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Summary Mental retardation, in particular the X-linked type, has interested geneticists for many years. An increasing number of affected families have been to genetic counselling centres, and an effort is being made to find clinical and cytogenetic methods so a reliable diagnosis can be made. This would enable the detection of carriers and the opportunity to offer prenatal diagnosis. Many questions remain regarding X-linked mental retardation, its causes, diagnosis, and prevention. In this article we try to give an overview about the status of our present knowledge and the questions to be answered in the future.  相似文献   

In this report, we present two further examples of X-linked mental retardation with Marfanoid habitus. Follow-up data on these two patients reveal that the clinical diagnosis of this syndrome is extremely difficult, if not impossible before puberty, as the Marfanoid habitus only becomes strikingly evident during adolescence.  相似文献   

Mental retardation is a frequent cause of intellectual and physical impairment. Several genes associated with mental retardation have been mapped to the X chromosome, among them, there is FMR1. The absence of or mutation in the Fragile Mental Retardation Protein, FMRP, is responsible for the Fragile X syndrome. FMRP is an RNA binding protein that shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. FMRP binds to several mRNAs including its own mRNA at a sequence region containing a G quartet structure. Some of the candidate downstream genes recently identified encode for synaptic proteins. Neuronal studies indicate that FMRP is located at synapses and loss of FMRP affects synaptic plasticity. At the synapses, FMRP acts as a translational repressor and in particular regulates translation of specific dendritic mRNAs, some of which encode cytoskeletal proteins and signal transduction molecules. This action occurs via a ribonucleoprotein complex that includes a small dendritic non-coding neuronal RNA that determines the specificity of FMRP function via a novel mechanism of translational repression. Since local protein synthesis is required for synaptic development and function, this role of FMRP likely underlies some of the behavioural and developmental symptoms of FRAXA patients. Finally we review recent work on the Drosophila system that connects cytoskeleton remodelling and FMRP function.  相似文献   

Yongchao Zhao  Yi Sun 《Cell research》2012,22(8):1224-1226
CUL4B, a member of the cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase family, is frequently mutated in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. The study by Liu et al. showed that Cul4b plays an essential developmental role in the extra-embryonic tissues, while it is dispensable in the embryo proper during mouse embryogenesis. Viable Cul4b-null mice provide the first animal model to study neuronal and behavioral deficiencies seen in human CUL4B XLMR patients.CUL4 is a member of the cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase family, the largest E3 ligase family, which appears to account for ∼20% of total protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system1,2,3. CUL4 is conserved during evolution from yeast to human. In yeast, CUL4 encodes a single gene, but mammalian cells express two closely related paralogs, CUL4A and CUL4B with about 82% sequence identity. CUL4A and CUL4B assemble structurally similar E3 complexes through binding to an adaptor protein (DDB1) and a substrate receptor protein (DCAF) at the N-terminus, and a RING protein RBX1 at the C-terminus (Figure 1), and share functional redundancy in targeting substrates such as p21 and Cdt1 for ubiquitination and degradation1,2. The Cul4a-null mice are viable and display no abnormal development and growth phenotypes, likely due to functional compensation from Cul4b4,5. The only phenotype associated with Cul4a abrogation is the reproductive defects seen with male but not female mice, resulting from differential non-overlapping expression patterns of the two Cul4 genes during male meiosis6. On the other hand, germline deletion of Cul4b resulted in embryonic lethality around E9.57, indicating a unique function of Cul4b that cannot be compensated by Cul4a during embryogenesis.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Differential expression of Cul4a and Cul4b in the embryo proper and extra embryonic tissues determines their fate. Before implantation, both Cul4a and Cul4b are expressed in the blastocyst. Following implantation, Cul4a is expressed in the embryo proper, but not in extra-embryonic tissues. Upon Cul4b deletion, p21 accumulates in extra-embryonic tissues to induce G2/M arrest and eventually embryonic death due to degeneration of extra-embryonic tissues. Expression of Cul4a in embryo prevents p21 accumulation and subsequent embryonic death.Mental retardation (MR) affects approximately 1%-3% of the population and is about 30% more common in males than in females8, suggesting a causal relationship with gene mutations on the X chromosome. To date, mutations in about 100 genes have been identified in X-linked MR (XLMR), much more than those found on autosomes9. In 2007, two independent groups reported that mutations of CUL4B (Xq24) ubiquitin ligase gene are associated with XLMR10,11. CUL4B-deficient patients display a syndrome of delayed puberty, moderate short stature, hypogonadism, relative macrocephaly, central obesity, fine intention tremor, brachydactyly, and large tongue10,11. Similarly, the neuronal and developmental deficiencies found in XLMR patients with CUL4B mutations are not compensated by CUL4A. The studies of the molecular pathogenesis of human XLMR are lagging partly due to the lack of an animal model for the disease.In the most recent study published in Cell Research, Zhou and coworkers12 attempted to generate conditional Cul4b knockout mice with targeted deletion of Cul4b at exons 4 and 5, giving rise to a non-functional Cul4b fragment lacking both the DDB1-binding domain and the cullin homology domain for RBX1 recruitment. The chicken-actin (CAG)-Cre was used, which drives Cre-mediated recombination at the early zygote stage, leading to Cul4b deletion in both the embryo proper and extra-embryonic tissues. Like human CUL4B, the mouse Cul4b is also located on the X-chromosome. Intercrossing of male CAG-Cre with female Cul4bfl/+ revealed that hemizygous deletion of Cul4b causes embryonic lethality. No embryos with the genotype of Cul4b−/y survived beyond E9.5. Interestingly, the heterozygous Cul4b+/− embryos also die in the uterus before E13.5, suggesting that the paternal X chromosome undergoes imprinted inactivation with only trace amount, if any, of Cul4b expression remaining in extra-embryonic tissues. Detailed analysis of dissected embryos revealed that dying Cul4b+/− embryos (E12.5) lack blood supply from the yolk sacs, whereas the Cul4b−/y embryos (E8.5) showed remarkable reduction in proliferation with growth arrest at G2/M and enhanced apoptosis. The authors went on and investigated why Cul4a failed to compensate the loss of Cul4b, and found a dynamic expression pattern, differing between two forms, during early embryonic development. Prior to implantation, both Cul4 proteins are detectable in the blastocysts. Shortly after implantation, while both forms are expressed in the embryo proper, only Cul4b is expressed in the extra-embryonic tissues. Thus, upon Cul4b deletion, extra-embryonic tissues without Cul4a compensation degenerate, eventually leading to embryonic death. Consistently, when the authors deleted Cul4b in the epiblast using the Sox2-Cre (targeted Cul4b deletion in embryos proper only), viable Cul4b-null mice are produced likely due to Cul4a compensation. Thus, Cul4b is essential for the development of extra-embryonic tissues, but is dispensable for embryogenesis itself.To study the potential underlying mechanism(s) of embryonic lethality upon Cul4b deletion in extra-embryonic tissues, the authors used an extra-embryonic cell line (XEN). Cul4b knockdown induced a remarkable cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase, consistent with observation made in Cul4b-null embryos, and robust accumulation of p21, a universal inhibitor of cyclin dependent kinase and a known substrate of Cul41. To determine whether accumulated p21 is responsible for the G2/M arrest, the authors simultaneously knocked down both Cul4b and p21 in XEN cells and observed a partial abrogation of growth arrest, suggesting that p21 plays a causal role, at least in part. Unfortunately, due to unavailability of anti-mouse p21 antibody specific for immunohistochemical staining, the authors were not able to show if p21 is indeed accumulated in extra-embryonic tissues upon Cul4b deletion. However, whether p21 indeed plays a causal role in embryonic death upon Cul4b deletion can be unequivocally determined by a rescuing experiment in which simultaneous deletion of p21 should abrogate or at least delay embryonic lethality, if it is causal. Nevertheless, the study by Zhou''s group can be summarized as follows. Before implantation, both Cul4a and Cul4b ubiquitin ligases are expressed in the blastocyst (inner cell mass and trophoblast cells). Following embryo implantation, while Cul4b is expressed in both the embryo proper and extra embryonic tissues, Cul4a is only expressed in the embryo proper. The CAG-Cre-driven Cul4b deletion (in both the embryo proper and extra-embryonic tissues) causes significant p21 accumulation in Cul4a non-expressing extra-embryonic tissues, resulting in G2/M arrest, followed by embryonic death due to degeneration of extra-embryonic tissues. On the embryo side, Cul4b deletion has no detrimental consequence, benefiting from the compensatory effect of Cul4a for p21 targeting. The same holds true when Cul4b is deleted driven by embryonic specific Sox2-Cre (Figure 1).It is noteworthy that the studies by Zhou''s group revealed two distinct differences between Cul4b KO mice and CUL4B-associated XLMR patients. First, Cul4b deletion at the zygote stage causes embryonic lethality, whereas XLMR patients with CUL4B mutations live to adulthood. Second, the Cul4b-null allele cannot be transmitted from the mother to the offspring, whereas human XLMR patients inherit X-linked CUL4B mutations from their mothers. Nevertheless, viable Cul4b-null mice (upon epiblast ablation by Sox2-Cre) provide the first mouse model for mechanistic study of human XLMR diseases associated with CUL4B mutations in the following three aspects:First, as noted earlier, human CUL4B XLMR patients have multiple neuronal and developmental defects. An obvious follow-up study will be to use this mouse model for neurological and behavioral analyses to determine whether Cul4b-null mice indeed present some of human XLMR symptoms.Second, this model can also be used to validate whether accumulation of Cul4b substrates during various stages of brain development indeed plays a pathogenic role and contributes to the clinical symptoms of XLMR patients. For instance, WDR5, a recently identified gene affecting general cognitive ability13, was found to be a novel nuclear substrate of CUL4B, but not CUL4A14. Investigation into whether WDR5 is abnormally accumulated upon Cul4b deletion in vivo would rule in or rule out its potential association with human XLMR, although it was not the case in this study using an extra-embryonic cell line in vitro.Third, the viability of Cul4b-null mice upon epiblast-specific deletion provides opportunities to study neuronal specific ablation of Cul4b in association with the pathogenesis of CUL4B-associated XLMR. For example, Cul4b is expressed at high levels in the hippocampus and cerebrum of mouse brains; both regions are affected in MR patients15. Thus, the use of Cre mouse lines that target the deletion of Cul4b in the entire brain, selected brain areas, or specific neuronal cells in both spatial and temporal manners16 would reveal potential contributions of particular regions and cell types to the development and symptoms of CUL4B-associated XLMR.A number of questions that warrant future investigation remain unanswered. First, in addition to p21, what are the other Cul4B substrates, which also contribute to degeneration of extra-embryonic tissues upon Cul4b deletion, since simultaneous deletion of p21 only partially rescues the growth defects? Second, besides the difference in tissue/cell specific expression seen in this study, are Cul4a and Cul4b targeting a unique set of substrates non-redundantly, thus differentiating their physiological functions? A related question will be why CUL4A cannot compensate for the loss of CUL4B in CUL4B-associated XLMR patients? Third, what is the pathogenic mechanism for CUL4B-associated XLMR? Is it mainly due to pathological accumulation of many CUL4B substrates? Answers to these questions may offer insights into potential therapeutic strategies for the treatment of CUL4B-associated XLMR patients.In summary, the findings reported by Zhou''s group provide the first convincing evidence that demonstrates an essential role of Cul4b in the development of extra-embryonic tissues during mouse embryogenesis. The viable Cul4b conditional knockout mice, generated in this study, may serve as the first mouse model for future mechanistic studies of neuronal and behavioral deficiencies of human XLMR associated with CUL4B mutations. We look forward to more exciting discoveries of how Cul4b deficiency leads to the development of XLMR in years to come.  相似文献   

The prevalence of primary aldosteronism (PA) is around 10% of hypertensives, with markedly increased risk of cardiovascular damage compared with age-, sex- and BP-matched essential hypertension (EH). Currently, if hypertension is present in 20% of the population, PA will account for 2%; of these PA patients only 1% are ever screened, let alone diagnosed and treated, and the remaining 99% suboptimally treated, if at all. Mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonists are effective in lowering BP, uniquely vasoprotective and safe when titrated to effect in EH. In resistant hypertension (BP elevated despite 3 or more conventional agents, including a diuretic), which constitutes 20-30% of EH, addition of a low dose MR antagonist reproducibly produces BP lowering of 20-30 mm Hg. Two thirds of PA is unilateral, and normally treated by MR antagonists; in unilateral PA surgery is recommended, but there are also studies reporting MR antagonist therapy to be noninferior over the longer term. There thus seems to be a very strong case for including a low dose MR antagonist in first-line therapy for new hypertension, given its utility and safety across EH, its particular efficacy in resistant hypertension, and its specific benefits for the 99% of subjects with occult PA. We do not have the resources to diagnose PA, but we do have the wherewithal to treat it.  相似文献   

New data support a role for growth hormone secretagogue receptor agonists as rejuvenating agents. Two enzymes critical for the formation of beta-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease have been identified. Estrogen receptor beta continues to emerge as a potential drug target. The orphan nuclear receptor Nurr1 appears to be a target for treatment of Parkinson's disease, and propargylamines are emerging as inhibitors of oxidative damage in neurons.  相似文献   

Knowledge in history-taking has increased rapidly over the last twenty years. Currently the principles to be taught include "conduct," "content," and "diagnostic reasoning." However, inattentiveness of medical schools, reluctance of busy faculty to be involved, and increasing enrollments have resulted in difficulties in teaching these skills. Studies have shown a beneficial short-term effect of teaching these materials on interview performance but it is unknown whether this effect is long-lasting. The methods for instruction include the bedside and videotape models utilizing the concept of the fifteen-minute interview technique, programmed instruction, patient instructors, and direct student feedback. Future research should focus on identifying strategies in diagnostic reasoning, developing graduated competency criteria for trainees at different levels of their education, refining methods to evaluate large numbers of students, measuring outcomes of effective training such as compliance, and comparing costs and effectiveness of various methods. In addition, there remains the need to establish an association of course directors.  相似文献   

On the basis of recent data from candidate region/gene and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and their follow-up investigations, the number of genes potentially implicated in schizophrenia has been estimated to be over 1000. However, with regard to the identified odds ratio, it is likely that genetic variants with more definitive effect on schizophrenia phenotype are still missing. The hunt therefore remains open for the genetic variants that would explain the majority of the missing heritability of schizophrenia. This review aims at summarizing data from recent DNA microarray and target gene/region resequencing in order to propose new insights of where to look next. The review is divided into three sections: GWAS, copy-number variations and rare variant--candidate gene resequencing.  相似文献   

Lang T  Jahn R 《Developmental cell》2002,2(3):257-259
In the February 8th issue of Cell, Wang et al. report the surprising finding that vacuolar fusion occurs at the periphery of the contact area of the vacuoles and not by the expansion of a central fusion pore. During fusion, a disk of boundary membrane is excised and left behind within the fused vacuoles.  相似文献   

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