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Little is known about the spatial distribution of lianas on emergent trees in tropical rainforests and the factors affecting this distribution. The present study investigated the effects of an arboreal ant species, Crematogaster difformis, which forms myrmecophytic symbioses with two epiphytic ferns, Lecanopteris sp. and Platycerium sp., on the spatial distribution of lianas associated with emergent trees. Living lianas were placed onto trunk surfaces inside and outside the territories of the ants in the canopy, to examine their ability to remove them. The number of leaves pruned by the ants was significantly higher on lianas inside than outside their territories. The spatial overlap of the distributions of lianas and the two ferns on emergent trees were then examined. The frequency of liana colonization of tree crowns was found to be significantly lower on trees with than without ferns. Under the natural conditions, C. difformis workers were observed biting and pruning the lianas. These results suggest that C. difformis regulates the distribution of lianas on emergent trees.  相似文献   

Peter H. Kerr 《ZooKeys》2014,(437):109-126
California is one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world, yet the diversity of fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae) remains largely undocumented within the state. A modest survey of these flies has led to the discovery of a new genus and species of gnat that lives alongside one of the most iconic trees in the world, the giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum). Spritella sequoiaphila gen. et sp. n. is described and illustrated and its status among other mycetophilid genera is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The legume clade Lotononis sensu lato (s.l.; tribe Crotalarieae) comprises three genera: Listia, Leobordea and Lotononis sensu stricto (s.s.). Listia species are symbiotically specific and form lupinoid nodules with rhizobial species of Methylobacterium and Microvirga. This work investigated whether these symbiotic traits were confined to Listia by determining the ability of rhizobial strains isolated from species of Lotononis s.l. to nodulate Listia, Leobordea and Lotononis s.s. hosts and by examining the morphology and structure of the resulting nodules.


Rhizobia were characterized by sequencing their 16S rRNA and nodA genes. Nodulation and N2 fixation on eight taxonomically diverse Lotononis s.l. species were determined in glasshouse trials. Nodules of all hosts, and the process of infection and nodule initiation in Listia angolensis and Listia bainesii, were examined by light microscopy.

Key Results

Rhizobia associated with Lotononis s.l. were phylogenetically diverse. Leobordea and Lotononis s.s. isolates were most closely related to Bradyrhizobium spp., Ensifer meliloti, Mesorhizobium tianshanense and Methylobacterium nodulans. Listia angolensis formed effective nodules only with species of Microvirga. Listia bainesii nodulated only with pigmented Methylobacterium. Five lineages of nodA were found. Listia angolensis and L. bainesii formed lupinoid nodules, whereas nodules of Leobordea and Lotononis s.s. species were indeterminate. All effective nodules contained uniformly infected central tissue. Listia angolensis and L. bainesii nodule initials occurred on the border of the hypocotyl and along the tap root, and nodule primordia developed in the outer cortical layer. Neither root hair curling nor infection threads were seen.


Two specificity groups occur within Lotononis s.l.: Listia species are symbiotically specific, while species of Leobordea and Lotononis s.s. are generally promiscuous and interact with rhizobia of diverse chromosomal and symbiotic lineages. The seasonally waterlogged habitat of Listia species may favour the development of symbiotic specificity.  相似文献   

Ecologically significant symbiotic associations are frequently studied in isolation, but such studies of two-way interactions cannot always predict the responses of organisms in a community setting. To explore this issue, we adopt a community approach to examine the role of plant–microbial and insect–microbial symbioses in modulating a plant–herbivore interaction. Potato plants were grown under glass in controlled conditions and subjected to feeding from the potato aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae. By comparing plant growth in sterile, uncultivated and cultivated soils and the performance of M. euphorbiae clones with and without the facultative endosymbiont Hamiltonella defensa, we provide evidence for complex indirect interactions between insect– and plant–microbial systems. Plant biomass responded positively to the live soil treatments, on average increasing by 15% relative to sterile soil, while aphid feeding produced shifts (increases in stem biomass and reductions in stolon biomass) in plant resource allocation irrespective of soil treatment. Aphid fecundity also responded to soil treatment with aphids on sterile soil exhibiting higher fecundities than those in the uncultivated treatment. The relative allocation of biomass to roots was reduced in the presence of aphids harbouring H. defensa compared with plants inoculated with H. defensa-free aphids and aphid-free control plants. This study provides evidence for the potential of plant and insect symbionts to shift the dynamics of plant–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

G Dharmarajan  J C Beasley  O E Rhodes  Jr 《Heredity》2011,106(2):253-260
Population genetics is increasingly being used to study the biology of parasites at the scales of both the host (infrapopulation, IP) and host population (component population, CP). In this study we tested three mechanistic hypotheses that could explain deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) expectations due to heterozygote deficits (HDs) at the CP scale in raccoon ticks (Ixodes texanus; n=718) collected from raccoons (Procyon lotor; n=91) and genotyped at 11 microsatellite loci. These hypotheses were presence of technical issues (for example, null alleles), hierarchical structure (for example, host demography) and cryptic structure (for example, kin structure). Although statistical support for null alleles existed, their presence would also be expected to lead to an underestimation in levels of relatedness, and thus kin structure. However, we found the opposite pattern: significant HD at the IP scale being more likely in CPs with significant vs non-significant levels of kin structure. Our analyses revealed that pooling of kin groups could lead to highly variable levels of FIS among loci, a pattern usually suggestive of null alleles. We used Monte–Carlo (MC) simulations to show that the existence of subdivided breeding groups and high variance in individual reproductive success could adequately explain deviations from HWE in I. texanus. Thus, our results indicate that biological factors can lead to patterns that have usually been interpreted as technical issues (for example, null alleles), and that it is important to take such factors into consideration because loci deviating from HWE likely reflect the effects of real biological processes.  相似文献   

The antigenic characterizations and serological reactions of human liver flukes, Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini, were analyzed by immunoblot. The antigenic profiles of the crude extract of Clonorchis contained major proteins of 8, 26-28, 34-37, 43, and 70 kDa, and those of Opisthorchis 34-37, 43, 70, and 100 kDa. Of these, the 8, 26-28 and 34-37 kDa bands of Clonorchis and the 100 kDa of Opisthorchis were major components of each excretory-secretory antigen. The 8 and 26-28 kDa bands were specific to Clonorchis but the 100 kDa of Opisthorchis cross-reacted with the sera of clonorchiasis, and the 34-37, 70 and 100 kDa bands cross-reacted with sera of other helminthiases. The frequency and intensity of the immunoblot reactions were positively correlated with the intensity of the liver fluke infection.  相似文献   

Anodic microbial communities in acetate-fed microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were analyzed using stable-isotope probing of 16S rRNA genes followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. The results revealed that Geobacter sulfurreducens and Hydrogenophaga sp. predominated in the anodic biofilm. Although the predominance of Geobacter sp. as acetoclastic exoelectrogens in acetate-fed MFC systems has been often reported, the ecophysiological role of Hydrogenophaga sp. is unknown. Therefore, we isolated and characterized a bacterium closely related to Hydrogenophaga sp. (designated strain AR20). The newly isolated strain AR20 could use molecular hydrogen (H2), but not acetate, with carbon electrode as the electron acceptor, indicating that the strain AR20 was a hydrogenotrophic exoelectrogen. This evidence raises a hypothesis that acetate was oxidized by G. sulfurreducens in syntrophic cooperation with the strain AR20 as a hydrogen-consuming partner in the acetate-fed MFC. To prove this hypothesis, G. sulfurreducens strain PCA was cocultivated with the strain AR20 in the acetate-fed MFC without any dissolved electron acceptors. In the coculture MFC of G. sulfurreducens and strain AR20, current generation and acetate degradation were the highest, and the growth of strain AR20 was observed. No current generation, acetate degradation and cell growth occurred in the strain AR20 pure culture MFC. These results show for the first time that G. sulfurreducens can oxidize acetate in syntrophic cooperation with the isolated Hydrogenophaga sp. strain AR20, with electrode as the electron acceptor.  相似文献   

MMP19 and MMP23B belong to the Matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) family, which are zinc-binding endopeptidases that are capable of degrading various components of the extracellular matrix. They are thought to play important roles in embryonic development, reproduction and tissue remodeling, as well as in cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, angiogenesis, apoptosis and host defense. However, they are poorly understood in pigs. Here, we obtained the full length coding region sequence and genomic sequence of the porcine MMP19 and MMP23B genes and analyzed their genomic structures. The deduced amino acid sequence shares similar precursor protein domains with human and mouse MMP19 and MMP23B protein, respectively. Using IMpRH panel, MMP19 was mapped to SSC5p12-q11 (closely linked to microsatellite DK) and MMP23B was mapped to SSC8q11-q12 (linked to microsatellite Sw2521). Quantitative real-time PCR showed that MMP19 was abundantly expressed in the liver, while MMP23B was strongly expressed in the ovarian and heart. Furthermore, both genes were all expressed increasingly in prenatal skeletal muscle during development. Three SNPs were detected by sequencing and PCR-RFLP methods, and association analysis indicated that C203T at exon 5 of MMP19 has a significant association with the blood parameters WBC (G/L) and IgG2 (mg/mL) (P<0.05), SNP C131T at exon 3 of MMP23B is significantly associated with the blood parameters HGB (g/L) and MCH (P<0.05), and A150G in exon 4 has no significant association with the economic traits in pigs.  相似文献   

Variability in edaphic factors such as clay content, organic matter, and nutrient availability within individual fields is a major obstacle confronting cotton producers. Adaptation of geospatial technologies such global positioning systems (GPS), yield monitors, autosteering, and the automated on-and-off technology required for site-specific nematicide application has provided growers with additional tools for managing nematodes. Multiple trials in several states were conducted to evaluate this technology in cotton. In a field infested with Meloidogyne spp., both shallow (0 to 0.3 m) and deep (0 to 0.91 m) apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) readings were highly correlated with sand content. Populations of Meloidogyne spp. were present when shallow and deep EC values were less than 30 and 90 mS/m, respectively. Across three years of trials in production fields in which verification strips (adjacent nematicide treated and untreated rows across all soil zones) were established to evaluate crop response to nematicide application, deep EC values from 27.4-m wide transects of verification strips were more predictive of yield response to application of 1,3-dichloropropene than were shallow EC values in one location and both ECa values equally effective at predicting responses at the second location. In 2006, yields from entire verification strips across three soil zones in four production fields showed that nematicide response was greatest in areas with the lowest EC values indicating highest content of sand. In 2008 in Ashley and Mississippi Counties, AR, nematicide treatment by soil zone resulted in 36% and 42% reductions in the amount of nematicide applied relative to whole-field application. In 2007 in Bamberg County, SC, there was a strong positive correlation between increasing population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and increasing sand content. Trials conducted during 2007 and 2009 in South Carolina against Hoplolaimus columbus showed a stepwise response to increasing rates of aldicarb in zone 1 but not in zones 2 and 3. Site-specific application of nematicides has been shown to be a viable option for producers as a potential management tool against several nematode pathogens of cotton.  相似文献   

The abundance of Pratylenchus scribneri in soil and root habitats was compared in potato and corn plots during 1986-88. Nematodes were extracted from 100-cm³ soil samples and the roots contained within the samples. The percentage of the population recovered from soil, similar among years and crops, averaged ca. 50% at the beginning and end of the growing season and ca. 20% from early to late season. Proportionately more adults and fourth-stage juveniles than younger stages were located outside roots until harvest. In a related study, nematodes were isolated from the roots, root surfaces, and soil associated with roots of whole corn and potato plants sampled from the field. Nematode population estimates calculated from the whole plant samples were generally lower than those based on soil cores, but showed similar patterns of population growth. Nematode density per gram dry weight was highest in roots, intermediate on root surfaces, and lowest in soil. Estimates of the absolute abundance of nematodes in each of the three habitats were highest in roots or soil, depending on the sampling date, and lowest on root surfaces. This study demonstrates that P. scribneri inhabits soil environments even when host roots are present and illustrates the importance of considering all possible habitats when estimating the size of Pratylenchus spp. populations.  相似文献   

O Duron 《Heredity》2013,111(4):330-337
Various bacteria live exclusively within arthropod cells and collectively act as an important driver of arthropod evolutionary ecology. Whereas rampant intra-generic DNA transfers were recently shown to have a pivotal role in the evolution of the most common of these endosymbionts, Wolbachia, the present study show that inter-generic DNA transfers also commonly take place, constituting a potent source of rapid genomic change. Bioinformatic, molecular and phylogenetic data provide evidence that a selfish genetic element, the insertion sequence ISRpe1, is widespread in the Wolbachia, Cardinium and Rickettsia endosymbionts and experiences recent (and likely ongoing) transfers over long evolutionary distances. Although many ISRpe1 copies were clearly expanding and leading to rapid endosymbiont diversification, degraded copies are also frequently found, constituting an unusual genomic fossil record suggestive of ancient ISRpe1 expansions. Overall, the present data highlight how ecological connections within the arthropod intracellular environment facilitate lateral DNA transfers between distantly related bacterial lineages.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The herbivore defence system of true grasses (Poaceae) is predominantly based on silicon that is taken up from the soil and deposited in the leaves in the form of abrasive phytoliths. Silicon uptake mechanisms can be both passive and active, with the latter suggesting that there is an energetic cost to silicon uptake. This study assessed the effects of plant-available soil silicon and herbivory on the competitive interactions between the grasses Poa annua, a species that has previously been reported to accumulate only small amounts of silicon, and Lolium perenne, a high silicon accumulator.


Plants were grown in mono- and mixed cultures under greenhouse conditions. Plant-available soil silicon levels were manipulated by adding silicon to the soil in the form of sodium silicate. Subsets of mixed culture pots were exposed to above-ground herbivory by desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria).

Key Results

In the absence of herbivory, silicon addition increased biomass of P. annua but decreased biomass of L. perenne. Silicon addition increased foliar silicon concentrations of both grass species >4-fold. Under low soil-silicon availability the herbivores removed more leaf biomass from L. perenne than from P. annua, whereas under high silicon availability the reverse was true. Consequently, herbivory shifted the competitive balance between the two grass species, with the outcome depending on the availability of soil silicon.


It is concluded that a complex interplay between herbivore abundance, growth–defence trade-offs and the availability of soil silicon in the grasses'' local environment affects the outcome of inter-specific competition, and so has the potential to impact on plant community structure.  相似文献   

In a greenhouse pot experiment on the pathogenicity and interactions of Meloidogyne incognita, M. hapla and Pratylenchus brachyurus on four cultivars o f tobacco the cultivars ''Hicks'' and ''NC 2326'' were susceptible to each nematode and "NC 95'' and ''NC 2512'' resistant only to M. incognita.Mean heights of susceptible plants were depressed but fresh weight of tops did not differ significantly. Meloidogyne spp. increased fresh weight of susceptible (but not the resistant) roots.Reproduction of M. incognita was decreased in the presence of P. brachyurus in one case. M. hapla reproduction was less with either of the other nematodes in five out of eight cases. In 12 combinations involving P. brachyurus, reproduction of this species was depressed in seven, not affected in four and increased in one.Mechanisms involved in associative interactions were not identified but appeared to be indirect and to involve individual host-nematode responses.  相似文献   

The root-galling index of tomatoes inoculated with Meloidogyne javanica was decreased 70% when collagen was used as a soil amendment (0.1% w/w) and 90% when the amendment was supplemented with the collagenolytic fungus Cunninghamella elegans. The root-galling index was reduced 80% when the fungus was homogenized in collagen culture medium and added to soil without collagen supplement. Culture filtrates of the fungus C. elegans, grown on collagen as a single source of carbon and nitrogen, immobilized M. javanica second-stage juveniles and inhibited egg hatch. Root galling was reduced when tomato plants were inoculated with filtrate-treated juveniles. Culture filtrates reduced the motility of Rotylenchulus reniformis and Xiphinema index, but they had less effect on Anguina tritici and almost no effect on Ditylenchus dipsaci. Cunninghamella elegans had collagenolytic, elastolytic, keratinolytic, and nonspecific proteolytic activities when grown on collagen media, but only chitinolytic activity when grown on chitin media.  相似文献   

In a long-term field experiment, differential population densities of Heterodera avenae were produced by frequent cropping with resistant (cv. Panema) or susceptible (cv. Peniarth) oat. The two oat cultivars were equally good hosts of Pratylenchus neglectus in a glass house experiment with field soil. On wheat crops grown after oats in field experiments, P. neglectus population densities in roots were higher in plots where H. avenae had been controlled than in plots with moderate infestations (40 H. avenae eggs/g soil). The field observations indicated that the reduction in population densities of P. neglectus coincided with the development in roots of sedentary stages of the cyst nematode. Evidence for an indirect effect of H. avenae on P. neglectus was found in vitro in a split-root experiment. In the same field, grain yields of two wheat cultivars susceptible or resistant to H. avenae, but both susceptible to P. neglectus, was not reduced by P. neglectus. Alternation of H. avenae resistant and susceptible cultivars is a possible way of exploiting the inverse relationship between these nematodes, whilst controlling cyst nematode -populations in intensive cereal production systems.  相似文献   

Florunner peanut was grown after 1 and 2 years of Tifton 9 bahiagrass, corn, cotton, and continuous peanut as whole-plots. Pesticide treatments aldicarb (3.4 kg a.i./ha), flutolanil (1.7 kg a.i./ha), aldicarb + flutolanil, and untreated (control) were sub-plots. Numbers of Meloidogyne arenaria second-stage juveniles in the soil and root-gall indices of peanut at harvest were consistently lower in plots treated with aldicarb and aldicarb + flutolanil than in flutolanil-treated and untreated plots. Percentages of peanut leaflets damaged by thrips and leafhoppers were consistently greater in flutolaniltreated and untreated plots than in plots treated with aldicarb or aldicarb + flutolanil but not affected by cropping sequences. Incidence of southern stem rot was moderate to high for all chemical treatments except those that included flutolanil. Stem rot loci were low in peanut following 2 years of bahiagrass, intermediate following 2 years of corn or cotton, and highest in continuous peanut. Rhizoctonia limb rot was more severe in the peanut monoculture than in peanut following 2 years of bahiagrass, corn, or cotton. Flutolanil alone or combined with aldicarb suppressed limb rot compared with aldicarb-treated and untreated plots. Peanut pod yields were 4,186 kg/ha from aldicarb + flutolanil-treated plots, 3,627 kg/ha from aldicarb-treated plots, 3,426 kg/ha from flutolanil-treated plots, and 3,056 kg/ha from untreated plots. Yields of peanut following 2 years of bahiagrass, corn, and cotton were 29% to 33% higher than yield of monocultured peanut.  相似文献   

Alpine and arctic lemming populations appear to be highly sensitive to climate change, and when faced with warmer and shorter winters, their well-known high-amplitude population cycles may collapse. Being keystone species in tundra ecosystems, changed lemming dynamics may convey significant knock-on effects on trophically linked species. Here, we analyse long-term (1988–2010), community-wide monitoring data from two sites in high-arctic Greenland and document how a collapse in collared lemming cyclicity affects the population dynamics of the predator guild. Dramatic changes were observed in two highly specialized lemming predators: snowy owl and stoat. Following the lemming cycle collapse, snowy owl fledgling production declined by 98 per cent, and there was indication of a severe population decline of stoats at one site. The less specialized long-tailed skua and the generalist arctic fox were more loosely coupled to the lemming dynamics. Still, the lemming collapse had noticeable effects on their reproductive performance. Predator responses differed somewhat between sites in all species and could arise from site-specific differences in lemming dynamics, intra-guild interactions or subsidies from other resources. Nevertheless, population extinctions and community restructuring of this arctic endemic predator guild are likely if the lemming dynamics are maintained at the current non-cyclic, low-density state.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, rate of root penetration, and external root feeding behavior of Pratylenchus agilis (Pa) in monoxenic cultures of intact corn seedlings and root explants of corn, tomato, and soybean were studied. In descending order of suitability as hosts were I. O. Chief corn, Rutgers tomato, and Williams soybean. Soybean entries Kent, Pickett 71, PI 90763, and Essex were poor hosts. Numbers of eggs and vermiform Pa in the agar medium indicated total fecundity and host suitability. Agar, sand, or soil as support media did not appear to affect Pa root penetration, but the rate of corn root growth did. Whereas most vermiform Pa and eggs were in roots, substantial numbers appeared able to feed and complete their life cycle as ectoparasites on root epidermal cells and root hairs.  相似文献   

The Varroa mite, Varroa destructor, is recognized as the most serious pest of both managed and feral Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) in the world. The mite has developed resistance to fluvalinate, an acaricide used to control it in beehives, and fluvalinate residues have been found in the beeswax, necessitating an urgent need to find alternative control measures to suppress this pest. Accordingly, we investigated the possibility of using the fungus, Hirsutella thompsonii, as a biocontrol agent of the Varroa mite. Among the 9 isolates of H. thompsonii obtained from the University of Florida and the USDA, only the 3 USDA isolates (ARSEF 257, 1947 and 3323) were infectious to the Varroa mite in laboratory tests. The mite became infected when it was allowed to walk on a sporulating H. thompsonii culture for 5 min. Scanning electron micrographs revealed that the membranous arolium of the mite leg sucker is the focus of infection where the fungal conidia adhered and germinated. The infected mites died from mycosis, with the lethal times to kill 50% (LT(50)s) dependent on the fungal isolates. Thus, the LT(50)s were 52.7, 77.2, and 96.7h for isolates 3323, 257, and 1947, respectively. Passage of H. thompsonii through Varroa mite three times significantly reduced the LT(50)s of isolates 257 and 1947 (P<0.05) but not the LT(50) of isolate 3323.The fungus did not infect the honey bee in larval, prepupal, pupal, and adult stages under our laboratory rearing conditions. Our encouraging results suggest that some isolates of H. thompsonii have the potential to be developed as a biocontrol agent for V. destructor. However, fungal infectivity against the mites under beehive conditions needs to be studied before any conclusion can be made.  相似文献   

In a series of microcosm experiments with an arable, sandy loam soil amended with sugarbeet leaf, the short-term (8 weeks) dynamics of numbers of nematodes were measured in untreated soil and in γ-irradiated soil inoculated with either a field population of soil microorganisms and nematodes or a mixed population of laboratory-propagated bacterivorous nematode species. Sugarbeet leaf stimulated an increase in bacterivorous Rhabditidae, Cephalobidae, and a lab-cultivated Panagrolaimus sp. Differences were observed between the growth rates of the nematode population in untreated and γ-irradiated soils, which were caused by two nematophagous fungi, Arthrobotrys oligospora and Dactylaria sp. These fungi lowered the increase in nematode numbers due to the organic enrichment in the untreated soil. We estimated the annually produced bacterivous nematodes to consume 50 kg carbon and 10 kg nitrogen per ha, per year, in the upper, plowed 25 cm of arable soil.  相似文献   

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