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Membrane water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) exhibit a common feature in that they are stored in intracellular storage compartments and undergo translocation to the plasma membrane upon hormonal stimulation. We compared the intracellular localization and trafficking of AQP2 and GLUT4 in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells stably transfected with human AQP2 (MDCK-hAQP2) by immunofluorescence microscopy. When expressed in MDCK-hAQP2 cells, GLUT4 and GLUT4—EGFP were predominantly localized in the perinuclear region close to and within the Golgi apparatus, similar to endogenous GLUT4 in adipocytes and myocytes. In addition, GLUT4 was occasionally seen in EEA1-positive early endosomes. AQP2, on the other hand, was sequestered in subapical Rab11-positive vesicles. In the basal state, the intracellular storage site of GLUT4 was distinct from that of AQP2. Forskolin induced translocation of AQP2 from the subapical storage vesicles to the apical plasma membrane, which did not affect GLUT4 localization. When forskolin was washed out, AQP2 was first retrieved to early endosomes from the apical plasma membrane, where it was partly colocalized with GLUT4. AQP2 was then transferred to Rab11-positive storage vesicles. These results show that AQP2 and GLUT4 share a common compartment after retrieval from the plasma membrane, but their storage compartments are distinct from each other in polarized MDCK-hAQP2 cells.  相似文献   

A Role for ARF6 and ARNO in the regulation of endosomal dynamics in neurons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During development, neuronal processes extend, branch and navigate to ultimately synapse with target tissue. We have shown a regulatory role for ARNO and ARF6 in dendritic branching and axonal elongation and branching during neuritogenesis, particularly with respect to cytoskeletal dynamics. Here, we have examined the role of ARF6 and the ARF GEF ARNO in endosomal dynamics during neurite elongation in hippocampal neurons. Axonal and dendritic endosomes were labeled by expression of the endosomal marker, endotubin. Expression of endotubin-green fluorescent protein resulted in targeting to tubular-vesicular structures throughout the somatodendritic and axonal domains. These endosomal structures did not colocalize with conventional early or late endosomal markers or with the synaptic vesicle marker, SV2. However, they did label with internalized lectin, indicating that they are endosomal structures. Expression of catalytically inactive ARNO (ARNO-E156K) or inactive ARF6 (ARF6-T27N) caused a redistribution of endotubin to the cell surface of the axons and dendrites. In contrast, expression of these constructs had no effect upon the distribution of SV2-positive structures. Furthermore, expression of inactive ARF1 (ARF1-T31N) did not change endotubin distribution. These results suggest that endotubin labels a distinct endosomal structure in neurons and that ARNO and ARF6 mediate neurite extension through the regulation of this compartment.  相似文献   

Dendritic filopodia are dynamic structures thought to be the precursors of spines during synapse development. Morphological maturation to spines is associated with the stabilization and strengthening of synapses, and can be altered in various neurological disorders. Telencephalin (TLN/intercellular adhesion molecule-5 (ICAM5)) localizes to dendritic filopodia, where it facilitates their formation/maintenance, thereby slowing spine morphogenesis. As spines are largely devoid of TLN, its exclusion from the filopodia surface appears to be required in this maturation process. Using HeLa cells and primary hippocampal neurons, we demonstrate that surface removal of TLN involves internalization events mediated by the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6), and its activator EFA6A. This endocytosis of TLN affects filopodia-to-spine transition, and requires Rac1-mediated dephosphorylation/release of actin-binding ERM proteins from TLN. At the somato-dendritic surface, TLN and EFA6A are confined to distinct, flotillin-positive membrane subdomains. The co-distribution of TLN with this lipid raft marker also persists during its endosomal targeting to CD63-positive late endosomes. This suggests a specific microenvironment facilitating ARF6-mediated mobilization of TLN that contributes to promotion of dendritic spine development.  相似文献   

SNARE protein trafficking in polarized MDCK cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A key feature of polarized epithelial cells is the ability to maintain the specific biochemical composition of the apical and basolateral plasma membrane domains. This polarity is generated and maintained by the continuous sorting of apical and basolateral components in the secretory and endocytic pathways. Soluble N-ethyl maleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNARE) proteins of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) and syntaxin families have been suggested to play a role in the biosynthetic transport to the apical and basolateral plasma membranes of polarized cells, where they likely mediate membrane fusion. To investigate the involvement of SNARE proteins in membrane trafficking to the apical and basolateral plasma membrane in the endocytic pathway we have monitored the recycling of various VAMP and syntaxin molecules between intracellular compartments and the two plasma membrane domains in Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Here we show that VAMP8/endobrevin cycles through the apical but not through the basolateral plasma membrane. Furthermore, we found that VAMP8 localizes to apical endosomal membranes in nephric tubule epithelium and in MDCK cells. This asymmetry in localization and cycling behavior suggests that VAMP8/endobrevin may play a role in apical endosomal trafficking in polarized epithelium cells.  相似文献   

In cells tested so far endocytosis seems to be dependent on N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-sensitive proteins, and treatment with NEM results in a complete block of endocytosis. We here demonstrate that treatment of polarized MDCK I cells with NEM strongly increased endocytosis of ricin and horseradish peroxidase at the apical side, and electron microscopy revealed NEM-induced formation of large macropinosomes at the apical pole. The NEM-stimulated apical endocytosis seemed to involve phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, protein kinase C and phospholipase D and it was dependent on ATP. Moreover, in contrast to endocytosis in nonpolarized cells ricin endocytosis at the basolateral side continued in the presence of NEM whereas endocytosis of transferrin was blocked. Furthermore, recycling of ricin endocytosed in the absence of NEM was not inhibited on either side upon addition of NEM demonstrating the existence of a NEM-resistant fusion machinery. The results suggest that the fusogenic property of both the apical and the basolateral plasma membrane of MDCK cells differs from that typically observed in cells unable to polarize.  相似文献   

To maintain polarity, epithelial cells continuously sort transmembrane proteins to the apical or basolateral membrane domains during biosynthetic delivery or after internalization. During biosynthetic delivery, some cargo proteins move from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) into recycling endosomes (RE) before being delivered to the plasma membrane. However, proteins that regulate this transport step remained elusive. In this study, we show that Rab13 partially colocalizes with TGN38 at the TGN and transferrin receptors in RE. Knockdown of Rab13 with short hairpin RNA in human bronchial epithelial cells or overexpression of dominant-active or dominant-negative alleles of Rab13 in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells disrupts TGN38/46 localization at the TGN. Moreover, overexpression of Rab13 mutant alleles inhibits surface arrival of proteins that move through RE during biosynthetic delivery (vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein [VSVG], A-VSVG, and LDLR-CT27). Importantly, proteins using a direct route from the TGN to the plasma membrane are not affected. Thus, Rab13 appears to regulate membrane trafficking between TGN and RE.  相似文献   

We addressed the role of Src on cortical actin dynamics and polarized endocytosis in MDCK cells harboring a thermosensitive v-src mutant. Shifting monolayers established at 40 degrees C (non-permissive temperature) to 34 degrees C (permissive temperature) rapidly reactivated v-Src kinase, but tight junctions and cell polarity resisted for >6 h. At this interval, activated v-src was recruited on apical vesicles, induced cortactin-associated apical circular ruffles productive of macropinosomes, thereby accelerating apical pinocytosis by approximately fivefold. Ruffling and macropinosome formation were selectively abrogated by inhibitors of actin polymerization, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, phospholipase C, and phospholipase D, which all returned apical pinocytosis to the level observed at 40 degrees C, underscoring the distinct control of apical micropinocytosis and macropinocytosis. Src promoted microtubule-dependent fusion of macropinosomes to the apical recycling endosome (ARE), causing its strong vacuolation. However, preservation of tubulation and apical polarity indicated that its function was not affected. The ARE was labeled for v-src, Rab11, and rabankyrin-5 but not early endosome antigen 1, thus distinguishing two separate Rab5-dependent apical pathways. The mechanisms of Src-induced apical ruffling and macropinocytosis could shed light on the triggered apical enteroinvasive pathogens entry and on the apical differentiation of osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Previous studies of fibroblasts have demonstrated that recycling of endocytic receptors occurs through a default mechanism of membrane-volume sorting. Epithelial cells require an additional level of polar membrane sorting, but there are conflicting models of polar sorting, some suggesting that it occurs in early endosomes, others suggesting it occurs in a specialized apical recycling endosome (ARE). The relationship between endocytic sorting to the lysosomal, recycling and transcytotic pathways in polarized cells was addressed by characterizing the endocytic itineraries of LDL, transferrin (Tf) and IgA, respectively, in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Quantitative analyses of 3-dimensional images of living and fixed polarized cells demonstrate that endocytic sorting occurs sequentially. Initially internalized into lateral sorting endosomes, Tf and IgA are jointly sorted from LDL into apical and medical recycling endosomes, in a manner consistent with default sorting of membrane from volume. While Tf is recycled to the basolateral membrane from recycling endosomes, IgA is sorted to the ARE prior to apical delivery. Quantifications of the efficiency of sorting of IgA from Tf between the recycling endosomes and the ARE match biochemical measurements of transepithelial protein transport, indicating that all polar sorting occurs in this step. Unlike fibroblasts, rab11 is not associated with Tf recycling compartments in either polarized or glass-grown MDCK cells, rather it is associated with the compartments to which IgA is directed after sorting from Tf. These results complicate a suggested homology between the ARE and the fibroblast perinuclear recycling compartment and provide a framework that justifies previous conflicting models of polarized sorting.  相似文献   

Quantitative confocal microscopic analyses of living, polarized MDCK cells demonstrate different pH profiles for apical and basolateral endocytic pathways, despite a rapid and extensive intersection between the two. Three-dimensional characterizations of ligand trafficking demonstrate that the apical and basolateral endocytic pathways share early, acidic compartments distributed throughout the medial regions of the cell. Polar sorting for both pathways occurs in these common endosomes as IgA is sorted from transferrin to alkaline transcytotic vesicles. While transferrin is directly recycled from the common endosomes, IgA is transported to a downstream apical compartment that is nearly neutral in pH. By several criteria this compartment appears to be equivalent to the previously described apical recycling endosome. The functional significance of the abrupt increase in lumenal pH that accompanies IgA sorting is not clear, as disrupting endosome acidification has no effect on polar sorting. These studies provide the first detailed characterizations of endosome acidification in intact polarized cells and clarify the relationship between the apical and basolateral endocytic itineraries of polarized MDCK cells. The extensive mixing of apical and basolateral pathways underscores the importance of endocytic sorting in maintaining the polarity of the plasma membrane of MDCK cells.  相似文献   

The SYT proto-oncoprotein (also known as SS18) is a gene expression regulator conserved across species. Although its biological function is still unknown, the importance of SYT as a housekeeping protein is illustrated by the lethal phenotype of SYT-null embryos. Notably, SYT is a component of the synovial sarcoma-associated translocation product, the SYT-SSX oncogene. SYT was previously reported as a mediator of cell adhesion. In the present study we show that SYT possesses distinct domains that control MDCK cyst formation in three-dimensional collagen cultures. While the carboxy-half of SYT, the QPGY domain, is required for cyst growth, the amino-terminal region appears to exert on this process a regulatory effect. Further analysis suggested that the purinergic G protein-coupled P2Y receptor signaling is involved in SYT-induced cystogenesis. Activation of this cascade is due to facilitation of ATP release in the extracellular space of polarized MDCK cells by SYT. These studies allow us to begin to understand the vital role of SYT in controlling epithelial morphogenesis and might explain the lethality of its loss in the developing embryo.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is primarily expressed in glandular epithelium. Therefore, its mechanism of action may be influenced by its regulated vectorial release to either the apical and/or basolateral compartments, where it would act on its various substrates. To gain a better understanding of where MMP-7 is released in polarized epithelium, we have analyzed its pattern of secretion in polarized MDCK cells expressing stably transfected human MMP-7 (MDCK-MMP-7), and HCA-7 and Caco2 human colon cancer cell lines. In all cell lines, latent MMP-7 was secreted to both cellular compartments, but was 1.5- to 3-fold more abundant in the basolateral compartment as compared to the apical. However, studies in the MDCK system demonstrated that MMP-7 activity was 2-fold greater in the apical compartment of MDCK-MMP-7(HIGH)-polarized monolayers, which suggests the apical co-release of an MMP-7 activator. In functional assays, MMP-7 over-expression increased cell saturation density as a result of increased cell proliferation with no effect on apoptosis. Apical MMP-7 activity was shown to be responsible for the proliferative effect, which occurred, as demonstrated by media transfer experiments, through cleavage of an apical substrate and not through the generation of a soluble factor. Taken together, our findings demonstrate the importance of MMP-7 secretion in relation to its mechanism of action when expressed in a polarized epithelium.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) small GTPase regulates membrane trafficking and cytoskeleton rearrangements at the plasma membrane (PM) by cycling between the GTP-bound active and GDP-bound inactive conformations. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) activate ARF6. The exchange factor for ARF6 (EFA6) R has been identified as a biomarker for ovarian cancer. EFA6R shares the catalytic Sec7, pleckstrin homology (PH), and coiled coil (CC) domains of the other EFA6 family GEFs. Here we report the functional characterization of EFA6R. Endogenous EFA6R was present in the plasma membrane fraction. The exogenously expressed FLAG- and GFP-tagged EFA6R were targeted to the PM. In vitro, GFP-EFA6R associated weakly but preferentially with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) through the PH domain. EFA6R required both its PH and CC domains localized at the C terminus to target the PM. Consistent with this, EFA6R lacking the CC domain (EFA6RΔCC) was released from the PM into the cytosol upon PIP2 depletion, whereas EFA6R release from the PM required both PIP2 depletion and actin destabilization. These results suggest that the dual targeting via the PH and CC domains is important for the PM localization of EFA6R. EFA6R specifically catalyzed the GTP loading of ARF6 in mammalian cells. Moreover, EFA6R regulated ARF6 localization and thereby actin stress fiber loss. The GEF activity of EFA6R was dependent on the presence of the Sec7 domain. The PH and CC domains were also required for the in vivo GEF activity of EFA6R but could be functionally replaced by the CAAX motif of K-Ras, suggesting a role for these domains in the membrane targeting of EFA6R.  相似文献   

The “w” splice forms of PMCA2 localize to distinct membrane compartments such as the apical membrane of the lactating mammary epithelium, the stereocilia of inner ear hair cells or the post-synaptic density of hippocampal neurons. Previous studies indicated that PMCA2w/b was not fully targeted to the apical domain of MDCK cells but distributed more evenly to the lateral and apical membrane compartments. Overexpression of the apical scaffold protein NHERF2, however, greatly increased the amount of the pump in the apical membrane of these epithelial cells. We generated a stable MDCK cell line expressing non-tagged, full-length PMCA2w/b to further study the localization and function of this protein. Here we demonstrate that PMCA2w/b is highly active and shows enhanced apical localization in terminally polarized MDCK cells grown on semi-permeable filters. Reversible surface biotinylation combined with confocal microscopy of fully polarized cells show that the pump is stabilized in the apical membrane via the apical membrane cytoskeleton with the help of endogenous NHERF2 and ezrin. Disruption of the actin cytoskeleton removed the pump from the apical actin patches without provoking its internalization. Our data suggest that full polarization is a prerequisite for proper positioning of the PMCA2w variants in the apical membrane domain of polarized cells.  相似文献   

The discovery that Arf GTPases, mediators of membrane traffic, activate phospholipase D (PLD) raised the possibility that Arfs could facilitate membrane traffic by altering membrane lipid composition. PLD hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to generate phosphatidic acid (PA), a lipid that favors membranes with negative curvature and thus can facilitate both membrane fission and fusion. This review examines studies that have reported a role for PLD in endocytosis and membrane recycling from endocytic pathways.  相似文献   

Summary Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells kept in suspension culture for 12–15 hr displayed high-affinity binding sites for125I-lathyritic (soluble) collagen (120,000/cell,K D =30nm) and preferred collagens types I and IV over laminin or fibronectin as substrates during the first hour of attachment. On the other hand, after 4 hr, attachment to all four substrates was equally efficient. Upon challenge with a collagen substrate, the high-affinity sites were rapidly recruited on it (T1/2=6 min). Their occupancy by soluble collagen triggered the exocytosis of a second large population of low-affinity collagen binding sites that included laminin and seems to be involved in a second cell-attachment mechanism. These results are compatible with a twostep model of MDCK cell attachment to the substrate: first, via high-affinity collagen binding sites, and second, via laminin of cellular origin.  相似文献   

MDCK and Vero cell lines have been used as substrates for influenza virus replication. However, Vero cells produced lower influenza virus titer yield compared to MDCK. Influenza virus needs molecules for internalisation of the virus into the host cell, such as influenza virus receptor and clathrin. Human influenza receptor is usually a membrane protein containing Sia(α2,6) Gal, which is added into the protein in the golgi apparatus by α2,6 sialyltransferase (SIAT1). Light clathrin A (LCA), light clathrin B (LCB) and heavy clathrin (HC) are the main components needed for virus endocytosis. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the expression of SIAT1 and clathrin in Vero and MDCK cells. This study is reporting the expression of SIAT1 and clathrin observed in both cells with respect to the levels of (1) RNA by using RT-PCR, (2) protein by using dot blot analysis and confocal microscope. The results showed that Vero and MDCK cells expressed both SIAT1 and clathrin proteins, and the expression of SIAT1 in MDCK was higher compared to Vero cells. On the other hand, the expressions of LCA, LCB and HC protein in MDCK cells were not significantly different to Vero cells. This result showed that the inability of Vero cells to internalize H1N1 influenza virus was possibly due to the lack of transmembrane protein receptor which contained Sia(α2,6) Gal.  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factors (ARFs) of small GTPase are molecular switches regulating various membrane dynamics. Among them, ARF6 has recently been highlighted because of its function to facilitate the interaction between the cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Each ARFs has its preferable or even specific guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) as its activators. According to our previous RT-PCR analysis, EFA6A, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ARF6, was restrictedly expressed in the brain, retina and testis. Different from previous studies on neurons, EFA6A, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ARF6, was first shown to be localized intensely in nuclei of spermatocytes of adult mouse testes in the present immunohistochemical study. This suggests a possible involvement of EFA6A-ARF6 signaling in the karyokinesis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Retrograde trafficking transports proteins, lipids and toxins from the plasma membrane to the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To reach the Golgi, these cargos must transit the endosomal system, consisting of early endosomes (EE), recycling endosomes, late endosomes and lysosomes. All cargos pass through EE, but may take different routes to the Golgi. Retromer-dependent cargos bypass the late endosomes to reach the Golgi. We compared how two very different retromer-dependent cargos negotiate the endosomal sorting system. Shiga toxin B, bound to the external layer of the plasma membrane, and chimeric CD8-mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-M6PR), which is anchored via a transmembrane domain. Both appear to pass through the recycling endosome. Ablation of the recycling endosome diverted both of these cargos to an aberrant compartment and prevented them from reaching the Golgi. Once in the recycling endosome, Shiga toxin required EHD1 to traffic to the TGN, while the CI-M6PR was not significantly dependent on EHD1. Knockdown of retromer components left cargo in the EE, suggesting that it is required for retrograde exit from this compartment. This work establishes the recycling endosome as a required step in retrograde traffic of at least these two retromer-dependent cargos. Along this pathway, retromer is associated with EE to recycling endosome traffic, while EHD1 is associated with recycling endosome to TGN traffic of STxB.  相似文献   

Endosomal trafficking of TrkA is a critical process for nerve growth factor (NGF)-dependent neuronal cell survival and differentiation. The small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (Arf6) is implicated in NGF-dependent processes in PC12 cells through endosomal trafficking and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. However, the regulatory mechanism for Arf6 in NGF signaling is largely unknown. In this study, we demonstrated that EFA6A, an Arf6-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, was abundantly expressed in PC12 cells and that knockdown of EFA6A significantly inhibited NGF-dependent Arf6 activation, TrkA recycling from early endosomes to the cell surface, prolonged ERK1/2 phosphorylation, and neurite outgrowth. We also demonstrated that EFA6A forms a protein complex with TrkA through its N-terminal region, thereby enhancing its catalytic activity for Arf6. Similarly, we demonstrated that EFA6A forms a protein complex with TrkA in cultured dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Furthermore, cultured DRG neurons from EFA6A knockout mice exhibited disturbed NGF-dependent TrkA trafficking compared with wild-type neurons. These findings provide the first evidence for EFA6A as a key regulator of NGF-dependent TrkA trafficking and signaling.  相似文献   

The highly homologous ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) proteins, molecular cross-linkers which connect the cell membrane with the underlying cytoskeleton, have molecular weights of 81, 80 and 78 kDa respectively. We present data which shows significant variation in the molecular weight and presence of multiple forms of ERM proteins in different cell lines, such that specific antibodies to each protein are essential for unambiguous detection. Biochemical fractionation of MDCK cells demonstrates that although the individual ERM fractionation patterns are unaltered by cell density, the multiple forms of moesin each associate with different subcellular fractions. Since ERM proteins can exist in dormant or active conformations corresponding to their phosphorylation state, we propose that the partitioning of ERM proteins between subcellular compartments may depend on their activation status. In addition, we show that when the co-localization between ezrin and F-actin is disrupted by cytochalasin D, MDCK cells undergo a dramatic morphology change during which long, branching, ezrin-rich protrusions are formed. Consistent with other workers, our data suggest that maintenance of ezrin:F-actin interactions are required for the maintenance of normal cellular morphology.  相似文献   

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