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The way that we interpret and interact with the world entails making decisions on the basis of available sensory evidence. Recent primate neurophysiology [1-6], human neuroimaging [7-13], and modeling experiments [14-19] have demonstrated that perceptual decisions are based on an integrative process in which sensory evidence accumulates over time until an internal decision bound is reached. Here we used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to provide causal support for the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in this integrative process. Specifically, we used a speeded perceptual categorization task designed to induce a time-dependent accumulation of sensory evidence through rapidly updating dynamic stimuli and found that disruption of the left DLPFC with low-frequency rTMS reduced accuracy and increased response times relative to a sham condition. Importantly, using the drift-diffusion model, we show that these behavioral effects correspond to a decrease in drift rate, a parameter describing the rate and thereby the efficiency of the sensory evidence integration in the decision process. These results provide causal evidence linking the DLPFC to the mechanism of evidence accumulation during perceptual decision making.  相似文献   

The physiotherapist’s clinical practice includes proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), which is a treatment concept that accelerates the response of neuromuscular mechanisms through spiral and diagonal movements. The adaptations that occur in the nervous system following PNF are still poorly described in the literature. Thus, this study had a goal to investigate the electrophysiological changes in the fronto-parietal circuit during PNF and movement in sagittal and diagonal patterns. This study included 30 female participants, who were divided into three groups (control, PNF, and flexion groups). Electroencephalogram measurements were determined before and after tasks were performed by each group. For the statistical analysis, a two-way ANOVA was performed for the factors group and time. Interactions between the two factors were investigated using a one-way ANOVA. A value of p?相似文献   

Survival in complex environments depends on an ability to optimize future behaviour based on past experience. Learning from experience enables an organism to generate predictive expectancies regarding probable future states of the world, enabling deployment of flexible behavioural strategies. However, behavioural flexibility cannot rely on predictive expectancies alone and options for action need to be deployed in a manner that is responsive to a changing environment. Important moderators on learning-based predictions include those provided by context and inputs regarding an organism's current state, including its physiological state. In this paper, I consider human experimental approaches using functional magnetic resonance imaging that have addressed the role of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC), in particular the orbital PFC, in acquiring predictive information regarding the probable value of future events, updating this information, and shaping behaviour and decision processes on the basis of these value representations.  相似文献   

Distributed coding of sound locations in the auditory cortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the auditory cortex plays an important role in sound localization, that role is not well understood. In this paper, we examine the nature of spatial representation within the auditory cortex, focusing on three questions. First, are sound-source locations encoded by individual sharply tuned neurons or by activity distributed across larger neuronal populations? Second, do temporal features of neural responses carry information about sound-source location? Third, are any fields of the auditory cortex specialized for spatial processing? We present a brief review of recent work relevant to these questions along with the results of our investigations of spatial sensitivity in cat auditory cortex. Together, they strongly suggest that space is represented in a distributed manner, that response timing (notably first-spike latency) is a critical information-bearing feature of cortical responses, and that neurons in various cortical fields differ in both their degree of spatial sensitivity and their manner of spatial coding. The posterior auditory field (PAF), in particular, is well suited for the distributed coding of space and encodes sound-source locations partly by modulations of response latency. Studies of neurons recorded simultaneously from PAF and/or A1 reveal that spatial information can be decoded from the relative spike times of pairs of neurons - particularly when responses are compared between the two fields - thus partially compensating for the absence of an absolute reference to stimulus onset.  相似文献   

Encoding of episodic memories relies on stimulus-specific information processing and involves the left prefrontal cortex. We here present an incidental finding from a simultaneous EEG-TMS experiment as well as a replication of this unexpected effect. Our results reveal that stimulating the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) with slow repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) leads to enhanced word memory performance. A total of 40 healthy human participants engaged in a list learning paradigm. Half of the participants (N = 20) received 1 Hz rTMS to the left DLPFC, while the other half (N = 20) received 1 Hz rTMS to the vertex and served as a control group. Participants receiving left DLPFC stimulation demonstrated enhanced memory performance compared to the control group. This effect was replicated in a within-subjects experiment where 24 participants received 1 Hz rTMS to the left DLPFC and vertex. In this second experiment, DLPFC stimulation also induced better memory performance compared to vertex stimulation. In addition to these behavioural effects, we found that 1 Hz rTMS to DLPFC induced stronger beta power modulation in posterior areas, a state that is known to be beneficial for memory encoding. Further analysis indicated that beta modulations did not have an oscillatory origin. Instead, the observed beta modulations were a result of a spectral tilt, suggesting inhibition of these parietal regions. These results show that applying 1 Hz rTMS to DLPFC, an area involved in episodic memory formation, improves memory performance via modulating neural activity in parietal regions.

Encoding of episodic memories relies on stimulus-specific information processing and involves the left prefrontal cortex. An incidental finding from a simultaneous EEG-TMS experiment reveals that applying 1-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to this area of the brain improves memory performance by modulating neural activity in parietal regions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(6):459-470
In the present paper, we focus on the coding by cell assemblies in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and discuss the diversity of the coding, which results in stable and dynamic representations and the processing of various information in that higher brain region. The key activity that reflects cell-assembly coding is the synchrony of the firing of multiple neurons when animals are performing cognitive and memory tasks. First, we introduce some studies that have shown task-related synchrony of neuronal firing in the monkey PFC. These studies have reported fixed and several types of dynamic synchronous firing during working memory, long-term visual memory, and goal selection. The results of these studies have indicated that cell assemblies in the PFC can contribute to both the stability and the dynamics of various types of information. Second, we refer to rat studies and introduce the findings of cellular interactions that contribute to synchrony in working memory, learning-induced changes in synchrony in spatial tasks, and interactions of the PFC and hippocampus in dynamic synchrony. These studies have proposed neuronal mechanisms of cell-assembly coding in the PFC and its critical role in the learning of task demands in problematic situations. Based on the monkey and rat studies, we conclude that cell-assembly coding in the PFC is diverse and has various facets, which allow multipotentiality in the higher brain region. Finally, we discuss the problem of the sizes of cell assembly, how diverse the sizes are in the PFC, and the technical problems in their investigation. We introduce a unique spike-sorting method that can detect small and local cell assemblies that consist of closely neighboring neurons. Then, we describe the findings of our study that showed that the monkey PFC has both small and large cell assemblies, which have different roles in information coding in the working brain.  相似文献   

Leon MI  Shadlen MN 《Neuron》1999,24(2):415-425
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex plays a critical role in guiding actions that ensue seconds after an instruction. We recorded from neurons in area 46 and the frontal eye field (FEF) while monkeys performed a memory-guided eye movement task. A visual cue signaled whether a small or large liquid reward would accompany a correct response. Many neurons in area 46 responded more when the monkey expected a larger reward. Reward-related enhancement was evident throughout the memory period and was most pronounced when the remembered target appeared in the neuron's response field. Enhancement was not present in the FEF. The mixture of neural signals representing spatial working memory and reward expectation appears to be a distinct feature of area 46.  相似文献   

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The influence of early parental deprivation on the development of NADPH-diaphorase-(NO-synthase) reactive neuron numbers in subregions of the orbital prefrontal cortex (ventrolateral orbital, lateral orbital, and agranular insular cortex) was quantitatively investigated in the precocious lagomorph Octodon degus. Forty-five-day-old degus from three groups were compared: (1) repeated parental separation: degus that were repeatedly separated from their parents during the first three postnatal weeks and thereafter raised in undisturbed social conditions; (2) chronic isolation: degus that were raised under undisturbed social conditions until postnatal day 21, and then were reared in chronic social isolation; and (3) control: degus that were reared undisturbed in their families. Compared to the control animals the ventrolateral orbital prefrontal cortex and agranular insular cortex of the two deprived groups displayed significantly decreased density of NADPH-diaphorase-reactive neurons (down to 62% in the ventrolateral orbital prefrontal cortex of males, 70% in the agranular insular cortex, and in the lateral orbital prefrontal cortex 80% in both genders). These results confirm that early changes of social environment interferes with the development of limbic circuits, which might determine normal or pathological behaviors in later life.  相似文献   

Both appetitive and aversive outcomes can reinforce animal behavior. It is not clear, however, whether the opposing kinds of reinforcers are processed by specific or common neural mechanisms. To investigate this issue, we studied macaque monkeys that performed a memory-guided saccade task for three different outcomes, namely delivery of liquid reward, avoidance of air puff, and feedback sound only. Animals performed the task best in rewarded trials, intermediately in aversive trials, and worst in sound-only trials. Most task-related activity in lateral prefrontal cortex was differentially influenced by the reinforcers. Aversive avoidance had clear effects on some prefrontal neurons, although the effects of rewards were more common. We also observed neurons modulated by both positive and negative reinforcers, reflecting reinforcement or attentional processes. Our results demonstrate that information about positive and negative reinforcers is processed differentially in prefrontal cortex, which could contribute to the role of this structure in goal-directed behavior.  相似文献   

'Inter-temporal choice' refers to choice between two or more outcomes that differ with respect to their sizes, delays, and/or probabilities of occurrence. According to the multiplicative hyperbolic model of inter-temporal choice, the value of a reinforcer increases as a hyperbolic function of its size, and decreases as a hyperbolic function of its delay and the odds against its occurrence. These functions, each of which contains a single discounting parameter, are assumed to combine multiplicatively to determine the overall value of the reinforcer. The model gives rise to a quantitative methodology for analysing inter-temporal choice, based on a family of linear null equations which describe performance under conditions of indifference, when the values of the reinforcers are assumed to be equal. This approach was used to examine the effect of lesions of the orbital prefrontal cortex (OPFC) on inter-temporal choice in rats. Under halothane anaesthesia, rats received injections of the excitotoxin quinolinate into the OPFC or sham lesions. They were trained to press two levers (A and B) for food-pellet reinforcers in discrete-trials schedules. In free-choice trials, a press on A resulted in delivery of a pellet after a delay d(A) with a probability P=0.5; a press on B resulted in delivery of a pellet with a probability P=1 after a delay d(B). d(B) was increased progressively across successive blocks of six trials in each session, while d(A) was manipulated systematically across phases of the experiment. The indifference delays, d(B(50)) (value of d(B) corresponding to 50% choice of B) was estimated for each rat in each phase. Linear functions of d(B(50)) versus d(A) were derived, and the parameters of the function compared between the groups. In both groups, d(B(50)) increased linearly with d(A). The slope of the linear function was significantly steeper in the lesioned group than in the sham-lesioned group, whereas the intercept did not differ significantly between the groups. Analysis based on the relevant null equation indicated that the lesion of the OPFC increased the rate of both delay and odds discounting. Possible implications of the results for interpreting the effects of OPFC lesions on inter-temporal choice behaviour in man are discussed.  相似文献   

Nicotine enhances attention and working memory by activating nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is critical for these cognitive functions and is also rich in nAChR expression. Specific cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying nicotine's effects on cognition remain elusive. Here we show that nicotine exposure increases the threshold for synaptic spike-timing-dependent potentiation (STDP) in layer V pyramidal neurons of the mouse PFC. During coincident presynaptic and postsynaptic activity, nicotine reduces dendritic calcium signals associated with action potential propagation by enhancing GABAergic transmission. This results from a series of presynaptic actions involving different PFC interneurons and multiple nAChR subtypes. Pharmacological block of nAChRs or GABA(A) receptors prevented nicotine's actions and restored STDP, as did increasing dendritic calcium signals with stronger postsynaptic activity. Thus, by activating nAChRs distributed throughout the PFC neuronal network, nicotine affects PFC information processing and storage by increasing the amount of postsynaptic activity necessary to induce STDP.  相似文献   

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