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Rab5, a small guanosine triphosphatase, is known to regulate the tethering and docking reaction leading to SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptors)-mediated fusion between endosomes. However, it is uncertain how the signal of the activated Rab5 protein is transduced by its downstream effectors during endosome fusion. Here, we show that the Sec1/Munc18 gene vps-45 is essential for not only viability and development but also receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans. We found that VPS-45 interacts with a Rab5 effector, Rabenosyn-5 (RABS-5), and the mutants of both vps-45 and rabs-5 show similar endocytic phenotypes. In the macrophage-like cells of vps-45 and rabs-5 mutants, aberrantly small endosomes were accumulated, and the endosome fusion stimulated by the mutant RAB-5 (Q78L) is suppressed by these mutations. Our results indicate that VPS-45 is a key molecule that functions downstream from RAB-5, cooperating with RABS-5, to regulate the dynamics of the endocytic system in multicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Much of the material taken into cells by endocytosis is rapidly returned to the plasma membrane by the endocytic recycling pathway. Although recycling is vital for the correct localization of cell membrane receptors and lipids, the molecular mechanisms that regulate recycling are only partially understood. Here we show that in Caenorhabditis elegans endocytic recycling is inhibited by NUM-1A, the nematode Numb homolog. NUM-1AGFP fusion protein is localized to the baso-lateral surfaces of many polarized epithelial cells, including the hypodermis and the intestine. We show that increased NUM-1A levels cause morphological defects in these cells similar to those caused by loss-of-function mutations in rme-1, a positive regulator of recycling in both C. elegans and mammals. We describe the isolation of worms lacking num-1A activity and show that, consistent with a model in which NUM-1A negatively regulates recycling in the intestine, loss of num-1A function bypasses the requirement for RME-1. Genetic epistasis analysis with rab-10, which is required at an early part of the recycling pathway, suggests that loss of num-1A function does not affect the uptake of material by endocytosis but rather inhibits baso-lateral recycling downstream of rab-10.  相似文献   

The small rab-GTPase RAB-7 acts in endosome and endosome to lysosome traffic. We identified SAND-1 as a protein required for RAB-7 function based on similarities between SAND-1 and RAB-7 RNAi phenotypes. Although the initial uptake of yolk protein in oocytes, or of soluble secreted (ss) GFP in coelomocytes, appeared normal, further transport along the endocytic traffic route was delayed in the absence of SAND-1 function, and yolk proteins failed to reach yolk granules efficiently. Moreover, in coelomocytes, ssGFP and BSA-Texas-Red were endocytosed but not transported to lysosomes. We show that SAND-1 is essential for RAB-7 function at the transition from early to late endosomes, but not for RAB-7 function at lysosomes.  相似文献   

Rab small GTPases are involved in the transport of vesicles between different membranous organelles. RAB-3 is an exocytic Rab that plays a modulatory role in synaptic transmission. Unexpectedly, mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans RAB-3 exchange factor homologue, aex-3, cause a more severe synaptic transmission defect as well as a defecation defect not seen in rab-3 mutants. We hypothesized that AEX-3 may regulate a second Rab that regulates these processes with RAB-3. We found that AEX-3 regulates another exocytic Rab, RAB-27. Here, we show that C. elegans RAB-27 is localized to synapse-rich regions pan-neuronally and is also expressed in intestinal cells. We identify aex-6 alleles as containing mutations in rab-27. Interestingly, aex-6 mutants exhibit the same defecation defect as aex-3 mutants. aex-6; rab-3 double mutants have behavioral and pharmacological defects similar to aex-3 mutants. In addition, we demonstrate that RBF-1 (rabphilin) is an effector of RAB-27. Therefore, our work demonstrates that AEX-3 regulates both RAB-3 and RAB-27, that both RAB-3 and RAB-27 regulate synaptic transmission, and that RAB-27 potentially acts through its effector RBF-1 to promote soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) function.  相似文献   

Numb regulates endocytosis in many metazoans, but the mechanism by which it functions is not completely understood. Here we report that the Caenorhabditis elegans Numb ortholog, NUM-1A, a regulator of endocytic recycling, binds the C isoform of transbilayer amphipath transporter-1 (TAT-1), a P4 family adenosine triphosphatase and putative aminophospholipid translocase that is required for proper endocytic trafficking. We demonstrate that TAT-1 is differentially spliced during development and that TAT-1C-specific splicing occurs in the intestine where NUM-1A is known to function. NUM-1A and TAT-1C colocalize in vivo. We have mapped the binding site to an NXXF motif in TAT-1C. This motif is not required for TAT-1C function but is required for NUM-1A's ability to inhibit recycling. We demonstrate that num-1A and tat-1 defects are both suppressed by the loss of the activity of PSSY-1, a phosphatidylserine (PS) synthase. PS is mislocalized in intestinal cells with defects in tat-1 or num-1A function. We propose that NUM-1A inhibits recycling by inhibiting TAT-1C's ability to translocate PS across the membranes of recycling endosomes.  相似文献   

Rac1 is a founding member of the Rho-GTPase family and a key regulator of membrane remodeling. In the context of apoptotic cell corpse engulfment, CED-10/Rac1 acts with its bipartite guanine nucleotide exchange factor, CED-5/Dock180-CED-12/ELMO, in an evolutionarily conserved pathway to promote phagocytosis. Here we show that in the context of the Caenorhabditis elegans intestinal epithelium CED-10/Rac1, CED-5/Dock180, and CED-12/ELMO promote basolateral recycling. Furthermore, we show that CED-10 binds to the RAB-5 GTPase activating protein TBC-2, that CED-10 contributes to recruitment of TBC-2 to endosomes, and that recycling cargo is trapped in recycling endosomes in ced-12, ced-10, and tbc-2 mutants. Expression of GTPase defective RAB-5(Q78L) also traps recycling cargo. Our results indicate that down-regulation of early endosome regulator RAB-5/Rab5 by a CED-5, CED-12, CED-10, TBC-2 cascade is an important step in the transport of cargo through the basolateral recycling endosome for delivery to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Macromolecular structures called kinetochores attach and move chromosomes within the spindle during chromosome segregation. Using electron microscopy, we identified a structure on the holocentric mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans that resembles the mammalian kinetochore. This structure faces the poles on mitotic chromosomes but encircles meiotic chromosomes. Worm kinetochores require the evolutionarily conserved HIM-10 protein for their structure and function. HIM-10 localizes to the kinetochores and mediates attachment of chromosomes to the spindle. Depletion of HIM-10 disrupts kinetochore structure, causes a failure of bipolar spindle attachment, and results in chromosome nondisjunction. HIM-10 is related to the Nuf2 kinetochore proteins conserved from yeast to humans. Thus, the extended kinetochores characteristic of C. elegans holocentric chromosomes provide a guide to the structure, molecular architecture, and function of conventional kinetochores.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the main process for bulk protein and organelle recycling in cells under extracellular or intracellular stress. Deregulation of autophagy has been associated with pathological conditions such as cancer, muscular disorders and neurodegeneration. Necrotic cell death underlies extensive neuronal loss in acute neurodegenerative episodes such as ischemic stroke. We find that excessive autophagosome formation is induced early during necrotic cell death in C. elegans. In addition, autophagy is required for necrotic cell death. Impairment of autophagy by genetic inactivation of autophagy genes or by pharmacological treatment suppresses necrosis. Autophagy synergizes with lysosomal catabolic mechanisms to facilitate cell death. Our findings demonstrate that autophagy contributes to cellular destruction during necrosis. Thus, interfering with the autophagic process may protect neurons against necrotic damage in humans.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans vulva provides a simple model for the genetic analysis of pattern formation and organ morphogenesis during metazoan development. We have discovered an essential role for the polarity protein PAR-1 in the development of the vulva. Postembryonic RNA interference of PAR-1 causes a protruding vulva phenotype. We found that depleting PAR-1 during the development of the vulva has no detectable effect on fate specification or precursor proliferation, but instead seems to specifically alter morphogenesis. Using an apical junction-associated GFP marker, we discovered that PAR-1 depletion causes a failure of the two mirror-symmetric halves of the vulva to join into a single, coherent organ. The cells that normally form the ventral vulval rings fail to make contact or adhere and consequently form incomplete toroids, and dorsal rings adopt variably abnormal morphologies. We also found that PAR-1 undergoes a redistribution from apical junctions to basolateral domains during morphogenesis. Despite a known role for PAR-1 in cell polarity, we have observed no detectable differences in the distribution of various markers of epithelial cell polarity. We propose that PAR-1 activity at the cell cortex is critical for mediating cell shape changes, cell surface composition, or cell signaling during vulval morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Centrosomes mature as cells enter mitosis, accumulating gamma-tubulin and other pericentriolar material (PCM) components. This occurs concomitant with an increase in the number of centrosomally organized microtubules (MTs). Here, we use RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to examine the role of the aurora-A kinase, AIR-1, during centrosome maturation in Caenorhabditis elegans. In air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomes separate normally, an event that occurs before maturation in C. elegans. After nuclear envelope breakdown, the separated centrosomes collapse together, and spindle assembly fails. In mitotic air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomal alpha-tubulin fluorescence intensity accumulates to only 40% of wild-type levels, suggesting a defect in the maturation process. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that AIR-1 is required for the increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin and two other PCM components, ZYG-9 and CeGrip, as embryos enter mitosis. Furthermore, the AIR-1-dependent increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin does not require MTs. These results suggest that aurora-A kinases are required to execute a MT-independent pathway for the recruitment of PCM during centrosome maturation.  相似文献   

Here we identify a new regulator of endocytosis called RME-6. RME-6 is evolutionarily conserved among metazoans and contains Ras-GAP (GTPase-activating protein)-like and Vps9 domains. Consistent with the known catalytic function of Vps9 domains in Rab5 GDP/GTP exchange, we found that RME-6 binds specifically to Caenorhabditis elegans RAB-5 in the GDP-bound conformation, and rme-6 mutants have phenotypes that indicate low RAB-5 activity. However, unlike other Rab5-associated proteins, a rescuing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-RME-6 fusion protein primarily localizes to clathrin-coated pits, physically interacts with alpha-adaptin, a clathrin adaptor protein, and requires clathrin to achieve its cortical localization. In rme-6 mutants, transport from the plasma membrane to endosomes is defective, and small 110-nm endocytic vesicles accumulate just below the plasma membrane. These results suggest a mechanism for the activation of Rab5 in clathrin-coated pits or clathrin-coated vesicles that is essential for the delivery of endocytic cargo to early endosomes.  相似文献   

RNA interference-mediated depletion of phospholipase D2 (PLD2), but not PLD1, inhibited recycling of transferrin receptors in HeLa cells, whereas the internalization rate was unaffected by depletion of either PLD. Although reduction of both PLD isoforms inhibits PLD activity stimulated by phorbol 12-myristic 13-acetate, only depletion of PLD2 decreased nonstimulated activity. Cells with reduced PLD2 accumulated a greater fraction of transferrin receptors in a perinuclear compartment that was positive for Rab11, a marker of recycling endosomes. EFA6, an exchange factor for Arf6, has been proposed to stimulate the recycling of transferrin receptors. Thus, one consequence of EFA6 overexpression would be a reduction of the internal pool of receptors. We confirmed this observation in control HeLa cells; however, overexpression of EFA6 failed to decrease the internal pool of transferrin receptors that accumulate in cells previously depleted of PLD2. These observations suggest that either PLD2 is required for a constitutive Arf6-mediated recycling pathway or in the absence of PLD2 transferrin receptors accumulate in recycling endosomes that are not responsive to overexpression of EFA6.  相似文献   

The intestine of Caenorhabditis elegans is an epithelial tube consisting of only 20 cells and is derived clonally from a single embryonic blastomere called E. We describe the cellular events that shape the intestine. These events include cytoplasmic polarization of cells in the intestinal primordium, the intercalation of specific sets of cells, the generation of an extracellular cavity within the primordium, and adherens junction formation. The polarization of the intestinal primordium is associated with the generation of an asymmetric microtubule cytoskeleton, and microtubule function plays a role in subsequent cell polarity. We show that an isolated E blastomere is capable of generating polarized intestinal cells, indicating that some of the major events in intestinal organogenesis do not depend upon interactions with surrounding tissues. We compare and contrast intestinal organogenesis with some of the basic steps in development of a second epithelial organ, the pharynx, and suggest how these differences lead to organs with distinct shapes.  相似文献   

In all eukaryotic organisms, the physical separation of two nascent cells must be coordinated with chromosome segregation and mitotic exit. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe this coordination depends on a number of genes that cooperate in intricate regulatory pathways termed mitotic exit network and septum initiation network, respectively. Here we have explored the function of potentially homologous genes in a metazoan organism, Caenorhabditis elegans, using RNA-mediated interference. Of all the genes tested, only depletion of CeCDC-14, the C. elegans homologue of the budding yeast dual-specificity phosphatase Cdc14p (Clp1/Flp1p in fission yeast), caused embryonic lethality. We show that CeCDC-14 is required for cytokinesis but may be dispensable for progression of the early embryonic cell cycles. In response to depletion of CeCDC-14, embryos fail to establish a central spindle, and several proteins normally found at this structure are mislocalized. CeCDC-14 itself localizes to the central spindle in anaphase and to the midbody in telophase. It colocalizes with the mitotic kinesin ZEN-4, and the two proteins depend on each other for correct localization. These findings identify the CDC14 phosphatase as an important regulator of central spindle formation and cytokinesis in a metazoan organism.  相似文献   

Xu J  Sun X  Jing Y  Wang M  Liu K  Jian Y  Yang M  Cheng Z  Yang C 《Cell research》2012,22(5):886-902
During meiotic cell division, proper chromosome synapsis and accurate repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are required to maintain genomic integrity, loss of which leads to apoptosis or meiotic defects. The mechanisms underlying meiotic chromosome synapsis, DSB repair and apoptosis are not fully understood. Here, we report that the chromodomain-containing protein MRG-1 is an important factor for genomic integrity in meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Loss of mrg-1 function resulted in a significant increase in germ cell apoptosis that was partially inhibited by mutations affecting DNA damage checkpoint genes. Consistently, mrg-1 mutant germ lines exhibited SPO-11-generated DSBs and elevated exogenous DNA damage-induced chromosome fragmentation at diakinesis. In addition, the excessive apoptosis in mrg-1 mutants was partially suppressed by loss of the synapsis checkpoint gene pch-2, and a significant number of meiotic nuclei accumulated at the leptotene/zygotene stages with an elevated level of H3K9me2 on the chromatin, which was similarly observed in mutants deficient in the synaptonemal complex, suggesting that the proper progression of chromosome synapsis is likely impaired in the absence of mrg-1. Altogether, these findings suggest that MRG-1 is critical for genomic integrity by promoting meiotic DSB repair and synapsis progression in meiosis.  相似文献   

To explore the function of VIG-1 in Caenorhabditis elegans, we analyzed the phenotypes of two vig-1 deletion mutants: vig-1(tm3383) and vig-1(ok2536). Both vig-1 mutants exhibited phenotypes associated with genome instability, such as a high incidence of males (Him) and increased embryonic lethality. These phenotypes became more evident in succeeding generations, implying that the germline of vig-1 accumulates DNA damage over generations. To examine whether vig-1 causes a defect in the DNA damage response, we treated worms with UV or camptothecin, a specific topoisomerase I inhibitor. We observed that the embryonic survival of the vig-1 mutants was reduced compared with that of the wild-type worms. Our results thus suggest that VIG-1 is required for maintaining genome stability in response to endogenous and exogenous genotoxic stresses.  相似文献   

In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the gonad is a complex epithelial tube that consists of long arms composed predominantly of germline tissue as well as somatic structures specialized for particular reproductive functions. In gon-1 mutants, the adult gonad is severely disorganized with essentially no arm extension and no recognizable somatic structure. The developmental defects in gon-1 mutants are limited to the gonad; other cells, tissues, and organs appear to develop normally. Previous work defined the regulatory "leader" cells as crucial for extension of the gonadal arms (J. E. Kimble and J. G. White, 1981, Dev. Biol. 81, 208-219). In gon-1 mutants, the leader cells are specified correctly, but they fail to migrate and gonadal arms are not generated. In addition, gon-1 is required for morphogenesis of the gonadal somatic structures. This second role appears to be independent of that required for leader migration. Parallel studies have shown that gon-1 encodes a secreted metalloprotease (R. Blelloch and J. Kimble, 1999, Nature 399, 586-590). We discuss how a metalloprotease may control two aspects of gonadal morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Class E vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) proteins were first described in yeast as being involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and multivesicular body formation. Inactivation by RNA interference of the class E VPS genes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans revealed heterogeneous phenotypes. We have further characterized the role of the essential gene Cevps-27, ortholog of human hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, during the development of C. elegans. Use of green fluorescent protein fusion constructs and antibody staining revealed that Cevps-27 localizes to endosomal membranes. It is widely expressed but enriched in epithelial cells. Cevps-27 mutants presented enlarged endosomal structures and an accumulation of autophagic vesicles as revealed by electron microscopy and the analysis of the autophagic marker LGG-1. Cevps-27 animals arrested at L2-L3 molt with an inability to degrade their old cuticle. This molting phenotype was more severe when Cevps-27 worms were grown on suboptimal concentrations of cholesterol. Furthermore, defective endocytic trafficking of the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) was also observed in Cevps-27 mutants. These results indicate that CeVPS-27 is required for endosomal and autophagic pathways in C. elegans and plays a crucial role in the control of molting through LRP-1 internalization and cholesterol traffic.  相似文献   

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