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The serine-type phage integrase is an enzyme that catalyzes site-specific recombination between two attachment sites of phage and host bacterial genomes (attP and attB, respectively) having relatively short but distinct sequences without host auxiliary factor(s). Previously, we have established in vivo and in vitro site-specific recombination systems based on the serine-type integrase produced by actinophage TG1 and determined the minimal sizes of attP TG1 and attB TG1 sites required for the in vitro TG1 integrase reaction as 43- and 39-bp, respectively. Here, DNA databases were surveyed by FASTA program with the authentic attB TG1 sequence of Streptomyces avermitilis as a query. As a result, possible attB TG1 sequences were extracted from genomes of bacterial strains belonging to Class Alphaproteobacteria in addition to those of Class Actinobacteria. Those sequences extracted with a high similarity score and high sequence identity (we took arbitrarily more than 80% identity) turned out to be located within a conserved region of dapC or related genes encoding aminotransferases and proved to be actually recognized as the cognate substrate of attP TG1 site by the in vitro TG1 integrase assay. Furthermore, the possible attB TG1 site of Rhodospirillum rubrum revealed to be used actually as a native (endogenous) attachment site for the in vivo TG1-based integration system. These features are distinct from other serine-type phage integrases and advantageous for a tool of genome technology in varied industrially important bacteria belonging to Class Alphaproteobacteria.  相似文献   

To develop an FLP-FRT recombination system- (derived from 2 mu plasmid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae) based marker gene removal application for rice, we introduced the gene for FLP recombinase, under the control of the maize ubiquitin-1 promoter, into the rice genome. FLP activity was monitored in callus and regenerated plants by an assay based on the deletion of the FRT-flanked DNA fragment, leading to the activation of the beta-glucuronidase gene. FLP activity was detected both in the callus and leaves of some of the transgenic lines. Based on our comparison of the recombination efficiency of the FLP-FRT system expressed in the transgenic lines with that of the widely used Cre-lox system (derived from bacteriophage P1), we suggest that the FLP-FRT system is a useful tool for the genetic manipulation of rice.  相似文献   

Phage integrases are enzymes that catalyze unidirectional site-specific recombination between the attachment sites of phage and host bacteria, attP and attB, respectively. We recently developed an in vivo intra-molecular site-specific recombination system based on actinophage TG1 serine-type integrase that efficiently acts between attP and attB on a single plasmid DNA in heterologous Escherichia coli cells. Here, we developed an in vivo inter-molecular site-specific recombination system that efficiently acted between the att site on exogenous non-replicative plasmid DNA and the corresponding att site on endogenous plasmid or genomic DNA in E. coli cells, and the recombination efficiencies increased by a factor of ~101–3 in cells expressing TG1 integrase over those without. Moreover, integration of attB-containing incoming plasmid DNA into attP-inserted E. coli genome was more efficient than that of the reverse substrate configuration. Together with our previous result that purified TG1 integrase functions efficiently without auxiliary host factors in vitro, these in vivo results indicate that TG1 integrase may be able to introduce attB-containing circular DNAs efficiently into attP-inserted genomes of many bacterial species in a site-specific and unidirectional manner. This system thus may be beneficial to genome engineering for a wide variety of bacterial species.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombination in the immune system.   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
M R Lieber 《FASEB journal》1991,5(14):2934-2944
Site-specific DNA recombination has been identified in a wide variety of biological systems. In vertebrates, however, the only identified use of this genetic device is in the immune system. Here it plays a critical role in generating a diverse repertoire of surface receptors to intercept invading microbes and parasites. The mechanism and orchestration of this reaction are intriguing and are relevant to a broad array of related biological and biomedical issues.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 has attracted attention because it appears to have the potential to serve as a vector for human gene therapy. An interesting feature of wild-type AAV is its site-specific integration into AAVS1, a defined locus on chromosome 19. This reaction requires the presence of two viral elements: inverted terminal repeats and Rep78/68. Accordingly, current AAV vectors lacking the rep gene lack the capacity for site-specific integration. In this report, we describe the use of Cre-loxP recombination in a novel system for the regulated, transient expression of Rep78, which is potentially cytotoxic when synthesized constitutively. We constructed a plasmid in which the p5 promoter was situated downstream of the rep coding sequence; in this configuration, rep expression is silent. However, Cre circularizes the rep expression unit, directly joining the p5 promoter to the 5' end of the rep78 coding sequence, resulting in expression of Rep78. Such structural and functional changes were confirmed by detailed molecular analysis. A key feature of this system is that Rep expression was terminated when the circular molecule was linearized and integrated into the chromosome. Using this regulated expression system, we attempted site-specific integration of AAV vector plasmids. A PCR-based assay and analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that the AAV vector sequence was integrated into chromosome 19. Sequence analysis also confirmed that transient expression of Rep78 was sufficient for site-specific integration at the AAVS1 locus, as is observed with integration of wild-type AAV.  相似文献   

We previously established that the phage phiC31 integrase, a site-specific recombinase, mediates efficient integration in the human cell environment at attB and attP phage attachment sites on extrachromosomal vectors. We show here that phage attP sites inserted at various locations in human and mouse chromosomes serve as efficient targets for precise site-specific integration. Moreover, we characterize native "pseudo" attP sites in the human and mouse genomes that also mediate efficient integrase-mediated integration. These sites have partial sequence identity to attP. Such sites form naturally occurring targets for integration. This phage integrase-mediated reaction represents an effective site-specific integration system for higher cells and may be of value in gene therapy and other chromosome engineering strategies.  相似文献   

The Cre/lox site-specific recombination system was used to activate a transgene in a tissue-specific manner. Cre-mediated activation of a beta-glucuronidase marker gene, by removal of a lox-bounded blocking fragment, allowed the visualization of the activation process. By using seed-specific promoters, the timing and efficiency of gene activation could be followed within the developing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) embryo. To serve as a basis for analyzing gene expression after-Cre-mediated activation, the timing and patterns of expression of the promoters of the genes encoding French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) beta-phaseolin and the alpha' subunit of soybean (Glycine max) beta-conglycinin, as well as the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, were studied in developing transgenic tobacco embryos using the same visual marker. These seed-specific promoters were expressed earlier than anticipated. The 35S promoter was expressed earlier than the seed-specific promoters, but not in globular-stage embryos. Cre-mediated gene activation occurred approximately 1 d after promoter activation, based on developmental staging, and spread progressively throughout the embryo. The timing of gene activation was varied by altering Cre expression. Efficient Cre expression ultimately directed gene activation throughout the model tissue, whereas inefficient Cre expression resulted in mosaic tissue. Limited gene activation provides a system for cell lineage and developmental analyses.  相似文献   

Transgene integration mediated by heterologous site-specific recombination (SSR) systems into the dedicated genomic sites has been demonstrated in a few different plant species. This approach of plant transformation generates a precise site-specific integration (SSI) structure consisting of a single copy of the transgene construct. As a result, stable transgene expression correlated with promoter strength and gene copy number is observed among independent transgenic lines and faithfully transmitted through subsequent generations. Site-specific integration approaches use selectable marker genes, removal of which is necessary for the implementation of this approach as a biotechnology application. As SSR systems are also excellent tools for excising marker genes from transgene locus, a molecular strategy involving gene integration followed by marker excision, each mediated by a distinct recombination system, was earlier proposed. Experimental validation of this approach is the focus of this work. Using FLPe-FRT system for site-specific gene integration and heat-inducible Cre-lox for marker gene excision, marker-free SSI lines were developed in the first generation itself. More importantly, progeny derived from these lines inherited the marker-free locus, indicating efficient germinal transmission. Finally, as the transgene expression from SSI locus was not altered upon marker excision, this method is suitable for streamlining the production of marker-free SSI lines.  相似文献   

Cre-lox mediated site-specific integration in tobacco or Arabidopsis used polyethylene glycol or Agrobacterium, respectively, to deliver the integrating DNA. The polyethylene glycol method is inconvenient since it requires the use of protoplasts. The Agrobacterium method is inefficient as the single-stranded T-DNA is not a substrate for Cre-lox recombination. In this study, we tested the biolistic method for the site-specific insertion of DNA into the rice genome. Two target callus lines, each harboring a single genomic lox target, were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The target callus lines were subjected to a second round of transformation by particle bombardment with a construct designed to excise the plasmid backbone from the integrating DNA, followed by the recombination of the integrating DNA into the genomic lox target. Site-specific integration was obtained from both target callus lines. Three integrant plants were regenerated from one target line and were found to have a precise copy of the integrating DNA at the target site, although only one plant has the integrating DNA as the sole copy in the genome. Site-specific integration through the biolistic delivery of DNA can be considered for other plants that are transformable via particle bombardment.  相似文献   

Previous reports have demonstrated that new Cre recombinase specificities can be developed for symmetrically designed lox mutants through directed evolution. The development of Cre variants that allow the recombination of true asymmetric lox mutant sites has not yet been addressed, however. In the present study, we demonstrate that a mixture of two different site-specific Cre recombinase molecules (wt Cre and a mutant Cre) catalyzes efficient recombination between two asymmetric lox sites in vitro, presumably via formation of a functionally active heterotetrameric complex. The results may broaden the application of site-specific recombination in basic and applied research, including the custom-design of recombinases for natural, asymmetric, and lox-related target sequences present in the genome. Future applications may potentially include genomic manipulations, for example, site-specific integrations, deletions or substitutions within precise regions of the genomes of mammalians and other organisms.  相似文献   

The 56-kb class II toluene catabolic transposon Tn4651 from Pseudomonas putida plasmid pWW0 is unique in that (i) its efficient resolution requires, in addition to the 0.2-kb resolution (res) site, the two gene products TnpS and TnpT and (ii) the 2.4-kb tnpT-res-tnpS region is 48 kb apart from the tnpA gene (M. Tsuda, K.-I. Minegishi, and T. Iino, J. Bacteriol. 171:1386-1393, 1989). Detailed analysis of the 2.4-kb region revealed that the tnpS and tnpT genes encoding the putative 323- and 332-amino-acid proteins, respectively, were transcribed divergently with an overlapping 59-bp sequence in the 203-bp res site. The motifs (the R-H-R-Y tetrad in domains I and II with proper spacing) commonly conserved in the integrase family of site-specific recombinases were found in TnpS. In contrast, TnpT did not show any significant amino acid sequence homology to the other proteins that are directly or indirectly involved in recombination. Analysis of site-specific recombination under the Escherichia coli recA cells indicated that (i) the site-specific resolution between the two copies of the res site on a single molecule was catalyzed by TnpS, (ii) the functional res site was located within a 95-bp segment, and (iii) TnpT appeared to have the role of enhancing the site-specific resolution. It was also found that TnpS catalyzed the site-specific recombination between the res sites located at two different molecules to form a cointegrate molecule. Site-specific mutagenesis of the conserved tyrosine residue in TnpS led to the loss of both the resolution and the integration activities, indicating that such a residue took part in both types of recombination.  相似文献   

Efficient gene targeting by homologous recombination in rice   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Modification of genes through homologous recombination, termed gene targeting, is the most direct method to characterize gene function. In higher plants, however, the method is far from a common practice. Here we describe an efficient and reproducible procedure with a strong positive/negative selection for gene targeting in rice, which feeds more than half of the world's population and is an important model plant. About 1% of selected calli and their regenerated fertile plants were heterozygous at the targeted locus, and only one copy of the selective marker used was found at the targeted site in their genomes. The procedure's applicability to other genes will make it feasible to obtain various gene-targeted lines of rice.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacteriophage P1 encodes the site-specific recombinase Cin which promotes inversion of the C segment, thus controlling the P1 host range. Cin can also mediate inefficient inversion between the normal crossover site cixL and a quasi-crossover site cixQ 1 in inverted orientation. Inversion between cixL and cixQ 1 occurs more frequently in a short period of time after transformation with a plasmid carrying the cin gene, cixL and cixQ 1 than in an established transformant of the plasmid. This is also the case for Cin-mediated deletion on a plasmid containing the cin gene and directly repeated cix sites.  相似文献   

Targeted integration of foreign genes into plant genomes is a much sought-after technology for engineering precise integration structures. Homologous recombination-mediated targeted integration into native genomic sites remained somewhat elusive until made possible by zinc finger nuclease-mediated double-stranded breaks. In the meantime, an alternative approach based on the use of site-specific recombination systems has been developed which enables integration into previously engineered genomic sites (site-specific integration). Follow-up studies have validated the efficacy of the site-specific integration technology in generating transgenic events with a predictable range and stability of expression through successive generations, which are critical features of reliable and practically useful transgenic lines. Any DNA delivery methods can be used for site-specific integration; however, best efficiency is mostly obtained with direct DNA delivery methods such as particle bombardment. Although site-specific integration approach provides unique advantages for producing transgenic plants, it is still not a commonly used method. The present article discusses barriers and solutions for making it readily available to both academic research and applicative use.  相似文献   

Site-specific transgenesis by Cre-mediated recombination in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transposons such as P elements are routinely used to stably transfer exogenous DNA (transgenes) into the Drosophila genome. Transgene insertion events, however, are essentially random and are subject to 'position effects' from nearby endogenous regulatory elements. Here we describe a microinjection-based system that uses Cre-mediated recombination to insert transgenes into precise genomic 'landing sites'. The system is simple and efficient, and will permit precise comparisons between multiple transgenic constructs.  相似文献   

Transfer DNA(T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens integration in the plant genome may lead to rearrangements of host plant chromosomal fragments,including inversions.However,there is very little information concerning the inversion.The present study reports a transgenic rice line selected from a T-DNA tagged population,which displays a semi-dwarf phenotype.Molecular analysis of this mutant indicated an insertion of two tandem copies of T-DNA into a locus on the rice genome in a head to tail mode.This inserti...  相似文献   

Transfer DNA (T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens integration in the plant genome may lead to rearrangements of host plant chromosomal fragments,including inversions.However,there is very little information concerning the inversion.The present study reports a transgenic rice line selected from a T-DNA tagged population,which displays a semi-dwarf phenotype.Molecular analysis of this mutant indicated an insertion of two tandem copies of T-DNA into a locus on the rice genome in a head to tail mode.This insertion of T-DNA resulted in the inversion of a 4.9 Mb chromosomal segment.Results of sequence analysis suggest that the chromosomal inversion resulted from the insertion of T-DNA with the help of sequence microhomology between insertion region of T-DNA and target sequence of the host plant.  相似文献   

Site-specific recombination by Tn3 resolvase   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Site-specific recombination processes in microbes bring about precise DNA rearrangements which have diverse and important biological functions. The sites and recombinase enzymes used for these processes fall into two distinct families. Here we describe how experiments with one family, exemplified by the resolution system of transposon Tn3, have provided insight into the ways in which DNA and protein interact to bring together distant recombination sites and promote strand exchange.  相似文献   

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