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Abstract A ``double-water-film electrode technique' has been developed for the long-term characterization of the electrical properties across the interface between the nodal (N) and internodal (A or B) cells and the vacuole along the length of an internode of Chara as a function of time and temperature. The electrode unit consisted of a pair of the water-film electrodes described elsewhere (Chilcott 1988; Chilcott and others 1983; Coster and others 1984; Lucas 1985; and Ogata 1983). The distance between two water-film probes was fixed at 1.0 cm. By scanning the electrode unit, the spatial variations in electrical resistance and capacitance along the longitudinal axis of Chara were observed. Analysis was performed by applying an electrical equivalent circuit for the biomembrane (Philippson 1921). Across the internode (−A or −B)/central nodal cells interface, the specific parallel resistance (Rm) and the parallel capacitance (Cm) at 20°C were 30 ± 5 × 10−3Ωm2 and 1.5 ± 0.5 × 10−1Fm−2 (at 30 Hz), respectively. And the series resistance, corresponding to the vacuole of the internode was 8 × 10−3Ωm2. Study of temperature dependencies of Rm and Cm suggested that a dynamic homeostatic regulation was operating at the interface where numerous plasmodesmata were observed with an electron microscope (Pickett-Heaps 1967; Spanswick and Costerton 1967). Assuming that the individual cylinder of plasmodesma was filled only with cytoplasm, the number of plasmodesma per interface was estimated at 2.6 × 105. Received 19 January 2000; accepted 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Abstract. The osmotic behaviour of vacuolated plant cells (adaxial epidermal cells of Allium cepa bulb scales, and epidermal as well as chloroplast containing subepidermal stem base cells of Pisum sativum) was studied over a wide range of CaCl2 concentrations. The following results were obtained.
  • a. Allium cepa and Pisum sativum plant cells behave as an ideal osmometer as far as plasmolytic contraction of the protoplast is concerned.
  • b. The protoplasts of these cells could be plasmolysed to 15–45% of their original volume without the loss of membrane semi-permeability.
  • c. Cells plasmolysed in 1.0 kmol m?3 CaCl2 could be completely deplasmolysed and upon deplasmolysis the cells resumed protoplasmic streaming.
  • d. The above findings (a-c) indicate that during gradual plasmolysis and deplasmolysis membrane semi-permeability is maintained.
  • e. At very high plasmolysing concentrations vacuoles covered with the tonoplast separated from the rest of the protoplasm in some cells whereas others showed systrophy. Extruded vacuoles were able to respond to osmotic shrinkage.
  • f. The non-solvent space in Allium cells of about 3% also corresponded to the protoplasm volume calculated from the protoplast geometry (mean from results of direct measurement method and subtraction method).
  • g. Subepidermal stem base cells of water-stress-tolerant Pisum plants had a 75% greater non-solvent space than the control cells indicating that a water-stress-tolerant cell may contain a larger amount of protoplasm and/or a vacuole with a higher content of colloidal material in the vacuole.
  • h. Water-stress-tolerant cells showed greater tolerance to osmotic dehydration (volume reduction) than control cells.

Summary. Proliferating cells of Allium cepa L. roots became adapted to hypoxia (5% oxygen) and cold (10°C) by acquiring new steady-state kinetics of growth. The cell cycle time increased from the 17.6 h in control meristems up to 29.7 and 69.0 h under hypoxia and cold conditions, respectively. Acclimation of the proliferating cells was stress specific. No acclimation took place after 24 h of heat treatment (40°C). Under cold treatment, all cycle phases enlarged uniformly. However, under hypoxia, while the G1 and S cycle phases roughly doubled in their timing, the expected checkpoint-dependent lengthening of G2 did not take place. This failure in lengthening G2 in response to hypoxia correlated with a failure in the overinduction of a single peptide with a molecular mass of about 134 kDa which is among those recognised by an HSP90 antibody. Moreover, the presence of this large peptide of the HSP90 family proved to be a marker for cell proliferation. It was always absent from the contiguous differentiated cells of the root. Lastly, the mitochondrial chaperonin recognized by an HSP60 antibody in these roots not involved in photosynthesis was always higher in the proliferating than in the nonproliferating cells.  相似文献   

Summary.  The structure and functioning of the cytoskeleton is controlled and regulated by cytoskeleton-associated proteins. Fused to the green-fluorescent protein (GFP), these proteins can be used as tools to monitor changes in the organisation of the cytoskeleton in living cells and tissues in different organisms. Since the localisation of a specific cytoskeleton protein may indicate a particular function for the associated cytoskeletal element, studies of cytoskeleton-binding proteins fused to GFP may provide insight into the organisation and functioning of the cytoskeleton. In this article, we focused on two animal proteins, human T-plastin and bovine tau, and studied the distribution of their respective GFP fusions in animal COS cells, plant epidermal cells (Allium cepa), and yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Plastin-GFP localised preferentially to membrane ruffles, lamellipodia and focal adhesion points in COS cells, to the actin filament cytoskeleton within cytoplasmic strands in onion epidermal cells, and to cortical actin patches in yeast cells. Thus, in these 3 very different types of cells plastin-GFP associated with mobile structures in which there are high rates of actin turnover. Chemical fixation was found to drastically alter the distribution of plastin-GFP. Tau-GFP bound to microtubules in COS cells and onion epidermal cells but failed to bind to yeast microtubules. Thus, animal and plant microtubules appear to have a common tau binding site which is absent in yeast. We conclude that the study of the distribution patterns of microtubule- and actin-filament-binding proteins fused to GFP in heterologous systems should be a valuable tool in furthering our knowledge about cytoskeleton function in eukaryotic cells. Received January 12, 2002; accepted March 7, 2002; published online June 24, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints (present address): Institute of Botany, University of Bonn, Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. Abbreviation: smRS-GFP soluble modified red-shifted GFP.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article we describe a new method for the determination of turgor pressures in living plant cells. Based on the treatment of growing plant cells as thin-walled pressure vessels, we find that pressures can be accurately determined by observing and measuring the area of the contact patch formed when a spherical glass probe is lowered onto the cell surface with a known force. Within the limits we have described, we can show that the load (determined by precalibration of the device) divided by the projected area of the contact patch (determined by video microscopy) provides a direct, rapid, and accurate measure of the internal turgor pressure of the cell. We demonstrate, by parallel measurements with the pressure probe, that our method yields pressure data that are consistent with those from the pressure probe. Also, by incubating target tissues in stepped concentrations of mannitol to incrementally reduce the turgor pressure, we show that the pressures measured by tonometry accurately reflect the predicted changes from the osmotic potential of the bathing medium. The advantages of this new method over the pressure probe are considerable, however, in that we can move rapidly from cell to cell, taking measurements every 20 s. In addition, the nondestructive nature of the method means that we can return to the same cell repeatedly for periodic pressure measurements. The limitations of the method lie in the fact that it is suitable only for superficial cells that are directly accessible to the probe and to cells that are relatively thin walled and not heavily decorated with surface features. It is also not suitable for measuring pressures in flaccid cells. Received 11 January, 2000; accepted 3 February 2000  相似文献   

A procedure is described which unequivocally demonstrates the presence of adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate in Phaseolus vulgaris. Its concentration was determined spectrophotometrically at 2·6–9·2 nmol g?1 of tissue (dry wt) for 6-day-old seedlings and about one-tenth of this in 13-day-old plants.  相似文献   

Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi infect plants by means of both spores and vegetative hyphae at early stages of symbiosis. Using 2500 M2 fast-neutron-mutagenized seeds of the miniature tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivar, Micro-Tom, we isolated a mutant, M161, that is able to resist colonization in the presence of Glomus intraradices spores. The myc(-) phenotype of the mutant was stable for nine generations, and found to segregate as a single Mendelian recessive locus. The mutant exhibited morphological and growth-pattern characteristics similar to those of wild-type plants. Alterations of light intensity and day/night temperatures did not eliminate the myc(-) characteristic. Resistance to mycorrhizal fungal infection and colonization was also evident following inoculation with the fungi Glomus mosseae and Gigaspora margarita. Normal colonization of M161 was evident when mutant plants were grown together with arbuscular mycorrhizal-inoculated wild-type plants in the same growth medium. During evaluation of the pre-infection stages in the mutant rhizosphere, spore germination and appressoria formation of G. intraradices were lower by 45 and 70%, respectively, than the rates obtained with wild-type plants. These results reveal a novel, genetically controlled step in the arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization process, governed by at least one gene, which significantly reduces key steps in pre-mycorrhizal infection stages.  相似文献   

Cortices of unfertilized sea urchin eggs can be isolated in suspension and will discharge the attached cortical vesicles (CVs) in response to calcium. We describe a simple turbidometric assay for monitoring the Ca2+-induced discharge of these vesicles and also compare the discharge of vesicles isolated in a high salt medium (primarily KCl) with a medium more closely simulating the internal milieu of the cell (primarily potassium gluconate and glycine). Discharge in response to calcium is similar in both media, requiring approximately 6 μM calcium for one-half maximal discharge. There are, however, significant differences in morphology and protein composition of the two types of preparations (more proteins present in the glycine cortices) and also in the rate of discharge of the vesicles in response to calcium (KCl cortices with t12 6 sec as opposed to 30 sec in the glycine cortices). The glycine cortices gradually lose their ability to respond to calcium but retention of calcium sensitivity is considerably aided by inclusion of ATP in the media; ATP has no apparent effect on discharge of the KCl cortices. The glycine cortices, as opposed to the KCl cortices, exhibited variation in calcium sensitivity during the breeding season and in the number of vesicles which would not break down in response to added calcium (referred to as refractory vesicles). The question of which type of cortex preparation most closely simulates the in vivo situation is discussed, and the view is presented that the glycine cortices most closely resemble the in vivo situation.  相似文献   

Summary.  Cultured suspension cells of Arabidopsis thaliana that stably express a green-fluorescent protein–α-tubulin 6 fusion protein were used to follow the development and disintegration of phragmoplasts. The development and disintegration of phragmoplasts in the living cultured cells could be successively observed by detecting the green-fluorescent protein fluorescence of the microtubules. In the early telophase spindle, where two kinetochore groups and two daughter chromosome groups had completely separated from one another, fluorescence appeared in the interzone between the two chromosome groups. The fluorescent region was gradually condensed at the previous equator and increased in fluorescence intensity, and finally it formed the initial phragmoplast. The initial phragmoplast moved from the cell center towards the cell periphery, and it lost fluorescence at its center and became double rings in shape. The expansion orientation of the phragmoplast was not always the same as that of the future new cell wall before it came in contact with the cell wall. The phragmoplast did not usually come in contact with the cell wall simultaneously with its entire length. A portion of the phragmoplast which was earlier in contact with the cell wall disappeared earlier than other portions of the phragmoplast. The duration of contact between any portions of the phragmoplast and the plasma membrane of the cell wall was 15–30 min. The fluorescence intensity of the cytoplasm did not seem to be elevated by the disintegration of the strongly fluorescent phragmoplast. Received August 8, 2002; accepted September 25, 2002; published online March 11, 2003  相似文献   

 Stem and leaf anatomical characters of succulent plants in families of the order Caryophyllales were examined to determine phylogenetic and evolutionary trends within these families. Wide-band tracheids, novel tracheids having wide secondary walls hypothesized to prevent cell collapse under water stress, were found in three families–Aizoaceae, Cactaceae, and Portulacaceae. Wide-band tracheids are hypothesized to be a unique adaptation to severe drought conditions prevalent in the areas of origin for these families. Species of 89 genera of Aizoaceae were examined for the occurrence of these tracheids. If present, wide-band tracheids occurred only in leaves. Of the five subfamilies examined, these tracheids were found only in the subfamily Ruschioideae, but not in the putative basal genera of the ruschioids. The presence of wide-band tracheids is an apomorphic character for genera of Ruschioideae with the exception of the basal genera, and also suggests that further characters are needed to understand the alliance of the Apatesia and Cleretum groups with other ruschioid groups. Received April 19, 2000 Accepted December 26, 2000  相似文献   

Noncovalent aggregation as a side reaction competing with the reconstitution of oligomeric enzymes is enhanced by slow conformational changes within the partially unfolded subunits. This has been shown for lactic dehydrogenase from pig muscle after acid dissociation [G., Zettlmeissl R. Rudolph, and R. Jaenicke (1981)Eur. J. Biochem.121, 169–175]. The present experiments confirm previous spectroscopic evidence (from circular dichroism) applying pepsin digestion and subsequent analysis of the fragments on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gels. The susceptibility of certain fragmentation sites toward pepsin digestion changes with increasing incubation at acid pH, in accordance with a slow M1 → M2 transition of the acid-dissociated monomers. Constant pulses of pepsin at varying times after transferring native enzyme to pH 2.3 yield distinct changes in the fragmentation pattern consisting of undigested monomers (Mr = 35,000) plus 12 fragments ranging from 31,000 to 5000. Short digestion of the M2 species at low concentrations of pepsin preferentially yields 25,000 and 10,500 fragments (molar ratio pepsin:lactic dehydrogenase = 1:24). The time-dependent decrease of monomers upon incubation in 0.1 m sodium phosphate, pH 2.3, at 20 °C strictly parallels the formation of the two fragments. The quantitative kinetic analysis of the changes in peptide pattern yields a first-order rate constant K1 = 8 ± 2 × 10?4 s?1. The observed increase in proteolytic susceptibility is in the time range of the above mentioned decrease in the far-ultraviolet circular dichroism, and the parallel decrease in the yield of reactivation. The results suggest that during the M1 → M2 transition at acid pH a specific interdomain cleavage site is becoming exposed. As taken from the molecular weight of the two main fragments the trp 225-lys 226 peptide bond is the most probable candidate for this cleavage site.  相似文献   

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