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Magnesium: nutrition and metabolism   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is needed for a broad variety of physiological functions. The usual daily magnesium uptake with a western diet is sufficient to avoid deficiency but seems not to be high enough to establish high normal serum magnesium concentrations that are protective against various diseases. Changes in magnesium homeostasis mainly concern the extracellular space, as the intracellular magnesium concentration is well regulated and conserved. The extracellular magnesium concentration is primarily regulated by the kidney, the mechanisms of this regulation have been elucidated recently. Due to the growing knowledge about the regulation of extra- and intracellular magnesium concentrations and the effects of changed extracellular magnesium levels the use of magnesium in therapy gains more widespread attention.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin 2-chloro-6-(trichloromethyl)pyridine to sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under different N regimes and to see if N forms affect the phytotoxicity of nitrapyrin. Sunflower was grown in pot culture for 21 days and was fertilized with (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3 and NaNO3 to provide 0, 100 and 200 ppm N and with nitrapyrin application of 0 and 20 ppm. All N-treated sunflower plants in all N regimes and regardless of titrapyrin treatment produced more root and shoot dry weights and contained a significantly higher N than untreated check. Nitrapyrin toxicity appeared as a curling of leaf margin and a tendril type of stem growth, the visible toxicity symptoms decreased in the order: (NH4)2SO4>NH4NO3>NaNO3. Furthermore nitrapyrin addition suppressed sunflower growth in each N regime, the suppressing effect being greater with (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3 than as with NaNO3. Although, shoot growth from plants receiving nitrapyrin was not significantly affected by any N regime, root growth of nitrapyrin-treated plants was somewhat restricted by NH4 +−N nutrition relative to NO3 −N nutrition.  相似文献   

L H Rieseberg  J Whitton  K Gardner 《Genetics》1999,152(2):713-727
Genetic analyses of reproductive barriers represent one of the few methods by which theories of speciation can be tested. However, genetic study is often restricted to model organisms that have short generation times and are easily propagated in the laboratory. Replicate hybrid zones with a diversity of recombinant genotypes of varying age offer increased resolution for genetic mapping experiments and expand the pool of organisms amenable to genetic study. Using 88 markers distributed across 17 chromosomes, we analyze the introgression of chromosomal segments of Helianthus petiolaris into H. annuus in three natural hybrid zones. Introgression was significantly reduced relative to neutral expectations for 26 chromosomal segments, suggesting that each segment contains one or more factors that contribute to isolation. Pollen sterility is significantly associated with 16 of these 26 segments, providing a straightforward explanation of why this subset of blocks is disadvantageous in hybrids. In addition, comparison of rates of introgression across colinear vs. rearranged chromosomes indicates that close to 50% of the barrier to introgression is due to chromosomal rearrangements. These results demonstrate the utility of hybrid zones for identifying factors contributing to isolation and verify the prediction of increased resolution relative to controlled crosses.  相似文献   

Magnesium in dairy cow nutrition: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


Magnesium (Mg) is an essential nutrient in animals and thus an adequate supply of dietary magnesium is important to safeguard animal health. It is generally accepted that the efficiency of Mg absorption is the critical determinant in Mg supply of ruminants. Insufficient absorption of Mg in ruminants leads to Mg deficiency which manifests in clinical signs such as tetany (grass tetany) or paresis (milkfever).


This overview aims to provide insight in the most relevant dietary factors that influence Mg absorption in ruminants and the state of the art knowledge on the mechanism of Mg absorption.


In practice, the use of manure to fertilize the soil is associated with an increased risk on grass tetany because it increases the K content of grass. A high K intake is the most important dietary factor that inhibits Mg absorption which entails the risk on Mg deficiency. The inhibitory effect of K on the effciency of Mg absorption can be counteracted by supplemental Mg. Magnesium oxide is commonly used to prevent Mg defiency but solubility of MgO varies greatly in practice. Thus, it is recommended to use only tested MgO sources. In the light of prevention of milkfever, supplementation in the form of Mg-chloride might be of interest as well. Due to its chloride ion, Mg chloride has a beneficial effect on the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD).  相似文献   

Transgressive character expression in a hybrid sunflower species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diploid hybrid lineages often are ecologically distinct from their parental species. However, it is unclear whether this niche divergence is typically achieved via hybrid intermediacy, a mixture of parental traits, and/or the evolution of extreme (transgressive) morphological and ecophysiological features. Here we compare an extensively studied hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus, with its putative parents, H. annuus and H. petiolaris, for 41 morphological and 12 ecophysiological traits. Helianthus anomalus was morphologically intermediate for one trait (2.4%), parental-like for 23 traits (56.1%), and transgressive for 17 traits (41.5%). For ecophysiological traits, H. anomalus was not significantly different from one or both parents for nine traits (75%), and was transgressive for the remaining three (25%). Thus, H. anomalus appears to be a mosaic of parental-like and transgressive phenotypes. Although the fitness effects of the transgressive characters are not yet known, many of these characters are consistent with adaptations reported for other sand dune plants. Genetic studies are currently underway to ascertain whether these extreme characters arose as a direct byproduct of hybridization or whether they evolved via mutational divergence.  相似文献   

The recurrent origin of diploid hybrid species is theoretically improbable because of the enormous diversity of hybrid genotypes generated by recombination. Recent greenhouse experiments, however, indicate that the genomic composition of hybrid lineages is shaped in part by deterministic forces, and that recurrent diploid hybrid speciation may be more feasible than previously believed. Here we use patterns of variation from chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), nuclear microsatellite loci, cross-viability and chromosome structure to assess whether a well-characterized diploid hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus, was derived on multiple occasions from its parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Chloroplast DNA and crossability data were most consistent with a scenario in which H. anomalus arose three times: three different H. anomalus fertility groups were discovered, each with a unique cpDNA haplotype. In contrast, there was no clear signature of multiple, independent origins from the microsatellite loci. Given the age of H. anomalus (> 100 000 years bp), it may be that microsatellite evidence for recurrent speciation has been eroded by mutation and gene flow through pollen.  相似文献   

In vivo oleate incorporation and desaturation in developing seeds of normal and the high oleic acid mutant of sunflower have been studied. In seeds less than 15 days after flowering (DAF) of both genotypes, incorporation and desaturation was similar and took place mainly in polar lipids. Seeds 15–35 DAF incorporated fatty acids preferently into triacylglycerols. During this period mutant seeds lacked oleate desaturation capacity but it was recovered after the cotyledon started a special process of differentiation.  相似文献   

Under conditions of controlled pH, nitrate and ammonium are equally effective in supporting the growth of young soybean (Glycine max var. Bansei) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. var., Mammoth Russian) plans. Soybean contains an active nitrate reductase in roots and leaves, but the low specific activity of this enzyme in sunflower leaves indicates a dependency upon the roots for nitrate reduction. Suppression of nitrate reductase activity in sunflower leaves may be due to high concentrations of ammonia received from the roots. Nitrate reductase activity in leaves of nitrate-supplied soybean and sunflower follows closely the distribution of nitrate reductase. For the roots of both species, glutamic acid dehydrogenase activity was greater with ammonium than with nitrate. The glutamic acid dehydrogenase of ammonium roots is wholly NADH-dependent, whereas that of nitrate roots is active with NADH and NADPH. In leaves, an NADPH-dependent glutamic acid dehydrogenase appears to be responsible for the assimilation of translocated ammonia and ammonia formed by nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

Barriers to gene flow between species result from selection against foreign linkage blocks in hybrids. When the geographic ranges of taxa meet at multiple locations, the opportunity exists for variation in the genetic architecture of isolating barriers. Hybrid zones between two sunflower species (Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris) in Nebraska and California exhibited remarkably similar patterns of introgression of mapped molecular markers. Congruence among hybrid zones may result from limited intraspecific variation at loci contributing to isolation and from similar selective effects of alleles in the heterospecific genetic background. The observed consistency of introgression patterns across distantly separated hybrid zones suggests that intrinsic forces predominate in determining hybrid zone dynamics and boundaries between these sunflower species.  相似文献   

Photochemical response to drought acclimation in two sunflower genotypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of drought acclimation on CO2 assimilation and light utilization were investigated in two sunflower genotypes ( Helianthus annuus L., T32 and Viki) in relation to water deficit and/or high light conditions. Drought interaction with PSII efficiency was observed in the genotype T32 with a sustained decrease in the potential photochemical efficiency of PSII, Fn/Fm. In response to drought acclimation, T32 displayed some tendency to accumulate closed PSII traps (higher value of 1-qp) without an enhancement of thermal deactivation (Stem-Volmer non-photochemical quenching, NPQ). Irrespective of the growth conditions (growth chamber or greenhouse), only Viki was responsive to drought acclimation, with (1) increased net photosynthesis in well-watered plants, (2) higher maintenance of photochemical electron transfer under water deficit and/or high light, (3) limited PSII inactivation (lower value of 1-qp) through increased non-photochemical energy dissipation (Stern-Volmer NPQ) which was readily reversible even at low leaf water potentials, and (4) higher Fv/Fm recovery after high light treatment. Additionally, drought acclimation delayed turgor loss during subsequent water stress in Viki. Thus, the response to drought acclimation, with an adjustment of water relations and of energy utilization by PSII, was observed under both growth conditions and was mainly genotype dependent.  相似文献   

Marker-assisted selection for two rust resistance genes in sunflower   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study we report on the identification of molecular markers, OX20600 and OO04950, linked to the geneR Adv in the proprietary inbred line P2. This gene confers resistance to most of the pathotypes of Puccinia helianthi identified in Australia. Analysis indicates these RAPD markers are linked to the resistance locus at 0.0 cM and 11 cM respectively. SCAR markers SCX20600 and SCO04950 derived from these two RAPD markers, and SCT06950 derived from a previously reported RAPD marker linked at 4.5 cM from the R 1 rust resistance gene were developed. SCX20600 and SCO04950 were linked at similar distances from their resistance locus as the RAPD markers. SCTO6950 co-segregated completely with rust resistance. The robustness of the R 1 SCAR marker was demonstrated through the amplification of the marker in a diverse range of sunflower germplasm considered to possess the R 1 gene. The SCAR markers forR Adv were not amplified in the sunflower rust differential set thereby supporting the contention that this is a novel resistance gene. They did amplify in a number of proprietary lines closely related to the line P2. This locus is under further investigation as it will be useful in our attempts to use molecular-assisted breeding to produce durable resistance in sunflower to P. helianthi.  相似文献   

Seedlings of Helianthus annuus L. were grown at an initiallyhigh relative nitrate supply rate (0.27 mol N mol N–1d–1). The supply was subsequently reduced to a low rate(0.04 mol N mol N–1 d–1). The response of leaf areadevelopment to this abrupt decrease in nitrate availabilitywas characterized by following the expansion of the primaryand secondary leaf pairs. The timing of the drop in nitratesupply was when cell division in the epidermis of the primaryleaf pair was largely complete. Reducing the availability ofnitrate had a strong effect on leaf area expansion. The finalleaf size of the primary leaf pair was affected indicating aneffect of nitrate availability on cell expansion. By the endof the experiment the secondary leaf pair was only one-thirdthe area of that on control seedlings. The role of epidermalcell turgor pressure in this growth response was assessed bydirect measurements with a miniature cell pressure probe. Noreduction in cell turgor pressure following the decrease innitrate availability was detected. It is concluded that a reductionin turgor pressure was not responsible for the reduction inleaf area expansion and it is suggested that reduced cell expansionwas due to changes in cell wall properties. Concentrations ofleaf and root abscisic acid increased following the reductionin nitrate availability. Key words: Abscisic acid, cell size, cell turgor pressure, nitrate, nitrogen, relative rate of nitrate supply  相似文献   

The molybdenum requirement for growth and conidial formation by Aspergillus flavus, A. terreus, and A. sulphureus was found to be 0.2 ppb, which was one-fifth that of an A. niger isolate. Molybdenum deficiency depressed growth, conidial formation, dry weight, soluble protein, and the specific activities of nitrate reductase, succinic dehydrogenase, and aconitase in all the isolates of Aspergillus studied, but the specific activities of catalase and peroxidase were depressed only in isolates of A. niger, A. terreus, and A. flavus. Also, molybdenum deficiency stimulated the specific activities of acid phosphatase and ribonuclease in the A. flavus isolate, although the specific activities of these enzymes decreased in other isolates. Eighteen hours after the addition of molybdenum (5 ppb) to molybdenum-deficient (0.02 ppb) cultures of A. niger, the specific activities of catalase, peroxidase and succinic dehydrogenase were restored in the absence of cycloheximide, while the specific activity of nitrate reductase was recovered even in the presence of the inhibitor. There was no effect on the specific activities of aconitase and acid phosphatase following the addition of molybdenum to molybdenum-deficient cultures of A. niger.  相似文献   

In a rapidly changing world, it is important to understand how urban environments impact wildlife. For example, supplementary feeding of birds, though well‐intended, might have unexpected negative effects on the health of individual animals. Sunflower seeds are commonly provided in garden bird feeders, but they contain high levels of linoleic acid (LA), an omega‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Omega‐6 PUFAs are associated with increased oxidative stress, which can damage cell membranes, and in particular sperm cells. We assessed the level of LA in the blood of two seed‐eating finch species, greenfinches Chloris chloris and hawfinches Coccothraustes coccothraustes, caught in and in environments with direct access to sunflower seed feeders (Norway), and compared these with the level of LA in a smaller number of individuals sampled in in a rural area with low incidence of sunflower seed feeders (Czech Republic). Furthermore, we investigated the relationship between the proportion of LA in the blood (as well as the proportion of 10 other fatty acids) and sperm quality (the frequency of sperm head abnormalities and sperm swimming speed). We found that both finch species, but particularly greenfinches caught near feeders, exhibited levels of LA that were considerably higher than those previously reported for other wild birds. We also found that the proportion of LA was positively correlated with the frequency of abnormal sperm heads (sperm missing the acrosome), while there was no significant effect of fatty acid composition on sperm swimming speed. Our results indicate that the sperm quality of finches may be negatively affected by a high intake of sunflower seeds, adding to a growing body of research showing that supplementary feeding may have detrimental side effects for urban animals. This is particularly relevant for the greenfinch, which is currently affected by disease and population declines.  相似文献   

Effect of nutrition on species of lipoprotein lipase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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