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Sistotrema, typified by S. confluens, is characterized mainly by its urniform basidia mostly with 6–8 sterigmata as well as by a monomitic hyphal system, oil rich hyphae and smooth basidiospores. The species of this genus have various hymenophore configurations and basidiospore shapes. During a field trip in 2011, two specimens with urniform basidia were collected from Changbaishan Nature Reserve, northeastern China. After careful morphological and molecular studies, they are described and illustrated here as a new species, S. subconfluens. The new species shares a terrestrial habit, stipitate basidiocarps and poroid hymenophores with S. confluens, besides urniform basidia. These characters make the two species different from all other species of Sistotrema with resupinate basidiocarps on wood. Sistotrema subconfluens differs from the type by having larger basidiocarps, shorter basidiospores and consistent poroid hymenophores. In phylogeny inferred from nuclear large subunit rDNA, the two species were sister taxa but clearly separated. The difference of internal transcribed spacer sequences between the two species was 3.6%.  相似文献   

Taiwan is a phytogeographically isolated area, with a rate of ca. 40% endemism in higher plants. In this study, the strong tendency towards genetic isolation and speciation ofBotryobasidium subcoronatum (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan is evaluated in comparison with European specimens. Mating tests amongB. subcoronatum specimens collected in Taiwan and Europe were performed. Mon-mon and di-mon matings confirm different intersterility groups or biological species. The biological species concept was compared with results from morphological comparison and molecular data from mtSSU rDNA and the nuclear ITS2 region. Three intersterility groups have been detected comprising European and Taiwanese strains from temperate and subtropical areas. MtSSU rDNA and the ITS2 rDNA sequences confirm consepecifity ofB. subcoronatum.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies were carried out on a freshwater green alga from Myanmar. Most specimens exhibited a gross morphology similar to Enteromorpha, however, their thalli were basically monostromatic and chloroplasts were axile and stellate. In addition, the phylogenetic analysis inferred from the 18S rRNA gene strongly supported a monophyly with Prasiola japonica and a more distant relationship with other chlorophytan taxa, including Enteromorpha. From our results, it has been shown that this alga belongs to Prasiola and has a close phylogenetic relationship with P. japonica.  相似文献   

Inonotus taiwanensis (Hymenochaetales) is described as a new species collected from southern Taiwan, and all specimens grew on the trunk of Trema tomentosa. This new species is characterized by having resupinate, effuse-reflexed to pileate basidiocarps, bright yellow context, long setal hyphae in context and trama, setae in hymenium and trama, and fairly small basidiospores. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference phylogenies inferred from both sequences of 28S and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA indicated that I. taiwanensis forms a distinct clade within Inonotus, and the species is sister to I. tricolor. The comparison of morphological differences among I. taiwanensis and some closely related Inonotus spp. is presented.  相似文献   

A new wood-inhabiting fungal species, Xylodon kunmingensis, is proposed based on morphological and molecular evidences. The species is characterized by an annual growth habit, resupinate basidiocarps with cream to buff hymenial, odontioid surface, a monomitic hyphal system with generative hyphae bearing clamp connections and oblong-ellipsoid, hyaline, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid and indextrinoid, acyanophilous basidiospores, 5–5.8 × 2.8–3.5 μm. The phylogenetic analyses based on molecular data of ITS sequences showed that X. kunmingensis belongs to the genus Xylodon and formed a single group with a high support (100% BS, 100% BP, 1.00 BPP) and grouped with the related species X. astrocystidiatus, X. crystalliger and X. paradoxus. Both morphological and molecular evidences confirmed the placement of the new species in Xylodon.  相似文献   

A new Perenniporia species, P. cinereofusca, is described based on morphological and molecular characters. It is characterized by an annual growth habit, resupinate basidiocarps with gray to pale brown pore surface, tissues becoming black in 5% potassium hydroxide (KOH), a dimitic hyphal system with weakly dextrinoid skeletal hyphae and hyaline to pale yellowish, distinctly thick-walled and indextrinoid basidiospores (6.5–7.7 × 5.3–6.3 μm), and presence of dendrohyphidia and large rhomboid crystals. Both morphological and molecular evidence confirmed the placement of the new species in Perenniporia sensu stricto and showed its relationships with similar species in the genus.  相似文献   

Xylodon subflaviporus (Hymenochaetales, Basidiomycota) is described as a new species collected from tropical and subtropical regions of East Asia. This new species is characterized by resupinate basidiocarps, a poroid hymenophore, pseudodimitic hyphal system, nodose-septate hyphae, four types of cystidia (capitate, acicular to cylindrical, subulate to ventricose, and apically-encrusted), and thin-walled, colorless, smooth and ellipsoid basidiospores. Bayesian, Maximum Likelihood and Maximum Parsimony algorithms were used to construct phylogenies inferred from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA. Morphological and molecular studies, along with intercompatibility tests, confirmed the independent status of this species. Also, based on morphological and molecular evidence, six new combinations of Xylodon are proposed to accommodate species originally classified under Hyphodontia s.l., i.e. X. bubalinus, X. chinensis, X. mollissimus, X. nongravis, X. reticulatus and X. subtropicus. A key to known species of Hyphodontia s.l. with poroid, irpicoid or raduloid hymenophores is provided for the convenience in identification.  相似文献   

A new species in the genus Myriostoma (Geastraceae, Basidiomycota) is described from Australia. Phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) of nuclear ribosomal DNA, as well as morphological data are evidence that the new species, Myriostoma australianum, is closely related to M. capillisporum from South Africa. Additional collections under M. coliforme from Brazil and USA (New Mexico) were analyzed and confirmed as belonging to M. calongei.  相似文献   

Amphidiniopsis is a benthic, heterotrophic and thecate dinoflagellate genus that has a smaller epitheca and larger hypotheca. The genus contains 24 described species, but is considered to be polyphyletic based on morphological characters and molecular phylogenetics. In this study, two new species were discovered from two distant sampling localities, Amphidiniopsis crumena sp. nov. from Japan, and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis sp. nov., from Australia. These species have a uniquely shaped, additional second postcingular plate. Both species are dorsoventrally flattened, an apical hook is present, and have six postcingular plates. The plate formula is: APC 4′ 3a 7″ ?C 4?S 6″′ 2″″. The cells of these species were examined with LM and SEM, and molecular phylogenic analyses were performed using 18S and 28S rDNA. These species are distinguished by the presence of spines on the hypotheca and touching of the sixth postcingular plate and the anterior sulcal plate. Their shape and disposition of several thecal plates also differ. Molecular phylogenetic analyses showed that the two new species formed a monophyletic clade and did not belong to any morphogroup proposed by previous studies. Considering the morphological features and the molecular phylogenetic results, a new morphogroup is proposed, Amphidiniopsis morphogroup VI (‘crumena group’).  相似文献   

Postia cana sp. nov. is described as new based on four specimens collected on spruce in Lishan Nature Reserve, Shanxi Province, northern China. The new species is similar to P. tephroleuca, but differs by an upper surface with a clay pink tint when fresh, discoloring to grey or dark grey and becoming coarsely strigose on drying. Additionally, 104 other species of polypores were identified from the area.  相似文献   

A new species of Lepiota, L. vellingana, is described and illustrated from Lahore, Pakistan. It is characterized by a campanulate to plano-convex, slightly umbonate, white pileus covered with pinkish brown scales, crowded lamellae, guttulate basidiospores, long trichodermial stipe elements, and long trichodermial pileal elements.  相似文献   

In this study we have analysed the genetic variation and phylogeography in a global sample of the cellar fungus Coniophora puteana, which is an important destroyer of wooden materials indoor. Multilocus genealogies of three DNA regions (beta tubulin, nrDNA ITS and translation elongation factor 1alpha) revealed the occurrence of three cryptic species (PS1-3) in the morphotaxon C. puteana. One of the lineages (PS3) is apparently restricted to North America while the other two (PS1-2) have wider distributions on multiple continents. Interspecific hybridization has happened between two of the lineages (PS1 and PS3) in North America. In three dikaryotic isolates, two highly divergent beta tubulin alleles coexisted, one derived from PS1 and one from PS3. Furthermore, one isolate included a recombinant ITS sequence, where ITS1 resembled the ITS1 version of PS3 while ITS2 was identical to a frequent PS1 ITS2 version. This pattern must be due to hybridization succeeded by intralocus recombination in ITS. The results further indicated that introgression has happened between subgroups appearing in PS1. We hypothesize that the observed reticulate evolution is due to previous allopatric separation followed by more recent reoccurrence in sympatry, where barriers to gene flow have not yet evolved. A complex phylogeographical structure is observed in the morphotaxon C. puteana caused by (i) cryptic speciation; (ii) the interplay between natural migration and distribution patterns and probably more recent human mediated dispersal events; and (iii) hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

The live morphology, infraciliature and morphogenesis of a new urostylid ciliate, Trichototaxis marina n. sp., collected from coastal water in Qingdao, China, were studied based on the observations of live and silver stained specimens. The new species is characterised as follows: body very flexible and contractile, slight to brick-reddish in colour due to irregularly-shaped, brick-red pigments; ca. 70 adoral membranelles; about 17 frontal cirri arranged in a bicorona; average 67 midventral pairs, the right base of each pair being conspicuously larger than the left base; five to seven transverse cirri; constantly two frontoterminal, one buccal and two pretransverse ventral cirri; two or three left marginal rows; right and innermost left marginal rows with 56–92 and 66–106 cirri, respectively; six bipolar dorsal kineties; more than 100 macronuclear nodules. The characteristic morphogenetic feature in T. marina is the development of the left marginal rows, that is, only one left marginal row is newly built the other one or two being retained from the parental cell. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal gene sequence data reveal a close relationship of T. marina with members of family Pseudokeronopsidae.  相似文献   

A soil hypotrich ciliate, Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp., was discovered in China. Its morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny were investigated using standard methods. The new species is characterized as follows: body about 140–180 × 60–70 μm in vivo, cortical granules absent, contractile vacuole positioned about 40% down length of body, 5–9 macronuclear nodules, 34–49 adoral membranelles, 3–5 buccal and 3–6 parabuccal cirri, usually two frontoventral rows, three or four left and two or three right marginal rows, three dorsal kineties and one dorsomarginal kinety; 1–3 and one or two caudal cirri located at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2, respectively. The ontogenetic process is characterized by: (1) the marginal anlagen on each side develop in the outer right and the inner left marginal rows, respectively; (2) five frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen, anlagen II–IV develop in secondary mode; (3) dorsal morphogenesis follows a typical Urosomoida-pattern, no parental dorsal kineties are retained; (4) caudal cirri are generated at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data reveals that Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp. is closely related to Parakahliella macrostoma and Hemiurosomoida longa.  相似文献   

Morphological and anatomical features (including wood anatomy and pollen morphology) of the small neotropical genusPagameopsis (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae) are discussed and illustrated. The fused ovaries, fenestrate corolla tube, basally attached anther filaments, and absence of raphides are especially noteworthy.Pagameopsis is definitely not a member of the Psychotrieae because of significant differences in wood anatomy and gynoecial and fruit structure. A close affinity with Gaertnereae seems doubtful for similar reasons. The taxonomic affinities ofPagameopsis remain obscure. The genus shows similarities with several taxa of the Rubioideae, such as Coccocypseleae, Morindeae, Hedyotideae, andMetabolos. The absence of raphides, on the other hand, makes a position in the Rubioideae doubtful.  相似文献   

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