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Calcium can activate mitochondrial metabolism, and the possibility that mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and extrusion modulate free cytosolic [Ca2+] (Cac) now has renewed interest. We use whole-cell and perforated patch clamp methods together with rapid local perfusion to introduce probes and inhibitors to rat chromaffin cells, to evoke Ca2+ entry, and to monitor Ca2+-activated currents that report near-surface [Ca2+]. We show that rapid recovery from elevations of Cac requires both the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter and the mitochondrial energization that drives Ca2+ uptake through it. Applying imaging and single-cell photometric methods, we find that the probe rhod-2 selectively localizes to mitochondria and uses its responses to quantify mitochondrial free [Ca2+] (Cam). The indicated resting Cam of 100–200 nM is similar to the resting Cac reported by the probes indo-1 and Calcium Green, or its dextran conjugate in the cytoplasm. Simultaneous monitoring of Cam and Cac at high temporal resolution shows that, although Cam increases less than Cac, mitochondrial sequestration of Ca2+ is fast and has high capacity. We find that mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake limits the rise and underlies the rapid decay of Cac excursions produced by Ca2+ entry or by mobilization of reticular stores. We also find that subsequent export of Ca2+ from mitochondria, seen as declining Cam, prolongs complete Cac recovery and that suppressing export of Ca2+, by inhibition of the mitochondrial Na+/ Ca2+ exchanger, reversibly hastens final recovery of Cac. We conclude that mitochondria are active participants in cellular Ca2+ signaling, whose unique role is determined by their ability to rapidly accumulate and then release large quantities of Ca2+.  相似文献   

In cardiac muscle, Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) defines the amplitude and time course of the Ca2+ transient. The global elevation of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration arises from the spatial and temporal summation of elementary Ca2+ release events, Ca2+ sparks. Ca2+ sparks represent the concerted opening of a group of ryanodine receptors (RYRs), which are under the control of several modulatory proteins and diffusible cytoplasmic factors (e.g., Ca2+, Mg2+, and ATP). Here, we examined by which mechanism the free intracellular Mg2+ ([Mg2+]free) affects various Ca2+ spark parameters in permeabilized mouse ventricular myocytes, such as spark frequency, duration, rise time, and full width, at half magnitude and half maximal duration. Varying the levels of free ATP and Mg2+ in specifically designed solutions allowed us to separate the inhibition of RYRs by Mg2+ from the possible activation by ATP and Mg2+-ATP via the adenine binding site of the channel. Changes in [Mg2+]free generally led to biphasic alterations of the Ca2+ spark frequency. For example, lowering [Mg2+]free resulted in an abrupt increase of spark frequency, which slowly recovered toward the initial level, presumably as a result of SR Ca2+ depletion. Fitting the Ca2+ spark inhibition by [Mg2+]free with a Hill equation revealed a Ki of 0.1 mM. In conclusion, our results support the notion that local Ca2+ release and Ca2+ sparks are modulated by Mg2+ in the intracellular environment. This seems to occur predominantly by hindering Ca2+-dependent activation of the RYRs through competitive Mg2+ occupancy of the high-affinity activation site of the channels. These findings help to characterize CICR in cardiac muscle under normal and pathological conditions, where the levels of Mg2+ and ATP can change.  相似文献   

Ca2+ sparks are the elementary release events in many types of cells. Here we present a morphometric analysis of Ca2+ sparks (i.e., amplitude and kinetic parameters) using an approach that minimizes the confounding factor of the detection of out-of-focus events. By activation and visualization of Ca2+ sparks from Ca2+ release units under loose-seal patch-clamp conditions, we found that the amplitude and rising rate of in-focus sparks exhibited a broad modal distribution, whereas spark rise time and spatial width appeared to be stereotyped. Spark morphometrics were constant irrespective of the latency of spark production and the time-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel activation. Polymorphism of Ca2+ sparks in terms of variable amplitude and rising rate was evident for events from the same release units, and intra- and interrelease unit variability contributed equally to the overall variability. The rising rate, a reporter of the underlying Ca2+ release flux, displayed a strong positive correlation with spark amplitude, but a negative correlation with spark rise time, an index of Ca2+ release duration. On the basis of Ca2+ spark morphometrics measured here, we suggested a model in which cohorts of variable number of ryanodine receptors are activated in the genesis of Ca2+ sparks, and the ensuing negative feedback overrides the regenerative Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release to extinguish the ongoing Ca2+ spark.  相似文献   

In Paramecium tetraurelia, polyamine-triggered exocytosis is accompanied by the activation of Ca2+-activated currents across the cell membrane (Erxleben, C., and H. Plattner. 1994. J. Cell Biol. 127:935– 945). We now show by voltage clamp and extracellular recordings that the product of current × time (As) closely parallels the number of exocytotic events. We suggest that Ca2+ mobilization from subplasmalemmal storage compartments, covering almost the entire cell surface, is a key event. In fact, after local stimulation, Ca2+ imaging with high time resolution reveals rapid, transient, local signals even when extracellular Ca2+ is quenched to or below resting intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]e [Ca2+]i). Under these conditions, quenched-flow/freeze-fracture analysis shows that membrane fusion is only partially inhibited. Increasing [Ca2+]e alone, i.e., without secretagogue, causes rapid, strong cortical increase of [Ca2+]i but no exocytosis. In various cells, the ratio of maximal vs. minimal currents registered during maximal stimulation or single exocytotic events, respectively, correlate nicely with the number of Ca stores available. Since no quantal current steps could be observed, this is again compatible with the combined occurrence of Ca2+ mobilization from stores (providing close to threshold Ca2+ levels) and Ca2+ influx from the medium (which per se does not cause exocytosis). This implies that only the combination of Ca2+ flushes, primarily from internal and secondarily from external sources, can produce a signal triggering rapid, local exocytotic responses, as requested for Paramecium defense.  相似文献   

An early event in the Trypanosoma cruzi cell invasion process, the recruitment of host lysosomes, led us to investigate the involvement of signal transduction. Infective trypomastigotes were found to contain a soluble Ca2+-signaling activity for mammalian cells that is sensitive to protease inhibitors. Inhibitor and substrate utilization profiles were used to purify a candidate peptidase for involvement in this process, from which we isolated a full-length cDNA clone. The sequence revealed a novel enzyme, denominated T. cruzi oligopeptidase B, which is homologous to members of the prolyl oligopeptidase family of serine hydrolases, known to participate in the maturation of biologically active peptides. The T. cruzi oligopeptidase B was expressed as a fully active product in Escherichia coli, and antibodies to the recombinant enzyme inhibited both peptidase activity and Ca2+ signaling induced in normal rat kidney cells by trypomastigote extracts. Our data suggest that the T. cruzi oligopeptidase B participates in processing events in the cytoplasm of the parasites, generating a factor with Ca2+-signaling activity for mammalian cells.  相似文献   

ICRAC (the best characterized Ca2+ current activated by store depletion) was monitored concurrently for the first time with [Ca2+] changes in internal stores. To establish the quantitative and kinetic relationship between these two parameters, we have developed a novel means to clamp [Ca2+] within stores of intact cells at any level. The advantage of this approach, which is based on the membrane-permeant low-affinity Ca2+ chelator N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis (2-pyridylmethyl)ethylene diamine (TPEN), is that [Ca2+] within the ER can be lowered and restored to its original level within 10–15 s without modifications of Ca2+ pumps or release channels. Using these new tools, we demonstrate here that Ca2+ release–activated Ca2+ current (ICRAC) is activated (a) solely by reduction of free [Ca2+] within the ER and (b) by any measurable decrease in [Ca2+]ER. We also demonstrate that the intrinsic kinetics of inactivation are relatively slow and possibly dependent on soluble factors that are lost during the whole-cell recording.  相似文献   

Two recombinant aequorin isoforms with different Ca2+ affinities, specifically targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), were used in parallel to investigate free Ca2+ homeostasis in the lumen of this organelle. Here we show that, although identically and homogeneously distributed in the ER system, as revealed by both immunocytochemical and functional evidence, the two aequorins measured apparently very different concentrations of divalent cations ([Ca2+]er or [Sr2+]er). Our data demonstrate that this contradiction is due to the heterogeneity of the [Ca2+] of the aequorin-enclosing endomembrane system. Because of the characteristics of the calibration procedure used to convert aequorin luminescence into Ca2+ concentration, the [Ca2+]er values obtained at steady state tend, in fact, to reflect not the average ER values, but those of one or more subcompartments with lower [Ca2+]. These subcompartments are not generated artefactually during the experiments, as revealed by the dynamic analysis of the ER structure in living cells carried out by means of an ER-targeted green fluorescent protein. When the problem of ER heterogeneity was taken into account (and when Sr2+ was used as a Ca2+ surrogate), the bulk of the organelle was shown to accumulate free [cation2+]er up to a steady state in the millimolar range. A theoretical model, based on the existence of multiple ER subcompartments of high and low [Ca2+], that closely mimics the experimental data obtained in HeLa cells during accumulation of either Ca2+ or Sr2+, is presented. Moreover, a few other key problems concerning the ER Ca2+ homeostasis have been addressed with the following conclusions: (a) the changes induced in the ER subcompartments by receptor generation of InsP3 vary depending on their initial [Ca2+]. In the bulk of the system there is a rapid release whereas in the small subcompartments with low [Ca2+] the cation is simultaneously accumulated; (b) stimulation of Ca2+ release by receptor-generated InsP3 is inhibited when the lumenal level is below a threshold, suggesting a regulation by [cation2+]er of the InsP3 receptor activity (such a phenomenon had already been reported, however, but only in subcellular fractions analyzed in vitro); and (c) the maintenance of a relatively constant level of cytosolic [Ca2+], observed when the cells are incubated in Ca2+-free medium, depends on the continuous release of the cation from the ER, with ensuing activation in the plasma membrane of the channels thereby regulated (capacitative influx).  相似文献   

Regulation of Ca(2+) transport determines the duration of a Ca(2+) signal, and hence, the nature of the biological response. Ca(2+)/H+ antiporters such as CAX1 (cation exchanger 1), play a key role in determining cytosolic Ca(2+) levels. Analysis of a full-length CAX1 clone suggested that the CAX1 open reading frame contains an additional 36 amino acids at the N terminus that were not found in the original clone identified by suppression of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) vacuolar Ca(2+) transport mutants. The long CAX1 (lCAX1) could not suppress the yeast Ca(2+) transport defects despite localization to the yeast vacuole. Calmodulin could not stimulate lCAX1 Ca(2+)/H+ transport in yeast; however, minor alterations in the 36-amino acid region restored Ca(2+)/H+ transport. Sequence analysis suggests that a 36-amino acid N-terminal regulatory domain may be present in all Arabidopsis CAX-like genes. Together, these results suggest a structural feature involved in regulation of Ca(2+)/H+ antiport.  相似文献   

A microneedle puncture of the fibroblast or sea urchin egg surface rapidly evokes a localized exocytotic reaction that may be required for the rapid resealing that follows this breach in plasma membrane integrity (Steinhardt, R.A,. G. Bi, and J.M. Alderton. 1994. Science (Wash. DC). 263:390–393). How this exocytotic reaction facilitates the resealing process is unknown. We found that starfish oocytes and sea urchin eggs rapidly reseal much larger disruptions than those produced with a microneedle. When an ~40 by 10 μm surface patch was torn off, entry of fluorescein stachyose (FS; 1,000 mol wt) or fluorescein dextran (FDx; 10,000 mol wt) from extracellular sea water (SW) was not detected by confocal microscopy. Moreover, only a brief (~5–10 s) rise in cytosolic Ca2+ was detected at the wound site. Several lines of evidence indicate that intracellular membranes are the primary source of the membrane recruited for this massive resealing event. When we injected FS-containing SW deep into the cells, a vesicle formed immediately, entrapping within its confines most of the FS. DiI staining and EM confirmed that the barrier delimiting injected SW was a membrane bilayer. The threshold for vesicle formation was ~3 mM Ca2+ (SW is ~10 mM Ca2+). The capacity of intracellular membranes for sealing off SW was further demonstrated by extruding egg cytoplasm from a micropipet into SW. A boundary immediately formed around such cytoplasm, entrapping FDx or FS dissolved in it. This entrapment did not occur in Ca2+-free SW (CFSW). When egg cytoplasm stratified by centrifugation was exposed to SW, only the yolk platelet–rich domain formed a membrane, suggesting that the yolk platelet is a critical element in this response and that the ER is not required. We propose that plasma membrane disruption evokes Ca2+ regulated vesicle–vesicle (including endocytic compartments but possibly excluding ER) fusion reactions. The function in resealing of this cytoplasmic fusion reaction is to form a replacement bilayer patch. This patch is added to the discontinuous surface bilayer by exocytotic fusion events.  相似文献   

The yeast Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase Pmr1, located in medial-Golgi, has been implicated in intracellular transport of Ca2+ and Mn2+ ions. We show here that addition of Mn2+ greatly alleviates defects of pmr1 mutants in N-linked and O-linked protein glycosylation. In contrast, accurate sorting of carboxypeptidase Y (CpY) to the vacuole requires a sufficient supply of intralumenal Ca2+. Most remarkably, pmr1 mutants are also unable to degrade CpY*, a misfolded soluble endoplasmic reticulum protein, and display phenotypes similar to mutants defective in the stress response to malfolded endoplasmic reticulum proteins. Growth inhibition of pmr1 mutants on Ca2+-deficient media is overcome by expression of other Ca2+ pumps, including a SERCA-type Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase from rabbit, or by Vps10, a sorting receptor guiding non-native luminal proteins to the vacuole. Our analysis corroborates the dual function of Pmr1 in Ca2+ and Mn2+ transport and establishes a novel role of this secretory pathway pump in endoplasmic reticulum-associated processes.  相似文献   

In this and an accompanying report we describe two steps, single-channel imaging and channel immobilization, necessary for using optical imaging to analyze the function of ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels reconstituted in lipid bilayers. An optical bilayer system capable of laser scanning confocal imaging of fluo-3 fluorescence due to Ca2+ flux through single RyR2 channels and simultaneous recording of single channel currents was developed. A voltage command protocol was devised in which the amplitude, time course, shape, and hence the quantity of Ca2+ flux through a single RyR2 channel is controlled solely by the voltage imposed across the bilayer. Using this system, the voltage command protocol, and concentrations of Ca2+ (25–50 mM) that result in saturating RyR2 Ca2+ currents, proportional fluo-3 fluorescence was recorded simultaneously with Ca2+ currents having amplitudes of 0.25–14 pA. Ca2+ sparks, similar to those obtained with conventional microscope-based laser scanning confocal systems, were imaged in mouse ventricular cardiomyocytes using the optical bilayer system. The utility of the optical bilayer for systematic investigation of how cellular factors extrinsic to the RyR2 channel, such as Ca2+ buffers and diffusion, alter fluo-3 fluorescent responses to RyR2 Ca2+ currents, and for addressing other current research questions is discussed.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV-deficient (CaMKIV(-/-)) mice have been used to investigate the role of this enzyme in CD4(+) T cells. We identify a functional defect in a subpopulation of CD4(+) T cells, characterized by a cell surface marker profile usually found on memory phenotype CD4(+) T cells. Upon T-cell receptor engagement, the mutant cells produce diminished levels of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, and gamma interferon protein and mRNA. The defect is secondary to an inability to phosphorylate CREB and to induce CREB-dependent immediate-early genes, including c-jun, fosB, fra2, and junB, which are required for cytokine gene induction. In contrast, stimulated naive CD4(+) T cells from CaMKIV(-/-) mice show normal CREB phosphorylation, induction of immediate-early genes, and cytokine production. Thus, in addition to defining an important signaling role for CaMKIV in a subpopulation of T cells, we identify differential signaling requirements for cytokine production between naive T cells and T cells that express cell surface markers characteristic of the memory phenotype.  相似文献   

Kinesin and myosin have been proposed to transport intracellular organelles and vesicles to the cell periphery in several cell systems. However, there has been little direct observation of the role of these motor proteins in the delivery of vesicles during regulated exocytosis in intact cells. Using a confocal microscope, we triggered local bursts of Ca2+-regulated exocytosis by wounding the cell membrane and visualized the resulting individual exocytotic events in real time. Different temporal phases of the exocytosis burst were distinguished by their sensitivities to reagents targeting different motor proteins. The function blocking antikinesin antibody SUK4 as well as the stalk-tail fragment of kinesin heavy chain specifically inhibited a slow phase, while butanedione monoxime, a myosin ATPase inhibitor, inhibited both the slow and fast phases. The blockage of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II with autoinhibitory peptide also inhibited the slow and fast phases, consistent with disruption of a myosin-actin– dependent step of vesicle recruitment. Membrane resealing after wounding was also inhibited by these reagents. Our direct observations provide evidence that in intact living cells, kinesin and myosin motors may mediate two sequential transport steps that recruit vesicles to the release sites of Ca2+-regulated exocytosis, although the identity of the responsible myosin isoform is not yet known. They also indicate the existence of three semistable vesicular pools along this regulated membrane trafficking pathway. In addition, our results provide in vivo evidence for the cargo-binding function of the kinesin heavy chain tail domain.  相似文献   

Pressure overload–induced hypertrophy is a key step leading to heart failure. The Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) process that governs cardiac contractility is defective in hypertrophy/heart failure, but the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. To examine the intermolecular aspects of CICR during hypertrophy, we utilized loose-patch confocal imaging to visualize the signaling between a single L-type Ca2+ channel (LCC) and ryanodine receptors (RyRs) in aortic stenosis rat models of compensated (CHT) and decompensated (DHT) hypertrophy. We found that the LCC-RyR intermolecular coupling showed a 49% prolongation in coupling latency, a 47% decrease in chance of hit, and a 72% increase in chance of miss in DHT, demonstrating a state of “intermolecular failure.” Unexpectedly, these modifications also occurred robustly in CHT due at least partially to decreased expression of junctophilin, indicating that intermolecular failure occurs prior to cellular manifestations. As a result, cell-wide Ca2+ release, visualized as “Ca2+ spikes,” became desynchronized, which contrasted sharply with unaltered spike integrals and whole-cell Ca2+ transients in CHT. These data suggested that, within a certain limit, termed the “stability margin,” mild intermolecular failure does not damage the cellular integrity of excitation-contraction coupling. Only when the modification steps beyond the stability margin does global failure occur. The discovery of “hidden” intermolecular failure in CHT has important clinical implications.  相似文献   

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