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Knowledge on the distribution and hotspots of different taxon groups is indispensable for improving the state of biodiversity protection. Our aim was to determine if the relations between major environmental factors and species richness of two plant groups, mosses and vascular plants differ on a global scale. The dependence of species richness on environmental factors in 50 regions, covering 17 % of the global terrestrial territory, was analysed with SAS statistical software. Species richness of vascular plants increases significantly towards the equator, but for mosses the increase is not significant. Species richness of mosses and vascular plants are significantly positively correlated only in the near equator zone. Although there were similarities in the trends of mosses and vascular plant diversities at a global scale, their relations with some factors differ with distance from the equator. The effect of precipitation on species richness is similar for both plant groups, but coastline length has a significant positive influence only on moss richness, whereas species richness of vascular plants was related strongly to area and energy input. Therefore, effective conservation policy at both local and global scale demands consideration of all diversity drivers of different taxon groups.  相似文献   

In both ecology and conservation, often a strong positive association is assumed between the diversity of plants as primary producers and that of animals, specifically primary consumers. Such a relationship has been observed at small spatial scales, and a begetting of diversity by diversity is expected under various scenarios of co-evolution and co-adaptation. But positive producer-consumer richness relationships may also arise from similar associations with past opportunities for diversification or contemporary environmental conditions, or from emerging properties of plant diversity such as vegetation complexity or productivity. Here we assess whether the producer-consumer richness relationship generalizes from plot to regional scale and provide a first global test of its strength for vascular plants and endothermic vertebrates. We find strong positive richness associations, but only limited congruence of the most diverse regions. The richness of both primary and higher-level consumers increases with plant richness at similar strength and rate. Environmental conditions emerge as much stronger predictors of consumer richness, and after accounting for environmental differences little variation is explained by plant diversity. We conclude that biotic interactions and strong local associations between plants and consumers only relatively weakly scale up to broad geographical scales and to functionally diverse taxa, for which environmental constraints on richness dominate.  相似文献   

Global diversity gradients have been extensively investigated for several biological groups. However, little is known whether the diversity drivers of clades that underwent major environmental transition (e.g., from land to sea) are equivalent across these different environmental settings. Here, we ask if the pattern of diversity of marine elapid snakes is determined by factors analogous to those previously found for terrestrial lineages. Through a model selection framework, we compare the effect of factors that represent five ecological and historical hypotheses. We found that both ecological and historical factors play significant roles, but habitat structure, which can be linked to historical climatic changes, was better supported. This result agrees with that previously found for terrestrial elapids, despite the different environmental pressures in terrestrial and marine contexts. Our findings suggest an equivalence of the underlying process of diversity gradient within the same lineage from land and sea, irrespective of the different physiological, spatial and historical constraints.  相似文献   

Poleward declines in species diversity [latitudinal diversity gradients (LDG)] remain among the oldest and most widespread of macroecological patterns. However, their contemporary dynamics remain largely unexplored even though changing ecological conditions, including global change, may modify LDG and their respective ecosystems. Here, we examine temporal variation within a temperate Northwest Atlantic LDG using 31 years of annual fisheries-independent surveys and explore its dynamics in relation to a dominant climate signal [the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)] that varies interannually and alters the latitudinal gradient of Northwest Atlantic continental shelf bottom water temperatures. We found that the slopes of the annual LDG vary dramatically due to changes in geographic distributions of 100+ species, variations that are concealed within the cumulative, static LDG. These changes are strongly associated with changes in NAO sign and strength. This is the first illustration of temporal dynamics in a contemporary LDG and the first demonstration of the speed at which local environmental variations can alter an LDG. Our findings underscore the need to investigate factors that modify LDG separately from those that contribute to their origins.  相似文献   

Tropical forest structural variation across heterogeneous landscapes may control above‐ground carbon dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that canopy structure (leaf area and light availability) – remotely estimated from LiDAR – control variation in above‐ground coarse wood production (biomass growth). Using a statistical model, these factors predicted biomass growth across tree size classes in forest near Manaus, Brazil. The same statistical model, with no parameterisation change but driven by different observed canopy structure, predicted the higher productivity of a site 500 km east. Gap fraction and a metric of vegetation vertical extent and evenness also predicted biomass gains and losses for one‐hectare plots. Despite significant site differences in canopy structure and carbon dynamics, the relation between biomass growth and light fell on a unifying curve. This supported our hypothesis, suggesting that knowledge of canopy structure can explain variation in biomass growth over tropical landscapes and improve understanding of ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Aim To document the geographical structure of the historical signal in the continental species richness gradient of birds and evaluate the influences of contemporary and historical climatic conditions on the generation and maintenance of the richness pattern. Location Australia. Methods We used range maps of breeding birds to generate the spatial pattern of species richness at four grain sizes, and two molecular phylogenies to measure the level of evolutionary development of avifaunas at each grain size. We then used simple correlation and path analysis to generate a statistical model of species richness using environmental predictor variables and compared the spatial patterns of richness and mean evolutionary development to identify possible environmental links between richness and net diversification rates across the continent. Results The contemporary richness pattern is well explained statistically by actual evapotranspiration (a measure of water–energy balance), operating both directly and indirectly through plant production, and this is robust to the spatial resolution of the analysis. Further, species richness and the mean level of evolutionary development of faunas show a strong spatial correspondence, such that dry areas support both fewer species and species from more highly derived families, whereas wet areas support more species of both basal and derived families. The evolutionary pattern conforms to a similar pattern known for plants and is probably explained by the increase in aridity in western and central Australia arising in the Miocene. Main conclusion The contemporary bird richness gradient contains a historical signal and reflects the effects of both current levels of water availability as well as changes in rainfall patterns extending over evolutionary time. The historical signal persists even in the absence of obvious hard barriers to dispersal.  相似文献   

Carrion is an ephemeral and nutrient-rich resource that attracts a diverse array of arthropods as it decomposes. Carrion-associated mites often disperse between animal carcasses using phoresy, the transport of one species by another. Yet few studies have contrasted the dynamics of mite assemblages with other insect taxa present at carrion. We examined and compared the changes in abundance, species richness and composition of mite and beetle assemblages sampled at kangaroo carcasses in a grassy eucalypt woodland at four different times over a 6-month period. We found that the majority of mites were phoretic, with the mesostigmatid genera Uroseius (Uropodidae), Macrocheles (Macrochelidae) and Parasitus (Parasitidae) the most abundant taxa (excluding astigmatid mites). Abundance and richness patterns of mites and beetles were very different, with mites reaching peak abundance and richness at weeks 6 and 12, and beetles at weeks 1 and 6. Both mites and beetles showed clear successional patterns via changes in species presence and relative abundance. Our study shows that mesostigmatid mite assemblages have a delay in peak abundance and richness relative to beetle assemblages. This suggests that differences in dispersal and reproductive traits of arthropods may contribute to the contrasting diversity dynamics of carrion arthropod communities, and further highlights the role of carrion as a driver of diversity and heterogeneity in ecosystems.  相似文献   

The developing limb is an excellent model for pattern formation in vertebrate embryos. Signalling by the polarizing region controls limb pattern across the antero-posterior axis of the chick limb. It was suggested first on theoretical grounds that signalling by the polarizing region could involve a morphogen gradient. Embryological manipulations provided evidence consistent with this model and, more recently, signalling molecules associated with the polarizing region have been identified and tested for their role as morphogens. It is still not clear whether any of the known molecules act directly as a morphogen. The extension of the morphogen model to patterning along the other axes of the limb has been proposed but this may not be applicable.  相似文献   

Biodiversity encompasses multiple facets, among which taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic aspects are the most often considered. Understanding how those diversity facets are distributed and what are their determinants has become a central concern in the current context of biodiversity crisis, but such multi‐faceted measures over large geographical areas are still pending. Here, we measured the congruence between the biogeographical patterns of freshwater fish morphological, ecological and phylogenetic diversity across Europe and identified the natural and anthropogenic drivers shaping those patterns. Based on freshwater fish occurrence records in 290 European river catchments, we computed richness and evenness for morphological, ecological and phylogenetic diversity using standardized effect sizes for each diversity index. We then used linear models including climatic, geo‐morphological, biotic and human‐related factors to determine the key drivers shaping freshwater fish biodiversity patterns across Europe. We found a weak spatial congruence between facets of diversity. Patterns of diversity were mainly driven by elevation range, climatic seasonality and species richness while other factors played a minor role. Finally, we found that non‐native species introductions significantly affected diversity patterns and influenced the effects of some environmental drivers. Morphological, ecological and phylogenetic diversity constitute complementary facets of fish diversity rather than surrogates, testifying that they deserve to be considered altogether to properly assess biodiversity. Although the same environmental and anthropogenic factors overall explained those diversity facets, their relative influence varied. In the current context of global change, non‐native species introductions may also lead to important reshuffling of assemblages resulting in profound changes of diversity patterns.  相似文献   

A common approach for analysing geographical variation in biodiversity involves using linear models to determine the rate at which species similarity declines with geographical or environmental distance and comparing this rate among regions, taxa or communities. Implicit in this approach are weakly justified assumptions that the rate of species turnover remains constant along gradients and that this rate can therefore serve as a means to compare ecological systems. We use generalized dissimilarity modelling, a novel method that accommodates variation in rates of species turnover along gradients and between different gradients, to compare environmental and spatial controls on the floras of two regions with contrasting evolutionary and climatic histories: southwest Australia and northern Europe. We find stronger signals of climate history in the northern European flora and demonstrate that variation in rates of species turnover is persistent across regions, taxa and different gradients. Such variation may represent an important but often overlooked component of biodiversity that complicates comparisons of distance–decay relationships and underscores the importance of using methods that accommodate the curvilinear relationships expected when modelling beta diversity. Determining how rates of species turnover vary along and between gradients is relevant to understanding the sensitivity of ecological systems to environmental change.  相似文献   

Genetic viability of threatened and endangered species is of increasing concern with habitat loss and fragmentation. Valuable assessments of the genetic status of endangered species are difficult in most cases, where only single sample estimates are available. Using historical and contemporary samples, we assessed the impact of both historical and recent demographic changes on population genetics of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler, (Dendroica chrysoparia). Our study documents a steep decline in genetic diversity in an endangered species over a 100-year period, along with concurrent increase in genetic differentiation, and low contemporary effective sizes for all the populations we evaluated. While adding to the growing body of literature that describes the genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation, our study may also serve as an informative guide to future management of endangered species. Our study underlines the importance of long term population genetic monitoring in understanding the full extent of genetic changes in endangered species.  相似文献   

Aim One of the most recognized ecological paradigms on earth is the increase in species richness from the poles towards the equator. Here we undertake a comprehensive survey of the latitudinal gradients of species richness (LGSR) of coastal cephalopod fauna in the western (WA) and eastern margins (EA) of the Atlantic Ocean, and test climate and non‐climate theories to explain the variation in diversity. Location The coastal Atlantic Ocean. Methods The diversity and geographical ranges of coastal cephalopods were investigated by means of an exhaustive survey of the primary literature, reports and on‐line data bases. In order to test the productivity, ambient energy and area hypotheses, we investigated the relationship between diversity and net primary production (NPP), sea surface temperature (SST; measure of solar energy input) and continental shelf area, respectively. Results LGSR of cephalopod molluscs are present at both Atlantic coasts, but are quite distinct from each other. Historical processes (rise of the Central American Isthmus, formation of ‘Mare Lago’ and glaciations) explained much of the shape and the zenith of LGSR. Contemporary climate and non‐climate variables also each explained over 83% and 50% of the richness variation in WA and EA, respectively, and the best fitted models accounted for > 92% of the variance. By combining latitude with depth a strong Rapoport effect was observed in WA but not in EA. Main conclusions Besides the evolutionary history, we demonstrate that the contemporary environmental gradients (SST and NPP), shelf area and extent of coral habitat can predict many of the diversity patterns. The longitudinal difference in Rapoport's bathymetric rule is attributed to western fauna specialization to shallow coral reef habitats and greater ecological tolerance of eastern fauna to upwelling ecosystem dynamics. A combined approach of historical biogeography and species–area–energy theories was essential to fully understand broad‐scale variation in cephalopod biodiversity.  相似文献   

The formation of pH gradients in a 700 L batch fermentation of Streptococcus thermophilus was studied using multi-position pH measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. To this end, a dynamic, kinetic model of S. thermophilus and a pH correlation were integrated into a validated one-phase CFD model, and a dynamic CFD simulation was performed. First, the fluid dynamics of the CFD model were validated with NaOH tracer pulse mixing experiments. Mixing experiments and simulations were performed whereas multiple pH sensors, which were placed vertically at different locations in the bioreactor, captured the response. A mixing time of about 46 s to reach 95% homogeneity was measured and predicted at an impeller speed of 242 rpm. The CFD simulation of the S. thermophilus fermentation captured the experimentally observed pH gradients between a pH of 5.9 and 6.3, which occurred during the exponential growth phase. A pH higher than 7 was predicted in the vicinity of the base solution inlet. Biomass growth, lactic acid production, and substrate consumption matched the experimental observations. Moreover, the biokinetic results obtained from the CFD simulation were similar to a single-compartment simulation, for which a homogeneous distribution of the pH was assumed. This indicates no influence of pH gradients on growth in the studied bioreactor. This study verified that the pH gradients during a fermentation in the pilot-scale bioreactor could be accurately predicted using a coupled simulation of a biokinetic and a CFD model. To support the understanding and optimization of industrial-scale processes, future biokinetic CFD studies need to assess multiple types of environmental gradients, like pH, substrate, and dissolved oxygen, especially at industrial scale.  相似文献   

Hybridization can profoundly affect the genomic composition and phenotypes of closely related species, and provides an opportunity to identify mechanisms that maintain reproductive isolation between species. Recent evidence suggests that hybridization outcomes within a species pair can vary across locations. However, we still do not know how variable outcomes of hybridization are across geographic replicates, and what mechanisms drive that variation. In this study, we described hybridization outcomes across 27 locations in the North Fork Shoshone River basin (Wyoming, USA) where native Yellowstone cutthroat trout and introduced rainbow trout co‐occur. We used genomic data and hierarchical Bayesian models to precisely identify ancestry of hybrid individuals. Hybridization outcomes varied across locations. In some locations, only rainbow trout and advanced backcrossed hybrids towards rainbow trout were present, while trout in other locations had a broader range of ancestry, including both parental species and first‐generation hybrids. Later‐generation intermediate hybrids were rare relative to backcrossed hybrids and rainbow trout individuals. Using an individual‐based simulation, we found that outcomes of hybridization in the North Fork Shoshone River basin deviate substantially from what we would expect under null expectations of random mating and no selection against hybrids. Since this deviation implies that some mechanisms of reproductive isolation function to maintain parental taxa and a diversity of hybrid types, we then modelled hybridization outcomes as a function of environmental variables and stocking history that are likely to affect prezygotic barriers to hybridization. Variables associated with history of fish stocking were the strongest predictors of hybridization outcomes, followed by environmental variables that might affect overlap in spawning time and location.  相似文献   

What determines large‐scale patterns of species diversity is a central and controversial topic in biogeography and ecology. In this study, we compared the effects of contemporary environment and historical contingencies on species richness patterns of woody plants in China, using fine‐resolution geographic databases of the distributions of 11 405 woody species and climate, topography, and vegetation information. Residuals of species richness‐environment generalized linear models were significantly different from 0 in the majority of seven biogeographical regions, and also differed significantly between these regions, indicating significant deviation from the predicted species richness based on contemporary environment. Additionally, species richness of a given biogeographical region deviated substantially from the predictions of species richness‐environment models developed for the remaining regions combined. This suggests different richness‐environment relationships among regions. These results indicate important historical signals in the species richness patterns of woody plants across China. The signals are especially pronounced in the eastern Himalayas, the Mongolian Plateau, and the Tibetan Plateau, perhaps reflecting their special geological features and history. Nevertheless, partial regression indicated that historical effects were less important relative to contemporary environment. In conclusion, contemporary environment (notably climate) determines the general trend in woody‐plant species richness across China, while historical contingencies generate regional deviations from this trend. Our findings imply that both species diversity and regional evolutionary and ecological histories should be taken into account for future nature conservation.  相似文献   

Measuring population connectivity is a critical task in conservation biology. While genetic markers can provide reliable long‐term historical estimates of population connectivity, scientists are still limited in their ability to determine contemporary patterns of gene flow, the most practical time frame for management. Here, we tackled this issue by developing a new approach that only requires juvenile sampling at a single time period. To demonstrate the usefulness of our method, we used the Speartooth shark (Glyphis glyphis), a critically endangered species of river shark found only in tropical northern Australia and southern Papua New Guinea. Contemporary adult and juvenile shark movements, estimated with the spatial distribution of kin pairs across and within three river systems, was contrasted with historical long‐term connectivity patterns, estimated from mitogenomes and genome‐wide SNP data. We found strong support for river fidelity in juveniles with the within‐cohort relationship analysis. Male breeding movements were highlighted with the cross‐cohort relationship analysis, and female reproductive philopatry to the river systems was revealed by the mitogenomic analysis. We show that accounting for juvenile river fidelity and female philopatry is important in population structure analysis and that targeted sampling in nurseries and juvenile aggregations should be included in the genomic toolbox of threatened species management.  相似文献   

We present an in silico, structure-based approach for design and evaluation of conformationally restricted peptide-vaccines. In particular, we designed four cyclic peptides of ten or 11 residues mimicking the crystallographically observed beta-turn conformation of a predicted immunodominant loop of PorA from Neisseria meningitidis. Conformational correctness and stability of the peptide designs, as evaluated by molecular dynamics simulations, correctly predicted the immunogenicity of the peptides. We observed a peptide-induced functional antibody response that, remarkably, exceeded the response induced by the native protein in outer membrane vesicles, without losing specificity for related strains. The presented approach offers tools for a priori design and selection of peptide-vaccine candidates with full biological activity. This approach could be widely applicable: to outer membrane proteins of Gram-negative bacteria, and to other epitopes in a large range of pathogens.  相似文献   

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