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Rafał Milner Monika Lewandowska Małgorzata Ganc Katarzyna Cieśla Iwona Niedziałek Henryk Skarżyński 《Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback》2016,41(2):225-249
This study is the first to demonstrate outcomes of slow cortical potential (SCP) Neurofeedback training in chronic tinnitus. A 50-year old male patient with tinnitus participated in three SCP training blocks, separated with 1-month breaks. After the training the patient reported decreased tinnitus loudness and pitch, as well as improved quality of daily life. A quantitative electroencephalography analysis revealed close to normal changes of resting state bioelectrical activity in cortical areas considered to be involved in tinnitus generation. The present case study indicates that SCP Neurofeedback training can be considered a promising method for tinnitus treatment. 相似文献
Chronic tinnitus, the continuous perception of a phantom sound, is a highly prevalent audiological symptom. A promising approach for the treatment of tinnitus is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) as this directly affects tinnitus-related brain activity. Several studies indeed show tinnitus relief after rTMS, however effects are moderate and vary strongly across patients. This may be due to a lack of knowledge regarding how rTMS affects oscillatory activity in tinnitus sufferers and which modulations are associated with tinnitus relief. In the present study we examined the effects of five different stimulation protocols (including sham) by measuring tinnitus loudness and tinnitus-related brain activity with Magnetoencephalography before and after rTMS. Changes in oscillatory activity were analysed for the stimulated auditory cortex as well as for the entire brain regarding certain frequency bands of interest (delta, theta, alpha, gamma). In line with the literature the effects of rTMS on tinnitus loudness varied strongly across patients. This variability was also reflected in the rTMS effects on oscillatory activity. Importantly, strong reductions in tinnitus loudness were associated with increases in alpha power in the stimulated auditory cortex, while an unspecific decrease in gamma and alpha power, particularly in left frontal regions, was linked to an increase in tinnitus loudness. The identification of alpha power increase as main correlate for tinnitus reduction sheds further light on the pathophysiology of tinnitus. This will hopefully stimulate the development of more effective therapy approaches. 相似文献
This paper presents a series of 12 cases of chronic tinnitus patients who participated in 4 weeks of auditory discrimination training either close to or far removed from the tinnitus frequency. The training was based on the assumption that tinnitus is related to a shift of the representation of the tinnitus frequency in auditory cortex outside of the normal tonotopic map and that training close to but not removed from the tinnitus frequency should result in a reduction in the severity of the tinnitus. Tinnitus severity was measured 4 times per day during the entire treatment and other tinnitus-related variables were assessed 1 week before and 1 month posttreatment. The comparison of the training close to as compared to remote from the tinnitus frequency did not yield a statistically significant difference. However, a post hoc analysis revealed that patients who engaged in regular training as compared to those who practiced irregularly were significantly more successful in reducing tinnitus severity independent of the trained frequencies. Treatment success was best predicted by days of training and general activity levels. The data suggest that auditory discrimination training shows a dose response effect irrespective of training location and that treatment success is also related to psychological variables. For more substantial changes in multiple variables an extended training period with additional consideration of emotional variables would be necessary. In addition, controls for nonspecific training effects need to be implemented. 相似文献
Peter Tass 《Journal of biological physics》1995,21(3):177-210
We theoretically investigate pattern formation during simple visual hallucinations caused by epileptic activity. To this end we analyze the activator-inhibitor model of Ermentrout and Cowan [1]. In contrast to these authors we focus on a different disease mechanism: According to experimental findings (cf. [2]) we decrease the influence of the inhibitor on the activator. This causes spontaneous pattern formation due to a bifurcation. The model parameters determine whether one or two or four modes become unstable. By means of the center manifold theorem, in all cases the order parameter equation is derived, the stability of the solution is proofed, and the bifurcating activity pattern is calculated explicitely in lowest order. Taking into account terms up to third order in all cases the order parameter equation has a potential. For the two-modes and the four-modes instability this potential causes a winner-takes all dynamics. We integrate the order parameter equation numerically and plot the visual hallucinations which result from the bifurcating cortical activity. The theoretically derived hallucinations correspond to clinically observed visual hallucinations (cf. [3, 4]), which are, for instance, well-known from petit mal epilepsy [5].Finally we investigate the influence of noise on the activity patterns as well as the visual hallucinations. 相似文献
Reorganisation of peripheral actin filaments as a prelude to exocytosis 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
Evidence is presented, from studies on the adrenal chromaffin cell, that reorganisation of the cortical actin network is necessary to allow granules to reach exocytotic sites in stimulated cells. This reorganisation may involve changes in actin filament cross-linking, assembly and interactions with secretory granule and plasma membranes. The possibility is discussed that cytoskeletal elements including the membrane-binding proteins caldesmon, p70 and p36 may be involved in granule-plasmalemmal interactions immediately prior to exocytosis. 相似文献
Repeated warm laser stimuli produce a progressive increase of the sensation of warmth and heat and eventually that of a burning pain. The pain resulting from repetitive warm stimuli is mediated by summated C fibre responses. To shed more light on the cortical changes associated with pain during repeated subnoxious warm stimulation, we analysed magnetoencephalographic (MEG) evoked fields in eleven subjects during application of repetitive warm laser stimuli to the dorsum of the right hand. One set of stimuli encompassed 10 laser pulses occurring at 2.5 s intervals. Parameters of laser stimulation were optimised to elicit a pleasant warm sensation upon a single stimulus with a rise of skin temperature after repeated stimulation not exceeding the threshold of C mechano-heat fibres. Subjects reported a progressive increase of the intensity of heat and burning pain during repeated laser stimulation in spite of only mild (4.8°C) increase of skin temperature from the first stimulus to the tenth stimulus. The mean reaction time, evaluated in six subjects, was 1.33 s, confirming involvement of C fibres. The neuromagnetic fields were modelled by five equivalent source dipoles located in the occipital cortex, cerebellum, posterior cingulate cortex, and left and right operculo-insular cortex. The only component showing statistically significant changes during repetitive laser stimulation was the late component of the contralateral operculo-insular source peaking at 1.05 s after stimulus onset. The amplitude increases of the late component of the contralateral operculo-insular source dipole correlated with the subjects' numerical ratings of warmth and pain. Results point to a pivotal role of the contralateral operculo-insular region in processing of C-fibre mediated pain during repeated subnoxious laser stimulation. 相似文献
Kropp P Hartmann M Barchmann D Meyer W Darabaneanu S Ambrosch P Meyer B Schröder D Gerber WD 《Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback》2012,37(3):187-193
Cortical attention and habituation parameters are altered in patients suffering from tinnitus. The aim of the study was to quantify cortical attention and habituation parameters in tinnitus patients by recording the contingent negative variation (CNV) response and to correlate amplitudes of different CNV parameters with duration of disease. Twenty patients suffering from tinnitus (median: 44?years) and twenty age- and sex-matched healthy controls (median: 41?years) were tested by a CNV paradigm. We recorded overall CNV, initial CNV, and terminal CNV and calculated habituation slopes. All CNV parameters were Spearman-correlated with individual duration of disease. Highly significant between groups differences emerged in total (tinnitus: -8.4?uV vs. controls: -3.8?uV), initial (-11.2 vs. -6.0?uV), and terminal CNV (-11.9 vs. -6.5?uV) demonstrating higher negative amplitudes in tinnitus patients. Habituation differed in total and terminal CNV, indicating missing habituation in tinnitus patients. Overall CNV (??=?-.365) and initial CNV (??=?-.529) showed a medium Spearman correlation with duration of disease. We conclude that the correlation between duration of tinnitus and the initial CNV amplitudes indicates an altered state of cortical excitability that can also be observed in more negative CNV-amplitudes in tinnitus patients. We assume that this state indicates a chronicity process in tinnitus disease. 相似文献
An experimental and computational study of screw pullout from cortical bone has been conducted. A novel modification of standard pullout tests providing real time image capture of damage mechanisms during screw pullout was developed. Pullout forces, measured using the novel test rig, have been validated against standard pullout tests. Pullout tests were conducted, considering osteon alignment, to investigate the effect of osteons aligned parallel to the axis of the orthopaedic screw (longitudinal pullout) as well as the effect of osteons aligned perpendicular to the axis of the screw (transverse pullout). Distinctive alternate failure mechanisms, for longitudinally and transversely orientated cortical bone during screw pullout, were uncovered. Vertical crack propagation, parallel to the axis of the screw, was observed for a longitudinal pullout. Horizontal crack propagation, perpendicular to the axis of the screw, was observed for a transverse pullout. Finite element simulation of screw pullout, incorporating material damage and crack propagation, was also performed. Simulations revealed that a homogenous material model for cortical bone predicts vertical crack propagation patterns for both longitudinal and transverse screw pullout. A bi-layered composite model representing cortical bone microstructure was developed. A unique set of material and damage properties was used for both transverse and longitudinal pullout simulations, with only layer orientations being changed. Simulations predicted: (i) higher pullout forces for transverse pullout; (ii) horizontal crack paths perpendicular to screw axis for transverse pullout, whereas vertical crack paths were computed for longitudinal pullout. Computed results agreed closely with experimental observations in terms of pullout force and crack propagation. 相似文献
James M. Rippe Janet M. Price Stacey A. Hess Greg Kline Kimberly A. DeMers Susanne Damitz Imad Kreidieh Patty Freedson 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》1998,6(3):208-218
Objective : To study the effects of a 12-week weight loss strategy involving increased physical activity, self-selected hypocaloric diet, and group support on psychological well-being, quality of life, and health practices in moderately obese women. Methods; Eighty women aged 20–49 years weighing between 20–50% above 1983 Metropolitan Life Insurance Tables were randomly assigned to a weight loss intervention (6279 kJ/week of physical activity, 33,258-41,462 kJ/week diet and weekly meetings) or served as controls. Subjects were tested pre and post 12-weeks. Results : The intervention group lost significant (p<0.001) body weight (kg) and body fat (%) compared to controls (-6.07 ± 4.01 kg vs. 1.31 ± 1.28 kg; 36.8%-32.5% vs. 36.2%-36.0%). Intervention subjects vs. controls achieved significant improvements (p<0.001) in body cathexis (X Change 18.6 ± 16.7 vs. 0.7 ± 8.6) and estimation of ability to achieve physical fitness (X Change 8.1 ± 7.1 vs. 0.9 ± 5.9). Various quality of life indices also improved (p<0.01) in the intervention group compared to controls (physical function: X Change 13.5.2 ± 16.7 vs. 1.4 ± 9.5; vitality: X change 21.7 ± 17.9 vs. 2.9 20.8; mental health: X change 10.4 ± 16.0 vs. 2.3 ± 10.1). Similarly, physical activity levels also improved significantly (p<0.0001) in the intervention group (4.4 ± 2.3 vs. 0.6 ± 1.3; on NASA 0–7 scale). Conclusions : Practical weight loss practices such as increased activity, self-selected hypocaloric diet, and group support are effective for weight loss and yield significant health and psychological benefits in moderately obese females. 相似文献
The involvement of myosin II in cytokinesis has been demonstrated with microinjection, genetic, and pharmacological approaches; however, the exact role of myosin II in cell division remains poorly understood. To address this question, we treated dividing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with blebbistatin, a potent inhibitor of the nonmuscle myosin II ATPase. Blebbistatin caused a strong inhibition of cytokinesis but no detectable effect on the equatorial localization of actin or myosin. However, whereas these filaments dissociated from the equator in control cells during late cytokinesis, they persisted in blebbistatin-treated cells over an extended period of time. The accumulation of equatorial actin was caused by the inhibition of actin filament turnover, as suggested by a 2-fold increase in recovery half-time after fluorescence photobleaching. Local release of blebbistatin at the equator caused localized accumulation of equatorial actin and inhibition of cytokinesis, consistent with the function of myosin II along the furrow. However, treatment of the polar region also caused a high frequency of abnormal cytokinesis, suggesting that myosin II may play a second, global role. Our observations indicate that myosin II ATPase is not required for the assembly of equatorial cortex during cytokinesis but is essential for its subsequent turnover and remodeling. 相似文献
Abstract: The rate of cortical γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) turnover was estimated by determining the rate of GABA accumulation following inhibition of GABA transaminase by γ-vinyl-GABA (1.5 g/kg, i.v.) in paralysed, ventilated rats. During 1 h of bucuculline-induced seizures (1.2 mg/kg, i.v.) the rate of accumulation of cortical GABA level is approximately threefold greater than in the control group receiving γ-vinyl-GABA alone, suggesting that the GABA shunt activity increases in parallel with the increase in overall cortical metabolic rate observed during bicuculline seizures. Pretreatment with γ-vinyl-GABA did not affect the bicuculline-induced changes in other major cortical amino acids. 相似文献
Cortical spreading depression (CSD) has been employed in unanesthetized curarized rats, in order to analyse the role of the cerebral cortex in the generation of epileptic self-sustained parozysms produced by direct cortical electrical stimulation. CSD was preferred because it is reversible and may be repeated several times in the same animal. CSD evoked in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated cortex decreased the duration of the afterdischarge by 40% and modified its form and amplitude both at the cortical and reticular levels. The possible role of cortical and subcortical structures in the development of after-discharges is discussed. 相似文献
Reinaldo Figueroa-Colon Matthew S. Mayo Ruby A. Aldridge Tracy Winder Ronald L. Weinsier 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》1998,6(5):326-331
Objective : Changes in body composition during a weight loss program have not been described in children. We wanted to test the hypothesis that weight loss can be achieved while maintaining total body fat-free mass. Research Methods and Procedures : We determined body composition changes by using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measured at baseline and after the first 10 weeks of a multidisciphnary weight loss program. The program consisted of 10 weekly group sessions where the children were provided instruction in lifestyle modification, including diet and exercise. Program leaders included a pediatrician, psychologist, registered dietitian, and exercise instructor. Results : We studied 59 obese children, mean (± SD) age 12.8 ± 2.6 years, 29% boys and 71% girls, 49% Caucasian, and 51% African American. At enrollment, the children's mean height and body mass index were 157 cm and 38.9 kg/m2, respectively. The children's dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry-derived mean at baseline and at 10 weeks and corresponding p values were: weight (94.6 kg vs. 92.3 kg, p<0.0001), total body fat mass (46.9 kg vs. 44.3 kg, p<0.0001), percentage total body fat (49.2% vs. 47.5%, p<0.0001), total trunk mass (43.0 kg vs. 41.5 kg,p<0.0001), total trunk fat (21.2 kg vs. 20.0 kg, p<0.0001), total body fat-free mass (47.6 kg vs. 47.9 kg, p = 0.33), total body bone mass (2.7 kg vs. 2.7 kg, p = 0.99), and total body bone mineral density (1.14 g/cm2 vs. 1.15 g/cm2, p = 0.0119). The children's race, gender, or Tanner stage did not affect these changes. Discussion : Decreases in total body fat mass was achieved, and total body fat-free mass was maintained among boy and girl Caucasian and African American children participating in this lifestyle modification weight loss program. 相似文献
Langguth B Stadtlaender H Landgrebe M Elgoyhen AB Coors H Vielsmeier V Kleinjung T 《Neuro endocrinology letters》2007,28(5):554-555
Tinnitus is a frequent and often debilitating condition. There is consensus in the scientific community that there exist various forms of tinnitus, which differ in their pathogenesis. Here we report a series of five cases where the onset of tinnitus was associated with viral infections. In all five patients elevated antibodies against Coxsackie B have been detected. This observation suggests that Coxsackie B Virus infections might be involved in the development of some cases of tinnitus and indicate that further systematic investigations are warranted. 相似文献
Jingyuan Zhao Xueqin Song Xiaoqing Ai Xiaojing Gu Guangbiao Huang Xue Li Lijuan Pang Minli Ding Shuang Ding Luxian Lv 《PloS one》2015,10(10)