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The genus Cebus is one of the best extant models for examining the role of fallback foods in primate evolution. Cebus includes the tufted capuchins, which exhibit skeletal features for the exploitation of hard and tough foods. Paradoxically, these seemingly “specialized” taxa belong to the most ubiquitous group of closely related primates in South America, thriving in a range of different habitats. This appears to be a consequence of their ability to exploit obdurate fallback foods. Here we compare the toughness of foods exploited by two tufted capuchin species at two ecologically distinct sites; C. apella in a tropical rainforest, and C. libidinosus in a cerrado forest. We include dietary data for one untufted species (C. olivaceus) to assess the degree of difference between the tufted species. These data, along with information on skeletal morphology, are used to address whether or not a fallback foraging species exhibits a given suite of morphological and behavioral attributes, regardless of habitat. Both tufted species ingest and masticate a number of exceedingly tough plant tissues that appear to be used as fallback resources, however, C. libidinosus has the toughest diet both in terms of median and maximal values. Morphologically, C. libidinosus is intermediate in absolute symphyseal and mandibular measurements, and in measures of postcranial robusticity, but exhibits a higher intermembral index than C. apella. We propose that this incongruence between dietary toughness and skeletal morphology is the consequence of C. libidinosus' use of tools while on the ground for the exploitation of fallback foods. Am J Phys Anthropol 140:687–699, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Capuchins (Cebus) present an array of similarities to humans and apes in morphology, behavior and life history which raise a host of questions about the relations of these features to each other and about their evolutionary origins. As a genus and as individuals, capuchins possess marked adaptability and great variability in behavior. These two characteristics contribute directly to the biological success of capuchins. Variability and adaptability are also hallmarks of human behavior.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a potentially powerful tool by which the mechanical behaviors of different skeletal and dental designs can be investigated, and, as such, has become increasingly popular for biomechanical modeling and inferring the behavior of extinct organisms. However, the use of FEA to extrapolate from characterization of the mechanical environment to questions of trophic or ecological adaptation in a fossil taxon is both challenging and perilous. Here, we consider the problems and prospects of FEA applications in paleoanthropology, and provide a critical examination of one such study of the trophic adaptations of Australopithecus africanus. This particular FEA is evaluated with regard to 1) the nature of the A. africanus cranial composite, 2) model validation, 3) decisions made with respect to model parameters, 4) adequacy of data presentation, and 5) interpretation of the results. Each suggests that the results reflect methodological decisions as much as any underlying biological significance. Notwithstanding these issues, this model yields predictions that follow from the posited emphasis on premolar use by A. africanus. These predictions are tested with data from the paleontological record, including a phylogenetically-informed consideration of relative premolar size, and postcanine microwear fabrics and antemortem enamel chipping. In each instance, the data fail to conform to predictions from the model. This model thus serves to emphasize the need for caution in the application of FEA in paleoanthropological enquiry. Theoretical models can be instrumental in the construction of testable hypotheses; but ultimately, the studies that serve to test these hypotheses - rather than data from the models - should remain the source of information pertaining to hominin paleobiology and evolution.  相似文献   

Chewing efficiency has been associated with fitness in mammals, yet little is known about the behavioral, ecological, and morphological factors that influence chewing efficiency in wild animals. Although research has established that dental wear and food material properties independently affect chewing efficiency, few studies have addressed the interaction among these factors. We examined chewing efficiency, measured as mean fecal particle size, as a function of seasonal shifts in diet (and corresponding changes in food fracture toughness) in a single breeding population of a grazing primate, the gelada monkey, at Guassa, Ethiopia. We also measured dental topographic traits (slope, angularity, and relief index) and relative two‐ and three‐dimensional shearing crest lengths in a cross‐sectional wear series of gelada molars. Chewing efficiency decreased during the dry season, a pattern corresponding to the consumption of foods with higher fracture toughness. Older individuals experienced the most pronounced decreases in chewing efficiency between seasons, implicating dental wear as a causal factor. This pattern is consistent with our finding that dental topographic metrics and three‐dimensional relative shearing crest lengths were lowest at the last stage of wear. Integrating these lines of behavioral, ecological, and morphological evidence provides some of the first empirical support for the hypothesis that food fracture toughness and dental wear together contribute to chewing efficiency. Geladas have the highest chewing efficiencies measured thus far in primates, and may be analogous to equids in their emphasis on dental design as a means of particle size reduction in the absence of highly specialized digestive physiology. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:17–32, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding habits and dietary overlap of three species of naidid oligochaetes (Chaetogaster diastrophus, Dero digitata, Dero nivea) were studied during June 1982–December 1983 from a bog stream in Wisconsin, USA. Chaetogaster diastrophus primarily ingested diatoms, while D. digitata and D. nivea primarily ingested detritus. Dietary overlap was substantial (97–98%) between D. digitata and D. nivea using the dietary overlap coefficient. Dietary overlap between C. diastrophus and D. digitata was 58–62% and that between C. diastrophus and D. nivea was 51–55%. Dietary differences existed between the three species in the percentage of each major food type and diatom genera ingested, selective ingestion or avoidance of diatom genera and in the size classes (length and/or volume) of diatoms consumed. These data suggest temporal coexistence of these species may possibly be due to complex food resource partitioning, although in this habitat, C. diastrophus, D. digitata, and D. nivea did not exhibit concurrent peak abundances; thus, interspecific competition for food was minimized.  相似文献   

The striking variation in limb proportions within the genus Homo during the Pleistocene has important implications for understanding biomechanics in the later evolution of human bipedalism, because longer limbs and limb segments may increase bending moments about bones and joints. This research tested the hypothesis that long lower limbs and tibiae bring about increases in A-P bending forces on the lower limb during the stance phase of human walking. High-speed 3-D video data, force plates, and motion analysis software were used to analyze the walking gait of 27 modern human subjects. Limb length, as well as absolute and relative tibia length, were tested for associations with a number of kinetic and kinematic variables. Results show that individuals with longer limbs do incur greater bending moments along the lower limb during the first half of stance phase. During the second half of stance, individuals moderate bending moments through a complex of compensatory mechanisms, including keeping the knee in a more extended position. Neither absolute nor relative tibia length had any effect on the kinetic or kinematic variables tested. If these patterns apply to fossil Homo, groups with relatively long limbs (e.g. H. ergaster or early H. sapiens) may have experienced elevated bending forces along the lower limb during walking compared to those with relatively shorter limbs (e.g. the Neandertals). These increased forces could have led to greater reinforcement of joints and diaphyses. These results must be considered when formulating explanations for variation in limb morphology among Pleistocene hominins.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2012.00631.x
Compliance with dietary guidelines in grocery purchasing among older adults by chewing ability and socio‐economic status Background: Dietary guidelines promote good nutrition through healthy eating. Chewing deficiencies may hinder food intake while lower socio‐economic status (SES) may restrict food purchasing. The aim was to examine compliance of grocery purchasing behaviour with dietary guidelines by chewing ability and SES. Methods: Adults aged 60–71 years in Adelaide, South Australia were surveyed in 2008. Dietary guideline compliance was measured using 16 grocery purchasing items. Chewing ability was based on a 5‐item Chewing Index. SES was assessed using a subjective social status rating representing where people stand in society. Results: Responses were collected from n = 444 persons (response rate = 68.8%). Among dentate persons, 10.3% were chewing deficient and 21.3% were in the lower SES group. Prevalence ratios (PR: 95%CI) controlling for SES showed chewing deficiency was related to (p < 0.05) non‐compliance with dietary guidelines in relation to bread (1.7: 1.1–2.5), juice (2.7: 1.6–4.5), tinned fruit (2.9: 1.5–5.6), yoghurt (2.1: 1.2–3.7) and tinned fish (1.5: 1.2–1.9). Conclusions: Chewing deficiency was associated with lower compliance with dietary guidelines in relation to fibre, sugar, fat and salt. Chewing deficiency may have a direct effect on diet as well as reflect a clustering of risk in relation to a range of health behaviours.  相似文献   

The short-lived annual fish Nothobranchius furzeri shows extremely short captive life span and accelerated expression of age markers, making it an interesting model system to investigate the effects of experimental manipulations on longevity and age-related pathologies. Here, we tested the effects of dietary restriction (DR) on mortality and age-related markers in N. furzeri . DR was induced by every other day feeding and the treatment was performed both in an inbred laboratory line and a longer-lived wild-derived line. In the inbred laboratory line, DR reduced age-related risk and prolonged maximum life span. In the wild-derived line, DR induced early mortality, did not reduce general age-related risk and caused a small but significant extension of maximum life span. Analysis of age-dependent mortality revealed that DR reduced demographic rate of aging, but increased baseline mortality in the wild-derived strain. In both inbred- and wild-derived lines, DR prevented the expression of the age markers lipofuscin in the liver and Fluoro-Jade B (neurodegeneration) in the brain. DR also improved performance in a learning test based on conditioning (active avoidance in a shuttle box). Finally, DR induced a paradoxical up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein in the brain.  相似文献   

The metabolism of iron (Fe) has been shown to interact with that of aluminum (Al) in relation to intestinal absorption, transport in the blood plasma, and the induction of lipid peroxidation and cellular damage. Also, dietary supplementation with citrate has been shown to increase the absorption of both metals and, in the presence of high intakes of Fe and Al, leads to excessive accumulation of both metals in the body. In this study, the likely interaction between Al and internal Fe metabolism was investigated using rats fed diets that were either deficient, sufficient, or loaded with Fe, with or without the addition of Al and sodium citrate. These diets commenced when the rats were 4 wk old and were continued for 9–11 wk. At that time, Fe metabolism as assessed by measurement of organ uptake of59Fe and125I-transferrin, after iv injection of transferrin labeled with both isotopes, plus measurement of tissue concentrations of nonheme Fe and Al. The Fedeficient diet and Fe-loaded diet led to states of Fe deficiency and Fe overload in the rats, and supplementation of the diet with Al increased Al levels in the kidneys, liver, and femurs, but, generally, only when the diet also contained citrate. Neither Al nor citrate supplementation of the diet had any effect on nonheme Fe concentrations in the liver, kidney, or brain, or on the uptake of59Fe or125I-transferrin by liver, kidney, brain, or spleen. Only with the femurs was a significant effect observed: increased59Fe uptake in association with increased Al intake. Therefore, using this animal model, there was little evidence for interaction between Fe and Al metabolism, and no support was obtained for the hypothesis that dietary supplementation with Fe and citrate can lead to excessive Fe absorption and deposition in the tissues.  相似文献   

Objective: This study used a precise weighing method to assess whether tooth loss was related to nutrient intake in elderly Japanese subjects. Material and methods: Fifty‐seven subjects aged 74 years were randomly selected from a longitudinal interdisciplinary study of ageing. Complete 3‐day food intake data were obtained by a precise weighing method. The dietary intakes of energy and nutrients were calculated based on the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan (5th ed.). A clinical evaluation of the number of teeth present was carried out. Multiple regression standardised coefficients for each nutrient was estimated based on a continuous scale adjusted for gender, smoking habits, and educational level. After dividing the subjects into two groups according to the number of teeth present (0–19, 20+), the difference in the intake of nutrients and the amount of food consumed per day was evaluated. Results: The number of teeth present had a significant relationship with the intake of several nutrients. In particular, total protein, animal protein, sodium, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, niacin, and pantothenic acid were significantly associated with the number of teeth present and with the two groups (0–19, 20+). The intake of vegetables and fish, shellfish, and their products was significantly lower among subjects with fewer teeth. Conclusion: This study suggests that there was a significant relationship between nutrient intake, such as minerals and vitamins from food, and tooth loss.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship among carrying, food-sharing, and hand preference in tufted capuchins (Cebus apella). The rationale was to evaluate further the use of Cebus as an alternative primate model to Pan for behavior relevant to early hominid evolution. We first examined bipedalism and food-sharing within an established social group, and then examined the direction and strength of hand preference for food carrying in an expanded sample. Several aspects of capuchin behavior warrant discussion. First, bipedal carrying and food-sharing occurred more frequently when we provided bulky foods than when we provided smaller foods. Second, food-sharing was characterized by passive tolerance, rather than active giving, between subjects. Third, subjects shared food primarily with immatures and followed a pattern of reciprocal exchange. Finally, we found no evidence for population-level hand preference for carrying. We posit that an array of behavioral similarities among Cebus, Pan, and Homo evolved through convergent processes, and in this regard capuchins can be seen as an alternative primate model to chimpanzees for the evolution of early hominid behavior.  相似文献   

When animals grow, the functional demands that they experience often change as a consequence of their increasing body size. In this study, we examined the feeding biomechanics in esocid species that represent different size classes (small, Esox americanus; intermediate, Esox niger; large, Esox lucius), and how their bite forces and associated functional variables change as they grow. In order to evaluate bite performance through ontogeny, we dissected and measured dimensions of the feeding apparatus and the adductor mandibulae muscle complex with its segmentum facialis subdivisions such as the ricto‐malaris, stegalis and endoricto‐malaris across a wide range of body sizes. The collected morphological data was used as input variables for a published anatomical model to simulate jaw function in these fish species. Maximum bite forces for both anterior bite and posterior bite increased in isometry in E. americanus and E. niger. The posterior bite of E. lucius also increases in isometry, however, the anterior bite increases in positive allometry. Intraspecific comparison within E. lucius indicated the increase of bite forces in more developed individuals accelerated after the fish grew out of fingerling stage. In addition, our analysis indicated functional differentiation between subdivisions of the adductor mandibulae segmentum facialis, as well as interspecific differences in the pattern of contribution to the bite performance by these subdivisions. Our study provides insights into not only the musculoskeletal basis of the jaw function of esocid species, but also the feeding capacity of this species in relation to the functional demands it faces as one of the top predators in lake and river systems. J. Morphol. 277:1447–1458, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of dietary Cu and Mn in maintaining tissue integrity, through the effects of these metals on activity of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, and their interactions in peroxidative pathways involving Se and vitamin E was investigated. Weanling rats were fed diets deficient in Mn, Cu, Se, and/or vitamin E for 35 days, in a factorial experimental design. Dietary effects on peroxidation, measured in mitochondrial fractions prepared from liver and heart tissue, were compared with changes in the activities of glutathione peroxidase and the Cu and MnSOD enzymes. Decreased heart MnSOD and CuSOD activities, resulting from dietary Mn and Cu deficiencies, were both associated with increased peroxidation. Adequate Se (and glutathione peroxidase activity) prevented the peroxidation associated with either of these deficiencies, but was ineffective with a combined Cu−Mn deficiency. These effects of Se were only observed in tissue lacking glutathione transferase activity. Effects of Cu, Mn, and Se on peroxidation appeared to be present at both levels of vitamin E, although in both tissues, vitamin E deficiency greatly increased the overall peroxidation. Comparison of these in vitro peroxidation results with the deficiency associated lesions observed in vivo indicates that changes in SOD activities and peroxidation pathways may be the dominant cause of these lesions in only some cases. In others, the roles of Cu and Mn in different metabolic pathways appear to be of greater importance.  相似文献   

Disruption of the gut microbiota by high-fat diet (HFD) has been implicated in the development of obesity. It remains to be elucidated whether the HFD-induced shifts occur at the phylum level or whether they can be attributed to specific phylotypes; additionally, it is unclear to what extent the changes are reversible under normal chow (NC) feeding. One group (diet-induced obesity, DIO) of adult C57BL/6J mice was fed a HFD for 12 weeks until significant obesity and insulin resistance were observed, and then these mice were switched to NC feeding for 10 weeks. Upon switching to NC feeding, the metabolic deteriorations observed during HFD consumption were significantly alleviated. The second group (control, CHO) remained healthy under continuous NC feeding. UniFrac analysis of bar-coded pyrosequencing data showed continued structural segregation of DIO from CHO on HFD. At 4 weeks after switching back to NC, the gut microbiota in the DIO group had already moved back to the CHO space, and continued to progress along the same age trajectory and completely converged with CHO after 10 weeks. Redundancy analysis identified 77 key phylotypes responding to the dietary perturbations. HFD-induced shifts of these phylotypes all reverted to CHO levels over time. Some of these phylotypes exhibited robust age-related changes despite the dramatic abundance variations in response to dietary alternations. These findings suggest that HFD-induced structural changes of the gut microbiota can be attributed to reversible elevation or diminution of specific phylotypes, indicating the significant structural resilience of the gut microbiota of adult mice to dietary perturbations.  相似文献   

Physical and ecologicalfactors, including lake temperature, fishphysiology, and diet, influence methylmercury(MeHg) exposure in fish. We employedbioenergetics modeling to compare dietary MeHgexposure in sympatric top predators, largemouthbass (Micropterus salmoides) and northernpike (Esox lucius). We comparedsimulations using field data to hypotheticalsimulations with (1) ± 25% change in meandaily lake temperature for juvenile and adultbass and pike; (2) ± 25% change inlong-term growth rate of pike; (3) adult bassdiet shift from generalist predator to strictpiscivore. Bass and pike MeHg exposures weresimilar in baseline simulations and reflectedpatterns in field tissue concentrations. Thisoccurred despite the fact that bass consumedhighly contaminated benthic invertebrates,while pike exclusively consumed lesscontaminated fish prey. Higher temperaturesincreased adult bass and pike MeHg exposures by35% and 27%, respectively. Shifting adultbass diets to 100% fish resulted in a 54%decrease in exposure, while increasing pikegrowth rates resulted in a 24% decrease. Bioenergetics modeling proved useful inunderstanding the influence of temperature,prey-base, and predator growth on differencesin Hg exposure across fish species.  相似文献   

'Mitochondrial dysfunction', which may result from an accumulation of damaged mitochondria in cells due to a slowed-down rate of mitochondrial turnover and inadequate removal of damaged mitochondria during aging, has been implicated as both cause and consequence of the aging process and a number of age-related pathologies. Despite growing interest in mitochondrial function during aging, published data on mitochondrial turnover are scarce, and differ from each other by up to one order of magnitude. Here we demonstrate that re-utilization of the radioactively labelled precursor in pulse-chase assays is the most likely cause of significant overestimation of mitochondrial turnover rates. We performed a classic radioactive label pulse-chase experiment using (14)C NaHCO(3), whose (14)C is incorporated into various amino acids, to measure mitochondrial turnover in mouse liver. In this system, the activity of the urea cycle greatly limited arginine dependent label re-utilization, but not that of other amino acids. We used information from tissues that do not have an active urea cycle (brain and muscle) to estimate the extent of label re-utilization with a dynamic mathematical model. We estimated the actual liver mitochondrial half life as only 1.83 days, and this decreased to 1.16 days following 3 months of dietary restriction, supporting the hypothesis that this intervention might promote mitochondrial turnover as a part of its beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Aims:  Effect of ante- and postmortem hide clipping on the microbiological quality of beef carcasses. Methods and Results:  Bovine carcasses (362) were tested for indicator micro-organisms and the presence of pathogens. Prior to slaughter, hide cleanliness of each animal was categorized on a scale of 1–5 (clean to dirty). Lowest mean aerobic colony counts (ACC) (log10 3·0 CFU cm−2) came from carcasses where clipping had been performed in lairage, antemortem. ACC from animals clipped online (log10 3·2 CFU cm−2) were significantly higher (P < 0·05) than those clipped in lairage, but comparable to those carcasses from Category 1 and 2 animals. There were no significant differences in the detection of pathogens from any of the carcass groups. Ultimate pH values for carcasses from Category 3 and 4 animals showed clipping animals in lairage, as opposed to online, resulted in a small, but significant increase (P < 0·05) in pH value (mean pH 5·66 and 5·59, respectively). Conclusions:  Hide clipping does not adversely affect microbiological quality of carcasses, although higher ultimate pH values indicate increases in antemortem stress. Significance and Impact of the Study:  Hide clipping carcasses both ante- and postmortem appears to be an effective intervention to minimize transfer of hide microflora to carcasses during slaughtering operations. Online clipping offers advantages for animal welfare and improves safety for operatives.  相似文献   

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