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Summary Anthers of 10 alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) lines were used as initial material for the production of androgenic haploids. More than 30 variants of nutrient media were tested. Twenty five different treatments with low temperatures and gamma rays were tried in order to find optimal conditions for callus induction and organogenesis.The genotype, stage of microspore development, phytohormonal composition of the nutrient media and pretreatment with physical agents, alone or in combination, affected the efficiency of organogenesis and regeneration in anther cultures of alfalfa.Plants exhibited a high degree of variability in their chromosome number. Haploids, dihaploids and mixoploids were obtained.Cytological studies of in vitro pollen development revealed the origin of the regenerants from microspores.Abbreviations BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - 2-ip 6-(,-dimethylallylamino)Purine - IAA Indolylacetic Acid - NAA Naphthaleneacetic Acid - 2,4-D Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid - CMS Cytoplasmic Male Sterility  相似文献   

The influence on androgenesis of donor plant growth conditions, anther size and developmental stage of the microspore, medium composition and different anther treatments prior to culture was investigated in L. esculentum Mill. cv Roma and its hybrids. Growth conditions of donor plants affected the induction of tomato androgenesis. Anthers isolated from plants grown in the greenhouse during winter at high humidity and in short days possessed higher androgenetic ability than those grown in the field. The physiological state and age of the donor plants also influenced the processes investigated. Regarding the developmental stage of microspores, the period from prophase to telophase II is optimal for tomato anther implantation. More then 20 culture media were tested. Two, based on Murashige and Skoog medium were selected as most favourable for callus induction, organogenesis and regeneration. The effect on callus induction of 2ip in combination with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was greater than that of zeatin and IAA. Zeatin promoted entire plant regeneration. A highly significant interaction between genotype and medium was observed. Temperature and gamma ray treatments of anthers enhanced callus production, shoot formation and plant regeneration. Treatments at 4 °C (48 h) and 10 °C (9 days) stimulated these processes. Combined treatment of anthers with 4 Gy and 10 °C for 9 days was the most efficient. Received: 5 September 1997 / Revision recieved: 5 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 June 1998  相似文献   

Most, if not all, trees are outbreeding, highly heterozygous and undergo a long developmental period before reaching their reproductive stage. Classical breeding and cross-pollinating procedures are both unpredictable and time-consuming. In vitro androgenesis is, thus, the most prolific and desirable approach of haploid production. But various attempts to induce androgenic potential in the trees have met with rather limited success, as they ought to be extremely recalcitrant in culture. The success rate in this case is nowhere close to that achieved for some model species like Brassica and Nicotiana. Our review article intends to focus on the overview of androgenic process and all the major contributions till date on tree species with regard to this aspect. We wish to bring together in one place all the important variables used by different workers, that influence androgenic potential immensely like, stage of anther or microspore at culture, media composition, combinations and concentrations of growth regulators, and additives. This will prove to be a worthy guide to all the prospective workers in this area and in designing their experiments further.  相似文献   

Summary A total of six genotypes of Nicotiana rustica comprising the two F1's (V2 × V12 and V1 × V5) and their parents were evaluated for their efficiency in haploid production. Excised immature flower buds with pollen at late uninucleate to early binucleate stage were pretreated for 21 days at 5 ° or 7 °C, or for 15 days at 9 °C before culturing on Nitsch's medium+ 0.1 mg/l NAA. The effects of genotype, pretreatment and their interaction were tested on anther response, anther productivity and days to first plantlet formation. Highly significant genotype X pretreatment interaction and differences between genotypes were observed for all three characters. Significant differences between pretreatments were observed for anther productivity only. The performance of V12 both in respect of anther productivity and response was highest whereas that of V5 was the lowest. Analysis of variance showed that a simple additive genetic model was not adequate to explain the above variation due to significant additive genetic and dominance interactions with the pretreatment.  相似文献   

The androgenetic ability of 85 Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. genotypes was tested. Callus was induced from anthers of 53 lines and hybrids. Regeneration of plants was obtained only from calli of 15 genotypes. The data obtained clearly showed that the genotype affects induced androgenesis in tomato. The in vitro response of anthers from the cultivars Roma, Pearson, San Marzano, Por, Sar, Vigapol, Day, David and Start, containing the ms 1035 gene, which is responsible for male sterility in tomato, confirm the strongly expressed dependence of both callus induction and organogenetic potential on the homozygous or heterozygous state of that gene. A protocol of callus induction, organogenesis and plant regeneration has been developed. More than 6000 regenerants have been obtained. Most of them showed different morphological alterations and variations in chromosome number (n, 2n, 4n). Some are interesting as source material for tomato breeding. Received: 17 April 1997 / Revision received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1997  相似文献   

Selection for increased anther culture response in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Anther culture of a three-way cross, (H99 × FR16) × Pa91, resulted in the regeneration of two anther-derived plants which were crossed to produce an F1 progeny. Fourteen S1 families derived from this cross were evaluated for their anther culturability. Dramatic increases in the level of androgenesis, expressed as the percentage of cultured anthers which produced embryo-like structures, were observed. An overall mean response frequency of 23.4% was observed for the S1 families. This was compared to a 3.5% response in the original three-way cross. These results demonstrate that genetic improvement of in vitro androgenesis in maize is possible and that anther culture per se constitutes a procedure for selecting genes which favor increased levels of response.  相似文献   

Summary Androgenesis has been induced in excised anthers of two tetraploid species ofArachis. The pollen underwent various modes of development leading to the formation of pollen-embryos and callus.  相似文献   

Summary Response frequencies in maize (Zea mays L.) anthers cultured in vitro were examined in a diallel set of crosses among four commercial inbred lines. Significant differences among the genotypes were observed, with the crosses H99xFR16 and Pa91xFR16 displaying the highest responses. General (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability mean squares were calculated and determined to be highly significant. GCA effects among the parental lines were highest for FR16 and lowest for LH38. Nongenotypic, plant-toplant differences were also found to make a significant contribution to the overall variation observed. The results from this study indicate that parents which give rise to highly responsive hybrids can be identified and that genetic improvement is possible through selection.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen embryogenesis and callus showing a wide range of ploidy is induced in the in vitro cultured anthers of pigeon-pea. A suspension of pollen from such anthers incubated in drop cultures on agar medium develops further to form embryoids and colonies of callus.  相似文献   

Summary Three maize genotypes previously shown in the literature to respond to anther culture were tested under various conditions. Studies indicated that embryogenic response ranged from 0 to 100 embryos per 1,000 anthers plated and was significantly lower without cold pretreatment of the anthers. Culture in liquid media tended to produce more embryos than in semi-solid as did the addition of activated charcoal to either liquid or solid culture media. Most results were confounded by plant-to-plant variation which tended to obscure significant differences. In one study, germination rate of androgenetic embryos averaged about 20%, but only 26% of those embryos that germinated completed their reproductive cycle and formed seed albeit through sibpollination since plants could not be selfed. Chromosome counts using root tip squashes indicated that regenerated plants were either haploid or diploid but plants scored as non-diploid yielded as much seed as scored diploids. This suggests that progeny can be recovered even from putative haploids, presumably as a result of sectoring in the developing ear. A DNA-specific fluorescent dye was used to visualize the presence of putative embryogenic microspores (PEMs) during the culture period. PEM counts were a function of time in culture and were apparently greater than the number of embryos obtained for a given treatment. The data indicate that, as previously reported for other species, both induction and survival phases also exist in maize anther culture.  相似文献   

Summary Since the successful induction of haploids from anthers cultured in vitro in 1964, a great deal of attention has been given to this problem by those interested in obtaining pure lines and mutants for crop improvement and biochemical genetics. In the last 16 years the anther culture technique has been refined and extended to over one hundred and fifty different species. More recently, isolated pollen culture — which is a refinement of the original anther culture technique — has also been developed. In this review we have made an effort to critically examine existing reports with the objective of analysing the effects of various factors — e.g. culture medium, the cultural conditions, and the effect of genotype and physiological state of the parent plant on pollen induction — and to speculate on the mechanism of action of different factors in order to throw some light on the process of haploid induction.  相似文献   

The obtaining of calluses and plantlets from cultured wheat anthersat the stages from pollen mother cell to trinucleate microspore has been reported previously. Haploids as well as diploids existed among the regenerated plantlets derivedfrom anthers at these stages. Present paper reports the study on androgenesis patter-ns of cultured anthers at meiosis, tetrad, early mid- and late uninucleate and trinucleate stage. Cytological evidence of pollen-origin of calluses produced by anthers atthese stages was given. Observation showed that meiosis of wheat anthers was able tocomplete under culture conditions, resulting in releasing microspores, from which multinucleate and multicellular pollen grains formed. In meiosis anthers, abnormal cells,including syncytium and two kinds of binueleate calls were sometimes observed. Theymight be products of abnormal meiosis and abnormal development of tapetum cells. Itwas noted that failure and/or uncomplction of forming callus wall and/or pollen wallin in vitro anthers at meiosis, tetrad and early uninucleate stage occured often. Itmight lead to the low frequency of callus induction. Mature wheat anthers (trinucleate stage) contained both normal and abnormal pollen grains (pollen dimorphism); onlythe abnormal pollen grains developed into embryoids while all the normai trinucleatepollen grains degenerated rapidly. However, the date of the frequency of equal divisionof microspores suggested that abnormal pollen (N pollen, small pollen) could not be theonly source of androgenic pollens in cultured anthers at late uninucleate and other earlier stages.  相似文献   

Pollen embryos of Datura innoxia Mill are produced in larger numbers from anthers on agar-gelled medium containing polyvinylpolypyrrolidone than on control. The best response is observed with 0.5% polyvinylpolypyrrolidone. The effect is possibly due to adsorption of substances (phenolics) emanating from cultured anthers and inhibiting the development of pollen grains into embryos.  相似文献   

In recent years liquid medium has been shown to be better than agar-gelled medium for production of haploids by anther culture. However, on addition of charcoal to agar medium the anther response in Datura innoxia Mill, increases dramatically and is better than in liquid medium. For anthers with pollen at the premitotic stage, the best result was observed with 1% charcoal in Difco agar and 1.5% in Normal agar. The effect is possibly due to adsorption of substances inhibitory to androgenesis and emanating from anthers, as well as to substances present in the nutrient medium and agar.  相似文献   

The effect of growth regulators on induction of androgenesis in coconut was investigated using seven different growth regulators at various concentrations and combinations. Three auxins (1-naphthalene acetic acid—NAA, indoleacetic acid—IAA, picloram) and three cytokinins (2-isopentyl adenine-2-iP, kinetin, zeatin) were tested either alone or in combination with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), using modified Eeuwens Y3 liquid medium as the basal medium. Among the tested auxins, 100 μM NAA in combination with 100 μM 2,4-D enhanced the production of calli/embryos (123) whereas IAA and picloram showed negative and detrimental effects, respectively, for androgenesis induction over 100 μM 2,4-D alone. Kinetin and 2-iP enhanced the production of calli/embryos when 100 μM 2,4-D was present in the culture medium. Both cytokinins at 10 μM yielded the highest frequencies of embryos (113 and 93, respectively) whereas zeatin (1 or 2.5 μM) had no impact on microspore embryogenesis. When calli/embryos (produced from different treatments in different experiments) were sub-cultured in somatic embryo induction medium (Y3 medium containing 66 μM 2,4-D), followed by maturation medium (Y3 medium without growth regulators) and germination medium (Y3 medium containing 5 μM-6-benzyladenine—BA and 0.35 μM gibberellic acid—GA3), plantlets were regenerated at low frequencies (in most treatments ranging from 0% to 7%).  相似文献   

Summary The anther culture technique is useful for the recovery of haploids which when doubled provide homozygosity. Additionally, beneficial as well as deleterious genetic and epigenetic changes are promoted by the in vitro procedures. The majority of plants recovered from anther calli of the cultivar Calrose 76 were similar to the starting cultivar but plants regenerated from microspore calli had a wider range of responses than controls for several characteristics. Plants with larger seeds, higher levels of seed protein, shorter stature and more highly tillered than the starting cultivar were obtained from selfed anther-derived plants. The data also support the concept that in vitro procedures including anther culture of specific cultivars of rice promoted the recovery of phenotypes with increased seed storage proteins.Contribution from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Science and Education, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Physiology Institute, Tissue Culture and Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Room 116, Building 011-A, BARC-West, Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA  相似文献   

The construction of maize genotypes with high haploid induction capacity made it possible to study the effect of colchicine on maize androgenesis in vitro. Anther cultures of three hybrids were treated with 0.02% and 0.03% colchicine for 3 days at the beginning of microspore induction. Colchicine added to the induction medium had no negative influence on the androgenic responses (anther induction, induction of structures of microspore origin and their regeneration ability) of the genotypes examined. However, significantly higher fertility was observed in plants originating from colchicine-treated microspores, especially at 0.03%. Cytological examinations showed that colchicine treatment before the first microspore division efficiently arrested mitosis and resulted in homozygous doubled-haploid microspores. Under the experimental conditions, the antimitotic drug had no later effect on the division symmetry of the microspore nucleus, and unequal divisions remained dominant. Callus formation from the induced microspores seemed to be more typical (ranging between 60–70%), but embryo frequency was increased by approximately 10%, especially at the higher colchicine concentration. These results suggest that the mechanism of colchicine action in premitotic maize microspores may differ from that previously observed in wheat. Received: 15 June 1998 / Revision received: 17 September 1998 / Accepted: 3 December 1998  相似文献   

小麦不同基因型材料花药培养中雄核发育的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛建平  张爱民 《植物学通报》2002,19(2):215-218,214
对小麦离体花药中花粉发育的调查表明 :难诱导材料花药在培养初期 ,花粉退化快 ,大量小孢子败育 ,多细胞 (核 )花粉出现晚、频率低 ;而易诱导材料花药培养初期 ,花粉退化相对延缓 ,多细胞 (核 )花粉出现早且频率高 ,这些内在的优势使得更多的小孢子有可能转向孢子体发育 ,从而获得较高的出愈率。  相似文献   

Otto Schieder 《Planta》1978,141(3):333-334
The hybrid nature of tetraploid somatic hybrids of two genetically different chlorophyll-deficient mutants from Datura innoxia Mill. was demonstrated with the aid of anther culture. Green and chlorophyll-deficient androgenetic lines could be regenerated from the pollen grains.  相似文献   

Summary The efficiency of dihaploid production from anther culture in N. rustica has been improved by studying the effects of pretreatment temperature, pretreatment duration and initial anther stage on anther response, anther productivity and time to first plantlet production. Pretreatment was most effective on anthers at or around the stage of pollen mitosis. Pollen mitosis stage anthers pretreated at 9 °C for 15 days gave the best results. Both spontaneous and induced dihaploids were obtained. Small plantlets treated with 0.4% colchicine and 2% DMS solution for 5 h produced the maximum number of dihaploids (more than 50%). These considerable improvements in the efficiency of the techniques have made dihaploidy an attractive method for producing inbred lines in N. rustica. This will permit a large scale comparison of dihaploids with more conventional methods of inbreeding such as single seed descent and pedigree breeding.  相似文献   

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