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The additive hazards model specifies the effect of covariates on the hazard in an additive way, in contrast to the popular Cox model, in which it is multiplicative. As the non-parametric model, additive hazards offer a very flexible way of modeling time-varying covariate effects. It is most commonly estimated by ordinary least squares. In this paper, we consider the case where covariates are bounded, and derive the maximum likelihood estimator under the constraint that the hazard is non-negative for all covariate values in their domain. We show that the maximum likelihood estimator may be obtained by separately maximizing the log-likelihood contribution of each event time point, and we show that the maximizing problem is equivalent to fitting a series of Poisson regression models with an identity link under non-negativity constraints. We derive an analytic solution to the maximum likelihood estimator. We contrast the maximum likelihood estimator with the ordinary least-squares estimator in a simulation study and show that the maximum likelihood estimator has smaller mean squared error than the ordinary least-squares estimator. An illustration with data on patients with carcinoma of the oropharynx is provided.  相似文献   

Pan W  Lin X  Zeng D 《Biometrics》2006,62(2):402-412
We propose a new class of models, transition measurement error models, to study the effects of covariates and the past responses on the current response in longitudinal studies when one of the covariates is measured with error. We show that the response variable conditional on the error-prone covariate follows a complex transition mixed effects model. The naive model obtained by ignoring the measurement error correctly specifies the transition part of the model, but misspecifies the covariate effect structure and ignores the random effects. We next study the asymptotic bias in naive estimator obtained by ignoring the measurement error for both continuous and discrete outcomes. We show that the naive estimator of the regression coefficient of the error-prone covariate is attenuated, while the naive estimators of the regression coefficients of the past responses are generally inflated. We then develop a structural modeling approach for parameter estimation using the maximum likelihood estimation method. In view of the multidimensional integration required by full maximum likelihood estimation, an EM algorithm is developed to calculate maximum likelihood estimators, in which Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the conditional expectations in the E-step. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method through a simulation study and apply it to a longitudinal social support study for elderly women with heart disease. An additional simulation study shows that the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) performs well in choosing the correct transition orders of the models.  相似文献   

We have developed a new general approach for handling misclassification in discrete covariates or responses in regression models. The simulation and extrapolation (SIMEX) method, which was originally designed for handling additive covariate measurement error, is applied to the case of misclassification. The statistical model for characterizing misclassification is given by the transition matrix Pi from the true to the observed variable. We exploit the relationship between the size of misclassification and bias in estimating the parameters of interest. Assuming that Pi is known or can be estimated from validation data, we simulate data with higher misclassification and extrapolate back to the case of no misclassification. We show that our method is quite general and applicable to models with misclassified response and/or misclassified discrete regressors. In the case of a binary response with misclassification, we compare our method to the approach of Neuhaus, and to the matrix method of Morrissey and Spiegelman in the case of a misclassified binary regressor. We apply our method to a study on caries with a misclassified longitudinal response.  相似文献   

Holcroft CA  Spiegelman D 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1193-1201
We compared several validation study designs for estimating the odds ratio of disease with misclassified exposure. We assumed that the outcome and misclassified binary covariate are available and that the error-free binary covariate is measured in a subsample, the validation sample. We considered designs in which the total size of the validation sample is fixed and the probability of selection into the validation sample may depend on outcome and misclassified covariate values. Design comparisons were conducted for rare and common disease scenarios, where the optimal design is the one that minimizes the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of the true log odds ratio relating the outcome to the exposure of interest. Misclassification rates were assumed to be independent of the outcome. We used a sensitivity analysis to assess the effect of misspecifying the misclassification rates. Under the scenarios considered, our results suggested that a balanced design, which allocates equal numbers of validation subjects into each of the four outcome/mismeasured covariate categories, is preferable for its simplicity and good performance. A user-friendly Fortran program is available from the second author, which calculates the optimal sampling fractions for all designs considered and the efficiencies of these designs relative to the optimal hybrid design for any scenario of interest.  相似文献   

Survival prediction from a large number of covariates is a current focus of statistical and medical research. In this paper, we study a methodology known as the compound covariate prediction performed under univariate Cox proportional hazard models. We demonstrate via simulations and real data analysis that the compound covariate method generally competes well with ridge regression and Lasso methods, both already well-studied methods for predicting survival outcomes with a large number of covariates. Furthermore, we develop a refinement of the compound covariate method by incorporating likelihood information from multivariate Cox models. The new proposal is an adaptive method that borrows information contained in both the univariate and multivariate Cox regression estimators. We show that the new proposal has a theoretical justification from a statistical large sample theory and is naturally interpreted as a shrinkage-type estimator, a popular class of estimators in statistical literature. Two datasets, the primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver data and the non-small-cell lung cancer data, are used for illustration. The proposed method is implemented in R package “compound.Cox” available in CRAN at http://cran.r-project.org/.  相似文献   



Omission of relevant covariates can lead to bias when estimating treatment or exposure effects from survival data in both randomized controlled trials and observational studies. This paper presents a general approach to assessing bias when covariates are omitted from the Cox model. The proposed method is applicable to both randomized and non‐randomized studies. We distinguish between the effects of three possible sources of bias: omission of a balanced covariate, data censoring and unmeasured confounding. Asymptotic formulae for determining the bias are derived from the large sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator. A simulation study is used to demonstrate the validity of the bias formulae and to characterize the influence of the different sources of bias. It is shown that the bias converges to fixed limits as the effect of the omitted covariate increases, irrespective of the degree of confounding. The bias formulae are used as the basis for developing a new method of sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of omitted covariates on estimates of treatment or exposure effects. In simulation studies, the proposed method gave unbiased treatment estimates and confidence intervals with good coverage when the true sensitivity parameters were known. We describe application of the method to a randomized controlled trial and a non‐randomized study.  相似文献   

Summary Naive use of misclassified covariates leads to inconsistent estimators of covariate effects in regression models. A variety of methods have been proposed to address this problem including likelihood, pseudo‐likelihood, estimating equation methods, and Bayesian methods, with all of these methods typically requiring either internal or external validation samples or replication studies. We consider a problem arising from a series of orthopedic studies in which interest lies in examining the effect of a short‐term serological response and other covariates on the risk of developing a longer term thrombotic condition called deep vein thrombosis. The serological response is an indicator of whether the patient developed antibodies following exposure to an antithrombotic drug, but the seroconversion status of patients is only available at the time of a blood sample taken upon the discharge from hospital. The seroconversion time is therefore subject to a current status observation scheme, or Case I interval censoring, and subjects tested before seroconversion are misclassified as nonseroconverters. We develop a likelihood‐based approach for fitting regression models that accounts for misclassification of the seroconversion status due to early testing using parametric and nonparametric estimates of the seroconversion time distribution. The method is shown to reduce the bias resulting from naive analyses in simulation studies and an application to the data from the orthopedic studies provides further illustration.  相似文献   

The Cox regression model is a popular model for analyzing the relationship between a covariate vector and a survival endpoint. The standard Cox model assumes a constant covariate effect across the entire covariate domain. However, in many epidemiological and other applications, the covariate of main interest is subject to a threshold effect: a change in the slope at a certain point within the covariate domain. Often, the covariate of interest is subject to some degree of measurement error. In this paper, we study measurement error correction in the case where the threshold is known. Several bias correction methods are examined: two versions of regression calibration (RC1 and RC2, the latter of which is new), two methods based on the induced relative risk under a rare event assumption (RR1 and RR2, the latter of which is new), a maximum pseudo-partial likelihood estimator (MPPLE), and simulation-extrapolation (SIMEX). We develop the theory, present simulations comparing the methods, and illustrate their use on data concerning the relationship between chronic air pollution exposure to particulate matter PM10 and fatal myocardial infarction (Nurses Health Study (NHS)), and on data concerning the effect of a subject's long-term underlying systolic blood pressure level on the risk of cardiovascular disease death (Framingham Heart Study (FHS)). The simulations indicate that the best methods are RR2 and MPPLE.  相似文献   

Summary In this article, we propose a positive stable shared frailty Cox model for clustered failure time data where the frailty distribution varies with cluster‐level covariates. The proposed model accounts for covariate‐dependent intracluster correlation and permits both conditional and marginal inferences. We obtain marginal inference directly from a marginal model, then use a stratified Cox‐type pseudo‐partial likelihood approach to estimate the regression coefficient for the frailty parameter. The proposed estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal and a consistent estimator of the covariance matrix is provided. Simulation studies show that the proposed estimation procedure is appropriate for practical use with a realistic number of clusters. Finally, we present an application of the proposed method to kidney transplantation data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.  相似文献   

This article investigates an augmented inverse selection probability weighted estimator for Cox regression parameter estimation when covariate variables are incomplete. This estimator extends the Horvitz and Thompson (1952, Journal of the American Statistical Association 47, 663-685) weighted estimator. This estimator is doubly robust because it is consistent as long as either the selection probability model or the joint distribution of covariates is correctly specified. The augmentation term of the estimating equation depends on the baseline cumulative hazard and on a conditional distribution that can be implemented by using an EM-type algorithm. This method is compared with some previously proposed estimators via simulation studies. The method is applied to a real example.  相似文献   

In cohort studies the outcome is often time to a particular event, and subjects are followed at regular intervals. Periodic visits may also monitor a secondary irreversible event influencing the event of primary interest, and a significant proportion of subjects develop the secondary event over the period of follow‐up. The status of the secondary event serves as a time‐varying covariate, but is recorded only at the times of the scheduled visits, generating incomplete time‐varying covariates. While information on a typical time‐varying covariate is missing for entire follow‐up period except the visiting times, the status of the secondary event are unavailable only between visits where the status has changed, thus interval‐censored. One may view interval‐censored covariate of the secondary event status as missing time‐varying covariates, yet missingness is partial since partial information is provided throughout the follow‐up period. Current practice of using the latest observed status produces biased estimators, and the existing missing covariate techniques cannot accommodate the special feature of missingness due to interval censoring. To handle interval‐censored covariates in the Cox proportional hazards model, we propose an available‐data estimator, a doubly robust‐type estimator as well as the maximum likelihood estimator via EM algorithm and present their asymptotic properties. We also present practical approaches that are valid. We demonstrate the proposed methods using our motivating example from the Northern Manhattan Study.  相似文献   

Wang CY  Wang N  Wang S 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):487-495
We consider regression analysis when covariate variables are the underlying regression coefficients of another linear mixed model. A naive approach is to use each subject's repeated measurements, which are assumed to follow a linear mixed model, and obtain subject-specific estimated coefficients to replace the covariate variables. However, directly replacing the unobserved covariates in the primary regression by these estimated coefficients may result in a significantly biased estimator. The aforementioned problem can be evaluated as a generalization of the classical additive error model where repeated measures are considered as replicates. To correct for these biases, we investigate a pseudo-expected estimating equation (EEE) estimator, a regression calibration (RC) estimator, and a refined version of the RC estimator. For linear regression, the first two estimators are identical under certain conditions. However, when the primary regression model is a nonlinear model, the RC estimator is usually biased. We thus consider a refined regression calibration estimator whose performance is close to that of the pseudo-EEE estimator but does not require numerical integration. The RC estimator is also extended to the proportional hazards regression model. In addition to the distribution theory, we evaluate the methods through simulation studies. The methods are applied to analyze a real dataset from a child growth study.  相似文献   

This paper develops methodology for estimation of the effect of a binary time-varying covariate on failure times when the change time of the covariate is interval censored. The motivating example is a study of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease. We are interested in determining whether CMV shedding predicts an increased hazard for developing active CMV disease. Since a clinical screening test is needed to detect CMV shedding, the time that shedding begins is only known to lie in an interval bounded by the patient's last negative and first positive tests. In a Cox proportional hazards model with a time-varying covariate for CMV shedding, the partial likelihood depends on the covariate status of every individual in the risk set at each failure time. Due to interval censoring, this is not always known. To solve this problem, we use a Monte Carlo EM algorithm with a Gibbs sampler embedded in the E-step. We generate multiple completed data sets by drawing imputed exact shedding times based on the joint likelihood of the shedding times and event times under the Cox model. The method is evaluated using a simulation study and is applied to the data set described above.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: We consider two-armed clinical trials in which the response and/or the covariates are observed on either a binary, ordinal, or continuous scale. A new general nonparametric (NP) approach for covariate adjustment is presented using the notion of a relative effect to describe treatment effects. The relative effect is defined by the probability of observing a higher response in the experimental than in the control arm. The notion is invariant under monotone transformations of the data and is therefore especially suitable for ordinal data. For a normal or binary distributed response the relative effect is the transformed effect size or the difference of response probability, respectively. An unbiased and consistent NP estimator for the relative effect is presented. Further, we suggest a NP procedure for correcting the relative effect for covariate imbalance and random covariate imbalance, yielding a consistent estimator for the adjusted relative effect. Asymptotic theory has been developed to derive test statistics and confidence intervals. The test statistic is based on the joint behavior of the estimated relative effect for the response and the covariates. It is shown that the test statistic can be used to evaluate the treatment effect in the presence of (random) covariate imbalance. Approximations for small sample sizes are considered as well. The sampling behavior of the estimator of the adjusted relative effect is examined. We also compare the probability of a type I error and the power of our approach to standard covariate adjustment methods by means of a simulation study. Finally, our approach is illustrated on three studies involving ordinal responses and covariates.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of segmented regression in the presence of covariate measurement error in main study/validation study designs. First, we derive a closed and interpretable form for the full likelihood. After that, we use the likelihood results to compute the bias of the estimated changepoint in the case when the measurement error is ignored. We find the direction of the bias in the estimated changepoint to be determined by the design distribution of the observed covariates, and the bias can be in either direction. We apply the methodology to data from a nutritional study that investigates the relation between dietary folate and blood serum homocysteine levels and find that the analysis that ignores covariate measurement error would have indicated a much higher minimum daily dietary folate intake requirement than is obtained in the analysis that takes covariate measurement error into account.  相似文献   

Wang CY  Huang WT 《Biometrics》2000,56(1):98-105
We consider estimation in logistic regression where some covariate variables may be missing at random. Satten and Kupper (1993, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 200-208) proposed estimating odds ratio parameters using methods based on the probability of exposure. By approximating a partial likelihood, we extend their idea and propose a method that estimates the cumulant-generating function of the missing covariate given observed covariates and surrogates in the controls. Our proposed method first estimates some lower order cumulants of the conditional distribution of the unobserved data and then solves a resulting estimating equation for the logistic regression parameter. A simple version of the proposed method is to replace a missing covariate by the summation of its conditional mean and conditional variance given observed data in the controls. We note that one important property of the proposed method is that, when the validation is only on controls, a class of inverse selection probability weighted semiparametric estimators cannot be applied because selection probabilities on cases are zeroes. The proposed estimator performs well unless the relative risk parameters are large, even though it is technically inconsistent. Small-sample simulations are conducted. We illustrate the method by an example of real data analysis.  相似文献   

The Cox regression model is one of the most widely used models to incorporate covariates. The frequently used partial likelihood estimator of the regression parameter has to be computed iteratively. In this paper we propose a noniterative estimator for the regression parameter and show that under certain conditions it dominates another noniterative estimator derived by Kalbfleish and Prentice. The new estimator is demonstrated on lifetime data of rats having been subject to insult with a carcinogen.  相似文献   

We study the effect of misclassification of a binary covariate on the parameters of a logistic regression model. In particular we consider 2 × 2 × 2 tables. We assume that a binary covariate is subject to misclassification that may depend on the observed outcome. This type of misclassification is known as (outcome dependent) differential misclassification. We examine the resulting asymptotic bias on the parameters of the model and derive formulas for the biases and their approximations as a function of the odds and misclassification probabilities. Conditions for unbiased estimation are also discussed. The implications are illustrated numerically using a case control study. For completeness we briefly examine the effect of covariate dependent misclassification of exposures and of outcomes.  相似文献   

Song X  Wang CY 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):557-566
Summary .   We study joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. There are two regression models of interest. The primary model is for survival outcomes, which are assumed to follow a time-varying coefficient proportional hazards model. The second model is for longitudinal data, which are assumed to follow a random effects model. Based on the trajectory of a subject's longitudinal data, some covariates in the survival model are functions of the unobserved random effects. Estimated random effects are generally different from the unobserved random effects and hence this leads to covariate measurement error. To deal with covariate measurement error, we propose a local corrected score estimator and a local conditional score estimator. Both approaches are semiparametric methods in the sense that there is no distributional assumption needed for the underlying true covariates. The estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. However, simulation studies indicate that the conditional score estimator outperforms the corrected score estimator for finite samples, especially in the case of relatively large measurement error. The approaches are demonstrated by an application to data from an HIV clinical trial.  相似文献   

Follmann DA  Proschan MA 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1151-1155
An important issue in clinical trials is whether the effect of treatment is essentially homogeneous as a function of baseline covariates. Covariates that have the potential for an interaction with treatment may be suspected on the basis of treatment mechanism or may be known risk factors, as it is often thought that the sickest patients may benefit most from treatment. If disease severity is more accurately determined by a collection of baseline covariates rather than a single risk factor, methods that examine each covariate in turn for interaction may be inadequate. We propose a procedure whereby treatment interaction is examined along a single severity index that is a linear combination of baseline covariates. Formally, we derive a likelihood ratio test based on the null beta0 = beta1 versus the alternative abeta0 = beta1, where X'beta(k) (k = 0, 1) corresponds to the severity index in arm k and X is a vector of baseline covariates. While our explicit test requires a Gaussian response, it can be readily implemented whenever the estimates of beta0,beta1 are approximately multivariate normal. For example, it is appropriate for large clinical trials where beta(k) is based on a logisitic or Cox regression of response on X.  相似文献   

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