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1963年秋,我系陈敏娟、夏树芳、方一亭等同志率领古生物专业毕业班学生在江西宁武实测奥陶系剖面,采得大量笔石化石,在鉴定时,发现在下奥陶统宁国组的标本中有一些笔石体细小而保存良好的立体标本,这些标本有着不同于已知笔石属的形态构造。最近,韩乃仁同志送给我们一些从浙江江山宁国组中采集的笔石标本,它们有与江西标本相同的形态构造。经  相似文献   

浙江常山黄泥塘Didymograptus (Corymbograptus)deflexus带的笔石   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
浙江常山黄泥塘剖面是中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶的全球界线层型剖面点(GSSP)。文中讨论了黄泥塘剖面宁国组底部Didymograptus(Corymbograptus)deflexus带的笔石动物群,并描述了其中一部分属种。根据该带含牙形刺灰岩夹笔石页岩地层在常山、江山地区纵向和横向的分布,在宁国组下部建立了黄泥塘段。  相似文献   

奥陶纪心笔石类笔石的再研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洪冶 《古生物学报》1995,34(1):103-111
江西玉山宁国组大量立体状保存的心笔石类标本的研究,表明其发育型式为变相的等称笔石式,始部最初几对胞管(th除外)向外弯曲,与"Paracardiograptushusi"MuetLee特征一致。据此对Cardiograptus属的属征作了重新厘定和种的归并。  相似文献   

舌笔石属(Glossograptus)的研究已有一百余年的历史(Emmons,1855),虽然积累了许多资料,但是这个属的发育型式,尚不清楚,其系统分类位置也存在不少问题。本文介绍的材料,系笔者之一(詹士高)与乔新东同志先后在新疆柯坪中奥陶统萨尔干组黑色页岩中采得的。舌笔石标本多保存为黄铁矿化立体状态,其始部胞管性状相当清晰,共有下列三种:  相似文献   

鄂西中奥陶统庙坡组中的笔石(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
标本很多,保存完好。笔石体细长,呈圆柱形,两侧平行,始端在正面较圆;反面则较尖削。笔石体长达30毫米以上;宽仅0.1—0.3毫米。在立体标本中宽度较窄,保存为薄膜的标本则宽一些。缝合线清楚而相当完整。微呈波形的中轴伸出体外4毫米。在有的标本上,中轴及缝合线呈现出三条清楚的纵线。  相似文献   

根据浙赣三山地区完好保存的Pseudisograptus笔石体胎管和胞管纺锤层(增生层)的立体标本,参照观生翼鳃类杆壁虫和头盘虫类的生长速率,推算此类笔石的最小平均生命期。同时拓要介绍了笔石个体石生态学及与之有关的原理和方法。  相似文献   

本文研究了江西武宁奥陶系宁国组上部黑色页岩中的牙形刺。共发现牙形刺11属15种,其中Eoplacognathus suecicus Bergstrom,Eoplacognathus foliaceus(Fahraeus)为世界性分布的牙形刺带化石,为宁国组上部黑色页岩的划分与对比提供了可靠的依据。根据牙形刺的保存状态,笔者推论当时本区水底层为偏酸性还原环境,并认为牙形刺动物是浮游生活在不同深度的水层中。  相似文献   

浙西常山宁国页岩中的一些新笔石*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1954年夏,卢衍豪、侯祐堂、张日东、刘第墉诸先生和笔者研究浙江西部古生代地层时,曾在常山城南三里大坞附近的下奥陶纪宁国页岩中采得一些笔石标本。这些笔石经笔者鉴定有些是新的种属。为了解决这些新笔石的详细层位并进而确定它们之间的演化关系,笔者于1956年春,又同李积金、朱兆玲、钱义元等前往群测宁国页岩的剖面,并逐层采集化石。在大坞附近船山山脚下所露出的厚仅5米多的宁国页岩中,采得笔石15层,包括许多新的材料。本文所描述的笔石就是从大坞剖面中所获得材料的一部分。这些笔石可以分作两组:一组是多枝的、正分枝的笔石,属于均分笔石科(Dicho-graptidae);另一组是少枝的、胞管变形的笔石,属于一个新科——中国笔石科(Sino-  相似文献   

本文描述的新笔石——多枝中华反向笔石(Sinodiversograptus multibrachiatus gen.etsp.nov.),是最近笔者之一(陈旭)同曹瑞骥、刘第墉、张太荣等同志调查四川北部地层时,在南江县桥亭附近的下志留统Spirograptus turriculatus 带中采得的。这种笔石的标本很多,保存在风化退色的黑色页岩中。页岩大都变成浅棕色或粉红色,而笔石则保存为黑色碳质薄膜,相当清楚。从一系列不同发育阶段的标本,可以看出此种笔石的发育过程。这种笔石体的发育过程,不论对研究单笔石科的幼枝发育问题,或者对于研究这个新属及其相近的属如反向笔石属(Diversograptus)和捲笔石属(Streptograptus)等的演化关系,都是相当重要的。  相似文献   

安徽省宁国县胡乐司中奥陶世胡乐组的笔石   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
胡乐组一名源自胡乐页岩。许杰(1934)创建胡乐页岩时,描述了胡乐地区胡乐页岩的主要岩性特征及笔石9属18种和亚种,并建立了2个笔石带:1).Glossograptus hincksii - Trigonograptus lineatus zone,2).Dicellograptus sextans - Climacograptus latus zone。1962年,张文堂将胡乐页岩称为胡乐页岩组。嗣后,钱义元、李积金等(1964)称为胡乐组,并明确指出胡乐滥泥坞剖面为许杰(1934)创建胡乐页岩时的标准剖面。穆恩之(1974)为建立中国奥陶系年代地层单位“阶”,先用“期”称之,中奥陶世早期称为“胡乐期”,1980年正式使用胡乐阶,包括3个笔石带:Hu_1 Glosso-  相似文献   

上奥陶统宝塔组(桑比阶–凯迪阶)是华南分布广泛的标志性地层单元, 以发育特殊的网纹状灰岩并产出大量头足类化石为特征。黔北桐梓县尧龙山地区的宝塔组厚度较大, 出露极好, 产出数量丰富、保存精美和特征典型的头足类化石。本文在研究区酒店垭、集镇采坑和天域极地3个宝塔组剖面采集到大量原域埋藏的头足类化石, 共8属11种及少量属种未定类型, 以直形壳或盘形壳、体管很小且适合远洋深水游泳的类型为主, 整体上符合扬子台地深水陆棚Sinoceras–Michelinoceras–Disoceras生物相特征。基于壳体扩大率、壳径与体管直径比、气室高与隔壁颈长比、隔壁下凹度、壳径与气室高比等参数变量的主成分分析表明, 在外部特征不显著的情况下, Sinoceras和Michelinoceras的直观差别是壳体扩大率, 而Michelinoceras属不同种的差异主要体现在气室高与隔壁颈长之比, 其他特征的区分度并不明显。层面上单位面积的化石定量统计显示, 尧龙山地区宝塔组中头足类的多样性较高, 并以Sinoceras和Michelinoceras具有极高的个体丰度为特征。扬子板块在奥陶纪桑比期–凯迪期之交处于高水位的陆表海环境, 栖息环境均一化和生态系统复杂化可能是促进该时期头足类动物的复苏和多样性演化的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文记述的介形类化石采自塔里木盆地北部柯坪地区大湾沟剖面坎岭组,共计8属14种。其中包括2新种和3未定种。Thrallella.Octonaria,Predarwinula三属为本介形类组合最为重要且最具特色的分子。据此推测,坎岭组时代为晚奥陶世中期(Caradocian)。  相似文献   

文中图示和描述了重庆城口大塘口奥陶系红花园组和湄潭组下部营盘段的几丁虫计 6属, 17种。其中包括 7个未定种和 3个新种 (Conochitinadatangkouensissp. nov., C. wengxigouensissp. nov., Rhabdochitinachenk ouensesp. nov. )。讨论了几丁虫的地理和地层分布特点及其与笔石生物带的关系,阐明了红花园组和湄潭组下部营盘段不同笔石带(A. filiformis, D. bifidus和A. suecicus笔石带)中几丁虫的组合特征,并与国外同期地层几丁虫组合进行了对比。  相似文献   

程立人 《古生物学报》2000,39(3):396-402
奇壁角石科(Allotrioceratidae)分子在我华北东部属首次发现。它产于马家沟组下部。界于Deformon-ceras-Peripatoceras与Polydesmia-Wutinoceras-Eosiotelus组合带之间偏下。奇壁角石科是Flower,R.H.1995年创立的,至今科内已建立6属13种和3个相似种。但以往所描述标本绝大多数仅保存有部分内体管,对其它特征所知甚少。文中描  相似文献   

Bulk samples of brachiopods from the middle and upper parts of the Arnestad Formation and the entire Frognerkilen Formation in the Oslo Region demonstrate major vertical changes in the Sandbian to Katian amphicratonic fauna of this part of the Baltic Province. The main influx of new taxa occurred in the upper part of the Arnestad Formation (uppermost Sandbian), and in the succeeding Frognerkilen Formation (basal Katian). Faunal change is initially reflected in an increase in diversity and not as a replacement of the previously incumbent genera, which remain throughout the studied sequence. The majority of the new genera migrated from the East Baltic Region or through this region from Avalonia, while the marginal Laurentian taxa first occupied the Scandinavian part of Baltica. Six taxa migrated from Laurentia, three from Avalonia, two from Gondwana and one apparently originated on the South China palaeoplate. The faunal shifts and immigration of brachiopods appear to have been in response to an initial transgression together with the movement of Baltica into more warm temperate latitudes, but the diverse faunas developed both against a background of subsequent regression and in response to an offshore shift of biofacies. The new amphicratonic fauna was thus generated by faunal shifts from elsewhere in the Baltic Province to the marginal environments of the Oslo Region together with more exotic elements from neighbouring continents and microcontinents.  相似文献   

对产自吉林浑江大阳贫早奥陶世亮甲山组的大型粗壳内角石类进行系统进行,共描述2科3属37种和1个科属未定标本,其中1新属、3新种和2未定种。首次报道Piloceratidae科分子(Paracassinoceras dayangchaense gen.et sp.nov.)在东亚的首次发现。提出角石类内体管构造的4个类型。详细讨论Manchuroceras和Manchurceraidae科的地理分布  相似文献   

An early Oligocene (Rupelian) diagnostic larger foraminiferal assemblage is described and illustrated from marls and limestones of the Asmari Formation, at Jabals Hafit and Malaqet in the UAE. An equivalent assemblage is identified in the mudstones of the Tahwah Formation, Wadi Suq, Oman. Although Nummulites intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. fichteli are fully synonymous (e.g. Roveda 1970; Schaub 1981; Sirel 2003), in this study both species are biometrically differentiated, distinct and both names are valid. N. fichteli Michelotti 1841, N. intermedius (D'Archiac 1846) and N. emiratus n. sp., which are index for the early Oligocene (Rupelian), and they are replacing each others competitively and environmentally.

The presence of Blondeauina bouillei n.gen., N. emiratus n.sp., N. intermedius, N. fichteli, Planoperculina complanata (Defrance 1822) and Austrotrillina asmariensis Adams 1968 ascribed the section of the Asmari Formation to the early Oligocene (Rupelian). The studied marls and limestones were deposited in outer and inner shelf environments, respectively. The Asmari Formation in the area studied consists mainly of marl in its lower portion and reefal limestone in its upper part, indicating a major marine regression. The Tahwah Formation in Oman is composed of bioturbated silty and muddy marls and is a facies equivalent to the Asmari Formation marls. The Asmari Formation facies change probably relates to a mid-Oligocene fall in global sea level.

In this study, the Dabaa Formation, a subsurface unit of late Eocene–Oligocene marine shales in the north Western Desert of Egypt, was chosen to correlate with the Oligocene of Emirates and Oman. The Dabaa Formation comprises Spiroclypeus ornatus (Henson 1937) and Eulepidina dilatata (Michelotti 1861). The environment of deposition was inner shelf to littoral, which become estuarine towards the top in many areas. This Oligocene Dabaa sequence is correlatable with Wadi El Arish sequence recently discovered by Kuss and Boukhary (2008) from Risan Aneiza, Northern Sinai, Egypt.  相似文献   

The calcareous siltstones within the Ordovician section of the Takche Formation near Takche, Spiti region of Tethyan Himalaya, India, contain numerous specimens of non-calcified marine macroalgae in association with brachiopods, gastropods, tentaculitoids, and few trace fossils. The algal remains, representing five genera, are preserved as black or dark brown carbonaceous compression fossils, interpreted as warm-water marine macroalgae, namely, Inocladus sp., Callisphenus? sp., Algites sp. (siphonous algae), Fisherites sp., and Mastopora sp. (non-siphonous). Callisphenus is characterised by a radially symmetrical short pyriform thallus, with a central axis surrounded by short laterals whereas Inocladus sp. is characterised by an unsegmented simple thallus with internal parallel medullary siphons and cortical tubes. These algal remains, probably transported from a more near-shore living niche, co-occur with Cyclocrinitids, Tentaculitoids tube worms, trace fossils and brachiopods, suggesting that deposition of the studied units took place in low energy hydrodynamic conditions influenced by intermittent storm events. The study represents the first diversified macroalgal records from the Ordovician strata in the Tethyan realm of Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Well preserved cyclocrinitids (calcareous green algae) are reported from early Palaeozoic deposits of Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, India. Casts of the algal fossils are preserved in calcareous grey siltstone unit of the Takche Formation (Late Ordovician–Early Silurian) which appears rusty/earthy brown due to weathering. The assemblage includes Cyclocrinites favus, Cyclocrinites pyriformis, Cyclocrinites cf. welleri, Cyclocrinites sp. and Cyclocrinites globosus. Both Cyclocrinites cf. welleri and Cyclocrinites globosus are reported for the first time from the entire Tethyan Himalaya, India. The described algal flora basically denotes relatively shallow marine depositional setting and low to moderate hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

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