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Knowledge of the amount and patterns of genetic variation within and among populations of mangrove trees is essential for devising optimum genetic management strategies for their conservation and sustainable utilization. Ceriops tagal is a widespread viviparous mangrove. Genetic diversity in the species was examined with inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Nine natural populations were collected from Thailand and China. The estimates of genetic variation were extremely low (HT = 0.0179 ± 0.005, HS = 0.0084 ± 0.001), and only 47% of the total gene diversity was maintained within populations (GST = 0.529). The eastern coastal populations of Thailand were more similar to populations from China than to populations from the western coastline of Thailand. A high level of Nei's genetic identity exists between populations of C. tagal (I = 0.989), suggesting their common ancestry. The low levels of genetic diversity in the species may result from a series of genetic bottlenecks during several glacial epochs.  相似文献   

In order to explain the diversity patterns and develop the conservation strategies, the population genetic structures and the mating systems of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza from the coastlines of south China were investigated in this study. The mating system parameters were analyzed using progeny arrays for allozyme markers. The multilocus outcrossing rates (tm) ranged from 0.845 (Fugong) to 0.267 (Dongzhai harbor). High allozyme variations within the five collected populations were determined and compared with the published data of other plant species with the mixed mating systems. At species level, the percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was 80%, the average number of alleles per locus (A) was 2.440, and the heterozygosity (He) was 0.293. The total gene diversity within each population (HS = 0.2782) and the coefficient of genetic differentiation (GST = 0.0579) among the populations were estimated. On the basis of this population genetic structure, it is suggested that the gene flow (Nm = 3.85) is quite high, which is possibly related to its water-dispersed hypocotyls. It is also suggested that the mating system of this species is of mixed mating.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of mangrove species is greatly affected by their geographic history. Nine natural populations of Ceriops tagal were collected from Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, and India for this phylogeographic study. Completely different haplotype compositions on the east versus west coasts of the Malay Peninsula were revealed using the atpB-rbcL and trnL-trnF spacers of chloroplast DNA. The average haplotype diversity (Hd) of the total population was 0.549, nucleotide diversity (θ) was 0.030, and nucleotide difference (π) was 0.0074. The cladogram constructed by the index of population differentiation (G ST) clearly separated the South China Sea populations from the Indian Ocean populations. In the analysis of the minimum spanning network, the Indian Ocean haplotypes were all derived from South China Sea haplotypes, suggesting a dispersal route of C. tagal from Southeast Asia to South Asia. The Sunda Land river system and surface currents might be accountable for the gene flow directions in the South China Sea and Bay of Bengal, respectively. The historical geography not only affected the present genotype distribution but also the evolution of C. tagal. These processes result in the genetic differentiation and the differentiated populations that should be considered as Management Units (MUs) for conservation measurements instead of random forestation, which might lead to gene mixing and reduction of genetic variability of mangrove species. According to this phylogeographic study, populations in Borneo, and east and west Malay Peninsula that have unique genotypes should be considered as distinct MUs, and any activities resulting in gene mixing with each other ought to be prevented.  相似文献   

Sonneratia paracaseolaris, is a critically endangered mangrove species in China. Using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers, we compared the genetic variation of introduced populations with that of natural populations to check whether the genetic diversity has been conserved. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 81.37%, He = 0.2241, and SI = 0.3501). Genetic variation in introduced populations (P = 75.78%, He = 0.2291, and SI = 0.3500) was more than that in natural populations (P = 70.81%, He = 0.1903, and SI = 0.2980). Based on Nei's GST value, more genetic differentiation among natural populations was detected (GST = 0.3591). Our data show that the genetic diversity of S. paracaseolaris was conserved in introduced populations to some extent, however, owing to the small natural populations and the threats they encountered, more plants should be planted to enlarge and restore the populations.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and among six natural populations of Nypa fruticans from China, Vietnam, and Thailand was assessed using SSR and ISSR analysis. Our results showed an extremely low level of genetic diversity of N. fruticans (at the species level, P = 11.76% and 2.88%, He = 0.0279 and 0.0113, I = 0.0470 and 0.0167 by SSRs and ISSRs, respectively) across a total of 183 individuals. No genetic variation was detected within any population except for the Thailand population by SSRs (P = 11.76%, He = 0.0417; I = 0.0622). The bottlenecks during glacial epochs, founder effects, and propagation pattern may be responsible for the extremely low level of genetic diversity of N. fruticans.  相似文献   

The study of AFLP analysis in Kandelia obovata, one of the major mangrove species in Japan, revealed the existence of a unique fragment showing stuttered peaks. We cloned this fragment and found a novel microsatellite locus. We report the method used for isolation and the polymorphic nature of this locus among the populations on Iriomote Island.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of 18 populations of Lumnitzera racemosa from the Indo-West Pacific, including South China, Malay Peninsula, Sri Lanka, and North Australia, was assessed by inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Our results showed a relatively high level of genetic variation at the species level (P = 87.04%, He = 0.260). The value of Gst was 0.642, suggesting significant genetic differentiation among populations. At the population level, however, genetic diversity was low (P = 32.17%, He = 0.097). When populations were grouped according to geographic regions, i.e., South China Sea, the East Indian Ocean, and North Australia, it was inferred from AMOVA that more than half the total variation (55.37%) was accounted for by differentiation between regions. A UPGMA dendrogram based on genetic distance also revealed a deep split between populations from these regions, indicating that Malay Peninsula and the Indonesia archipelago may play an important part on the genetic differentiation in L. racemosa. The high degree of population differentiation between regions and low genetic variation within populations recorded here highlights the need for appropriate conservation measures for this species, both in terms of incorporating further populations into protected areas, and the restoration strategies for separate regions.  相似文献   

Three snook species, Centropomus viridis, Centropomus medius, and Centropomus robalito, from the eastern central Pacific, representing three of the four proposed phyletic lineages in the genus, were analyzed for genetic variability by means of allozyme and RAPD to evaluate the divergence between populations at different levels of dispersal ability and to evaluate the importance of barriers to dispersal in the population subdivision and genetic diversity. Levels of genetic diversity among species estimated by allozymes were similar and consistent with the observed levels of differentiation in marine fish species. Mean heterozygosity ranged from 0.089 for C. viridis to 0.10 for C. robalito. Genetic diversity for the snook species studied was slightly higher than the mean estimation reported in allozymes for 106 marine fish (0.055) and for anadromous fish species (0.043 to 0.057). Multilocus allele frequency homogeneity tests and population-subdivision estimates for both allozyme and RAPD markers revealed the existence of population structure in C. viridis and C. medius, in coincidence with geographic separation of samples, whereas no divergence was detected in C. robalito. This finding may be attributed to the greater population size of C. robalito, which originated by a recent population range expansion, and hence the potential for dispersal is mediated by larval drift. Fluctuations in population size and population range expansion are used to explain discrepancies between levels of genetic diversity and population structure in the studied species. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic format at  相似文献   

Fourteen microsatellite markers were isolated from the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae), a widely distributed mangrove plant in the New World and West Africa. The range of expected heterozygosity of these markers was 0.000–0.672 in the two populations of R. mangle. Cross-species testing was examined for five other species of Rhizophora, and Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. All 14 markers could be amplified in R. samoensis, thirteen in R. racemosa, and six markers in all other species of Rhizophora. Our findings greatly increase the utility of these markers.  相似文献   

The valve structure of three marine diatom species, Cocconeis molesta var. crucifera, C. dirupta and C. pellucida was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. In all Cocconeis examined, the areolae are occluded by hymenes located near the internal openings in the raphid valve and near the internal openings in the araphid valves.  相似文献   

Analyses of the spatial distribution pattern, spatial genetic structure and genetic diversity were carried out using a 33-ha plot in a hill dipterocarp forest for three dipterocarps with different habitat preferences, i.e. Shorea curtisii on the ridges, Shorea leprosula in the valleys and Shorea macroptera both on the ridges and in the valleys. The significant spatial aggregation in small-diameter trees of all the three species was explained by limited seed dispersal. At the large-diameter trees, only S. macroptera showed random distribution and this might further prove that S. macroptera is habitat generalist, whilst S. curtisii and S. leprosula are habitat specific. The levels of genetic diversity estimated based on five microsatellite loci were high and comparable in all the three studied species. As the three studied species reproduced mainly through outcrossing, the observed high levels of genetic diversity might support the fact that the plant mating system can be used as guideline to infer the levels of genetic diversity, regardless of whether the species is habitat specific or habitat generalist. The lack of spatial genetic structure but significant aggregation in the small-diameter trees of all the three species might indicate limited seed dispersal but extensive pollen flow. Hence, if seed dispersal is restricted but pollen flow is extensive, significant spatial aggregation but no spatial genetic structure will be observed at the small-diameter trees, regardless of whether the species is habitat specific or habitat generalist. The inferred extensive pollen flow might indicate that energetic pollinators are involved in the pollination of Shorea species in the hill dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   

The levels and pattern of the genetic variation within and among natural populations of Huperzia serrata were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Seven primer combinations used in the study amplified 615 discernible bands with 532 (86.5%) being polymorphic, indicating a considerable high level of genetic diversity at the species level. AMOVA analysis revealed a low level of genetic differentiation among the ten populations. The UPGMA cluster of all samples showed that individuals from the same population occasionally failed to cluster in one distinct group. A Mantel test showed no significant correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance (r = 0.278, P = 0.891), suggesting that the gene flow was not restricted geographically. A number of factors that might affect the genetic profiles of H. serrata included clonal growth, selective effect of niche and outcrossing, as well as the effective wind-dispersal of spores.  相似文献   

The pollination biology, mating system, and population genetic structure of Kandelia candel were investigated. Field observations on its pollination and reproductive biology suggested that this species is pollinator dependent for fruit set, and bee activities can lead to substantial geitonogamous selfing. Quantitative analysis of the mating system parameters was performed using progeny arrays assayed for allozyme markers. Multilocus outcrossing rates (t(m)) were estimated to be 0.697 ± 0.091 and 0.797 ± 0.062 in two populations. In comparison to other plant species with mixed-mating system, the level of allozyme variation was very low in the 13 populations sampled along the coastlines of Hong Kong. At the species level, the proportion of polymorphic loci was 20%, number of alleles per locus was 1.2, and heterozygosity was 0.0362. The total gene diversity was primarily distributed within populations (H(S )= 0.0339), and the coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations was low (G(ST )= 0.064). This pattern of population genetic structure suggests that gene flow, primarily in the form of water-dispersed seedlings in viviparous mangrove species, is not as limited as previously thought. However, microgeographic pattern in allele frequency at the marker loci could still be detected between the western and eastern coastal populations.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades many picture-winged Drosophila have become less common in both geographical distribution and local population size (pers. obs., Foote pers. comm., Montgomerey pers. comm.). Here we report on a study of two Hawaiian Drosophila species, D. engyochracea, and D. hawaiiensis, to determine the impact that changes in population sizes over the past thirty years have had on the genetic diversity of these species. D. engyochracea is known from only two locations on the Island of Hawai'i (Kipuka Ki and Kipuka Pua'ulu), while D. hawaiiensis is currently more wide spread across Hawai'i Island. We collected 65 D. hawaiiensis and 66 D. engyochracea from two forest patches (kipuka) isolated by a 400 year old volcanic ash deposit. DNA sequence data for 515 bases of the mitochondrial gene COII was analyzed for both species to estimate relative total genetic diversity as well as inter-kipuka gene flow. The more wide spread species, D. hawaiiensis, has more genetic diversity (23 vs. 11 unique haplotypes) than the rarer species, D. engyochracea. The distribution of haplotypes in the kipuka is consistent with more gene flow in D. engyochracea than in D. hawaiiensis. Phylogenetic analysis indicates a small number of individuals morphologically identified as one species but have DNA sequence diagnostic for the other species. These results are consistent with these individuals being descendant from hybrids between species.  相似文献   

薄叶金花茶、小花金花茶和小瓣金花茶是三种濒危金花茶植物,为了解珍稀濒危植物遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用微卫星标记对他们的7个种群共184个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。结果表明:11个位点共检测到等位基因92个。在物种水平上,小瓣金花茶平均等位基因数(N_A)为3.9、有效等位基因数(N_E)为2.328、观测杂合度(H_o)为0.520、期望杂合度(H_e)为0.501,高于薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶。在种群水平上,有效等位基因数(N_E)在1.788~2.466之间,期望杂合度(H_e)在0.379~0.543之间;种群间遗传分化系数(FST)在0.143 7~0.453 3之间,种群间基因流(N_m)在0.301 5~1.488 9之间。AMOVA分子变异分析显示65.72%的变异存在于种群内。三种金花茶具有较低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的种群间遗传分化。STRUCTURE和PCoA种群遗传结构分析结果将取样种群分为2组,即薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶大部分个体分为一组,小瓣金花茶大部分个体分为一组。现存所有种群应根据实际情况尽快采取就地保护或迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

As a member of the Sanguisorbinae, taxonomically complicated Polylepis Ruiz & Pav. from the South American Andes is one of the few wind-pollinated genera of Rosaceae. Here, it is suggested that problems traditionally faced in species delimitation and phylogeny reconstruction may be in part due to a combination of weak reproductive barriers and the large distances that can be covered by genetic information as a result of wind pollination. The pattern of species distribution as well as molecular data (AFLP) of Polylepis were contrasted with those of an unrelated, insect-pollinated genus of similar species number and distribution, Minthostachys (Griseb.) Spach (Lamiaceae). In the present case, extensive pollen-mediated gene flow may explain the homogenization of genetic variability over larger distances and a lower number of species restricted to individual countries in the wind-pollinated genus Polylepis, but more examples will have to be studied before arriving at final conclusions.  相似文献   

嘉陵裸裂尻鱼为青藏高原特有鱼类,近年来随自然地理气候的变迁和人类活动的影响,种群数量急剧减少。为了解嘉陵裸裂尻鱼的遗传背景以便更好的保护其遗传资源,本研究采用线粒体控制区部分序列变异,分析了嘉陵裸裂尻鱼6个地理种群的遗传结构和分布动态。在147尾个体中共发现17个变异位点,定义了14种单倍型,群体总的单倍型多样性较高为0.810,核苷酸多样性低为0.00698。AMOVA分析显示,44.29%的分子差异源于群体间,55.71%的分子差异源于群体内,群体间遗传分化极显著。Fst值统计检验表明,除宕昌群体和舟曲群体之间差异不显著外,其余两两群体之间Fst值统计检验均显著。基因流估计显示各群体间的基因流水平较高,遗传交流较频繁。Mantel test检验表明,嘉陵裸裂尻鱼种群之间遗传分化程度与地理距离存在显著相关。系统树和单倍型网络进化图显示,6个地理群体的单倍型按照嘉陵江水系和渭河水系形成两个大的类群。错配分布和中性检验表明嘉陵裸裂尻鱼群体在近期历史上群体大小保持稳定,未出现显著的种群扩张。根据本文所揭示的嘉陵裸裂尻鱼种群遗传结构特征,建议将分布在嘉陵江水系的嘉陵裸裂尻鱼作为一个整体进行保护,嘉陵裸裂尻鱼渭河种群属高度分化的单倍型类群,且遗传多样性极低,需对该种群进行优先保护。  相似文献   

Three new species ofGalium from the NW. Himalaya in Pakistan are described and illustrated.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

13 species of the lichen genusCatapyrenium are reported from South America. Five species (C. analogicum, C. andicolum, C. exaratum, C. lachneoides, andC. podolepis) are described as new. A key to the species known from South America is presented. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the species are given.Studies on the lichen genusCatapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) III. For second part seeBreuss (1991).  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and population structure in Bergenia stracheyi, a threatened medicinal herb in the Western Himalaya of India was analysed using directed amplification of minisatellite DNA (DAMD) and inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. A total of 41 accessions of B. stracheyi representing three populations (Khillenmarg –KLM, Jalori Pass-JLP and Rohtang-RTG) were considered in the present study. The cumulative data analysis for 26 (10 DAMD + 16 ISSR) markers revealed 87.1% polymorphism. The maximum inter-population genetic distance was found between KLM and JLP, whereas the minimum genetic distance was found between RTG and JLP populations. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed maximum percentage of variation among individuals within populations (75%) than among the populations (25%). Clustering pattern of the three sample populations in STRUCTURE and PCoA analyses showed high genetic variation at population level. The present study revealed that distribution patterns, high altitudinal ranges, high habitat specificity, relatively high gene flow, small and isolated population size have shaped the current population structure of B. stracheyi in the Western Himalayan region. DAMD and ISSR markers have provided significant insights into characterization of B. stracheyi populations, and facilitate selection of appropriate accessions for further utilization in conservation and bioprospecting programmes.  相似文献   

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