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Anurans breed in a variety of aquatic habitats with contrasting levels of desiccation risk, which may result in selection for faster development during larval stages. Previous studies suggest that species in ephemeral ponds reduce their developmental times to minimize desiccation risks, although it is not clear how variation in desiccation risk affects developmental strategies in different species. Employing a comparative phylogenetic approach including data from published and unpublished studies encompassing 62 observations across 30 species, we tested if species breeding in ephemeral ponds (High risk) develop faster than those from permanent ponds (Low risk) and/or show increased developmental plasticity in response to drying conditions. Our analyses support shorter developmental times in High risk, primarily by decreasing body mass at metamorphosis. Plasticity in developmental times was small and did not differ between groups. However, accelerated development in High risk species generally resulted in reduced sizes at metamorphosis, while some Low risk species were able compensate this effect by increasing mean growth rates. Taken together, our results suggest that plastic responses in species breeding in ephemeral ponds are constrained by a general trade-off between development and growth rates.  相似文献   

Because chickens are highly social animals, live conspecifics are often used to provide an incentive or goal in studies of gait, sociality or fear that require the bird to traverse a runway. However, the variable behaviour of the stimulus birds can influence the approach/avoidance responses of the test birds and thereby confound the results. Because chickens modify their behaviour readily and appropriately to a variety of video images, including social stimuli, we asked if video playback might represent easily controllable and standardized alternatives to live birds. Female ISA Brown chicks were housed in groups of eight and then exposed to a blank illuminated television for 10 min per day from 2 to 7 days of age. At 8 or 9 days of age they were placed individually in the start box of a 1.6 m long runway and we recorded their responses to a monitor displaying selected video images that was situated in the goal box at the opposite end of the runway. In Experiment 1 chicks approached a monitor playing the video image and soundtrack of feeding chicks significantly sooner than one of a goal box with the food dish and background noise. In Experiment 2, chicks were exposed to the same video of feeding conspecifics with or without the associated sounds or to a video of the goal box with or without the chick soundtrack. Both the videos of other chicks elicited faster approach than did those of the goal box and the sound and silent versions were equally attractive. Adding the soundtrack of feeding chicks to the goal-box video failed to increase its attractiveness. The present results suggest that chicks are attracted towards televised images of other chicks. They also indicate that the visual and auditory components of the video stimuli did not exert additive effects and that approach reflected attraction to the visual image. Collectively, our findings suggest that video playback of selected social stimuli, such as feeding conspecifics, could be a valuable tool in tests requiring voluntary locomotion along a predetermined path.  相似文献   

Adaptive phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a genotype to develop a phenotype appropriate to the local environment, allows organisms to cope with environmental variation and has implications for predicting how organisms will respond to rapid, human-induced environmental change. This review focuses on the importance of developmental selection, broadly defined as a developmental process that involves the sampling of a range of phenotypes and feedback from the environment reinforcing high-performing phenotypes. I hypothesize that understanding the degree to which developmental selection underlies plasticity is key to predicting the costs, benefits, and consequences of plasticity. First, I review examples that illustrate that elements of developmental selection are common across the development of many different traits, from physiology and immunity to circulation and behavior. Second, I argue that developmental selection, relative to a fixed strategy or determinate (switch) mechanisms of plasticity, increases the probability that an individual will develop a phenotype best matched to the local environment. However, the exploration and environmental feedback associated with developmental selection is costly in terms of time, energy, and predation risk, resulting in major changes in life history such as increased duration of development and greater investment in individual offspring. Third, I discuss implications of developmental selection as a mechanism of plasticity, from predicting adaptive responses to novel environments to understanding conditions under which genetic assimilation may fuel diversification. Finally, I outline exciting areas of future research, in particular exploring costs of selective processes in the development of traits outside of behavior and modeling developmental selection and evolution in novel environments.  相似文献   

Rainbow darters Etheostoma caeruleum exposed to extracts from macerated skin of both conspecifics and of yoke darkers E. juliae responded with decreased activity. Both species have epidermal sacciform cells that are candidates as the source of the pheromone.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of reproductive and non‐reproductive female round gobies Neogobius melanostomus to water conditioned by reproductive and non‐reproductive males and females were tested. The behavioural responses of reproductive female round gobies exposed to odour of reproductive males included increased time spent near the source of the odour, elevated swimming velocities and directed movement to and around the odour source when compared with their responses to control water. These results suggested that pheromones released from reproductive males may induce spawning behaviour in reproductive females. Non‐reproductive females exposed to reproductive female odour spent significantly more time near the odour source of reproductive females compared with control water. Non‐reproductive females also showed directed movement towards and around the odour source when exposed to reproductive female odour. These results suggested that round gobies use inter‐sexual and intra‐sexual pheromones and that both sex and reproductive status are important in the detection and release of these pheromones.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied the evolutionary response to novel environments by applying artificial selection for total progeny biomass in populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at three different larval population densities. We found the relative amount of genetic variability for characters related with biomass to be lower and the correlation between them more negative at the intermediate density, and that selection resulted in changes in phenotypic plasticity and in patterns of resource allocation between traits. We found some evidence for tradeoffs between densities, which suggests that populations living at heterogeneous densities might be subject to disruptive selection. Our results show that adaptation to new environments may be a complex process, involving not only changes in trait means, but also in correlations between traits and between environments.  相似文献   

Exposure to a female results in an acute release of LH and testosterone (T) in normal male rats and mice. This study was conducted to determine whether these hormonal responses are altered in hyperprolactinemic (hyperPRL) male rats in which copulatory behavior is known to be suppressed and in hyperPRL male mice in which it is not. Adult male CDF (F-344) rats were made hyperPRL either by grafting of three anterior pituitaries under the kidney capsule or by treatment with diethylstilbestrol (DES). Exposure of control males to receptive females for 10-15 min produced the expected two- to fourfold statistically significant elevations in plasma LH levels. In contrast, plasma LH levels in pituitary grafted or DES-treated males were not altered by female exposure. Male mice were pituitary grafted (two pituitaries per recipient) or sham-operated and housed individually with a female for 1 week. The resident females were then replaced with novel females in half of the cages and blood samples were taken from the males after 5 min exposure for determination of LH levels or after 45-60 min exposure for T levels. Female-induced LH and T elevations occurred in both hyperPRL and control groups. Failure of hyperPRL male rats to experience an increase in plasma LH levels in response to a female suggests abnormality of mechanisms controlling LHRH release. Suppression of LHRH release may be involved also in the induction of deficits of sexual behavior in these animals.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated kin recognition by larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in blind laboratory experiments using spatial affinity as a recognition assay. Tadpoles reared with full-sibs displayed a significant preference for familiar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin, but failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs and unfamiliar paternal half-sibs. Tadpoles reared in social isolation (with or without maternal egg jelly) from the two-celled embryonic stage displayed a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs over unfamiliar non-kin. Tadpoles reared on a meat diet with their full-sibs: 1) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat over unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 2) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce and unfamiliar non-kin fed meat, 3) exhibited a significant preference for unfamiliar non-kin fed meat over unfamiliar non-lin fed lettuce, 4) failed to discriminate between unfamiliar full-sibs fed meat and unfamiliar full-sibs fed lettuce, and 5) displayed a significant spatial preference for odors associated with meat (a familiar food) over odors associated with lettuce (an unfamiliar food). Our results, together with those of Cornell et al. (1989), indicate that the recognition cue of larval R. sylvatica has both genetic and environmental (dietary) components. Our findings establish that previous exposure to maternal egg jelly, kin, or conspecifics is not necessary for the development of kin recognition ability in larval R. sylvatica. Our results are more consistent with the self-learning of recognition cues (a form of phenotype matching) than with a recognition mechanism that involves a genetically fixed recognition template. Finally, our results indicate that increasing similarity between the recognition template and perceived cue does not necessarily result in increasing spatial affinity for kin.  相似文献   

Responses of several nematode species to naphthalophos and pyrantel/levamisole were examined using a larval development assay in order to determine the potential of this assay for detection of resistance. Haemonchus contortus and Ostertagia circumcincta showed concentration-dependent responses to naphthalophos, however, the assay was unsuitable for Trichostrongylus colubriformis due to the low toxicity of the drug to the larval stages of this nematode. Measurement of concentration-dependent response to pyrantel in susceptible T. colubriformis was limited by a reduced toxicity against larvae at high drug concentrations, resulting in a parabolic response with a development-inhibition maxima of less than 100%. This limits the usefulness of the assay to detect pyrantel resistance in this species as the presence of a small resistant fraction in a field isolate may be indistinguishable from the parabolic susceptible response. On the other hand, responses of susceptible T. colubriformis to levamisole, and susceptible H. contortus to pyrantel and levamisole showed 100% development inhibition over a range of drug concentrations, indicating that the appearance of a resistant fraction in a field population would be readily discernible from the susceptible response, allowing resistance detection for these drug/parasite combinations. This study has highlighted the varied suitability of the larval development assay technique for resistance detection with different combinations of drugs and parasite species.  相似文献   

Studies on selection for faster development in Drosophila have typically focused on the trade-offs among development time, adult weight, and adult life span. Relatively less attention has been paid to the evolution of preadult life stages and behaviors in response to such selection. We have earlier reported that four laboratory populations of D. melanogaster selected for faster development and early reproduction, relative to control populations, showed considerably reduced preadult development time and survivorship, dry weight at eclosion, and larval growth rates. Here we study the larval phase of these populations in greater detail. We show here that the reduction in development time after about 50 generations of selection is due to reduced duration of the first and third larval instars and the pupal stage, whereas the duration of the second larval instar has not changed. About 90% of the preadult mortality in the selected populations is due to larval mortality. The third instar larvae, pupae, and freshly eclosed adults of the selected populations weigh significantly less than controls, and this difference appears during the third larval instar. Thereafter, percentage weight loss during the pupal stage does not differ between selected and control populations. The minimum amount of time a larva must feed to subsequently complete development is lower in the selected populations, which also exhibit a syndrome of reduced energy expenditure through reduction in larval feeding rate, larval digging and foraging activity, and pupation height. Comparison of these results with those observed earlier in populations selected for adaptation to larval crowding and faster development under a different protocol from ours reveal differences in the evolved traits that suggest that the responses to selection for faster development are greatly affected by the larval density at which selection acts and on details of the selection pressures acting on the timing of reproduction.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is ubiquitous and generally regarded as a key mechanism for enabling organisms to survive in the face of environmental change. Because no organism is infinitely or ideally plastic, theory suggests that there must be limits (for example, the lack of ability to produce an optimal trait) to the evolution of phenotypic plasticity, or that plasticity may have inherent significant costs. Yet numerous experimental studies have not detected widespread costs. Explicitly differentiating plasticity costs from phenotype costs, we re-evaluate fundamental questions of the limits to the evolution of plasticity and of generalists vs specialists. We advocate for the view that relaxed selection and variable selection intensities are likely more important constraints to the evolution of plasticity than the costs of plasticity. Some forms of plasticity, such as learning, may be inherently costly. In addition, we examine opportunities to offset costs of phenotypes through ontogeny, amelioration of phenotypic costs across environments, and the condition-dependent hypothesis. We propose avenues of further inquiry in the limits of plasticity using new and classic methods of ecological parameterization, phylogenetics and omics in the context of answering questions on the constraints of plasticity. Given plasticity''s key role in coping with environmental change, approaches spanning the spectrum from applied to basic will greatly enrich our understanding of the evolution of plasticity and resolve our understanding of limits.  相似文献   

Brain development shows high plasticity in response to environmental heterogeneity. However, it is unknown how environmental variation during development may affect brain architecture across life history switch points in species with complex life cycles. Previously, we showed that predation and competition affect brain development in common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles. Here, we studied whether larval environment had carry-over effects in brains of metamorphs. Tadpoles grown at high density had large optic tecta at metamorphosis, whereas tadpoles grown under predation risk had small diencephala. We found that larval density had a carry-over effect on froglet optic tectum size, whereas the effect of larval predation risk had vanished by metamorphosis. We discuss the possibility that the observed changes may be adaptive, reflecting the needs of an organism in given environmental and developmental contexts.  相似文献   

Seasonal shifts in the diets of Garden Warblers Sylvia borin , Blackcaps S. atricapilla and Lesser Whitethroats S. curruca at a North German site were studied from samples obtained by flushing the digestive tract of the birds. The significance of seven species of berries and pulpy fruits in the diet of these species while feeding in riparian vegetation during the premigratory and migratory seasons was assessed and compared with the pattern of frugivory shown by the same species in southern Germany. Because of the short time span between hatching and onset of migration, first-year long- and medium-distance migratory Sylvia warblers from northern Europe are forced to accelerate their juvenile development. Presumably to meet the higher nutritional demands of an accelerated development, juvenile Garden Warblers and Blackcaps in northern Germany ate relatively more fruit during premigration than Blackcaps in southern Germany. Fruit occurred in about 90% of their diet samples during both premigration and migration. However, this might not hold true for experienced adult birds. Garden Warblers accelerated the rate of fattening and reduced the time needed to prepare for migration when feeding on a mixed fruit diet. There were indications that Blackcaps directly influenced the fruit choice of Garden Warblers when fruits preferred by both species were scarce. Blackcaps and Garden Warblers showed subtle differences in their seasonal preferences for black elder Sambucus nigra and woody nightshade Solanum dulcamara .  相似文献   

Blue crabs are cannibalistic, and therefore the scent of injured conspecifics represents both a potential food cue, as well as an indicator of predation risk. We examined the response of blue crabs to conspecific odor alone, as well as in mixtures of attractive cues to determine how animals evaluate and respond to this odor. We explicitly manipulated risk-sensitivity based on either animal size (an indicator of susceptibility to predation) or hunger state (susceptibility to starvation) as ways to evaluate theories of risk-allocation, which suggest that decreases in predation risk, or increases in the risk of starvation, ought to result in diminished responses to sensory cues that signal predator presence or activity. Large and small blue crabs were challenged to locate the source of odor plumes consisting of the scent of injured conspecifics (risk cue), attractive food odors (attractive cue), or their mixture (conflicting cue). Neither large nor small blue crabs tracked aversive cues, but large blue crabs consistently tracked conflicting treatments to their source. Responses to conflicting and aversive treatments also involved diminished movement and reduced tracking speed relative to behaviors displayed in attractive plumes. Thus, even cannibalistic crabs seem to respond more prevalently to the apparent predation risk then to food reward, and risk-sensitive behaviors have a likely cost in terms of reduced food intake. Starved animals were more likely than unstarved animals to track conflicting plumes. Both the ontogenic shift and the response of starved animals support the notion that the cost of risk-aversive behaviors results in this strategy being allocated in proportion to the degree of potential risk. Since risk-aversive responses to chemical cues can produce strong effects in communities, the size-dependent nature of these responses in blue crabs may introduce considerable complexity in interactions between blue crabs, their predators, and their prey.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a genotype to express different phenotypes across environments, is an adaptive strategy expected to evolve in heterogeneous environments. One widely held hypothesis is that the evolutionary benefits of plasticity are reduced by its costs, but when compared with the number of traits tested, the evidence for costs is limited. Selection gradients were calculated for traits and trait plasticities to test for costs of plasticity to density in a field study using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Brassica rapa. Significant costs of putatively adaptive plasticity were found in three out of six measured traits. For one trait, petiole length, a cost of plasticity was detected in both environments tested; such global costs are expected to more strongly constrain the evolution of plasticity than local costs expressed in a single environment. These results, in combination with evidence from studies in segregating progenies of Arabidopsis thaliana, suggest that the potential for genetic costs of plasticity exists in natural populations. Detection of costs in previous studies may have been limited because historical selection has purged genotypes with costly plasticity, and experimental conditions often lack environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Olfactory sensitivity of the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann, to compounds isolated from the mid/hindguts of newly emerged conspecific adults was assayed with coupled gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection. All previously reported pheromones for D. frontalis plus eight additional compounds (fenchyl alcohol, myrtenal, cis-verbenol, trans-pinocarveol, acetophenone, trans-myrtanol, cis-myrtanol, and 2-phenylethanol) consistently elicited antennal responses from at least one sex. The eight additional compounds were assayed individually at three release rates (0.4-0.8, 3-9, and 25-100 mg/d) for the ability to alter D. frontalis responses to traps baited with D. frontalis attractant (4 mg/d frontalin and 17 mg/d alpha-pinene). At the high release rate, cis-verbenol enhanced attraction of D. frontalis females, whereas the other seven compounds significantly reduced attraction of one or both sexes. Acetophenone significantly reduced attraction of male D. frontalis at the low release rate, and five compounds (fenchyl alcohol, trans-pinocarveol, acetophenone, cis-myrtanol, and 2-phenylethanol) reduced attraction of one or both sexes at the intermediate rate. Only acetophenone significantly altered the sex ratio of beetles trapped, decreasing the proportion of males. Attraction of predatory checkered beetles (Cleridae) was enhanced by cis-verbenol released at the high rate but was not altered by any compound inhibitory to D. frontalis. Analyses of volatiles from individual D. frontalis indicated that the majority of the eight compounds were produced in greater quantities by newly emerged beetles than ones attacking pine bolts. Five of the compounds were associated predominantly with one sex. Possible ecological roles of these compounds in the biology of D. frontalis are discussed.  相似文献   

In plants, the ratio of red to far-red wavelengths (R:FR) reliably indicates neighbor proximity and influences stem elongation. Enhanced elongation increases light interception and fitness under crowded conditions. However, many environmental factors vary simultaneously such that responses to R:FR may be affected by abiotic conditions or maternal environmental conditions. This study examines the effects of temperature, photoperiod, and maternal environment on stem-elongation responses to R:FR. Four populations of Abutilon theophrasti (two from disturbed, weedy areas and two from cornfields) were used in factorial common-garden experiments of temperature × R:FR × population and photoperiod × R:FR × population. Seedling growth of greenhouse- and field-derived seed was compared to evaluate maternal effects. Maternal environment did not alter seedling elongation. Higher temperatures resulted in both a twofold increase in average elongation and increased responsiveness to R:FR. Significant three-way interactions in both experiments demonstrate that population responses to R:FR differ depending on temperature and photoperiod conditions. These results indicate that elongation responses to R:FR are more variable than previously realized. The observed variability in elongation also suggests that the outcome of competitive interactions in the natural environment will depend on ambient temperature, photoperiod length, and population origin.  相似文献   

On exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV), many plant species both reduce stem elongation and increase production of phenolic compounds that absorb in the UV region of the spectrum. To demonstrate that such developmental plasticity to UV is adaptive, it is necessary to show that the induced phenotype is both beneficial in inductive environments and maladaptive in non-inductive environments. We measured selection on stem elongation and phenolic content of seedlings of Impatiens capensis transplanted into ambient-UV and UV-removal treatments. We extended the range of phenotypes expressed, and thus the opportunity for selection in each UV treatment, by pretreating seedlings with either a low ratio of red:far-red wavelengths (R:FR), which induced stem elongation and reduced phenolic concentrations, or high R:FR, which had the opposite effect on these two phenotypic traits. Reduced stem length relative to biomass was advantageous for elongated plants under ambient UV, whereas increased elongation was favored in the UV-removal treatment. Selection favored an increase in the level of phenolics induced by UV in the ambient-UV treatment, but a decrease in phenolics in the absence of UV. These results are consistent with the hypotheses that reduced elongation and increased phenolic concentrations serve a UV-protective function and provide the first explicit demonstration in a wild species that plasticity of these traits to UV is adaptive. The observed cost to phenolics in the absence of UV may explain why many species plastically upregulate phenolic production when exposed to UV, rather than evolve constitutively high levels of these compounds. Finally, pretreatment with low R:FR simulating foliar shade did not exacerbate the fitness impact of UV exposure when plants had several weeks to acclimate to UV. This observation suggests that the evolution of adaptive shade avoidance responses to low R:FR in crowded stands will not be constrained by increased sensitivity to UV in elongated plants when they overtop their neighbors.  相似文献   

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