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《Free radical research》2013,47(1-3):29-38
Aqueous suspensions of diesel soot particles in combination with sulfite influence certain functions of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils in vitro. Chemiluminescence, generated after activation by opsonized zymosan as well as oxygen uptake were decreased, whereas phagocytosis was increased. An enhancement of degranulation could not be observed. The single substances show little or no effects on the above properties. The results indicate that combinations of air pollutants such as diesel soot and sulfite may modulate vital functions of activated leukocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

Luminol and lucigenin chemiluminescence (CL) responses produced by separated human blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmn) and monocytes (mono) have been studied following stimulation with the surface-receptor agonist fMLP (a synthetic chemotactic peptide) and the protein kinase C activator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Pmn produced two- to threefold the luminol CL and superoxide anion (O2) levels of mono; lucigenin CL was similar for both cell-types. The myeloperoxidase (MPO) inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHA) abrogated luminol but not lucigenin CL in both cell types, but did not further inhibit the already grossly subnormal luminol CL responses seen with MPO-deficient cells which produced normal lucigenin CL. SHA also profoundly inhibited the luminol CL response in a cell-free MPO–H2O2 system. Mono lucigenin CL does not appear to specifically measure O2 production. These data show that luminol CL provides a useful measure of pmn and also mono MPO activity. However, analysis of the effects of various reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavengers, assessed on phagocyte and cell-free CL systems (both MPO–H2O2 and superoxide generating) suggest that the luminol CL signal is not entirely dependent on MPO activity.  相似文献   

It is known that polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) emerge first in local inflammatory sites, and then they are followed and scavenged by macrophages. We focused on the effect of PMN on tumor necrosis factor (TNF) release activity of macrophages, which is viewed as a possible indicator of the status of macrophage activation. One day after macrophages were cultured with fresh, intact murine PMNs which were induced with sodium casein, the release of TNF triggered by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was augmented by low concentrations of PMNs, but suppressed by their high concentrations. When the PMN samples were fractionated into soluble and insoluble fractions, the augmenting and suppressing activity was partitioned; the relatively high concentrations of soluble fraction showed the suppressive effect whereas the insoluble fraction in lower concentrations showed augmentation. The suppressive activity was stable at 100 C, but the filtrates of the soluble fraction with membranes having cut-offs of 5,000 or 10,000 were not suppressive at all, suggesting the suppression is not due to low molecular compounds. It was also suggested that the suppressive effect for TNF release was not due to contaminating LPS or transforming growth factor-β. Inflammatory processes may thus be positively and negatively controlled by a quantitative factor of initial PMN populations by regulating the TNF release activity of the subsequent macrophages.  相似文献   

To clarify effects of pseudomonal leukocidin (42.5 kd) on chemiluminescence (CL) production of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs), rabbit PMNs were stimulated by zymosan or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) after pretreatment with the leukocidin, which by itself stimulated little chemiluminescence response. The extent of CL responses stimulated by zymosan or PMA was respectively 5.3- or 3.5-fold greater in leukocidin (1.5 μg/ml)-pretreated PMNs than in non-pretreated ones. The priming effect of the leukocidin was greater than that of G-CSF and related to some steps before NADPH oxidase activation. The increased CL productions might be related to tissue damages caused by pseudomonal infections in vivo.  相似文献   

The influence of peplomycin (PLM) on the respiratory burst of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) was investigated. Short-term (5 min) treatment of human PMN with 0.1μg/ml to 100μg/ml of PLM increased phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-and formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP)-induced luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. PMN, as well as alveolar macrophages from rabbits treated with 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg of peplomycin per day for 5 days, generated more superoxide (O2-) than the cells from untreated rabbits. In both PLM-treated and untreated PMN, chemiluminescence induced by FMLP and PMA was decreased to less than 50% of the control by staurosporine, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. However, the peak intensity in PLM-untrcated PMN was decreased to about 30% of the control by genislein, while this agent induced a slight decrease in peak intensity in the PLM-treated PMN. Inositol triphosphate and diacyl glycerol levels were not clearly increased by PLM, but an increase of intracellular Ca and a shift of protein kinase C (PKC) to the membrane occurred in PMN within 1 min after PLM treatment. Western blotting revealed that the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 115 kDa protein was upregulated by 5 to 50μg/ml of PLM. While, PLM suppressed SOD activity in alveolar macrophages and PMN. These results seem to indicate that PLM increases the respiratory burst of PMN and macrophages both by way of direct PKC activation and by the upregulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation. This increased reactive oxygen generation, together with the suppression of SOD activity seems to be tissue-impairing.  相似文献   

The polymorphonuclear leukocyte secretes both O2-and H2O2 when stimulated by various soluble or particulate stimuli. Since a rcaction involving iron, O2-, and H2O2 could generate the hydroxyl radical (HO.) there has been speculation that the HO-may participate in the bactericidal activity of the neutroph-il. A variety of water-soluble HO. scavengers have been used to test for the participation of HO. and the results imply that HO. might participate. However, other workers have not been able to detect the formation of significant amounts of HO-by the activated neutrophil. We have examined the effect of several commonly used HO. radical scavengers on the ability of the neutrophil to secrete O2-and H2O2. Several of these compounds actively inhibit secretion without affecting the viability of the neutrophil. After considering the various complications inherent in using water soluble radical scavengers, we suggest that they only be used with well defined experimental systems.  相似文献   

Summary Activation of polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes is known to generate oxygen free radicals (OFR). However the fate of activated PMN leukocytes is not known. We investigated the OFR producing (chemiluminescence) activity and the survival of the activated PMN leukocytes. The study was divided into two groups. Group I, In vivo study (n = 7): zymosan (8.4 mg/kg) was administered intravenously in the anesthetized dogs and the blood samples were collected before and after 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 min of zymosan administration. This group represents the in vivo pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes; Group II, In vitro study (n = 7): the blood were collected from dogs and further divided into two groups. Group A (n = 7): non-stimulated, without any added zymosan and group B (n = 7): zymosan was added to stimulate PMN leukocytes. Blood samples from group A and B were also collected at various time intervals similar to in vivo studies. Oxygen free radical producing activity of PMN leukocytes was monitored by measuring luminoldependent chemiluminescence (CL). Opsonized zymosan was used to activate PMN leukocytes. The studies in which the PMN leukocytes were stimulated in in vivo, both oxygen derived free radicals and superoxide dismutase (SOD) inhibitable oxygen free radical CL decreased significantly for 60 min and tended to reach thereafter to the pre-stimulated values. The resting chemiluminescence (chemiluminescence without zymosan stimulation in the assay medium) increased significantly for 15 min reaching to pre-stimulated values at 30 min and thereafter. In in vitro studies, oxygen derived free radicals CL of pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes (Group B) was depressed for the whole duration of investigation while SOD inhibitable CL was depressed for only 60 min. There was approximately a two-fold increase in the resting CL within 5 min of PMN leukocyte activation and it remained high for the whole duration of study. The chemiluminescence of non-stimulated PMN leukocytes in vitro (group A) remained practically normal throughout the period of observation. In in vivo studies, total white blood cells (WBC) and PMN leukocyte counts decreased initially and tended to approach towards pre-stimulated values at the end of the protocol. There were no changes in these counts in in vitro studies. These results indicate that the capacity to generate OFR is decreased in the in vivo and in vitro pre-stimulated PMN leukocytes. However this activity recovers with time. This study also suggests that the activated PMN leukocytes are not destroyed.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) isolated from the oral cavity of healthy human volunteers, spontaneously generated superoxide, nitric oxide (NO) and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) which exhibited strong luminol chemiluminescence (LCL). To understand the physiological roles of oral PMN (OPMN), biochemical properties of the cells were analyzed. Biochemical analysis revealed that OPMN were already primed under physiological conditions. Western blot analysis revealed that they strongly expressed the inducible type of NO synthase (NOS II) and exhibited the activity to catalyze tyrosine phosphoryla-tion of various proteins including a 115 kDa protein (cbl product). OPMN also generated H2O2 and OH by some superoxide dismutase (SOD)-sensitive mechanism and released myeloperoxidase (MPO). Kinetic analysis using specific inhibitors revealed that OCI generated by OPMN was predominantly responsible for the enhanced LCL. During the incubation under standard culture conditions, OPMN underwent apoptosis which proceeded more rapidly than that of the circulating PMN (CPMN). Immunochemical analysis revealed that expression of apoptosis-related gene products, such as Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and Bax, was below detectable levels with both cell types. However, caspase-3 but not caspase-1 was markedly activated in OPMN. These results indicate that the primed OPMN spontaneously generate ROS and play an important role in the defense mechanism in the oral cavity and that the generated ROS activate caspase-3 thereby inducing apoptosis of the cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood phagocytic cells (PMNLs) are activated by contact with opsonized particles. Metabolic activation of PMNLs is associated with a remarkable increase in the respiratory burst and generates high energy oxygen compounds which are responsible for the bactericidal activity of PMNLs and for their ability to produce luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL). The CL phenomenon is measured by an automated and computerized photoluminometer (Berthold LB950) in whole blood stimulated with opsonized zymosan. This whole blood method of CL measurement has been applied to the study of the phagocytic process and to the investigation of cellular and humoral abnormalities in several pathologies, indicating this assay as a simple, rapid and reliable test.  相似文献   

Properties, Functions, and Secretion of Human Myeloperoxidase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The heme-containing protein myeloperoxidase is released from stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes at sites of inflammation. It is involved in the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and tissue damage. The general properties and functional aspects of this enzyme are reviewed. Special attention is given to luminescence methods for investigating the release of myeloperoxidase from stimulated cells.  相似文献   

In the present work, we studied the role of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) in aged individuals and coronary heart disease (CHD)-bearing patients, two physiopathological processes associated with overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The effects of antioxidant supplementation on the functional activity of PMN from CHD patients were also determined. The function of PMNs was evaluated by measuring of phagocytosis, killing activity, and ROS production. Luminol amplified chemiluminescence (CL) was used to estimate ROS production by stimulated PMNs. Total cholesterol and the LDL-cholesterol fraction from CHD patients were found to be higher than those recommended, returning to normal levels after antioxidant therapy. PMN CL of CHD patients was found to be higher than the associated control groups. Antioxidant therapy administrated to CHD patients lead to an increase in the killing activity accompanied by a decrease in PMN CL of these subjects. The study also showed that killing activity of PMN from human subjects over 60 years was significantly lower than the activity measured in younger subjects. PMN CL produced after stimulation was found to be positively correlated with the increasing age of human subjects (r = .946, p < .01).  相似文献   

Binding of purified monoclonal antibody (moAB) IgM NMS-1 to suspended initially spherical living human PMNLs is not associated with the generation of chemiluminescence but was found to enhance the chemiluminescence response to the N-formyl chemotactic peptide FNLPNTL.

We investigated quantitatively the kinetics of oxygen metabolite generation by PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL ± moAB NMS-1 using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence as a very sensitive detection system. Chemiluminescence detection allowed the analysis of the time sequence of onset and development of reactive oxygen metabolites following stimulation of PMNLs by FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1. The increase of response of PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1 depended on the concentration of the antibody and the sequence of stimulus addition.

Stimulation of human PMNLs by 10nM FNLPNTL induced a rapid burst of chemiluminescence which peaked ∼5min after stimulus addition. The subsequent addition of moAB NMS-1 (≥2μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 37°C) to FNLPNTL-stimulated PMNLs—after the FNLPNTL-mediated response had already decayed (16-18 min) - without delay induced a second burst of oxygen metabolite generation. The magnitude of this second peak of activation was dose-dependent.

Treatment of PMNLs with moAB NMS-1 (≥ 1μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 3 min, 37°C)—prior to FNLPNTL (10nM) stimulation - increased rate and magnitude of the FNLPNTL-mediated response. This response is biphasic with the first peak at the FNLPNTL position and a second, higher peak ∼16 min after FNLPNTL addition. The magnitude of response was dose-dependent. The latency (lag time) of the respone was not changed compared to controls which received no moAB NMS-1 treatment.

The observed moAB NMS-1 dependent increase in FNLPNTL-mediated chemiluminescence is transient (5-60 min), persistent activation was not detected.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-6):359-368
Binding of purified monoclonal antibody (moAB) IgM NMS-1 to suspended initially spherical living human PMNLs is not associated with the generation of chemiluminescence but was found to enhance the chemiluminescence response to the N-formyl chemotactic peptide FNLPNTL.

We investigated quantitatively the kinetics of oxygen metabolite generation by PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL ± moAB NMS-1 using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence as a very sensitive detection system. Chemiluminescence detection allowed the analysis of the time sequence of onset and development of reactive oxygen metabolites following stimulation of PMNLs by FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1. The increase of response of PMNLs stimulated with FNLPNTL in the presence of moAB NMS-1 depended on the concentration of the antibody and the sequence of stimulus addition.

Stimulation of human PMNLs by 10nM FNLPNTL induced a rapid burst of chemiluminescence which peaked ~5min after stimulus addition. The subsequent addition of moAB NMS-1 (?2μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 37°C) to FNLPNTL-stimulated PMNLs—after the FNLPNTL-mediated response had already decayed (16-18 min) – without delay induced a second burst of oxygen metabolite generation. The magnitude of this second peak of activation was dose-dependent.

Treatment of PMNLs with moAB NMS-1 (? 1μg/ml DPBS(+)—0.1% HSA, 3 min, 37°C)—prior to FNLPNTL (10nM) stimulation – increased rate and magnitude of the FNLPNTL-mediated response. This response is biphasic with the first peak at the FNLPNTL position and a second, higher peak ~16 min after FNLPNTL addition. The magnitude of response was dose-dependent. The latency (lag time) of the respone was not changed compared to controls which received no moAB NMS-1 treatment.

The observed moAB NMS-1 dependent increase in FNLPNTL-mediated chemiluminescence is transient (5–60 min), persistent activation was not detected.  相似文献   

In a survey of a number of heavy metal ions for effects on the oxidative metabolism (respiratory burst) of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) we have found that mercury(II) and silver ions in micromolar concentration significantly increase the production of superoxide anions in cells, initiated by formyl-methionyl-leucylphenylalanine (fMLP). The stimulation of radical formation induced by a certain ion concentration varied considerably in cells isolated from different blood donors, from a moderate increase to a very large (up to 400% of control values). When the soluble stimulator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or the particulate stimulator Zymosan were used to initiate the cell respiratory burst, no additional stimulating effects by the metal ions on superoxide anion formation were observed. This fact might indicate that the effect of the metal ions on the fMLP-dependent initiation of cell activity is a mechanism coupled to the interaction between the chemotactic peptide and its corresponding receptor molecules on the cell surface.

By increasing the concentration of silver ions during pre-incubation of resting neutrophils, a spontaneous activation of the cells could be recorded at a concentration exceeding 5 μM. However, the silver ion concentration at which such spontaneous initiation of the respiratory burst occurred varied significantly between blood samples from different donors with a concentration range of 5 to 15 μM. This effect could not be shown for mercuric ions due to the toxicity of the metal above 5 μM. Blood samples from some donors contained neutrophils that could be activated by either mercuric- or silver ions at concentration as low at 1 μM.

The spontaneous activation of neutrophils with elevated concentrations of silver ions is kinetically similar to the PMA-induced. The onset of superoxide anion formation is preceeded by a lag period whose length varies in time with the concentration of agent applied to the cells. It is a known fact that once the neutrophils have been activated with fMLP it is not possible to reactivate the cells by a second supplementation of fMLP. However, after cessation of the fMLP-induced activation, addition of PMA or silver ions gives rise to renewed production of superoxide anions.

We propose two different mechanisms of action of silver ions on oxidative metabolism of neutrophils. At a low concentration the metal ions are thought to interact with an activating agent and a corresponding cell surface receptor molecule, while at elevated ion concentrations, we postulate an action like that of phorbol-esters on neutrophils, (i.e., an interaction between activating agent and the enzyme protein kinase C of the cells).  相似文献   

Zinc is a physiological constituent of many human enzymes and also involved in an optimal immune response. Zinc deficiency as well as excessive zinc supplementation lead to disturbed functions of immune cells. In this study with isolated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes the toxic oxygen species generated during the oxidative metabolism were enhanced in presence of zinc ions. However, when the generation of superoxide anion was measured alone it was decreased by zinc. The phagocytic capacity was diminished in presence of zinc ions, too. The release of lysosomal enzymes was not influenced (lysozyme) or weakly inhibited (β-glucuronidase). Our results may indicate an impairment of the microbicidal capacity due to the diminished phagocytosis, but a promotion of inflammatory reactions due to an increase of toxic oxygen species in the presence of zinc ions.  相似文献   

PMNL leukocytosis is a feature common to many types of infectious and inflammatory diseases. How PMNL are recruited to tissues is not yet clear although it is a question that has considerable clinical importance. We investigated the function of PMNL which migrated through an artificial barrier (Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, collagen and nylon cloth membrane) subjected to CT or choleragenoid treatment toward plain medium (the same RPMI in the upper and lower chamber) or medium containing chemotactic factor (fMLP or LPS or ZAS). CT treatment significantly (P<0.01) reduced the FcγR expression on the surface of PMNL. The PMNL functions, namely, migration, phagocytic activity and intracellular killing of staphylococci, also have been reduced significantly (P<0.01). FcγR expression and some functions of PMNL that migrate to chemoattractants were reduced, irrespective of the presence or absence of CT; however, the inhibitory effect of CT on PMNL function was observed only when PMNL migrate to the lower chamber without chemotactic factor. On the other hand choleragenoid treatment of CHO cells did not have any significant influence on PMNL function and FcγR expression. In conclusion, our experiments demonstrate that CT reduces EAFc rosetting and the FcγR-dependent phagocytic and bactericidal activity of bovine blood PMNL.  相似文献   

Na2SO3对热-DTT活化的游离CF1及类囊体膜上CF1-ATPase活力均有显著的促进作用,NaHCO3亦有明显的促进作用。Na2SO3和NaHCO3的促进作用与它们解除Mg2+的抑制作用有关。从NaHCO3和Na2SO3及它们与Mg2+之间的竞争性关系,表明三者是结合在酶的同一部位上。Na2SO3可明显降低热-DTT活化的游禹CF1-ATPase催化反应的活化能,这可能与促进产物ADP的释放有关。  相似文献   

Two strains of Legionella pneumophila of different virulence were examined for their influence on the metabolic oxidative activity of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The leukocytes exhibited decreased rates of oxygen consumption and diminished chemiluminescence activity following phagocytosis of a virulent strain of L. pneumophila serogroup 1. In contrast, phagocytosis of its multipassaged derivative rendered avirulent, was accompanied by increased rates of both oxygen consumption and chemiluminescence activity. Although no differences were observed in oxygen uptake induced by the virulent legionellae compared to leukocytes at rest, statistically significant differences were observed in the chemiluminescence responses. These observations were not unexpected, since the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assay, is more sensitive than the oxygen uptake assay. In spite of decreased metabolic activity of PMN in the presence of virulent legionellae, electron microscope studies showed higher numbers of intracellular L. pneumophila than the avirulent subtype. Thus, virulent and avirulent L. pneumophila can be differentiated on the basis of oxygen consumption and chemiluminescence assays.  相似文献   

The effects of Curcuma zedoaria, which is used as a condiment, in perfumery, and as a medicine, on immune response were investigated by measuring macrophage-stimulating activity in macrophages and RAW 264.7 cells. In this study, CZ-1 and CZ-1-III, the fractions partially purified from C. zedoaria, had a strong, dose-dependent lysosomal enzyme activity. It was suggested that active portions of CZ-1-III were polysaccharides rather than proteins. Phagocytic activity increased as a similar pattern in both the Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, time-dependently. It was demonstrated that CZ-1-III can augment the oxygen burst response but had an even higher activity in vivo than in vitro. Also a significant increase of H2O2, NO, and TNF-α production was observed. However, the production of TNF-α at the concentration of 1,000 μg/ml decreased. These data suggested that C. zedoaria had macrophage-stimulating activity and the possibility of being used as a biological response modifier.  相似文献   

Twelve different bacteria–yeast combinations were tested for determination of their ability to biodegrade diesel oil. The cell surface properties of the bacterial and yeast strains were correlated with the type of carbon source used in the experiments. The highest biodegradation of diesel oil after 7 days was obtained for the following combinations: Aeromonas hydrophila MR4–Yarrowia lipolytica EH 56 (87 %) and Xantomonas maltophila MRP7–Candida maltosa EH15 (90 %). Degradation performances of 10 of 12 combinations were enhanced by the presence of rhamnolipids. The highest increases were observed for A. hydrophila MR4–C. maltosa EH15 (from 34 to 67 %), A. hydrophila MR4–C. maltosa EH60 (from 47 to 76 %) and for Pseudomonas stutzeri MR7–C. maltosa EH60 (from 29 to 79 %). The addition of rhamnolipids to the system reduces the removal time of diesel oil from the contaminated water and changes the microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons. Modification of the cell surface of the tested strain during biodegradation is a very important factor determining the removal of hydrophobic compounds.  相似文献   

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