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The effect of ethanol on maternal and fetal blood gases and acid-base balance was determined in six conscious instrumented near-term pregnant ewes for maternal intravenous infusion of 3 g ethanol/kg total body weight administered as six doses of 0.5 g ethanol/kg total body weight over 8 h. Maternal and fetal blood ethanol concentrations, determined in two animals, were maximal at 8 h (3.74 and 3.82 mg/mL, respectively) and were virtually identical during the 24-h study. Maternal and fetal blood gases and acid-base balance were not significantly altered during and after ethanol administration compared with preinfusion values. The data demonstrate that, during near-term ovine pregnancy, the equivalent of a binge-type drinking episode does not produce fetal hypoxia or acidosis. Furthermore, these data do not support the postulated involvement of ethanol-induced fetal hypoxia in the mechanism of ethanol teratogenesis.  相似文献   

The alphastat hypothesis in respiratory control and acid-base balance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This selective review 1) evaluates recent interpretations that broaden the definition of the alphastat hypothesis, 2) proposes that central chemoreception and acid-base regulation via ion transport involve proteins conforming to the alphastat hypothesis, and 3) describes, using recent evidence, possible candidates for these proteins. The alphastat hypothesis states that proteins that contain appropriate function-determining titratable groups maintain a constant charge state and unaltered function with temperature-dependent pH changes but can be very sensitive to isothermal pH changes. Appropriate groups, e.g., imidazole histidine, are determined by the pK and the effect of temperature on the pK. The hypothesis explains how protein structure and function can be conserved among a diversity of vertebrate and invertebrate pH values. It also suggests a mechanism for sensing or regulating temperature-independent pH changes, e.g., in central chemosensitivity and transmembrane ion exchange. Possible candidates for such alphastat-conforming proteins include two, the glutamate receptor and the Na(+)-H+ antiporter, for which recent evidence indicates the presence of numerous histidines at probable function-determining sites and demonstrates pH sensitivity inhibitable by the histidine blocker diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC).  相似文献   

In order to estimate optimum parameters for artificial ventilation of adult guinea pigs, the effect of four hours intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) was studied using different tidal volumes (VT), respiratory frequencies (f), and minute volumes (Ve). Total compliance was measured by placing the animal in a whole body plathysmograph, the arterial blood gases, pH and base excess by catheterizing the carotid artery. In Series I 9 guinea pigs were ventilated at parameters adapted to the spontaneous breathing pattern (VT = 2 ml, f = 70 breaths.min-1). This ventilatory pattern resulted in severe disorders in compliance, gas exchange, and acid-base balance. In Series II 3 different VT (2, 6, 10 ml) were studied by changing f so that Ve was kept constant. The results demonstrated a favourable effect of slow and deep ventilation upon lung mechanics and oxygenation. In Series III 3 different Ve (300, 250, 200 ml.min-1) were tested using a constant VT = 10 ml. Optimum parameters for artificial ventilation of adult guinea pigs were: VT = 10 ml and f = 20 breath--min-1 which resulted in stable compliance, good O2-saturation, normocapnia and normal acid-base balance.  相似文献   

The potential role of adrenergic mechanisms in the recovery of potassium balance and acid-base status following 5 min of exhausting exercise was studied in carp. The extracellular metabolic H+ load after exercise matched the lactate load, suggesting similar release rates of H+ and lactate from white muscle. Blockage of alpha-adrenoceptors by phentolamine or beta-adrenoceptors by propranolol neither influenced absolute magnitudes nor recovery kinetics of extracellular H+ and lactate loads. The arterial oxygen tension increased following exercise, but blood oxygen transport was not improved via a red cell beta-adrenergic response or modulation of the red cell nucleoside triphosphate content. Exercise induced an increase in extracellular [K+] which was corrected within 30-60 min of recovery. The recovery of K+ balance was not influenced by blockage of adrenergic receptors. Red cell [K+] changed only insignificantly following exercise, whereby a possible function of the red cells as a temporary depository for K+ during the extracellular hyperkalaemia could not be established. The minimal influence of catecholamines on the measured parameters during recovery from exercise was supported by an absence of change in these parameters upon adrenaline injection in resting carp.  相似文献   

The effect of severe hyperthermia on the circulatory function was studied in dogs. Arterial pressure was maintained at the normal level, cardiac output increased at the core temperature of about 40 degrees C. An abrupt fall of the arterial pressure and cardiac output was observed at the rectal temperature of about 41 degrees C. The results suggest that a decrease in the cardiac output during severe hyperthermia is due to the fall of the central venous pressure and to the increase of the vascular compliance.  相似文献   

Low power laser irradiation (LPLI) promotes proliferation of multiple cells, which (especially red and near infrared light) is mainly through the activation of mitochondrial respiratory chain and the initiation of cellular signaling. Recently, the signaling proteins involved in LPLI-induced proliferation merit special attention, some of which are regulated by mitochondrial signaling. Hepatocyte growth factor receptor (c-Met), a member of tyrosine protein kinase receptors (TPKR), is phosphorylated during LPLI-induced proliferation, but tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) receptor has not been affected. Activated TPKR could activate its downstream signaling elements, like Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK, PI3K/Akt/eIF4E, PI3K/Akt/eNOS and PLC-gamma/PKC pathways. Other two pathways, ΔΨm/ATP/cAMP/JNK/AP-1 and ROS/Src, are also involved in LPLI-induced proliferation. LPLI-induced cell cycle progression can be regulated by the activation or elevated expressions of cell cycle-specific proteins. Furthermore, LPLI induces the synthesis or release of many molecules, like growth factors, interleukins, inflammatory cytokines and others, which are related to promotive effects of LPLI.  相似文献   

It is studied how 10-12-day taking of carbostimulin influences the acid-base equilibrium indices and lactate content in blood of swimmer sportsmen before and after the interval anaerobic loading and in the restoration period. It is found that the preparation promotes a faster removal of the acidosis state developing in sportsmen under the effect of intensive physical exercises.  相似文献   

To study the mechanism of the action of progesterone on pulmonary ventilation during pregnancy, arterial and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) acid-base parameters were measured in 59 pregnant and 36 nonpregnant women at the periods of follicular phase, luteal phase, early pregnancy, late pregnancy, and puerperium. Marked respiratory alkalosis in both arterial blood and CSF was observed in pregnancy and puerperium. The degree of hypocapnia observed in the luteal phase and during pregnancy was closely related to the progesterone level in arterial blood. In conclusion, it is unlikely that the observed hyperventilation results from stimulation at the central chemosensitive areas or peripheral chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

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