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Comparative analysis of the ontogeny of representatives of two sister taxa (Cladocera and Cyclestherida) showed that the paedomorphic morphology of cladocerans (the small number of thoracic segments and segments of branches of antennae II, and the reduction of the carapace) was caused by the cessation of development of the somatic structures at early larval stages of ontogeny. It is demonstrated that this stop is not associated with the accelerated development of the reproductive system (progenesis), since it takes place long prior to the beginning of reproduction. In accordance with this fact, the past hypotheses that cladocerans evolved from the reproducing larvae of the ancestral form or that they are early maturing metanauplii should be recognized as erroneous. Cyclestheria. The origin of Cladocera from a Cyclestheria-like ancestor should be regarded as neotenic, taking into consideration the extended interpretation of this term.  相似文献   

The larval development of "conchostracans" has received only scattered attention. Here I present the results of a study on the larval (naupliar) development and the metamorphosis of Lynceus brachyurus, a member of the bivalved branchiopod order the Laevicaudata. Lynceus brachyurus is the only species of the "Conchostraca" in Denmark. The phylogenetic position of the Laevicaudata has traditionally been a source of controversy, and this study does not solve the question completely. This work focuses on features potentially important for phylogeny. The general appearance of the larvae of L. brachyurus has been known for more than a century and a half, and some of its unique features include a large, larval dorsal shield; a huge, plate-like labrum; and a pair of immovable, horn-like antennules. However, many details relating to limb morphology, potentially important for phylogeny, have not been studied previously. Based on size categories, five or six larval stages can be recognized. The larvae approximately double their length and width during development (length: 230-520 microm). Most morphological features stay largely unchanged during development, but the antennal coxal masticatory spines are significant exceptions: they become bifid after one of the first molts. In all larval stages only the antennae and the mandibles actively move. In late naupliar stages the trunk limbs become visible as rows of laterally placed, undeveloped, and still immovable lobes. Swimming is performed by the antennae, whereas the mandibles appear to be involved mainly in feeding, as in other branchiopod larvae. The last naupliar stage undergoes a small metamorphosis to the first juvenile stage, the details of which in part were studied by following the premolt juvenile condition through the cuticle of the last stage nauplius. Among other changes there is a characteristic change in the shape and morphology of the univalved dorsal naupliar shield to a bivalved juvenile carapace. The general morphologies of the antennae and the mandibles are very similar to those of other branchiopod larvae and fall well within the "branchiopod naupliar feeding apparatus" recognized as a branchiopod synapomorphy by Olesen (2003), but some specific features shared with the larvae of other "conchostracans" are also identified. These special "conchostracan" features include: 1) a similar antennular setation; 2) a similar comb-like setulation of the bifid antennal coxal processes; and 3) mandibular palpsetae with setules condensed. In light of recent suggestions concerning branchiopod phylogeny (Cyclestheria as a sister group to the Cladocera), these similarities probably do not support a monophyletic "Conchostraca" but rather are symplesiomorphies of this taxon. A final decision must await a phylogenetic analysis of a more complete set of characters.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of regeneration and repair processes of schistomelic walking legs and pedipalps in the early postembryonal stages of Tegenaria atrica were carried out in two parts. In the first part changes in the structure of appendages were produced by exposing the developing embryos to alternating temperatures (14 and 32°C, changing every 12 hours) as teratogenic factor. In the second, principal, part of studies after amputating a given fragment of a larval schistomelic appendage the appearance, then the growth and development of the external regenerates were observed. The completion of epimorphosis of the pedipalps followed at nymph IV stage (after four post-larval moults) that of the walking appendages in most cases at nymph V stage (after five post-larval moults). In control spiders repair processes were noted, which proceeded at a rate comparable to regeneration processes.  相似文献   

Arthropods and in particular crustaceans show a great diversity concerning their limb morphology. This makes the homologization of limbs and their parts and our understanding of evolutionary transformations of these limb types problematical. To address these problems we undertook a comparative study of the limb development of two representatives of branchiopod crustaceans, one with phyllopodous the other with stenopodous trunk limbs. The trunk limb ontogeny of a 'larger branchiopod', Cyclestheria hislopi ('Conchostraca') and the raptorial cladoceran Leptodora kindtii (Haplopoda) has been examined by various methods such as SEM, Hoechst fluorescent stain and expression of the Distal-less gene. The early ontogeny of the trunk limbs in C. hislopi and L. kindtii is similar. In both species the limbs are formed as ventrally placed, elongate, subdivided limb buds. However, in C. hislopi, the portions of the early limb bud end up constituting the endites and the endopod of the phyllopodous filtratory limb in the adult, whereas in L. kindtii, similar limb bud portions end up constituting the actual segments in the segmented, stenopodous, and raptorial trunk limbs of the adults. Hence, the portions of the limbs corresponding to the endites of the phyllopodous trunk limbs in C. hislopi (and other 'larger branchiopods') are homologous to the segments of the stenopodous trunk limbs in L. kindtii. It is most parsimonious to assume that the segmented trunk limbs in L. kindtii have developed from phyllopodous limbs with endites and not vice versa. This study has demonstrated at least one way in which segmented limbs have been derived from phyllopodous, multi-lobate limbs during evolution. Similar pathways can be assumed for the evolution of stenopodous, segmented and uniramous limbs in other crustaceans. Irrespective of the differences in the adult limb morphology, the early patterning of arthropod limbs seems to follow a similar principle.  相似文献   

This study aims at demonstrating that the Bathynellacea arose by neoteny from a zoea-like ancestor (“Zoea Theory”). Bathynellacea basically have a larval morphology. Their post-embryonic development passes through phases which are directly comparable with some in the development of primitive Eucarida. These phases are called the parazoeal and bathynellid phase, and correspond to the protozoeal and zoeal phase of Penaeidea, respectively. Running initially parallel to that of Penaeidea, the development of the Bathynellacea breaks off precociously. They reach sexual maturity at a stage which, in the Penaeidea, is followed by metamorphosis. There are reasons to assume that the development of all Syncarida originally passed through a series of free-living larval stages and underwent metamorphosis. The bathynellaceans reach adulthood at a stage which corresponds to the last larval stage of their ancestor. The ecological path to interstitial life of the Bathynellacea and the bearing of the “Zoea Theory” upon views as to their phylogenetic position are discussed. The classical example of a group of crustaceans thought to have arisen by neoteny, the Cladocera, is critically examined and found to be in need of reevaluation.  相似文献   

The adult body plan of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is established within the imaginal rudiment during the larval stages. To facilitate the study of these stages, we have defined a larval staging scheme, which consists of seven stages: Stage I, four-arm stage; Stage II, eight-arm stage; Stage III, vestibular invagination stage; Stage IV, rudiment initiation stage; Stage V, pentagonal disc stage; Stage VI, advanced rudiment stage; and Stage VI, tube-foot protrusion stage. Each stage is characterized by significant morphological features observed for the first time at that stage. This scheme is intended as a guide for determining the degree of larval development, and for identifying larval and adult structures. Larval anatomy was visualized using light and confocal microscopy as required on living material, whole mount fixed specimens, and serial sections. Antibody staining to localize specific gene products was also used. Detailed analysis of these data has furthered our understanding of the morphogenesis of the rudiment, and has suggested provocative questions regarding the molecular basis for these events. We intend this work to be of use to investigators studying gene expression and morphogenesis in postembryonic larvae.  相似文献   

Great diversity is found in morphology and functionality of arthropod appendages, both along the body axis of individual animals and between different life-cycle stages. Despite many branchiopod crustaceans being well known for displaying a relatively simple arrangement of many serially post-maxillary appendages (trunk limbs), this taxon also shows an often unappreciated large variation in appendage morphology. Diplostracan branchiopods exhibit generally a division of labor into locomotory antennae and feeding/filtratory post-maxillary appendages (trunk limbs). We here study the functionality and morphology of the swimming antennae and feeding appendages in clam shrimps and cladocerans and analyze the findings in an evolutionary context (e.g., possible progenetic origin of Cladocera). We focus on Cyclestheria hislopi (Cyclestherida), sister species to Cladocera and exhibiting many “large” branchiopod characters (e.g., many serially similar appendages), and Sida crystallina (Cladocera, Ctenopoda), which likely exhibits plesiomorphic cladoceran traits (e.g., six pairs of serially similar appendages). We combine (semi-)high-speed recordings of behavior with confocal laser scanning microscopy analyses of musculature to infer functionality and homologies of locomotory and filtratory appendages in the two groups. Our morphological study shows that the musculature in all trunk limbs (irrespective of limb size) of both C. hislopi and S. crystallina comprises overall similar muscle groups in largely corresponding arrangements. Some differences between C. hislopi and S. crystallina, such as fewer trunk limbs and antennal segments in the latter, may reflect a progenetic origin of Cladocera. Other differences seem related to the appearance of a specialized type of swimming and feeding in Cladocera, where the anterior locomotory system (antennae) and the posterior feeding system (trunk limbs) have become fully separated functionally from each other. This separation is likely one explanation for the omnipresence of cladocerans, which have conquered both freshwater and marine free water masses and a number of other habitats.  相似文献   

Fishes exhibit a remarkable diversity of body shape as adults; however, it is unknown whether this diversity is reflected in larval stage morphology. Here we investigate the relationship between larval and adult body shape as expressed by body elongation. We surveyed a broad range of ray-finned fish species and compared body shape at larval and adult stages. Analysis shows that the vast majority of fish are more elongate at the larval stage than at the adult stage, and that adults display greater interspecies variation than larvae. We found that the superorder Elompomorpha is unique because many species within the group do not follow the observed elongation trends. These results indicate that much of the diversity observed in adults is achieved in post-larval stages. We suggest that larval morphology is subject to common constraints across the phylogeny.  相似文献   

The quantification of carotenoids during the early developmental stages of the European lobster Homarus gammarus, indicates a rapid decrease of pigment concentration, occurring immediately after hatching. Conversely, the carotenoid amount of the individual increases progressively at the end of larval stage I, as a result of an enhanced feeding activity. Free astaxanthin represents the bulk of carotenoids of the unhatched embryo (metanauplius), whereas larval, post-larval and juvenile stages exhibit the typical adult carotenoid pattern, in which astaxanthin esterified forms (diester and monoester) appear preponderant. The Artemia strain used as food material is not found to contain astaxanthin, while important amounts of canthaxanthin are observed; nevertheless, this carotenoid is not detected in the larvae, indicating that metabolic transformation capabilities are already occurring in freshly hatched individuals.  相似文献   

Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) is known as an agricultural pest in West and Central Africa. In this study, the effects of 13 single and eight mixed host plant diets on the survival, post-embryonic development and morphology of Z. variegatus in the laboratory were investigated. In each cage, 20 one-day larvae were provided with these diets and their survival monitored every two days, from August 2000 to September 2002, until all individuals died. Results showed that the number of larval stages varied from six to eight according to the diet. Six larval stages were most frequent. Development to the adult stage (complete development) was only noted with 52% of diets. All the mixed host plant diets induced complete development of Z. variegatus except that of Cajanus cajan + Synedrella nodiflora + Chromolaena odorata . Complete development was observed with four single host plant diets: Lablab purpurea , C. cajan , Manihot esculenta and S. nodiflora . Compared to leguminous species and Asteraceae, M. esculenta (Euphorbiaceae) was the species that resulted in the highest level of survival and development of Z. variegatus . Chromolaena odorata and S. nodiflora (Asteraceae) induced late appearance of the different Z. variegatus nymphal instars and the appearance time was shorter on legumes. The supernumerary stage 7 has the same color as the larva in stages 1–6, but this larva was significantly larger than stage 6 and smaller than the adult stage. These results indicate that legumes for short fallows affected the survival and post-embryonic development of Z . variegatus in the laboratory.  相似文献   


Palaemon longirostris and Crangon crangon larval and post-larval stages were collected intensively in two 24-h cycles during neap and spring tidal periods in a fixed station located in the mid-Mira estuary (southwest Portugal). In each case, on the previous day, horizontal distribution of larval stages was studied in a series of 20 stations from the mouth of the estuary to near freshwater. Horizontal distribution of the discrete instars of both species were similar, suggesting larval retention. Results from the 24-h cycles indicate a semilunar cycle of larval release activity, and an initial displacement of the larvae from the parental stock, as newly-hatched larvae concentrate in the surface layer of the water column on post-crepuscular ebbing tides. The sequence of larval stages tends to be progressively more dependent of the bottom layers, and the whole larval and post-larval development is accomplished within the estuarine boundaries. Larval release cycles, coupled with duration of development and progressive change in vertical position, induce mutual exclusion of different aged larvae, which may minimise cannibalistic behaviour and competition between larvae with different capabilities.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study, incorporating histology, light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, immunochemistry and confocal microscopy, was performed to investigate embryogenesis and larval development of the New Zealand Greenshell? mussel, Perna canaliculus. Detailed observations with this multi-technique approach revealed a gastrula stage at 18 hours post-fertilization, with the appearance of a blastopore, apical sense organ and enclosing vegetal pole. Early D-stage larvae showed limited alimentary organogenesis and clear initiation of a developing nervous system. Shell morphology of D-larvae was characterized by a flat, hinged, pitted–punctate prodissoconch I shell, followed closely by commarginal growth lines within the prodissoconch II shell. Early umbo larvae had a protruding functioning velum, and well-developed posterior adductor and velar retractor muscles. Significant progression in neuronal development occurred just before the umbo stage with noticeable paired cerebral, pedal and visceral ganglia. Shell morphology was characterized by further prodissoconch II secretion with a more rounded umbonate appearance. During the transition through the pediveliger stage, rapid development of the gill rudiment, eye spot and functioning foot was observed with ongoing neuronal development. The first appearance of the dissoconch shell layer took place during this transition, at which point the nervous system was highly distinct with innervations extending throughout muscle regions and between ganglia. This study provides the first comprehensive documentation of the developmental stages of P. canaliculus larvae from fertilization to settlement. The study highlights the advantages of using a combination of techniques to understand larval development and provides crucial information to identify larval performance during larval rearing.  相似文献   

This paper reports new distribution records of large branchiopods for Mexico following a three year survey of the Baja California peninsula. The occurance of the anostracans Thamnocephalus mexicanus (Linder, 1941) and T. platyurus (Packard, 1877), the notostracan Lepidurus lemmoni (Holmes, 1894), and the spinicaudatans Eulimnadia cylindrova (Belk, 1989) and E. texana (Packard,1871), all represent the first records for the peninsula. An undescribed species of the anostracan genus Streptocephalus is recorded from the state of Baja California (Norte). The occurrence of the notostracan genus Triops and four other anostracan species on the peninsula is also confirmed. The conchostracan Cyclestheria hislopi (Baird, 1859) is recorded from the state of Quintana Roo. The collections of Lepidurus and Cyclestheria are the first records for México. These records increase the number of species of large branchiopods reported fromMéxico to 36: 20 Anostraca, 3 Notostraca, 11 Spinicaudata, and 2Laevicaudata. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Postembryonic developmental stages of an endoparasitic pycnogonid, Ammothella biunguiculata in Izu Peninsula, Japan are described. Eleven stages were identified beginning with a protonymphon larva attached to the male oviger. We found endoparasitic individuals in the host actinian from the second to tenth instar, and forms in the ninth stage to adult were found free-living. This indicates a transition from being endoparasitic to free-living during the ninth to tenth instar stages. The first instar protonymphon attached to the adult male oviger has a gland duct on the anterior margin of each chelifore scape which completely disappears with the second instar. The disappearance of the chelifore gland duct coincides with the beginning of an endoparasitic stage in the development of this species. Although the larval morphology and the postembryonic development of pycnogonids have been summarized by several authors, the present study concludes that much remains to be learnt.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the interrelations between rhythmical exopodite beating in different larval stages and swimmeret beating in poast-larval stages of the lobster Homarus gammarus. Data on exopodite beat cycle durations have been used for statistical comparisons of exopodite performance within one larva, and also between different stages of larval development. Inter-exopodite comparisons reveal clear bilateral differences (table 1), although there is no consistently favoured relationship (tables 2 and 3). There are significant differences in cycle duration between the first three developmental stages, with a slight increase at the first moult, and a marked decrease at the second (table 4). However, within each stage the repeat frequency exhibits little change (table 5). Therefore it appears that changes in swimming behaviour occur discontinuously in development, and are associated with the larval moults. It is suggested that changes in beat frequency, and especially the faster beating in stage III, may represent responses to changed loading conditions (table 7). Measurements of swimmeret beating in post-larval lobsters have been analysed in terms of cycle durations, and inter- and intra-segmental phase relations. Swimmeret beating patterns are very regular (figure 1), but not restricted to a narrow range of frequencies (table 6a). Intersegmental phase lag remains constant around 0.2 (figure 3) independent of beat frequency (figure 4). Similarly the powerstroke/returnstroke ratio of approximately 0.5 (figure 5) shows no significant correlation with cycle duration (figure 6). Differences emerge in the performance of larval exopodites and post-larval swimmerets (table 6b), although the possibility cannot be excluded that the larval exopodite oscillator in some way influences the developing action of the post-larval swimmeret system.  相似文献   

Cladocera are the ecologically most important group within the Branchiopoda. They are unquestionably branchiopods but their evolutionary origin remains unclear. One favored explanation of their origin is that they evolved from a reproductive larva of a clam shrimp‐like ancestor. To reveal a transformation and identify (potential) changes in chronology (heterochrony), we investigated and compared the development of representatives of two clam shrimp taxa, one of the Spinicaudata (Leptestheria dahalacensis) and one of the Cyclestherida (Cyclestheria hislopi), the sister group of Cladocera. Both taxa develop indirectly although the exact modes are quite different. The development of the nervous system, labeled and analyzed using immunohistochemical techniques and confocal microscopy, and that of the external morphology, scanned with an electron microscope, was investigated. L. dahalacensis hatch as a free‐swimming nauplius and the nervous system and external morphology develop gradually. In C. hislopi, on the other hand, several internal and external structures develop before the hatching of a nonswimming embryo‐like larva which is still carried in a dorsal brood pouch. The development in L. dahalacensis is directed from anterior to posterior, whereas in C. hislopi a more synchronous anterior and posterior differentiation is present. A comparison of both developmental sequences gives us the first indications of the evolutionary transformation which the Cladocera may have undergone from a clam shrimp‐like ancestor. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract The structure of the anterior end of three ontogenetically successive stages of Nectonema munidae (Nematomorpha) is investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. During development, an adult cuticle is formed under a larval cuticle, which is subsequently moulted. Only one moult can be documented for Nectonema. The brain has a main subpharyngeal portion and a weak suprapharyngeal commissure. It is circumpharyngeal only in early developmental stages, the dorsal commissure is reduced in the adult stage. Four giant cells and a cerebral cavity are adult features. Although the morphology of the giant cells is elucidated, their function remains unclear, but a sensory function is probable. A septum marks the posterior border of the anterior end and divides a cerebral cavity from a body cavity. A precursor of the septum is present in the first stage observed, but it lies next to the epidermis and does not separate a cerebral cavity. Cuticular structures in the pre-pharyngeal region of the early stages are interpreted as remnants of the larval boring organ. They are moulted together with the larval cuticle. The morphology of the pharynx and the anterior part of the intestine is shown.  相似文献   

Homarus americanus has a life history that is similar to other arthropods, including a pelagic larval phase and a benthic adult phase. The larval phase is divided into three morphologically distinct stages, followed by metamorphosis to the post-larval phase. H. americanus larval development has been studied previously, although the molecular mechanisms that regulate the consequent changes are not fully elucidated. This study is the first to use an oligonucleotide microarray to investigate global gene expression during H. americanus larval development. Stage-specific gene expression profiles of larvae and postlarvae from two-year classes were assessed. We found the expression levels of 1851 genes to be significantly different among larval stages. Functional annotations indicated that various differentially expressed genes were involved with immune function, energy regulation, and development. Ten target genes of interest were selected for expression verification using RT-qPCR. Two Phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinases, Argonaute 2, Ecdysone-inducible protein 75, and Procollagen-lysine 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 3, had significantly different expression (p?相似文献   

The development of the free-swimming veliger of Amphibola is followed from hatching to settlement, and the larval structures compared with those of post-metamorphic juveniles and adult snails. Observations of living specimens and light-microscope sections were combined with scanning electron microscopy to build up a composite picture of veliger structure.
Four stages in the development of veligers are recognized, each being characterized by the appearance of organ systems such as the mantle cavity, larval heart, adult heart and kidney, and larval pallial gland. At or after metamorphosis, the larval systems (heart, kidney and pallial gland) disappear, and the developing adult organs move to the positions characteristic of adult snails.
Organogenesis in Amphibola veligers is compared with that of prosobranch and opisthobranch larvae, and with that of pulmonate larvae with direct development. The closest similarity is seen to be with opisthobranch veligers.  相似文献   

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