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The reduction, catalysed by liver alcohol dehydrogenase, of benzaldehyde in the presence and absence of pyrazole, and the oxidation of benzyl alcohol and cyclohexanol in the presence of isobutyramide, has been measured by the stopped-flow technique. In performing these experiments particular care was taken to purify the enzyme, coenzymes, substrates and inhibitors, and to minimise as much as possible the effects of a blank substrate reaction. The calculation of the amount of substrate converted to product during the various phases of the transient process was based on the absorption coefficients for the enzyme-coenzyme and enzyme-coenzyme-inhibitor complexes determined in the absence of substrate. The results show that the two active sites of liver alcohol dehydrogenase are kinetically equivalent and that the enzyme does not exhibit half-of-the-sites reactivity.  相似文献   

J T McFarland  Y H Chu 《Biochemistry》1975,14(6):1140-1146
New transient kinetic methods, which allow kinetics to be carried out under conditions of excess substrate, have been employed to investigate the kinetics of hydride transfer from NADH to aromatic aldehydes and from aromatic alcohols to NAD+ as a function of pH. The hydride transfer rate from 4-deuterio-NADH to beta-naphthaldehyde is nearly pH independent from pH 6.0 to pH 9.9; the isotope effect is also pH independent with kappa-H/kappaD congruent to 2.3. Likewise, the rate of oxidation of benzyl alcohol by NAD+ changes little with pH between pH 8.75 and pH 5.9; the isotope effect for this process is between 3.0 and 4.4. Earlier substituent effect studies on the reduction of aromatic aldehydes were consistent with electrophilic catalysis by either zinc or a protonic acid. The pH independence of hydride transfer is consistent with electrophilic catalysis by zinc since such catalysis by protonic acid (with a pK between 6.0 and 10.0) would show strong pH dependence. However, protonic acid catalysis cannot be excluded if the pKa of the acid catalyst in the ternary NADH-E-RCOH complex were smaller than 6.0 or smaller than 10.0. The two kinetic parameters changing significantly with pH are the kinetic binding constant for ternary complex formation with aromatic alcohol and the rate of dissociation of aromatic alcohols from enzyme. This is consistent with base-catalyzed removal of a proton from alcohol substrated and consequent acid catalysis of protonation of a zinc-alcoholate complex. The equilibrium constant for hydride transfer from benzaldehyde to benzyl alcohol at pH 8.75 is K-eq equals kappa-H/kappa-H equals 42; this constant has important consequences concerning subunit interactions during liver alcohol dehydrogenase catalysis.  相似文献   

We investigated by stopped-flow techniques the oxidation of benzyl alcohol catalyzed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase varying the concentration of the reagents, pH and temperature. The course of the reaction under enzymelimiting conditions is biphasic and the measured amplitude of the initial step corresponds under saturation conditions to half of the total enzyme concentration (half-burst). The fast initial step (with a maximum rate of 20 s?1 at pH 7.0) shows an isotope effect of approximately 2, which indicates that this rate contains a contribution from a hydrogen transfer. It is also shown that this rate differs by at least one order of magnitude with respect to that of the hydrogen transfer during benzaldehyde reduction. The half-of-the-sites reactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase in the initial transient process is obtained independent of reagent concentration, pH and/or temperature. It is obtained also when coenzyme analogues are substituted for NAD, and when different alcohols are substituted for benzyl alcohol. These data are taken to demonstrate unequivocally that the half-of-the-sites reactivity of alcohol dehydrogenase cannot be due to an interplay of rate constants (as proposed by various authors) and must rather be ascribed to a kinetic non-equivalence of the two subunits when active ternary complexes are being formed. When oxidation of benzyl alcohol is carried out in the presence of 0.1 m-isobutyramide (which makes a very tight complex with NADH at the enzyme active site), reaction stops after formation of an amount of NADH product that is equivalent to one half of the enzyme active site concentration.This is considered in the light of the pyrazole experiment designed by McFarland &; Bernhard (1972), in which reduction of benzaldehyde is carried out in the presence of pyrazole (which forms a very tight ternary complex with NAD at the enzyme active site). In this case, reaction stops after formation of an amount of NAD-product which is equivalent to the total enzyme active site concentration. It is shown that accommodation of these two seemingly contradictory sets of data poses severe restrictions on the alcohol dehydrogenase mechanism. In particular, it is shown that the only mechanism that adheres to such requirements is one in which the two subunits have distinct and alternating functions in each enzyme cycle. These two functions are the triggering of the chemical transformation and the chemical transformation itself. It is also shown that binding of NAD-substrate to one subunit triggers chemical reactivity in the other NAD-alcohol-containing subunit, whereas on aldehyde reduction, the triggering event is desorption of alcohol product from the first reacted subunit.  相似文献   

Affinity labeling of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase with iodoacetate in the presence of the activator imidazole has been studied from pH 6.1 to 10.5. The pH profiles for the dissociation constants of iodoacetate from the free enzyme and the enzyme-imidazole complex and of imidazole from the free enzyme and the binary enzyme-iodoacetate complex were determined. The variation with pH of the dissociation constants of iodoacetate (KI) and imidazole (KL) have in common a pKa of 8.6 assigned to the zinc-water ionization, and a pKa near 10. Lysine modification by ethyl acetimidate results in a higher affinity of iodoacetate to the enzyme at high pH as the pKa values of the lysine residues are increased. The binding of iodoacetate and imidazole at each enzyme subunit shows negative cooperativity at pH less than 9, with an interaction constant of 4.8 at pH 6.1. Positive cooperativity is observed at pH greater than 9, with an interaction constant of 0.5 at pH 10.5. The pH-dependent change in cooperativity results from the removal of the zinc-water ionization when imidazole becomes coordinated to the catalytic zinc ion. When iodoacetate binds at the anion binding site, a large perturbation of the zinc-water ionization is observed. Unlike imidazole, the binding of 1,10-orthophenanthroline and iodoacetate shows positive cooperativity at both pH 8.2 and 10.0 with an interaction constant as low as 0.06 at pH 10.0.  相似文献   

A J Sytkowski  B L Vallee 《Biochemistry》1978,17(14):2850-2857
The preparation of metal hybrid species of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase is made possible by the development of carefully delineated systems of metal in equilibrium metal exchange employing equilibrium dialysis. The conditions which are optimal for the site-specific replacement of the catalytic and/or noncatalytic zinc atoms of the native enzyme by cobalt are not identical with those which are utilized for substitution with 65Zn. Thus, while certain 65Zn hybrids can be prepared by exploiting the differential effects of buffer anions, the cobalt hybrids are generated by critical adjustments in the pH of the dialysate. Factors which may determine the mechanism of metal replacement reactions include acid-assisted, ligand-assisted, and metal-assisted dechelation, steric restriction, and ligand denticity as well as physicochemical properties of the enzyme itself. The spectral characteristics of the catalytic and noncatalytic cobalt atoms reflect both the geometry of the coordination complexes and the nature of the ligands and serve as sensitive probes of these loci in the enzyme.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic metabolism of two adenovirus (Ad2)-specific messenger RNAs, encoded within the left-hand 11% of the Ad2 genome, has been examined in a transformed rat embryo line (strain 8617). Both the accumulation of labeled mRNA and the decay of pulse-labeled mRNA after an actinomycin D chase indicate a stochastic turnover of these Ad2-specific mRNA with half lives of approximately 35 and 100 minutes, considerably shorter than the half-life of the bulk of mRNA.The separation of mRNA molecules according to the length of poly(A) showed that the poly(A) of the Ad2-specific mRNAs was shortened both during continuous and pulse-chase labeling. Moreover, consistent with the observed rates of mRNA turnover, the rate of poly(A) shortening in the Ad2 mRNAs was found to be faster than that of the bulk mRNA population. In addition, the results suggested that both mRNA turnover and poly(A) shortening proceeded by random endonucleolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

The molecular weights of lyophilized and non-lyophilized horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase have been compared by quasi-elastic light scattering, and ultracentrifugation. Whereas the non-lyophilized enzyme has the expected molecular weight of 78 000, the lyophilized enz)me has an initial molecular weight of about 10(6) which increases with time by an endothermic process. This result shows that any physical measurement using lyophilized liver alcohol dehydrogenase to investigate the enzyme mechanism, which relies upon the molecular size, will be invalid.  相似文献   

The complex between active site-specific metal-depleted horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and NADH has been studied with X-ray crystallographic methods to 2.9 A resolution. The electron density maps revealed that only the catalytic zinc ions are removed, whereas the non-catalytic zinc sites ae fully occupied. A gross conformational change in the protein induced by co-enzyme binding takes place in this enzyme species despite the absence of the metal ion in the catalytic center. This circumstance is of great importance in the understanding and further analysis of the trigger mechanisms operating during the conformation transition in alcohol dehydrogenase, since the catalytic center is located at the hinge region for a domain rotation in the subunit, and the metal atom is essential for catalysis. The overall protein structure is the same as that of an NADH complex of the native zinc enzyme and the co-enzyme is bound in a similar manner. The local structural changes observed are restricted to the empty metal binding site.  相似文献   

The rate-limiting step of ethanol oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase (E) at substrate inhibitory conditions (greater than 500 mM ethanol) is shown to be the dissociation rate of NADH from the abortive E-ethanol-NADH complex. The dissociation rate constant of NADH decreased hyperbolically from 5.2 to 1.4 s-1 in the presence of ethanol causing a decrease in the Kd of NADH binding from 0.3 microM for the binary complex to 0.1 microM for the abortive complex. Correspondingly, ethanol binding to E-NADH (Kd = 37 mM) was tighter than to enzyme (Kd = 109 mM). The binding rate of NAD+ (7 X 10(5) M-1s-1) to enzyme was not affected by the presence of ethanol, further substantiating that substrate inhibition is totally due to a decrease in the dissociation rate constant of NADH from the abortive complex. Substrate inhibition was also observed with the coenzyme analog, APAD+, but a single transient was not found to be rate limiting. Nevertheless, the presence of substrate inhibition with APAD+ is ascribed to a decrease in the dissociation rate of APADH from 120 to 22 s-1 for the abortive complex. Studies to discern the additional limiting transient(s) in turnover with APAD+ and NAD+ were unsuccessful but showed that any isomerization of the enzyme-reduced coenzyme-aldehyde complex is not rate limiting. Chloride increases the rate of ethanol oxidation by hyperbolically increasing the dissociation rate constant of NADH from enzyme and the abortive complex to 12 and 2.8 s-1, respectively. The chloride effect is attributed to the binding of chloride to these complexes, destabilizing the binding of NADH while not affecting the binding of ethanol.  相似文献   

Tsai S  Klinman JP 《Biochemistry》2001,40(7):2303-2311
The temperature dependence of steady-state kinetics has been studied with horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLADH) using protonated and deuterated benzyl alcohol as substrates in methanol/water mixtures between +3 and -50 degrees C. Additionally, the competitive isotope effects, k(H)/k(T) and k(D)/k(T), were measured. The studies indicate increasing kinetic complexity for wild-type HLADH at subzero temperatures. Consistent with earlier findings at 25 degrees C [Bahnson et al. (1993) Biochemistry 31, 5503], the F93W mutant shows much less kinetic complexity than the wild-type enzyme between 3 and -35 degrees C. An analysis of noncompetitive deuterium isotope effects and competitive tritium isotope effects leads to the conclusion that the reaction of F93W involves substantial hydrogen tunneling down to -35 degrees C. The effect of methanol on kinetic properties for the F93W mutant was analyzed, showing a dependence of competitive KIEs on the NAD(+) concentration. This indicates a more random bi--bi kinetic mechanism, in comparison to an ordered bi-bi kinetic mechanism in water. Although MeOH also affects the magnitude of the reaction rates and, to some extent, the observed KIEs, the ratio of ln k(H)/k(T) to ln k(D)/k(T) for primary isotope effects has not changed in methanol, and we conclude little or no change in kinetic complexity. Importantly, the degree of tunneling, as shown from the relationship between the secondary k(H)/k(T) and k(D)/k(T) values, is the same in water and MeOH/water mixtures, implicating similar trajectories for H transfer in both solvents. In a recent study of a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase [Kohen et al. (1999) Nature 399, 496], it was shown that decreases in temperatures below a transition temperature lead to decreased tunneling. This arises because of a change in protein dynamics below a break point in enzyme activity [Kohen et al. (2000) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 10738-10739]. For the mesophilic HLADH described herein, an opposite trend is observed in which tunneling increases at subzero temperatures. These differences are attributed to inherent differences in tunneling probabilities between 0 and 100 degrees C vs subzero temperatures, as opposed to fundamental differences in protein structure for enzymes from mesophilic vs thermophilic sources. We propose that future investigations of the relationship between protein flexibility and hydrogen tunneling are best approached using enzymes from thermophilic sources.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the enzymatic step of the peroxidatic reaction between NAD and hydrogen peroxide, catalysed by horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC, has been investigated at pH 7 at high enzyme concentration. Under such conditions no burst phase has been observed, thus indicating that the rate-limiting step in the process, which converts NAD into Compound I, either precedes or coincides with the chemical step responsible for the observed spectroscopic change. Kinetic analysis of the data, performed according to a simplified reaction scheme suggests that the rate-limiting step is coincident with the spectroscopic (i.e., chemical) step itself. Furthermore, the absence of a proton burst phase indicates the proton release step does not precede the chemical step, in contrast with the case of ethanol oxidation. A kinetic effect of different premixing conditions on the reaction rate has been observed and attributed to the presence of NADH formed in the 'blank reaction' between NAD and residual ethanol tightly bound to alcohol dehydrogenase. A molecular mechanism for the enzymatic peroxidation step is finally proposed, exploiting the knowledge of the much better known reaction of ethanol oxidation. Inhibition of this reaction by NADH has been investigated with respect to H2O2 (noncompetitive, Ki about 10 microM) and to NAD (competitive, Ki about 0.7 microM). The effect of temperature on the steady-state reaction state (about 65 kJ/mol activation energy) has also been studied.  相似文献   

The quenching of liver alcohol dehydrogenase protein fluorescence at alkaline pH indicates two conformational states of the enzyme with a pKa of 9.8+/-0.2, shifted to 10.6+/-0.2 in D2O. NAD+ and 2-p-toluidinonaphthalene-6-sulfonate, a fluorescent probe competitive with coenzyme, bind to the acid conformation of the enzyme. The pKa of the protein-fluorescence quenching curve is shifted toward 7.6 in the presence of NAD+, and the ternary complex formation with NAD+ and trifluoroethanol results in a pH-independent maximal quench. At pH (pD) 10.5, the rate constant for NAD+ binding was 2.6 times faster in D2O2 than in H2O due to the shift of the pKa. Based on these results, a scheme has been proposed in which the state of protonation of an enzyme functional group with a pKa of 9.8 controls the conformational state of the enzyme. NAD+ binds to the acid conformation and subsequently causes another conformational change resulting in the perturbation of the pKa to 7.6. Alcohol then binds to the unprotonated form of the functional group with a pKa of 7.6 in the binary enzyme-NAD+ complex and converts the enzyme to the alkaline conformation. Thus, at neutral pH liver alcohol dehydrogenase undergoes two conformational changes en route to the ternary complex in which hydride transfer occurs.  相似文献   

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