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According to mechanobiologic theories, persistent intermittent mechanical stimulation is required to maintain differentiated cartilage. In a rat model for bone repair, we studied the fate of mechanically induced cartilage after unloading. In three groups of rats, regenerating mesenchymal tissue was submitted to different loading conditions in bone chambers. Two groups were immediately killed after loading periods of 3 or 6 weeks (the 3-group and the 6-group). The third group was loaded for 3 weeks and then kept unloaded for another 3 weeks (the (3 + 3)-group). Cartilage was found in all loaded groups. Without loading, cartilage does not appear in this model. In the 3-group there was no clear ongoing endochondral ossification, the 6-group showed ossification in 2 out of 5 cartilage containing specimens, and in the (3 + 3)-group all cartilage was undergoing ossification. These results suggest a tendency of the cartilage to be maintained also under unloaded conditions until it is reached by bone that can replace it through endochondral ossification.Additional measurements showed less amount of new bone in the loaded specimens. In most of the loaded specimens in the 3-group, necrotic bone fragments were seen embedded in the fibrous tissue layer close to the loading piston, indicating that bone tissue had been resorbed due to the hydrostatic compressive load. In some specimens, a continuous cartilage layer covered the end of the specimen and seemed to protect the underlying bone from pressure-induced resorption. We suggest that one of the functions of the cartilage forming in the compressive loaded parts of a bone callus is to protect the surrounding bone callus from pressure-induced fluid flow leading to resorption.  相似文献   

Bone has a capability to repair itself when it is fractured. Repair involves the generation of intermediate tissues, such as fibrous connective tissue, cartilage and woven bone, before final bone healing can occur. The intermediate tissues serve to stabilise the mechanical environment and provide a scaffold for differentiation of new tissues. The repair process is fundamentally affected by mechanical loading and by the geometric configuration of the fracture fragments. Biomechanical analyses of fracture healing have previously computed the stress distribution within the callus and identified the components of the stress tensor favouring or inhibiting differentiation of particular tissue phenotypes. In this paper, a biphasic poroelastic finite element model of a fracture callus is used to simulate the time-course of tissue differentiation during fracture healing. The simulation begins with granulation tissue (post-inflammation phase) and finishes with bone resorption. The biomechanical regulatory model assumes that tissue differentiation is controlled by a combination of shear strain and fluid flow acting within the tissue. High shear strain and fluid flows are assumed to deform the precursor cells stimulating formation of fibrous connective tissue, lower levels stimulate formation of cartilage, and lower again allows ossification. This mechano-regulatory scheme was tested by simulating healing in fractures with different gap sizes and loading magnitudes. The appearance and disappearance of the various tissues found in a callus was similar to histological observation. The effect of gap size and loading magnitude on the rate of reduction of the interfragmentary strain was sufficiently close to confirm the hypothesis that tissue differentiation phenomena could be governed by the proposed mechano-regulation model.  相似文献   

Most long-bone fractures heal through indirect or secondary fracture healing, a complex process in which endochondral ossification is an essential part and bone is regenerated by tissue differentiation. This process is sensitive to the mechanical environment, and several authors have proposed mechano-regulation algorithms to describe it using strain, pore pressure and/or interstitial fluid velocity as biofeedback variables. The aim of this study was to compare various mechano-regulation algorithms' abilities to describe normal fracture healing in one computational model. Additionally, we hypothesized that tissue differentiation during normal fracture healing could be equally well regulated by the individual mechanical stimuli, e.g. deviatoric strain, pore pressure or fluid velocity. A biphasic finite element model of an ovine tibia with a 3mm fracture gap and callus was used to simulate the course of tissue differentiation during normal fracture healing. The load applied was regulated in a biofeedback loop, where the load magnitude was determined by the interfragmentary movement in the fracture gap. All the previously published mechano-regulation algorithms studied, simulated the course of normal fracture healing correctly. They predicted (1) intramembranous bone formation along the periosteum and callus tip, (2) endochondral ossification within the external callus and cortical gap, and (3) creeping substitution of bone towards the gap from the initial lateral osseous bridge. Some differences between the effects of the algorithms were seen, but they were not significant. None of the volumetric components, i.e. pore pressure or fluid velocity, alone were able to correctly predict spatial or temporal tissue distribution during fracture healing. However, simulation as a function of only deviatoric strain accurately predicted the course of normal fracture healing. This suggests that the deviatoric component may be the most significant mechanical parameter to guide tissue differentiation during indirect fracture healing.  相似文献   

Mechanical stimulation, in the form of fluid perfusion or mechanical strain, enhances osteogenic differentiation and overall bone tissue formation by mesenchymal stems cells cultured in biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. In silico techniques can be used to predict the mechanical environment within biomaterial scaffolds, and also the relationship between bone tissue regeneration and mechanical stimulation, and thereby inform conditions for bone tissue engineering experiments. In this study, we investigated bone tissue regeneration in an idealised hydrogel scaffold using a mechano-regulation model capable of predicting tissue differentiation, and specifically compared five loading cases, based on known experimental bioreactor regimes. These models predicted that low levels of mechanical loading, i.e. compression (0.5% strain), pore pressure of 10 kPa and a combination of compression (0.5%) and pore pressure (10 kPa), could induce more osteogenic differentiation and lead to the formation of a higher bone tissue fraction. In contrast greater volumes of cartilage and fibrous tissue fractions were predicted under higher levels of mechanical loading (i.e. compression strain of 5.0% and pore pressure of 100 kPa). The findings in this study may provide important information regarding the appropriate mechanical stimulation for in vitro bone tissue engineering experiments.  相似文献   

By using a lanthanum-staining technique which enhances the visualization of the plasma membrane and its derivatives we have studied the formation of the T system in rat muscle cells differentiating in vitro. We have found that: (1) T-system formation normally occurs after myoblast fusion and is especially extensive in mature myotubes; myoblasts grown in calcium-deficient medium to prevent fusion show increased number of sarcolemmal caveolae but rare, short T tubules. (2) T-system formation in vitro differs from that displayed by rat muscle cells in vivo in that it precedes and is independent of junctional SR differentiation; the uncoordinated development of T tubules and junctional SR in vitro leads to the formation of ‘inverted’ triads and labyrinthine T-system networks. (3) Coated vesicles are frequently found either free in the cytoplasm or associated with growing T tubules in rat muscle cells differentiating in vitro. A role of coated vesicles in T-system formation is proposed.  相似文献   



During vertebrate embryogenesis the initial stages of bone formation by endochondral ossification involve the aggregation and proliferation of mesenchymal cells into condensations. Continued growth of the condensations and differentiation of the mesenchymal cells into chondrocytes results in the formation of cartilage templates, or anlagen, which prefigure the shape of the future bones. The chondrocytes in the anlagen further differentiate by undergoing a complex sequence of maturation and hypertrophy, and are eventually replaced by mineralized bone. Regulation of the onset of chondrogenesis is incompletely understood, and would be informed by comprehensive analyses of in vivo gene expression.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞的体外诱导分化模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胚胎干细胞是具有全能性及无限制的自我更新与分化能力的一类特殊的细胞群体 ,它能通过祖细胞为中介 ,分化为各种类型的体细胞 ,可重演体内干细胞的分化过程。自 80年代从小鼠囊胚的内细胞团分离到胚胎干细胞并建系到现在已建立了神经细胞、肌肉细胞、上皮细胞、造血细胞等体外分化体系。将胚胎干细胞体外分化成为可利用的分化模型 ,无论从组织结构、细胞及分子水平都体现了体内分化过程的体外重演 ,再加上胚胎干细胞系具有体系简单 ,影响因子少 ,可控制 ,便于研究等特点 ,因此可用于研究早期胚胎发育和细胞分化调控 ;可成为器官移植和修复…  相似文献   

Human adipose tissue is a viable source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with wide differentiation potential for musculoskeletal tissue engineering research. The stem cell population, termed processed lipoaspirate (PLA) cells, can be isolated from human lipoaspirates and expanded in vitro easily. This study was to determine molecular and cellular characterization of PLA cells during chondrogenic differentiation in vitro and cartilage formation in vivo . When cultured in vitro with chondrogenic medium as monolayers in high density, they could be induced toward the chondrogenic lineages. To determine their ability of cartilage formation in vivo , the induced cells in alginate gel were implanted in nude mice subcutaneously for up to 20 weeks. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the induced cells and retrieved specimens from nude mice at various intervals showed obviously cartilaginous phenotype with positive staining of specific extracellular matrix (ECM). Correlatively, results of RT-PCR and Western Blot confirmed the expression of characteristic molecules during chondrogenic differentiation namely collagen type II, SOX9, cartilage oligomeric protein (COMP) and the cartilage-specific proteoglycan aggrecan. Meanwhile, there was low level synthesis of collagen type X and decreasing production of collagen type I during induction in vitro and formation of cartilaginous tissue in vivo . These cells induced to form engineered cartilage can maintain the stable phenotype and indicate no sign of hypertrophy in 20 weeks in vivo , however, when they cultured as monolayers, they showed prehypertrophic alteration in late stage about 10 weeks after induction. Therefore, it is suggested that human adipose tissue may represent a novel plentiful source of multipotential stem cells capable of undergoing chondrogenesis and forming engineered cartilage.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan breakdown was studied in a coculture model which mimics the confrontation between synovium and cartilage that occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. Bovine nasal-septum cartilage discs radioactively labeled (35SO42? with or without [3H]glucosamine) and ‘chased’ in non-radioactive medium were cultured in contact with minced rheumatoid synovial membranes for intervals up to 8 days. Synovium-stimulated (2–3 fold) cartilage breakdown was unaffected by ascorbate supplementation. Labeled products (small molecules plus proteoglycan complexes) in culture media were characterized by chromatographic, sedimentation and enzymic digestion methods. Breakdown was dominated by the release of a range of proteoglycan products, fully disaggregated and incapable of reaggregation with added hyaluronate. Because constituent glycosaminoglycans were of uniform size, proteoglycan polydispersity was attributed to differences in core protein length. Hydrocortisone inhibited degradation and partially prevented the shift of proteoglycans to lower average molecular weight. An additional breakdown pattern occasionally noted during the initial 48 h of coculture was characterized by release of a subpopulation of low charge-density proteoglycan bearing shortened glycosaminoglycan chains, consistent with glycosidase action. We conclude that rheumatoid synovia exhibit two distinct cartilage degradative potencies in vitro that may be important in vivo: (a) A variable hyaluronidase-like activity at early culture times, and (b) a dominant proteolytic activity generating an array of disaggregated proteoglycann products that differ largely on the basis of their core lengths. The response to hydrocortisone is consistent with inhibition of proteolysis through the stabilization of cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of the developmental processes of the satellite cells and myosimplasts has been performed in embryonal histogenesis of the skeletal muscle tissue in 17 human fetuses 8-27 weeks of the intrauterine development. The sequence of death of some myoblasts in embryonal histogenesis is described in details. Basing on the data obtained, a conception on existance of muscular-proliferative units (MPU) in composition of the skeletal muscles is put forward. The amount of the MPU determines the whole number of muscle fibers in the muscle. The anlage of the MPU occurs as a result of divergent differentiation of the stem myogenic cells at early stages of myogenesis (myosimplasts and myotubes) from the cells commited to mutual fusion. The fund of these cells is determined by the number of myogenic elements that are at the state of the proliferative rest. One of the mechanisms regulating the number of the resting cells is the growth rate of the simplast lengthwise. The resting cells, appearing at late stages of myogenesis (of the muscle fibers), are the sources for development of the myosatellites in mature muscle fibers. In dying myotubes there is a sharp disturbance in growth processes lengthwise, in biosynthesis of contractile proteins, in correlation between the number of nuclei in the satellite cells and those of simplasts.  相似文献   

Within mammalian species, standard metabolic rate (SMR) increases disproportionately with body mass (Mb), such that the mass-specific SMR correlates negatively with Mb. This phenomenon can be explained in part by reduced cellular metabolic rates in larger species. To better understand the cause(s) of this cellular metabolic rate allometry we have used an ex vivo approach to isolate and identify potential contributors. Skeletal myoblasts from mammalian species ranging inMb from 30 g to over 300,000 g were isolated and differentiated into myotubes in vitro. Oxygen consumption rates, citrate synthase (CS) activity, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity were measured in myotubes under standardized conditions. No correlation of any of these parameters was observedwith speciesMb, suggesting that there is no genetic contribution to between-species differences in cellular metabolic rates. Myotubes were incubated in serum from species ranging from 30 g to 400,000 g to determine whether between-species differences in the levels of metabolically important hormones might produce allometric trends in the cultured cells. However, there was no observed effect of serum donor Mb on any of the metabolic characteristicsmeasured. Thus, there is no evidence for a relationship between skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism and Mb in an ex vivo model.  相似文献   

Park JW  Kim YJ  Jang JH  An CH 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(7):1473-1480
Bone formation induced by phosphoserine was investigated in vitro and in vivo using MC3T3-E1 cells and a rabbit calvarial osseous defect model. MC3T3-E1 cells supplemented by phosphoserine displayed two-fold higher alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralization nodule formation, and calvarial defects treated with phosphoserine showed statistically significant new bone formation compared with the control (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

A finite element method to simulate the formation of an interconnected trabectular bone microstructure oriented with respect to applied in vivo mechanical forces is introduced and quantitatively compared to experimental data from a hydraulic bone chamber implant model. Randomly located 45 microm mineralized nodules were used as the initial condition for the model simulations to represent an early stage of intramembranous bone formation. Boundary conditions were applied consistent with the mechanical environment provided by the in vivo bone chamber model. A two-dimensional repair simulation algorithim that incorporated strain energy density (SED), SED gradient, principal strain, or principal strain gradient as the local objective criterion was utilized to simulate the formation of an oriented trabecular bone microstructure. The simulation solutions were convergent, unique, and relatively insensitive to the assumed initial distribution of mineralized nodules. Model predictions of trabecular bone morphology and anisotropy were quantitatively compared to experimental results. All simulations produced structures that qualitatively resembled oriented trabecular bone. However only simulations utilizing a gradient objective criterion yielded results quantitatively similar to in vivo observations. This simulation approach coupled with an experimental model that delivers controlled in vivo mechanical stimuli can be utilized to study the relationship between physical factors and microstructural adaptation during bone repair.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells are a potential source of autologous cells for cell and tissue regenerative therapies. They have the ability to renew indefinitely while retaining the capacity to differentiate into all cell types in the body. With developments in cell therapy and tissue engineering these cells may provide an option for treating tissue loss in organs which do not repair themselves. Limitations to clinical translation of pluripotent stem cells include poor cell survival and low cell engraftment in vivo and the risk of teratoma formation when the cells do survive through implantation. In this study, implantation of human induced-pluripotent stem (hiPS) cells, suspended in Matrigel, into an in vivo vascularized tissue engineering chamber in nude rats resulted in substantial engraftment of the cells into the highly vascularized rat tissues formed within the chamber. Differentiation of cells in the chamber environment was shown by teratoma formation, with all three germ lineages evident within 4 weeks. The rate of teratoma formation was higher with partially differentiated hiPS cells (as embryoid bodies) compared to undifferentiated hiPS cells (100% versus 60%). In conclusion, the in vivo vascularized tissue engineering chamber supports the survival through implantation of human iPS cells and their differentiated progeny, as well as a novel platform for rapid teratoma assay screening for pluripotency.  相似文献   

Defining how mechanical cues regulate tissue differentiation during skeletal healing can benefit treatment of orthopaedic injuries and may also provide insight into the influence of the mechanical environment on skeletal development. Different global (i.e., organ-level) mechanical loads applied to bone fractures or osteotomies are known to result in different healing outcomes. However, the local stimuli that promote formation of different skeletal tissues have yet to be established. Finite element analyses can estimate local stresses and strains but require many assumptions regarding tissue material properties and boundary conditions. This study used an experimental approach to investigate relationships between the strains experienced by tissues in a mechanically stimulated osteotomy gap and the patterns of tissue differentiation that occur during healing. Strains induced by the applied, global mechanical loads were quantified on the mid-sagittal plane of the callus using digital image correlation. Strain fields were then compared to the distribution of tissue phenotypes, as quantified by histomorphometry, using logistic regression. Significant and consistent associations were found between the strains experienced by a region of the callus and the tissue type present in that region. Specifically, the probability of encountering cartilage increased, and that of encountering woven bone decreased, with increasing octahedral shear strain and, to a lesser extent, maximum principal strain. Volumetric strain was the least consistent predictor of tissue type, although towards the end of the four-week stimulation timecourse, cartilage was associated with increasingly negative volumetric strains. These results indicate that shear strain may be an important regulator of tissue fate during skeletal healing.  相似文献   

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