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Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in western populations, and despite its high mortality, its etiology remains unknown. Inflammatory processes are related to the etiology of various types of tumors, and prostate inflammation, in particular, has been associated with prostate cancer carcinogenesis and progression. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with benign and malignant lesions in the anogenital tract of both females and males. The possible role of HPV in prostate carcinogenesis is a subject of great controversy. In this study, we aimed to examine the prevalence of HPV infections in prostate carcinomas of patients from northeastern Brazil. This study included 104 tissue samples from primary prostate carcinoma cases. HPV DNA was purified and then amplified using MY09/11 and GP5+/GP6+ degenerate primer sets that detect a wide range of HPV types, and with specific PCR primers sets for E6 and E7 HPV regions to detect HPV 16. None of the samples showed amplification products of HPV DNA for primer sets MY09/11 and GP5+/GP6+, or the specific primer set for the E6 and E7 HPV regions. HPV infection, thus, does not seem to be one of the causes of prostate cancer in the population studied.  相似文献   

李刚  何丽  唐旭东 《生命科学》2011,(3):261-266
近年越来越多的研究发现肺癌组织中有人乳头状瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)DNA和癌蛋白的检出,其检出率具有地域差异性,但不同地方HPV检出亚型具有高度的一致性,主要是高危型HPV-16和HPV-18。HPV可能主要通过血液循环从宫颈癌病灶等原发部位转移到肺,从而可能诱发肺癌的发生。HPV诱发肺癌的机制可能与影响p53的失活及端粒酶的激活等有关。  相似文献   

高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)可能引发多种癌症,公认的如宫颈癌和宫颈上皮内瘤变.近年来的研究表明,HPV还与头颈部鳞癌、食管癌及乳房癌等的发生密切相关.HPV引起头颈部鳞癌的机制在某种程度上与宫颈癌相似,但又有所不同.因此,阐明HPV的致癌机制对于HPV相关肿瘤的治疗具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Between 2003 and 2005, a survey was conducted throughout the grape‐growing regions of Bulgaria to identify possible infection with grapevine yellows diseases, especially Flavescence dorée (FD). The samples were checked for phytoplasmas and viruses inducing similar symptoms in the Central Laboratory for Plant Quarantine. To confirm stolbur phytoplasma infection of grapevine, a multiplex nested‐PCR assay for direct detection of FD and stolbur phytoplasmas was used. Infection of grapevine with phytoplasma was detected. The disease is very common disease in Bulgaria on tomatoes, potatoes and other crops. Monitoring is being continued. This is the first report of phytoplasma‐infected grapevine in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study used community-based cervical cancer screening for high-risk human-papillomavirus (HPV) to determine demographic and lifestyle factors associated with HPV prevalence and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+).MethodsWomen (n = 838) aged 25–65 years were recruited in two sequential studies in Cameroon. Demographic and historical data were obtained from participants and specimens were self-collected for HPV-testing using real-time PCR. HPV-positive women underwent biopsy and endocervical curettage. Associations were determined using bivariate analysis and logistic regression.ResultsHPV and self-reported HIV prevalence were 39.0% and 9.2%, respectively. Eighteen (9.3%) CIN2+ lesions were found among HPV-positive women. Housewives had a higher risk of being HPV infected (OR = 1.60, p = 0.010). HIV co-infection (aOR = 3.44, p < 0.001) and hormonal contraception (aOR = 1.97, p = 0.007) were associated with increased HPV prevalence. HPV-positive women who used condoms during sexual intercourse were at lower risk of CIN2+ (aOR = 0.15, p = 0.029). CIN2–3 lesions were found in women younger than 50 years, with a median age of 36 years (31–44). HPV-16/18-positive women had a 4.65-fold increased risk of CIN2+ (p = 0.015).ConclusionsYoung, single women and housewives were at higher risk of HPV infection. Preventive strategies for cervical cancer in low-resource settings should target women aged 30–50 years for HPV screening, and should focus treatment and follow-up on HPV-16/18-positive women. Further studies are needed to clarify if other risk factors require attention.  相似文献   

Background: No accurate estimates of cervical cancer incidence or mortality currently exist in Georgia. Nor are there any data on the population-based prevalence of high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which, in the absence of good-quality screening, is known to correlate with cervical cancer incidence. Methods: We obtained cervical cell specimens from 1309 women aged 18–59 years from the general population of Tbilisi, and also from 91 locally diagnosed invasive cervical cancers (ICC). DNA of 44 HPV types was tested for using a GP5+/6+-based PCR assay. Results: In the general population (of whom 2% reported a previous Pap smear) HPV prevalence was 13.5% (95% CI: 11.6–15.9), being highest in women aged 25–34 years (18.7%) and falling to between 8.6% and 9.5% for all age groups above 34 years. HR HPV prevalence was 8.6% overall, being 6.8% and 38.9% among women with normal and abnormal cytology, respectively. HPV45 (1.6%) was the most common type in women with normal cytology, whereas HPV16 predominated among women with cervical abnormalities (including 7 of 10 histologically confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2/3) and among ICC (57.6%). The next most common types in ICC in Georgia were HPV45 and 18 (13.2 and 11.0%, respectively). Conclusions: We report a relatively high burden of HPV infection in Tbilisi, Georgia. Improving cervical cancer prevention, through screening and/or HPV vaccination, is an important public health issue in Georgia, where 70% of ICC are theoretically preventable by HPV16/18 vaccines.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in India.Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the causative agent of cervical cancer; and infection with the high-risk genotypes, predominantly HPV16 and 18,is the biggest risk factor.Vaccines targeting HPV16 and 18 have been found to confer protection in large- scale clinical trials.HPV genotyping has traditionally been carried out to screen the population "at risk" using indirect methods based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using consensus primers combined with various DNA hybridization techniques,and often followed by the sequencing of candidate products.Recently,a high-throughput and direct method based on DNA sequencing has been described for HPV genotyping using multiplex pyrosequencing. We present a pilot study on HPV genotyping of cervical cancer and non-malignant cervical samples using multiplex pyrosequencing.Using genomic DNA from cell lines,cervical biopsies,surgical tissues or formalin-fixed,paraffin- embedded tissue samples,we could successfully resolve 6 different HPV types out of the 7 tested,with their prevalence found to be in agreement with earlier reports. We also resolved coinfections with two different HPV types in several samples. An HPV16 genotype with a specific and recurrent sequence variation was observed in 8 cancer samples and one non-malignant sample. We find this technique eminently suited for high-throughput applications,which can be easily extended to large sample cohorts to determine a robust benchmark for HPV genotypes prevalent in India.  相似文献   

This paper describes a tissue culture and exfoliative cell culture system that enables one to (1) evaluate the adequacy of primary lung carcinoma cultures for cytogenetic analysis, and (2) predict the likelihood of viable cells and type of differentiation present in the primary lung tumor cultures used for cytogenetics. Primary lung carcinomas were established from explant outgrowths and maintained in serum supplemented or serum free media on plastic or basement membrane associated protein coated dishes in order to obtain cells for karyotypic analysis (Miura et al., 1990). The media from these cultures that would ordinarily have been discarded was aspirated at each media change and used to prepare cytocentrifuge cytology preparations. Papanicolaou stained cells from the preparations were evaluated by cytotechnologists in order to assess (1) the cellularity and presence of cancer cells in the sample, (2) differentiation of the malignant cells, and (3) adequacy for chromosomal studies. We determined that cytology preparations of cell and explant outgrowth cultures from primary lung tumors are a reliable method for screening and evaluating the suitability of primary lung carcinoma cultures for cytogenetic analysis.Supported in part by an NCI grant CA-45745 (JRT). JRT is a Scholar of the Leukemia Society of America.  相似文献   

Recent bio-demographic change in Bulgaria is analysed in conjunction with socio-economic trends. The exceptionally serious problem of the "ageing population" is outlined, and its main socio-economic consequences are discussed. The main reason for the population aging is the low fertility rate and the large number of emigrants, especially during the last decade. For the population in Bulgaria to grow at all, policies need to be adopted to increase the fertility rate, lower the emigration rate, and provide incentives for those who have already left the country to return. Furthermore, social policies are needed to support the family, in order to encourage fertility and improve the social and health status of population. The socio-economic crisis that began in the 1990s must be overcome before the standard of living can increase.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)感染是全球最常见的性传播感染之一。根据致癌潜力,该病毒被分为高危型和低危型两种。HPV16和18是最常见的高危型,也是引起宫颈癌(uterus cervical carcinoma, UCC)的病原体。近来报道的头颈部鳞状细胞癌(head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,HNSCC),包括鼻咽癌、口咽癌、喉癌,尤其是口咽部的扁桃体鳞状细胞癌的发生也与高危型HPV有一定的关联。由HPV引起的癌症尚无特殊的治疗方法,青春期男、女孩可接种HPV疫苗以预防相关的肿瘤发生。  相似文献   

A prospective study of human papillomavirus infection of the cervix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a prospective study 42 women, diagnosed as having low grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), made a total of 281 clinic visits over a 45 month period. At each visit, they were subjected to cytological and colposcopical examination and samples were taken for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA hybridization studies and for the detection of non-HPV infections. HPV types 16 and/or 18 were found in 25% of all the samples tested and these virus types were detected in five of six (83%) women whose lesions progressed compared to seven of 14 (50%) of those whose lesions regressed. The presence of HPV DNA was not a good prognostic indicator of progression since half of those whose disease regressed also harboured these viruses at some time. The recording of non-HPV infections almost 10 times more often in the women whose disease regressed than in those whose disease progressed could probably be accounted for by the former having a larger number of follow-up visits. Nevertheless, the significance of non-HPV infections also remains unclear.  相似文献   

苟甜甜  朱静 《微生物学通报》2020,47(11):3614-3621
【背景】人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)感染与宫颈癌及癌前病变的发生密切相关,HPV疫苗是预防感染的重要手段,但HPV亚型分布具有明显的区域差异。【目的】了解川西高原地区妇女宫颈HPV感染现状,探讨其与阴道微环境改变之间的关系,为该人群HPV疫苗使用和宫颈癌预防工作提供指导。【方法】选取2017年11月至2019年5月在成都三六三医院体检和就诊的3 816例川西高原地区妇女,进行HPV基因分型、薄层液基细胞学检测(thinprep cytologic test,TCT)和阴道微环境检查,分析HPV感染率和基因型分布,并探讨高危型HPV (high risk HPV,hrHPV)感染与阴道微环境改变之间的关系。【结果】3 816例妇女的HPV总感染率为19.81%(756/3 816),hrHPV感染率为16.48%(629/3 816),HPV52在hrHPV感染中占比最高,达17.20%(135/785),后面依次为HPV58 (92/11.72%)、HPV16 (89/11.34%)、HPV53 (88/11.21%)、HPV18 (55/7.01%...  相似文献   

Women infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) are at a higher risk of developing cervical lesions. In the current study, self and clinician-collected vaginal and cervical samples from women were processed to detect HPV DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with PGMY09/11 primers. HPV genotypes were determined using type-specific PCR. HPV DNA detection showed good concordance between self and clinician-collected samples (84.6%; kappa = 0.72). HPV infection was found in 30% women and genotyping was more concordant among high-risk HPV (HR-HPV) than low-risk HPV (HR-HPV). HPV16 was the most frequently detected among the HR-HPV types. LR-HPV was detected at a higher frequency in self-collected; however, HR-HPV types were more frequently identified in clinician-collected samples than in self-collected samples. HPV infections of multiple types were detected in 20.5% of clinician-collected samples and 15.5% of self-collected samples. In this study, we demonstrated that the HPV DNA detection rate in self-collected samples has good agreement with that of clinician-collected samples. Self-collected sampling, as a primary prevention strategy in countries with few resources, could be effective for identifying cases of HR-HPV, being more acceptable. The use of this method would enhance the coverage of screening programs for cervical cancer.  相似文献   


A review of the literature indicated that about 100 pairs of Egyptian Vultures, less than five pairs each of Griffon Vultures and Black Vultures and no more Lammergeiers breed in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

The paper reveals the changing pattern of Bulgarian Radiotherapy (RT) care after the successful implementation of 15 projects for 100 million euro under the European Regional Development Fund in Operational Programme for Regional Development 2007–2013.The project enables a total one-step modernization of 14 Bulgarian RT Centres and creation of a new one. At the end of the Programme (mid 2015), 16 new Linacs and 2 modern cobalt machines will be available together with 11 virtual CT simulators, 5 CT simulators, 1 MRI and 1 PET CT for RT planning and all dosimetry facilities needed. Such a modernization has moved Bulgarian RT forward, with 2.7 MV units per one million of population (MV/mln.inh) in comparison with 0.9 MV/mln.inh in 2012. Guild of Bulgarian Radiotherapists includes 70 doctors, 46 physicists and 10 engineers, together with 118 RTTs and 114 nurses and they all have treated 16,447 patients in 2013. Major problems are inadequate reimbursement from the monopolistic Health Insurance Fund (900 euro for 3D conformal RT and 1500 euro for IMRT); fragmentation of RT care with 1–2 MV units per Centre; no payment for patient travel expenses; need for quick and profound education of 26% of doctors and 46% of physicists without RT license, along with continuous education for all others; and resource for 5000–9000 more patients to be treated yearly by RT in order to reach 45–50% from current service of 32%. After 15 years of struggle of RT experts, finally the pattern of Bulgarian RT care at 2014–2015 is approaching the level of modern European RT.  相似文献   

Investigations on the species composition and host range of aphids on ornamental greenhouse plants in Bulgaria was conducted over a period of five years, from 2008 to 2012. Twenty greenhouses, growing ornamentals for landscaping, plant collections and other purposes were observed. They were located in the regions of Sofia, Plovdiv, Smolyan, Pavlikeni, Varna and Burgas. The total number of collected aphid samples was 279. Their composition included 33 aphid species and one subspecies from 13 genera and 5 subfamilies. Twenty-eight species were found to belong to subfamily Aphidinae. Almost 70 % of all recorded species were polyphagous. The most widespread aphid species was Myzus persicae, detected in 13 greenhouses all year round, followed by Aulacorthum solani (10 greenhouses) and Aphis gossypii (9 greenhouses). The widest host range was shown by Myzus persicae (43 hosts), Aulacorthum solani (32 hosts) and Aulacorthum circumflexum (23 hosts).The list of host plants includes 114 species from 95 genera and 58 families. The greatest variety of aphid species was detected on Hibiscus (9 species). Out of all aphid samples 12.9 % were collected on Hibiscus and 6.8 %, on Dendranthema. The greatest variety of aphid species was detected on Hibiscus (9 species).Periphyllus californiensis and Aphis (Aphis) fabae mordvilkoi are reported for the first time for Bulgaria. Furthermore, Aphis spiraecola has been found in new localities and has widened its host range in this country.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒感染是宫颈癌发生的重要始动原因,从HPV感染到宫颈癌发生,需要许多共刺激因子的参与。这些共刺激因子均可引起宫颈局部一氧化氮浓度的增高。而一氧化氮既可影响HPV的转录和翻译,又在肿瘤发生过程中具有重要调节作用。深入研究一氧化氮、人乳头瘤病毒感染及宫颈癌之间的关系,可为宫颈癌的防治提供新的重要理论基础和药物研制实验平台,通过使用一氧化氮合酶抑制剂降低宫颈局部NO浓度将为全面有效防治宫颈癌带来新的希望。  相似文献   

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