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This study compares the spatial distribution of resident and present population at the municipal scale in Greece (1991–2011) with the aim to infer recent trends in urban expansion. The ratio of present to resident population is proposed as a proxy of urban centrality indicating variations in urban hierarchy over time. Results of the analysis outline relevant changes in the spatial distribution of present and resident population along the urban–rural gradient. Apart from the metropolitan areas of Athens and Salonika (which concentrate nearly half of Greek population), the density of present and resident population varied largely across time and space. Urban regions showed higher values in the ratio of resident to present population than rural regions. The indicator proposed in this study contributes to defining more precisely urban and rural areas and may integrate decision support systems for diachronic analysis of urbanization patterns and processes.  相似文献   

Very close similarities between the fossil genera Callimothallus Dilcher, 1965 and Microthallites Dilcher, 1965 and recent representatives of the green algae Ulvella P. L. &; H. M. Crouan, 1859, seem to rule out the assumption that fossil, disciform and radiate palynomorph microfossils are representatives of microthyrioaceous fungi. On the basis of the morphology of fossil Ulvella, a model of the general morpohlogy of encrusting, palynomorph algae is constructed. The model includes 5 morphological characters that may only be applied to encrusting life-forms and in particular not to planktonic algae. These characters, therefore, in future palynological research may serve to distinguish benthic algae from planktonic algae. A new fossil alga, Ulvella nannae sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

Up to now the oldest freshwater siliceous sponges are known from Jurassic deposits of Europe and North America. In this paper stratigraphically older Permo-Carboniferous freshwater siliceous sponges are reviewed/reported. Largely overlooked occurrences originate from the French Massif Central (Stefanian B), new discoveries come from the Saar-Nahe Basin (Stefanian C and Autunian) in south-west Germany. All Permo-Carboniferous finds originate from freshwater lake deposits situated hundreds of kilometers away from the sea. Preserved are monaxone spicules (oxeas) of various length/diameter ratios partly concentrated to spiculites. Gemmoscleres have not been found. A taxonomic classification on family level is not possible. Reasons for the immigration of marine euryhaline sponges into the freshwater might be the conquerence of the newly developed freshwater biotopes on Pangaea after the Variscan Orogeny. Possible migration routes are rivers connecting inland basins with the sea.  相似文献   

Bigg’s killer whales (Orcinus orca; i.e. ‘transient’ ecotype), as apex predators, are important to the dynamics of marine ecosystems, but little is known about their population structure in western Alaska. Currently, all Bigg’s killer whales in western Alaska are ascribed to a single broad stock for management under the US Marine Mammal Protection Act. However, recent nuclear microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate that this stock is likely comprised of genetically distinct sub-populations. In accordance with what is known about killer whale vocal dialects in other locations, we used the spatial distribution of group-specific call types to investigate the population structure of Bigg’s killer whales in this part of Alaska. Digital audio recordings were collected from 33 Bigg’s killer whale encounters throughout the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands in the summers of 2001–2007 and 2009–2010. Recorded calls were qualitatively classified into discrete types and then quantitatively described using 12 structural and time-frequency measures. Resulting call categories were validated using a random forest approach. A total of 36 call types and subtypes were identified across the entire study area, and regional patterns of call type use revealed three distinct dialects which correspond to proposed genetic delineations. Our results suggest that there are at least three acoustically and genetically distinct sub-populations in western Alaska, and we present an initial catalogue for this area describing the regional vocal repertoires of Bigg’s killer whale call types.  相似文献   

For the first time a complete ostracode and trilobite fauna is described from the Dobrovitá Formation (Ordovician) of Perunica. In contrast to the trilobite fauna the ostracode fauna evidences close relations to both Armorica and Baltica. The trilobite fauna comprises 11 species out of 11 genera, the ostracode fauna comprises 15 (5 new) species out of 15 (1 new) genera.  相似文献   

The rotifer fauna of 19 mostly small water bodies (natural and artificial ponds, clay-pits and pools) in Pozna was studied on four occasions during 1996–98 to determine the suitability of urban areas for rotifer habitats. Rotifers were present in all the water bodies studied, with 114 species in 39 genera found, representing ca. 25% of all rotifers recorded from Poland. Mean diversity was 10 spp (range 1–36). Most common were: Brachionus angularis and Keratella cochlearis (spring), Colurella uncinata, Lecane closterocercaand Lepadella patella (summer) and L. closterocerca and K. cochlearis (autumn). Rotifer densities (1-1503 ind l–1), Shannon's diversity (H 0.00-3.71) and dominant species differed in different water-bodies. The index of percentage similarity of community showed strong differences in qualitative structure of rotifer assemblages. The different types of water habitats, both the existing or the newly created in towns, may explain the relatively high diversity of rotifer communities observed in the urban areas studied.  相似文献   

The prevalence of NIDDM in the «Punjabi» population from north India corroborates the «epidemiological transition» model. Hospital admittees gave a higher prevalence of NIDDM in urban areas (8.2–9.3 percent), as compared to rural areas (2.4 percent), and this difference probably is the outcome of the respective lifestyles. Moreover, urban residents are 3.7 times more likely to develop diabetes than are rural residents. Principal component analysis suggests a high correlation of NIDDM with age, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The combined relative risk of diabetes with hypertension as a risk factor was 5.16 (p<.0001). Findings indicate that a combination of risk factors show significant association with diabetes.  相似文献   

Utilization of germplasm for crop improvement is often hampered by absence of information regarding origin, genetic identity and genealogical relationships of germplasm groups or populations. Molecular marker technology offers an efficient tool to verify or reconstruct passport data. Using a high-throughput genotyping system with 15 microsatellite loci, we fingerprinted 482 accessions in 48 putative half-sib families of Refractario cacao (a group of germplasm collected from nine farms in Ecuador). Based on the multilocus profiles, a Bayesian method for individual assignment was applied to verify membership in each half-sib family. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the Refractario genetic profile was different from other groups tested, except for the “Nacional” cacao from the coastal valley of Ecuador. Hierarchical partitioning of genetic variance in the Refractario cacao showed that 76% of the variation was contributed by intra-family difference, whereas the inter-family and inter-farm difference accounted for 15 and 9% of total variance, respectively. All three sources of variation were highly significant (P < 0.01). Cluster and Principal Coordinates Analyses revealed a population sub-structure in Refractario, which was also highly heterozygous, suggesting hybridization derived from Nacional cacao and multiple other parental varieties, which all shared a similar genetic background. The improved understanding of identities and structure in Refractario cacao will contribute to more efficient conservation and use of this germplasm group in cacao breeding.  相似文献   

Mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) is a deciduous perennial shrub endemic to the high Andes of South America. Despite a rich ethnobotanic history among indigenous communities, mortiño remains a wild species vulnerable to extinction from the ongoing fragmentation of its natural habitat. This study assessed the degree of genetic diversity and population structure of Ecuadorian V. floribundum as a preliminary step towards the establishment of effective conservation and sustainable-agriculture strategies. Mortiño individuals (126 in total) sampled from 3 regions in the northern highlands of Ecuador were characterized using 11 heterologous SSR markers originally developed for Vaccinium corymbosum. Expected heterozygosity (He = 0.49) revealed a moderate degree of genetic diversity for Ecuadorian mortiño, and pairwise F statistics between sampling regions (0.019≤ Fst ≤0.041) demonstrated low-to-moderate population differentiation. Population structure analysis clustered mortiño germplasm into 3 groups, each representing the 3 distinct regions from where samples were collected. The geographic patterning of genetic diversity for V. floribundum could be explained by an isolation-by-distance model, where physical barriers along the Andean highlands reduce genetic exchange between distanced populations. To confirm the latter, this study should extend to a wider sampling range, covering other regions along the Andean alley where the species is found.  相似文献   

Carbaryl (1‐naphthyl methylcarbamate) and malathion (diethyl mercaptosuccinate, S‐ester with O, O‐dimethyl phosphorodithioate) are insecticides used to control grasshopper infestations on rangeland. Insecticides used to control grasshopper infestations pose a hazard to aquatic organisms because although no‐spray buffer zones are observed around aquatic habitats, pesticide may be deposited by drift or mobilized from upland areas by runoff. A number of processes may affect the fate of carbaryl and malathion in the aquatic environment, but no method is available for estimating degradation over the range of conditions that occur in the field. We used results of published studies in meta‐analyses to estimate degradation models that predict half‐life of carbaryl and malathion in freshwater over temperature and pH ranges relevant to western grasshopper‐management programs. Estimated degradation models were:

In (half‐life carbaryl) = 24.3 ‐ 2.36(pH) ‐ 0.0788(t)

and In (half‐life malathion) = 5.98 + 2.84(pH) ‐ 0.326(pH 2) ‐ 0.202(t) + 0.00135(t 2)

where half‐life has units of hours, and temperature (t) has units °C. Both models accounted for a significant amount of total variation (P<0.0001) and had r2>0.97. Accuracy of these degradation models was evaluated by comparing predicted degradation of carbaryl and malathion to field and laboratory data. We suggest that use of these degradation models be restricted to conditions where water has 7 ≤. pH ≤. 10 for carbaryl, and 7 ≤ pH ≤ 8.2 for malathion.  相似文献   

Capsule: There is low genetic diversity in the Macqueen’s Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii in Iran.

Aims: To investigate the genetic diversity and population structure of Macqueen’s Bustard in Iran, using two mitochondrial DNA loci.

Methods: Molecular diversity of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) gene and part of the mitochondrial control region D-loop (in total 1183 base pairs) were analysed from 26 individual Macqueen’s Bustards from three regions of Iran.

Results: There was little variation in nucleotides and haplotypes in the populations for genes of both CR and COI. The population had free breeding and gene flow between the three study regions in Iran: Petregan, Ferdows and Yazd.

Conclusion: The use of molecular and genetic studies is essential to strengthen the protection of genetic diversity of the Macqueen’s Bustard.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The toxicity of the fungicide benomyl to terrestrial enchytraeid species was tested under different conditions.
  • 2.2. Despite a relatively low acute response even to higher concentrations in agar media, sensitive effects were observed for cocoon production and hatching success at the recommended concentration for agricultural application (5.9 ppm in the test medium).
  • 3.3. These sublethal effects could be reconciled with population tests in larger quantities of soil: lower abundance was due to a very low number of juveniles in the benomyl-treated cultures.

During a 17-month study at the Lokoué clearing in Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo, we identified 377 western lowland gorillas. This population included 31 solitary males, 37 breeding groups, and eight nonbreeding groups. Its age- and sex-class structure was similar to those observed at two other clearings in the same forest block. However, the size of breeding groups varied with site (either clearing or forest sites). At Lokoué, breeding groups (mean size: 8.2 gorillas; range: 3-15) included a single silverback male and, on average, 3.2 adult females. Nonbreeding groups (mean size: 5.5; range: 2-15) were devoid of adult females. Five of the nonbreeding groups were composed predominantly of blackbacks, subadult males, and juveniles, and thus fit the definition of all-male groups previously observed in mountain gorillas. Our study confirms that 1) one-male breeding groups are the norm in western gorillas, and 2) all-male groups occur in this species. Despite frequent changes in members due to migrations of the males, the persistence of these all-male groups indicates that they may play an important role in the life of migrating males. Variations in population structure, and group composition and type among gorilla populations are discussed. However, a further understanding of the evolution of group-living in gorillas requires detailed ecological studies conducted in parallel with studies of the population structure and dynamics of these groups.  相似文献   

High resolution biostratigraphic investigation of well preserved and highly diversified chitinozoan assemblages from core samples collected in the upper part of the Alternances Gréso-argileuses Formation (late Silurian) in well A1-61 (Tripolitania, north–western Libya) is undertaken. The chitinozoan assemblages document the range of several Pridolian taxa selected as index species for the global Silurian chitinozoan biozonation. Distribution of important accompanying species is also discussed. The abundance and the diversity of these chitinozoans are quantified and collated with the local environmental trends as deduced from the lithology, sedimentary features and from the associated organic walled microfossils (i.e. scolecodonts, eurypterid fragments, acritarchs, spores, leiospheres, cuticles and plant debris). The palaeogeographic distribution of late Silurian chitinozoans is discussed with a particular attention paid to a very distinctive chitinozoan assemblage characterising the middle part of the Pridoli of the Ibarmaghian Domain in northern Gondwana regions. Systematic notes, including detailed biometric investigations and SEM illustrations, are provided for selected taxa of taxonomic interest and useful for regional or more long distance correlation.  相似文献   

The freshwater crayfishes are distributed across all but the Indian and Antarctic continents with centers of diversity in the southeastern Appalachian Mountains in the Northern Hemisphere and in south–east Australia in the Southern Hemisphere. There are currently over 640 described species of freshwater crayfishes with an average of 5–10 species still being described each year. Freshwater crayfishes can serve as keystone species in aquatic habitats, but a few species are also significantly invasive and can cause impressive damage to the fragile freshwater habitat. Crayfishes inhabit caves, burrows, streams, lakes and strong burrowers can even be found in terrestrial habitats where they have burrowed to the water table or where rainfall is sufficiently abundant to provide the needed moisture. The freshwater crayfishes, like the habitats in which they are encountered, are generally endangered to some degree and conservation efforts would do well to focus on them as key elements of the freshwater ecosystem. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The Daubenton’s bat is widespread and common in the UK and countries bordering the English Channel and North Sea. European bat lyssavirus 2 (EBLV-2), a rabies virus, has been detected in Daubenton’s bats in the UK and continental Europe. Investigating the relatedness of colonies and gene flow between these regions would allow regional estimates of the movement of Daubenton’s bats and thus the potential for disease transmission. The genetic structure of the Daubenton’s bat in western Europe was investigated by analysing variability at eight microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was found to be high at all sites (H E = 0.73–0.84), with little differentiation between bats sampled in the UK and continental Europe. Mantel tests indicated a significant correlation between geographic distance and pair-wise F ST (P = 0.000), between colonies sampled in Scotland and northern England. However, this was not continuous throughout the sampled range, with evidence of panmixia within the area sampled in continental Europe. Assignment tests show no evidence that the (potential) EBLV-2 sero-positive and virus positive bats were more likely to have originated from the continental rather than UK populations. There is no sufficient significant genetic differentiation amongst most UK and continental colonies to conclude that EBLV-2 is maintained in the UK by immigration. Results show that it is likely to be maintained at a low endemic level within the UK. The relative genetic uniformity of UK and continental populations implies that there is no migration barrier to EBLV-2, between these regions.  相似文献   

1. Freshwater fish and crayfish communities were surveyed along elevational gradients in streams radiating from Mount Taranaki, New Zealand. Six of the 38 streams surveyed had dams or weirs and 32 of the 85 sites were above these barriers. 2. Of the 15 fish and one crayfish species captured, 14 were native. The number of species declined with increasing elevation and distance from the sea. Species richness was also lower above dams even when effects of elevation and distance from the sea were accounted for. 3. Linear regression models using sites without dams were constructed to predict the effect of elevation on fish and crayfish community structure and to allow the effect of dams to be evaluated. The number of species predicted by these models was consistently higher than the number of species found at the above-dam sites. 4. Four fish community groups were classified using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). One high elevation group of sites consisted of short steep streams on the west side of the mountain and a second contained longer, lower gradient streams on the east side. The other two groups (3 and 4) consisted of mid-elevation sites and low-elevation sites, respectively. 5. Discriminant analysis was used to predict biotic group membership using the environmental data. Overall, 80% of sites were classified correctly. Correlation of environmental variables with axis scores in the canonical variate analysis revealed that distance from the sea, site elevation and presence of dams were most strongly associated with fish distribution patterns.  相似文献   

Larval stages of Plagiorchis spp. are both ubiquitous and ecologically important parasites in snail populations of freshwater ecosystems in Europe. However, difficulties in distinguishing the morphologically similar cercariae used for species identification, may lead to underestimation of species diversity. In this study, 38 isolates of Plagiorchis spp. infecting two lymnaeid snails, Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) and Radix auricularia (L.), in five central European freshwater ecosystems were subjected to morphological and molecular assessment. Five morphologically homogeneous and genetically distinct lineages of Plagiorchis spp. were identified via matching molecular data for the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene with detailed morphological and morphometric data of the cercariae. Comparative sequence analysis using partial 28S rDNA and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences revealed that three distinct cox1 lineages are conspecific with Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi, 1802), P. maculosus (Rudolphi, 1802) and P. koreanus Ogata, 1938, respectively, whereas the lineage identified based on cercarial morphology as P. neomidis Brendow, 1970 plus a single isolate that could not be assigned to a described species, did not match any of the available sequences for Plagiorchis spp. A key to the cercariae of Plagiorchis spp. parasitising lymnaeid populations in central Europe is provided to facilitate identification.  相似文献   

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