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随着空间生命科学研究的发展,人们将细胞、组织培养技术与微重力环境相结合产生了组织工程研究的一个新领域——微重力组织工程。模拟微重力条件下细胞培养和组织构建研究表明,微重力环境有利于细胞的三维生长,形成具有功能的组织样结构,培养后的三维组织无论从形态上还是基因表达上都更接近于正常的机体组织。这种微重力对细胞的作用效应,将可能为未来组织工程和再生医学研究提供一条新途径。该文概述了近十年来国内外微重力组织工程相关研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

The problem of controlling cylindrical tank bioreactor conditions for cell and tissue culture purposes has been considered from a flow dynamics perspective. Simple laminar flows in the vortex breakdown region are proposed as being a suitable alternative to turbulent spinner flask flows and horizontally oriented rotational flows. Vortex breakdown flows have been measured using three-dimensional Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry, and non-dimensionalized velocity and stress distributions are presented. Regions of locally high principal stress occur in the vicinity of the impeller and the lower sidewall. Topological changes in the vortex breakdown region caused by an increase in Reynolds number are reflected in a redistribution of the peak stress regions. The inclusion of submerged scaffold models adds complexity to the flow, although vortex breakdown may still occur. Relatively large stresses occur along the edge of disks jutting into the boundary of the vortex breakdown region.  相似文献   

This case study focuses on the scale-up of a Sp2/0 mouse myeloma cell line based fed-batch bioreactor process, from the initial 3-L bench scale to the 2,500-L scale. A stepwise scale-up strategy that involved several intermediate steps in increasing the bioreactor volume was adopted to minimize the risks associated with scale-up processes. Careful selection of several available mixing models from literature, and appropriately applying the calculated results to our settings, resulted in successful scale-up of agitation speed for the large bioreactors. Consideration was also given to scale-up of the nutrient feeding, inoculation, and the set-points of operational parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon dioxide, and aeration in an integrated manner. It has been demonstrated through the qualitative and the quantitative side-by-side comparison of bioreactor performance as well as through a panel of biochemical characterization tests that the comparability of the process and the product was well controlled and maintained during the process scale-up. The 2,500-L process is currently in use for the routine clinical production of Epratuzumab in support of two global Phase III clinical trials in patients with lupus. Today, the 2,500 L, fed-batch production process for Epratuzumab has met all scheduled batch releases, and the quality of the antibody is consistent and reproducible, meeting all specifications, thus confirming the robustness of the process.  相似文献   

Osteogenesis and the production of composite osteochondral tissues were investigated using human adult adipose‐derived stem cells and polyglycolic acid (PGA) mesh scaffolds under dynamic culture conditions. For osteogenesis, cells were expanded with or without osteoinduction factors and cultured in control or osteogenic medium for 2 weeks. Osteogenic medium enhanced osteopontin and osteocalcin gene expression when applied after but not during cell expansion. Osteogenesis was induced and mineralized deposits were present in tissues produced using PGA culture in osteogenic medium. For development of osteochondral constructs, scaffolds seeded with stem cells were precultured in either chondrogenic or osteogenic medium, sutured together, and cultured in dual‐chamber stirred bioreactors containing chondrogenic and osteogenic media in separate compartments. After 2 weeks, total collagen synthesis was 2.1‐fold greater in the chondroinduced sections of the composite tissues compared with the osteoinduced sections; differentiation markers for cartilage and bone were produced in both sections of the constructs. The results from the dual‐chamber bioreactor highlight the challenges associated with achieving simultaneous chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation in tissue engineering applications using a single stem‐cell source. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2013  相似文献   

Physical forces experienced by engineered-tissues during in vitro cultivation influence tissue growth and function. The hydrodynamic environment within bioreactors plays a decisive role in providing the necessary physical stimuli and nutrient transport to support tissue development. Our overall goal is to investigate interrelationships between the local hydrodynamic environment in the bioreactor and the structural and functional tissue properties in order to optimize the production of clinically relevant engineered-tissues. To this end, we used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to characterize the complex hydrodynamic environment in a wavy-walled bioreactor used for cultivation of tissue-engineered cartilage constructs and examined the changes in the flow field due to the presence of constructs. The flow-induced shear stress range experienced by engineered constructs cultivated in the wavy-walled bioreactor (0-0.67 dyn/cm(2)) was found to be significantly lower than that in the spinner flask (0-1.2 dyn/cm(2)), and to be modulated by the radial or axial position of the constructs. These CFD results are validated by experimental particle-image velocimetry (PIV) measurements previously reported by our group. Results from the present study indicate that the location of constructs in the bioreactor not only affected the magnitude and distribution of the shear stresses on the constructs, but also other hydrodynamic parameters, such as the directional distribution of the fluid velocity and the degree of fluid recirculation, all of which may differentially influence the development of tissue-engineered constructs.  相似文献   

Summary Presented here are techniques developed to culture and analyze three-dimensional (3-D) adipose-like tissues as a means to bridge the gap between current liminations in culturing preadipocytes (PAs) and that of providing clinically relevant volumes of adipose tissue useful for soft tissue engineering stratgies in reconstructive surgery. Pilot studies were performed to determine techniques to visualize and analyze 3-D PA-like tissues as well as to develop successful strategies to culture 3T3-L1 cells in a high aspect ratio vessel rotating-wall bioreactor both with and without microcarriers. Next, a series of cultures were accessed to verify these techniques as well as to compare the culture of the cells with and without microcarriers. Finally, a perfused rotating-wall bioreactor was used to further investigate the nature of the aggregates or tissues being generated. The aggregates that formed in the perfused system were analyzed via histology and in vivo animal studies. PA-like tissues as large as 4–5 mm in diameter without microcarriers that were capable of lipid-loading and composed of viable cells were achieved. We have successfully demonstrated that large tissue aggregates can be grown in bioreactor culture systems.  相似文献   

Hydrogel‐based bottom‐up tissue engineering depends on assembly of cell‐laden modules for complex three‐dimensional tissue reconstruction. Though sheet‐like hydrogel modules enable rapid and controllable assembly, they have limitations in generating spatial microenvironments and mass transport. Here, we describe a simple method for forming large‐scale cell‐hydrogel assemblies via stacking cell‐embedded mesh‐like hydrogel sheets to create complex macroscale cellular scaffolds. Freestanding stacked hydrogel sheets were fabricated for long‐term cell culturing applications using a facile stacking process where the micropatterned hydrogel sheets (8.0 mm × 8.7 mm) were aligned using a polydimethylsiloxane drainage well. The stacked hydrogel sheets were precisely aligned so that the openings could facilitate mass transport through the stacked sheets. Despite the relatively large height of the stacked structure (400–700 μm), which is larger than the diffusion limit thickness of 150–200 μm, the freestanding cell‐ydrogel assemblies maintained cell viability and exhibited enhanced cellular function compared with single hydrogel sheets. Furthermore, a three‐dimensional co‐culture system was constructed simply by stacking different cell‐containing hydrogel sheets. These results show that stacked hydrogel sheets have significant potential as a macroscale cell‐culture and assay platform with complex microenvironments for biologically relevant in vitro tissue‐level drug assays and physiological studies.  相似文献   

Scalability is a major demand for high-yield, stable bioprocess systems in animal cell culture-based biopharmaceutical production. Increased yields can be achieved through high-density cell culture, such as in the combination of microcarrier and fluidized bed bioreactor technology. To minimize inocula volume in industrial applications of fluidized bed fermentation systems, it is crucial to increase the bed volume in the reactor during the fermentation process. We tested scale-up strategy for the production of recombinant human arylsulfatase B (ASB) enzyme used in enzyme replacement therapy in patients afflicted with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI). This enzyme was derived from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells cultivated as adherent cell culture on Cytoline macroporous microcarriers (Amersham Biosciences, Uppsala, Sweden) using a Cytopilot Mini fluidized bed bioreactor (FBR; Amersham Biosciences, Vogelbusch, Austria). Both 1:2 expansion (herein referred to as the addition of fresh, not-yet-colonized microcarriers) and 1:6 expansion of the carrier bed were performed successfully; the cells restarted to proliferate for colonizing these newly added carriers; and the stability of the culture was not negatively affected.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are emerging as a leading cellular therapy for a number of diseases. However, for such treatments to become available as a routine therapeutic option, efficient and cost-effective means for industrial manufacture of MSC are required. At present, clinical grade MSC are manufactured through a process of manual cell culture in specialized cGMP facilities. This process is open, extremely labor intensive, costly, and impractical for anything more than a small number of patients. While it has been shown that MSC can be cultivated in stirred bioreactor systems using microcarriers, providing a route to process scale-up, the degree of numerical expansion achieved has generally been limited. Furthermore, little attention has been given to the issue of primary cell isolation from complex tissues such as placenta. In this article we describe the initial development of a closed process for bulk isolation of MSC from human placenta, and subsequent cultivation on microcarriers in scalable single-use bioreactor systems. Based on our initial data, we estimate that a single placenta may be sufficient to produce over 7,000 doses of therapeutic MSC using a large-scale process.  相似文献   

The development of tissue engineering hollow fiber bioreactors (HFB) requires the optimal design of the geometry and operation parameters of the system. This article provides a strategy for specifying operating conditions for the system based on mathematical models of oxygen delivery to the cell population. Analytical and numerical solutions of these models are developed based on Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Depending on the minimum oxygen concentration required to culture a functional cell population, together with the oxygen uptake kinetics, the strategy dictates the model needed to describe mass transport so that the operating conditions can be defined. If cminKm we capture oxygen uptake using zero‐order kinetics and proceed analytically. This enables operating equations to be developed that allow the user to choose the medium flow rate, lumen length, and ECS depth to provide a prescribed value of cmin. When , we use numerical techniques to solve full Michaelis–Menten kinetics and present operating data for the bioreactor. The strategy presented utilizes both analytical and numerical approaches and can be applied to any cell type with known oxygen transport properties and uptake kinetics. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:1450–1461. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have become vitally important to modern medicine and are currently one of the major biopharmaceutical products in development. However, the high clinical dose requirements of mAbs demand a greater biomanufacturing capacity, leading to the development of new technologies for their large‐scale production, with mammalian cell culture dominating the scenario. Although some companies have tried to meet these demands by creating bioreactors of increased capacity, the optimization of cell culture productivity in normal bioreactors appears as a better strategy. This review describes the main technological progresses made with this intent, presenting the advantages and limitations of each production system, as well as suggestions for improvements. New and upgraded bioreactors have emerged both for adherent and suspension cell culture, with disposable reactors attracting increased interest in the last years. Furthermore, the strategies and technologies used to control culture parameters are in constant evolution, aiming at the on‐line multiparameter monitoring and considering now parameters not seen as relevant for process optimization in the past. All progresses being made have as primary goal the development of highly productive and economic mAb manufacturing processes that will allow the rapid introduction of the product in the biopharmaceutical market at more accessible prices. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

The major challenge in the selection process of recombinant cell lines for the production of biologics is the choice, early in development, of a clonal cell line presenting a high productivity and optimal cell growth. Most importantly, the selected candidate needs to generate a product quality profile which is adequate with respect to safety and efficacy and which is preserved across cell culture scales. We developed a high‐throughput screening and selection strategy of recombinant cell lines, based on their productivity in shaking 96‐deepwell plates operated in fed‐batch mode, which enables the identification of cell lines maintaining their high productivity at larger scales. Twelve recombinant cell lines expressing the same antibody with different productivities were selected out of 470 clonal cell lines in 96‐deepwell plate fed‐batch culture. They were tested under the same conditions in 50 mL vented shake tubes, microscale and lab‐scale bioreactors in order to confirm the maintenance of their performance at larger scales. The use of a feeding protocol and culture conditions which are essentially the same across the different scales was essential to maintain productivity and product quality profiles across scales. Compared to currently used approaches, this strategy has the advantage of speeding up the selection process and increases the number of screened clones for getting high‐producing recombinant cell lines at manufacturing scale with the desired performance and quality. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:160–170, 2016  相似文献   

The adoption of disposable bioreactor technology as an alternate to traditional nondisposable technology is gaining momentum in the biotechnology industry. Evaluation of current disposable bioreactors systems to sustain high intensity fed-batch mammalian cell culture processes needs to be explored. In this study, an assessment was performed comparing single-use bioreactors (SUBs) systems of 50-, 250-, and 1,000-L operating scales with traditional stainless steel (SS) and glass vessels using four distinct mammalian cell culture processes. This comparison focuses on expansion and production stage performance. The SUB performance was evaluated based on three main areas: operability, process scalability, and process performance. The process performance and operability aspects were assessed over time and product quality performance was compared at the day of harvest. Expansion stage results showed disposable bioreactors mirror traditional bioreactors in terms of cellular growth and metabolism. Set-up and disposal times were dramatically reduced using the SUB systems when compared with traditional systems. Production stage runs for both Chinese hamster ovary and NS0 cell lines in the SUB system were able to model SS bioreactors runs at 100-, 200-, 2,000-, and 15,000-L scales. A single 1,000-L SUB run applying a high intensity fed-batch process was able to generate 7.5 kg of antibody with comparable product quality.  相似文献   

We describe an experimental closed bioreactor device for studying novel tissue engineered peripheral nerve conduits in vitro. The system integrates a closed loop system consisting of one, two, or three experimental nerve conduits connected in series or parallel, with the ability to study novel scaffolds within guidance conduits. The system was established using aligned synthetic microfiber scaffolds of viscose rayon and electrospun polystyrene. Schwann cells were seeded directly into conduits varying from 10 to 80 mm in length and allowed to adhere under 0 flow for 1 h, before being cultured for 4 days under static or continuous flow conditions. In situ viability measurements showed the distribution of live Schwann cells within each conduit and enabled quantification thereafter. Under static culture viable cells only existed in short conduit scaffolds (10 mm) or at the ends of longer conduits (20-80 mm) with a variation in viable cell distribution. Surface modification of scaffold fibers with type-1 collagen or acrylic acid increased cell number by 17% and 30%, respectively. However, a continuous medium flow of 0.8 mL/h was found to increase total cell number by 2.5-fold verses static culture. Importantly, under these conditions parallel viability measurements revealed a ninefold increase compared to static culture. Fluorescence microscopy of scaffolds showed cellular adhesion and alignment on the longitudinal axis. We suggest that such a system will enable a rigorous and controlled approach for evaluating novel conduits for peripheral nerve repair, in particular using hydrolysable materials for the parallel organization of nerve support cells, prior to in vivo study.  相似文献   

Recently developed perfusion micro-bioreactors offer the promise of more physiologic in vitro systems for tissue engineering. Successful application of such bioreactors will require a method to characterize the bioreactor environment required to elicit desired cell function. We present a mathematical model to describe nutrient/growth factor transport and cell growth inside a microchannel bioreactor. Using the model, we first show that the nature of spatial gradients in nutrient concentration can be controlled by both design and operating conditions and are a strong function of cell uptake rates. Next, we extend our model to investigate the spatial distributions of cell-secreted soluble autocrine/paracrine growth factors in the bioreactor. We show that the convective transport associated with the continuous cell culture and possible media recirculation can significantly alter the concentration distribution of the soluble signaling molecules as compared to static culture experiments and hence needs special attention when adapting static culture protocols for the bioreactor. Further, using an unsteady state model, we find that spatial gradients in nutrient/growth factor concentrations can bring about spatial variations in the cell density distribution inside the bioreactor, which can result in lowered working volume of the bioreactor. Finally, we show that the nutrient and spatial limitations can dramatically affect the composition of a co-cultured cell population. Our results are significant for the development, design, and optimization of novel micro-channel systems for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The inclined multiplate (lamella) gravity settler has proven to be an effective cell retention device in industrial perfusion cell culture applications. Investigations on the effects of geometric design and operational variables of the cell settler are crucial to understanding how to best improve the settler performance. Maximizing the harvest/perfusion flow rate while minimizing viable cell loss out of the harvest is the primary challenge for optimization of the settler design. This study demonstrated that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be utilized to accurately model and evaluate the settler separation performance for near-monodisperse suspensions and therefore aid in the design optimization of the settler under these baseline conditions. With the preferred geometric features that were identified from CFD modeling results, we proposed design guidelines for the scale-up of these multiplate settler systems. With these guidelines and performance verification using the CFD model, a new large-scale settler was designed and fabricated for a perfusion cell culture process using a minimally aggregating production cell line. Perfusion cell culture runs with this particular cell line were performed with this settler, and the CFD model was able to predict the initial ramp-up performance, proving it to be a valuable scale-up design tool for this production process.  相似文献   

Small-scale upstream bioprocess development often occurs in flasks and multi-well plates. These culturing platforms are often not equipped to accurately monitor and control critical process parameters; thus they may not yield conditions representative of manufacturing. In response, we and others have developed optical sensors that enable small-scale process monitoring. Here we have compared two parameters critical to control in industrial cell culture, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO), measured with our optical sensors versus industrially accepted electrochemical probes. For both optical sensors, agreement with the corresponding electrochemical probe was excellent. The Pearson Correlations between the optical sensors and electrochemical probes were 98.7% and 99.7%, for DO and pH, respectively. Also, we have compared optical pH sensor performance in regular (320 mOsm/kg) and high-osmolality (450 mOsm/kg) cell culture media to simulate the increase in osmolality in pH-controlled cultures. Over a pH range of 6.38-7.98 the average difference in pH readings in the two media was 0.04 pH units. In summary, we have demonstrated that these optical sensors agree well with standard electrochemical probes. The accuracy of the optical probes demonstrates their ability to detect potential parameter drift that could have significant impact on growth, production kinetics, and protein product quality. We have also shown that an increase in osmolality that could result from controlling pH or operating the reactor in fed-batch mode has an insignificant impact on the functionality of the pH patches.  相似文献   

Cell-based tissue engineering is limited by the size of cell-containing constructs that can be successfully cultured in vitro. This limit is largely a result of the slow diffusion of molecules such as oxygen into the interior of three-dimensional scaffolds in static culture. Bioreactor culture has been shown to overcome these limits. In this study we utilize a tubular perfusion system (TPS) bioreactor for the three-dimensional dynamic culture of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in spherical alginate bead scaffolds. The goal of this study is to examine the effect of shear stress in the system and then quantify the proliferation and differentiation of hMSCs in different radial annuli of the scaffold. Shear stress was shown to have a temporal effect on hMSC osteoblastic differentiation with a strong correlation of shear stress, osteopontin, and bone morphogenic protein-2 occurring on day 21, and weaker correlation occurring at early timepoints. Further results revealed an approximate 2.5-fold increase in cell number in the inner annulus of TPS cultured constructs as compared to statically cultured constructs after 21 days. This result demonstrated a nutrient transfer limitation in static culture which can be mitigated by dynamic culture. A significant increase (P < 0.05) in mineralization in the inner and outer annuli of bioreactor cultured 4 mm scaffolds occurred on day 21 with 79 ± 29% and 53 ± 25% mineralization area, respectively, compared to 6 ± 4% and 19 ± 6% mineralization area, respectively, in inner and outer annuli of 4 mm statically cultured scaffolds. Surprising lower mineralization area was observed in 2 mm bioreactor cultured beads which had the highest levels of proliferation. These results may demonstrate a relationship between scaffold position and stem cell fate. In addition the decreased proliferation and matrix production in statically cultured scaffolds compared to bioreactor cultured constructs demonstrate the need for bioreactor systems and the effectiveness of the TPS bioreactor in promoting hMSC proliferation and differentiation in three-dimensional scaffolds.  相似文献   

The requirements for engineering clinically sized cardiac constructs include medium perfusion (to maintain cell viability throughout the construct volume) and the protection of cardiac myocytes from hydrodynamic shear. To reconcile these conflicting requirements, we proposed the use of porous elastomeric scaffolds with an array of channels providing conduits for medium perfusion, and sized to provide efficient transport of oxygen to the cells, by a combination of convective flow and molecular diffusion over short distances between the channels. In this study, we investigate the conditions for perfusion seeding of channeled constructs with myocytes and endothelial cells without the gel carrier we previously used to lock the cells within the scaffold pores. We first established the flow parameters for perfusion seeding of porous elastomer scaffolds using the C2C12 myoblast line, and determined that a linear perfusion velocity of 1.0 mm/s resulted in seeding efficiency of 87% ± 26% within 2 hours. When applied to seeding of channeled scaffolds with neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, these conditions also resulted in high efficiency (77.2% ± 23.7%) of cell seeding. Uniform spatial cell distributions were obtained when scaffolds were stacked on top of one another in perfusion cartridges, effectively closing off the channels during perfusion seeding. Perfusion seeding of single scaffolds resulted in preferential cell attachment at the channel surfaces, and was employed for seeding scaffolds with rat aortic endothelial cells. We thus propose that these techniques can be utilized to engineer thick and compact cardiac constructs with parallel channels lined with endothelial cells. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

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