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Desmuslin is an α-dystrobrevin-interacting protein expressed primarily in heart and skeletal muscle. The desmuslin protein interacts with and is closely related to desmin, a protein encoded by a locus mutated in some forms of hereditary distal myopathy. As a muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, desmuslin is also a candidate for myopathies of unknown etiology.  相似文献   

Transitin is an avian intermediate filament protein whose transient expression in the progenitor cells of the muscle and nerve tissues is similar to that of mammalian nestin. Both proteins contain an alpha-helical core domain flanked by a short N-terminal head and a long C-terminal extremity. However, the tail region of transitin is significantly different from that of nestin in that it harbors a unique motif containing more than 50 leucine zipper-like heptad repeats which is not found in any other intermediate filament protein. Despite the absence of introns in this region of the transitin gene, it was reported that different isoforms of the protein were produced by exclusion or inclusion of a number of repeats generated by an unusual splicing mechanism recognizing consensus 5' and 3' splice sites contained within the coding sequence of the heptad repeat domain [Napier et al. (1999) J Mol Neurosci 12:11-22]. Two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) reacting with repeated epitopes of this motif were used to monitor transitin expression during in vitro myogenesis of the quail myogenic cell line QM7. Confocal microscopy revealed that the subcellular domains decorated with mAbs A2B11 and VAP-5 were mutually exclusive: the intermediate filament network visualized with mAb VAP-5 appeared to abut on a submembranous domain defined by mAb A2B11. When QM7 cells were induced to differentiate by switching to medium containing low serum components, an early effect was the local loss of A2B11 cortical staining at the points of cell-cell contacts. The A2B11 signal also disappeared before that of VAP-5 in newly formed myotubes. Unexpectedly, the mutually exclusive staining pattern of the mAbs could not be explained by alternative splicing since both epitopes mapped to a repeated element preceding the consensus 5' splice sites of the heptad repeat domain. An alternative explanation would be that the central repeat domain of transitin is a polymorphic structure from which different conformations exist depending on the local context. This hypothesis is strengthened by the observation that in cultured neural crest cells, the A2B11 antigen is preferentially expressed by freely migrating crest cells whose intracellular pH and calcium concentrations are different from those of non-migrating cells.  相似文献   

The CEPH consortium map of chromosome 15q is presented. The map contains 41 loci defined by genotypes generated from CEPH family DNAs with 45 different probe and restriction enzyme combinations contributed by 10 laboratories. A total of 29 loci have been placed on the map with likelihood support of at least 1000:1. The map extends from 15q13 to 15q25-qter. Multipoint linkage analyses provided estimates that the male, female, and sex-averaged maps extend for 127, 190, and 158 cM, respectively. The largest interval is 21 cM and is between D15S37 and D15S74. The on-average locus spacing is 5.6 cM and the mean genetic distance between the 21 uniquely placed loci is 8 cM.  相似文献   

Withaferin A (WFA) is a steroidal lactone present in Withania somnifera which has been shown in vitro to bind to the intermediate filament protein, vimentin. Based upon its affinity for vimentin, it has been proposed that WFA can be used as an anti-tumor agent to target metastatic cells which up-regulate vimentin expression. We show that WFA treatment of human fibroblasts rapidly reorganizes vimentin intermediate filaments (VIF) into a perinuclear aggregate. This reorganization is dose dependent and is accompanied by a change in cell shape, decreased motility and an increase in vimentin phosphorylation at serine-38. Furthermore, vimentin lacking cysteine-328, the proposed WFA binding site, remains sensitive to WFA demonstrating that this site is not required for its cellular effects. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, viscometry, electron microscopy and sedimentation assays we show that WFA has no effect on VIF assembly in vitro. Furthermore, WFA is not specific for vimentin as it disrupts the cellular organization and induces perinuclear aggregates of several other IF networks comprised of peripherin, neurofilament-triplet protein, and keratin. In cells co-expressing keratin IF and VIF, the former are significantly less sensitive to WFA with respect to inducing perinuclear aggregates. The organization of microtubules and actin/microfilaments is also affected by WFA. Microtubules become wavier and sparser and the number of stress fibers appears to increase. Following 24 hrs of exposure to doses of WFA that alter VIF organization and motility, cells undergo apoptosis. Lower doses of the drug do not kill cells but cause them to senesce. In light of our findings that WFA affects multiple IF systems, which are expressed in many tissues of the body, caution is warranted in its use as an anti-cancer agent, since it may have debilitating organism-wide effects.  相似文献   

Two -satellite fragments specific for human chromosome 4 have been cloned and characterized. Under stringent annealing conditions, they hybridized in situ only to the pericentromeric region of chromosome 4, but under nonstringent conditions they hybridized to all chromosomes containing the sequences of -satellite suprachromosomal family 2 (viz., chromosomes 2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21 and 22). Southern blot analysis reveals the 3.2-kb higher-order repeated unit which exists in two forms: as a single MspI fragment or a combination of the 2.6-kb and 0.6-kb MspI fragments. The two chromosome-4-specific cloned sequences appear to be different parts of this repeated unit. Taken together they constitute about 60% of its length. The primary structure of the higher-order repeated unit is characterized by a dimeric periodicity of the D1-D2 type which is usual to suprachromosomal family 2. At least in one site this regularity is disrupted by monomer deletion leading to the D2-D2 monomeric order. The most likely mechanism of this monomer excision is homologous unequal crossing-over. These sequences may serve as both cytogenetic and restriction-fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers for the pericentromeric region of chromosome 4.  相似文献   

There has been interest in the high affinity folate receptor (FOLR) recently because of its high expression in the majority of ovarian tumors. The FOLR genes are part of a family that includes an adult gene, a fetal gene, and one or more pseudogenes, which have been localized to chromosome 11. As a step toward understanding why the adult FOLR gene product is expressed on tumors, we have determined the organization of all the human FOLR-related genes. YAC clones were isolated using the adult FOLR probe. The organization of the locus was determined by PFGE of YAC DNA and by YAC fragmentation. Four FOLR-related genes were found within 140 kb. The adult and fetal genes are not more than 23 kb apart, with the 3' end of the adult gene facing the 5' of the fetal gene. A physical map of over 900 kb of the surrounding region was also constructed. The chromosomal assignment of the FOLR locus was refined to 11q13.3-q13.5 telomeric of the FGF3 locus using fluorescence in situ hybridization.  相似文献   



The expression of intermediate filaments (IFs) is a hallmark feature of metazoan cells. IFs play a central role in cell organization and function, acting mainly as structural stress-absorbing elements. There is growing evidence to suggest that these cytoskeletal elements are also involved in the integration of signalling networks. According to their fundamental functions, IFs show a widespread phylogenetic expression, from simple diblastic animals up to mammals, and their constituent proteins share the same molecular organization in all species so far analysed. Arthropods represent a major exception in this scenario. Only lamins, the nuclear IF proteins, have so far been identified in the model organisms analysed; on this basis, it has been considered that arthropods do not express cytoplasmic IFs.  相似文献   

A major function shared by several types of cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (IFs) is to stabilize cellular architecture against the mechanical forces it is subjected to. As for other fibrous cytoskeletal arrays, a crucial determinant of this function is the spatial organization of IFs in the cytoplasm. However, very few crossbridging proteins are specific for IFs - most IF-associated proteins known to exert a structural role act to tether IFs to other major cytoskeletal elements, such as F-actin, microtubules or adhesion complexes. In addition, IFs are endowed with the ability to participate in their own organization. This intriguing property is probably connected to the unusual degree of sequence diversity and sequence-specific regulation that characterize IF genes and their proteins. This dependence upon a combination of extrinsic and intrinsic determinants contributes to distinguish IFs from other fibrous cytoskeletal polymers and is key to their function.  相似文献   

The human UBE2L6 gene encodes UbcH8(Kumar), a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) highly simliar in primary structure to UbcH7 which is encoded by UBE2L3. Like UBC4 and UBC5 in yeast, these proteins demonstrate functional redundancy. Herein we report the intron/exon structure of UBE2L6. Comparison of the genomic organization of UBE2L6 with UBE2L3 demonstrates that these genes remain highly conserved at the genomic as well as at the protein level. We also describe the chromosomal localization of UBE2L6, which maps to chromosome 11q12.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFG) has been used to study the genomic organization of the halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei. Analysis of the different genomic elements as well as the restriction patterns obtained with several endonucleases revealed that this microorganism has a circular chromosome of 2.9 Mb and, at least, three extrachromosomal elements of 490, 320 and 130 kb respectively. The complete physical map of the chromosome for the endonucleases PacI and BamHI has been constructed, and several BcII, BgIII and DraI restriction fragments have been aligned on these maps. The localization of heterologous and homologous genes on the physical map, including those for rRNA, lay the ground work for the construction of a genetic map.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones of 1.6 (3u), 1.2 (5g) and 0.6 (5b) kbp, specific for peripherin, a neuronal intermediate filament protein (IFP), have been isolated from a murine neuroblastoma cell lambda gt11 library by immunoscreening using peripherin antiserum. Antibodies eluted from the fusion proteins produced by clones 3u and 5g recognize the peripherin spots on immunoblots. Where they overlap the three cDNAs have identical sequences. cDNA 5g exhibits the closest homology to type III IFP cDNAs. cDNA 3u is identical to the corresponding region of cDNA 5g, except for the insertion of a 96 bp fragment at a position corresponding to the junction of exons 4 and 5 in type III IFP cDNAs. cDNA 5b is also identical to the corresponding region of cDNA 5g, except for the deletion of a 62 bp fragment at the junction of exons 8 and 9 in type III IFP cDNAs. S1 mapping experiments performed with probes covering the 3' end of the two unexpected regions show that three distinct mRNAs correspond to the three cDNAs. Moreover, three peripherin products, two minor 61 and 56 kd products in addition to the major 58 kd peripherin, are observed when poly(A)+ RNA is in vitro translated, the 61 kd peripherin being translated from the 3u-selected RNA. The three RNAs originate from alternative splicing of a unique peripherin gene, thus generating polymorphism of peripherin.  相似文献   

Whether the highly dynamic structure of the vimentin intermediate filament (IF) cytoskeleton responds to cues from cellular organelles, and what proteins might participate in such events is largely unknown. We have shown previously that the Golgi protein formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD) binds to vimentin filaments in vivo and in vitro, and that overexpression of FTCD causes dramatic rearrangements of the vimentin IF cytoskeleton (Gao and Sztul, J. Cell Biol. 152, 877-894, 2001). Using real-time imaging, we now show that FTCD causes bundling of individual thinner vimentin filaments into fibers and that the bundling always originates at the Golgi. FTCD appears to be the molecular "glue" since FTCD cross-links vimentin filaments in vitro. To initiate the analysis of structural determinants required for FTCD function in vimentin dynamics, we used structure-based design to generate individual formiminotransferase (FT) and cyclodeaminase (CD) domains, and to produce an enzymatically inactive FTCD. We show that the intact octameric structure is required for FTCD binding to vimentin filaments and for promoting filament assembly, but that eliminating enzymatic activity does not affect FTCD effects on the vimentin cytoskeleton. Our findings indicate that the Golgi protein FTCD is a potent modulator of the vimentin IF cytoskeleton, and suggest that the Golgi might act as a reservoir for proteins that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics.  相似文献   

Vimentin-type intermediate filaments (IFs) play an important role in cytoskeletal organization and cell morphology. We identified here a novel protein associated with vimentin-type IFs and named it vimentin-type IF-associated coiled-coil protein (Vmac). Vmac consists of 171 amino acids with a calculated Mr of 18,844 and has a coiled-coil domain in its N-terminal region and the PDZ-binding tetrapeptide consensus motif in its C-terminal region. Northern blotting showed that the Vmac mRNA was expressed in many rat tissues examined but most abundantly expressed in the kidney. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that Vmac was highly concentrated at podocytes of renal glomeruli. Podocytes are highly specialized epithelial cells characterized by a large cell body and numerous foot processes, and express vimentin-type IFs that are distributed in the cell body and the major processes. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that Vmac was associated with vimentin-type IFs of podocytes. These results indicate that Vmac is a novel protein associated with vimentin-type IF in podocytes of rat kidney.  相似文献   

The subtelomeric region of human chromosome 4q contains the locus for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). The FSHD mutation is a deletion within an array of 3.3-kb tandem repeats (D4Z4). The disease mechanism is unknown but is postulated to involve position effect. A closely related 3.3-kb array on chromosome 10qter, in contrast, is not associated with a disease phenotype. We show here that the 4q homology on chromosome 10 is not confined to the 3.3-kb repeats but extends both proximally (42 kb) and distally to include the telomere. We have also identified the most distal expressed gene on 10q known so far, mapping only 96 kb from the 3.3-kb repeat array. A 4q variant has also been identified; there is 92%nucleotide identity between the two 4q forms, 4qA and 4qB. The 4qter and 10qter forms show homology to other chromosome ends, including 4p, 21q, and 22q, and these regions may represent a relatively common subtelomeric domain.  相似文献   

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