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The dark respiration of shoots (measured between March and anthesisin mid-June) and of ears (measured between anthesis and maturityat end of July) of winter wheat crops, grown in 1982 and 1985under different nitrogen application and irrigation conditions,was determined in the field. The respiration rate of 126 averagesof four samples was measured hourly for a 12–14-h darkperiod including the night. Respiration (expressed per unitdry mass) generally declined through the season for both shootsand ears. The average rate of respiration obtained on the samenight was greater for fertilized and irrigated crops, comparedwith unfertilized and droughted crops. The relationship betweenthe measured respiration and photosynthesis, simulated usinga modified version of the model developed by Spitters (1986),was analysed. This revealed that: (a) Shoot respiration was less well correlated with photosynthesisfrom the day preceding measurement than with the average ofthe photosynthesis from the two days preceding measurement. (b) The constants relating shoot respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit crop mass and ear respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit ear mass had similar values. This suggests that allgrowth respiration takes place in the ears at the end of theseason. (c) Crop growth respiration consumes about 35% of assimilatebefore anthesis, and that growth respiration of the ear consumesabout 40% of assimilate at the end of the season. (d) No significant effect of treatment on the relationship betweenrespiration and photosynthesis was detected, suggesting thatthe observed effect of treatment on respiration is due entirelyto differences in photosynthesis. Triticwn aestivum var. Avalon, winter wheat, dark respiration, growth coefficient, photosynthesis model, nitrogen nutrition, irrigation  相似文献   

Shirke  P.A. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(2):305-311
P. juliflora trees produce leaves during two growth periods. The first cohort of leaves is produced during spring in cool conditions, while the second cohort is produced during monsoon under warm conditions. I studied photosynthetic characteristics of young, mature, and old leaves of the previous season (monsoon) in the spring season. Maximum net photosynthetic rate of a young leaf was lower than that of the mature and old leaves. The total CO2 fixed per day by the young leaves was just 36 % of that in the mature leaves while the old leaves fixed 76 % of that of the mature leaf. The total transpiration rate and water use efficiency (WUE) were similar in the mature and old leaves, while they were much lower in the young leaves. Dark respiration rate was maximal in the young leaves as compared to the mature and old leaves. About 92 % of the total CO2 fixed per day were respired by the young leaves. The diurnal fluorescence characteristics (F/Fm, q p, and q N) of the young, mature, and old leaves showed that photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 during midday decreased more in the young and old leaves than in the mature ones. However, the fluorescence characteristics showed that in all the three leaf types there was complete recovery of the photochemical efficiency at sunset from the midday depression. Fv/Fm in the young and mature leaves also confirmed this. Hence the young and old leaves were photosynthetically less efficient than mature leaves, but they were well adapted to withstand the harsh environmental conditions.  相似文献   

SHARPE  P. J. H. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(3):325-343
This analysis suggests that a model of the temperature dependenceof carbon exchange by a plant can be developed based upon absolutereaction rate theory. Component temperature-dependent physiologicalprocesses necessary to describe net photosynthesis over thebiological temperature range include the light reaction, darkreaction (carboxylase CO2 uptake, oxygenase photorespiration)and mitochondrial dark respiration. An essential assumptionof the model is the reversibility of thermal inhibition. Supportingevidence for this assumption is provided within the biologicalrange. Thermodynamic constants were found to be strongly correlatedwith the thermal environment to which they were adapted. Therewas little difference in non-photorespiration thermodynamicconstants between C2 andC4species within thermal habitat types.The model shows the observed shift in temperature optima withlight intensity as a natural consequence of enzyme kineticsand absolute reaction rate theory. photosynthesis, photorespiration, dark respiration, temperature response, carbon exchange, mathematical model  相似文献   

Leaves and leaf slices from Aloe arborescens Mill. were used to study the interrelations between Crassulacean acid metabolism, photosynthesis, and respiration. Oxygen exchange of leaf slices was measured polarographically. It was found that the photosynthetic utilization of stored malic acid resulted in a net evolution of oxygen. This oxygen production, and the decrease in acid content of the leaf tissue, were completely inhibited by amytal, although the rate of respiratory oxygen uptake was hardly affected by the presence of this inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport. Other poisons of respiration (cyanide) and of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (trifluoroacetate, 2-diethyl malonate) also were effective in preventing acid-dependent oxygen evolution. It is concluded that the mobilization of stored acids during light-dependent deacidification of the leaves depends on the operation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and of the electron transport of the mitochondria.  相似文献   

The rate of respiratory O2 consumption by Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell suspensions was greater after a period of photosynthesis than in the preceding dark period. This "light-enhanced dark respiration" (LEDR) was a function of both the duration of illumination and the photon fluence rate. Mass spectrometric measurements of gas exchange indicated that the rate of gross respiratory O2 consumption increased during photosynthesis, whereas gross respiratory CO2 production decreased in a photon fluence rate-dependent manner. The rate of postillumination O2 consumption provided a good measure of the O2 consumption rate in the light. LEDR was substantially decreased by the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea or glycolaldehyde, suggesting that LEDR was photosynthesis-dependent. The onset of photosynthesis resulted in an increase in the cellular levels of phosphoglycerate, malate, and phosphoenolpyruvate, and a decrease in whole-cell ATP and citrate levels; all of these changes were rapidly reversed upon darkening. These results are consistent with a decrease in the rate of respiratory carbon flow during photosynthesis, whereas the increase in respiratory O2 consumption during photosynthesis may be mediated by the export of photogenerated reductant from the chloroplast. We suggest that photosynthesis interacts with respiration at more than one level, simultaneously decreasing the rate of respiratory carbon flow while increasing the rate of respiratory O2 consumption.  相似文献   

Growth Rate, Photosynthesis and Respiration in Relation to Leaf Area Index   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BUNCE  JAMES A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(4):459-463
This work examined three possible explanations of growth rateresponses to leaf area index (LAI) in which growth rate perunit of ground area (crop growth rate, CGR) increased to a plateaurather than decreasing above an optimum LAI at which all lightwas intercepted. Single leaf photosynthetic measurements, andwhole plant 24 h photosynthesis and respiration measurementswere made for isolated plants and plants in stands using Amaranlhushybridus, Chenopodium album, and two cultivars of Glycine maxgrown at 500 and 1000 µimol m–2 S–1 photosyntheticphoton flux density at 25 °C. CGR, relative growth rate(RGR), and LAI were determined from 24 h carbon dioxide exchangeand leaf area and biomass measurements. Respiration increasedrelative to photosynthesis with crowding in A. hybridus andthere was an optimum LAI for CGR. In contrast, the ratio ofrespiration to photosynthesis was constant across plant arrangementin the other species and they had a plateau response of CGRto LAI. Neither increased leaf photosynthetic capacity at highLAI nor a large change in biomass compared to the change inLAI could account for the plateau responses. It was calculatedthat maintenance respiration per unit of biomass decreased withdecreasing RGR in C. album and G. max, but not A. hybridus,and accounted for the plateau response of CGR to LAI. Sincesimilar decreases in maintenance respiration per biomass atlow RGR have been reported for several other species, a constantratio of respiration to photosynthesis may occur in more speciesthan constant maintenance respiration per unit of biomass. Amaranlhus hybridus L., Chenopodium album L., Glycine max L Merr, soybean, photosynthesis, respiration, growth, leaf area index  相似文献   

Maize seedlings were flooded for periods from 1 to 15 days, and the leaves of different ages were then taken to examine photosynthesis, dark respiration, transpiration, chlorophyll content, and some morphometric parameters. The responses of leaves to root submergence essentially depended on the leaf layer and the treatment duration. A short-term flooding (1–24 h) induced primary stress responses in the first leaf. Photosynthesis and respiration in this leaf oscillated around the control levels with amplitudes of ±15–25% and ±40–60%, respectively. After a longer flooding, the CO2 exchange in the second leaf was suppressed, while oxygen uptake was stimulated. In the third leaf, which was formed during submergence, the photosynthetic rate increased and the respiratory activity decreased. The transpiration rate did not change in these leaves for 15 days of flooding. The hypoxic treatment, at its early stages, retarded growth and disturbed the source–sink relations. At later stages the plants adapted to hypoxic environment: the seedling growth was restored, which elevated the demand for assimilates and stimulated photosynthesis. It is concluded that plants overcome negative impact of the root hypoxia at the systemic level.  相似文献   

Acclimation to temperature in terms of dark respiration by leavesis a missing link in current efforts to predict the effectsof global warming on plant communities. We studied the acclimationof plants from alpine or lowland areas and asked two questions:(1) do plants acclimate to a change in temperature and doesacclimation depend on the plants' origin; and (2) have alpineplants adapted to low temperatures by respiring faster thanlowland plants at any given temperature? Nineteen alpine andcorresponding lowland species, collected in Switzerland, weregrown at 10 and 20°C for 5 weeks. Night-time leaf dark respirationrates were measured at the growth temperature of each plant.Acclimation patterns ranged from full to no acclimation. Fullacclimation to temperature, defined as the equality betweenrespiration measured at 20°C of plants grown at 20°Cand respiration measured at 10°C of plants grown at 10°C,occurred in only three out of 19 species. Dark respiration ofleaves was stimulated by a 10 K warming, but on average, byabout 50% less than predicted by the instantaneous temperatureresponse, i.e. Q10. Acclimation did not depend on the alpineor lowland origin of the plant, but rather on its genus. Prostratealpine plants displayed the lowest acclimation potential. Weconclude that predictions at the community level cannot be madebased on single species because of the variety observed in therespiration responses.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Acclimation, alpine and lowland, climate warming, comparative ecology, dark respiration, grassland, Q10, temperature  相似文献   

The optimal light intensity required for photosynthesis by mesophyll protoplasts of pea (Pisum sativum) is about 1250 microeinsteins per square meter per second. On exposure to supra-optimal light intensity (2500 microeinsteins per square meter per second) for 10 min, the protoplasts lost 30 to 40% of their photosynthetic capacity. Illumination with normal light intensity (1250 microeinsteins per square meter per second) for 10 min enhanced the rate of dark respiration in protoplasts. On the other hand, when protoplasts were exposed to photoinhibitory light, their dark respiration also was markedly reduced along with photosynthesis. The extent of photoinhibition was increased when protoplasts were incubated with even low concentrations of classic respiratory inhibitors: 1 micromolar antimycin A, 1 micromolar sodium azide, and 1 microgram per milliliter oligomycin. At these concentrations, the test inhibitors had very little or no effect directly on the process of photosynthetic oxygen evolution. The promotion of photoinhibition by inhibitors of oxidative electron transport (antimycin A, sodium azide) and phosphorylation (oligomycin) was much more pronounced than that by inhibitors of glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle (sodium fluoride and sodium malonate, respectively). We suggest that the oxidative electron transport and phosphorylation in mitochondria play an important role in protecting the protoplasts against photoinhibition of photosynthesis. Our results also demonstrate that protoplasts offer an additional experimental system for studies on photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Ceratophyllum demersum L. remained physiologically active beneath ice of a southeastern Michigan lake. The effect of seasonally low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and cold but nonfreezing temperature on whole-plant physiology was studied. Net photosynthesis was measured at six temperatures and 12 PPFDs. Net photosynthesis, soluble protein concentration, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) protein concentration, and Rubisco activity of winter plants were 32, 31, 33, and 70% lower, respectively, than those of plants collected in the summer. Optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis of winter and summer plants were 5 and 30[deg]C, respectively. Dark respiration of winter plants was up to 313% greater than that of summer plants. Reduced Rubisco activity and increased dark respiration interacted to reduce net photosynthesis. Interaction of reduced net photosynthesis and increased dark respiration increased CO2 and light compensation points and the light saturation point of winter plants. Growth of C. demersum was limited by the ambient phosphorus concentration of lake water during summer. Apical stem segments of winter-collected plants had 54 and 35% more phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, than summer-collected plants. Physiologically active perennation beneath ice enabled C. demersum to accumulate phosphorus during the winter when it was most abundant. Partial uncoupling of phosphorus acquisition from utilization may reduce phosphorus limitation upon growth during the summer when phosphorus concentration is seasonally the lowest.  相似文献   

Villar R  Held AA  Merino J 《Plant physiology》1995,107(2):421-427
Dark respiration in light as well as in dark was estimated for attached leaves of an evergreen (Heteromeles arbutifolia Ait.) and a deciduous (Lepechinia fragans Greene) shrub species using an open gas-exchange system. Dark respiration in light was estimated by the Laisk method. Respiration rates in the dark were always higher than in the light, indicating that light inhibited respiration in both species. The rates of respiration in the dark were higher in the leaves of the deciduous species than in the evergreen species. However, there were no significant differences in respiration rates in light between the species. Thus, the degree of inhibition of respiration by light was greater in the deciduous species (62%) than in the evergreen species (51%). Respiration in both the light and darkness decreased with increasing leaf age. However, because respiration in the light decreased faster with leaf age than respiration in darkness, the degree of inhibition of respiration by light increased with leaf age (from 36% in the youngest leaves to 81% in the mature leaves). This suggests that the rate of dark respiration in the light is related to the rate of biosynthetic processes. Dark respiration in the light decreased with increasing light intensity. Respiration both in the light and in the dark was dependent on leaf temperature. We concluded that respiration in light and respiration in darkness are tightly coupled, with variation in respiration in darkness accounting for more than 60% of the variation in respiration in light. Care must be taken when the relation between respiration in light and respiration in darkness is studied, because the relation varies with species, leaf age, and light intensity.  相似文献   

Treating intact white potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber with ethylene in air or O2 made it possible to obtain freshly cut slices which exhibit cyanide-resistant respiration. The cyanide-resistant path requires induction in whole tubers. The data also indicate that high O2 concentration is necessary for the full development of cyanide-resistant respiration.  相似文献   

Rates of net photosynthesis, PN, and dark respiration of Viciafaba plants were measured in the laboratory in clean air andin air containing up to 175 parts 10–9 (500 µg m–3)SO2. At all SO2 concentrations exceeding 35 parts 10–9,PN was inhibited compared with clean air. At light saturation,the magnitude of inhibition depended on SO2 concentration butat low irradiances the inhibition was independent of concentration.Dark respiration rates increased substantially, independentof concentration. When exposures continued for up to 3 days,PN returned to clean air values about 1 h after fumigation ceased:dark respiration recovered after one photoperiod. There wereno visible injuries. Reviewing possible mechanisms responsible for the inhibitionof PN, it is suggested that SO2 competes with CO2 for bindingsites in RuBP carboxylase. Analysis of resistance analoguesdemonstrates that SO2 altered both stomatal and internal (residual)resistances. A model of crop photosynthesis shows the implications of theobserved responses for the growth of field crops in which plantsare assumed to respond like laboratory plants. Photosynthesisof the crop would be less sensitive than that of individualplants to SO2 concentration. Daily dry matter accumulation ofhypothetical ‘polluted crops’ would be substantiallyless than clean air values but would vary relatively littlewith SO2 concentration. It is concluded that physiological basesexist to account for observed reductions in growth of plantsat very low SO2 concentrations, and that thresholds for plantresponses to SO2 require reassessment.  相似文献   

Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars differ in susceptibilityto stress-induced abscission. Previous research indicates thatthe stress susceptible cultivar 'Shamrock' undergoes a largerreduction in net assimilation rate (NAR) under low light stress,and partitions less dry matter (DM) to reproductive structuresand more to leaves than the more tolerant cultivar 'Ace'. Todetermine if photosynthetic rates under low light stress couldexplain NAR differences, photosynthesis was measured on 'Ace'and 'Shamrock'. Assimilate partitioning was compared throughmeasurement of leaf and bud respiration rates and analysis ofbud sugar concentrations. Photosynthetic rates per unit leafarea of leaves fully exposed to incident light revealed no cultivardifferences under low light conditions. Bud respiration ratesfell to a lower level in 'Shamrock' than 'Ace' in low light-stressedplants, while expanded leaves respired at higher rates in 'Shamrock'than 'Ace' under both full and low light. Bud sugar concentrationswere significantly lower in 'Shamrock' than 'Ace' after 3 dof low light stress. Susceptibility to low light stress-inducedabscission in 'Shamrock' appears to be associated with reducedassimilate partitioning to flower buds, which may be relatedto high assimilate consumption in maintenance of expanded leaves.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), abscission, low light stress, photosynthesis, respiration, sugars, assimilate partitioning, cultivar  相似文献   

The Effect of Heat Stress on Wheat Leaf and Ear Photosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of heat-hardening on carbon exchange rate per unitarea (CER) of flag leaves, whole ears, and ears with the awnsremoved, was measured in hexaploid (Triticum aestivum L.) andtetraploid (T. turgidum L. and T. dicoccoides) wheat varieties.The CER for awns was calculated by the difference. For the non-hardened hexaploid cv. ‘H-895’ the CERfor the leaves and glumes had an optimum temperature of 25°C.By contrast, the CER for the awns increased from 25°C to32°C, indicating an optimum at 32°C or more. Heat-hardeningdecreased the CER of leaves and glumes at the optimum temperature,but increased the CER especially in leaves at supra-optimaltemperatures. Thus, leaf CER in hardened plants became essentiallyindependent of temperatures between 25°C and 32°C. AwnCER was little affected by heat-hardening. For all 12 varieties, leaf and ear CER was smaller in hardenedplants at 30°C than in non-hardened plants at 22°C.Leaf and ear CER measured at 30°C differed significantlybetween varieties within a species. Whole ear CER at 30°Cwas negative in most varieties although the calculated valuefor the awns was positive. Thus, the high temperature optimumfor CER of the awns was a major factor in the variation amongwheat varieties in tolerance of ear CER to heat. The biochemicalattributes of the photosynthetic mechanism in awns responsiblefor the high temperature optimum were already present in wildtetraploid wheat. There was a positive correlation across allvarieties between ear CER at 30°C and the percentage ofawns in total ear area (r = 0930, P = 0 This together with previousresults (Blum, 1985a), suggests that a large amount of awnsin the ear is a sensible selection index in wheat for improvedproduction in hot, dry environments. Key words: Carbon exchange rate, photosynthesis, awns, heat, stress, wheat, breeding  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide production in the dark by ears and by the restof the shoot of winter wheat grown in the field was measuredin 2 years during grain growth. The respiration rate per g d.wt of the ears was increased by nitrogen fertilizer. Ears ofthe semi-dwarf varieties Maris Fundin and Hobbit respired moreslowly than ears of Maris Huntsman and Cappelle-Desprez. Respirationrates of the rest of the shoot were unaffected by nitrogen orvariety. The amount of carbohydrate required to provide the CO2 respiredduring the whole period of grain growth varied from 163 to 443g m–2, or 42 to 76 per cent of the dry weight of the grain.More than half the CO2 lost was respired by the ear. The additionof 180 kg N ha–1, which increased grain yield by 78 percent in 1975, almost trebled the amount of CO2 lost by the ears.The semi-dwarf varieties lost less CO2 from ears and shootsthan did the taller ones, and had larger yields of grain. Respiration was also estimated from the difference between the14C contents of shoots sampled immediately after a 30 s exposureto 14CO2 and at maturity. When 14C was supplied 10 days afteranthesis, the loss by maturity amounted to 16–28 per centof that initially absorbed by flag leaves and 40 per cent ofthat absorbed by the leaf below the flag leaf. Most of the lossoccurred in the first day. The loss of 14C by maturity was significantlyincreased by nitrogen fertilizer in 1975. Triticum aestivum L., wheat, respiration, nitrogen supply, fertilizer treatment  相似文献   

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