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The ARF6 GTPase mediates cell shape changes in interphase cells through its effects on membrane cycling and actin remodeling. In this study, we focus our attention on the dynamics of cell division and present evidence supporting a novel role for ARF6 during cleavage furrow ingression and cytokinesis. We demonstrate that endogenous ARF6 redistributes during mitosis and concentrates near the cleavage furrow during telophase. Constitutively activated ARF6 localizes to the plasma membrane at the site of cleavage furrow ingression and midbody formation, and dominant negative ARF6 remains cytoplasmic. By using a novel pull-down assay for ARF6-GTP, we find an abrupt, but transient, increase in ARF6-GTP levels as cells progress through cytokinesis. Whereas high levels of expression of a GTPase-defective ARF6 mutant induce aberrant phenotypes in cells at cytokinesis, cells expressing low levels of ARF6 mutants do not display a significant mitotic delay or cytokinesis defect, presumably due to compensatory or redundant mechanisms that allow cytokinesis to proceed when the ARF6 GTPase cycle is disrupted. Finally, actin accumulation and phospholipid metabolism at the cleavage furrow are unchanged in cells expressing ARF6 mutants, suggesting that ARF6 may be involved in membrane remodeling during cytokinesis via effector pathways that are distinct from those operative in interphase cells.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis occurs through the coordinated action of several biochemically-mediated stresses acting on the cytoskeleton. Here, we develop a computational model of cellular mechanics, and using a large number of experimentally measured biophysical parameters, we simulate cell division under a number of different scenarios. We demonstrate that traction-mediated protrusive forces or contractile forces due to myosin II are sufficient to initiate furrow ingression. Furthermore, we show that passive forces due to the cell's cortical tension and surface curvature allow the furrow to complete ingression. We compare quantitatively the furrow thinning trajectories obtained from simulation with those observed experimentally in both wild-type and myosin II null Dictyostelium cells. Our simulations highlight the relative contributions of different biomechanical subsystems to cell shape progression during cell division.  相似文献   

The role of calcium signaling in cytokinesis has long remained ambiguous. Past studies of embryonic cell division discovered that calcium concentration increases transiently at the division plane just before cleavage furrow ingression, suggesting that these calcium transients could trigger contractile ring constriction. However, such calcium transients have only been found in animal embryos and their function remains controversial. We explored cytokinetic calcium transients in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe by adopting GCaMP, a genetically encoded calcium indicator, to determine the intracellular calcium level of this model organism. We validated GCaMP as a highly sensitive calcium reporter in fission yeast, allowing us to capture calcium transients triggered by osmotic shocks. We identified a correlation between the intracellular calcium level and cell division, consistent with the existence of calcium transients during cytokinesis. Using time-lapse microscopy and quantitative image analysis, we discovered calcium spikes both at the start of cleavage furrow ingression and the end of cell separation. Inhibition of these calcium spikes slowed the furrow ingression and led to frequent lysis of daughter cells. We conclude that like the larger animal embryos, fission yeast triggers calcium transients that may play an important role in cytokinesis (197).  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is a highly regulated and dynamic event that involves the reorganization of the cytoskeleton and membrane compartments. Recently, FIP3 has been implicated in targeting of recycling endosomes to the mid-body of dividing cells and is found required for abscission. Here, we demonstrate that the centralspindlin component Cyk-4 is a FIP3-binding protein. Furthermore, we show that FIP3 binds to Cyk-4 at late telophase and that centralspindlin may be required for FIP3 recruitment to the mid-body. We have mapped the FIP3-binding region on Cyk-4 and show that it overlaps with the ECT2-binding domain. Finally, we demonstrate that FIP3 and ECT2 form mutually exclusive complexes with Cyk-4 and that dissociation of ECT2 from the mid-body at late telophase may be required for the recruitment of FIP3 and recycling endosomes to the cleavage furrow. Thus, we propose that centralspindlin complex not only regulates acto-myosin ring contraction but also endocytic vesicle transport to the cleavage furrow and it does so through sequential interactions with ECT2 and FIP3.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in the early divergent protozoan Trypanosoma brucei occurs from the anterior cell tip of the new-flagellum daughter toward the nascent posterior end of the old-flagellum daughter of a dividing biflagellated cell. The cleavage furrow ingresses unidirectionally along the preformed cell division fold and is regulated by an orphan kinesin named kinesin localized to the ingressing furrow (KLIF) that localizes to the leading edge of the ingressing furrow. Little is known about how furrow ingression is controlled by KLIF and whether KLIF interacts with and cooperates with other cytokinesis regulatory proteins to promote furrow ingression. Here, we investigated the roles of KLIF in cleavage furrow ingression and identified a cohort of KLIF-associated cytoskeletal proteins as essential cytokinesis regulators. By genetic complementation, we demonstrated the requirement of the kinesin motor activity, but not the putative tropomyosin domain, of KLIF in promoting furrow ingression. We further showed that depletion of KLIF impaired the resolution of the nascent posterior of the old-flagellar daughter cell, thereby stalking cleavage furrow ingression at late stages of cytokinesis. Through proximity biotinylation, we identified a subset of cytoskeleton-associated proteins (CAPs) as KLIF-proximal proteins, and functional characterization of these cytoskeletal proteins revealed the essential roles of CAP46 and CAP52 in positioning the cleavage furrow and the crucial roles of CAP42 and CAP50 in promoting cleavage furrow ingression. Together, these results identified multiple cytoskeletal proteins as cytokinesis regulators and uncovered their essential and distinct roles in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Developmental modifications in cell shape depend on dynamic interactions between the extracellular matrix and cytoskeleton. In contrast, existing models of cytokinesis describe substantial cell surface remodeling that involves many intracellular regulatory and structural proteins but includes no contribution from the extracellular matrix [1-3]. Here, we show that extracellular hemicentins assemble at the cleavage furrow of dividing cells in the C.?elegans germline and in preimplantation mouse embryos. In the absence of hemicentin, cleavage furrows form but retract prior to completion, resulting in multinucleate cells. In addition to their role in tissue organization, the data indicate that hemicentins are the first secreted proteins required during mammalian development and the only known secreted proteins required for cytokinesis, with an evolutionarily conserved role in stabilizing and preventing retraction of nascent cleavage furrows. Together with studies showing that extracellular polysaccharides are required for cytokinesis in diverse species [4-9], our data suggest that assembly of a cell type-specific extracellular matrix may be a general requirement for cleavage furrow maturation and contractile ring function during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in cytokinesis is controversial, and the precise pathways that lead to its release during cleavage are not well understood. Ca(2+) is released from intracellular stores by binding of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) to the IP3 receptor (IP3R), yet no clear role in cytokinesis has been established for the precursor of IP3, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Here, using transgenic flies expressing PLCdelta-PH-GFP, which specifically binds PIP2, we identify PIP2 in the plasma membrane and cleavage furrows of dividing Drosophila melanogaster spermatocytes, and we establish that this phospholipid is required for continued ingression but not for initiation of cytokinesis. In addition, by inhibiting phospholipase C, we show that PIP2 must be hydrolyzed to maintain cleavage furrow stability. Using an IP3R antagonist and a Ca(2+) chelator to examine the roles of IP3R and Ca(2+) in cytokinesis, we demonstrate that both of these factors are required for cleavage furrow stability, although Ca(2+) is dispensable for cleavage plane specification and initiation of furrowing. Strikingly, providing cells with Ca(2+) obviates the need to hydrolyze PIP2. Thus, PIP2, PIP2 hydrolysis, and Ca(2+) are required for the normal progression of cytokinesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Alpha-actinin localization in the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis   总被引:24,自引:18,他引:6  
We used antibodies against alpha-actinin and myosin labeled directly with contrasting fluorochromes to localize these contractile proteins simultaneously in dividing chick embryo cells. During mitosis anti-alpha-actinin stains diffusely the entire cytoplasm including the mitotic spindle, while in the same cells intense antimyosin staining delineates the spindle. During cytokinesis both antibodies stain the cleavage furrow intensely, and until the midbody forms the two staining patterns in the same cell are identical at the resolution of the light microscope. Thereafter the anti-alpha-actinin staining of the furrow remains strong, but the antimyosin staining diminishes. These observations suggest that alpha-actinin participates along with actin and myosin in the membrane movements associated with cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are maternally inherited in many organisms. Mitochondrial morphology and activity regulation is essential for cell survival, differentiation, and migration. An analysis of mitochondrial dynamics and function in morphogenetic events in early metazoan embryogenesis has not been carried out. In our study we find a crucial role of mitochondrial morphology regulation in cell formation in Drosophila embryogenesis. We find that mitochondria are small and fragmented and translocate apically on microtubules and distribute progressively along the cell length during cellularization. Embryos mutant for the mitochondrial fission protein, Drp1 (dynamin-related protein 1), die in embryogenesis and show an accumulation of clustered mitochondria on the basal side in cellularization. Additionally, Drp1 mutant embryos contain lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS depletion was previously shown to decrease myosin II activity. Drp1 loss also leads to myosin II depletion at the membrane furrow, thereby resulting in decreased cell height and larger contractile ring area in cellularization similar to that in myosin II mutants. The mitochondrial morphology and cellularization defects in Drp1 mutants are suppressed by reducing mitochondrial fusion and increasing cytoplasmic ROS in superoxide dismutase mutants. Our data show a key role for mitochondrial morphology and activity in supporting the morphogenetic events that drive cellularization in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is a crucial step in the creation of two daughter cells by the formation and ingression of the cleavage furrow. Here, we show that sphingomyelin (SM), one of the major sphingolipids in mammalian cells, is required for the localization of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. Real-time observation with a labeled SM-specific protein, lysenin, revealed that SM is concentrated in the outer leaflet of the furrow at the time of cytokinesis. Superresolution fluorescence microscopy analysis indicates a transbilayer colocalization between the SM-rich domains in the outer leaflet and PIP(2)-rich domains in the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane. The depletion of SM disperses PIP(2) and inhibits the recruitment of the small GTPase RhoA to the cleavage furrow, leading to abnormal cytokinesis. These results suggest that the formation of SM-rich domains is required for the accumulation of PIP(2) to the cleavage furrow, which is a prerequisite for the proper translocation of RhoA and the progression of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The ability of Dictyostelium cells to divide without myosin II in a cell cycle-coupled manner has opened two questions about the mechanism of cleavage furrow ingression. First, are there other possible functions for myosin II in this process except for generating contraction of the furrow by a sliding filament mechanism? Second, what could be an alternative mechanical basis for the furrowing? Using aberrant changes of the cell shape and anomalous localization of the actin-binding protein cortexillin I during asymmetric cytokinesis in myosin II-deficient cells as clues, it is proposed that myosin II filaments act as a mechanical lens in cytokinesis. The mechanical lens serves to focus the forces that induce the furrowing to the center of the midzone, a cortical region where cortexillins are enriched in dividing cells. Additionally, continual disassembly of a filamentous actin meshwork at the midzone is a prerequisite for normal ingression of the cleavage furrow and a successful cytokinesis. If this process is interrupted, as it occurs in cells that lack cortexillins, an overassembly of filamentous actin at the midzone obstructs the normal cleavage. Disassembly of the crosslinked actin network can generate entropic contractile forces in the cortex, and may be considered as an alternative mechanism for driving ingression of the cleavage furrow. Instead of invoking different types of cytokinesis that operate under attached and unattached conditions in Dictyostelium, it is anticipated that these cells use a universal multifaceted mechanism to divide, which is only moderately sensitive to elimination of its constituent mechanical processes.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis, the final step of cell division, usually ends with the abscission of the two daughter cells. In some tissues, however, daughter cells never completely separate and remain interconnected by intercellular bridges or ring canals. In this paper, we report the identification and analysis of a novel ring canal component, Nessun Dorma (Nesd), isolated as an evolutionarily conserved partner of the centralspindlin complex, a key regulator of cytokinesis. Nesd contains a pectin lyase-like domain found in proteins that bind to polysaccharides, and we present evidence that it has high affinity for β-galactosides in vitro. Moreover, nesd is an essential gene in Drosophila melanogaster, in which it is required for completion of cytokinesis during male meiosis and possibly in female germline cells. Our findings indicate that Nesd is a novel carbohydrate-binding protein that functions together with centralspindlin in late cytokinesis, thus highlighting the importance of glycosylation in this process.  相似文献   

Abstract Fatty acids of two strains of sulfate-reducing, sporeforming bacteria Desulfotomaculum ruminis 21 and D. species 43 were analysed. In addition, the common fatty acids, very-long-chain fatty acids up to C34, including saturated acids with straight chains were identified. α-Hydroxy and α,ω-dicarboxylic acids with more than 20 carbon atoms were also detected. None of the above-mentioned compounds have so far been described in sulfate-reducing bacteria and, therefore, their presence offers a new concept of biosynthesis of these compounds and chemotaxonomy of the sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Programmed patterns of gene expression, cell-cell signaling, and cellular forces cause morphogenic movements during dorsal closure. We investigated the apical cell-shape changes that characterize amnioserosa cells during dorsal closure in Drosophila embryos with in vivo imaging of green-fluorescent-protein-labeled DE-cadherin. Time-lapsed, confocal images were assessed with a novel segmentation algorithm, Fourier analysis, and kinematic and dynamical modeling. We found two generic processes, reversible oscillations in apical cross-sectional area and cell ingression characterized by persistent loss of apical area. We quantified a time-dependent, spatially-averaged sum of intracellular and intercellular forces acting on each cell's apical belt of DE-cadherin. We observed that a substantial fraction of amnioserosa cells ingress near the leading edges of lateral epidermis, consistent with the view that ingression can be regulated by leading-edge cells. This is in addition to previously observed ingression processes associated with zipping and apoptosis. Although there is cell-to-cell variability in the maximum rate for decreasing apical area (0.3-9.5 μm(2)/min), the rate for completing ingression is remarkably constant (0.83 cells/min, r(2) > 0.99). We propose that this constant ingression rate contributes to the spatiotemporal regularity of mechanical stress exerted by the amnioserosa on each leading edge during closure.  相似文献   

The question of how the site for division of the cytoplasm is determined at the end of mitosis has been studied for over a century, and it remains an active, controversial and fascinating problem in cell biology. This problem draws on the use of several model cell types, with the goal of understanding and identifying how the cell cycle regulates signals between the mitotic apparatus and the cell cortex. Studies in different cell types and using a vast array of techniques reveal different answers: these might reflect differences in experimental approaches, multiple and redundant mechanisms and, importantly, diversity in biology. In this article (which is part of the Cytokinesis series), we present a summary and critique of the major models for the roles of the mitotic apparatus microtubules in stimulating furrow formation at cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Partial hydrolysis of triacylglycerols of high-erucic-acid seed oils from white mustard (Sinapis alba), oriental mustard (Brassica juncea) and honesty (Lunaria annua), catalysed by lipases from Candida cylindracea and Geotrichum candidum, leads to enrichment of erucic acid and other very-long-chain mono-unsaturated fatty acids (VLCMFA) in the acylglycerols (mono-, di- and triacylglycerol) while the C18 fatty acids (oleic, linoleic and linolenic) are enriched in the fatty acid fraction. Partial hydrolysis of the high-erucic-acid triacylglycerols, catalysed by lipases from porcine pancreas, Chromobacterium viscosum, Rhizopus arrhizus and Rhizomucor miehei yields fatty acids with substantially higher levels of VLCMFA, as compared to the starting material, while the C18 fatty acids are enriched in the acylglycerol fraction. Lipases from Penicillium sp. and Candida antarctica are ineffective for the fractionation of either group of fatty acids. Transesterification of the high-erucic-acid triacylglycerols with ethyl, propyl or butyl acetate or with n-butanol, catalysed by the lipase from R. miehei, leads to enrichment of VLCMFA in the alkyl (ethyl, propyl or butyl) esters, whereas the C18 fatty acids are enriched in the acetylacylglycerols and acylglycerols.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) is localized at the cleavage furrow in dividing cells and its hydrolysis is required for complete cytokinesis, suggesting a pivotal role of PIP2 in cytokinesis. Here, we report that at least three mammalian isoforms of phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PLC), PLCdelta1, PLCdelta3 and PLCbeta1, are localized to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. Targeting of the delta1 isoform to the furrow depends on the specific interaction between the PH domain and PIP2 in the plasma membrane. The necessity of active PLC in animal cell cytokinesis was confirmed using the specific inhibitors for PIP2 hydrolysis. These results support the model that activation of selected PLC isoforms at the cleavage furrow controls progression of cytokinesis through regulation of PIP2 levels: induction of the cleavage furrow by a contractile ring consisting of actomyosin is regulated by PIP2-dependent actin-binding proteins and formation of specific lipid domains required for membrane separation is affected by alterations in the lipid composition of the furrow.  相似文献   

During anaphase, distinct populations of microtubules (MTs) form by either centrosome-dependent or augmin-dependent nucleation. It remains largely unknown whether these different MT populations contribute distinct functions to cytokinesis. Here we show that augmin-dependent MTs are required for the progression of both furrow ingression and abscission. Augmin depletion reduced the accumulation of anillin, a contractile ring regulator at the cell equator, yet centrosomal MTs were sufficient to mediate RhoA activation at the furrow. This defect in contractile ring organization, combined with incomplete spindle pole separation during anaphase, led to impaired furrow ingression. During the late stages of cytokinesis, astral MTs formed bundles in the intercellular bridge, but these failed to assemble a focused midbody structure and did not establish tight linkage to the plasma membrane, resulting in furrow regression. Thus augmin-dependent acentrosomal MTs and centrosomal MTs contribute to nonredundant targeting mechanisms of different cytokinesis factors, which are required for the formation of a functional contractile ring and midbody.  相似文献   

The beta-oxidation of lignoceric acid (C24:0), hexacosanoic acid (C26:0), and their coenzyme A derivatives was investigated in human skin fibroblast homogenates. The cofactor requirements for oxidation of lignoceric acid and hexacosanoic acid were identical but were different from their coenzyme A derivatives. For example, lignoceric acid and hexacosanoic acid oxidation was strictly ATP dependent whereas the oxidation of the corresponding coenzyme A derivatives was ATP independent. Also the rate of oxidation of coenzyme A derivatives of lignoceric acid or hexacosanoic acid was much higher compared to the free fatty acids. In patients with Zellweger's syndrome, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy and infantile Refsum's disease, the beta-oxidation of lignoceric and hexacosanoic acids was defective whereas the oxidation of their corresponding coenzyme A derivatives was nearly normal. The results presented in this communication suggest strongly that the beta-oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids occurs exclusively in peroxisomes. However, the coenzyme A derivatives of very-long-chain fatty acids can be oxidized in mitochondria as well as in peroxisomes. The inability of the mitochondrial system to oxidize free fatty acids may be due to its inability to convert them to their corresponding coenzyme A derivatives. Our results suggest that a specific very-long-chain fatty acyl CoA synthetase may be required for the activation of the free fatty acids and that this synthetase may be deficient in patients with Zellweger's syndrome and possibly X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, as well. The results presented suggest that substrate specificity and the subcellular localization of the synthetase may regulate the beta-oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids in the cell.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(14):2730-2741
The unique attributes of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFAs), their long carbon chains (n > 24) and high degree of unsaturation, impart unique chemical and physical properties to this class of fatty acids. The changes imparted by VLC-PUFA 32:6 n-3 on lipid packing and the compression moduli of model membranes were evaluated from π-A isotherms of VLC-PUFA in 1,2-distearoyl-sn-3-glycero-phosphocholine (DSPC) lipid monolayers. To compare the attractive or repulsive forces between VLC-PUFA and DSPC lipid monolayers, the measured mean molecular areas (MMAs) were compared with the calculated MMAs of an ideal mixture of VLC-PUFA and DSPC. The presence of 0.1, 1, and 10 mol % VLC-PUFA shifted the π-A isotherm to higher MMAs of the lipids comprising the membrane and the observed positive deviations from ideal behavior of the mixed VLC-PUFA:DSPC monolayers correspond to repulsive forces between VLC-PUFAs and DSPC. The MMA of the VLC-PUFA component was estimated using the measured MMAs of DSPC of 47.1 ± 0.7 Å2/molecule, to be 15,000, 1100, and 91 Å2/molecule at 0.1, 1, and 10 mol % VLC-PUFA:DSPC mixtures, respectively. The large MMAs of VLC-PUFA suggest that the docosahexaenoic acid tail reinserts into the membrane and adopts a nonlinear structure in the membrane, which is most pronounced at 0.1 mol % VLC-PUFA. The presence of 0.1 mol % VLC-PUFA:DSPC also significantly increased the compression modulus of the membrane by 28 mN/m compared with a pure DSPC membrane. The influence of VLC-PUFA on lipid “flip-flop” was investigated by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy. The incorporation of 0.1 mol % VLC-PUFA increased the DSPC flip-flop rate fourfold. The fact that VLC-PUFA promotes lipid translocation is noteworthy as retinal membranes require a high influx of retinoids which may be facilitated by lipid flip-flop.  相似文献   

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