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We examined the expression of six barnacle cypris larva-specific gene (bcs) cDNAs (bcs-1, -2, -3, -4,- 5, and -6), the bcs genes, by using Northern blot analysis under various conditions that induced or inhibited cypris larval attachment and metamorphosis. Inducers of larval attachment and metamorphosis, such as a neurotransmitter, tended to increase the expression of bcs mRNAs. All inhibitors of larval attachment and metamorphosis, such as G protein-coupled receptor agonists/antagonists, inhibitors of tyrosine kinase-linked receptors and inhibitors of their signal transduction, suppressed the expression of bcs-6 mRNA alone, but affected differentially other bcs genes. These results strongly suggest that the bcs-6 product plays a key role in triggering the attachment and metamorphosis of cypris larvae into juvenile barnacles. The roles of four late bcs genes (bcs-3,-4, -5 and -6) are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between abnormal sperm morphology and chromosomal aberrations has been of interest. Thus far, however, studies have focused on frequencies of sperm with either abnormal morphology or aneuploidies in semen samples, not on detection of individual spermatozoa exhibiting both abnormal morphology and aneuploidy. To assess the feasibility of simultaneous evaluation of both attributes in an individual sperm cell, we investigated whether sperm shape is preserved after decondensation and denaturation, procedures that are required for fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). On 21 slides, 395 sperm were fixed, photographed, and then digitized by the computer-assisted Metamorph morphometry program for individual evaluation before decondensation. To establish whether sperm of various shapes would behave in similar manners, the cells were also classified, according to their head shapes, into symmetrical (n = 115), asymmetrical (n = 115), irregular (n = 115), and amorphous (n = 50) categories. Following decondensation and subsequent denaturation, sperm that had been photographed initially were relocalized and digitized for morphometry. Head area, perimeter, long axis, short axis, shape factor, and tail length were evaluated in each of the 395 sperm in both the native and decondensed states. After the decondensation and denaturation protocol of the FISH procedure, the sperm exhibited a proportional increase in dimensions as compared to their original sizes. Their initial shapes were preserved with high fidelity whether the sperm were in the symmetrical, asymmetrical, irregular, or amorphous categories. Hybridization with the chromosome probes had no further effect on sperm shape or size. We provide images to demonstrate how these findings facilitate studies about the relationship between sperm shape and chromosomal content or aberrations in individual spermatozoa.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the morphometric characteristics of nuclei and silver-stained nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) on cytologic imprints and their value in differential cytodiagnosis of benign, atypical proliferative (borderline) and malignant ovarian mucinous tumors. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-six mucinous ovarian tumor imprints (16 benign, 15 borderline, 15 malignant), were analyzed. Nuclear area, outline, "shape factor" and "form factor" were measured on Papanicolaou-stained smears. AgNOR quantification included 7 variables related to the number and area of single, cluster, total and relative AgNOR content per nucleus and the size distribution of AgNORs. RESULTS: Nuclear area and shape factor allowed distinguishing borderline and malignant tumors. The nuclear area in benign tumors was larger than that in borderline tumors; malignant tumors had the highest values. Single and cluster AgNORs were statistically significantly different in borderline tumors compared with malignant tumors, except for the cluster AgNOR area. The total AgNOR area, number and relative area increased from benign through malignant tumors, with statistically significant differences among all groups. By AgNOR size distribution, small AgNORs discriminate malignant from borderline and benign tumors. CONCLUSION: Combining nuclear morphometry and AgNOR analysis on cytologic imprints could be a diagnostically useful method in the assessment of mucinous ovarian tumors.  相似文献   

The bimodal distribution of shell shape (height: diameter), that is found in various geographically widely separate and taxonomically distinct land snail faunas of many different regions of the world, occurs also in a Mediterranean fauna and in a desert fauna that is derived from it. The desert fauna is, however, closer to the bisector than the Mediterranean one. High-spired snails are mainly rock-dwellers, and equidimensional to low-spired snails are bush-dwellers or soil-diggers, with a few rock-dwellers; litter-dwellers are small-sized species that may have either high- or low-spired shells. These results are discussed in adaptive terms. Litter is probably the more primitive of these micro-environments. Many of the small, litter-dwelling snails are ovo-viviparous rather than oviparous, perhaps so as to avoid attacks on the eggs by saprophytic fungi. The shift away from the litter environment is accompanied by a trend to abandon the ovo-viviparous strategy, in favour of oviparity, the snail using its foot to dig into the soil and lay eggs. The conchometric differences between bush-, ground- and rock-dwelling snails may perhaps reflect selective pressure to increase the size of the foot; and constraints of a habitat that consists of narrow interspaces between rocky boulders. Snails that habitually dig into the ground during periods of inactivity, and roam over the ground when active, requires a very large foot and, consequently, a very large-mouthed shell to accommodate it; the result is an equidimensional shell, globose or turbiniform in shape. Snails that climb up vertical vegetation would also require a large foot, and consequently a large-mouthed shell to contain it. A fully globose shell would however be disadvantageous, since it might cause undesired torque. Hence, bush-dwellers tend to be flatter than soil-diggers. Snails that habitually live in rock crevices, and on hard substrata, would not require a very large foot; they would need a narrow shell, both to enable easy manoeuvring through crevices and to reduce torque, the result being a small-mouthed, usually high-spired shell. The classification of land snails into bush-, soil- or rock-dwellers closely follows the taxonomic classification. In those species that depart from the habitat that is typical of their taxonomic group towards another habitat, the shell alters its shape accordingly.  相似文献   

LAMINA: a tool for rapid quantification of leaf size and shape parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


An increased understanding of leaf area development is important in a number of fields: in food and non-food crops, for example short rotation forestry as a biofuels feedstock, leaf area is intricately linked to biomass productivity; in paleontology leaf shape characteristics are used to reconstruct paleoclimate history. Such fields require measurement of large collections of leaves, with resulting conclusions being highly influenced by the accuracy of the phenotypic measurement process.  相似文献   

Previous work suggests that low-spired hermaphroditic snails mate face-to-face and have reciprocal sperm exchange, whereas high-spired snails mate by shell mounting and have unilateral sperm exchange. This dichotomy lead others to speculate on the evolution of enigmatic mating behaviours and whole-body enantiomorphy. In the present study, we review the current literature on mating behaviour in pulmonate snails and show that: (1) several pulmonate species show considerable intraspecific variation in mating behaviour; (2) mating position does not predict reciprocity of penis intromission and sperm exchange; (3) dart-shooting may be correlated with reciprocity of sperm exchange but other factors must explain the gain or loss of darts; (4) it is unlikely that the degree of reciprocity is the most important factor in explaining the relationship of whole-body enantiomorphy and shell shape; and (5) the reciprocal intromission of penises does not necessarily involve the reciprocal transfer of sperm. Hence, our survey shows that current ideas on the evolutionary relationship between shell shape and reciprocity with sexual selection (including dart-use) and whole-body enantiomorphy in hermaphroditic snails should be refined. The results obtained demonstrate that our current knowledge on gastropod mating behaviour is too limited to detect general evolutionary trajectories in gastropod mating behaviour and genital anatomy.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 306–321.  相似文献   

Morphological variation among natural populations is a phenomenon commonly observed in marine invertebrates and well studied, particularly, in shelled gastropods. The nassariid Buccinanops globulosus is interesting to study shell shape variation because it exhibits strong interpopulation differences in life history features, including maximum size, fecundity and growth rate. In this study, we examined the pattern of variation in size and shell shape among populations and between sexes of B. globulosus (Bahía San Antonio 40°29′S 63°01′W, Playa Villarino 40°45′S 64°40′W and Bahía Nueva 42°46′S 65°02′W). In particular, we used geometric morphometric techniques to test: (1) whether the two components of shell morphology (size and shape) are independent and (2) whether shape differences between sexes are consistently found among populations, regardless of their body sizes. Our results show shell shape variation between the populations of B. globulosus of northern Patagonia. Intra-specific shell shape variation is affected by body size, indicating allometry. Regardless of the size differences, individuals from Playa Villarino have high-spired shells, and shorter apertures and wider columellar area than individuals from the other populations. Also, sex-related shape differences were consistently found at each population, thus suggesting a common sexual dimorphism in shell morphology for this species. The functional significance of the variability found is discussed in terms of the flexibility of developmental programmes for morphology as well as the evolution of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

Accurate information on animal body mass is often an essential component of wildlife research and management. However, for many large-bodied species, obtaining direct scale weights from individuals may be difficult. In these cases, morphometric equations (e.g., based on girth or length) may provide accurate and precise estimates of body mass. We developed predictive equations to estimate the body mass of free-ranging polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in western Hudson Bay, Canada. Using multiple linear and non-linear regression, we identified a strong relationship between polar bear body weight and linear measures of straight line length and axillary girth. The mass–morphometry relationship appeared to change over time and we developed separate equations for polar bears measured during 2 time periods, 1980–1996 and 2007–2009. Non-linear models were more accurate and provided body mass estimates within 5.8% (R2 = 0.98) and 6.1% (R2 = 0.98) of scale weight in the earlier and later time periods, respectively. Earlier equations developed for polar bears in this subpopulation performed poorly when applied to recently sampled individuals. In contrast, some contemporary equations from other regions performed reasonably well, suggesting that temporal changes within a subpopulation may be more pronounced than regional differences and can render earlier predictive equations obsolete. Our results have important implications for current and future studies of polar bear body condition and the effects of ongoing climate warming. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Barnacles have very high accumulated trace metal body concentrations that vary with local trace metal bioavailabilities and represent integrated measures of the supply of bioavailable metals. Pioneering work in Chinese waters in Hong Kong highlighted the potential value of barnacles (particularlyBalanus amphitrite) as trace metal biomonitors in coastal waters, identifying differences in local trace metal bioavailabilities over space and time. Work in Hong Kong has also shown that although barnacles have very high rates of trace metal uptake from solution, they also have very high trace metal assimilation efficiencies from the diet. High assimilation efficiencies coupled with high ingestion rates ensure that trophic uptake is by far the dominant trace metal uptake route in barnacles, as verified for cadmium and zinc. Kinetic modelling has shown that low efflux rate constants and high uptake rates from the diet combine to bring about accumulated trace metal concentrations in barnacles that are amongst the highest known in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

The barnacle, Balanus glandula has recently invaded along the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan. To evaluate the direct and indirect effects of endemic seaweeds, barnacles, and invertebrate predators on the abundance of B. glandula on the rocky intertidal coast of eastern Hokkaido, we conducted a field experiment from June 2011 to October 2012 in which we manipulated the presence or absence of these factors. Seaweeds showed no significant effect on the abundance of B. glandula. The endemic barnacle Chthamalus dalli and the invertebrate predator Nucella lima reduced the abundance of B. glandula. However, the simultaneous influence of N. lima and C. dalli was compensative rather than additive, probably due to keystone predation. These findings suggest that competition by the endemic barnacle C. dalli and predation by the invertebrate predator N. lima decreased the abundance of B. glandula, but that N. lima predation on C. dalli weakened the negative influence of C. dalli on B. glandula. The implications of these findings are twofold: the endemic competitor and invertebrate predator may have played important roles in decreasing the abundance of B. glandula in natural habitats, and conservation of endemic invertebrate predators may be crucial to impede the establishment and survival of introduced barnacles in rocky intertidal habitats.  相似文献   

Barnacles have very high accumulated trace metal body concentrations that vary with local trace metal bioavailabilities and represent integrated measures of the supply of bioavailable metals. Pioneering work in Chinese waters in Hong Kong highlighted the potential value of barnacles (particularly Balanus amphitrite) as trace metal biomonitors in coastal waters, identifying differences in local trace metal bioavailabilities over space and time. Work in Hong Kong has also shown that although barnacles have very high rates of trace metal uptake from solution, they also have very high trace metal assimilation efficiencies from the diet. High assimilation efficiencies coupled with high ingestion rates ensure that trophic uptake is by far the dominant trace metal uptake route in barnacles, as verified for cadmium and zinc. Kinetic modelling has shown that low efflux rate constants and high uptake rates from the diet combine to bring about accumulated trace metal concentrations in barnacles that are amongst the  相似文献   

Barnacles have very high accumulated trace metal body concentrations that vary with local trace metal bioavailabilities and represent integrated measures of the supply of bioavailable metals. Pioneering work in Chinese waters in Hong Kong highlighted the potential value of barnacles (particularly Balanus amphitrite) as trace metal biomonitors in coastal waters,identifying differences in local trace metal bioavailabilities over space and time. Work in Hong Kong has also shown that although barnacles have very high rates of trace metal uptake from solution, they also have very high trace metal assimilation efficiencies from the diet. High assimilation efficiencies coupled with high ingestion rates ensure that trophic uptake is by far the dominant trace metal uptake route in barnacles, as verified for cadmium and zinc. Kinetic modelling has shown that low efflux rate constants and high uptake rates from the diet combine to bring about accumulated trace metal concentrations in barnacles that are amongst the highest known in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

In 1846, burdened by insecurity and self-doubt, and having been convinced that he needed to study some group of organisms closely, Darwin embarked on an eight-year odyssey in the protean and perplexing world of barnacles. At the time, he was searching for evidence in support of his theory of evolution by natural selection. In the course of his long study of barnacles, however, he was not just validating his preexisting theoretical system, but was also modifying his views on such fundamental aspects as the universality of individual variation, which is the focus of this paper. According to this notion, the members of any population of living things are expected to exhibit sufficient differences from one another for natural selection to operate. By emphasizing the theoretical value of the barnacle project, my analysis contributes to the historiographic tradition which highlights the significance of the period between the first comprehensive formulation of the theory of evolution by natural selection in 1844 and its urgent publication in the late 1850s. In the course of these years, Darwin's theory was not just accumulating empirical laurels, but was also expected to adapt to a changing conceptual landscape.  相似文献   

The bodies of fish change shape over propulsive, behavioral, developmental, and evolutionary time scales, a general phenomenon that we call "reconfiguration". Undulatory, postural, and form-reconfiguration can be distinguished, studied independently, and examined in terms of mechanical interactions and evolutionary importance. Using a combination of live, swimming fishes and digital robotic fish that are autonomous and self-propelled, we examined the functional relation between undulatory and postural reconfiguration in forward swimming, backward swimming, and yaw turning. To probe how postural and form reconfiguration interact, the yaw turning of leopard sharks was examined using morphometric and kinematic analyses. To test how undulatory reconfiguration might evolve, the digital robotic fish were subjected to selection for enhanced performance in a simulated ecology in which each individual had to detect and move towards a food source. In addition to the general issue of reconfiguration, these investigations are united by the fact that the dynamics of undulatory and postural reconfigurations are predicted to be determined, in part, by the structural stiffness of the fish's body. Our method defines undulatory reconfiguration as the combined, point-by-point periodic motion of the body, leaving postural reconfiguration as the combined deviations from undulatory reconfiguration. While undulatory reconfiguration appears to be the sole or primary propulsive driver, postural reconfiguration may contribute to propulsion in hagfish and it is correlated with differences in forward, and backward, swimming in lamprey. Form reconfigures over developmental time in leopard sharks in a manner that is consistent with an allometric scaling theory in which structural stiffness of the body is held constant. However, correlation of a form proxy for structural stiffness of the body suggests that body stiffness may scale in order to limit maximum postural reconfiguration during routine yaw turns. When structural stiffness and undulatory frequency are modeled as determining the tail's undulatory wave speed, both factors evolve under selection for enhanced foraging behavior in the digital fish-like robots. The methods used in making these distinctions between kinds of reconfiguration have broad applicability in fish biology, especially for quantifying complex motor behaviors in the wild and for simulating selection on behavior that leads to directional evolution of functional phenotypes.  相似文献   

Human erthrocyte membranes in isotonic medium change shape from crenated spheres to biconcave disks and cup-forms when incubated at 37 degrees C in the presence of MgATP (M. P. Sheetz and S. J. Singer, 1977, J. Cell Biol. 73:638-646). The postulated relationship between spectrin phosphorylation and shape change (W. Birchmeier and S. J. Singer, 1977, J. Cell Biol. 73:647-659) is examined in this report. Salt extraction of white ghosts reduced spectrin phosphorylation during shape changes by 85-95%. Salt extraction did not alter crenation, rate of MgATP-dependent shape change, or the fraction (greater than 80%) ultimately converted to disks and cup-forms after 1 h. Spectrin was partially dephosphorylated in intact cells by subjection to metabolic depletion in vitro. Membranes from depleted cells exhibited normal shape-change behavior. Shape-change behavior was influenced by the hemolysis buffer and temperature and by the time required for membrane preparation. Tris and phosphate ghosts lost the capacity to change shape after standing for 1-2 h at 0 degrees C. Hemolysis in HEPES or N- tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid yielded ghosts that were converted rapidly to disks in the absence of ATP and did not undergo further conversion to cup-forms. These effects could not be attributed to differential dephsphorylation of spectrin, because dephosphorylation during ghost preparation and incubation was negligible. These results suggest that spectrin phosphorylation is not required for MgATP-dependent shape change. It is proposed that other biochemical events induce membrane curvature changes and that the role of spectrin is passive.  相似文献   

Autolysins and shape change in rodA mutants of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The biochemical phenotype of rodA mutants was not affected by the simultaneous presence in double mutants of the lyt gene which makes them 90 to 95% deficient in autolysin action. The only morphological effect of this deficiency on the expression of the rod gene was that both the rod and the coccal forms of the mutant failed to separate and grew as long chains of cells. Inhibition of protein synthesis stopped the increase in peptidoglycan that occurred when the growth temperature for the mutants was raised to 45 degrees C. These observations support the idea that a derepression of peptidoglycan synthesis occurs at this temperature. The increased amount of cellular peptidoglycan at the higher growth temperature is not likely to be the result of the concomitant switching off of autolytic enzyme action.  相似文献   

Thoracican barnacles show one of the most diverse sexual systems in animals: hermaphroditism, dioecy (males and females), and androdioecy (males and hermaphrodites). In addition, when present, male barnacles are very small and are called "dwarf males". The diverse sexual systems and male dwarfism in this taxon have attracted both theoretical and empirical biologists. In this article, we review the theoretical studies on barnacles' sexual systems in the context of sex allocation and life history theories. We first introduce the sex allocation models by Charnov, especially in relation to the mating group size, and a new expansion of his models is also proposed. We then explain three studies by Yamaguchi et al., who have studied the interaction between sex allocation and life history in barnacles. These studies consistently showed that limited mating opportunity favors androdioecy and dioecy over hermaphroditism. In addition, other factors, such as rates of survival and availability of food, are also important. We discuss the importance of empirical studies testing these predictions and how empirical studies interact with theoretical constructs.  相似文献   

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