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The brain of the ascidian larva comprises two pigment cells, termed the ocellus melanocyte and the otolith melanocyte. Cell lineage analysis has shown that the two bilateral pigment lineage cells (a-line blastomeres) in the animal hemisphere give rise to these melanocytes in a complementary manner. The results of the present investigation suggest that the specification of the fate of pigment cells proceeds in two distinct steps. First, the determination of pigment lineage cells requires an inductive interaction from the vegetal blastomeres of the A-line. Cell dissociation experiments demonstrated that the inductive interaction is completed by the midgastrula stage. However, the two bilaterally positioned cells destined to become the pigment cells in the first step are still equipotent at this stage in that they can give rise to either the ocellus or otolith. Thus, they constitute what is termed an "equivalence group." In the second step, the individual fates of the two cells that compose the equivalence group are determined. Namely, one cell develops into an ocellus and the other cell develops into an otolith. Photoablation of one of the pigment precursor cells at various stages indicated that the second step of determination occurs at the midtailbud stage. It is suggested that the cue to choose one of the alternative developmental pathways may be positional information that exists along the anteroposterior axis. The second step of determination is thought to be mediated by a hierarchical interaction. In the absence of this interaction, melanocyte specification proceeds along the dominant pathway that results in the differentiation of an ocellus.  相似文献   

Epidermal cell lineage.   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The epidermis is a stratified squamous epithelium, which is under a constant state of proliferation, commitment, differentiation, and elimination so that the functional integrity of the tissue is maintained. The intact epidermis has the ability to respond to diverse environmental stimuli by continuous turnover to maintain its normal homeostasis throughout an organism's life. This is achieved by a tightly regulated balance between stem cell self-renewal and the generation of a population of cells that undergo a limited number of more rapid (amplifying) transit divisions before giving rise to nonproliferative, terminally differentiating cells. This process makes it an excellent model system to study lineage, commitment, and differentiation, although neither the identity of epidermal stem cells nor the precise steps and regulators that lead to mature epidermal cells have yet been determined. Furthermore, the identities of genes that initiate epidermal progenitor commitment to the epidermal lineage, from putative epidermal stem cells, are unknown. This is mainly due to the lack of an in vitro model system, as well as the lack of specific reagents, to study the early events in epidermal lineage. Our recent development of a differentiating embryonic stem cell model for epidermal lineage now offers the opportunity to analyze the factors that regulate epidermal lineage. These studies will provide new insight into epidermal lineage and lead to a better understanding of various hyperproliferative skin diseases such as psoriasis and cancer.  相似文献   


Sake yeast was first isolated as a single yeast strain, Saccharomyces sake, during the Meiji era. Yeast strains suitable for sake fermentation were subsequently isolated from sake brewers and distributed as Kyokai yeast strains. Sake yeast strains that produce characteristic flavors have been bred in response to various market demands and individual preferences. Interestingly, both genetic and morphological studies have indicated that sake yeast used during the Meiji era differs from new sake yeasts derived from Kyokai Strain No. 7 lineage. Here, we discuss the history of sake yeast breeding, from the discovery of sake yeast to the present day, to highlight the achievements of great Japanese scientists and engineers.  相似文献   

Retroviruses and the study of cell lineage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

We have examined the clonal progeny descended from individual blastomeres injected with lineage-tracer dye in the zebrafish embryo. Blastomeres arising by the same cleavages in different embryos generated clones in which the types and positions of cells were highly variable. Several features of early development were correlated with this diversity in cell fate. There was no fixed relationship between the plane of the first cleavage and the eventual plane of bilateral symmetry of the embryo. By blastula stages the cleavages of identified blastomeres were variable in pattern. Moreover, cell fate was not easily related to the longitudinal and dorsoventral position of the clone in the gastrula. These results establish that single blastomeres can potentially generate a highly diverse array of cell types and that the cell lineage is indeterminate.  相似文献   

The study of cell lineages has been, and remains, of crucial importance in developmental biology. It requires the identification of a cell or group of cells and of all of their descendants during embryonic development. Here, we provide a brief survey of how different techniques for achieving this have evolved over the last 100 years.  相似文献   

Progenitor cells of the biliary epithelial cell lineage   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Stem-like cells have been identified in liver that are able to differentiate in vivo and in culture to biliary epithelial cells (BEC), hepatocytes and oval cells. The growth factors/cytokines and signal pathways required for the differentiation processes are beginning to be evaluated. There is increasing evidence to suggest that these stem-like cells may originate from both the bone marrow population or from a precursor remnant from liver embryogenesis, as they share many of the same markers (CD34, c-kit, CD45). Most recently, it has been shown that a population of progenitor cells can copurify with mesenchymal bone marrow cells and differentiate under specific culture conditions to form both hepatic epithelial and also endothelial cells. The interaction of haemopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells needs further evaluation. The close association of ductular reactive cells and neovessels in end-stage cholestatic liver diseases and the relation to Jagged/Notch signalling pathway may be important in the regulation of stem cells to form both biliary epithelial and endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The germ cell lineage in mice becomes lineage-restricted about 7.2 days postcoitum. Its progenitors have migrated from the proximal region of the epiblast. Cells from the distal region of the epiblast will also give rise to germ cells, if they are transplanted to the proximal region at the appropriate time. Cells in this region are subject to a predisposing signal from the adjacent extra-embryonic ectoderm. It appears that this and other signals determine the emergence of germ cells: unlike in some other organisms, this event is not predetermined.  相似文献   

As a milestone breakthrough of stem cell and regenerative medicine in recent years,somatic cell reprogramming has opened up new applications of regenerative medicine by breaking through the ethical shackles of embryonic stem cells.However,induced pluripotent stem(iPS) cells are prepared with a complicated protocol that results in a low reprogramming rate.To obtain differentiated target cells,iPS cells and embryonic stem cells still need to be induced using step-by-step procedures.The safety of induced target cells from iPS cells is currently a further concerning matter.More broadly conceived is lineage reprogramming that has been investigated since 1987.Adult stem cell plasticity,which triggered interest in stem cell research at the end of the last century,can also be included in the scope of lineage reprogramming.With the promotion of iPS cell research,lineage reprogramming is now considered as one of the most promising fields in regenerative medicine,will hopefully lead to customized,personalized therapeutic options for patients in the future.  相似文献   

A rapid technique has been developed to determine the glycogen content of yeast on an individual cell basis using a combination of image analysis technology and staining of yeast cells with an I(2):KI solution. Changes in mean cellular glycogen content during alcoholic fermentation have been reported using this technique. The glycogen content of stored brewer's yeast is heterogeneous compared to freshly propagated yeast which have a more uniform distribution of glycogen. Analysis of the distribution of yeast glycogen during fermentation indicates that a fraction of yeast cells do not dissimilate glycogen. Therefore, conventional analysis of the mean glycogen content of yeast used to inoculate fermentations is of limited use, unless information regarding the proportion of cells which utilize glycogen is known. Analysis of the distribution of glycogen within a yeast population can serve as a useful indicator of yeast quality.  相似文献   

A cell marking technique based on the structural differences existing between the interphase nucleus in two closely related species of birds, the chick and the Japanese quail, is described. In all embryonic and adult cell types of the quail, a large mass of heterochromatin is associated with the nucleolus making quail and chick cells easy to identify at the single cell level after application of any DNA-specific staining procedure and also at the electron microscope level. This method has been largely used to construct chimeras in ovo and to study dynamic processes such as cell migrations or cell lineage segregation during ontogeny. Recently monoclonal antibodies specific for either quail or chick antigenic determinants (for example, class II MHC antigens) have been prepared, increasing the interest of the quail-chick chimera system as an experimental model.  相似文献   

The embryonic cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans has been traced from zygote to newly hatched larva, with the result that the entire cell lineage of this organism is now known. During embryogenesis 671 cells are generated; in the hermaphrodite 113 of these (in the male 111) undergo programmed death and the remainder either differentiate terminally or become postembryonic blast cells. The embryonic lineage is highly invariant, as are the fates of the cells to which it gives rise. In spite of the fixed relationship between cell ancestry and cell fate, the correlation between them lacks much obvious pattern. Thus, although most neurons arise from the embryonic ectoderm, some are produced by the mesoderm and a few are sisters to muscles; again, lineal boundaries do not necessarily coincide with functional boundaries. Nevertheless, cell ablation experiments (as well as previous cell isolation experiments) demonstrate substantial cell autonomy in at least some sections of embryogenesis. We conclude that the cell lineage itself, complex as it is, plays an important role in determining cell fate. We discuss the origin of the repeat units (partial segments) in the body wall, the generation of the various orders of symmetry, the analysis of the lineage in terms of sublineages, and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Polar cells have been described as pairs of specific follicular cells present at each pole of Drosophila egg chambers. They are required at different stages of oogenesis for egg chamber formation and establishment of both the anteroposterior and planar polarities of the follicular epithelium. We show that definition of polar cell pairs is a progressive process since early stage egg chambers contain a cluster of several polar cell marker-expressing cells at each pole, while as of stage 5, they contain invariantly two pairs of such cells. Using cell lineage analysis, we demonstrate that these pre-polar cell clusters have a polyclonal origin and derive specifically from the polar cell lineage, rather than from that giving rise to follicular cells. In addition, selection of two polar cells from groups of pre-polar cells occurs via an apoptosis-dependent mechanism and is required for correct patterning of the anterior follicular epithelium of vitellogenic egg chambers.  相似文献   

We describe the complete embryonic cell lineage of the marine nematode Pellioditis marina (Rhabditidae) up to somatic muscle contraction, resulting in the formation of 638 cells, of which 67 undergo programmed cell death. In comparison with Caenorhabditis elegans, the overall lineage homology is 95.5%; fate homology, however, is only 76.4%. The majority of the differences in fate homology concern nervous, epidermal, and pharyngeal tissues. Gut and, remarkably, somatic muscle is highly conserved in number and position. Partial lineage data from the slower developing Halicephalobus sp. (Panagrolaimidae) reveal a lineage largely, but not exclusively, built up of monoclonal sublineage blocs with identical fates, unlike the polyclonal fate distribution in C. elegans and P. marina. The fate distribution pattern in a cell lineage could be a compromise between minimizing the number of specification events by monoclonal specification and minimizing the need for migrations by forming the cells close at their final position. The latter could contribute to a faster embryonic development. These results reveal that there is more than one way to build a nematode.  相似文献   

One of the unique features of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans is its invariant development, where a stereotyped cell lineage generates a fixed number of cells with a fixed cell type. It remains unclear how embryonic development evolved within the nematodes to give rise to the complex, invariant cell lineage of C. elegans. Therefore, we determined the embryonic cell lineage of the nematode, Rhabditophanes sp. (family Alloionematidae) and made detailed cell-by-cell comparison with the known cell lineages of C. elegans, Pellioditis marina and Halicephalobus gingivalis. This gave us a unique data set of four embryonic cell lineages, which allowed a detailed comparison between these cell lineages at the level of each individual cell. This lineage comparison revealed a similar complex polyclonal fate distribution in all four nematode species (85% of the cells have the same fate). It is striking that there is a conservation of a 'C. elegans' like polyclonal cell lineage with strong left-right asymmetry. We propose that an early symmetry-breaking event in nematodes of clade IV-V is a major developmental constraint which shapes their asymmetric cell lineage.  相似文献   

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