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Testicular interstitial cells of the house musk shrew culture in vitro released testosterone in response to ovine LH with a quite similar dose response relationship to that found in the cells of rats. The dose response curves suggested that a single testicular cell of the shrew has the same potency to secrete testosterone as that of the rat. In the shrew as well as in the rat, neither ovine PRL added alone nor together with oLH could stimulate the testosterone release from testicular cells, although a very limited enhancement of testosterone secretion was observed in the cell cultured with a large dose of oFSH in both species.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of lutein cells during pregnancy and the post partum period was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Lutein cells on day 13 of pregnancy contained an extensive system of anastomosing tubules or cisternae of smooth ER and many enlarged mitochondria with numerous tubulovesicular cristae. From day 13 on, the number of small granules, possibly lysosomes, increased gradually. Between day 20 and 25, the loss of smooth ER began and elongated, or flattened mitochondria increased. Regressing lutein cells observed after parturition were characterized by abundant large dense bodies, bizarre mitochondria and a decrease in the amount of smooth ER. Unusual forms of mitochondria were always observed after day 5 of pregnancy. Two types could be distinguished; one, found frequently in the second third of pregnancy, was ring-, disc-, cup-or dumb-bell-shaped with tubulovesicular cristae, and the other, found exclusively in the last third of pregnancy and after parturition, was elongated, flattened and sometimes twisted. The paucity of lipid droplets was a characteristic feature of the lutein cells of this species. The significance of these ultrastructural changes of cellular organelles is discussed in relation to the ovarian and plasma levels of progesterone.  相似文献   

Pancreatic polypeptide was isolated and sequenced from endocrine cells of the pancreas from an insectivore, the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. The primary sequence was APLEPAYPGD(10)NATPEQMAQY(20)AAELRKYINM(30)VTRPRYamide. This is the first polypeptide hormone to be characterised from this species and is typical of the primary sequences of pancreatic polypeptide of other animals, being a C-terminal-amidated peptide with 36 residues. Comparison with several vertebrate sequences shows that it has more in common with the human form than do the forms from common laboratory animals such as rabbits, rats, mice and guinea-pigs.  相似文献   

Diurnal fluctuations of heart rate (HR), body temperature (BT) and locomotor activity (LA) in the unanaesthetized and unrestrained house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) were studied using a telemetry system. Six adult male shrews (Jic:SUN) weighing 60-70 g were used in the present study. They were housed under conditions of 24 C and a 12/12-hr light-dark cycle. HR, BT and LA were recorded over 10 days, following the post-implantation period (10 days or more) of the telemetric transmitter. A clear nocturnal rhythm of LA was shown, while intermittent and short-term LA were shown during the light period. The mean HR was 323.5 +/- 8.8 bpm in the light period and 354.3 +/- 5.2 bpm in the dark period, and the fluctuation of HR showed a nocturnal pattern. A nocturnal pattern was also observed in BT fluctuation, and all animals lowered their body temperature from 35-37 C to approximately 30 C or below, mostly during the light period. The fall of body temperature progressed over 2-3 hr, and then rose to the baseline temperature rapidly within approximately 30 min. While the body temperature fell, HR markedly decreased to approximately 100 bpm. These results suggest that the shrew has unique physiological properties in maintaining metabolic balance which are anticipated to be caused by the dramatic alteration of the autonomic nervous function.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus (Family Soricidae, Order Insectivora) was studied immunohistochemically. The hormones investigated were gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), somatostatin, secretin, glucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), motilin and neurotensin. In the gastric mucosa, gastrin and somatostatin cells were only found in the pyloric regions, and no other hormonal cell-types were observed. In the intestinal mucosa, the largest number of endocrine cells belonged to the gastrin and glucagon/glicentin cell-types, whereas CCK-33/39 and secretin cells were the least numerous. Numbers of other cell-types were intermediate between these two groups. The gastrin and GIP cells were mostly localized in the proximal portion of the intestine, decreasing in number towards the distal portion. The motilin and CCK-33/39 cells were restricted to the proximal half. The glucagon/glicentin and neurotensin cells were most abundant in the middle portion. The somatostatin and secretin cells, although only present in small numbers, were randomly distributed throughout the intestine. This characteristic distribution of gastrointestinal endocrine cells is discussed in comparison with the distribution patterns of other mammals.Dr. Munemitsu Hoshino, who was Professor of the Department of Pathology and directed this study, passed away on May 23rd 1988  相似文献   

The method of Israel and Weller (Estimation of candidate gene effects in dairy cattle populations. Journal of Dairy Science 1998, 81, 1653-1662) to estimate quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects when only a small fraction of the population was genotyped was investigated by simulation. The QTL effect was underestimated in all cases, but bias was greater for extreme allelic frequencies, and increased with the number of generations included in the simulations. Apparently, as the fraction of animals with inferred genotypes increases, the genotype probabilities tend to 'mimic' the effect of relationships. Unbiased estimates of QTL effects were derived by a modified 'cow model' without the inclusion of the relationship matrix on simulated data, even though only a small fraction of the population was genotyped. This method yielded empirically unbiased estimates for the effects of the genes DGAT1 and ABCG2 on milk production traits in the Israeli Holstein population. Based on these results, an efficient algorithm for marker-assisted selection in dairy cattle was proposed. Quantitative trait loci effects are estimated and subtracted from the cows' records. Genetic evaluations are then computed for the adjusted records. Animals are then selected based on the sum of their polygenic genetic evaluations and QTL effects. This scheme differs from a traditional dairy cattle breeding scheme in that all bull calves were considered candidates for selection. At year 10, total genetic gain was 20% greater by the proposed algorithm as compared to the selection based on a standard animal model for a locus with a substitution effect of 0.5 phenotypic standard deviations. The proposed method is easy to apply, and all required software are 'on the shelf.' It is only necessary to genotype breeding males, which are a very small fraction of the entire population. The method is flexible with respect to the model used for routine genetic evaluation. Any number of genetic markers can be easily incorporated into the algorithm, and the reduction in genetic gain due to incorrect QTL determination is minimal.  相似文献   

模式动物斑马鱼在神经系统疾病研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,斑马鱼作为一种新型模式动物被广泛地应用于发育学、遗传学、行为学和分子生物学等研究领域。其具有繁殖能力强、发育迅速且同步、体外受精和幼体透明等生物学和形态学特点,经广泛培养和筛选突变品种,目前斑马鱼品系资源丰富。与其他非脊椎模式动物相比,它与人类有更高的同源性。本文主要介绍斑马鱼作为一种理想的模式动物,结合其特殊的行为学检测手段和分子生物学特点,在研究神经系统疾病的发病机制、构建疾病模型和相应药物筛选等方面的应用。  相似文献   

Environmental processes govern demography, species movements, community turnover and diversification and yet in many respects these dynamics are still poorly understood at high latitudes. We investigate the combined effects of climate change and geography through time for a widespread Holarctic shrew, Sorex tundrensis. We include a comprehensive suite of closely related outgroup taxa and three independent loci to explore phylogeographic structure and historical demography. We then explore the implications of these findings for other members of boreal communities. The tundra shrew and its sister species, the Tien Shan shrew (Sorex asper), exhibit strong geographic population structure across Siberia and into Beringia illustrating local centres of endemism that correspond to Late Pleistocene refugia. Ecological niche predictions for both current and historical distributions indicate a model of persistence through time despite dramatic climate change. Species tree estimation under a coalescent process suggests that isolation between populations has been maintained across timeframes deeper than the periodicity of Pleistocene glacial cycling. That some species such as the tundra shrew have a history of persistence largely independent of changing climate, whereas other boreal species shifted their ranges in response to climate change, highlights the dynamic processes of community assembly at high latitudes.  相似文献   

[Purpose]Exercise is a fundamental way to maintain and improve health and physical fitness. Many human studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of exercise on various biological parameters. However, studies investigating the effects of exercise in dogs are limited. This review summarized the current data from studies that examined the effects of different exercise conditions (treadmill vs. non-treadmill and acute vs. chronic) on physiological and hematological parameters in dogs.[Methods]Papers addressing the effects of exercise in dogs published from January 2000 to October 2020 were retrieved from the online databases of Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed and were selected and reviewed.[Results]The exercise conditions differentially affected physiological and hematological responses and adaptation in dogs. Therefore, the development and comprehensive evaluation of scientific exercise programs for dogs are necessary.[Conclusion]The dog would be a valuable exercise science animal model, and studies aiming at the optimal health, well-being, and quality of life of dogs need to be conducted.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cholinesterase (ChE) activity produced by a single acute intraperitoneal administration of dimethoate was studied in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, and the common shrew, Sorex araneus, under laboratory conditions. ChE values from serum and whole blood were compared with those obtained from brain in order to obtain a non-destructive tool for predicting the severity of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, serum and brain inhibition following oral exposure to dimethoate was also measured in the wood mouse. Normal ChE activity was higher in the brain and whole blood of the shrews than in wood mice. There was no difference between species in serum ChE activity. Exposure to dimethoate caused a dose-dependent reduction in ChE activity and there was a significant recovery in activity with increasing time after administration. In both species, serum and whole blood were more sensitive than brain for revealing organophosphate-induced ChE inhibition and serum was more sensitive than whole blood. Statistically significant relationships were defined between whole blood and brain ChE activity and between serum and brain ChE activity. Compared with serum, whole blood ChE activity was the more accurate predictor of brain AChE levels. The relationships between brain and serum ChE activity did not appear to be affected by the route of administration of the pesticide.  相似文献   


Inhibition of cholinesterase (ChE) activity produced by a single acute intraperitoneal administration of dimethoate was studied in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, and the common shrew, Sorex araneus, under laboratory conditions. ChE values from serum and whole blood were compared with those obtained from brain in order to obtain a non-destructive tool for predicting the severity of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, serum and brain inhibition following oral exposure to dimethoate was also measured in the wood mouse. Normal ChE activity was higher in the brain and whole blood of the shrews than in wood mice. There was no difference between species in serum ChE activity. Exposure to dimethoate caused a dose-dependent reduction in ChE activity and there was a significant recovery in activity with increasing time after administration. In both species, serum and whole blood were more sensitive than brain for revealing organophosphate-induced ChE inhibition and serum was more sensitive than whole blood. Statistically significant relationships were defined between whole blood and brain ChE activity and between serum and brain ChE activity. Compared with serum, whole blood ChE activity was the more accurate predictor of brain AChE levels. The relationships between brain and serum ChE activity did not appear to be affected by the route of administration of the pesticide.  相似文献   

赵哲  白羽萍  胡兆民  陈建成  邓祥征 《生态学报》2018,38(22):7968-7978
选取内蒙古呼伦贝尔市作为研究区域,采用超效率DEA模型及Malmquist指数考查该地区草牧业生态效率的时空变化并对影响因素进行分析。结果表明:呼伦贝尔各旗县生态效率在2001年均处于较低水平; 2001—2015年间,整体呈上升趋势,但并无某一旗县具备明显优势,2015年,牙克石市(1.59)、海拉尔区(0.96)、莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗(0.90)生态效率较高,陈巴尔虎旗(0.57)、新巴尔虎右旗(0.67)生态效率较低,莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗上升幅度较大,由0.09上升至0.90; Malmquist指数及其分解结果显示,技术进步是提高生态效率的主要驱动因素,也是目前制约当地草牧业发展的重要原因; Tobit模型结果显示,气候变化、要素投入以及政策实施均会对当地生态效率产生较大影响。因此,一方面要加强科技投入,提升产业科技化水平,另一方面,要加大草原地区生态保护力度,划定生态保护红线,完善草原补偿制度,同时兼顾草地生产功能,实现草原地区可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat is hyperreactive to stress and exhibits depressive-like behavior in several standard behavioral tests. Because patients with depressive disorders often exhibit disruptions in the circadian rhythm of activity, as well as altered secretory patterns of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid hormones, we tested the hypothesis that these phenomena occur in the WKY rat. Plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels remained significantly higher after the diurnal peak for several hours in WKY rats relative to Wistar rats. Also, plasma levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone were significantly higher in WKY relative to Wistar rats across the 24-h period, despite normal or slightly higher levels of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine. In addition, under constant darkness conditions, WKY rats exhibited a shorter free running period and a decreased response to a phase-delaying light pulse compared with Wistar rats. In several ways these results are similar to those seen in other animal models of depression as well as in depressed humans, suggesting that the WKY rat could be used to investigate the genetic basis for these abnormalities.  相似文献   

Background and objectiveTargeted lung denervation (TLD) is a pulmonary interventional procedure for COPD that aims to disrupt parasympathetic nerve input to the lung to reduce the clinical consequences of cholinergic hyperactivity. TLD has been proven to be a safe procedure and effectively alleviate symptoms and reduce the onset of exacerbation. In the present study, we developed a novel cryo-balloon TLD system and evaluated its feasibility, safety, and effectiveness.MethodsA preclinical study was performed on twelve sheep, four were tested for airway resistance alterations before and after TLD, two were tested for the Hering-Breuer reflex (HBR) and the remaining six sheep were evaluated for 28 days to assess the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.ResultsAfter an observation period of 28 days, significant disruption of vagal innervation to the lung could be validated by both histological and physiological assessments. The operation time was shorter than traditional procedure, with minimal adjacent tissue injury and no device-related adverse events.ConclusionsThe novel cryo-balloon TLD procedure was feasible, safe, and effective. In comparison with the traditional procedure, this treatment system required shorter operation time and caused less denervation-induced damage to adjacent tissues.  相似文献   

Stomodeal trophallaxis plays a major role in ant colony nutrition and communication. While the rate of food distribution at the individual level (worker to worker) is rapid, factors affecting the rate of food distribution at the colony level remain poorly understood. We used the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile (Say), as a model species to investigate the factors affecting the rate of spread of liquid carbohydrate food throughout a colony. To track the movement of the food we used protein marking and double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, DAS-ELISA. Increasing colony size while keeping the number of donor workers constant significantly decreased the number of individuals testing positive for the marker. After 8 h of trophallactic interactions with ten donors, 92 ± 5% of recipient workers tested positive in a colony of 125 and 38 ± 5% tested positive in a colony of 1,000. Interestingly, as colony size increased and the percentage of workers testing positive decreased, the proportion of workers actually receiving food increased. Food originating from a single donor fed approximately 12 individuals in colonies comprised of 125 recipients and approximately 38 individuals in colonies comprised of 1,000 recipients. Thus, the per capita consumption of food decreased as colony size increased, most likely because the amount of food reaching the colony was limited. Increasing the number of donors while keeping colony size constant significantly increased the number of recipient ants testing positive for the marker. As the number of donor workers doubled, the percentage of recipients testing positive more than doubled suggesting that the number of individuals receiving food increases with increasing colony size, while the per capita amount of food decreases. When food was available ad libitum and in close proximity to the nest, numerous workers fed directly at the food source. This dramatically increased the rate and the extent of food distribution to both the workers and the queens and colony size had no significant effect on the spread of the marker in the workers or the queens. The rate and the extent of food distribution at the colony level may depend on a number of factors including the number of successful foragers, the size and density of the recipient colony, and the recipient caste.  相似文献   

Background The long‐term effect of a PVC pipe nest‐box on the reproductive efficiency and other life traits of an Aotus monkey‐breeding colony have not been characterized. Methods and Results We analyzed laboratory records of the Gorgas Memorial Institute (GMI) Aotus monkey colony in Panama for the period 1999–2010 and found a 273% increase in the annual mean life births in the following 7 years after the introduction of a PVC pipe nest‐box in 2002, as well as increases in the mean body mass and survival of laboratory‐bred monkeys. Other life traits such as inter‐birth interval, parity, birth sex distribution, mortality, and longevity were also determined. Conclusions The use of a PVC pipe nest‐box significantly improved the reproductive efficiency and other life traits of the GMI Aotus breeding colony.  相似文献   

We analyze a decoupled Moran model with haploid population size N, a biallelic locus under mutation and drift with scaled forward and backward mutation rates θ1=μ1N and θ0=μ0N, and directional selection with scaled strength γ=sN. With small scaled mutation rates θ0 and θ1, which is appropriate for single nucleotide polymorphism data in highly recombining regions, we derive a simple approximate equilibrium distribution for polymorphic alleles with a constant of proportionality. We also put forth an even simpler model, where all mutations originate from monomorphic states. Using this model we derive the sojourn times, conditional on the ancestral and fixed allele, and under equilibrium the distributions of fixed and polymorphic alleles and fixation rates. Furthermore, we also derive the distribution of small samples in the diffusion limit and provide convenient recurrence relations for calculating this distribution. This enables us to give formulas analogous to the Ewens-Watterson estimator of θ for biased mutation rates and selection. We apply this theory to a polymorphism dataset of fourfold degenerate sites in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

The effects of insoluble dietary fibre differing in lignin content on intestinal morphology and mRNA expression was tested in an animal model of 48 weaned piglets. Engaged fibre sources were wheat bran (rich in cellulose and hemicellulose) and pollen from Chinese Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) (rich in lignin), respectively. The fibre sources were added to a basal diet as follows: no addition (control), 3.0% wheat bran, 1.27% pine pollen, and 2.55% pine pollen. The 12 animals of each feeding group were fed four experimental diets ad libitum for 37 days and were then slaughtered for retrieving tissue samples from stomach, jejunum, ileum, colon and mesenterial lymph nodes. Both fibre sources increased villus height of mucosa in jejunum (+10% on average) and ileum (+16% on average). Results of mRNA expression rates of inflammatory, cell cycle and growth marker genes (NFκB, TNFα, TGFβ, Caspase3, CDK4, IGF1) were specific to fibre source and tissue: wheat bran induced an up-regulation of NFκB in stomach and jejunum, as well as TNFα and TGFβ, and Caspase3 in jejunum. Pine pollen induced down regulation of NFκB, TNFα, TGFβ, Caspase3, CDK4 and IGF1 in the colon as well as up-regulation of NFκB and TGFβ in mesenterial lymph nodes. Finally, an overall data comparison based on a hierarchical cluster analysis showed a close relation between gene regulation in different gut sections and organs, as well as between small intestine morphology and zootechnical performance.  相似文献   

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