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Repopulation of epithelial (colchicine-treated) planular tissue by interstitial cells, nematoblasts/nematocytes, and ganglionic cells was examined via grafting. Seventy-two-hour epithelial planular head pieces were grafted to 72-hour control labelled planular tail pieces, left in contact for 24 h, separated, and the head pieces were analyzed for interstitial cells and their derivatives. The reciprocal experiment of grafting 72-hour epithelial planular tails to 72-hour control labelled planular heads was also done and the tail pieces were examined. Repopulated planular head pieces contained interstitial cells, ganglionic cells and a reforming neural plexus but few nematoblasts/nematocytes. Reconstituted planular tail pieces contained interstitial cells and nematoblasts/nematocytes but no ganglionic cells. Results possibly suggest that the migrating interstitial cell population of 72-hour planulae is rich in committed precursors.  相似文献   

Summary Both the natural metamorphic stimulus (an unidentified bacterial product) and an artificial trigger of metamorphosis (Cs+) cause large calcium transients in planula cells of the hydrozoanMitrocomella polydiademata. When these transients are inhibited with calcium channel blockers, metamorphosis is also inhibited. All cells of theMitrocomella planula contain a calcium-specific photoprotein. The cells where the calcium transients occur during natural- and Cs+-induced metamorphosis have been visualized in normal and entoderm free planulae that lack ganglion cells, using a compound microscope coupled to an image intensifier and video camera. During bacteria- and Cs+-induced metamorphosis, groups of contiguous cells, occupying from about 10% to the entire visible surface of the planula, simultaneously exhibit calcium transients. When the cells that initiate a transient comprise only part of the planula surface, the calcium transient frequently propagates and can eventually involve every cell on the visible planula surface. There is no special site on the planula surface where calcium transients are more apt to be initiated. There is no indication that propagation of a flash in one direction is more likely than in another. The velocity of propagation is virtually the same in all directions. The only feature of the spatial distribution of bacteria- and Cs+-induced calcium transients that appears to be necessary for the induction of metamorphosis is that at least one transient must involve all of the surface cells of the planula. The spatial behavior of calcium transients is the same in entoderm free planulae (lacking ganglion cells) as in normal planulae. The propagation of these calcium transients most probably occurs via epithelial conduction. This metamorphic step involving calcium transients is probably the intercellular communication system that informs the cells of the planula that metamorphosis will commence.Metamorphosis inMitrocomella planulae can also be induced with phorbol esters. Calcium transients do not occur during phorbol ester-induced metamorphosis, indicating that they act at a different point in the metamorphic pathway. Calcium channel blockers do not inhibit phorbol ester-induced metamorphosis. Inhibitors of protein kinase-C, inhibit both phorbol ester-induced metamorphosis and Cs+- and bacteria-induced metamorphosis, but have no effect on the calcium transients induced by Cs+. This indicates that the calcium transient mediated step in the metamorphic pathway occurs prior to protein kinase-C activation. Calcium transients probably play a major role in activating protein kinase-C.  相似文献   

Hydrozoan planulae of Pennaria tiarella and Podocoryne carnea were processed for transmission electron microscopy using diethylene glycol distearate (DGD). The DGD functions as a removable embedding medium to produce embedment-free sections of intact planulae. Images of glandular cells obtained using embedment-free sections were compared with those from conventional Spurr-embedded sections. In unembedded sections a large number of thin anastomosing fibers were observed throughout the cytoplasm of the glandular cell. The fibers appeared to coalesce in certain areas to form thick bundles of fibers that partitioned the glandular cytoplasm into spherical compartments. The meshwork of fibers is three-dimensional and resembles a microtrabecular lattice. Mitochondria are suspended within and attached to the network of fibers, thus suggesting a cytoskeletal role of the fibers. This study documents the presence of a cytoplasmic fiber system within cells of intact invertebrate larvae.  相似文献   

The planulae of almost all investigated cnidarian species possess neuron‐like cells. The distribution of these cells is usually uneven throughout the long axis of the planula. The majority of these cells are located in the anterior half of the planula body. Scyphozoan planulae, as well as anthozoan planulae, have a sensory structure at the anterior pole called an apical organ, which is believed to take part in metamorphosis induction. Hydrozoan planulae also possess sensory cells. It has been previously shown in several cnidarian larvae that their neuronal cells contain the neurotransmitter, serotonin. The present study describes the peculiarities of serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells in Aurelia aurita (Scyphozoa) and Gonothyraea loveni (Hydrozoa) planulae. We show that several cells in the presumptive apical organ of A. aurita are immunoreactive to antibodies against serotonin, while G. loveni planulae have an accumulation of serotonin‐positive cells near the anterior pole. Additional serotonin‐like immunoreactive cells are found in the lateral ectoderm of both planulae. Treatment of A. aurita and G. loveni planulae with serotonin or its blockers show that serotonin is likely involved in the initiation of planula settlement.  相似文献   

Cherian P. V., Stromberg B. E., Weiner D. J. and Soulsby E. J. L. 1980. Fine structure and cytochemical evidence for the presence of polysaccharide surface coat of Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae. International Journal for Parasitology10: 227–233. Cytochemical staining techniques were employed at the fine structural level using ruthenium red, ruthenium violet and Alcian blue-lanthanum nitrate to demonstrate the polysaccharide rich surface coat of Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae. The coat matrix present at the external surface of the cuticle of microfilariae stained densely with each of the polycationic dyes. The reaction products were restricted to the outer surface of the cuticle suggesting that the polycationic dyes did not penetrate the cuticle. The junctions of the cuticular annulations lacked surface coat matrix and reaction products which might be indicative of the absence of carbohydrate residues or the masking of reactive sugar molecules in these areas. The speciflcity of the reaction was indicated by the absence of reaction products in untreated organisms. These carbohydrate moieties probably represent glycoproteins as structural constituents of the parasite surface. Ultrastructural analysis of the surface of microfilariae is of signiflcance in elucidating both the molecular dynamics of the parasite surface and its immunological function in the host.  相似文献   

Eighteen patients with established hereditary myeloperoxidase deficiency underwent morphological, ultrastructural, cytochemical and functional analysis in order to correlate the lack of peroxidase from phagocytes with other leucocyte activities. Cytochemical and ultrastructural findings only confirmed the peroxidase defect in neutrophil and monocyte population, whereas normal peroxidase activity was detected in eosinophil granulocytes ("Alius-Grignaschi anomaly"). Morphological analysis, as determined by both ligh and electron microscopy, showed in two patients with total MPO-deficiency a large number of neutrophils (50-60%) with nuclear abnormalities very similar to Pelger-Huet's heterozygous form (two lobed neutrophils having a typical pince-nez appearance and a nuclear chromatin coarser than that of normal PMNL). Other 2 cases displayed a 50-60% five-lobed neutrophils, as occur in congenital nuclear hypersegmentation of PMNL. These findings suggest that Alius-Grignaschi anomaly and Pelger-Huet syndrome can be found associated in the same individuals, since both these abnormalities have a genetic origin. Finally, since an impaired bactericidal and fungicidal activity was observed, no patients displayed particular susceptibility to persistent or severe infections, thus confirming the presence of MPO-independent enzymatic systems.  相似文献   

Summary Two different types of ependymal cells were found in the subcommissural organ (SCO) of Natrix maura. Most secretory cells showed morphological features resembling the general structure and ultrastructure of cells in the SCO of other vertebrates. This report describes a second population of cells lining a portion of the dorsal groove of the SCO. These cells were not selectively stained by chromalum-hematoxylin and, under the electron microscope, they were characterized by scarce surface differentiations, sparse apical cytoplasm and short basal processes. Flat, parallel cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum produced vesicles that appeared to be transported to the well-developed Golgi apparatus. Dense secretory granules about 200 nm in diameter were found in the Golgi region. Similar granules were seen in the vicinity of the apical plasma membrane; some of them opened toward the ventricle. All these characteristics clearly differentiate this cell group from the other secretory cells lining the SCO laterally and ventrally.  相似文献   


Morphological features of the circulating blood cells of an adult female tuatara are described and illustrated. Mitosis in circulating erythrocytes and the occurrence of an intraerythrocytic haemogregarine parasite are noted. The packed cell volume (haematocrit) was 35%. There were about 310 000 erythrocytes and 7200 leucocytes per mm3 of blood. The lymphocyte was the predominant leucocyte, followed by the eosinophil, monocyte, neutrophil, and basophil. The eosinophils and neutrophils reacted positively to acid phosphatase and peroxidase; the neutrophils were also esterase positive, and all three granulocytes were PAS positive. Haemoglobin, plasma protein, glucose, sodium, potassium, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels were determined. The primitive nature of the tuatara is reflected in the morphological. mensural, and biochemical data presented.  相似文献   

In our previous studies of the Hydra nerve ring, we proposed the following hypothesis: “The nerve ring in the hypostome of Hydra is a central nervous system (CNS)-like neuronal structure.” Related to this hypothesis, we have started to survey the nerve ring immunocytochemically using antibodies against neuropeptides throughout the whole phylum of cnidarians. In the present study, we describe nerve rings in hydrozoan medusae. We examined the medusae of five hydrozoan species belonging to three orders: Eirene sp. (order Leptomedusae), Craspedacusta sowerbyi (order Limnomedusae), Sarsia tubulosa, Turritopsis nutricula, and Cladonema radiatum (order Anthomedusae). We observed a well-developed nerve ring in all species. The nerve ring runs circumferentially around the margin of the bell. In all cases, the nerve ring was visualized by plural antibodies, suggesting that it contains different neural subpopulations. In C. radiatum, antibodies against four different neuropeptides labeled the nerve ring. We established clear (without undesirable cross-reactions) double-staining procedures with two rabbit primary antibodies. Using the double-staining method, three neural subsets visualized by three antibodies revealed completely separate neural populations. The results show that the nerve ring is a common feature in hydrozoan medusae and has a complex heterogeneous structure composed of different neural subsets.  相似文献   

Various teleost species belonging to different orders possess a particular neuronal system formed by giant supramedullary neurons (SNs). In some species, SNs are scattered along the spinal cord; in others they are organized in a compacted and well-defined cluster located at the boundary between the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. In addition to the many morphological, physiological, and histochemical studies performed both in vivo and in vitro by several authors since the end of the 19th century, quantitative microfluorometric evaluation of the DNA content of SNs has showed that clustered SNs but not aligned SNs have a DNA content much greater than the normal value of 2C. Such a high DNA content is exceptional for vertebrate neurons. In the present study, we extend this analysis of SNs to the fish Solea ocellata. Our results show that the organization of the SNs of S. ocellata is neither strictly aligned nor clustered, but somewhere in between, and that this is also true of both their morphological characteristics and DNA content values. Interspecific differences in the distribution and morphology of SNs may reflect functional differences, possibly related to environmental or behavioral differences among species. In addition, the possible functional significance of endoreplication in SNs is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological, cytochemical and ultrastructural studies of mast cells were carried out in a patient affected with systemic mastocytosis. Neoplastic mast cells showed morphological features between classic tissue mast cells and circulating basophils. They showed strong granule metachromasia after toluidine blue, faint positivity to Hotchkiss reaction, strong positivity to chloroacetate esterase, while they were negative to alkaline phosphatase. Ultrastructural observations showed heterogeneity of granules, most of which had homogenous fine dotted contents. The origin and linkage between mast cells and circulating basophils are discussed.  相似文献   

Dispersal of propagules plays an important role in the distribution of corals. Pocillopora damicornis, Seriatopora hystrix, and Stylophora pistillata are all brooders and release planulae having symbiotic zooxanthellae. Planulae showed a great size variation, especially at peaks of planulation, and we found negative correlations between zooxanthella density and planula size in S. hystrix and S. pistillata. Studies of the larval life of planulae under both light and dark conditions have revealed that larger planulae have a longer lifetime. When planulae of the same size were compared, it was found that they lived longer under light conditions than under dark conditions. These findings suggest that planulae utilize energy from photosynthetic products of zooxanthellae and that these corals enjoy long-distance dispersal by producing larger planulae with greater dispersal potential. It is conceivable that variation in the dispersal potential of planulae is a means of adaptation by which planulae can increase their chances of finding a suitable habitat.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hemoblastoses of AKR mice are widely used in experimental oncology and hematology. To study their morphological characteristics, 500 AKR mice were used. Of these, 400 animals were followed up throughout their lives. Ten animals were sacrificed monthly out of the group of 100 rats. All the animals which died or were sacrificed were autopsied and subjected to cytological and histological studies. Besides, 36 animals with hemoblastoses were examined cytochemically for the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases, peroxidase and nonspecific esterase and glycogen. Analysis of the data obtained suggests that hemoblastoses of AKR mice are the generalized forms of lymphosarcoma, characterized by a significant degree of cytochemical and cytological heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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