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Transposable elements have certain advantages over other approaches for identifying and determining gene function in large genome cereals. Different strategies have been used to exploit the maize Activator/dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposon system for functional genomics in heterologous species. Either large numbers of independent Ds insertion lines or transposants (TNPs) are generated and screened phenotypically, or smaller numbers of TNPs are produced, Ds locations mapped and remobilized for localized gene targeting. It is imperative to characterize key features of the system in order to utilize the latter strategy, which is more feasible in large genome cereals like barley and wheat. In barley, we generated greater than 100 single-copy Ds TNPs and determined remobilization frequencies of primary, secondary, and tertiary TNPs with intact terminal inverted repeats (TIRs); frequencies ranged from 11.8 to 17.1%. In 16% of TNPs that had damaged TIRs no transposition was detected among progeny of crosses using those TNPs as parental lines. In half of the greater than 100 TNP lines, the nature of flanking sequences and status of the 11 bp TIRs and 8-bp direct repeats were determined. BLAST searches using a gene prediction program revealed that 86% of TNP flanking sequences matched either known or putative genes, indicating preferential Ds insertion into genic regions, critical in large genome species. Observed remobilization frequencies of primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary TNPs, coupled with the tendency for localized Ds transposition, validates a saturation mutagenesis approach using Ds to tag and characterize genes linked to Ds in large genome cereals like barley and wheat.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using transient transposase expression to mobilize Ds elements for gene tagging in Hieracium aurantiacum was evaluated. A T-DNA construct carrying the Ac transposase gene and either a visible marker gene (uidA) or the conditionally-lethal marker gene (codA) was transferred to H. aurantiacum leaf discs (previously transformed with a Ds element) by co-cultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Shoots were regenerated directly from the co-cultivated leaf discs under selection for antibiotic resistance resulting from Ds excision. Most regenerants carried unique transposition events. Of 84 regenerated plants, twenty one (25%) did not express the marker gene and the DNA coding sequence of the transposase could not be detected in seven (8.3%). Potential advantages of this method over conventional gene-tagging methods are: rapid recovery of individual transposition events; regenerated plants are isogenic; and the transient nature of transposase expression should facilitate the stabilisation of the transposed element.  相似文献   

Gene trap vectors have been used in insertional mutagenesis in animal systems to clone genes with interesting patterns of expression. These vectors are designed to allow the expression of a reporter gene when the vector inserts into a transcribed region. In this paper we examine alternative splicing events that result in the expression of a GUS reporter gene carried on a Ds element which has been designed as a gene trap vector for plants. We have developed a rapid and reliable method based on PCR to study such events. Many splice donor sites were observed in the 3 Ac border. The relative frequency of utilisation of certain splice donor and acceptor sites differed between tobacco and Arabidopsis. A higher stringency of splicing was observed in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

A maize transposable family, Ac/Ds, has been successfully utilized as a mutagenizing agent not only in monocot but also in dicot. In order to develop insertional mutagenesis system in pepper, the mobility of Ac/Ds has been examined. In this study, the excision of the elements was monitored via transient assay system with protoplasts. Two different systems were developed and compared; one- and two-elements systems. In a one-element system, Ac alone was introduced into cells. As a two-element system, Ac and Ds were cloned into a single vector and were expressed in protoplasts. Our data showed that both Ac and Ds elements were highly mobile in pepper cells. This is the first report suggesting that Ac/Ds mediated gene tagging system could be successfully operated in pepper.  相似文献   

Boon Ng GH  Gong Z 《Biochimie》2011,93(10):1858-1864
As the medaka is a popular fish model in genetics, developmental biology and toxicology, the development of an efficient transgenic medaka technique is important for a variety of biological experiments. Here we demonstrated that the maize transposon system, Ac/Ds, greatly improved the transgenesis of microinjected DNA. Using the Ac/Ds system, two types of stable transgenic medaka lines, Tg(hsp70:gfp) and Tg(cyp1a1:gfp), were established with germline transmission rates of 83.3% (10/12) and 100.0% (4/4) from GFP-expressing founders, respectively. The percentages of transgenic progeny ranged between 3.1% and 100.0% in F1 from different transgenic founders. Interestingly, multiple insertions were found from transgenic founders and the cloned insertion sites confirmed the transposition mediated by Ac transposase. In addition, we demonstrated the inducible GFP expression in both GFP transgenic medaka lines. In Tg(hsp70:gfp) whose gfp gene was under the control of a heat shock inducible medaka hsp70 promoter, GFP expression was induced ubiquitously after heat shock. In Tg(cyp1a1:gfp), the gfp gene was driven by medaka cyp1a1 promoter that could be activated by various xenobiotic chemicals including 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD); indeed, GFP expression was found to be induced in the liver, intestine and kidney by TCDD. Our data presented here demonstrated the highly efficient transgenesis with the aid of the maize Ac/Ds transposon system.  相似文献   

The Ac/Ds transposon system of maize shows low activity in Arabidopsis. However, fusion of the CaMV 35S promoter to the transposase gene (35S::TPase) increases the abundance of the single Ac mRNA encoded by Ac and increases the frequency of Ds excision. In the experiments reported here it is examined whether this high excision frequency is associated with efficient re-insertion of the transposon. This was measured by using a Ds that carried a hygromycin resistance gene (HPT) and was inserted within a streptomycin resistance gene (SPT). Excision of Ds therefore gives rise to streptomycin resistance, while hygromycin resistance is associated with the presence of a transposed Ds or with retention of the element at its original location. Self-fertilisation of most individuals heterozygous for Ds and 35S::TPase produced many streptomycin-resistant (strepr) progeny, but in many of these families a small proportion of strepr seedlings were also resistant to hygromycin (hygr). Nevertheless, 70% of families tested did give rise to at least one strepr, hygr seedling, and over 90% of these individuals carried a transposed Ds. In contrast, the Ac promoter fusion to the transposase gene (Ac::TPase) produced fewer streprhygr progeny, and only 53% of these carried a transposed Ds. However, a higher proportion of the strepr seedlings were also hygr than after activation by 35S::TPase. We also examined the genotype of strepr, hygr seedlings and demonstrated that after activation by 35S::TPase many of these were homozygous for the transposed Ds, while this did not occur after activation by Ac::TPase. From these and other data we conclude that excisions driven by 35S::TPase usually occur prior to floral development, and that although a low proportion of strepr progeny plants inherit a transposed Ds, those that do can be efficiently selected with an antibiotic resistance gene contained within the element. Our data have important implications for transposon tagging strategies in transgenic plants and these are discussed.  相似文献   

Several aspects of transposition of an in vitro modified Ds element are described. This Ds element, designated ds-r, is equipped with bacterial plasmid sequences and can, therefore, be rescued from the plant genome. Our results indicate that the Ds-r element has a late timing of transposition from T-DNAs. This feature of the element might be advantageous for tagging experiments because it leads to independently transposed germinally transmitted elements. Furthermore, it is shown that Ds-r transposition generates clusters of insertions, indicating that genes to be tagged should be located in genomic regions covered by insertions.  相似文献   

We describe the use of plasmid rescue to facilitate studies on the behaviour ofDs andAc elements in transgenic tomato plants. The rescue ofDs elements relies on the presence of a plasmid origin of replication and a marker gene selective inEscherichia coli within the element. The position within the genome of modifiedDs elements, rescued both before and after transposition, is assigned to the RFLP map of tomato. Alternatively to the rescue ofDs elements equipped with plasmid sequences,Ac elements are rescued by virtue of plasmid sequences flanking the element. In this way, the consequences of the presence of an (active)Ac element on the DNA structure at the original site can be studied in detail. Analysis of a library ofAc elements, rescued from the genome of a primary transformant, shows thatAc elements are, infrequently, involved in the formation of deletions. In one case the deletion refers to a 174 bp genomic DNA sequence immediately flankingAc. In another case, a 1878 bp internalAc sequence is deleted.  相似文献   

A gene detection strategy using two-component Ac/Ds construct, with the mobile Ds transposon, has been developed to better understand gene functions in crops. Currently, 115,000 Ds insertion lines have been generated through the Ac/Ds gene trap system in Korea using japonica rice Dongjin as donor. Four hundred and thirty-seven mutants from 12,162 Ds-tagged lines were catalogued, including physiological and agronomic traits. Different traits were identified with distinct characteristics in terms of tillers, panicles, leaves, flowers, seed, chlorophyll content, and height. Culm and panicle length, number of panicles, and days to flowering of the Dongjin Ds population revealed high standard deviations compared with the donor cultivar. An evaluation of the Ds distribution on the chromosome revealed that 74.5% of the Ds were reinserted into gene-rich regions, making this Ac/Ds-mediated gene trap system useful in helping to gain an understanding of the function of genes and thus improve the gene-tagging system in rice.  相似文献   

Wheat dwarf virus (WDV) is a monocot-infecting geminivirus that replicates in infected tissue as double-stranded DIMA. We evaluated whether the WDV vector system bearingDs could be used as an effective insertional mutagen in rice. Molecular data showed thatDs was excised from WDV vectors once the WDV-carryingDs (WDV::Ds) and the genomicAc vector were co-introduced into rice calli. Mature TO and T1 transgenic plants were analyzed for the distribution and inheritance ofDs inserts. Southern analysis indicated that theDs elements excised from WDV vectors were stably inserted into genomes. The number of transposedDs ranged from zero to three copies, among independent transformants. Meanwhile, untransposedDs (WDV::Ds) were present in multiple-copies in genomes. Southern analysis of the selfed progeny of T0 plants demonstrated that most WDV::Ds were co-segregated among siblings. This indicated that these elements were integrated into the same single loci. However, a fewDs were found to segregate independently from the majority ofDs. In this report, we discuss the efficiency of WDV vectors in generating multicopyDs in rice genomes.  相似文献   

For the development of an efficient transposon tagging strategy it is important to generate populations of plants containing unique independent transposon insertions that will mutate genes of interest. To develop such a transposon system in diploid potato the behavior of the autonomous maize transposable element Ac and the mobile Ds element was studied. A GBSS (Waxy) excision assay developed for Ac was used to monitor excision in somatic starch-forming tissue like tubers and pollen. Excision of Ac results in production of amylose starch that stains blue with iodine. The frequency and patterns of blue staining starch granules on tuber slices enabled the identification of transformants with different Ac activity. After excision the GBSS complementation was usually not complete, probably due to the segment of DNA flanking Ac that is left behind in the GBSS gene. Molecular and phenotypic analyses of 40 primary transformants classified into 4 phenotypic classes revealed reproducible patterns. A very high percentage (32.5%) of the primary transformants clearly showed early excision in the first transformed cell as displayed both by the analysis of the GBSS excision marker gene as well as DNA blot analyses. Genotypes useful for tagging strategies were used for crosses and the frequency of independent germinal transpositions was assessed. In crosses to Ds genotypes, excision of Ds was revealed that correlated to the activity of the Ac genotype. A line displaying Ac amplification to multiple copies conferred a high frequency of independent Ds transpositions. The genotypes described here are useful in somatic insertion mutagenesis aimed at the isolation of tagged mutations in diploid potato.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that a plasmid-borneDissociation (Ds) element can excise from extrachromosomal plasmid DNA and integrate into a plant genome in the presence of theActivator (Ac) transposase.Ds andAc-carrying plasmids were used to co-transformNicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts. Transgenic plants were regenerated and analyzed. Here we describe further characterization of the system and discuss its efficiency in terms of DNA transformation and transposon tagging.  相似文献   

We describe genetic screens, molecular methods and web resources newly available to utilize Dissociation (Ds) as an insertional mutagen in maize. Over 1700 Ds elements have been distributed throughout the maize genome to serve as donor elements for local or regional mutagenesis. Two genetic screens are described to identify Ds insertions in genes-of-interest (goi). In scheme I, Ds is used to generate insertion alleles when a recessive reference allele is available. A Ds insertion will enable the cloning of the target gene and can be used to create an allelic series. In scheme II, Ds insertions in a goi are identified using a PCR-based screen to identify the rare insertion alleles among a population of testcross progeny. We detail an inverse PCR protocol to rapidly amplify sequences flanking Ds insertion alleles and describe a high-throughput 96-well plate-based DNA extraction method for the recovery of high-quality genomic DNA from seedling tissues. We also describe several web-based tools for browsing, searching and accessing the genetic materials described. The development of these Ds insertion lines promises to greatly accelerate functional genomics studies in maize.  相似文献   

Potato is an autotetraploid crop plant that is not very amenable to the deployment of transposon tagging for gene cloning and gene identification. After diploidisation it is possible to get potato genotypes that grow well, but they are self-incompatible. This prevents the production of selfed progeny that are normally used in gene tagging approaches to select for parental lines with the target gene to be tagged in a homozygous stage. We describe here an alternative selection method for directed transposon tagging for a gene of interest in a heterozygous background. Diploid potato plants with a Ds transposon linked to the desired gene of interest (the Phytophthora infestans R1 resistance locus) in a heterozygous stage were used for the development of this directed transposon tagging strategy. After crossing to a diploid Ac transposon-containing genotype, 22 ’interesting’ seedlings (R1Ds/r–; Ac/–) were selected that showed active Ds transposition as displayed by DNA blot hybridisation, empty donor site PCR and sequencing. Protoplast isolation and the use of the hygromycin gene as a cell-specific selection marker of Ds excision enabled the direct selection of Ds excision sectors in these highly chimaeric seedlings. This somatic selection of Ds transpositions and the regeneration through protoplasts resulted in the development of a large population of almost 2000 hygromycin-resistant plants. Southern blot analysis confirmed the insertion of Ds at independent positions in the genome. Every selected plant displayed independent Ds excisions and re-insertions due to the expression of the Ac transposase throughout development. This population, which is developed from seedlings with the desired R1 gene in a heterozygous stage, is directly useful for searching for transposon-tagged R1 mutants. In general, this approach for selecting for somatic transpositions is particularly suitable for the molecular isolation of genes in a heterozygous crop like potato. Received: 29 November 1999 / Accepted: 30 December 1999  相似文献   

The targeted (or directed) tagging is a strategy aimed to mobilize a tranposon into a specific gene (target). Only a very few Arabidopsis genes have been tagged by this way, thus the efficiency of the strategy, as well as the diversity of the alleles obtained are not well documented. We have used a maize Ds element in a directed tagging of HY2. The starting Ds element, located 22kb proximal to HY2, has been remobilized in a cross with an Ac transposase source line. From the F2 progeny of 4800 F1 we phenotypically isolated seven hy2 mutants. Molecular analysis of these alleles revealed that two contained a Ds element in HY2 and were instable, three have a large deletion that partially or completely removed HY2, one has a footprint in a HY2 exon and one leaky allele consisted of a 22 kb inversion upstream the HY2 coding sequence. Thus, the transposon-based directed tagging strategy generates a wide diversity of tagged and non-tagged alleles that can be used to generate allelic series or deletion of clustered genes.  相似文献   

Summary A line of flax, homozygous for four genes controlling resistance to flax rust, was transformed with T-DNA vectors carrying the maize transposable elements Ac and Ds to assess whether transposition frequency would be high enough to allow transposon tagging of the resistance genes. Transposition was much less frequent in flax than in Solanaceous hosts such as tobacco, tomato and potato. Transposition frequency in callus tissue, but not in plants, was increased by modifications to the transposase gene of Ac. Transactivation of the excision of a Ds element was achieved by expressing a cDNA copy of the Ac transposase gene from the Agrobacterium T-DNA 2 promoter. Progeny of three plants transformed with Ac and 15 plants transformed with Ds and the transposase gene, were examined for transposition occurring in the absence of selection. Transposition was observed in the descendants of only one plant which contained at least nine copies of Ac. Newly transposed Ac elements were observed in 25–30% of the progeny of some members of this family and one active Ac element was located 28.8 (SE=6.3) map units from the L 6 rust-resistance gene. This family will be potentially useful in our resistance gene tagging program.  相似文献   

Effective transposon tagging with theAc/Ds system in heterologous plant species relies on the accomplishment of a potentially high transposon-induced mutation frequency. The primary parameters that determine the mutation frequency include the transposition frequency and the transposition distance. In addition, the development of a generally applicable transposon tagging strategy requires predictable transposition behaviour. We systematically analysedDs transposition frequencies andDs transposition distances in tobacco. An artificialDs element was engineered with reporter genes that allowed transposon excision and integration to be monitored visually. To analyse the variability ofDs transposition between different tobacco lines, eight single copy T-DNA transformants were selected. Fortrans-activation of theDs elements, differentAc lines were used carrying an unmodifiedAc + element, an immobilizedsAc element and a stableAc element under the control of a heterologous chalcone synthas (chsA) promoter. With allAc elements, eachDs line showed characteristic and heritable variegation patterns at the seedling level. SimilarDs line-specificity was observed for the frequency by whichDs transpositions were germinally transmitted, as well as for the distances of theDs transpositions. ThesAc element induced transposition ofDs late in plant development, resulting in low germinal transposition frequencies (0.37%) and high incidences of independent transposition (83%). The majority of theseDs elements (58%) transposed to genetically closed linked sites (10 cM).  相似文献   

Summary Modified Ac and Ds elements, in combination with dominant markers (to facilitate monitoring of excision, reinsertion and segregation of the elements) were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Landsberg erecta. The frequencies of somatic and germinal transactivation of the Ds elements were monitored using a streptomycin resistance assay. Transactivation was significantly higher from a stable Ac (sAc) carrying a 537 by deletion of the CpG-rich 5 untranslated leader of the transposase mRNA than from a wild-type sAc. However, substitution of the central 1.77 kb of the transposase open reading frame (ORF) with a hygromycin resistance marker did not alter the excision frequency of a Ds element. -Glucuronidase (GUS) or iaaH markers were linked to the transposase source to allow the identification of plants in which the transposase source had segregated away from the transposed Ds element, eliminating the possibility of somatic or germinal re-activation. Segregation of the excision marker, Ds and sAc was monitored in the progeny of plants showing germinal excision of Ds. 29% of the plants inheriting the excision marker carried a transposed Ds element.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the unstable Ds-induced sh-m5933 allele of the maize sucrose synthase gene was analysed and a double Ds structure found in opposite orientation on both sides of a 30 kb insert interrupting the sucrose synthase gene. The double Ds structures bordering the insert are identical over a distance of approximately 3 kb. These double Ds structures and the DNA segments beyond them are in opposite orientation and identical over a distance of approx. 5.3 kb. A hypothesis for how such a symmetrical structure could be formed is proposed. When one complete Ds element was excised from one of the double Ds structures a half Ds element was left behind. This half Ds element was found in one revertant strain which displayed an altered pattern of chromosome breakage compared to revertant strains which had not undergone Ds excision. Nine new maize strains which showed a similarly altered chromosome breakage pattern were isolated. In all nine cases we observed an indistinguishable deletion in the genomic DNA. These excisions are likely to be the result of similar excision events to that described above. We conclude that double Ds structures are responsible for Ds-induced chromosome breakage.  相似文献   

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