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Natural selection has traditionally been understood as a force responsible for pushing genes to states of higher translational efficiency, whereas lower translational efficiency has been explained by neutral mutation and genetic drift. We looked for evidence of directional selection resulting in increased unpreferred codon usage (and presumably reduced translational efficiency) in three divergent clusters of eukaryotic genomes using a simple optimal-codon-based metric (Kp/Ku).  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, synonymous codons corresponding to the most abundant cognate tRNAs are used more frequently, especially in highly expressed genes. Increased use of such "optimal" codons is considered an adaptation for translational efficiency. Need it always be the case that selection should favor the use of a translationally optimal codon? Here, we investigate one possible confounding factor, namely, the need to specify information in exons necessary to enable correct splicing. As expected from such a model, in Drosophila many codons show different usage near intron-exon boundaries versus exon core regions. However, this finding is in principle also consistent with Hill-Robertson effects modulating usage of translationally optimal codons. However, several results support the splice model over the translational selection model: 1) the trends in codon usage are strikingly similar to those in mammals in which codon usage near boundaries correlates with abundance in exonic splice enhancers (ESEs), 2) codons preferred near boundaries tend to be enriched for A and avoid C (conversely those avoided near boundaries prefer C rather than A), as expected were ESEs involved, and 3) codons preferred near boundaries are typically not translationally optimal. We conclude that usage of translationally optimal codons usage is compromised in the vicinity of splice junctions in intron-containing genes, to the effect that we observe higher levels of usage of translationally optimal codons at the center of exons. On the gene level, however, controlling for known correlates of codon bias, the impact on codon usage patterns is quantitatively small. These results have implications for inferring aspects of the mechanism of splicing given nothing more than a well-annotated genome.  相似文献   

In many organisms, selection acts on synonymous codons to improve translation. However, the precise basis of this selection remains unclear in the majority of species. Selection could be acting to maximize the speed of elongation, to minimize the costs of proofreading, or to maximize the accuracy of translation. Using several data sets, we find evidence that codon use in Escherichia coli is biased to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense translational errors. Highly conserved sites and genes have higher codon bias than less conserved ones, and codon bias is positively correlated to gene length and production costs, both indicating selection against missense errors. Additionally, codon bias increases along the length of genes, indicating selection against nonsense errors. Doublet mutations or replacement substitutions do not explain our observations. The correlations remain when we control for expression level and for conflicting selection pressures at the start and end of genes. Considering each amino acid by itself confirms our results. We conclude that selection on synonymous codon use in E. coli is largely due to selection for translational accuracy, to reduce the costs of both missense and nonsense errors.  相似文献   

In this study codon usage bias of all experimentally known genes of Lactococcus lactis has been analyzed. Since Lactococcus lactis is an AT rich organism, it is expected to occur A and/or T at the third position of codons and detailed analysis of overall codon usage data indicates that A and/or T ending codons are predominant in this organism. However, multivariate statistical analyses based both on codon count and on relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) detect a large number of genes, which are supposed to be highly expressed are clustered at one end of the first major axis, while majority of the putatively lowly expressed genes are clustered at the other end of the first major axis. It was observed that in the highly expressed genes C and T ending codons are significantly higher than the lowly expressed genes and also it was observed that C ending codons are predominant in the duets of highly expressed genes, whereas the T endings codons are abundant in the quartets. Abundance of C and T ending codons in the highly expressed genes suggest that, besides, compositional biases, translational selection are also operating in shaping the codon usage variation among the genes in this organism as observed in other compositionally skewed organisms. The second major axis generated by correspondence analysis on simple codon counts differentiates the genes into two distinct groups according to their hydrophobicity values, but the same analysis computed with relative synonymous codon usage values could not discriminate the genes according to the hydropathy values. This suggests that amino acid composition exerts constraints on codon usage in this organism. On the other hand the second major axis produced by correspondence analysis on RSCU values differentiates the genes into two groups according to the synonymous codon usage for cysteine residues (rarest amino acids in this organism), which is nothing but a artifactual effect induced by the RSCU values. Other factors such as length of the genes and the positions of the genes in the leading and lagging strand of replication have practically no influence in the codon usage variation among the genes in this organism.  相似文献   

随着基因组学和转录组学在不同生物体遗传和细胞生物学领域的广泛应用,同义密码子使用的偏嗜性逐渐被接受,并且在研究生物进化与生物表型之间的深层联系时,同义密码子使用模式受到相关领域研究人员的重视。信使RNA(messenger RNA,mRNA)最终表达出具有正常生物活性的蛋白产物是生命活动的重要环节。被称为“第二遗传密码”的同义密码子使用模式,可以通过精微调控翻译选择压力等分子机制,从转录调控、翻译调控及代谢活动等水平表达其承载的遗传信息。研究表明,mRNA半衰期的长短对mRNA活性以及转录和翻译过程有显著的影响。因此,系统地归纳同义密码子使用模式在基因转录、翻译调控及翻译后修饰等生命活动中所扮演的角色,将有助于全方位审视生物体如何巧妙利用密码子使用模式所产生的遗传效应来精准合成不同种类蛋白质,并以此保障生长或分化的特定基因表达程序顺利执行、维持正常的生命周期。  相似文献   

Subramanian S 《Genetics》2008,178(4):2429-2432
Here I show that the mean codon usage bias of a genome, and of the lowly expressed genes in a genome, is largely similar across eukaryotes ranging from unicellular protists to vertebrates. Conversely, this bias in housekeeping genes and in highly expressed genes has a remarkable inverse relationship with species generation time that varies by more than four orders of magnitude. The relevance of these results to the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Qin H  Wu WB  Comeron JM  Kreitman M  Li WH 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2245-2260
To study the roles of translational accuracy, translational efficiency, and the Hill-Robertson effect in codon usage bias, we studied the intragenic spatial distribution of synonymous codon usage bias in four prokaryotic (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Sulfolobus tokodaii, and Thermotoga maritima) and two eukaryotic (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Drosophila melanogaster) genomes. We generated supersequences at each codon position across genes in a genome and computed the overall bias at each codon position. By quantitatively evaluating the trend of spatial patterns using isotonic regression, we show that in yeast and prokaryotic genomes, codon usage bias increases along translational direction, which is consistent with purifying selection against nonsense errors. Fruit fly genes show a nearly symmetric M-shaped spatial pattern of codon usage bias, with less bias in the middle and both ends. The low codon usage bias in the middle region is best explained by interference (the Hill-Robertson effect) between selections at different codon positions. In both yeast and fruit fly, spatial patterns of codon usage bias are characteristically different from patterns of GC-content variations. Effect of expression level on the strength of codon usage bias is more conspicuous than its effect on the shape of the spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Translational selection is responsible for the unequal usage of synonymous codons in protein coding genes in a wide variety of organisms. It is one of the most subtle and pervasive forces of molecular evolution, yet, establishing the underlying causes for its idiosyncratic behaviour across living kingdoms has proven elusive to researchers over the past 20 years. In this study, a statistical model for measuring translational selection in any given genome is developed, and the test is applied to 126 fully sequenced genomes, ranging from archaea to eukaryotes. It is shown that tRNA gene redundancy and genome size are interacting forces that ultimately determine the action of translational selection, and that an optimal genome size exists for which this kind of selection is maximal. Accordingly, genome size also presents upper and lower boundaries beyond which selection on codon usage is not possible. We propose a model where the coevolution of genome size and tRNA genes explains the observed patterns in translational selection in all living organisms. This model finally unifies our understanding of codon usage across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Helicobacter pylori, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens are codon usage paradigms that can be better understood under the proposed model.  相似文献   

Patterns of codon usage have been extensively studied among Bacteria and Eukaryotes, but there has been little investigation of species from the third domain of life, the Archaea. Here, we examine the nature of codon usage bias in a methanogenic archaeon, Methanococcus maripaludis. Genome-wide patterns of codon usage are dominated by a strong A + T bias, presumably largely reflecting mutation patterns. Nevertheless, there is variation among genes in the use of a subset of putatively translationally optimal codons, which is strongly correlated with gene expression level. In comparison with Bacteria such as Escherichia coli, the strength of selected codon usage bias in highly expressed genes in M. maripaludis seems surprisingly high given its moderate growth rate. However, the pattern of selected codon usage differs between M. maripaludis and E. coli: in the archaeon, strongly selected codon usage bias is largely restricted to twofold degenerate amino acids (AAs). Weaker bias among the codons for fourfold degenerate AAs is consistent with the small number of tRNA genes in the M. maripaludis genome.  相似文献   

Codon usage data for 56 Bacillus subtilis genes show that synonymous codon usage in B. subtilis is less biased than in Escherichia coli, or in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nevertheless, certain genes with a high codon bias can be identified by correspondence analysis, and also by various indices of codon bias. These genes are very highly expressed, and a general trend (a decrease) in codon bias across genes seems to correspond to decreasing expression level. This, then, may be a general phenomenon in unicellular organisms. The unusually small effect of translational selection on the pattern of codon usage in lowly expressed genes in B. subtilis yields similar dinucleotide frequencies among different codon positions, and on complementary strands. These patterns could arise through selection on DNA structure, but more probably are largely determined by mutation. This prevalence of mutational bias could lead to difficulties in assessing whether open reading frames encode proteins.  相似文献   

Romero H  Zavala A  Musto H  Bernardi G 《Gene》2003,317(1-2):141-147
In this paper, the main factors shaping codon usage in three species of fishes that belong to the family Cyprinidae (namely Brachidanio rerio, Cyprinus carpio, and Carassius auratus) are reported. Correspondence analysis (COA), a commonly used multivariate statistical approach, was used to analyze codon usage bias. Our results show that the main trend is strongly correlated with the GC(3) content at silent sites of each sequence. On the other hand, the second axis discriminates between presumed highly and lowly expressed genes, a result that is confirmed by the distribution of matching expressed sequence tags (ESTs) along that axis. Translational selection appears, therefore, to influence synonymous codon usage in these fishes. The comparison of codon usages of the sequences displaying the extreme values on the second axis indicates that several codons are significantly incremented among the heavily expressed sequences. Interestingly, several of these triplets are not only shared by the three fishes but also by Xenopus laevis, another cold-blooded vertebrate in which translational selection influences codon choices. We postulate that natural selection was operative for codon usage in the last common ancestor of these fishes and Xenopus, and will probably be detected in cold-blooded vertebrates in general. Finally, we raise the possibility that the same phenomena will be found among warm-blooded vertebrates.  相似文献   

Translation initiation in eukaryotes involves more than a dozen protein factors. Alterations in six factors have been found to reduce the fidelity of start codon recognition by the ribosomal preinitiation complex in yeast, a phenotype referred to as Sui(-). No small molecules are known that affect the fidelity of start codon recognition. Such compounds would be useful tools for probing the molecular mechanics of translation initiation and its regulation. To find compounds with this effect, we set up a high-throughput screen using a dual luciferase assay in S. cerevisiae. Screening of over 55,000 compounds revealed two structurally related molecules that decrease the fidelity of start codon selection by approximately twofold in the dual luciferase assay. This effect was confirmed using additional in vivo assays that monitor translation from non-AUG start codons. Both compounds increase translation of a natural upstream open reading frame previously shown to initiate translation at a UUG. The compounds were also found to exacerbate increased use of UUG as a start codon (Sui(-) phenotype) conferred by haploinsufficiency of wild-type eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 1, or by mutation in eIF1. Furthermore, the effects of the compounds are suppressed by overexpressing eIF1, which is known to restore the fidelity of start codon selection in strains harboring Sui(-) mutations in various other initiation factors. Together, these data strongly suggest that the compounds affect the translational machinery itself to reduce the accuracy of selecting AUG as the start codon.  相似文献   

Individual mRNAs are translated by multiple ribosomes that initiate translation with an interval of a few seconds. The ribosome speed is codon dependent, and ribosome queuing has been suggested to explain specific data for translation of some mRNAs in vivo. By modeling the stochastic translation process as a traffic problem, we here analyze conditions and consequences of collisions and queuing. The model allowed us to determine the on-rate (0.8 to 1.1 initiations/s) and the time (1 s) the preceding ribosome occludes initiation for Escherichia coli lacZ mRNA in vivo. We find that ribosome collisions and queues are inevitable consequences of a stochastic translation mechanism that reduce the translation efficiency substantially on natural mRNAs. The cells minimize collisions by having its mRNAs being unstable and by a highly selected codon usage in the start of the mRNA. The cost of mRNA breakdown is offset by the concomitant increase in translation efficiency.  相似文献   

In a wide range of genomes, it was observed that the usage of synonymous codons is biased toward specific codons and codon patterns. Factors that are implicated in the selection for codon usage include facilitation of fast and accurate translation. There are two types of translational errors: missense errors and processivity errors. There is considerable evidence in support of the hypothesis that codon usage is optimized to minimize missense errors. In contrast, little is known about the relationship between codon usage and frameshifting errors, an important form of processivity errors, which appear to occur at frequencies comparable to the frequencies of missense errors. Based on the recently proposed pause-and-slip model of frameshifting, we developed Frameshifting Robustness Score (FRS). We used this measure to test if the pattern of codon usage indicates optimization against frameshifting errors. We found that the FRS values of protein-coding sequences from four analyzed genomes (the bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, and the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyce pombe) were typically higher than expected by chance. Other properties of FRS patterns observed in B. subtilis, S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, such as the tendency of FRS to increase from the 5′- to 3′-end of protein-coding sequences, were also consistent with the hypothesis of optimization against frameshifting errors in translation. For E. coli, the results of different tests were less consistent, suggestive of a much weaker optimization, if any. Collectively, the results fit the concept of selection against mistranslation-induced protein misfolding being one of the factors shaping the evolution of both coding and non-coding sequences.  相似文献   

Romero H  Zavala A  Musto H 《Gene》2000,242(1-2):307-311
It is widely accepted that the compositional pressure is the only factor shaping codon usage in unicellular species displaying extremely biased genomic compositions. This seems to be the case in the prokaryotes Mycoplasma capricolum, Rickettsia prowasekii and Borrelia burgdorferi (GC-poor), and in Micrococcus luteus (GC-rich). However, in the GC-poor unicellular eukaryotes Dictyostelium discoideum and Plasmodium falciparum, there is evidence that selection, acting at the level of translation, influences codon choices. This is a twofold intriguing finding, since (1) the genomic GC levels of the above mentioned eukaryotes are lower than the GC% of any studied bacteria, and (2) bacteria usually have larger effective population sizes than eukaryotes, and hence natural selection is expected to overcome more efficiently the randomizing effects of genetic drift among prokaryotes than among eukaryotes. In order to gain a new insight about this problem, we analysed the patterns of codon preferences of the nuclear genes of Entamoeba histolytica, a unicellular eukaryote characterised by an extremely AT-rich genome (GC = 25%). The overall codon usage is strongly biased towards A and T in the third codon positions, and among the presumed highly expressed sequences, there is an increased relative usage of a subset of codons, many of which are C-ending. Since an increase in C in third codon positions is 'against' the compositional bias, we conclude that codon usage in E. histolytica, as happens in D. discoideum and P. falciparum, is the result of an equilibrium between compositional pressure and selection. These findings raise the question of why strongly compositionally biased eukaryotic cells may be more sensitive to the (presumed) slight differences among synonymous codons than compositionally biased bacteria.  相似文献   

Preferential codon usage in genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a method which permits comparison of the preferential use of degenerate codons within any gene. The method makes use of the triplet frequencies in the noncoding frames to assess whether a preference is specific to the reading frame. Preference is given a statistical meaning by use of the analysis of variance coupled to Duncan's multiple range test.Preferential use of degenerate codons is gene-specific and independent of gene size. The data suggest that any correlation between codon frequency distribution and tRNA levels is unreliable. In those animal genes examined, codons ending in C or G are preferred; in animal viruses tested, codons ending in U or A are preferred. Similarly, the bacterial genes and the genes of single-stranded DNA phages that we analyzed differed from each other as well as from eukaryotic genes in the third base of the codon.  相似文献   

Synonymous codon usage has long been known as a factor that affects average expression level of proteins in fast-growing microorganisms, but neither its role in dynamic changes of expression in response to environmental changes nor selective factors shaping it in the genomes of higher eukaryotes have been fully understood. Here, we propose that codon usage is ubiquitously selected to synchronize the translation efficiency with the dynamic alteration of protein expression in response to environmental and physiological changes. Our analysis reveals that codon usage is universally correlated with gene function, suggesting its potential contribution to synchronized regulation of genes with similar functions. We directly show that coexpressed genes have similar synonymous codon usages within the genomes of human, yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans and Escherichia coli. We also demonstrate that perturbing the codon usage directly affects the level or even direction of changes in protein expression in response to environmental stimuli. Perturbing tRNA composition also has tangible phenotypic effects on the cell. By showing that codon usage is universally function-specific, our results expand, to almost all organisms, the notion that cells may need to dynamically alter their intracellular tRNA composition in order to adapt to their new environment or physiological role.  相似文献   

Shao ZQ  Zhang YM  Feng XY  Wang B  Chen JQ 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33547


In yeast coding sequences, once a particular codon has been used, subsequent occurrence of the same amino acid tends to use codons sharing the same tRNA. Such a phenomenon of co-tRNA codons pairing bias (CTCPB) is also found in some other eukaryotes but it is not known whether it occurs in prokaryotes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we focused on a total of 773 bacterial genomes to investigate their synonymous codon pairing preferences. After calculating the actual frequencies of synonymous codon pairs and comparing them with their expected values, we detected an obvious pairing bias towards identical codon pairs. This seems consistent with the previously reported CTCPB phenomenon, since identical codons are certainly read by the same tRNA. However, among co-tRNA but non-identical codon pairs, only 22 were often found overrepresented, suggesting that many co-tRNA codons actually do not preferentially pair together in prokaryotes. Therefore, the previously reported co-tRNA codons pairing rule needs to be more rigorously defined. The affinity differences between a tRNA anticodon and its readable codons should be taken into account. Moreover, both within-gene-shuffling tests and phylogenetic analyses support the idea that translational selection played an important role in shaping the observed synonymous codon pairing pattern in prokaryotes.


Overall, a high level of synonymous codon pairing bias was detected in 73% investigated bacterial species, suggesting the synonymous codon ordering strategy has been prevalently adopted by prokaryotes to improve their translational efficiencies. The findings in this study also provide important clues to better understand the complex dynamics of translational process.  相似文献   

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