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How growth regulators provoke context-specific signals is a fundamental question in developmental biology. In plants, both auxin and brassinosteroids (BRs) promote cell expansion, and it was thought that they activated this process through independent mechanisms. In this work, we describe a shared auxin:BR pathway required for seedling growth. Genetic, physiological, and genomic analyses demonstrate that response from one pathway requires the function of the other, and that this interdependence does not act at the level of hormone biosynthetic control. Increased auxin levels saturate the BR-stimulated growth response and greatly reduce BR effects on gene expression. Integration of these two pathways is downstream from BES1 and Aux/IAA proteins, the last known regulatory factors acting downstream of each hormone, and is likely to occur directly on the promoters of auxin:BR target genes. We have developed a new approach to identify potential regulatory elements acting in each hormone pathway, as well as in the shared auxin:BR pathway. We show that one element highly overrepresented in the promoters of auxin- and BR-induced genes is responsive to both hormones and requires BR biosynthesis for normal expression. This work fundamentally alters our view of BR and auxin signaling and describes a powerful new approach to identify regulatory elements required for response to specific stimuli.  相似文献   

Li J  Dai X  Zhao Y 《Plant physiology》2006,140(3):899-908
Although auxin response factors (ARFs) are the first well-characterized proteins that bind to the auxin response elements, elucidation of the roles of each ARF gene in auxin responses and plant development has been challenging. Here we show that ARF19 and ARF7 not only participate in auxin signaling, but also play a critical role in ethylene responses in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) roots, indicating that the ARFs serve as a cross talk point between the two hormones. Both arf19 and arf7 mutants isolated from our forward genetic screens are auxin resistant and the arf19arf7 double mutant had stronger auxin resistance than the single mutants and displayed phenotypes not seen in the single mutants. Furthermore, we show that a genomic fragment of ARF19 not only complements arf19, but also rescues arf7. We conclude that ARF19 complements ARF7 at the protein level and that the ARF7 target sequences are also recognized by ARF19. Therefore, it is the differences in expression level/pattern and not the differences in protein sequences between the two ARFs that determines the relative contribution of the two ARFs in auxin signaling and plant development. In addition to being auxin resistant, arf19 has also ethylene-insensitive roots and ARF19 expression is induced by ethylene treatment. This work provides a sensitive genetic screen for uncovering auxin-resistant mutants including the described arf mutants. This study also provides a likely mechanism for coordination and integration of hormonal signals to regulate plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Ethylene or its precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) can stimulate hypocotyl elongation in light-grown Arabidopsis seedlings. A mutant, designated ACC-related long hypocotyl 1 (alh1), that displayed a long hypocotyl in the light in the absence of the hormone was characterized. Etiolated alh1 seedlings overproduced ethylene and had an exaggerated apical hook and a thicker hypocotyl, although no difference in hypocotyl length was observed when compared with wild type. Alh1 plants were less sensitive to ethylene, as reflected by reduction of ACC-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl growth in the dark and delay in flowering and leaf senescence. Alh1 also had an altered response to auxin, whereas auxin levels in whole alh1 seedlings remained unaffected. In contrast to wild type, alh1 seedlings showed a limited hypocotyl elongation when treated with indole-3-acetic acid. Alh1 roots had a faster response to gravity. Furthermore, the hypocotyl elongation of alh1 and of ACC-treated wild type was reverted by auxin transport inhibitors. In addition, auxin up-regulated genes were ectopically expressed in hypocotyls upon ACC treatment, suggesting that the ethylene response is mediated by auxins. Together, these data indicate that alh1 is altered in the cross talk between ethylene and auxins, probably at the level of auxin transport.  相似文献   

As indicated by various and some overlapped phenotypes of the dominant mutants, the Aux/IAA genes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) concomitantly exhibit a functional similarity and differentiation. To evaluate the contributions of their expression patterns determined by promoter activity and molecular properties of their gene products to Aux/IAA function, we examined phenotypes of transgenic plants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged msg2-1/iaa19, axr2-1/iaa7, or slr-1/iaa14 cDNA by the MSG2 or AXR2 promoter. When driven by the MSG2 promoter (pMSG2), each GFP-tagged cDNA caused the msg2-1 phenotype, that is, the wild-type stature in the mature-plant stage, long and straight hypocotyls in the dark, reduced lateral root formation, relatively mild agravitropic traits in hypocotyls, and a normal gravitropic response in roots. However, development of one or two cotyledonary primordia was often arrested in embryogenesis of the pMSG2::axr2-1::GFP and pMSG2::slr-1::GFP plants, resulting in monocotyledonary or no cotyledonary seedlings. Such defects in embryogenesis were never seen in pMSG2::msg2-1::GFP or the msg2-1, axr2-1, or slr-1 mutant. The MSG2 promoter-GUS staining showed that expression of MSG2 started specifically in cotyledonary primordia of the triangular-stage embryos. When driven by the AXR2 promoter (pAXR2), each GFP-tagged mutant cDNA caused, in principle, aberrant aboveground phenotypes of the corresponding dominant mutant. However, either the axr2-1::GFP or slr-1::GFP cDNA brought about dwarf, agravitropic stems almost identical to those of axr2-1, and the pAXR2::msg2-1::GFP and pAXR2::slr-1::GFP hypocotyls exhibited complete loss of gravitropism as did axr2-1. These results showed functional differences among the msg2-1, axr2-1, and slr-1 proteins, though some phenotypes were determined by the promoter activity.  相似文献   


Key message

Auxin responsive promoter DR5 reporter system is functional in Populus to monitor auxin response in tissues including leaves, roots, and stems.


We described the behavior of the DR5::GUS reporter system in stably transformed Populus plants. We found several similarities with Arabidopsis, including sensitivity to native and synthetic auxins, rapid induction after treatment in a variety of tissues, and maximal responses in root tissues. There were also several important differences from Arabidopsis, including slower time to maximum response and lower induction amplitude. Young leaves and stem sections below the apex showed much higher DR5 activity than did older leaves and stems undergoing secondary growth. DR5 activity was highest in cortex, suggesting high levels of auxin concentration and/or sensitivity in this tissue. Our study shows that the DR5 reporter system is a sensitive and facile system for monitoring auxin responses and distribution at cellular resolution in poplar.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression pattern of an auxin primary response gene, MSG2/IAA19 , during photo- and gravitropic responses of hypocotyls using a transgenic Arabidopsis harboring MSG2/IAA19 promoter::GUS . The upper portion of most etiolated hypocotyls showed uniform β-glucuronidase (GUS) staining with the strongest activity in the pericycle. When hypocotyls were irradiated with unilateral blue light, GUS activity on the concave side of hypocotyls was decreased, resulting in differential GUS staining with a stronger signal on the convex side. The number of differentially stained hypocotyls peaked at 24 h after the onset of the phototropic stimuli, while hypocotyl curvature continued to increase for the entire 36-h experimental period. This result suggests that the MSG2/IAA19 expression precedes the phototropic responses. When seedlings were grown under dim white light, their hypocotyls displayed almost no GUS activity. The light-grown hypocotyls also showed differential GUS staining after phototropic stimuli as result of the increase in GUS activity on the convex side of hypocotyls, especially in the epidermis, the outer cortex and pericycle, although GUS activity was much weaker than that observed in etiolated hypocotyls. Similar but less obvious differential staining was obtained for gravitropic response of hypocotyls. Considering the recent finding that Aux/IAA proteins are immediate targets of the auxin F box receptors, MSG2/IAA19 is likely to act as one of master genes for tropic responses.  相似文献   

Inflorescence stalks produced the highest amount of ethylene in response to IAA as compared with other plant parts tested. Leaf age had an effect on IAA-induced ethylene with the youngest leaves showing the greatest stimulation. The highest amount of IAA-induced ethylene was produced in the root or inflorescence tip with regions below this producing less. Inflorescence stalks treated with IAA, 2,4-D, or NAA over a range of concentrations exhibited an increase in ethylene production starting at 1 microM with increasingly greater responses up to 100 microM, followed by a plateau at 500 microM and a significant decline at 1000 microM. Both 2,4-D and NAA elicited a greater response than IAA at all concentrations tested in inflorescence stalks. Inflorescence leaves treated with IAA, 2,4-D, or NAA exhibited the same trend as inflorescence stalks. However, they produced significantly less ethylene. Inflorescence stalks and leaves treated with 100 microM IAA exhibited a dramatic increase in ethylene production 2 h following treatment initiation. Inflorescence stalks showed a further increase 4 h following treatment initiation and no further increase at 6 h. However, there was a slight decline between 6 h and 24 h. Inflorescence leaves exhibited similar rates of IAA-induced ethylene between 2 h and 24 h. Light and high temperature caused a decrease in IAA-induced ethylene in both inflorescence stalks and leaves. Three auxin-insensitive mutants were evaluated for their inflorescence's responsiveness to IAA. aux2 did not produce ethylene in response to 100 microM IAA, while axr1-3 and axr1-12 showed reduced levels of IAA-induced ethylene as compared with Columbia wild type. Inflorescences treated with brassinolide alone had no effect on ethylene production. However, when brassinolide was used in combination with IAA there was a dramatic increase in ethylene production above the induction promoted by IAA alone.  相似文献   

The dwarf ucu (ultracurvata) mutants of Arabidopsis display vegetative leaves that are spirally rolled downwards and show reduced expansion along the longitudinal axis. We have previously determined that the UCU1 gene encodes a SHAGGY/GSK3-like kinase that participates in the signaling pathways of auxins and brassinosteroids. Here, we describe four recessive alleles of the UCU2 gene, whose homozygotes display helical rotation of several organs in addition to other phenotypic traits shared with ucu1 mutants. Following a map-based strategy, we identified the UCU2 gene, which was found to encode a peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase of the FK506-binding protein family, whose homologs in metazoans are involved in cell signaling and protein trafficking. Physiological and double mutant analyses suggest that UCU2 is required for growth and development and participates in auxin and brassinosteroid signaling.  相似文献   

Successful execution of germination program greatly depends on the seeds’ oxidative homeostasis. We recently identified new roles for the H2O2-reducing enzyme ascorbate peroxidase 6 (APX6) in germination control and seeds’ stress tolerance. APX6 replaces APX1 as the dominant APX in dry seeds, and its loss-of-function results in reduced germination due to over accumulation of ROS and oxidative damage. Metabolic analyses in dry apx6 seeds, revealed altered homeostasis of primary metabolites including accumulation of TCA cycle metabolites, ABA and auxin, supporting a novel role for APX6 in regulating cellular metabolism. Increased sensitivity of apx6 mutants to ABA or IAA in germination assays indicated impaired perception of these signals. Relative suppression of ABI3 and ABI5 expression, and induction of ABI4, suggested the activation of a signaling route inhibiting germination in apx6 seeds that is independent of ABI3. Here we provide additional evidence linking ABI4 with ABA- and auxin-controlled inhibition of germination and suggest a hypothetical model for the role of APX6 in the regulation of the crosstalk between these hormones and ROS.  相似文献   

Cheng Y  Dai X  Zhao Y 《Plant physiology》2004,135(2):1020-1026
Auxin affects many aspects of plant growth and development. We previously used chemical genetics to dissect auxin-signaling mechanisms and identified a small molecule, sirtinol, that constitutively activated auxin signaling (Y. Zhao et al. [2003], Science 301: 1107-1110). Here we describe the isolation, characterization, and cloning of an Arabidopsis mutant Atcand1-1 that emerged from a genetic screen for mutants insensitive to sirtinol. Loss-of-function mutants of AtCAND1 were resistant to sirtinol and auxin, but not to gibberellins or brassinolide. Atcand1 displayed developmental phenotypes similar to those of axr1, namely, short petioles, downwardly curling leaves, short inflorescence, and reduced fertility. AtCAND1 is homologous to human CAND1, a protein that is composed almost entirely of HEAT-repeat units and has been implicated in regulating the assembly and disassembly of the SCF protein degradation machinery. Taken together with previous biochemical studies, this work helps to elucidate the roles of AtCAND1 in protein degradation and auxin signaling.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Plants, being sessile in nature have developed refined mechanisms to rapidly sense changing environment and protect themselves from environmental...  相似文献   

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