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把全长虫光素酶基因及其缺失突变体(5′端缺失48个核苷酸)分别克隆到分泌型表达载体pIN-Ⅲ-ompA3,前者转化体能表达高活性虫光素酶,而后者完全丧失酶活.该结果表明虫光素酶N端16个氨基酸与酶活性密切相关.  相似文献   

Continuous synchronic flashing occurs in stationary and flying male congregations of members of some firefly species in Southeast Asia. In the present paper, low-light videography and photometry was used to demonstrate that synchrony occurs in the North American genus Photuris. We found that the Georgia coastal plain firefly Ph. frontalis flashed synchronically. From a distance, the synchronic flashes of a population of flying Ph. frontalis appeared to occur in a continuous synchrony. However, when pairs of males were viewed, it was difficult to verify that their flashing was continuously synchronic. In the laboratory, caged fireflies flashed synchronically, stopped, and then flashed synchronically again. To study this flash behavior, recordings of individual and group flashing were analyzed statistically to validate the conclusions about rhythm and synchrony. Although the mass synchrony appeared continuous, the individual flying males switch on and off, coming in again on the beat. The synchrony in Ph. frontalis is common and pervasive rather than rare and sporadic, as shown by other North American fireflies. The precision of the frontalis synchrony approaches that of Southeast Asian fireflies. The intermittent synchrony of this firefly reinforces the evidence that there is a diversity of synchronies in fireflies.  相似文献   

萤火虫(鞘翅目:萤科)两性交流中的闪光信号   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国内外萤火虫两性交流闪光信号的研究进行了综述,萤火虫发光器因种而异,多数发出黄绿色萤光,闪光信号的频率、光谱、强度及其时空分布的闪光模式包含着两性交流信息。萤火虫闪光交流系统有两种分类方法,其一是萤火虫具两个类型的闪光信号交流系统,及系统和系统,前者多在旧大陆,后者多在新大陆;其二是萤火虫具6个类型闪光信号交流系统,即HP,LL,LC,PR,CR和LB型,其中PR型与系统相对应,HP型与系统对应。萤火虫两性交流闪光信号常因时间和空间上的差异及外界物体的干扰使两性闪光交流的效率受到影响。萤火虫两性交流的闪光信号起源于鞘翅目的幼虫阶段,并起警戒天敌的作用,经过两性选择成为成虫两性交流的一种途径,进而成为新大陆的一些萤火虫间捕食猎物和逃避天敌的生存策略。  相似文献   

发光生物因其活体能自发荧光而倍受关注,萤火虫(鞘翅目:萤科)是被研究最多的发光生物,因为成虫发光在其性选择以及求偶交配中起着重要作用.由于萤火虫的发光是一个消耗能量(ATP),的化学反应过程,因而其发光在成虫之外的虫态也具有重要意义.本文就萤火虫成虫和幼虫的发光行为、功能意义进行了综述,并结合萤火虫的饲养观察对其卵和蛹的发光行为进行了描述,探讨了卵和蛹的形态阶段发光的生物学功能以及生物荧光的起源进化.这将有助于理解萤火虫及其它生物自发荧光的本质和起源进化过程.  相似文献   

条背萤幼虫水生适应性形态与游泳行为研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了条背萤Luciolasubstriata幼虫的形态特征及其对游泳行为的适应。形态及扫描电镜观察发现,条背萤幼虫存在二态现象。1~2龄幼虫虫体扁平,多毛。有7对呼吸鳃,分别位于腹部第1~7节。3~6龄幼虫虫体扁平呈船形,无呼吸鳃,靠气管呼吸。二者均具有扁平桨状的足、燕尾状尾节及位于尾节末端的圆柱形粘附器官。条背萤幼虫游动时身体腹面朝上,呈仰泳姿态,足向后划水。3~6龄幼虫仰泳时足共有8种摆动姿势。幼虫仰泳时足摆动1个周期所需时间为(0.611±0.16)s。腹部末端可上下左右摆动,当幼虫向前游动时,尾部上下摆动1个周期所需时间为(1.795±0.44)s。幼虫的游泳速度为(0.85±0.16)mh。仰泳中的幼虫改变方向时,头部和尾部同时向身体的一侧弯曲,当头部与尾部呈近90°时,幼虫用力将尾部伸直,此时水产生一个反作用力继续推动幼虫转向,幼虫转向的范围为0~90°。条背萤2种类型幼虫呼吸系统的不同决定着幼虫外部形态的差异及游泳行为的不同,而导致这种呼吸系统、形态及运动行为不同的原因很可能是条背萤对环境的适应性进化。  相似文献   

Firefly luciferin (Ln) reacts with molecular oxygen in the presence of the enzyme luciferase (E), the Mg+2 ion and ATP to form a four-membered cyclic peroxide, so-called dioxetanone, which has not yet been observed by spectrophotometric techniques. Subsequently, dioxetanone decomposes into carbon dioxide (CO2) and electronically excited oxyluciferin (Oxyln−∗), emitting yellow-green light. In order to clarify the characteristics of the elementary reaction path from dioxetanone to Oxyln−∗, the potential energy curve of the singlet ground-state (S0-PEC) along the reaction coordinate was obtained by the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations using the AM1 Hamiltonian. Furthermore, the potential energy curve of the singlet excited-state (S1-PEC) was calculated, because dioxetanone decomposes to Oxyln−∗ along the reaction coordinate. The S1-PEC relative to S0-PEC was estimated at each point of the reaction coordinate using the INDO/S, where only the singly-excited configuration interactions (CI) constructed from 20 occupied and 20 unoccupied molecular orbitals (MOs) were considered. As a result of these calculations, it was concluded that (1) firefly dioxetanone might not be an intermediate but rather be in an unstable transition state; (2) the S0-PEC has an activation barrier of 37.5 kcal/mol for dioxetanone formation and the reaction is exothermic along the S0-PEC; (3) the S1-PEC approaches the S0-PEC in a concave manner where dioxetanone decomposes to efficiently produce Oxyln−∗; and (4) rupturing of an O–O bond in dioxetanone can trigger the coming and going of electrons in a “cradle" motion mediated by S0- and S1-PECs in the chemiexcitation step toward Oxyln−∗.  相似文献   

FemalePhoturis versicolor fireflies attempt to capture males by responding to heterospecific flash patterns. A mating-dependent switch occurs which affects response timing and frequency of female flashes. We examined the switch using females of known age, mating status, and flash experience to assess how accurate mimicry is, what factors influence it, and what mechanism produces it. Presentations of simulated male flash patterns before and after mating revealed elements of an entrainment mechanism controlling female responsiveness. Unmated females preferentially answered conspecific patterns with variable latencies, averaging 1 s. Mating induced changes in both response frequency and response latency: Females answered heterospecific patterns more frequently, and latencies elicited by conspecific patterns shifted away from the unmated range. Heterogeneity in mean and variance of response latency among individuals indicates that females do not share a discrete reply to a given pattern. Little correspondence exists between latencies of sympatric species andP. versicolor females, suggesting that the flash response mechanism produces entriainment to any rhythmic pattern, not a one-to-one matching between prey and predator latencies. Different selective scenarios underlie strict mimicry versus entrainment mimicry.  相似文献   

以北京萤火虫复眼结构与生理参数为依据,基于已知的梯度折射率透镜特征,对复眼的整个光学系统进行模型化.模型的尺寸与折射率分布依据实际晶锥的测量值.通过对模型复眼的光线追迹,证明北京萤火虫复眼是一个折射重叠型复眼.重叠孔径以内入射的平行光线在视网膜水平形成一半宽度为一定值的模糊圈.利用计算机光线追迹模拟了复眼的重叠成象过程,随着象平面与晶锥近端距离的增加,信号光线的数目也逐渐增加,信噪比逐渐提高,在视网膜水平达到最大值.  相似文献   

Male competition in courtships of the firefly Photinus pyralis is intense. Morphometric analysis revealed that male size is variable, possibly exhibiting alternative body plans. We examined the outcomes of courtships to determine the proximate mechanisms of selection that may have led to male allometry. Two distinct selective events exist within mate competition: (1) searching and (2) scramble competition. Although many courtships failed, those without rivals were shorter and successful males spent less time in the mate-guarding position than when several males were in competition. Winners outflashed rivals, but flash dialogs occurred at similar frequencies across rival densities, indicating that females require some quantum of information before mating. Female flash preference was examined in choice tests to evaluate female discrimination ability. Females preferred flashes of greater intensity and precedence. This suggests that flash synchronization is a competitive display rather than a cooperative behavior to maintain female responsiveness. Selection for male size was density dependent: females preferred large males in searching, while small males were favored in scrambles. Simulated scrambles showed that small males have superior locomotor abilities, allowing them to reach the female rapidly. Comparison with a species lacking scrambles, P. macdermotti, revealed that selection in P. pyralis is disruptive, targeting traits alternately, and may have led to the evolution of higher allometric ratios in a species with direct male competition. Both male competition and female choice are important determinants of the outcome of P. pyralis courtships.  相似文献   

Measurement of thioesterification activities for dodecanoic acid (C12) and ketoprofen was done using five firefly luciferases, from Pyrocoelia miyako (PmL), Photinus pyralis (PpL), Luciola cruciata (LcL), Hotaria parvura (HpL), and Luciola mingrelica (LmL). Among these, PmL, PpL, and LcL showed the expected thioesterification activities toward both substrates. All the enzymes exhibited (R)-enantioselectivity toward ketoprofen, which had same tendency as firefly luciferase from Luciola lateralis (LUC-H). HpL and LmL, however, did not accept ketoprofen, although they had thioesterification activity toward C12. These results indicate that the substrate acceptance of luciferases for the thioesterification reaction varies dramatically relying on the origin of firefly. Hence we focused primarily on PmL and investigated the effect of pH on enzymatic activity. In addition, by determining the kinetic parameters at various pH values, we verified that the k cat parameter contributed to the preferential enantioselectivity of this enzyme.  相似文献   

条背萤的闪光求偶行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水栖萤火虫条背萤Luciola substriata (Gorh.)发出单脉冲周期性特异闪光信号进行求偶。室外观测发现,在23℃、86% RH时,雄萤飞行求偶闪光信号脉冲闪光持续时间为0.52 s,间隔时间为0.28 s,闪光信号的最大亮度为0.6 lx; 雌萤求偶信号周期为 0.67 s,最大亮度为0.4 lx。雄萤发出求偶信号0.22 s后,雌萤发出两个连续的回应信号。第一个回应信号为0.49 s,第二个为0.41 s, 两个回应信号的间隔时间为0.11 s。雄萤发现雌萤回应信号后,降落至离雌萤5~10 cm处,继续发出闪光信号,但闪光脉冲频率减小,闪光脉冲时间为1.23 s,间隔时间为0.50 s。条背萤交配时呈“V”或“一”字形交配姿势。  相似文献   

高等植物光敏色素的分子结构、生理功能和进化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静  王艇 《植物学通报》2007,24(5):649-658
光敏色素是植物感受外界环境变化的最重要光受体之一,对红光和远红外光非常敏感。本文综述了光敏色素的分子结构、它所包含的结构域和相应功能以及植物各主要类群中光敏色素基因家族的成员组成与进化关系;重点在分子水平上介绍了光敏色素的生理功能与作用机制。最后,基于最新的研究进展提出了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Language does not fossilize but this does not mean that the language's evolutionary timeline is lost forever. Great apes provide a window back in time on our last prelinguistic ancestor's communication and cognition. Phylogeny and cladistics implicitly conjure Pan (chimpanzees, bonobos) as a superior (often the only) model for language evolution compared with earlier diverging lineages, Gorilla and Pongo (orangutans). Here, in reviewing the literature, it is shown that Pan do not surpass other great apes along genetic, cognitive, ecologic, or vocal traits that are putatively paramount for language onset and evolution. Instead, revived herein is the idea that only by abandoning single-species models and learning about the variation among great apes, there might be a chance to retrieve lost fragments of the evolutionary timeline of language.  相似文献   

秦利鸿  付新华 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):125-128
对短角窗萤Diaphanes sp.和胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Olivier幼虫的捕食行为进行观察。发现短角窗萤捕食蚯蚓而胸窗萤则捕食蜗牛。利用扫描电镜对短角窗萤和胸窗萤幼虫的头部及口器进行观察比较。发现2种幼虫均具有1对侧单眼,1对发达的、左右对称的3节触角。2种幼虫口器非常发达,具1对锋利的、中空的镰刀状上颚,1对下颚须,1对下唇须,1对内颚叶。2种萤火虫口器最具特别的结构在于:短角窗萤上颚的2/3处内侧着生1个球形结构,上面着生1层齿状结构,而胸窗萤则在上颚基部内侧弯曲成齿状突起。  相似文献   

Intraspecific resource partitioning and social affiliations both have the potential to structure populations, though it is rarely possible to directly assess the impact of these mechanisms on genetic diversity and population divergence. Here, we address this for killer whales (Orcinus orca), which specialize on prey species and hunting strategy and have long-term social affiliations involving both males and females. We used genetic markers to assess the structure and demographic history of regional populations and test the hypothesis that known foraging specializations and matrifocal sociality contributed significantly to the evolution of population structure. We find genetic structure in sympatry between populations of foraging specialists (ecotypes) and evidence for isolation by distance within an ecotype. Fitting of an isolation with migration model suggested ongoing, low-level migration between regional populations (within and between ecotypes) and small effective sizes for extant local populations. The founding of local populations by matrifocal social groups was indicated by the pattern of fixed mtDNA haplotypes in regional populations. Simulations indicate that this occurred within the last 20,000 years (after the last glacial maximum). Our data indicate a key role for social and foraging behavior in the evolution of genetic structure among conspecific populations of the killer whale.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Non-human primates are an invaluable part of biomedical research. Strict regulations insure animals have a maximum likelihood of well-being and optimum health during the course of experimental procedures. Objective assessment of well-being is a critical component of these assurances. METHODS: Here we describe an objective and quantitative system we used to identify two well-being concerns in laboratory rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). We provide a series of indicators for use by laboratory personnel to promote laboratory primate well-being. The indicators measure (1) potentially life threatening clinical concerns, (2) developing clinical issues, (3) atypical behaviors, and (4) laboratory performance. We include specific criteria to facilitate veterinary intervention. RESULTS: The assessment, applied to two case studies reported here, enabled swift veterinary intervention returning the animals to a healthy state. CONCLUSIONS: The measures described here provide a battery of observable and objective measures across multiple dimensions that can further ensure both excellent science and veterinary care.  相似文献   

The distribution of the three friendly close-range vocalization types known in the Felidae was plotted on a recently published phylogeny of the cat family (Felidae) based on sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes and other molecular and biochemical characters, with extrapolated divergence ages of its various lineages. It was found to be congruent with this phylogeny. One of the sound types is likely to be present in 30 species of the family (documented in 22 so far), another is present in 4, and the third in 2 species only; these sound types represent a phylogenetic transformation series. The latter two vocalization types also differ considerably from the first in the mode of sound production. From this, evolutionary conservatism over a long epoch for the one widespread vocalization type can be inferred, and less conservatism in the type present in four species, while the emergence of the least common type is evidence of relatively considerable and rapid evolutionary change. Thus, acoustic communication signals in a group of taxa can evolve at considerably different rates, and for a specific character this rate can differ between different lineages of that group. The ultimate causes of the evolutionary stability or of the subsequent relatively rapid change in sound structure and mode of sound production in these felid vocalizations are unknown.  相似文献   

Luminescence of the pony fish, Leiognathus elongatus, was observed in the natural environment during nighttime diving. The light was emitted from the lateroventral portion of the body, as bright rectangular-shaped luminescence patches turned on and off periodically. Luminescent fish had a distinct clear patch on the flank through which light was emitted, whereas non-luminous fish did not have such a clear patch. Both luminous and non-luminous fish were found within a shoal, where non-luminous individuals were chased by luminous ones. From previous morphological studies, the luminous and non-luminous individuals are likely to be male and female, respectively. Our observations provide field evidence that the luminescence functions as intraspecific communications in L. elongatus.  相似文献   

A review of the most significant contributions on the early phases of genetic code origin is presented. After stressing the importance of the key intermediary role played in protein synthesis, by peptidyl-tRNA, which is attributed with a primary function in ancestral catalysis, the general lines leading to the codification of the first amino acids in the genetic code are discussed. This is achieved by means of a model of protoribosome evolution which sees protoribosome as the central organiser of ancestral biosynthesis and the mediator of the encounter between compounds (metabolite-pre-tRNAs) and catalysts (peptidyl-pre-tRNAs). The encounter between peptidyl-pre-tRNA catalysts in protoribosome is favoured by metabolic pre-mRNAs and later resulted (given the high temperature at which this evolution is supposed to have taken place) in the evolution of mRNAs with codons of the type GNS. These mRNAs codified only for those amino acids that the coevolution theory of genetic code origin sees as the precursors of all other amino acids. Some aspects of the model here discussed might be rendered real by the transfer-messenger RNA molecule (tmRNA) which is here considered a molecular fossil of ancestral protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Evolution of Swarm Communication in Eusocial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eusocial paper wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets (Vespidae) exhibit two modes of colony foundation, primitively eusocial independent founders and advanced eusocial swarm founders. Unlike independent founders, swarmfounding wasps require a means of social communication to coordinate the movement of colony members between nest sites. We employed a phylogeny of paper wasps, yellowjackets, and hornets to test for patterns of correlated evolution between the mode of colony foundation and the presence of sternal exocrine glands. We also reviewed data on worker actions during swarming to determine whether swarm communication behavior was dependent upon gland possession and whether communicative behavior was shared among swarm-founding species. We did not find evidence for an association of sternal glands with swarm founding. Although sternal gland presence differed among swarm-founding species, worker behavior during swarming showed little variation. Workers of nearly all swarm-founding species rub their gasters on objects along swarm routes, independently of the occurrence of sternal glands. Widespread gastral rubbing indicates the use of swarm emigration trail pheromones from a diversity of glandular sources. Transitions from independent to swarm founding have been achieved via diverse pheromonal mechanisms in the Vespidae, while worker communicative behavior is either highly conserved or convergent.  相似文献   

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