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We have studied in detail the effects of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) on the redox activity of the mitochondrialbc 1 complex, and on the binding of its most specific inhibitor antimycin. An inhibitory action of the reagent has been found only at high concentration of the diimide and/or at prolonged times of incubation. Under these conditions, DCCD also displaced antimycin from its specific binding site in thebc 1 complex, but did not apparently change the antimycin sensitivity of the ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase activity. On the other hand, using lower DCCD concentrations and/or short times of incubation, i.e., conditions which usually lead to the specific inhibition of the proton-translocating activity of thebc 1 complex, no inhibitory effect of DCCD could be detected in the ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase activity. However, a clear stimulation of the rate of cytochromeb reduction in parallel to an inhibition of cytochromeb oxidation has been found under these conditions. On the basis of the present work and of previous reports in the literature about the effects of DCCD on thebc 1 complex, we propose a clarification of the various effects of the reagent depending on the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   

The clinical and biochemical findings of 14 patients with an isolated defect of thebc 1 complex have been summarized. The heterogeneity of this group of disorders reflects the severity and tissue specific expression of the defect and the complexity of this multisubunit protein with components that are coded on both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. The data on several patients with a combined defect of cytochrome oxidase and thebc 1 complex or with multiple respiratory chain defects have also been presented and discussed in relation to our knowledge of the biosynthesis and assembly of the respiratory chain complexes. The severity of the defectin vivo is illustrated in one patient with isolated complex III deficiency by measurement of O2 consumption and CO2 production following exercise, or by31P-NMR. The latter also provides a means by which response to therapy can be followed.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial general processing peptidase (MPP) in plant mitochondria constitutes an integral part of the cytochromebc 1 complex of the respiratory chain. Here we present a characterization of this bifunctional complex from spinach leaf mitochondria. The purified MPP/bc 1 complex has a molecular mass of 550 kDa, which corresponds to a dimer. Increased ionic strength results in partial dissociation of the dimer as well as loss of the processing activity. Micellar concentrations of nonionic and zwitterionic detergents stimulate the activity by decreasing the temperature optimum of the processing reaction, whereas anionic detergents totally suppress the activity. MPP is a metalloendopeptidase. Interestingly, hemin, a potent regulator of mitochondrial and cytosolic biogenesis and inhibitor of proteosomal degradation, inhibits the processing activity. Measurements of the processing activity at different redox states of thebc 1 complex show that despite bifunctionality of the MPP/bc 1 complex, there is no correlation between electron transfer and protein processing.  相似文献   

The arrangement and function of the redox centers of the mammalianbc 1 complex is described on the basis of structural data derived from amino acid sequence studies and secondary structure predictions and on the basis of functional studies (i.e., EPR data, inhibitor studies, and kinetic experiments). Two ubiquinone reaction centers do exist—a QH2 oxidation center situated at the outer, cytosolic surface of the cristae membrane (Q0 center), and a Q reduction center (Q i center) situated more to the inner surface of the cristae membrane. The Q0 center is formed by theb-566 domain of cytochromeb, the FeS protein, and maybe an additional small subunit, whereas the Q i center is formed by theb-562 domain of cytochromeb and presumably the 13.4kDa protein (QP-C). The Q binding proteins are proposed to be protein subunits of the Q reaction centers of various multiprotein complexes. The path of electron flow branches at the Q0 center, half of the electrons flowing via the high-potential cytochrome chain to oxygen and half of the electrons cycling back into the Q pool via the cytochromeb path connecting the two Q reaction centers. During oxidation of QH2, 2H+ are released to the cytosolic space and during reduction of Q, 2H+ are taken up from the matrix side, resulting in a net transport across the membrane of 2H+ per e flown from QH2 to cytochromec, the H+ being transported across the membrane as H (H+ + e) by the mobile carrier Q. The authors correct their earlier view of cytochromeb functioning as a H+ pump, proposing that the redox-linkedpK changes of the acidic groups of cytochromeb are involved in the protonation/deprotonation processes taking place during the reduction and oxidation of Q. The reviewers stress that cytochromeb is in equilibrium with the Q pool via the Q i center, but not via the Q0 center. Their view of the mechanisms taking place at the reductase is a Q cycle linked to a Q-pool where cytochromeb is acting as an electron pump.  相似文献   

An improved procedure for the isolation of the cytochromeb 6/f complex from spinach chloroplasts is reported. With this preparation up to tenfold higher plastoquinol-plastocyanin oxidoreductase activities were observed. Like the complex obtained by our previous procedure, the complex prepared by the modified way consisted of five polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 34, 33, 23, 20, and 17 kD, which we call Ia, Ib, II, III, and IV, respectively. In addition, one to three small components with molecular masses below 6 kD were now found to be present. These polypeptides can be extracted with acidic acetone. Cytochromef, cytochromeb 6, and the Rieske Fe-S protein could be purified from the isolated complex and were shown to be represented by subunits Ia + Ib, II, and III, respectively. The heterogeneity of cytochromef is not understood at present. Estimations of the stoichiometry derived from relative staining intensities with Coomassie blue and amido black gave 1:1:1:1 for the subunits Ia + Ib/II/III/IV, which is interesting in of the presence of two cytochromesb 6 per cytochromef. Cytochromef titrated as a single-electron acceptor with a pH-independent midpoint potential of +339 mV between pH 6.5 and 8.3, while cytochromeb 6 was heterogeneous. With the assumption of two components present in equal amounts, two one-electron transitions withE m(1)=–40 mV andE m(2)=–172 at pH 6.5 were derived. Both midpoint potentials were pH-dependent.Abbreviation Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - SDS-PAGE SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Large-scale random cDNA sequencing projects have been started for several organisms and are a valuable tool for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative aspects of gene expression. However, the reliability of the obtained data is limited as most of the clones are only partially analysed on one strand. As a consequence the sequence entries derived from random cDNA sequencing projects usually comprise incomplete open reading frames. They nevertheless define complete and reliable coding sequences, if two prerequisites are fullfilled: (i) the clones encode very small proteins, and (ii) the clones have a high frequency in the cDNA-banks. The present study describes the use of cDNA databases for the identification of homologues of three low-molecular-weight subunits of the mitochondrial bc1 complex, termed the QCR6, QCR9 and QCR10 proteins. These polypeptides are only characterized for a small number of organisms, have a scarcely defined function and exhibit a low degree of structural conservation if compared between different species. Several clones were identified for each polypeptide by searches with TBLASTN using the known sequences as probes. Most of the database entries contain complete open reading frames and sequencing queries could be excluded due to the abundancy of the clones. Multiple sequence alignments are presented for all three polypeptides and consensus sequences are given which may provide a basis for the investigation of the proteins by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) binds covalently to an acidic amino acid located in the cd loop connecting membrane-spanning helices C and D of cytochrome b resulting in an inhibition of proton translocation in the cytochrome bc 1 complex with minimal effects on the steady state rate of electron transfer. Single turnover studies performed with the yeast cytochrome bc 1 complex indicated that the initial phase of cytochrome b reduction was inhibited 25–45% in the DCCD-treated cytochrome bc 1 complex, while the rate of cytochrome c 1 reduction was unaffected. Simulations by molecular modeling predict that binding of DCCD to glutamate 163 located in the cd2 loop of cytochrome b of chicken liver mitochondria results in major conformational changes in the protein. The conformation of the cd loop and the end of helix C appeared twisted with a concomitant rearrangement of the amino acid residues of both cd1 and cd2 loops. The predicted rearrangement of the amino acid residues of the cd loop results in disruptions of the hydrogen bonds predicted to form between amino acid residues of the cd and ef loops. Simultaneously, two new hydrogen bonds are predicted to form between glutamate 272 and two residues, aspartate 253 and tyrosine 272. Formation of these new hydrogen bonds would restrict the rotation and protonation of glutamate 272, which may be necessary for the release of the second electrogenic proton obtained during ubiquinol oxidation in the bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Cytochromec reductase from potato has been extensively studied with respect to its catalytic activities, its subunit composition, and the biogenesis of individual subunits. Molecular characterization of all 10 subunits revealed that the high-molecular-weight subunits exhibit striking homologies with the components of the general mitochondrial processing peptidase (MPP) from fungi and mammals. Some of the other subunits show differences in the structure of their targeting signals or in their molecular composition when compared to their counterparts from heterotrophic organisms. The proteolytic activity of MPP was found in the cytochromec reductase complexes from potato, spinach, and wheat, suggesting that the integration of the protease into this respiratory complex is a general feature of higher plants.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bc(1) complex catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a protonmotive Q cycle mechanism in which electron transfer is linked to proton translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane. In the Q cycle mechanism proton translocation is the net result of topographically segregated reduction of quinone and reoxidation of quinol on opposite sides of the membrane, with protons being carried across the membrane as hydrogens on the quinol. The linkage of proton chemistry to electron transfer during quinol oxidation and quinone reduction requires pathways for moving protons to and from the aqueous phase and the hydrophobic environment in which the quinol and quinone redox reactions occur. Crystal structures of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) complexes in various conformations allow insight into possible proton conduction pathways. In this review we discuss pathways for proton conduction linked to ubiquinone redox reactions with particular reference to recently determined structures of the yeast bc(1) complex.  相似文献   

The iron-sulfur protein of the cytochromebc 1 complex oxidizes ubiquinol at center P in the protonmotive Q cycle mechanism, transferring one electron to cytochromec 1 and generating a low-potential ubisemiquinone anion which reduces the low-potential cytochromeb-566 heme group. In order to catalyze this divergent transfer of two reducing equivalents from ubiquinol, the iron-sulfur protein must be structurally integrated into the cytochromebc 1 complex in a manner which facilitates electron transfer from the iron-sulfur cluster to cytochromec 1 and generates a strongly reducing ubisemiquinone anion radical which is proximal to theb-566 heme group. This radical must also be sequestered from spurious reactivities with oxygen and other high-potential oxidants. Experimental approaches are described which are aimed at understanding how the iron-sulfur protein is inserted into center P, and how the iron-sulfur cluster is inserted into the apoprotein.  相似文献   

The comparison of primary structures is extended to 22 cytochromesb orb 6, 12 cytochromesc 1 orf, and 8 Rieske FeS proteins. Conclusions are drawn as to their phylogenetic relationship as well as on conserved, functionally important amino acids and secondary structures. The results are in favor of two independent quinone binding sites at opposite surfaces of the membrane, topping one of the two hemes of cytochromeb each.  相似文献   

The cytochromebc 1 complex purified fromP. denitrificans has the same electron-transfer and energy-transducing activities, is sensitive to the same electron-transfer inhibitors, and contains cytochromesb, c 1, iron-sulfur protein, and thermodynamically stable ubisemiquinone identical to the counterpart complexes from mitochondria. However, the bacterialbc 1 complex consists of only three proteins, the obligate electron-transfer proteins, while the mitochondrial complexes contain six or more supernumerary poly-peptides, which have no obvious electron-transfer function. TheP. denitrificans complex is a paradigm for thebc 1 complexes of all gram-negative bacteria. In addition, because of its simple polypeptide composition and apparently minimal damage during isolation, theP. denitrificans bc 1 complex is an ideal system in which to study structure-function relationships requisite to energy transduction linked to electron transfer.  相似文献   

In eubacteria, the respiratory bc(1) complex (complex III) consists of three or four different subunits, whereas that of mitochondria, which have descended from an alpha-proteobacterial endosymbiont, contains about seven additional subunits. To understand better how mitochondrial protein complexes evolved from their simpler bacterial predecessors, we purified complex III of Seculamonas ecuadoriensis, a member of the jakobid protists, which possess the most bacteria-like mitochondrial genomes known. The S. ecuadoriensis complex III has an apparent molecular mass of 460 kDa and exhibits antimycin-sensitive quinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity. It is composed of at least eight subunits between 6 and 46 kDa in size, including two large "core" subunits and the three "respiratory" subunits. The molecular mass of the S. ecuadoriensis bc(1) complex is slightly lower than that reported for other eukaryotes, but about 2x as large as complex III in bacteria. This indicates that the departure from the small bacteria-like complex III took place at an early stage in mitochondrial evolution, prior to the divergence of jakobids. We posit that the recruitment of additional subunits in mitochondrial respiratory complexes is a consequence of the migration of originally alpha-proteobacterial genes to the nucleus.  相似文献   

The availability of the three dimensional structure of mitochondrial enzyme, obtained by X-ray crystallography, allowed a significant progress in the understanding of the structure-function relation of the cytochrome bc1 complex. Most of the structural information obtained has been confirmed by molecular genetic studies of the bacterial complex. Despite its small size and simple subunit composition, high quality crystals of the bacterial complex have been difficult to obtain and so far, only low resolution structural data has been reported. The low quality crystal observed is likely associated in part with the low activity and stability of the purified complex. To mitigate this problem, we recently engineered a mutant [S287R(cytb)/V135S(ISP)] from Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce a highly active and more stable cytochrome bc1 complex. The purified mutant complex shows a 40% increase in electron transfer activity as compared to that of the wild type enzyme. Differential scanning calorimetric study shows that the mutant is more stable than the wild type complex as indicated by a 4.3 °C increase in the thermo-denaturation temperature. Crystals formed from this mutant complex, in the presence of stigmatellin, diffract X-rays up to 2.9 Å resolution.  相似文献   

Data are presented on three components of the quinol oxidation branch of theParacoccus respiratory chain: cytochromec reductase, cytochromec 552, and thea-type terminal oxidase. Deletion mutants in thebc 1 and theaa 3 complex give insight into electron pathways, assembly processes, and stability of both redox complexes, and, moreover, are an important prerequisite for future site-directed mutagenesis experiments. In addition, evidence for a role of cytochromec 552 in electron transport between complex III and IV is presented.  相似文献   

The cytochromebc complexes of the electron transport chain from a wide variety of organisms generate an electrochemical proton gradient which is used for the synthesis of ATP. Proton translocation studies with radiolabeled N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), the well-established carboxyl-modifying reagent, inhibited proton-translocation 50–70% with minimal effect on electron transfer in the cytochromebc 1 and cytochromebf complexes reconstituted into liposomes. Subsequent binding studies with cytochromebc 1 and cytochromebf complexes indicate that DCCD specifically binds to the subunitb and subunitb 6, respectively, in a time and concentration dependent manner. Further analyses of the results with cyanogen bromide and protease digestion suggest that the probable site of DCCD binding is aspartate 160 of yeast cytochromeb and aspartate 155 or glutamate 166 of spinach cytochromeb 6. Moreover, similar inhibition of proton translocating activity and binding to cytochromeb and cytochromeb 6 were noticed with N-cyclo-N-(4-dimethylamino-napthyl)carbodiimide (NCD-4), a fluorescent analogue of DCCD. The spin-label quenching experiments provide further evidence that the binding site for NCD-4 on helix cd of both cytochromeb and cytochromeb 6 is localized near the surface of the membrane but shielded from the external medium.  相似文献   

Cytochrome bc 1 complexes have been isolated from wild type Rhodopseudomonas viridis and Rhodospirillum rubrum and purified by affinity chromatography on cytochrome c-Sepharose 4B. Both complexes are largely free of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids and contain cytochromes b and c 1 in a 2:1 molar ratio. For the Rps. viridis complex, evidence has been obtained for two spectrally distinct b-cytochromes. The R. rubrum complex contains a Rieske iron-sulfur protein (present in approximately 1:1 molar ratio to cytochrome c 1) and catalyzes an antimycin A- and myxothiazol-sensitive electron transfer from duroquinol to equine cytochrome c or R. rubrum cytochrome c 2. Although an attempt to prepare a cytochrome bc 1 complex from the gliding green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus was not successful, membranes isolated from phototrophically grown Cfl. aurantiacus were shown to contain a Rieske iron-sulfur protein and protoheme (the prosthetic group of b-type cytochromes).Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic bacteria offer excellent experimental opportunities to explore both the structure and function of the ubiquinol-cytochromec oxidoreductase (bc 1 complex). In bothRhodobacter sphaeroides andRhodobacter capsulatus, thebc 1 complex functions in both the aerobic respiratory chain and as an essential component of the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Because thebc 1 complex in these organisms can be functionally coupled to the photosynthetic reaction center, flash photolysis can be used to study electron flow through the enzyme and to examine the effects of various amino acid substitutions. During the past several years, numerous mutations have been generated in the cytochromeb subunit, in the Rieske iron-sulfur subunit, and in the cytochromec 1 subunit. Both site-directed and random mutagenesis procedures have been utilized. Studies of these mutations have identified amino acid residues that are metal ligands, as well as those residues that are at or near either the quinol oxidase (Qo) site or the quinol reductase (Qi) site. The postulate that these two Q-sites are located on opposite sides of the membrane is supported by these studies. Current research is directed at exploring the details of the catalytic mechanism, the nature of the subunit interactions, and the assembly of this enzyme.  相似文献   

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