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The purpose of this study was to describe the autonomic innervation of the carotid sinus and heart in the rhesus monkey. Nine male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and one male crab-eating macaque (M. fascicularis) were carefully dissected from the origin of the vagus nerves and superior cervical ganglia to the level of the fourth thoracic ganglion. The specimens were either freshly killed or obtained no later than 24 hours post mortem. The macaque monkeys were found to possess an innervation pattern that displayed features common to dog (connections between the vagus nerves and middle cervical ganglia), baboon (distinct cervical sympathetic and cervical vagal nerve trunks), and man (nerves projecting from the middle cervical and stellate ganglia to the heart). Distinct inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia were never seen, but rather, large and well defined stellate ganglia were found. The macaque innervation pattern, when considered as a whole, most closely resembled the baboon.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the general architecture and morphological variations of the autonomic cardiac nervous system (ACNS) in the African Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys), and to discuss the evolutionary changes between this system in African/Asian Cercopithecidae and humans. A detailed macroscopic comparative morphological investigation of the ACNS was performed by examining the left and right sides of 11 African cercopithecid specimens, including some previously unreported species (Abyssinian colobus, Angola pied colobus, Savanna monkey, and lesser white-nosed guenon). The common characteristics of the ACNS in the African Cercopithecidae are described in detail. Consequently, homologies of the ACNS between Asian (macaques) and African Cercopithecidae, and differences between the Asian/African Cercopithecidae and humans, were found. In particular, differences in the sympathetic (cardiac) systems of the Cercopithecidae and humans were recognized, despite the similar morphology of the parasympathetic vagal (cardiac) system. These differences include the composition of the cervicothoracic ganglion, the lower positions of the middle cervical and cervicothoracic ganglia, and the narrow range for the origin of the cardiac nerves in the Cercopithecidae, compared with that in humans. In conclusion, these findings are considered with regard to the morphology of the last common ancestors of the Cercopithecidae.  相似文献   

To investigate ventricular tachycardias produced in healthy canine myocardium by stimulation of sympathetic ganglia or cardiac nerves, we simultaneously recorded a surface ECG and 63 ventricular electrograms in anesthetized open-chest dogs. Isochronal and isopotential maps were generated off-line by computer. Ventricular tachycardia with uniform beat-to-beat morphology was induced in 13 or 22 dogs by electrical stimulation of the left stellate ganglion (five experiments), the left middle cervical ganglion (four experiments), the left caudal pole cardiopulmonary nerve (two experiments), or the ventrolateral cardiac nerve (eight experiments). It was not inducible by stimulation of the right-sided major cardiopulmonary nerves or ganglia. In most instances the earliest measured electrical excitation occurred on the posterior aspect of the ventricles. Isochronal maps demonstrated a radial spread of the impulse away from the area of earliest excitation. Changes in the region of earliest excitation and (or) activation pattern were accompanied by changes in QRS morphology. The potential gradients measured between areas displaying positive and negative T waves on the anterior and left lateral aspects of the ventricles were significantly increased by ventrolateral cardiac nerve stimulation. However, the ventricular regions where these potential gradients existed differed from the regions of earliest excitation during ventricular tachycardia. These results demonstrate that the thoracic autonomic nervous system can induce repetitive ventricular excitation originating from consistent loci.  相似文献   

To further elucidate the functional anatomy of canine cardiac innervation as well as to assess the feasibility of producing regional left ventricular sympathetic denervation, the chronotropic and (or) regional left ventricular inotropic responses produced by stellate or middle cervical ganglion stimulation were investigated in 22 dogs before and after sectioning of individual major cardiopulmonary or cardiac nerves. Sectioning the right or left subclavian ansae abolished all cardiac responses produced by ipsilateral stellate ganglion stimulation. Sectioning a major sympathetic cardiopulmonary nerve, other than the right interganglionic nerve, usually reduced, but seldom abolished, regional inotropic responses elicited by ipsilateral middle cervical ganglion stimulation. Sectioning the dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerves consistently abolished the left ventricular inotropic responses elicited by right middle cervical ganglion stimulation but minimally affected those elicited by left middle cervical ganglion stimulation. In contrast, cutting the left lateral cardiac nerve decreased the inotropic responses in lateral and posterior left ventricular segments elicited by left middle cervical ganglion stimulation but had little effect on the inotropic responses produced by right middle cervical ganglion stimulation. In addition, the ventral mediastinal cardiac nerve was found to be a significant sympathetic efferent pathway from the left-sided ganglia to the left ventricle. These results indicate that the stellate ganglia project axons to the heart via the subclavian ansae and thus effective sympathetic decentralization can be produced by cutting the subclavian ansae; the right-sided cardiac sympathetic efferent innervation of the left ventricle converges intrapericardially in the dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerves; and the left-sided cardiac sympathetic efferent innervation of the left ventricle diverges to innervate the left ventricle by a number of nerves including the dorsal mediastinal, ventral mediastinal, and left lateral cardiac nerves. Thus consistent denervation of a region of the left ventricle can not be accomplished by sectioning an individual cardiopulmonary or cardiac nerve because of the functional and anatomical variability of the neural components in each nerve, as well as the fact that overlapping regions of the left ventricle are innervated by these different nerves.  相似文献   

In chronically decentralized in situ middle cervical ganglia of 10 dogs, 279 spontaneously active neurons were identified. One hundred and ten (39%) of these were spontaneously active during specific phases of the cardiac cycle, primarily during systole, and the activity of nearly half of these cardiovascular-related neurons was modified by gentle mechanical distortion of the vena cavae, heart, or thoracic aorta. Another 60 (22%) of the identified neurons had respiratory--related activity, but the activity of only 2 of them was modified by gentle mechanical distortion of pulmonary tissue. Twenty-nine of the other 109 identified neurons were activated by gentle mechanical distortion of localized regions of the neck, ventral thoracic wall, or ventral abdominal wall. Because of the presence of activity in the chronically decentralized middle cervical ganglion, these data infer that some afferent neurons are located in the thoracic autonomic nervous system. Some middle cervical ganglion neurons were activated by single 1-4 ms stimuli delivered to a nerve connected to the ganglion. During repetitive stimuli delivered at 0.5 Hz none were activated after a fixed latency following the stimuli. Many more neurons were activated by 10- to 200-ms trains of 1-4 ms stimuli delivered with interstimulus intervals of 1-10 ms. The majority of these neurons could still be activated electrically after the administration of cholinergic and adrenergic pharmacological blocking agents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of an acutely decentralized stellate or middle cervical ganglion or cardiopulmonary nerve augments cardiac chronotropism or inotropism; as the stimulation continues there is a gradual reduction of this augmentation following the peak response, i.e., an inhibition of augmentation. The amount of this inhibition was found to be dependent upon the region of the heart investigated and the neural structure stimulated. The cardiac parameters which were augmented the most displayed the greatest inhibition. Maximum augmentation or inhibition occurred, in most instances, when 5-20 Hz stimuli were used. Inhibition of augmentation was overcome when the stimulation frequency was subsequently increased or following the administration of nicotine or tyramine, indicating that the inhibition was not primarily due to the lack of availability of noradrenaline in the nerve terminals of the efferent postganglionic sympathetic neurons. Furthermore, as infusions of isoproterenol or noradrenaline during the period of inhibition could still augment cardiac responses, whereas during the early peak responses they did not, the inhibition of augmentation does not appear to be due primarily to down regulation of cardiac myocyte beta-adrenergic receptors. The inhibition was modified by hexamethonium but not by phentolamine or atropine. Inhibition occurred when all ipsilateral cardiopulmonary nerves connected with acutely decentralized middle cervical and stellate ganglia were stimulated, whereas significant inhibition did not occur when these nerves were stimulated after they had been disconnected from the ipsilateral decentralized ganglia. Taken together these data indicate that the inhibition of cardiac augmentation which occurs during relatively long-term stimulation of intrathoracic sympathetic neural elements is due in large part to nicotinic cholinergic synaptic mechanisms that lie primarily in the major thoracic autonomic ganglia. They also indicate that long-term stimulation in intrathoracic sympathetic neural elements with frequencies as low as 2 Hz may augment the heart as much as higher stimulation frequencies, depending upon the structure stimulated and the cardiovascular parameter monitored.  相似文献   

Afferent stimulation of one canine thoracic cardiopulmonary nerve can generate compound action potentials in another ipsilateral cardiopulmonary nerve. These compound action potentials persist after acute decentralization of the middle cervical ganglion, indicating that they result from neural activity in the middle cervical ganglion and thoracic nerves. Changing the frequency of stimulation can alter the compound action potentials, suggesting that temporal facilitation or inhibition occurs in this middle cervical ganglion preparation. The compound action potentials can be modified by stimulation of sympathetic preganglionic fibers and by hexamethonium, atropine, phentolamine, propranolol, and (or) manganese. It thus appears that afferent cardiopulmonary nerves can activate efferent cardiopulmonary nerves via synaptic mechanisms in the stellate and middle cervical ganglia. It also appears that these mechanisms involve adrenergic and cholinergic receptors and are influenced by preganglionic sympathetic fibers arising from the cord.  相似文献   

Neuronal activity in the in situ middle cervical ganglion of dogs was investigated using extracellular recording techniques. The recorded action potentials were frequently active during specific phases of the cardiac cycle, particularly during systole, and this activity persisted following acute decentralization of the ganglion. The activity of these action potentials was modified when systemic arterial pressure was altered by isoproterenol, noradrenaline, adrenaline, or partial occlusion of the aorta, whether in the intact or acutely decentralized preparation. These neurons were active between systolic pressures of 70 and 180 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.322 Pa). Action potentials were frequently modified by mechanical distortion of the superior vena cava, ventricular epicardium, or adventitia of the aorta, whether the preparation was acutely decentralized or not. Seventy percent of these action potentials were unaffected by stimulation (1 ms, 4 V, 0.5 Hz) of a cardiopulmonary nerve and 27% were suppressed by such stimulation. Five of the neurons were activated by such stimulation. It is presumed that the latter neurons had axons in a cardiopulmonary nerve and most likely were efferent sympathetic postganglionic neurons. Sixty-three percent of these spontaneously active phase-locked units were modified by stimulation of a ramus or an ansa. It is postulated that some of the neurons in the middle cervical ganglia can be modified by afferent axons arising from receptors in thoracic organs, in particular from the great vessels and heart, whether in an intact or acutely decentralized preparation. The majority of these neurons are presumed not to be afferent neurons or efferent postganglionic neurons, as they are not activated directly by electrical stimulation of axons in cardiopulmonary nerves. Rather they are presumed to be interneurons. These results lend support to the thesis that considerable integration of neuronal activity related to thoracic cardiovascular dynamics occurs within the middle cervical ganglia of dogs.  相似文献   

本研究应用乙醛酸诱发儿茶酚胺(CA)荧光技术观察大鼠肾上腺素(NA)能神经在脊神经节内的分布;并应用HRP顺、逆行追踪技术对脊神经节内NA能神经纤维的起源及其与脊神经节神经元的关系进行了探讨。荧光组织化学观察发现、有些神经节神经元胞体周围分布有带膨体的NA能神经末梢;有的紧密围绕脊神经节细胞——卫星细胞复合体。颈上交感神经节内注射霍乱毒素B亚单位结合HRP(CB┐HRP),在同侧C3~6节段脊神经节内可见标记的点状纤维末梢紧邻于节细胞旁。T11~L2节段脊神经节内注射HRP后,在同侧椎旁交感链(T9~L1)内可见标记的交感节后神经元胞体。上述实验结果表明,交感节后神经元发出节后纤维可直接到达脊神经节内,与节细胞发生接触。本研究提示、交感神经在脊神经节水平可能参与躯体初级传入信息的调制  相似文献   

应用CB-HRP逆行追踪法研究了大鼠心内神经元至颈上神经节的分支投射。将CB-HRP注入大鼠颈上神经节内,在心脏壁内神经节见到CB-HRP标记细胞,这些细胞为中小型梭形或园形,多位于心房后壁。结果表明心内神经元有分支投射到颈上神经节,并对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In 20 anesthetized dogs the thoracic autonomic nerves were carefully exposed in order to determine which produced cardiovascular responses when the afferent or efferent component of each was stimulated. Efferent parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers arise from the caudal cervical ganglion regions bilaterally as well as from the vagus caudally to that ganglion. The majority of negative chromotropic, dromotropic and inotropic fibers arise from the vagus or near the recurrent laryngeal nerves; however, some small parasympathetic fibers also arise from the vagi down to the level of the pulmonary vessels. Efferent sympathetic nerves are relatively large with the exception of the stellate cardiac nerves, and produce specific positive chronotropic or inotropic responses. Afferent fibers are numerous in the recurrent cardiac, innominate, ventromedial and dorsal nerves and not very numerous in both stellate cardiac nerves as well as in the nerves at the level of the pulmonary vessels; thus there are numerous cholinergic and adrenergic efferent fibers which exhibit specific chronotropic or inotropic responses. The correlation between neural anatomy and specific physiological cardiodynamics illustrates beautifully the interrelationship of structure and function which exists within the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

The localization of the sympathetic postganglionic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the monkey heart were investigated through retrograde axonal transport with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP (4 mg or 30 mg) was injected into the subepicardial and myocardial layers in four different cardiac regions. The animals were euthanized 84-96 hours later and fixed by paraformaldehyde perfusion via the left ventricle. The brain stem and the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia from the superior cervical, middle cervical, and stellate ganglia down to the T9 ganglia were removed and processed for HRP identification. Following injection of HRP into the apex of the heart, the sinoatrial nodal region, or the right ventricle, HRP-labeled sympathetic neurons were found exclusively in the right superior cervical ganglion (64.8%) or in the left superior cervical ganglion (35%). Fewer labeled cells were found in the right stellate ganglia. After HRP injection into the left ventricle, labeled sympathetic cells were found chiefly in the left superior cervical ganglion (51%) or in the right superior cervical ganglion (38.6%); a few labeled cells were seen in the stellate ganglion bilaterally and in the left middle cervical ganglion. Also, in response to administration of HRP into the anterior part of the apex, anterior middle part of the right ventricle, posterior upper part of the left ventricle, or sinoatrial nodal region, HRP-labeled parasympathetic neurons were found in the nucleus ambiguus on both the right (74.8%) and left (25.2%) sides. No HRP-labeled cells were found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus on either side.  相似文献   

By means of V.P. Vorobiov's preparation in complex of the thoracic cavity organs of persons at various age and sex in fetuses, sources of innervation of bronchi and vessels of the pulmonary circulation have been stated. They make the composition of the cardiac nerves getting off the superior, middle cervical, cervico-thoracic (stellate) and from 3 to 5 thoracic nodes of the sympathetic trunk, superior and inferior cardiac branches of the nervus vagus. Connection between the nerves of the bronchi and vessels of the pulmonary circulation with the cardiac and esophageal nerves and formation of interorganic nervous plexuses are demonstrated. Not always the diaphragmal nerve participates in the innervation of the bronchi and pulmonary vessels. In total preparations and flat sections, elective revealing of the nervous elements with Shiff reagent in M. G. Shubich and A. B. Khodos modification and Gomori thiocholine method, makes it possible to follow connections of the pulmonary veins nerves with the left atrium, intrapulmonary connection of the perivascular and peribronchial plexuses, as well as participation of nervous elements of the pulmonary trunk in innervation of the right ventricle walls. There are multiple vegetative communications participating in innervation of the bronchi and vessels of the pulmonary circulation. The relations of the pulmonary nerves with the nerves of other thoracic organs are very complex; this explains the nature of the repercussive reactions of the lungs after surgical interventions performed in the other organs of the thoracic cavity.  相似文献   

The distribution of the ganglia and nerves of the stomatogastric nervous system and the innervation of the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are described. Median unpaired frontal and hypocerebral ganglia and paired ingluvial ganglia are present. The anterior pharynx is innervated by branches of the frontal nerve and by the anterior and posterior pharyngeal nerves, originating from the frontal ganglion. The posterior pharyngeal nerves are linked to nerves innervating the posterior part of the pharynx which have their origin in the hypocerebral ganglion, the anterior portion of which has previously been regarded as part of the recurrent nerve. Paired esophageal nerves run the length of the esophagus and crop between the hypocerebral and and ingluvial ganglia, innervating the muscularis by serial side branches. From each ingluvial ganglion runs an ingluvial nerve which innervates the gizzard and a cecal nerve which innervates the midgut and its ceca. At the posterior end of the midgut there is a poorly developed nerve ring. Nerves running posteriorly from this nerve ring link the stomatogastric nervous system with the proctodeal innervation from the terminal abdominal ganglion. Multipolar peripheral neurons are present on the muscularis of the whole of the foregut, rather randomly distributed on the crop and gizzard but forming fairly definite groupings at some points on the pharynx. Though of varied appearance, these cells could not be divided into discrete morphological categories. Peripheral neurons on the midgut are of different and characteristic morphology, though a few cells of the same appearance as those of the foregut occur at the midgut-hindgut boundary. Nerve fibers on the gut almost invariably terminate on the fibers of the muscularis.  相似文献   

The major canine cardiopulmonary nerves which arise from the middle cervical and stellate ganglia and the vagi course toward the heart in the dorsal mediastinum where they form, at the base of the heart dorsal to the pulmonary artery and aorta, the dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerves. In addition, the left caudal pole and interganglionic nerves project onto the left lateral side of the heart as the left lateral cardiac nerve. These nerves contain afferent and (or) efferent axons which, upon stimulation, modify specific cardiac regions and (or) systemic pressure. In addition, with the exception of the left lateral cardiac nerve, stimulation of each of these nerves produces compound action potentials in the cranial ends of the majority of the major cardiopulmonary nerves demonstrating that axons in each dorsal mediastinal cardiac nerve interconnect with axons in the majority of the cardiopulmonary nerves. Axons in the left lateral cardiac nerve connect primarily with axons in the left caudal pole and left interganglionic nerves. The dorsal mediastinal nerves project distally onto the heart as coronary nerves accompanying the right or left coronary arteries. These innervated the ventricular myocardium which is supplied by their respective vessels. The left lateral cardiac nerve projects directly onto the lateral epicardium of the left ventricle. The dorsal mediastinal and left lateral cardiac nerves are the major sympathetic cardiac nerves. Thus, the cardiac nerves located in the mediastinum at the base of the heart are not simple extensions of cardiopulmonary nerves, but rather have a unique anatomy and function of their own.  相似文献   

Autonomic nervous system activity is an important component of affective experience. We demonstrate in the rhesus monkey that both the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system respond differentially to the affective valence of passively viewed video stimuli. We recorded cardiac impedance and an electrocardiogram while adult macaques watched a series of 300 30-second videos that varied in their affective content. We found that sympathetic activity (as measured by cardiac pre-ejection period) increased and parasympathetic activity (as measured by respiratory sinus arrhythmia) decreased as video content changes from positive to negative. These findings parallel the relationship between autonomic nervous system responsivity and valence of stimuli in humans. Given the relationship between human cardiac physiology and affective processing, these findings suggest that macaque cardiac physiology may be an index of affect in nonverbal animals.  相似文献   

By means of the AChE in toto staining method retroperitoneal paraganglia and the peripheral autonomic nervous system in human fetuses have been investigated. Many small retroperitoneal paraganglia are present near the sympathetic trunks close to the sympathetic trunk ganglia. In the thoracic region small paraganglia are present in the intercostal spaces. Small splanchnic nerves entering small paraganglia have been described. In the lower sacral region no paraganglia are present. The major splanchnic nerve arises at various levels from the sympathetic trunks as well as many smaller thoracic splanchnic nerves. Intermediate ganglia are present in the major splanchnic nerve, the smaller splanchnic nerves and the communicating rami. In the sympathetic trunks many ganglia are fused. In the human fetus there exists a large variability in number and diameter of the communicating rami. Interconnecting bundles of nerve fibers between the left and right sympathetic trunks are present at all levels, but most numerous at the sacral level.  相似文献   

两种软体动物神经系统一氧化氮合酶的组织化学定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用一氧化氮合酶(NOS)组织化学方法研究了软体动物门双壳纲种类中国蛤蜊和腹足纲种类嫁Qi神经系统中NOS阳性细胞以及阳性纤维的分布。结果表明:在蛤蜊脑神经节腹内侧,每侧约有10-15个细胞呈强NOS阳性反应,其突起也呈强阳性反应,并经脑足神经节进入足神经节的中央纤维网中;足神经节内只有2个细胞呈弱阳性反应,其突起较短,进入足神经节中央纤维网中,但足神经节中,来自脑神经节阳性细胞和外周神经系统的纤维大多呈NOS阳性反应;脏神经节的前内侧部和后外侧部各有一个阳性细胞团,其突起分别进入后闭壳肌水管后外套膜神经和脑脏神经索。脏神经节背侧小细胞层以及联系两侧小细胞层的纤维也呈NOS阳性反应。嫁Qi中枢神经系统各神经节中没有发现NOS阳性胞体存在;脑神经节、足神经节、侧神经节以及脑—侧、脑—足、侧—脏连索中均有反应程度不同的NOS阳性纤维,这些纤维均源于外周神经。与已研究的软体动物比较,嫁Qi和前鳃亚纲其它种类一样,神经系统中NO作为信息分子可能主要存在于感觉神经。而中国蛤蜊的神经系统中一氧化氮作为信息分子则可能参与更广泛的神经调节过程。  相似文献   

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