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How will climate change affect the sustainability of Arctic villages over the next 40 years? This question motivated a collaboration of 23 researchers and four Arctic communities (Old Crow, Yukon Territory, Canada; Aklavik, Northwest Territories, Canada; Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, Canada; and Arctic Village, Alaska, USA) in or near the range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. We drew on existing research and local knowledge to examine potential effects of climate change, petroleum development, tourism, and government spending cutbacks on the sustainability of four Arctic villages. We used data across eight disciplines to develop an Arctic Community Synthesis Model and a Web-based, interactive Possible Futures Model. Results suggested that climate warming will increase vegetation biomass within the herd’s summer range. However, despite forage increasing, the herd was projected as likely to decline with a warming climate because of increased insect harassment in the summer and potentially greater winter snow depths. There was a strong negative correlation between hypothetical, development-induced displacement of cows and calves from utilized calving grounds and calf survival during June. The results suggested that climate warming coupled with petroleum development would cause a decline in caribou harvest by local communities. Because the Synthesis Model inherits uncertainties associated with each component model, sensitivity analysis is required. Scientists and stakeholders agreed that (1) although simulation models are incomplete abstractions of the real world, they helped bring scientific and community knowledge together, and (2) relationships established across disciplines and between scientists and communities were a valuable outcome of the study. Additional project materials, including the Web-based Possible Futures Model, are available at http://www.taiga.net/sustain.  相似文献   

When we talk about narrative, we often focus on the story and the teller, but rarely on the listener. Yet often the first step in healing is finding someone who will listen to you and truly hear your story. Alice Kimiksana and others in the Canadian Arctic village of Holman, who are concerned about the community’s high suicide rate, understand this basic healing principal very well. They have worked together to create a Help Line—a confidential listening and crisis intervention program—for their community. Kimiksana talks about how in Holman, as in other northern communities, trauma led parents to teach their children not to talk about their pain, their fear, or their abusive experiences, including those that occurred in the residential schools. As a result, even years later, the pain, fear, and hurt can become unbearable, leading sometimes to alcohol and drug abuse, and sometimes to violence toward oneself or others. Educational groups, Healing Circles, and youth groups are starting to help. However, unless there are helpers who will listen when people begin to tell their stories, this first step in healing cannot take place and the cycle of intergenerational trauma will not be broken.  相似文献   

The Amerasian Arctic, covering northern Siberia (Russia), Arctic Alaska (USA), and the Canadian Arctic, extends over seven coastal Large Marine Ecosystems and makes up the seasonally ice-free part of FAO Statistical Area 18 (Arctic Sea). Historically, the harsh climate has limited marine fisheries (here excluding marine mammal hunting) to small-scale operations conducted mainly in estuaries and river deltas. Most of the catches have traditionally not been reported to FAO, with the result that total catch estimated here from 1950 to 2006 is 75 times higher than the sum of the catches reported for FAO 18 (Arctic). Catches were reconstructed from data on fishing communities in Canada and Alaska, and from various government and non-government sources for Siberia. Based on national data supplied to FAO since 1950, catches have been reported as 12,700 t in toto (reported on behalf of the former Soviet Union). This compares with our reconstructed catches of over 950,000 t, i.e., 770,000, 89,000, and 94,000 t by Russia, USA, and Canada, respectively for the same time period. The reconstructed catch (mainly whitefishes in Siberia, various salmonids in Alaska, and Arctic char in Canada) was 24,100 t year−1 in 1950, but declined to 10,200 t year−1 by the mid-2000s. Reasons for these trends are discussed by country, along with sources of uncertainty (particularly large for Siberia). Catches were allocated to Large Marine Ecosystems to present ecosystem-relevant baselines for the impact of fisheries on the Arctic, which can be expected to increase, as industrial fisheries move into a warming Arctic following the invasion of boreal species, unless countries apply precautionary ecosystem-based management approaches.  相似文献   

Pluralistic societies such as China and Canada frequently find themselves pursuing potentially contradictory goals. China's contradiction results from a desire to preserve cultural diversity while eliminating ‘backward tendencies’ which work against the economic and social development of the country as a whole. Canada's contradiction results from a desire to preserve cultural diversity while maintaining an emphasis upon equality of rights and responsibilities for all Canadians. Behind these differences in ideology, however, is a more basic structural contradiction ‐ namely, that cultural pluralism, while considered an asset as long as it is restricted to preserving unique cultural traditions, is nevertheless a threat to a strong central government if interpreted to imply the power to set policy at the local level. To explore this issue, this article compares China and Canada in terms of three related topics. First, it briefly examines the multicultural policy of China and Canada. This is followed by a discussion of medical pluralism in China and Canada, with an emphasis upon the health of minority groups and the status of minority healing traditions. Finally, common perceptions of shamanic healing traditions in both China and Canada are considered. It is in relation to shamanism that the dilemma posed by cultural pluralism is most clearly delimited.  相似文献   

Inuit in Canada’s Arctic conceptualize both human hunters and their polar bear prey as active participants in the hunt and as part of a larger socio-economic system requiring the involvement of both humans and animals. Although often treated through the lens of common-pool resource theory, the Inuit viewpoint conflicts with Western wildlife management systems that typically treat animals, and nature in general, as passive. When polar bears are understood as active participants in the hunt, the rights associated with common property regimes and assumptions about collective-choice decisions in common-pool resource management require significant revision. In this paper we argue that common-pool resource theories which assume natural resources are inherently passive cannot adequately account for the system of active relationships operating among Inuit in Arctic Canada. The co-management system of Nunavut Territory, Canada, uses a flexible quota approach, which, while following conservation guidelines, allows some space for the traditional Inuit-polar bear system to operate. This example shows how common-pool resources may be managed sustainably without the attendant assumption that natural resources exist passively outside of common-pool resource regimes.  相似文献   

Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) are a fish species ubiquitous to the fresh waters of Arctic region and brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis) are similarly common across the sub-Arctic region of eastern Canada. Populations can be small in numbers, especially farther north thus it is important to develop non-lethal methods of sampling these fish to minimize the invasiveness and impact of scientific research. We examined the stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon in white muscle, caudal fin, and adipose fin tissues of Arctic char and brook char (S. fontinalis) from northern Quebec and Labrador, Canada. Our results revealed several broad conclusions. First, differences among muscle, caudal fin, and adipose fin tissues were ~1?‰ for freshwater Arctic and brook char. Second, the two species within the same drainage had similar stable isotope levels and tissue differences. Third, anadromous Arctic char show similar, non-significant differences among these tissues for δ15N, but muscle δ13C was highly enriched. Fourth, the stable isotope levels and tissue differences were the same for anadromous Arctic char from two watersheds where char use distinctly different ocean environments. Overall, it appears that caudal fin tissue in particular is a useful surrogate for white muscle δ13C and δ15N levels for Arctic and brook char in this region and thus, a non-lethal collection of a small sample of caudal fin tissue will provide an accurate measure of white muscle isotope levels.  相似文献   

北冰洋海域微食物环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何剑锋  崔世开  张芳  何培民  林凌 《生态学报》2011,31(23):7279-7286
海洋微食物环在海洋生态系统中起着重要作用.北冰洋因常年为海冰所覆盖,对微食物环的研究较为有限.现有研究表明,微食物环在北冰洋生态系统中的作用与海域和季节相关.近年来环境的快速变化、特别是夏季海冰覆盖面积的迅速减少,会对微食物环的结构和功能产生重大影响,已有研究显示其生态作用有望进一步提高.综合近年来已有的研究成果,对北冰洋微食物环的主要类群:原核生物、真核浮游植物、原生动物和浮游病毒等的基本生态特征进行了概述,讨论了各类群间的相互关系,并对未来的研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

J E McNamee  D R Offord 《CMAJ》1990,142(11):1223-1230
We reviewed the epidemiologic features of suicide in Canada and evaluated suicide prevention programs. Three groups were found to be at increased risk for suicide: men aged 70 years or more, women aged 65 to 69 and men aged 20 to 24. The other groups, in decreasing order of risk, were the mentally ill, people who have attempted suicide, those with a life-threatening illness, native people, people with a family history of suicide and prisoners. Studies that evaluated suicide prevention programs showed that none significantly reduced the incidence of suicide; however, the studies were found to be methodologically inadequate or used noncomparable systems of data collection. On the basis of our findings we recommend that primary care physicians routinely evaluate suicide risk among patients in high-risk groups and that intervention include counselling, follow-up and, if necessary, referral to a psychiatrist. Close follow-up is recommended for newly discharged psychiatric patients and those who recently attempted suicide.  相似文献   

In the warming Arctic, aquatic habitats are in flux and salmon are exploring their options. Adult Pacific salmon, including sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), coho (O. kisutch), Chinook (O. tshawytscha), pink (O. gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) have been captured throughout the Arctic. Pink and chum salmon are the most common species found in the Arctic today. These species are less dependent on freshwater habitats as juveniles and grow quickly in marine habitats. Putative spawning populations are rare in the North American Arctic and limited to pink salmon in drainages north of Point Hope, Alaska, chum salmon spawning rivers draining to the northwestern Beaufort Sea, and small populations of chum and pink salmon in Canada’s Mackenzie River. Pacific salmon have colonized several large river basins draining to the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian seas in the Russian Arctic. These populations probably developed from hatchery supplementation efforts in the 1960’s. Hundreds of populations of Arctic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are found in Russia, Norway and Finland. Atlantic salmon have extended their range eastward as far as the Kara Sea in central Russian. A small native population of Atlantic salmon is found in Canada’s Ungava Bay. The northern tip of Quebec seems to be an Atlantic salmon migration barrier for other North American stocks. Compatibility between life history requirements and ecological conditions are prerequisite for salmon colonizing Arctic habitats. Broad-scale predictive models of climate change in the Arctic give little information about feedback processes contributing to local conditions, especially in freshwater systems. This paper reviews the recent history of salmon in the Arctic and explores various patterns of climate change that may influence range expansions and future sustainability of salmon in Arctic habitats. A summary of the research needs that will allow informed expectation of further Arctic colonization by salmon is given.  相似文献   

Symbolic healing is a complex phenomenon that is still relatively poorly understood. This paper documents a process of symbolic healing which is occurring in Canadian penitentiaries, and which involves Aboriginal offenders in cultural awareness and educational programs. The situation is compounded, however, by the existence of offenders from diverse Aboriginal cultural backgrounds with differing degrees of orientation to Aboriginal and Euro-Canadian cultures. Participants must first receive the necessary education to allow them to identify with the healing symbols so that healing may ensue, and both the healers and the patients must engage in a process of redefining their cultures in search of a common cultural base.The research upon which this paper was based was funded by the Correctional Service of Canada contract No. 1990/91-PRA-306. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the staff at the Regional Psychiatric Centre (Prairie region) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, especially Drs. Art Gordon and Steve Wong. A special thank you must be extended to the Elders, Native Liaisons and patients who participated in the research, but who must remain anonymous.The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily represent the views of the Correctional Service of Canada, its staff, or the Elders and patients. The author alone is responsible for the content.  相似文献   

Spironucleus barkhanus isolated from the blood of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from a marine fish farm were genetically compared with S. barkhanus isolated from the gall bladder of wild Arctic charr. The wild Arctic charr were caught in the lake used as the water source for the hatchery from which the farmed fish originated. Sequencing of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) from these 2 populations showed that the isolates obtained from farmed and wild Arctic charr were only 92.7 % similar. Based on the sequence differences between these isolates, it is concluded that the parasites isolated from the farmed fish have not been transmitted from wild Arctic charr in the hatchery's fresh water source. It is therefore most likely that the farmed fish were infected by S. barkhanus after they were transferred to seawater. S. barkhanus isolated from diseased farmed Arctic charr were 99.7% similar to the isolates obtained from diseased farmed Chinook (Canada) and Atlantic salmon (Norway). The high degree of sequence similarity between S. barkhanus from farmed Arctic charr, Chinook and Atlantic salmon indicates that systemic spironucleosis may be caused by specific strains/variants of this parasite. The genetic differences between the isolates of farmed and wild fish are of such magnitude that their conspecificity should be questioned.  相似文献   

Although it has previously been considered to be a rare phenomenon, this paper provides evidence of eight occurrences of Atlantic cod in northern coastal saline lakes in Arctic Canada, Greenland, Norway, and Russia. Historic and current habitat features that are necessary for Atlantic cod to colonize and persist in Arctic meromictic lakes are discussed. Data analyses confirm that the persistence of Atlantic cod in Arctic lakes is a recurrent phenomenon, and these populations represent an important component of intraspecific biodiversity. Published in Russian in Voprosy Ikhtiologii, 2008, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 179–190. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Throughout most of the Americas, post-colonial dogs largely erased the genetic signatures of pre-historical dogs. However, the North American Arctic harbors dogs that are potentially descended from pre-historical ancestors, as well as those affected by post-colonial translocations and admixtures. In particular, Inuit dogs from Canada and Greenland are thought to descend from dogs associated with Thule peoples, who relied on them for transportation ca. 1000 years ago. Whether Thule dogs reflected an earlier colonization by Paleoeskimo dogs ca. 4500 years ago is unknown. During the Alaskan Gold Rush, additional sled dogs, possibly of post-colonial derivation, the Alaskan Husky, Malamute and Siberian Husky, were used in the Arctic. The genealogical relationships among and origins of these breeds are unknown. Here we use autosomal, paternal and maternal DNA markers to (1) test the hypothesis that Inuit dogs have retained their indigenous ancestry, (2) characterize their relationship to one another and to other Arctic breeds, and (3) estimate the age of North American indigenous matrilines and patrilines. On the basis of the agreement of all three markers we determined that Inuit dogs have maintained their indigenous nature, and that they likely derive from Thule dogs. In addition, we provide support for previous research that the Inuit dogs from Canada and Greenland dog should not be distinguished as two breeds. The Alaskan Husky displayed evidence of European introgression, in contrast to the Malamute and Siberian Husky, which appear to have maintained most of their ancient Siberian ancestry.  相似文献   

Suicide is a complex and tragic outcome driven by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. Women of Chinese descent and women who have immigrated to other countries have higher rates of suicidal ideation and behaviour, and immigration-related stress may contribute. To understand the experiences of immigration and their relationship with distress and suicide-related behaviour in Chinese women who have immigrated to Canada. 10 semi-structured qualitative interviews with Chinese women who have immigrated to Toronto, Canada and have a history of suicide-related behaviour were completed and analyzed using a constructivist grounded theory methodology. Immigration-related and acculturation stress stemmed from unmet expectations and harsh realities. These repeated experiences resulted in hopelessness, helplessness, and alienation, which are risk factors for suicide and suicide-related behaviour. However, immigration-related support can also increase hope, self-efficacy and connectedness to foster recovery and resilience. This is the first qualitative study focusing on immigration experiences and its relationship to suicide-related behaviour in Chinese immigrant women. Knowledge of immigration and acculturation stressors can a) help identify and support women at risk for suicide and b) form a target for social intervention for all immigrant women, regardless of suicide risk.  相似文献   

J V Lavery  B M Dickens  J M Boyle  P A Singer 《CMAJ》1997,156(10):1405-1408
Euthanasia and assisted suicide involve taking deliberate action to end or assist in ending the life of another person on compassionate grounds. There is considerable disagreement about the acceptability of these acts and about whether they are ethically distinct from decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are punishable offences under Canadian criminal law, despite increasing public pressure for a more permissive policy. Some Canadian physicians would be willing to practise euthanasia and assisted suicide if these acts were legal. In practice, physicians must differentiate between respecting competent decisions to forgo treatment, providing appropriate palliative care, and acceeding to a request for euthanasia or assisted suicide. Physicians who believe that euthanasia and assisted suicide should be legally accepted in Canada should pursue their convictions only through legal and democratic means.  相似文献   

The Arctic is rapidly warming and host-parasite relationships may be modified by such environmental changes. Here, I showed that the average winter temperature in Svalbard, Arctic Norway, explained almost 90% of the average prevalence of ticks in an Arctic seabird, the Brünnich’s guillemot Uria lomvia. An increase of 1°C in the average winter temperature at the nesting colony site was associated with a 5% increase in the number of birds infected by these ectoparasites in the subsequent breeding season. Guillemots were generally infested by only a few ticks (≤5) and I found no direct effect of tick presence on their body condition and breeding success. However, the strong effect of average winter temperature described here clearly indicates that tick-seabird relationships in the Arctic may be strongly affected by ongoing climate warming.  相似文献   

Bacterivory by phototrophic picoplankton and nanoplankton in Arctic waters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mixotrophy, the combination of phototrophy and heterotrophy within the same individual, is widespread in oceanic systems. Yet, neither the presence nor ecological impact of mixotrophs has been identified in an Arctic marine environment. We quantified nano- and picoplankton during early autumn in the Beaufort Sea and Canada Basin and determined relative rates of bacterivory by heterotrophs and mixotrophs. Results confirmed previous reports of low microbial biomass for Arctic communities in autumn. The impact of bacterivory was relatively low, ranging from 0.6?×?10(3) to 42.8?×?10(3) bacteria?mL(-1) day(-1) , but it was often dominated by pico- or nanomixotrophs. From 1% to 7% of the photosynthetic picoeukaryotes were bacterivorous, while mixotrophic nanoplankton abundance comprised 1-22% of the heterotrophic and 2-32% of the phototrophic nanoplankton abundance, respectively. The estimated daily grazing impact was usually 相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What are the major vegetation units in the Arctic, what is their composition, and how are they distributed among major bioclimate subzones and countries? Location: The Arctic tundra region, north of the tree line. Methods: A photo‐interpretive approach was used to delineate the vegetation onto an Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) base image. Mapping experts within nine Arctic regions prepared draft maps using geographic information technology (ArcInfo) of their portion of the Arctic, and these were later synthesized to make the final map. Area analysis of the map was done according to bioclimate subzones, and country. The integrated mapping procedures resulted in other maps of vegetation, topography, soils, landscapes, lake cover, substrate pH, and above‐ground biomass. Results: The final map was published at 1:7 500 000 scale map. Within the Arctic (total area = 7.11 × 106 km2), about 5.05 × 106 km2 is vegetated. The remainder is ice covered. The map legend generally portrays the zonal vegetation within each map polygon. About 26% of the vegetated area is erect shrublands, 18% peaty graminoid tundras, 13% mountain complexes, 12% barrens, 11% mineral graminoid tundras, 11% prostrate‐shrub tundras, and 7% wetlands. Canada has by far the most terrain in the High Arctic mostly associated with abundant barren types and prostrate dwarf‐shrub tundra, whereas Russia has the largest area in the Low Arctic, predominantly low‐shrub tundra. Conclusions: The CAVM is the first vegetation map of an entire global biome at a comparable resolution. The consistent treatment of the vegetation across the circumpolar Arctic, abundant ancillary material, and digital database should promote the application to numerous land‐use, and climate‐change applications and will make updating the map relatively easy.  相似文献   

The Arctic Waters and the Northwest Passage: A Final Revisit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change has reduced the extent and thickness of sea ice in the Arctic, making international shipping in the Northwest Passage a virtual certainty in the foreseeable future. Such future shipping raises the question of whether the Passage is or might become an international strait, with the consequent right of transit passage. This article examines the two possible legal bases for Canada's claim that the waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are internal waters: a historic title and straight baselines. It also addresses the issue of the possible internationalization of the Passage, if Canada does not take preventive measures. Some such measures are recommended in the last part of the article.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from 71 Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) collected in 12 locations in western Canada were assayed for restriction-site variation with 10 endonucleases. Five of these endonucleases revealed variant patterns, and the composite genotypes were used to develop a linear transformation series among the mtDNA genotypes. Two of the four clones had a wide distribution, while the remaining two clones were geographically restricted. The mtDNA of Columbian ground squirrels was also compared to two other species of Sciuridae: Richardson's ground squirrels (S. richardsonii) and Arctic ground squirrels (S. parryii). Calculation of divergences from fragment length and restriction-site data indicated that Arctic ground squirrels and Richardson's ground squirrels were more closely related to each other than either was to Columbian ground squirrels. The transformation series among clones within the Columbian ground squirrels was rooted using Richardson's and Arctic ground squirrels as out-groups. From these data, we conclude that the colonization by female founders of Columbian ground squirrel populations occurred after deglaciation along the eastern ranges of the Rocky Mountains, while colonies on the western ranges may have been present before extensive deglaciation occurred, having existed in refugia in northwestern Alberta.  相似文献   

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