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Streptococcus salivarius is a prominent member of the oral microbiota and has excellent potential for use as a probiotic targeting the oral cavity. In this report we document safety data relating to S. salivarius K12, including assessment of its antibiogram, metabolic profiles, and virulence determinants, and we examine the microbial composition of saliva following the dosing of subjects with K12.  相似文献   

Analysis of a primer-independent GTF-I from Streptococcus salivarius   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract A glucosyltransferase (GTF) gene, designated gtfL , from Streptococcus salivarius was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and its nucleotide sequence determined. The GTF-L enzyme catalysed the synthesis of water-insoluble glucan in a primer-independent manner. The nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence of GTF-L were similar in size and domain structure to previously sequenced glucosyltransferases. However, a 464-bp region of high variability was identified which could be selectively amplified from strains of S. salivarius by the polymerase chain reaction and could therefore form the basis for species identification. No sequence-specific motifs related to the solubility and linkage of the glucan product or its need for a dextran primer could be ascertained.  相似文献   

Honda E 《Gerodontology》2001,18(2):65-72
Objectives: To determine the oral health status, especially the level of oral microbial flora and oral malodour, of institutionalised elderly people compared with non‐institutionalised elderly people. Setting: Three institutions and numerous private homes. Subjects: 56 institutionalised and 56 non‐institutionalised elderly people. Main Outcome Measures: Institutionalised elderly people had higher levels of Candida, staphylococci, and oral malodour. Results: Institutionalised elderly people had a higher level of Candida in denture wearers, and a higher level of staphylococci and oral malodour compared with the non‐institutionalised elderly. Conclusion: The institutionalised elderly have a higher risk of opportunistic infections and oral health care should be improved to protect them from these infections and to reduce oral malodour.  相似文献   

Genomic polymorphism in Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus was revealed by DNA restriction pattern analysis. A 4.2-kb variable DNA fragment was cloned from strain NST7 and hybridised with the DNA of 25 strains allowing an easy detection of intraspecific RFLP. Strong and weak hybridisation signals were observed and the latter were specifically revealed by a 2.1-kb fragment of the probe. Probe specificity was demonstrated by the absence of homology with DNA of strains belonging to 10 other species, with the exception of S. salivarius subsp. salivarius, confirming a close relationship between S. salivarius and S. thermophilus.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00593.x Daily variation of oral malodour and related factors in community‐dwelling elderly Thai Objectives: The purposes of this study were (i) to estimate the prevalence of oral malodour, (ii) to evaluate the daily variation of oral malodour and (iii) to assess associations of volatile sulphur compound (VSC) concentrations with socio‐demographics, health behaviours and oral health status in community‐dwelling elderly Thai. Methods: The subjects were 428 dentate elderly people (67.6 ± 5.6 years) living in Phitsaulok, Thailand. Information on their socio‐demographics, general health and health behaviours was obtained by a questionnaire. Their dental condition, periodontal status and tongue coating were clinically examined. Their flow rates and the pH of unstimulated saliva were also assessed. Oral malodour was measured at four different times of day using an Oral Chroma?. Results: The proportions of subjects diagnosed with oral malodour using the thresholds of H2S, CH3SH and (CH3)2S were 60.5%, 62.9% and 80.7%, respectively. Concentrations of H2S showed significant daily variation. Linear regression analysis demonstrated the following significant associations: (i) oral malodour from H2S and thickness of the tongue coating, (ii) oral malodour from CH3SH and periodontal pocket depth of 5 mm or more and the presence of gingival bleeding and (iii) oral malodour from (CH3)2S and systemic disease, medications and thickness of the tongue coating. Discussion: Oral malodour was shown to be prevalent among the elderly. Daily variation was observed in the concentration of H2S. Tongue coating, periodontal disease, systemic diseases and medications were related to oral malodour. Therefore, these factors should be taken into consideration in oral malodour treatment and prevention programmes for the elderly.  相似文献   

The colonization efficacies of salivaricin A (SalA)-producing Streptococcus salivarius strains 20P3 and 5 were compared when given in milk to 219 children, using either 2-day or 9-day dosing regimens. Colonization levels overall were superior for strain 5, and the 9-day dosing schedule resulted in higher levels of both initial colonization and strain persistence. The indigenous streptococcal tongue populations of 20 (10.9%) of the 189 children in the 2-day trial showed markedly increased SalA-like inhibitory activity following use of the S. salivarius-supplemented milk. All 20 of these children were found to have had relatively small (<5% of total S. salivarius) indigenous tongue populations of SalA-producing S. salivarius, and the relative proportions and/or inhibitory activity of these SalA producers on the childrens' tongues increased following ingestion of the S. salivarius-supplemented milk. Because SalA is known to be strongly inhibitory to Streptococcus pyogenes, an important implication of this study is that the consumption of SalA-producing probiotic S. salivarius could potentially help to effect a sustained increase in SalA-mediated protection against S. pyogenes infection.  相似文献   

Aims: To help gain a better understanding of factors influencing the establishment within the oral cavity of Streptococcus salivarius K12, a commensal oral bacterium, we characterized its behaviour in artificial saliva. Methods and Results: Streptococcus salivarius K12 was grown in artificial saliva complemented with a representative meal, under oral pH and temperature conditions. Exponential growth phase was characterized by a high specific growth rate (2·8 h?1). During maintenance phase, an uncoupling between growth and lactic acid production occurred, which allowed maintaining viability (95%), intracellular pH (6·6) and membrane polarisation (95%), and thus proton motive force. However, in late stationary phase, viability (64%) and vitality were degraded as a result of lower synthesis of energetic and glycogen‐related proteins as compared to a richer medium. Conclusions: Streptococcus salivarius was able to rapidly grow in complemented artificial saliva. Nevertheless, a degradation of its physiological state was observed in late‐stationary phase. Significance and Impact of the Study: This work demonstrates, for the first time, that artificial saliva was a convenient medium that permitted Strep. salivarius to grow in oral conditions (physico‐chemical environment, addition of meals) but not to maintain cellular viability and vitality in starvation conditions.  相似文献   

为了筛选到具有抗炎特性的有益菌,研究者通常将待测细菌的发酵液上清和热致死菌体与TNF-α刺激下的人类结肠腺癌细胞HT29共孵育,并测量细菌是否能够减少HT29细胞分泌的炎症因子。该测试的前提之一是待测细菌的发酵液上清或菌体不杀死或杀死<10%的HT29细胞。在前期的工作中,我们从人母乳中分离得到Streptococcus salivarius F286和S.parasanguinis F278两株菌。在研究这两株菌的抗炎能力之前,我们利用MTT法摸索不同浓度的S.salivarius F286和S.parasanguinis F278的发酵液上清和热致死菌体对HT29细胞的细胞毒性。实验表明,两株菌的发酵液上清的原液和稀释液对HT29细胞均没有细胞毒性;浓度5×10^5~7.5×10^6cfu/mL的F286热致死菌体、浓度5×10^5~2.5×10^6cfu/mL的F278热致死菌体对HT29细胞的细胞毒性低于10%,而浓度1×10^8cfu/mL的热致死F286和F278菌体分别杀死(23±5.3)%和(22±5.3)%的HT29细胞。因此,S.salivarius F286和S.parasanguinis F278的发酵液上清原液、以及浓度5×10^5~7.5×10^6cfu/mL的F286热致死菌体和5×10^5-2.5×10^6cfu/mL的F278热致死菌体可在HT29细胞模型中进行抗炎能力测试。本研究的方法可用于确定其他细菌在HT29细胞模型中进行抗炎能力测试的合理浓度范围。  相似文献   

Physico-chemical surface characteristics and adhesive properties of a series of mutants of Streptococcus salivarius HB with defined cell surface structures were determined. Zeta potentials showed no relation either with the presence or absence of specific antigens on the bacterial cell surface, or with the adhesive properties of the cells. Hydrophobicity was assessed by surface free energy determination from measured contact angles, by adsorption to hexadecane and by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Generally, the progressive removal of fibril subclasses from the cell surface resulted in a reduced hydrophobicity. However, specific fibrillar subclasses appeared to contribute to surface hydrophobicity to widely different extents. Bacterial adhesion to polymethylmethacrylate increased with increasing hydrophobicity of the mutants. However, adhesion to a more complex biological substratum, such as saliva-coated hydroxyapatite, correlated only partly with hydrophobicity. The organism, deprived of most of its fibrillar surface structures, clearly showed the least adhesion to hydrophobic ligands, to both polymethylmethacrylate and saliva-coated hydroxyapatite, and had a significantly higher surface free energy than the other mutants and the parent strain.  相似文献   

Abstract HPr is a protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). Streptococci possess two forms of HPr which differ by the presence or the absence of the N-terminal methionine (Met). These forms are called HPr-1 (without Met) and HPr-2 (with Met). In order to determine whether the ratio of these two forms varies with growth conditions, we measured the amount of HPr-1 and HPr-2 present in Streptococcus salivarius grown in continuous culture at pH 7.5. The results indicated that the HPr-1/HPr-2 ratio: 1) was not related to the cellular amount of total HPr; 2) was highest (10.2±3.5) under glucose (a PTS sugar) limitation (10 mM) and low dilution rate (D = 0.1 h−1; g = 6.9 h); 3) was decreased 2.4- to 5.7-fold when the amount of glucose and/or D was increased; 4) was not influenced by D when cells were cultured on galactose (a non-PTS sugar) but was two-fold higher under conditions of galactose excess (200 mM). We suggest that the cleavage of the N-terminal HPr Met is not a stochastic phenomenon but is dictated by growth conditions.  相似文献   

Streptococcus salivarius is a Gram-positive bacterial commensal and pioneer colonizer of the human oral cavity. Many strains produce ribosomally synthesized proteinaceous antibiotics (bacteriocins), and some strains have been developed for use as oral probiotics. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of the bacteriocin-producing oral probiotic S. salivarius strain M18.  相似文献   

益生菌是能够改善人体胃肠道、皮肤、阴道和口腔四大微生态系统的微生物群,常借由递送系统到达靶点以用于预防和治疗目的.水凝胶是最常见的递送系统载体,最近的研究针对水凝胶材料的改良主要可分为基质结构、填充物和外部涂层3个方面,新型水凝胶能够更好地帮助益生菌适应加工、储存环境及人体内微环境.人体不同微环境下益生菌对递送载体具有...  相似文献   

Streptococcus salivarius is a prominent member of the oral microbiota and has excellent potential for use as a probiotic targeting the oral cavity. In this report we document safety data relating to S. salivarius K12, including assessment of its antibiogram, metabolic profiles, and virulence determinants, and we examine the microbial composition of saliva following the dosing of subjects with K12.  相似文献   

The commercial probiotic Streptococcus salivarius strain K12 is the prototype of those S. salivarius strains that are the most strongly inhibitory in a standardized test of streptococcal bacteriocin production and has been shown to produce the 2,368-Da salivaricin A2 (SalA2) and the 2,740-Da salivaricin B (SboB) lantibiotics. The previously uncharacterized SboB belongs to the type AII class of lantibiotic bacteriocins and is encoded by an eight-gene cluster. The genetic loci encoding SalA2 and SboB in strain K12 have been fully characterized and are localized to nearly adjacent sites on pSsal-K12, a 190-kb megaplasmid. Of 61 strongly inhibitory strains of S. salivarius, 19 (31%) were positive for the sboB structural gene. All but one (strain NR) of these 19 strains were also positive for salA2, and in each of these cases of double positivity, the two loci were separated by fewer than 10 kb. This is the first report of a single streptococcus strain producing two distinct lantibiotics.  相似文献   

Oral candidiasis is often accompanied by severe inflammation, resulting in a decline in the quality of life of immunosuppressed individuals and elderly people. To develop a new oral therapeutic option for candidiasis, a nonpathogenic commensal oral probiotic microorganism, Streptococcus salivarius K12, was evaluated for its ability to modulate Candida albicans growth in vitro, and its therapeutic activity in an experimental oral candidiasis model was tested. In vitro inhibition of mycelial growth of C. albicans was determined by plate assay and fluorescence microscopy. Addition of S. salivarius K12 to modified RPMI 1640 culture medium inhibited the adherence of C. albicans to the plastic petri dish in a dose-dependent manner. Preculture of S. salivarius K12 potentiated its inhibitory activity for adherence of C. albicans. Interestingly, S. salivarius K12 was not directly fungicidal but appeared to inhibit Candida adhesion to the substratum by preferentially binding to hyphae rather than yeast. To determine the potentially anti-infective attributes of S. salivarius K12 in oral candidiasis, the probiotic was administered to mice with orally induced candidiasis. Oral treatment with S. salivarius K12 significantly protected the mice from severe candidiasis. These findings suggest that S. salivarius K12 may inhibit the process of invasion of C. albicans into mucous surfaces or its adhesion to denture acrylic resins by mechanisms not associated with the antimicrobial activity of the bacteriocin. S. salivarius K12 may be useful as a probiotic as a protective tool for oral care, especially with regard to candidiasis.  相似文献   

Streptococcus salivarius is a prevalent commensal species of the oropharyngeal tract. S. salivarius strain K12 is an isolate from the saliva of a healthy child, used as an oral probiotic. Here, we report its genome sequence, i.e., the full sequence of the 190-kb megaplasmid pSsal-K12 and a high-quality draft 2.2-Gb chromosomal sequence.  相似文献   

Relative predominance of each of five probiotic strains was investigated in the ileum of weaned pigs, compared with that in feces, when administered in combination at c. 5 x 10(9) CFU day(-1) for 28 days. Probiotic was excreted at 10(6)-10(9) CFU g(-1) feces, while ileal survival ranged from 10(2) to 10(6) CFU g(-1) digesta. In contrast to the feces, where Lactobacillus murinus DPC6002 predominated, the bacteriocin-producing Lactobacillus salivarus DPC6005 dominated over coadministered strains both in the ileum digesta and in mucosa. Probiotic administration did not alter counts of culturable fecal Lactobacillus or Enterobacteriaceae but higher ileal Enterobacteriaceae were observed in the ileal digesta of probiotic-fed pigs (P<0.05). We observed decreased CD25 induction on T cells and monocytes (P<0.01) and decreased CTLA-4 induction (P<0.05) by the mitogen phytohemagglutinin on CD4 T cells from the probiotic group. Probiotic treatment also increased the proportion of CD4+ CD8+ T cells within the peripheral T-cell population and increased ileal IL-8 mRNA expression (P<0.05). In conclusion, superior ileal survival of L. salivarius compared with the other coadministered probiotics may be due to a competitive advantage conferred by its bacteriocin. The findings also suggest that the five-strain combination may function as a probiotic, at least in part, via immunomodulation.  相似文献   

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