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人白介素15及突变体的分子设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以人白介素-2晶体结构为模板同源模型建人白介素15及其两株突变体(N端缺失4个氨基酸、C端缺失3个氨基酸)的空间构象。在CVFF力场下,经过分子力学优化、常温分子动力学模拟获得稳定立体结构模型。借助空间构象残基的亲疏水性分析,利用Delphi一性分析蛋白表达静电分布,进行从理论上预测人白介素15及两株突变体生物学功能的性、差异性。结合分子生物实验,在PBV220载体中克隆表达获得人白介素15及两载  相似文献   

蓖麻毒素A链突变体的设计、表达与活性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用蛋白质结构同源模建并结合表观静电势分析,设计了拟具有生物学活性的蓖麻毒素A链的突变体.将PCR扩增的突变体基因,导入pKK223-3载体中,于大肠杆菌(E.coli)中获得高效、可溶性表达,而且,确证了表达产物具有预期的生物学活性.  相似文献   

蓖麻毒素A链(RTA)有抑制蛋白质合成的功能,可用作“生物导弹”的弹头,但其免疫原性较强。我们根据国外所做的RTA连续突变的实验结果,以及PDB库中RTA及其同源蛋白的结构信息,设计了一个RTA突变体,缺失的5个片段与功能及结构保守性关系较小。然后,我们用同源模建的方法对设计出的RTA突变体进行三维结构模建,初步验证表明模型基本合理  相似文献   

蓖麻毒素A链突变体的设计和结构模建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓖麻毒素A链(RTA)有抑制蛋白质合成的功能,可用作“生物导弹”的弹头,但其免疫原性较强。我们根据国外所做的RTA连续突变的实验结果,以及PDB库中RTA及其同源蛋白的结构信息,设计了一个RTA突变体,缺失的5个片段与功能及结构保守性关系较小。然后,我们用同源模建的方法对设计出的RTA突变体进行三维结构模建,初步验证表明模型基本合理  相似文献   

从人体基因组中克隆了一个编码肽抗生素样的基因。按基因编码产物的氨基酸序列 ,化学合成目的产物 ,经药物敏感测定法证实产物具有杀菌活性。旨在通过同源模建的方法 ,构建肽抗生素hPAB β的突变体分子 ,希望获得肽链更短 ,但生物活性不降低甚至更强的突变体。方法是在序列比较的基础上 ,利用同源分子对目的肽抗生素hPAB β进行同源模建 ,在此模型上 ,删除某些氨基酸后观察目的分子立体结构模型改变情况 ,从而确定突变体分子结构。同源模建结果表明hPAB β由一个α螺旋和 3个 β片层构成 ,二级结构保守 ;具有两亲性结构 ,推测与目的肽进…  相似文献   

卵清溶菌酶及其定点突变体热力学稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
测定了野生型卵清溶菌酶及其定点突变体的E、A31V、I55L、S91A、D101A、SIS、SVS、TIT、TVS(后者三个字母为该酶序列中第40、55、91位的氨基酸残基,野生型为TIS)在不同浓度脲溶液中的变性热力学参数和酶活性,稳定性有变化 16.86-28.67kJ/mol,变性中点脲浓度为4.89-6.24mol/L。并对这个过程的可能机理,定点突变引起的过渡热,和学参数的变化,及个别氨  相似文献   

报道了用定位诱变技术,改变无色杆蛋白酶Ⅰ的酶原加工位点,使其向左或向右移动,导致突变体成熟酶的肽链从N端延长或缩短若干氨基酸残基。所获突变体显示了低于野生酶的活性。突变体的园二色谱和荧光光说研究表明,它们的结构发生了某些微小的改变。在不同的PH值的,温度和不同浓度的SDS和盐酸胍条件下,也表现了低于天然酶的稳定性。  相似文献   

继前面的工作把测试蛋白从三族扩大到十一族,寻求联配参数的普适“缺省值“;比较不同的主链曲率和挠率的计算方法,进一步确认主链的折红红分几何刻划方法的有效性;寻找有效的可变缺失突变惩罚函数的形式。结果表明,编制的蛋白质多重联配软件系统是满意的,可用于蛋白质三维结构预测。  相似文献   

用MSI公司开发的计算机辅助分子设计系统模建肝癌细胞表面抗原特异性单链抗体三维结构。先分别模建VH(variable region of the heave chain)和VL(variable region of the light chain)两个结构域,然后搭建出scFv(single chain variable fragment)片段的整体三维结构,并对模建的结构进行分子力学和动力学优化;对结构的合理性验证显示模建结构是合理的。文章可为预测该特异性单链抗体的生物活性以及研制高亲和力、高特异性的双价抗体提供结构信息。  相似文献   

应用EXPASY服务器(http://www.expasy.oh/tools)上的SOPMA法对SLA—DR的α链和口链进行二级结构的预测,并与人的HLA—DR相应的α链和β链的氨基酸和二级结构成分比较,在此基础上同源模建SLA—DRα链、β链及复合体SLA—DR的三级结构。结果显示,SLA—DR的α链各二级结构成分α螺旋、β折叠、转角和无规则卷曲的数目分别为36、61、4和69,β链中分别为42、56、16和74。α链和β链各二级结构成分与复合体SLA—DR具有高度的符合率,分别达到98.7%(α螺旋)、99.1%(β折叠)、83.3%(转角)和97.2%(无规则卷曲)。各功能区分析,SLA—DR的α1和β1区为结合抗原的高变化区。同源模建和三级结构分析表明SLA—DR的α链和口链具有独立的三级结构,并可以组成复合体SLA—DR。  相似文献   

We present a geometric analysis of the allosteric interface in the new Y state quaternary structure observed in liganded mutant hemoglobin Ypsilanti (β99 Asp → Tyr) by Smith, F.R., Lattman, E.E., Carter, C.W., Jr. (Proteins 10:81–91, 1991). The classical T to R quaternary structure change being a rotation of αβ dimers about an axis which is approximately parallel to the dimer axis of pseudosym-metry, the new quaternary structure is obtained by applying to R an additional rotation about an axis orthogonal to the first. This suggests that Y is a modified R state rather than an intermediate on the T to R pathway. Computer docking experiments designed to simulate the quaternary structure change support this suggestion. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A chimera βα-subunit of human hemoglobin was crystallized into a carbonmonoxy form. The protein was assembled by substituting the structural portion of a β-subunit of hemoglobin (M4 module of the subunit) for its counterpart in the α-subunit. In order to overcome the inherent instability in the crystallization of the chimera subunit, a site-directed mutagenesis (F133V) technique was employed based on a computer model. The crystal was used for an X-ray diffraction study yielding a data set with a resolution of 2.5 Å. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic space group P21, with cell dimensions of a = 62.9, b = 81.3, c = 55.1 Å, and β = 91.0°. These dimensions are similar to the crystallographic parameters of the native β-subunit tetramers in three different ligand states, one of which is a cyanide form that was also crystallized in this study. Proteins 32:263–267, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A recombinant double mutant of hemoglobin (Hb), E6V/L88A(beta), was constructed to study the strength of the primary hydrophobic interaction in the gelation of sickle Hb, i.e., that between the mutant Val-6(beta) of one tetramer and the hydrophobic region between Phe-85(beta) and Leu-88(beta) on an adjacent tetramer. Thus, a construct encoding the donor Val-6(beta) of the expressed recombinant HbS and a second mutation encoding an Ala in place of Leu-88(beta) was assembled. The doubly mutated beta-globin gene was expressed in yeast together with the normal human alpha-chain, which is on the same plasmid, to produce a soluble Hb tetramer. Characterizations of the Hb double mutant by mass spectrometry, by HPLC, and by peptide mapping of tryptic digests of the mutant beta-chain were consistent with the desired mutations. The absorption spectra in the visible and the ultraviolet regions were practically superimposable for the recombinant Hb and the natural Hb purified from human red cells. Circular dichroism studies on the overall structure of the recombinant Hb double mutant and the recombinant single mutant, HbS, showed that both were correctly folded. Functional studies on the recombinant double mutant indicated that it was fully cooperative. However, its gelation concentration was significantly higher than that of either recombinant or natural sickle Hb, indicating that the strength of the interaction in this important donor-acceptor region in sickle Hb was considerably reduced even with such a conservative hydrophobic mutation.  相似文献   

A scheme for the reaction of hemoglobin with ligands is described, which postulates the functional heterogeneity of the chains, considers all possible combinations of the distribution of the ligand on the four chains of hemoglobin, and does not require simplifying assumptions about the hemoglobin reactivity. Ten tetrameric species are considered, together with 16 reactions between these species, each with an on and an off rate constant. The dissociation of hemoglobin tetramers into dimers is also considered, with four on and four off rate constants for the reactions between dimers, and ten equilibrium constants for the reactions between tetramers and dimers. Moreover, some side reactions, such as the trapping of ligands by a hemoglobin competitor, are included. A FORTRAN program, suitable for microcomputers, is described for handling this scheme, with some examples showing its advantages.  相似文献   

Carbonmonoxy hemoglobin Ypsilanti (beta 99 Asp-Tyr) exhibits a quaternary form distinctly different from any structures previously observed for human hemoglobins. The relative orientation of alpha beta dimers in the new quaternary form lies well outside the range of values observed for normal unliganded and liganded tetramers (Baldwin, J., Chothia, C., J. Mol. Biol. 129:175-220, 1979). Despite this large quaternary structural difference between carbonmonoxy hemoglobin Ypsilanti and the two canonical structures, the new quaternary structure's hydrogen bonding interactions in the "switch" region, and packing interactions in the "flexible joint" region, show noncovalent interactions characteristic of the alpha 1 beta 2 contacts of both unliganded and liganded normal hemoglobins. In contrast to both canonical structures, the beta 97 histidine residue in carbonmonoxy hemoglobin Ypsilanti is disengaged from quaternary packing interactions that are generally believed to enforce two-state behavior in ligand binding. These features of the new quaternary structure, denoted Y, may therefore be representative of quaternary states that occur transiently along pathways between the normal unliganded, T, and liganded, R, hemoglobin structures.  相似文献   

Tibetan chick lives at high altitudes between 2600 and 4200 m with a high hatchability and low land breeds survive rarely with a hatchability of 3.0% under hypoxia of simulated 4200 m. Under hypoxia of whole 21 d, the hatchability of Tibetan chick and Recessive White Feather broiler differed with a greatest disparity from day 4 to 11 and also significantly in other stages except from day 1 to 3. Hypoxia in each stage did not reduce significantly survival rate of this stage except hatchability. These two results indicated that the hypoxia in the early stage had an adverse effect on the later stage. All exons encoding chick hemoglobins were sequenced to analyze gene polymorphism. The functional mutation Met-32(B13)-Leu, related with hypoxia, was found in αD globin chain and the mutation frequency increased with increased altitude. In addition, under hypoxic conditions, the population with higher mutation frequency had a higher hatchability. The automated homology model building was carried out using crystal structure coordinates of chick HbD. The results indicated that the substitution Met-32(B13)-Leu provides a more hydrophobic environment which leads to higher stability of heme and oxygen affinity of hemoglobin. The occurrence of the mutation Met-32(B13)-Leu is related to the origin of Tibetan chick.  相似文献   

The effect of a mutation on protein stability is traditionally measured by genetic construction, expression, purification, and physical analysis using low‐throughput methods. This process is tedious and limits the number of mutants able to be examined in a single study. In contrast, functional fitness effects can be measured in a high‐throughput manner by various deep mutational scanning tools. Using protein GB 1, we have recently demonstrated the feasibility of estimating the mutational stability effect ( G) of single‐substitution based on the functional fitness profile of all double‐substitutions. The principle is to identify genetic backgrounds that have an exhausted stability margin. The functional effect of an additional substitution on these genetic backgrounds can then be used to compute the mutational G based on the biophysical relationship between functional fitness and thermodynamic stability. However, to identify such genetic backgrounds, the approach described in our previous study required a benchmark dataset, which is a set of known mutational G. In this study, a benchmark‐independent approach is developed. The genetic backgrounds of interest are identified using k‐means clustering with the integration of structural information. We further demonstrated that a reasonable approximation of G can also be obtained without taking structural information into account. In summary, this study describes a novel method for computing G from double‐substitution functional fitness profiles alone, without relying on any known mutational G as a benchmark.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of the initial quaternary structure of bovine hemoglobin (Hb) on the physical properties of glutaraldehyde polymerized Hb (PolyHb) solutions. Tense (T) state PolyHb was synthesized by maintaining the pO2 of Hb before and after polymerization at 0 mm Hg. In contrast, relaxed (R) state PolyHb was generated by maintaining the pO2 of Hb before and after polymerization to >749 mm Hg. PolyHb solutions were characterized by measuring the pO2, methemoglobin (metHb) level, molecular weight distribution, O2 affinity and cooperativity coefficient. The metHb level of all PolyHb solutions was low (<2%). Analysis of the molecular weight distribution of PolyHb solutions indicates that in general, the molecular weight of PolyHb solutions increased with increasing cross‐link density. T‐state PolyHb solutions exhibited lower O2 affinity compared to unmodified Hb, whereas R‐state PolyHb solutions exhibited higher O2 affinity compared to unmodified Hb. In addition, the polymerization reaction resulted in a significant decrease in cooperativity that was more pronounced at higher cross‐link densities. All of these results were explained in terms of the quaternary structure of Hb. Taken together, our results yield more insight into the importance Hb's quaternary structure plays in defining the physical properties of glutaraldehyde PolyHb solutions. This information will be useful in designing optimized glutaraldehyde PolyHb oxygen carriers for various applications in transfusion medicine. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog. 2009  相似文献   

Hypoxia adaptation and hemoglobin mutation in Tibetan chick embryo   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tibetan chick, as an indigenous chick breed at high altitudes, is well known for its ability to survive under conditions of reduced oxygen supply. The hypoxia toleration of Tibetan chick is stronger than that of other breeds in low land and stands out in the embryo. The hatchability of low land breeds approximates to zero under hypoxia at simulated altitudes of above 4000 m[1] while the natural hatchability reaches 70%―80% in Tibetan chick. An incubator which can automatically control oxygen…  相似文献   

Summary Vitreoscilla contained a homodimeric bacterial hemoglobin (VtHb). The purification of this protein yielded VtmetHb which exhibited electronic and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra, showing that it existed predominantly in a high-spin ferric form, both axial and rhombic components being present. The preparations also contained variable amounts of low-spin components. There was no evidence that these high-spin and low-spin forms were in equilibrium. The former were reducible by NADH catalyzed by the NADH-metVtHb reductase, and the latter were not. High ionic strength and high pH led to the formation of low-spin metVtHb; both treatments were reversible. Cyanide and imidazole liganded to VtHb resulted in the conversion of high-spin to low-spin ferric heme centers, each with characteristic electronic and EPR spectra. Some preparations of VtHb exhibited EPR signals consistent with a sulfur ligand bound to the ferric site. When VtHb was treated with NADH plus the reductase in the presence of oxygen, the intensity of the high-spin EPR signals decreased significantly. No reduction occurred in the absence of oxygen, suggesting a possible role for the superoxide anion. Dithionite treatment of VtHb resulted in a slow reduction, but the main product of the reaction of dithionite-reduced VtHb with oxygen was VtmetHb, not VtHbO2. EPR spectra of whole cells ofVitreoscilla exhibited a variety of intense signals at low and high magnetic field, theg-values being consistent with the presence of high-spin ferric heme proteins, in addition to an iron-containing superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) and iron-sulfur proteins. EPR spectra of the cytosol fraction ofVitreoscilla showed the expected resonances for VtmetHb and FeSOD.Abbreviations A absorbance - DEAE diethylaminoethyl - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetate - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - HiPIP high-potential iron protein - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SOD superoxide dismutase - VtHb Vitreoscilla hemoglobin - VtmetHb oxidizedVitreoscilla hemoglobin - VtHbO2 oxygenatedVitreoscilla hemoglobin  相似文献   

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