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The photosynthetic performance of C4 plants is generally inferior to that of C3 species at low temperatures, but the reasons for this are unclear. The present study investigated the hypothesis that the capacity of Rubisco, which largely reflects Rubisco content, limits C4 photosynthesis at suboptimal temperatures. Photosynthetic gas exchange, chlorophyll a fluorescence, and the in vitro activity of Rubisco between 5 and 35 °C were measured to examine the nature of the low‐temperature photosynthetic performance of the co‐occurring high latitude grasses, Muhlenbergia glomerata (C4) and Calamogrostis canadensis (C3). Plants were grown under cool (14/10 °C) and warm (26/22 °C) temperature regimes to examine whether acclimation to cool temperature alters patterns of photosynthetic limitation. Low‐temperature acclimation reduced photosynthetic rates in both species. The catalytic site concentration of Rubisco was approximately 5.0 and 20 µmol m?2 in M. glomerata and C. canadensis, respectively, regardless of growth temperature. In both species, in vivo electron transport rates below the thermal optimum exceeded what was necessary to support photosynthesis. In warm‐grown C. canadensis, the photosynthesis rate below 15 °C was unaffected by a 90% reduction in O2 content, indicating photosynthetic capacity was limited by the capacity of Pi‐regeneration. By contrast, the rate of photosynthesis in C. canadensis plants grown at the cooler temperatures was stimulated 20–30% by O2 reduction, indicating the Pi‐regeneration limitation was removed during low‐temperature acclimation. In M. glomerata, in vitro Rubisco activity and gross CO2 assimilation rate were equivalent below 25 °C, indicating that the capacity of the enzyme is a major rate limiting step during C4 photosynthesis at cool temperatures.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthesis at low temperatures   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
Abstract. C4 plants grown in optimum conditions are, by comparison to C3, capable of higher maximum dry-matter yields and greater efficiencies of water and nitrogen use, yet they are rare outside the subtropics. Both latitudinal and altitudinal limits of C4 distributions correlate most closely with a mean minimum temperature of 8-10°C during the period of active growth. The possibility that the C4 process is inherently incapable of functioning at low temperatures is examined. The reversible effects of chilling on the quantum efficiency of C4 photosynthesis and the functioning of the individual steps in the C4 cycle are examined. Chilling also produces an irreversible loss of capacity to assimilate CO2 which is directly proportional to the light received during chilling. It is suggested that the reversible reduction in capacity to assimilate CO2 and the lack of an alternative pathway for the utilization of lightgenerated reducing power may make C4 species more prone to chilling-dependent photoinhibition. Laboratory studies and limited field observations suggest that this damage would be most likely to occur during photosynthetic induction at the temperatures and light levels encountered on clear, cool mornings during the spring and early summer in cool climates. Even those C4 species occurring naturally in cool climates do not appear fully capable of tolerating these conditions; indeed their growth patterns suggest that they may be adapted by avoiding 'rather than enduring' such conditions.  相似文献   

Comparative ecophysiology of C3 and C4 plants   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Abstract. In this review we relate the physiological significance of C4 photosynthesis to plant performance in nature. We begin with an examination of the physiological consequences of the C4 pathway on photosynthesis, then discuss the ecophysiological performance of C4 plants in contrasting environments. We then compare the performance of C3 and C4 plants when they occur together in similar habitats, and finally discuss the distribution of C4 photosynthesis with respect to the physical environment, phylogeny, and life form.  相似文献   

Attempts are being made to introduce C4 photosynthetic characteristics into C3 crop plants by genetic manipulation. This research has focused on engineering single‐celled C4‐type CO2 concentrating mechanisms into C3 plants such as rice. Herein the pros and cons of such approaches are discussed with a focus on CO2 diffusion, utilizing a mathematical model of single‐cell C4 photosynthesis. It is shown that a high bundle sheath resistance to CO2 diffusion is an essential feature of energy‐efficient C4 photosynthesis. The large chloroplast surface area appressed to the intercellular airspace in C3 leaves generates low internal resistance to CO2 diffusion, thereby limiting the energy efficiency of a single‐cell C4 concentrating mechanism, which relies on concentrating CO2 within chloroplasts of C3 leaves. Nevertheless the model demonstrates that the drop in CO2 partial pressure, pCO2, that exists between intercellular airspace and chloroplasts in C3 leaves at high photosynthetic rates, can be reversed under high irradiance when energy is not limiting. The model shows that this is particularly effective at lower intercellular pCO2. Such a system may therefore be of benefit in water‐limited conditions when stomata are closed and low intercellular pCO2 increases photorespiration.  相似文献   

Aim Based on the biochemical and physiological attributes of C4 grasses, and on the close association between decarboxylation pathways and the taxa in which they evolved, the hypotheses tested were: (1) that C4 grasses would become progressively more abundant as precipitation decreased, with grasses of the NADP‐me subtype more abundant in wetter sites and those of the NAD‐me subtype more common in arid regions; and (2) that the distribution of grass subfamilies would also be correlated with annual precipitation. Location The study was conducted along a precipitation gradient in central Argentina, from the eastern Pampas (>1000 mm year?1) to the western deserts and semi‐deserts near the Andes (<100 mm year?1). Methods Percentage of species and relative cover of C3 and C4 grasses (including C4 subtypes) in local floras from 15 lowland sites of central Argentina were obtained from our own unpublished data and from recently published floristic surveys. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained between grass distribution parameters and the available climatic data. Results The percentage of C4 grasses increased towards the arid extreme and showed a strong negative correlation with annual rainfall (r = ?0.74, P < 0.01). Within the C4 subtypes, the NADP‐me species showed a higher proportional representation at the wetter extreme, whereas the representation of NAD‐me species increased towards the more arid extreme. The relationship of PEP‐ck species with climatic parameters in central Argentina was less evident. The distributions of the Panicoideae and Chloridoideae subfamilies along the precipitation gradient were diametrically opposed, with the Panicoideae positively (r = 0.86, P < 0.001) and the Chloridoideae negatively (r = ?0.87, P < 0.001) correlated with annual precipitation. Main conclusions Our data are consistent with the broad observation that C4 grasses tend to dominate in areas where the wet season falls in the warmer summer months. In agreement with previously reported results for Africa, Asia, Australia and North America, we describe here for the first time a significant relationship between annual precipitation and the prevalence of the NADP‐me and NAD‐me photosynthetic pathways along climatic gradients for the Neotropics. We also report for the first time that correlations between C4 species and annual rainfall are stronger when the relative cover of grass species is considered. The association of grass subfamilies Panicoideae and Chloridoideae with rainfall is as strong as that recorded for the NADP‐me and NAD‐me variants, respectively, suggesting that characteristics other than decarboxylation type may be responsible for the geographic patterns described in this study.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates, the activities of key enzymes associated with the C4 cycle and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase), and the levels of metabolites involved in the C4 cycle were compared between the two phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) type C4 species Spartina anglica, which is cold-tolerant, and Zoysia japonica, which is cold-sensitive, during exposure to low temperature. Plants of both species grown outside in summer were placed in a growth chamber at 27/20 °C day/night temperatures. After 1 week, plants were exposed to 20/17 °C for 1 week and then to 10/7 °C for 2 weeks. Photosynthetic rates in Z. japonica decreased progressively to about 25% during the chilling treatments. In contrast, S. anglica exhibited a 43% increase in photosynthetic rates after exposure to 20 °C for 1 week, which remained relatively constant thereafter. Consistent with these observations, most of the C4 enzymes and RuBPCase in Z. japonica declined. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and PCK activities declined particularly drastically during the treatments. However, the activities of these enzymes in S. anglica showed either a slight increase or decrease upon a mild cold treatment, and remained relatively constant during further chilling treatments. There was a sharp decline in phosphoenolpyruvate in Z. japonica after exposure to 10 °C. On the other hand, metabolite levels in S. anglica were largely unaffected by the chilling treatments. These results suggest that the drastic declines of both PEPC and PCK activities may be important limiting factors responsible for cold sensitivity in C4 photosynthesis of Z. japonica.  相似文献   

C4 plants are rare in the cool climates characteristic of high latitudes and altitudes, perhaps because of an enhanced susceptibility to photo‐inhibition at low temperatures relative to C3 species. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that low‐temperature photo‐inhibition is more detrimental to carbon gain in the C4 grass Muhlenbergia glomerata than the C3 species Calamogrostis Canadensis. These grasses occur together in boreal fens in northern Canada. Plants were grown under cool (14/10 °C day/night) and warm (26/22 °C) temperatures before measurement of the light responses of photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence at different temperatures. Cool growth temperatures led to reduced rates of photosynthesis in M. glomerata at all measurement temperatures, but had a smaller effect on the C3 species. In both species the amount of xanthophyll cycle pigments increased when plants were grown at 14/10 °C, and in M. glomerata the xanthophyll epoxidation state was greatly reduced. The detrimental effect of low growth temperature on photosynthesis in M. glomerata was almost completely reversed by a 24‐h exposure to the warm‐temperature regime. These data indicate that reversible dynamic photo‐inhibition is a strategy by which C4 species may tolerate cool climates and overcome the Rubisco limitation that is prevalent at low temperatures in C4 plants.  相似文献   

Abstract Evidence is drawn from previous studies to argue that C3—C4 intermediate plants are evolutionary intermediates, evolving from fully-expressed C3 plants towards fully-expressed C4 plants. On the basis of this conclusion, C3—C4 intermediates are examined to elucidate possible patterns that have been followed during the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. An hypothesis is proposed that the initial step in C4-evolution was the development of bundle-sheath metabolism that reduced apparent photorespiration by an efficient recycling of CO2 using RuBP carboxylase. The CO2-recycling mechanism appears to involve the differential compartmentation of glycine decarboxylase between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells, such that most of the activity is in the bundlesheath cells. Subsequently, elevated phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activities are proposed to have evolved as a means of enhancing the recycling of photorespired CO2. As the activity of PEP carboxylase increased to higher values, other enzymes in the C4-pathway are proposed to have increased in activity to facilitate the processing of the products of C4-assimilation and provide PEP substrate to PEP carboxylase with greater efficiency. Initially, such a ‘C4-cycle’ would not have been differentially compartmentalized between mesophyll and bundlesheath cells as is typical of fully-expressed C4 plants. Such metabolism would have limited benefit in terms of concentrating CO2 at RuBP carboxylase and, therefore, also be of little benefit for improving water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies. However, the development of such a limited C4-cycle would have represented a preadaptation capable of evolving into the leaf biochemistry typical of fully-expressed C4 plants. Thus, during the initial stages of C4-evolution it is proposed that improvements in photorespiratory CO2-loss and their influence on increasing the rate of net CO2 assimilation per unit leaf area represented the evolutionary ‘driving-force’. Improved resourceuse efficiency resulting from an efficient CO2-concentrating mechanism is proposed as the driving force during the later stages.  相似文献   

The specific activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco, EC was measured from the crude extracts of five C3 plants consisting of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Maris Mink), spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L.), pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Greenfeast), pumpkin ( Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Jättiläismeloni) and Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., and two C4 plants, maize ( Zea mays L. ETA F1) and sugar sorghum [ Sorghum saccharatum (L. emend, L.) Moench]. The amount of Rubisco in the crude extracts was estimated by polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis with the Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining procedure. The amounts of the dye bound to the purified Rubisco of different higher plants were similar. The method gave a linear response for both purified enzyme and crude extracts, and the results agreed with those observed by immunochemical methods. The addition of positive effectors such as inorganic phosphate was necessary to obtain maximal activity in the crude extracts of all the studied plants except in that of maize. No significant differences in the specific carboxylase activity at 25°C were found between the C3 and C4 plants.  相似文献   

The evolution of C4 photosynthesis   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  

Immediate export in leaves of C3‐C4 intermediates were compared with their C3 and C4 relatives within the Panicum and Flaveria genera. At 35 Pa CO2, photosynthesis and export were highest in C4 species in each genera. Within the Panicum, photosynthesis and export in ‘type I’ C3‐C4 intermediates were greater than those in C3 species. However, ‘type I’ C3‐C4 intermediates exported a similar proportion of newly fixed 14C as did C4 species. Within the Flaveria, ‘type II’ C3‐C4 intermediate species had the lowest export rather than the C3 species. At ambient CO2, immediate export was strongly correlated with photosynthesis. However, at 90 Pa CO2, when photosynthesis and immediate export increased in all C3 and C3‐C4 intermediate species, proportionally less C was exported in all photosynthetic types than that at ambient CO2. All species accumulated starch and sugars at both CO2 levels. There was no correlation between immediate export and the pattern of 14C‐labelling into sugars and starch among the photosynthetic types within each genus. However, during CO2 enrichment, C4Panicum species accumulated sugars above the level of sugars and starch normally made at ambient CO2, whereas the C4Flaveria species accumulated only additional starch.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented contrary to the suggestion that C4 plants grow larger at elevated CO2 because the C4 pathway of young C4 leaves has C3-like characteristics, making their photosynthesis O2 sensitive and responsive to high CO2. We combined PAM fluorescence with gas exchange measurements to examine the O2 dependence of photosynthesis in young and mature leaves of Panicum antidotale (C4, NADP-ME) and P. coloratum (C4, NAD-ME), at an intercellular CO2 concentration of 5 Pa. P. laxum (C3) was used for comparison. The young C4 leaves had CO2 and light response curves typical of C4 photosynthesis. When the O2 concentration was gradually increased between 2 and 40%, CO2 assimilation rates (A) of both mature and young C4 leaves were little affected, while the ratio of the quantum yield of photosystem II to that of CO2 assimilation (ΦPSII/ΦCO2) increased more in young (up to 31%) than mature (up to 10%) C4 leaves. A of C3 leaves decreased by 1·3 and ΦPSII/ΦCO2 increased by 9-fold, over the same range of O2 concentrations. Larger increases in electron transport requirements in young, relative to mature, C4 leaves at low CO2 are indicative of greater O2 sensitivity of photorespiration. Photosynthesis modelling showed that young C4 leaves have lower bundle sheath CO2 concentration, brought about by higher bundle sheath conductance relative to the activity of the C4 and C3 cycles and/or lower ratio of activities of the C4 to C3 cycles.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the effects of elevated CO2, elevated temperatures, and altered water regimes in native shortgrass steppe. Intact soil cores dominated by Bouteloua gracilis, a C4 perennial grass, or Pascopyrum smithii, a C3 perennial grass, were placed in growth chambers with 350 or 700 μL L?1 atmospheric CO2, and under either normal or elevated temperatures. The normal regime mimicked field patterns of diurnal and seasonal temperatures, and the high-temperature regime was 4 °C warmer. Water was supplied at three different levels in a seasonal pattern similar to that observed in the field. Total biomass after two growing seasons was 19% greater under elevated CO2, with no significant difference between the C3 and C4 grass. The effect of elevated CO2 on biomass was greatest at the intermediate water level. The positive effect of elevated CO2 on shoot biomass was greater at normal temperatures in B. gracilis, and greater at elevated temperatures in P. smithii. Neither root-to-shoot ratio nor production of seed heads was affected by elevated CO2. Plant tissue N and soil inorganic N concentrations were lower under elevated Co2, but no more so in the C3 than the C4 plant. Elevated CO2 appeared to increase plant N limitation, but there was no strong evidence for an increase in N limitation or a decrease in the size of the CO2 effect from the first to the second growing season. Autumn samples of large roots plus crowns, the perennial organs, had 11% greater total N under elevated CO2, in spite of greater N limitation.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cyperus longus L. , which has a widespread but disjunct distribution throughout Europe and extends northwards into Britain, was found to be a C4 species based upon its Kranz leaf anatomy, low CO2 compensation point and the labelling of malate as an early product of 14CO2 fixation. The photosynthetic characteristics of C. longus are similar to many other C4 species with a high maximum rate of photosynthesis (> 1.5 mg CO2 m −2 s −1) and a relatively high temperature optimum (30–35°C), but unlike many C4 species the rate of photosynthesis does not decline rapidly below the optimum temperature and a substantial rate (0.6 mgCO2 m−2s−1)occursat 15°C. Leaf extension is very slow at 15°C and shows a curvilinear response to temperatures between 15 and 25°C. Leaves extend at a rate of almost 4 cm d−1 at 25°C.  相似文献   

Stomatal function mediates physiological trade‐offs associated with maintaining a favourable H2O balance in leaf tissues while acquiring CO2 as a photosynthetic substrate. The C3 and C4 species appear to have different patterns of stomatal response to changing light conditions, and variation in this behaviour may have played a role in the functional diversification of the different photosynthetic pathways. In the current study, we used gain analysis theory to characterize the stomatal conductance response to light intensity in nine different C3, C4 and C3‐C4 intermediate species Flaveria species. The response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a change in light intensity represents both a direct (related to a change in incident light intensity, I) and indirect (related to a change in intercellular CO2 concentration, Ci) response. The slope of the line relating the change in gs to Ci was steeper in C4 species, compared with C3 species, with C3‐C4 species having an intermediate response. This response reflects the greater relative contribution of the indirect versus direct component of the gs versus I response in the C4 species. The C3‐C4 species, Flaveria floridana, exhibited a C4‐like response whereas the C3‐C4 species, Flaveria sonorensis and Flaveria chloraefolia, exhibited C3‐like responses, similar to their hypothesized position along the evolutionary trajectory of the development of C4 photosynthesis. There was a positive correlation between the relative contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response and water use efficiency when evaluated across all species. Assuming that the C3‐C4 intermediate species reflect an evolutionary progression from fully expressed C3 ancestors, the results of the current study demonstrate an increase in the contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response as taxa evolve toward the C4 extreme. The greater relative contribution of the indirect component of the stomatal response occurs through both increases in the indirect stomatal components and through decreases in the direct. Increases in the magnitude of the indirect component may be related to the maintenance of higher water use efficiencies in the intermediate evolutionary stages, before the appearance of fully integrated C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

We analyzed the δ13C of soil organic matter (SOM) and fine roots from 55 native grassland sites widely distributed across the US and Canadian Great Plains to examine the relative production of C3 vs. C4 plants (hereafter %C4) at the continental scale. Our climate vs. %C4 results agreed well with North American field studies on %C4, but showed bias with respect to %C4 from a US vegetation database (statsgo ) and weak agreement with a physiologically based prediction that depends on crossover temperature. Although monthly average temperatures have been used in many studies to predict %C4, our analysis shows that high temperatures are better predictors of %C4. In particular, we found that July climate (average of daily high temperature and month's total rainfall) predicted %C4 better than other months, seasons or annual averages, suggesting that the outcome of competition between C3 and C4 plants in North American grasslands was particularly sensitive to climate during this narrow window of time. Root δ13C increased about 1‰ between the A and B horizon, suggesting that C4 roots become relatively more common than C3 roots with depth. These differences in depth distribution likely contribute to the isotopic enrichment with depth in SOM where both C3 and C4 grasses are present.  相似文献   

Abstract: Following up an earlier study on Borszczowia aralocaspica, a second C4 leaf type without Kranz tissues is described from Bienertia cycloptera Bunge ex Boiss. The species belongs also to tribe Suaedeae and grows in similar temporarily wet saline habitats in southwestern C Asia. Like Borszczowia, the species has the ability to perform C4 photosynthesis in single chlorenchyma cells but the cytological compartmentation differs. Evidence is cited from anatomy (cytoplasmic compartmentation, starch formation), from carbon isotope composition and from indirect sources. It is documented by micrographs and δ13C values (mean ‐ 14.7 %). Variations of the δ13C values subsequently found in newly formed leaves of the same greenhouse plants (‐ 15.5 to ‐ 21.1 %) support the hypothesis that Bienertia is a facultative C4/C3 species. The new described bienertioid leaf type differs from the leaves of C3 species in Suaeda by strict separation of the mesophyll into a central aqueous tissue without chloroplasts and a peripheral 1 ‐ 3 layered chlorenchyma with elaborate cytoplasmic compartmentation. Each cell of the latter contains a peripheral cytoplasmic layer with scattered chloroplasts and a large globular cytoplasmic body located in the central vacuole which is densely packed with starch producing chloroplasts, and joined by the nucleus. Comparative studies on different leaves of the same individuals of ordinary C4 species demonstrated a remarkable range of variation, from 1.0 % in Salsola tragus up to 2.5 % in Petrosimonia sibirica. This corresponds well with the variance in data from different individuals and populations. For explaining the larger interspecific variation from about 23 other species of Salsoloideae, the hypothesis is developed that in species or groups of taxa specific leakages of their C4 systems do occur. By three characters unique in tribe Suaedeae and detected during the study, Bienertia is confirmed as well separated from Suaeda and as a monotypic genus.  相似文献   

Abstract Models developed to explain the biphasic response of CO2 compensation concentration to O2 concentration and the C3-like carbon isotope discrimination in C3-C4 intermediate species are used to characterize quantitatively the steps necessary in the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. The evolutionary stages are indicated by model outputs, CO2 compensation concentration and δ13C value. The transition from intermediate plants to C4 plants requires the complete formation of C4 cycle capacity, expressed by the models as transition from C4 cycle limitation by phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) regeneration rate to limitation by PEP carboxylase activity. Other steps refer to CO2 leakage from bundle sheath cells, to further augmentations of C4 cycle components, to the repression of ribulose-1,5-bisphos-phate carboxylase in the mesophyll cells, and to a decrease in the CO2 affinity of the enzyme. Possibilities of extending the suggested approach to other physiological characteristics, and the adaptive significance of the steps envisaged, are discussed.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC catalyses the first reaction in the C4 photosynthetic pathway, the conversion of atmospheric CO2 to bicarbonate in the mesophyll cytosol. To examine the importance of the enzyme to the functioning of the C4 photosynthetic pathway, Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, a C4 dicot, was genetically transformed with an antisense construct in which the cDNA encoding a putative cytosolic CA (CA3) was placed under the control of a constitutive promoter. Some of the primary transformants had impaired CO2 assimilation rates and required high CO2 for growth. The T1 progeny of four primary transformants were used to examine the quantitative relationship between leaf CA activity and CO2 assimilation rate. CA activity was determined in leaf extracts with a mass spectrometric technique that measured the rate of 18O exchange from doubly labelled 13C18O2. Steady‐state CO2 assimilation rates were unaffected by a decrease in CA activity until CA activity was less than 20% of wild type when they decreased steeply. Transformants with less than 10% of wild‐type CA activity had very low CO2 assimilation rates and grew poorly at ambient CO2 partial pressure. Reduction in CA activity also increased the CO2 partial pressure required to saturate CO2 assimilation rates. The present data show that CA activity is essential for the functioning of the C4 photosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The effects of photon flux density and temperature on net photosynthesis and transpiration rates of mature and immature leaves of three-year-old Japanese larch Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Sarg. trees were determined with an infrared, differential open gas analysis system. Net photosynthetic response to increasing photon flux densities was similar for different foliage positions and stage of maturity. Light compensation was between 25 and 50 μmol m−2 s−1. Rates of photosynthesis increased rapidly at photon flux densities above the compensation level and became saturated between 800 and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1. Transpiration rates at constant temperature likewise increased with increasing photon flux density, and leveled off between 800 and 1000 μmol m−2 s−1. Photosynthetic response to temperature was determined in saturating light and was similar for all foliage positions; it increased steadily from low temperatures to an optimum range betweeen 15 and 21°C and then decreased rapidly above 21°C. Transpiration rate, however, increased continuously with rising temperature up to the experimental maximum. CO2 compensation concentrations for mature foliage varied between 58 and 59 μl l−1; however, foliage borne at the apex of the terminal leader compensated at 75 μl l−1. None of these data support the claim that Japanese larch possesses C4 photosynthetic characteristics.  相似文献   

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