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Oxidation of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (SDMH) catalyzed by hemoglobin is investigated by oxygen consumption studies, ESR spin-trapping experiments, and gas chromatography. Kinetic analysis and the study of the effects of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and azide on reaction rates indicate that SDMH oxidation is primarily dependent on ferric hemoglobin and autoxidatively formed H2O2. SDMH oxidation generates both methyl and hydroxyl radicals as ascertained by spin-trapping experiments with alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone, 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide, and tert-nitrosobutane. Quantitative estimates indicate that the yield of the methyl radical trapped by alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone is about 8% of the consumed oxygen. Analysis of the gaseous products by gas chromatography shows methane formation at a yield 10 times lower than that obtained for the spin-trap methyl adduct. These results are discussed within the context of the spin-trapping technique. The relative efficiencies of oxyhemoglobin in catalyzing SDMH, 2-phenylethylhydrazine, and phenylhydrazine oxidation, defined as Vmax/KM, are estimated as 1, 13, and 386, respectively. The higher efficiency obtained for the monosubstituted derivatives leads us to suggest that hemoglobin-catalyzed oxidation could be a detoxification route for these compounds. By contrast, SDMH oxidation requires a peroxidase-like activity, a fact that may be related to the efficacy and specificity of this carcinogen.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the interaction of radiation and 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) with respect to colon carcinogenesis in the Fischer 344 rat and have demonstrated the utility of this model for future more detailed mechanistic studies. In initial experiments, single doses of abdomen-only radiation (9 Gy) or DMH (150 mg/kg) were employed alone or in combination. Radiation was administered 3.5 days prior to the DMH. At 8 months post-treatment, the incidence of DMH-induced colon tumors was doubled by prior radiation exposure. When the protocol was repeated employing a DMH dose of 135 mg/kg with a 6-month observation period, the incidence of tumors induced by DMH alone was reduced, but the combination of radiation plus DMH still resulted in an augmentation of tumor incidence. When the protocol of radiation plus DMH was repeated three times at monthly intervals, a 15-fold increase in tumor incidence (from 5 to 74%) was observed at 6 months post-treatment. This finding demonstrates an apparent synergy between the radiation and the chemical carcinogen. Throughout these studies, the appearance of carcinomas was associated with preexisting colonic lymphoid nodules. The reproducibility of tumor induction as well as range of tumor incidence generated by variations in this system may be adequately sensitive to examine the combination of much lower doses of radiation and/or chemical carcinogen. The relationship between existing lymphoid aggregates which alter local epithelial cell kinetics and which are associated with fenestrations in the basement membrane, and the development of colon cancer in congruent sites may assist in defining dose-response curves for combined agents as well as providing a system for evaluating the mechanisms underlying their interactions.  相似文献   

1,2-Dimethylhydrazine (DMH) is a potent colon carcinogen that is commonly used as an initiator in studies of the effects of diet on colon cancer. Previous studies have shown that although this compound produces multiple tumors in the colons in most individuals of every species tested, it is, at best, marginally mutagenic in the bone marrow (micronuclei) and small intestine (Dlb-1 mutations). Here we report its mutagenicity in the primary target tissue, the colonic epithelium, by means of the Mutatrade markMouse cII assay, an assay for intragenic mutations in a lambda shuttle vector that is integrated into the genome of these mice. Animals were treated with 0, 10, 20, or 30 mg/ml of DMH, either as a single injection or as multiple weekly injections, and mutations were measured in both the small intestine and colon. In the small intestine, there was an increase in mutant frequency following a single injection of DMH, but this was significant only at 30 mg/kg [induced mutant frequency (MF) = 18 x 10(-5) mutants/plaque]. In the colon, following a single treatment of DMH, there was a significant increase in mutant frequency at doses of 20 and 30 mg/kg (induced MF = 17 x 10(-5) and 23 x 10(-5) mutants/plaque, respectively). Following ten injections of 20 mg/kg of DMH, there was a greater than ten-fold increase in mutations in the colon (MF = 275 x 10(-5) mutants/plaque) than the small intestine (MF = 25 x 10(-5) mutants/plaque). These results show that DMH, under the conditions typically used for dietary studies, induces large numbers of mutations in the tissue in which it induces most cancers.  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds are naturally occurring, bioactive substances with marked antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. The flavonoid chrysin, found in high levels in honey bee propolis, inhibits the activity of enzymes involved in carcinogenesis. We have investigated the effect of chrysin on pre-neoplastic colorectal lesions (ACF, aberrant crypt foci) in a rat model of chemical carcinogenesis induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). Female Wistar rats weighing 137.2?±?24.3 g received weekly one subcutaneous injection of DMH (20 mg/kg) for 10 weeks. The animals were divided into five groups each with seven animals: Group 1, 0.9% saline; Group 2, DMH+0.9% saline; Group 3, DMH+chrysin (10 mg/kg); Group 4, DMH+chrysin (100 mg/kg); Group 5, DMH+chrysin (200 mg/kg). Groups 2 and 3 showed a significant increase in ACF number, nucleolus organizer regions per enterocyte nucleus and nitrite/nitrate serum levels compared with Group 1. Groups 4 and 5 presented a significant reduction in all these parameters compared with Group 2. The levels of antioxidant minerals (copper, magnesium, selenium, zinc) and the number of enteroendocrine and mucin-producing cells were significantly reduced in Groups 2 and 3 but were similar in Groups 4 and 5 compared with Group 1. Chrysin, at 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, was effective in attenuating pathological colorectal remodeling, reducing the number of pre-neoplastic lesions in rats exposed to DMH. Some of these effects might be attributable to the recovery of antioxidant mineral levels, a reduction in systemic nitrosative stress and an inhibition of the cellular proliferation induced by this flavonoid.  相似文献   

Stimulation of phagocytosis by serotonin and catecholamines in Tetrahymena grown in proteose-peptone medium proved to be concentration dependent, the optimal concentrations being approximately 0.1 to 1.0 microM. The serotonergic antagonists, spiperone, and metergoline, also stimulated the process, whereas the beta- and alpha-adrenergic antagonists, propranolol, alprenolol, and ergocryptine, had no effect or inhibited phagocytosis. A wide variety of derivatives of the biogenic amines had no effect on phagocytosis, demonstrating the specificity of recognition mechanism for neurohormones in Tetrahymena. Such hormones act by at least two independent mechanisms, one for adrenergic agonists, another for dopamine. Presumably, recognition mechanisms for hormones in protozoa resemble in some respects those in multicellular organisms, therefore bespeaking a common origin.  相似文献   

The action of biogenic amines (noradrenaline, dopamine), infused at different concentration into the aorta of the urethane anesthetized control and irradiated rats for 2 min., was followed on the basis of systemic blood pressure and mesenteric blood flow. The mesenteric blood flow was measured by means of an electromagnetic flow meter. The changes observed i.e. after dopamine an increase in pressure and flow, after noradrenaline an increase in pressure and a decrease in flow with an increase after infusion had been stopped, correspond to those obtained in larger animals. In many, but not in all cases, the response is proportional to the log of the concentration of the amine infused. Irradiation with 2 kR, i.e. a dose which causes the animals to die from the gastrointestinal syndrome after 3 days, modified the response to dopamine and noradrenaline. The changes are, for noradrenaline, a greater pressure and a lower flow responses and for dopamine a greater pressure response at low and middle doses.  相似文献   

The effects of mutations that change the level of biogenic amines (octopamine and dopamine) on stress-reactivity and fitness of Drosophila imagoes are considered. It has been shown that (1) the biogenic amines represent an important but not triggering factor of the development of stress reaction; (2) under normal conditions, reproduction is regulated by genes that control dopamine metabolic pathways (indirectly via regulation of the juvenile hormone level). Under unfavorable conditions, reproduction is regulated by genes that control octopamine metabolism; (3) heat-stress adaptation depends on expression of genes controlling the background level of dopamine.  相似文献   

1. A sensitive, simple and selective Chromatographic method using high performance liquid chromatography was developed to measure circulating levels of histamine (HI), norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) as indicators of response to thermal stress in two breeds of cattle.2. Duplicate exposures for 8 hr to 13°C resulted in significantly elevated plasma NE and DA in longhorns but not in Herefords and suggest a relatively greater sensitivity to the cold (13°C) in the longhorn.3. Environmental temperatures of 32 and 42°C significantly increased rectal temperatures of both breeds with much higher rectal temperatures in Herefords.4. The 32 and 42° C effects on circulating NE and DA of Herefords were highly significant but not in the longhorn. However, heat stress significantly elevated HI and 5-HT in the longhorn which may account for their relatively greater heat tolerance based on their lower rectal temperatures.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation (the hippocampus and the dentate fascia) of the rabbit was studied by histochemical fluorescent method of Falk to determine localization of monoaminergic terminals containing biogenic amines: noradrenalin, dophamine and serotonin. It was shown that monoaminenergic terminals in the hippocampus were in two zones of afferent terminations: in the zone of ending of the perforating way (str. lacunosum-moleculare of fields CA1 and CA2; str. moleculare of the dentate fascia) and in the subgranular zone of the hilum where a part of septofimbrial way terminated on granular neurons of the dentate fascia, the main cellular elements of the hipocampus (pyramidal, granular and basket cells of the hippocampus) did not contain biogenic amines.  相似文献   

Effect of biogenic amines and cannabinoids on bacterial chemotaxis   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The chemotactic response of Pseudomonas fluorescens was significantly enhanced by the stimulants dl-amphetamine and epinephrine. Acetylcholine, a physiological antagonist of epinephrine, and the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited bacterial chemotaxis. It may be possible to use bacterial chemotaxis as a bioassay in biochemical studies of drug action.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous injection of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine into female CBA mice once a week resulted in the development of tumours of the colon, anal region, uterus and liver. In 12-13-month-old mice treated with DMH an earlier appearance (week 8) of uterine sarcomas and more rapid increase in the incidence of tumours of the anal region were noted as compared to 3-month-old mice. In pregnant females treated with DMH a statistically significant decrease in the uterine sarcoma incidence was observed (10.3% versus 48.3% in nonpregnant). Pregnancy exerted no effect on the incidence of tumours at other sites. Castration did not affect the time of appearance and the incidence of tumours of any site.  相似文献   

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