from the histology of the endometrium and classified into: proliferative endometrium and secretory endometrium. Both ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA expression were detected in all endometrial samples at both proliferative and secretion phase. However ERalpha mRNA expression level was higher than that of ERbeta specially during proliferative phase. These results suggest that estrogenic effects occur predominantly through ERalpha than ERbeta.  相似文献   

Background: Cow's milk contain phytoestrogens especially equol depending on the composition of the feed ration. However, it is unknown whether milk differing in equol exhibits different estrogenicity in model systems and thereby potentially in humans as milk consumers. Methods: The estrogenicity of high and low equol milk (HEM and LEM, respectively) and purified equol was investigated in immature female mice including mRNA expression of six estrogen-sensitive genes in uterine tissue. Extracts of HEM and LEM were also tested for estrogenicity in vitro in an estrogen receptor (ER) reporter gene assay with MVLN cells. Results: The total content of phytoestrogens was approximately 10 times higher in HEM compared with LEM, but levels of endogenous milk estrone and 17β-estradiol were similar in the two milk types (503–566 and 60–64.6 pg/ml, respectively). There was no difference in uterine weight between mice receiving LEM and HEM, and no difference from controls. Equol (50 times the concentration in HEM) was not uterotrophic. The ERβ mRNA expression was down-regulated in the uteri of HEM mice compared with LEM and controls, but there was no difference between milk types for any of the other genes. Extracts of HEM showed a higher estrogenicity than extracts of LEM in MVLN cells, and there was a dose-dependent increase in estrogenicity by equol. Conclusion: The higher in vitro estrogenicity of HEM was not reflected as a higher uterine weight in vivo although the down-regulation of ERβ in uterine tissue of HEM mice could suggest some estrogenic activity of HEM at the gene expression level.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair (MMR) is initiated when a heterodimer of hMSH2*hMSH6 or hMSH2*hMSH3 binds to mismatches. Here we perform functional analyses of these human protein complexes in yeast. We use a sensitive genetic system wherein the rate of single-base deletions in a homopolymeric run in the LYS2 gene is 10 000-fold higher in an msh2 mutant than in a wild-type strain. Expression of the human proteins alone or in combination does not reduce the mutation rate of the msh2 strain, and expression of the individual human proteins does not increase the low mutation rate of a wild-type strain. However, co-expression of hMSH2 and hMSH6 in wild-type yeast increases the mutation rate 4000-fold, while co-expression of hMSH2 and hMSH3 elevates the rate 5-fold. Analysis of cell extracts indicates that the proteins are expressed and bind to mismatched DNA. The results suggest that hMutSalpha and hMutSbeta complexes form, bind to and prevent correction of replication slippage errors in yeast. Expression of hMSH6 with hMSH2 containing a proline substituted for a conserved Arg524 eliminates the mutator effect and reduces mismatch binding. The analogous mutation in humans is associated with microsatellite instability, defective MMR and cancer, illustrating the utility of the yeast system for studying human disease alleles.  相似文献   

G C Chamness  K Huff  W L McGuire 《Steroids》1975,25(5):627-635
Cytoplasmic estrogen receptor can exist either free (R) or bound to estradiol-17beta (RE). Both forms can be precipitated from cytosols by protamine sulfate. After protamine precipitation R binds 3-H-estradiol-17beta quantitatively at either 0 degrees or 30 degrees, while precipitated RE binds 3-H-estradiol-17beta only at 30 degrees by exchanging with previously bound hormone. Using these observations, we have developed a method for separate determination of both cytoplasmic R and RE. This method should also be applicable for assay of other steroid receptors, especially in cases where interfering components are present in the whole cytosol.  相似文献   

Virus-like particles (VLPs) expressed intracellularly by the yeast S. cerevisiae have helped set the framework of a wide range of biologicals, particularly as carriers for viral antigens. This article investigates the use of dynamic light scattering (DLS) for the rapid evaluation of the concentration and purity of VLPs to aid the complex purification strategy. Development of the assay was performed in a high background process stream (yeast homogenate) and involved a change in the signal proportional to the VLP concentration by addition of antibodies that bind on the VLP surface and detection of that size change by DLS. Overall, the assay was found to provide a significant improvement of rapid monitoring alternatives for VLPs, exhibiting good sensitivity and speed of measurement. Data are given for the use of the DLS-based assay for optimization of VLP release during a yeast cell disruption treatment.  相似文献   

Zierau O  Lehmann S  Vollmer G  Schänzer W  Diel P 《Steroids》2008,73(11):1143-1147
The classical analytical method for detection of anabolic steroid abuse is gas chromatography followed by mass spectrometry (GC/MS). However, even molecules with a chemical structure typical for this class of substances, are sometimes not identified in routine screening by GC/MS when their precise chemical structure is still unknown. A supplementary approach to identify anabolic steroid abuse could be a structure-independent identification of anabolic steroids based on their biological activity. To test the suitability of such a system, we have analyzed the yeast androgen receptor (AR) reporter gene system to identify anabolic steroids in human urine samples. Analysis of different anabolic steroids dissolved in buffer demonstrated that the yeast reporter gene system is able to detect a variety of different anabolic steroids and their metabolites with high specificity, including the so-called 'designer steroid' tetrahydrogestrinone. In contrast, other non-androgenic steroids, like glucocordicoids, progestins, mineralocordicoids and estrogens had a low potency to stimulate transactivation. To test whether the system would also allow the detection of androgens in urine, experiments with spiked urine samples were performed. The androgen reporter gene in yeast responds very sensitive to 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), even at high urine concentrations. To examine whether the test system would also be able to detect anabolic steroids in the urine of anabolic steroid abusers, anonymous urine samples previously characterized by GCMS were analyzed with the reporter gene assay. Even when the concentration of the anabolic metabolites was comparatively low in some positive samples it was possible to identify the majority of positive samples by their biological activity. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the yeast reporter gene system detects anabolic steroids and corresponding metabolites with high sensitivity even in urine of anabolic steroid abusing athletes. Therefore we believe that this system can be developed towards a powerful (pre) screening tool for the established doping tests. The system is easy to handle, robust, cost-efficient and needs no high-tech equipment. But most importantly, a biological test system does not require knowledge of the chemical structure of androgenic substances and therefore suitable to detect previously unidentified substances, especially those of the class of so-called designer steroids.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has several receptors; one of them, the neuropeptide Y5 receptor (NPY5) seems involved in feeding behavior in mammals. Although this particular receptor has been extensively studied in the literature, the difficulties encountered to obtain a stable cell line expressing this recombinant receptor have impaired the development of tools necessary to establish its molecular pharmacology. We thus established a method for the functional study of new ligands. It is based upon the cotransfection in human melatonin receptor 1 (MT1)-overexpressing HEK293 cells of three plasmids encoding melanocortin receptor (MC5), neuropeptide Y5 receptor (NPY5) and a cyclic AMP response element-controlled luciferase. Once challenged with alphaMSH, the MC5 receptor activates the cyclic AMP response, through the coupling protein subunit G(s). In contrast, NPY5 agonists, through the NPY5 receptor which is negatively coupled to the same pathway, counteract the alphaMSH-mediated effect on cyclic AMP level. Using appropriate controls, this method can pinpoint compounds with antagonistic activity. Simple and straightforward, this system permits reproducible measurements of agonist or antagonist effects in the presence of neuropeptide Y, the natural agonist. This method has the advantage over already existing methods and beyond its apparent complexity, to enhance the cyclic AMP concentration at a 'physiological' level, by opposition to a forskolin-induced adenylate cyclase activation. Finally, to further validate this assay, we showed results from (1) a series of natural peptidic agonists that permitted the standardization and (2) a series of potent nonpeptidic antagonists (affinity >10(-9) M) that form a new class of active NPY5 receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Members of the steroid and thyroid hormone receptor superfamily (nuclear receptors) play diverse roles in mammalian physiology, in both normal and pathological states. For this reason, and because nuclear receptors are natural receptors for lipophilic small molecules, they are important therapeutic targets for the pharmaceutical industry. Here we describe a method for screening for ligands for one of these receptors, the estrogen receptor. The method is rapid, robust, and reliable, and has been used in an ultrahigh-throughput robotic screen. The receptor is crosslinked to a scintillant-containing solid support (FlashPlate) via a receptor-specific antibody. Test compounds are assayed for competition with a radiolabeled estrogen for binding to the immobilized receptor. Receptor-ligand complexes are allowed to form and receptor-bound radioactivity is detected in a scintillation counter. The assay has been designed for both isoforms of the estrogen receptor, alpha and beta, using separate antibodies for each. Given a radioactive tracer and an appropriate antibody, many of which are now commercially available, the assay could be established for any nuclear receptor.  相似文献   

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