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Summary Measurements were made of the physical properties of the visual system of the zebra finch, a bird with laterally placed eyes. The use of the visual system in pecking and courtship behavior was examined. It was demonstrated that the optical axis and the fovea of the eye point in a direction about 62° from the sagittal axis of the head. The visual field of each eye covers about 170° in the horizontal plane. In the frontal region there is an overlap of about 30°–40° where the birds can see binocularly; caudally there is a gap in the visual field of 60°. The point of best binocular viewing is in the sagittal plane at 16.5° below the beak.Concerning movement detection, the upper threshold is 540°/s for the binocular (frontal) part of the visual field and about 1100°/s for the monocular (lateral) part. Most fixations before pecking occur monocularly. A preference for one eye during pecking was not detected. During the courtship song, a male bird directs its head towards the female. The results are discussed in comparison with findings in pigeons and chickens.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In 3 Versuchsreihen (playback-Experimente) wurde an 40 territorialen Buchfinken- (Vokales Repertoire, 2–3 Strophentypen) die Reaktion auf die Gesänge von Nachbarn und Fremden gemessen. Es ergaben sich schwache Hinweise auf eine stärkere Reaktion gegenüber Fremdgesang, allerdings waren die Resultate hier weniger klar als von anderen Arten berichtet wird. Wir nehmen an, daß die individuelle Erkennung von Artgenossen bei Arten, deren Gesangsmuster mehrere Strophentypen umfaßt, weniger stark entwickelt ist als bei solchen Arten, deren Repertoire nur einen Strophentyp pro aufweist.  相似文献   

Oscine songbirds are exposed to many more songs than they keep for their final song repertoire and little is known about how a bird selects the particular song(s) to sing as an adult. We simulated in the laboratory the key variables of the natural song learning environment and examined the song selection process in nine hand-reared male song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, a species in which males sing 5-11 song types. During their second and third months (their presumed sensitive period), subjects were rotated equally among four live adult male tutors that had been neighbours in the field. Tutors were housed in individual aviary 'territories' in four corners of the roof of a building; subjects could see only one tutor at a time, but they could hear the others at a short distance. Later in their first year (months 5-12), half the subjects were again rotated among all four tutors and the other half were randomly stationed next to just one tutor. Results from this experiment confirm and extend the findings from our two previous field studies of song learning in this species. Young males in this experiment (1) learned whole song types, (2) learned songs from multiple tutors, (3) preferentially learned songs that were shared among their tutors, (4) learned songs that other young males in their group also chose, and (5) learned more songs from the tutor they were stationed next to during the later stage (stationary subjects). These last two results support the late influence hypothesis that interactions after a bird's sensitive period affect song repertoire development. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The percentage of survival after 1 hr at 40.0°C is lowest at the larval trochophore stage and at hatching of the young snail.

2. 2.|Heat resistance depends on the stage of development.

3. 3.|From the early cleavage stage onwards a higher percentage of embryos can withstand high temperature after a previous heat treatment than without it.

4. 4.|The pattern of thermosensitivity is discussed in relation to the organizational level of the stage of development.

5. 5.|It is concluded that the developing Lymnaea is a suitable system to study heat resistance and thermotolerance at the level of cells, organs and organism.

Author Keywords: Embryonic development; heat resistance; thermotolerance; Lymnaea stagnalis; Molusca  相似文献   

Male songbirds assess their rivals by listening to their songs and, in some species, are especially sensitive to certain parts of the song. Yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella) sing songs with different structures consisting of an initial phrase of stereotyped and repeated notes in a trill, and a terminal phrase, present or not, which consists of low or high frequency whistles that we called elements. We analyzed 1,055 songs from 25 different males and found that four different structures could be distinguished in a French Yellowhammer population. We found that the frequency ranges of the elements were more constant across individuals than the ranges of the notes, and among them, the low frequency element was nearly twice as conserved as the high frequency element. Then, in the wild, we tested the territorial responses of males to the four different structures and found that the full song structure, which is composed of the initial phrase followed by a high frequency element and a low frequency element, induced stronger territory defence responses from the males than any of the other structures. As only the structure containing the initial phrase and the low frequency element also induced a strong response, we propose that the main element responsible for the enhanced reaction of the males is the low frequency element, which is consistent with the fact that it is more conserved than the other constituents.  相似文献   

Amount of risk taking during parental care is often explainedin relation to the reproductive value of the offspring. The"harm-to-offspring hypothesis" focuses on the relative harma period of no parental care can do to the offspring. Accordingto this hypothesis, parents should take greater risks for offspringin poor condition than for offspring in good condition. We manipulatedoffspring condition in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)and tested the harm-to-offspring hypothesis by exposing parentsto a predator model (a sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus). Time elapseduntil a parent first entered the nest-box was used as a risk-takingmeasure. Parents spent significantly shorter time until first nestvisit for offspring in poor condition than for offspring ingood condition. Hence, the harm-to-offspring hypothesis wassupported.  相似文献   

Recent DNA sequence analyses indicated that Nigrosabulum globosum is a cleistothecial representative of the Bionectriaceae in the Hypocreales, but morphological characters supporting this relationship are unknown. Using light and electron microscopy we followed the development of the ascomata of this species, from the formation of gametangia through to the development of mature ascospores, and observed a series of characters that confirmed its hypocrealean affinities. These included the formation of a gel-filled centrum during early stages of ascoma development, the subsequent appearance of hyaline peridial tissue enclosed within a layer we interpret as representing a melanized uniloculate stroma, apically derived paraphyses, and an ascogenous system that gives rise to asci that were both cylindrical to clavate and globose. Ascospores, previously reported to be smooth, were ornamented with a honeycomb-like reticulum and were able to germinate within the ascoma. The carbonaceous outer (stromatic) walls of the mature, grit-like cleistothecia indicate possible resistance to UV radiation and desiccation. Furthermore, the complement of germinated ascospores would enable mature ascomata to function as propagules that could quickly initiate new growth when transferred to fresh substrate. Our reexamination of N. globosum also provides data that support the hypothesized close relationship with other bionectriaceous, cleistothecial coprophiles, i.e., species of Hapsidospora, and Bulbithecium in particular.  相似文献   

Pregnant squamate reptiles (i.e. lizards and snakes) often maintain higher and more stable body temperatures than their nonpregnant conspecifics, and this maternal thermophily enhances developmental rate and can lead to increased offspring quality. However, it is unclear when this behaviour evolved relative to the evolution of viviparity. A preadaptation hypothesis suggests that maternal thermophily was a preadaptation to viviparity. Oviparous squamates are unique among oviparous reptiles for generally retaining their eggs until the embryos achieve one fourth of their development. As a result, maternal thermophily by gravid squamates may provide the same thermoregulatory benefits, at least during early development, that have been associated with viviparity. Thus, the evolution of viviparity in squamates may reflect an expanded duration of a pre-existing maternal thermoregulatory behaviour. Despite its evolutionary relevance, thermoregulation during gravidity in oviparous squamates has not yet been explored in depth. In the present study, we examined whether gravidity was associated with thermoregulatory changes in the oviparous children's python, Antaresia childreni . First, we discovered that, compared to most snakes, A. childreni is at an advanced stage of embryonic development at oviposition. Second, using surgically implanted temperature loggers, we detected a significant influence of reproductive status on thermoregulation. Reproductive females maintained higher and less variable body temperatures than nonreproductive females and this difference was most pronounced during the last 3 weeks of gravidity. Overall, these results highlight the continuum between oviparity and viviparity in squamate reptiles and emphasize the importance of thermal control of early embryonic development independent of reproductive mode.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 499–508.  相似文献   

Adult female red pine cone beetles (Conophthorus resinosae Hopkins) (Coleoptera:Scolytidae) left cones of white pine (Pinus strobus L.) more readily than cones of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) in the first 3 min after being placed on cones. Slices of white pine cones, however, did not elicit different beetle behavior than slices of red pine cones. Beetles bored into white pine as readily as into red pine. We conclude that beetles initially reject white pine due to structural traits, but eventually accept it during prolonged exposure and may utilize white pine in nature.
Résumé C. resinosae Hopkins (Coleoptera, Scolytidae) s'alimente et pond sur les cônes de Pinus resinosa Ait.; il détruit souvent plus de la moitié des graines du pin dans la région des grands lacs aux USA. Cette espèce et les autres Conophthorus sont considérés comme des spécialistes très spécifiques. Nous avons voulu vérifier que les femelles de C. resinosae acceptent plus facilement comme hôtes les cônes de P. resinosae que ceux de P. strobus L. Au laboratoire, les scolytes ont abandonné les cônes de P. strobus plus rapidement que ceux de P. resinosae, au cours des 3 minutes qui ont suivi leur dépôt sur les cônes. Cependant des rondelles de P. resinosae n'ont pas été plus stimulantes que celles de P. strobus; les scolytes n'ont pas foré plus rapidement, ni n'ont plus séjourné sur P. resinosae que sur P. strobus au cours de 1, 2 ou 24 heures de l'expérience. Nous en concluons que les scolytes rejettent de prime abord P. strobus pour ses caractères structuraux, mais qu'ils l'acceptent éventuellement pendant expositions prolongées et peuvent le consommer dans la nature.

Body mass changes in wintering ducks have been considered as the consequence of their wintering strategy, i.e. low mass after autumn migration, active foraging leading to body mass restoration, then pairing leading to low body mass again. This pattern is supported by weights of hunter-killed birds, but this is not enough to rule out potential alternative hypotheses linked to the existence of different populations with different body masses. The use of data collected at ringing and subsequent recaptures of known birds demonstrates that teal (Anas crecca) gain and lose body mass from September to March.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic and comparative morphological studies provide evidence for the recognition of a new family, Chorioactidaceae, in the Pezizales. Four genera are placed in the family: Chorioactis, Desmazierella, Neournula, and Wolfina. Based on parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of LSU, SSU, and RPB2 sequence data, Chorioactidaceae represents a sister clade to the Sarcosomataceae, to which some of these taxa were previously referred. Morphologically these genera are similar in pigmentation, excipular construction, and asci, which mostly have terminal opercula and rounded, sometimes forked, bases without croziers. Ascospores have cyanophilic walls or cyanophilic surface ornamentation in the form of ridges or warts. So far as is known the ascospores and the cells of the paraphyses of all species are multinucleate. The six species recognized in these four genera all have limited geographical distributions in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Song repertoires in the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) were studied to test the hypothesis that song repertoires have evolved to mimic high density. Results were consistent with predictions of this hypothesis. (1) Song types within a repertoire were as variable as those sung by different males. (2) Males often switched song type when they switched perch. (3) Males with large repertoires sang at faster rates than those with small repertoires, but repertoire size did not affect bout length or bout rate. (4) Rate of habituation was a function of repertoire size. (5) Empty territories occupied by speakers broadcasting song repertoires were more successfully defended than those occupied by speakers broadcasting single song types. These results are also consistent with the hypothesis that song repertoires function to signal the status of the singer.  相似文献   

A correlation has been found between histone acetylation and gene activation at the time of gastrulation in the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata. Between the blastula and gastrula stages, there is a 2.5-fold increase in the rate of acetylation of a histone fraction consisting of slightly lysine-rich and argininerich components, with a marked decrease in the fully differentiated pluteus stage. This pre-gastrular increase in histone acetylation is not correlated with (1) a decrease in the rate of histone deacetylation; (2) a decrease in acetyl coenzyme A pool size; (3) an increase in acetate uptake; (4) histone synthesis. The results thus suggest that increased histone acetylation may be at least one preparative factor for the activation of new genes at gastrulation.  相似文献   

In 1996 Montgomery proposed an ontogenetic shift in the use of visual and non-visual senses in Antarctic notothenioid fishes, with visual dominance in larval fishes giving way to non-visual senses in adults. One prediction of the hypothesis is timing differences in the development of the respective sensory systems, with the visual system expected to develop earlier than the other systems. The volume of certain brain centres can be determined from fixed material and should correlate with sensory development. This study determined the relative volumes of visual and lateral line brain areas, and relative eye size as a function of fish length in Pleuragramma antarcticum.The relative volume of optic tectum was largest in larval fish, exhibiting a negative allometry with growth. The eminentia granularis, and crista cerebellaris (lateral line associated areas) were not recognisable in the smallest larvae; they became differentiated at standard lengths of 10–20 mm and their relative volumes continued to increase over the size range of fish studied (up to 150 mm standard length). Relative eye diameter decreased dramatically over the size range 5–25 mm and then increased such that relative eye diameter doubled over the size range 25–30 mm. A similar, but less extreme, pattern was seen over the size range 30–60 mm. Above 60 mm relative eye diameter increased slightly with size. Our interpretation is that eye growth and somatic growth are on separate trajectories, and the breaks in the relative eye diameter curve result from overwinter periods when somatic growth is static, but the eye continues to grow. These results provide support for the ontogenetic shift hypothesis, and indicate that the timing of the shift probably occurs after the second winter. Received: 22 October 1996 / Accepted: 10 January 1997  相似文献   

Trissolcus nigripedius Nakagawa and Telenomus gifuensis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) are solitary egg parasitoids of Dolycoris baccarum L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), a polyphagous seed-sucking bug of agricultural crops. Field examinations revealed that the two parasitoids are the most common species, but only a single species emerge from a host egg mass. To explain this observation we tested two hypotheses of interspecific host discrimination and asymmetry in competitive interaction between Tr. nigripedius and Te. gifuensis. Trissolcus nigripedius and Te. gifuensis could discriminate host egg pre-parasitized by either self or conspecific like other scelionid parasitoids that use external mark on host eggs. When provided with host eggs pre-parasitized by each other, both Tr. nigripedius and Te. gifuensis multiparasitized 94% and 100% of the host eggs without interspecific host discrimination, respectively. Interestingly, from the multiparasitized eggs irrespective of oviposition sequence, progeny of Te. gifuensis always survive better than Tr. nigripedius. Telenomus gifuensis is superior in immature competition probably due to shorter egg incubation period after oviposition, hence progeny of Te. gifuensis become first instar faster than that of Tr. nigripedius. However, adult Tr. nigripedius is always superior competitor in possessing and guarding the host eggs even after oviposition against Te. gifuensis. Therefore, the asymmetry in competitive interaction between Tr. nigripedius and Te. gifuensis may explain the emergence of a single species from a host egg mass in the field in spite of no interspecific host discrimination.  相似文献   

  • 1.Measurements of body temperature (Tb) in the field demonstrate that Platypedia putnami var. lutea Davis regulates Tb through behavioral mechanisms.
  • 2.Thermal responses (minimum flight temperature 17.3°C, maximum voluntary tolerance-temperature 32.5°C, and heat torpor temperature 44.4°C) of P. putnami var. lutea are related to the altitude of their habitat.
  • 3.Water loss rates increase with ambient temperature (Ta). Water loss rates are not significantly different at the extremes of the active Tb range but increase significantly when exposed to elevated Ta.
  • 4.Acoustic activity was restricted at 6.7°C Tb range. This is similar to the lower end of the Tb range for singing measured in cicada species that produce sound with a timbal mechanism.
  • 5.The use of the wing musculature to produce acoustic signals in P. putnami var. lutea does not increase the Tb range over which the species can call compared to timbal calls produced by other cicada species.

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