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Summary Phylogenetic trees among eukaryotic kingdoms were inferred for large- and small-subunit rRNAs by using a maximum-likelihood method developed by Felsenstein. Although Felsenstein's method assumes equal evolutionary rates for transitions and transversions, this is apparently not the case for these data. Therefore, only transversiontype substitutions were taken into account. The molecules used were large-subunit rRNAs fromXenopus laevis (Animalia), rice (Plantae),Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fungi),Dictyostelium discoideum (Protista), andPhysarum polycephalum (Protista); and small-subunit rRNAs from maize (Plantae),S. cerevisiae, X. laevis, rat (Animalia), andD. discoideum. Only conservative regions of the nucleotide sequences were considered for this study. In the maximum-likelihood trees for both large- and small-subunit rRNAs, Animalia and Fungi were the most closely related eukaryotic kingdoms, and Plantae is the next most closely related kingdom, although other branching orders among Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi were not excluded by this work. These three eukaryotic kingdoms apparently shared a common ancestor after the divergence of the two species of Protista,D. discoideum andP. polycephalum. These two species of Protista do not form a clade, andP. polycephalum diverged first andD. discoideum second from the line leading to the common ancestor of Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi. The sequence data indicate that a drastic change occurred in the nucleotide sequences of rRNAs during the evolutionary separation between prokaryote and eukaryote.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of Chalara and allied taxa are studied based on ribosomal DAN sequences. Partial 28S rDNA and 18S rDNA regions from 26 strains were sequenced in this study. These and related sequences from GenBank were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Most of the Chalara species clustered in a strongly supported monophyletic lineage representing Helotiales. However, a few Chalara species appeared closely related to Xylariales. The phylogenetic significance of morphological characters observed in Chalara species are evaluated based on our sequence analyses. Conidial septation, conidial width and conidiophore pigmentation are thought to be indicative in understanding their evolutionary relationships. Sterile setae, which traditionally have been used to delimitate Chaetochalara from Chalara, are phylogenetically insignificant.  相似文献   

小鲵科线粒体16S rRNA基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李悦  吴敏  王秀玲 《动物学报》2004,50(3):464-469
To study the phylogeny of Hynobiidae, we amplified DNA fragments of 470 bp 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene on mitochondrial DNA from Ranodon sibiricus and Ranodon tsinpaensis. PCR products were cloned into PMD18 T vector after purification. These sequences were determined and deposited in the GenBank (accession numbers: AY373459 for Ranodon sibiricus, AY372534 for Ranodon tsinpaensis). By comparing the nucleotide differences of 16S ribosomal RNA sequences among Liua shihi, Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus and Batrachuperus genus from GenBank database, we analyzed the divergences and base substitution among these sequences with the MEGA software. The molecular results support that B. tibetanus, B. pinchonii and B. karlschmidti are classified into three valid species. Liua shihi has closer phylogenetic relationships to Ranodon tsinpaensis than to other species. More our results reveal that Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus is not a synonym of Ranodon tsinpaensis. [Acta Zoologica Sinica 50 (3) : 464 - 469,2004].  相似文献   

The sequences of ITS regions in 30 species and two groups of the genusPythium were resolved. In the phylogenetic trees, the species were generally divided into two clusters, referred to here as the F and S groups. The species in the two groups correspond in terms of their sporangial morphology, with the F group being filamentous/lobulate and the S group being spherical. Genetic divergence within the F group was lower than that within the S group. Other morphological characteristics such as oogonial structure and sexual nature appeared to be unrelated to the groupings in these trees. An alignment analysis revealed common sequences to all the species and arrangements specific to each F or S group. It was found that the ITS region was a good target in designing species-specific primers for the identification and detection ofPythium species. In the tree based on 5.8S rDNA sequences, oomycetes are distantly related to other fungi but separated from algae in Chromista.  相似文献   

Cui AM  Huang Y 《遗传》2012,34(5):597-608
为了构建稳健的直翅目主要类群间的系统发生关系并探讨16S rRNA基因序列在构建直翅目昆虫不同分类阶元系统发生关系时的可行性、功效以及性能,文章测定了直翅目4总科9科18种昆虫的16S rRNA基因全序列,联合已知该基因全序列的其他40种昆虫,构建了直翅目主要类群之间的系统发生关系,并分析了16SrRNA基因全序列的系统发生性能和功效。结果表明,直翅目昆虫的16S rRNA基因全长平均为1 310 bp;除生活方式特化的蚤蝼总科和蝼蛄总科的地位无法确定外,直翅目其他主要类群系统发生关系比较稳定;蝗总科下除了斑翅蝗科和槌角蝗科外,剑角蝗科、斑腿蝗科、网翅蝗科都不是单系群,且用不同的方法构建的系统发生树中聚类情况完全一致,各科间遗传距离差异不大,建议将其合为一科;锥头蝗科、瘤锥蝗科和癞蝗科间的遗传距离差异也不大;在构建系统发生树时,16S rRNA基因环区的信息量要比茎区的大;16S rRNA基因可以构建可靠的直翅目属与种水平和目与亚目高级阶元的系统发生关系,但对科和总科阶元缺乏足够的分辨力。  相似文献   

Wang Z  Binder M  Dai YC  Hibbett DS 《Mycologia》2004,96(5):1015-1029
Sparassis species show extensive morphological variation, especially when materials from eastern Asia and Australia are compared with collections from North America and Europe. We have been studying the taxonomy of Sparassis from eastern Asia, North America, Australia and Europe, using both morphological and molecular data. DNA was extracted from 32 recent collections of Sparassis from Australia, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States. The report of a Sparassis taxon from Australia is the first report of this genus from the Southern Hemisphere. Sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA and the gene encoding RNA polymerase subunit II (RPB2) were used to examine relationships both within the genus Sparassis and between Sparassis species and other members of the polyporoid clade. Equally weighted parsimony analyses and Bayesian analyses were performed using independent datasets and combined datasets of sequences from different regions. Our results suggest that: (i) Polyporoid fungi producing a brown rot may form a clade; (ii) as suggested in a previous study, Sparassis and Phaeolus form a monophyletic group, which is united by the production of a brown rot, the presence of a bipolar mating system and the frequent habit of growing as a root and butt rot on living trees; (iii) at least seven lineages are within Sparassis, represented by S. spathulata, S. brevipes, S. crispa, S. radicata and three taxa that have not been described, which can be distinguished on the basis of fruiting body structure, presence or absence of clamp connections, presence or absence of cystidia and spore size.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to clarify taxonomy and examine evolutionary relationships within European Ceriporiopsis species using a combined analysis of the large subunit (nLSU) nuclear rRNA and small subunit (mtSSU) mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences. Data from the ITS region were applied to enhance the view of the phylogenetic relationships among different species. The studied samples grouped into four complex clades, suggesting that the genus Ceriporiopsis is polyphyletic. The generic type Ceriporiopsis gilvescens formed a separate group together with Ceriporiopsis guidella and Phlebia spp. in the phlebioid clade. In this clade, the closely related species Ceriporiopsis resinascens and Ceriporiopsis pseudogilvescens grouped together with Ceriporiopsis aneirina. C. resinascens and C. pseudogilvescens have identical LSU and SSU sequences but differ in ITS. Ceriporiopsis pannocincta also fell in the phlebioid clade, but showed closer proximity to Gloeoporus dichrous than to C. gilvescens or C. aneirinaC. pseudogilvescensC. resinascens group. Another clade was composed of a Ceriporiopsis balaenaeCeriporiopsis consobrina group and was found to be closely related to Antrodiella and Frantisekia, with the overall clade highly reminiscent of the residual polyporoid clade. The monotypic genus Pouzaroporia, erected in the past for Ceriporiopsis subrufa due to its remarkable morphological differences, also fell within the residual polyporoid clade. Ceriporiopsis subvermispora held an isolated position from the other species of the genus. Therefore, the previously proposed name Gelatoporia subvermispora has been adopted for this species. Physisporinus rivulosus appeared unrelated to two other European Physisporinus species. Moreover, Ceriporiopsis (=Skeletocutis) jelicii grouped in a separate clade, distinct from Ceriporiopsis species. Finally, the ITS data demonstrated the proximity of some Ceriporiopsis species (Ceriporiopsis portcrosensis and Ceriporiopsis subsphaerospora) to Skeletocutis amorpha.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of xenodontine snakes are inferred from sequence analyses of portions of two mitochondrial genes (12S and 16S ribosomal RNA) in 85 species. Although support values for most of the basal nodes are low, the general pattern of cladogenesis observed is congruent with many independent molecular, morphological, and geographical data. The monophyly of xenodontines and the basal position of North American xenodontines in comparison with Neotropical xenodontines are favored, suggesting an Asian-North American origin of xenodontines. West Indian xenodontines (including endemic genera and members of the genus Alsophis) appear to form a monophyletic group belonging to the South American clade. Their mid-Cenozoic origin by dispersal using ocean currents is supported. Within South American mainland xenodontines, the tribes Hydropsini, Pseudoboini, and Xenodontini are monophyletic. Finally, our results suggest that some morphological and ecological traits concerning maxillary dentition, macrohabitat use, and foraging strategy have appeared multiple times during the evolution of xenodontine snakes.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of 155 nuclear rDNA ITS sequences among them 19 Iranian endemic genera were used to elucidate phylogenetic relationships of Old World Brassicaceae from Iran in the context of the most recent tribal system suggested by Al-Shehbaz et al. [Al-Shehbaz, I.A., Beilstein, M.A, Kellogg, E.A., 2006. Systematics and phylogeny of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae): an overview. Plant Syst. Evol. 259, 89–120]. Iranian endemic taxa are assigned to 16 clades, 15 of these correspond to recognized tribes. Our data support the recent tribal recognition of Calepina and relatives and further indicate that the Orychophragmus clade (with Conringia planisiliqua and Orychophragmus) may be recognized as a new tribe. Our data also support the inclusion of 13 genera not previously studied, or with unresolved positions in previous phylogenetic analyses in 10 tribes with the tribal assignment given in parentheses: Acanthocardamum (Aethionemeae), Alyssopsis (Camelineae), Anastatica (Malcolmieae), Asperuginoides (Cochlearieae), Camelinopsis (Thlaspideae), Didymophysa (Thlaspideae), Dielsiocharisi (Camelineae), Lachnoloma (Anchonieae), Micrantha (Anchonieae), Noccidium (Camelineae), Octoceras (Euclidieae), Pseudofortuynia (Sisymbrieae) and Streptoloma (Euclidieae). ITS data and morphological characters further indicate that the remaining five genera, i.e., Acanthocardamum, Olimarabidopsis, Brossardia, Noccidium and Zuvanda may be subsumed under Aethionema, Alyssopsis, Noccaea, Capsella and Conringia, respectively. Alyssum, Chorispora, Fibigia and Goldbachia are paraphyletic and Conringia, Malcolmia, Matthiola are polyphyletic taxa.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene of 27 species or sub-species of bitterlings showed that bitterlings comprise an Acheilognathus clade and a Tanakia-Rhodeus clade, partially supporting an earlier classification based on morphology and karyology. The monophyly of Acheilognathus is confirmed, but that of Tanakia and Rhodeus remains poorly resolved. Within the Tanakia–Rhodeus clade, all species or sub-species having a diploid chromosome number of 46 form a monophyletic group. Results support the hypothesis that evolutionary trends of bitterling karyotypes involve reduction from 2 n =48 to either 2 n =44 (by Robertsonian translocation) or 2 n =46 (by non-Robertsonian translocation).  相似文献   

Species of the order Mysida (Crustacea, Peracarida) are shrimp-like animals that occur in vast numbers in coastal regions of the world. The order Mysida comprises 1,053 species and 165 genera. The present study covers 25 species of the well-defined Mysidae, the most speciose family within the order Mysida. 18S rRNA sequence analysis confirms that the subfamily Siriellinae is monophyletic. On the other hand the subfamily Gastrosaccinae is paraphyletic and the subfamily Mysinae, represented in this study by the tribes Mysini and Leptomysini, consistently resolves into three independent clades, and hence is clearly not monophyletic. The tribe Mysini is not monophyletic either, and forms two clades of which one appears to be closely related to the Leptomysini. Our results are concordant with a number of morphological differences urging a taxonomic revision of the Mysidae.  相似文献   

Summary Complete small-subunit rRNA (16S-like rRNA) coding region sequences were determined for eight species of the Chlorococcales (Chlorophyceae). The genera investigated includePrototheca, Ankistrodesmus, Scenedesmus, and fiveChlorella species. Distance matrix methods were used to infer a phylogenetic tree that describes evolutionary relationships between several plant and green algal groups. The tree exhibits a bifurcation within the Chlorococcales consistent with the division into Oocystaceae and Scenedesmaceae, but three of the fiveChlorella species are more similar to other algae than toChlorella vulgaris. All of the sequences contain primary and secondary structural features that are characteristic of 16S-like rRNAs of chlorophytes and higher plants.Anikstrodesmus stipitatus, however, contains a 394-bp group I intervening sequence in its 16S-like rRNA coding region.  相似文献   

Cladistic analyses of chloroplast DNA disagree with current classifications by placingPolemoniaceae near sympetalous families with two staminal whorls, includingFouquieriaceae andDiapensiaceae, rather than near sympetalous families with a single staminal whorl, such asHydrophyllaceae andConvolvulaceae. To explore further the affinities ofPolemoniaceae, we sequenced 18S ribosomal DNA for eight genera ofPolemoniaceae and 31 families representing a broadly definedAsteridae. The distribution of variation in these sequences suggest some sites are hypervariable and multiple hits at these sites have obscured much of the hierarchical structure present in the data. Nevertheless, parsimony, least-squares minimum evolution, and maximum likelihood methods all support a monophyleticPolemoniaceae that is placed nearFouquieriaceae, Diapensiaceae and related ericalean families.  相似文献   

The technique of isoenzyme (enzyme isotype) electrophoresis was used to compare genetic profiles of extracts of zoites of sarcocysts from North America and Australasia. The species examined were Sarcocystis muris (Railliet, 1886) from mice, S. gigantea (Railliet, 1886) (syn. S. ovifelis Heydorn et al., 1975) from sheep, S. capracanis Fischer, 1979 from goats and S. cruzi (Hasselmann, 1923) (syn. S. bovicanis Heydorn et al., 1975) from cattle. Sarcocysts from the four host animals had different alleles at almost all loci studied. This was not affected by having a common definitive host. Extracts of two cat-borne Sarcocystis species shared alleles at only 3 out of 16 loci, while two dog-borne Sarcocystis species had different alleles at 8 out of 16 loci. The extent of genetic divergence among sarcocysts confirmed the existance of distinct species in each host sampled. By contrast, the isolates from the United States of America and Australasia for any particular host were essentially identical, sharing at least one allele at every locus tested. ac]19860908  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of mushrooms and their relatives within the order Agaricales were addressed by using nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences. Approximately 900 bases of the 5' end of the nucleus-encoded large subunit RNA gene were sequenced for 154 selected taxa representing most families within the Agaricales. Several phylogenetic methods were used, including weighted and equally weighted parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML), and distance methods (NJ). The starting tree for branch swapping in the ML analyses was the tree with the highest ML score among previously produced MP and NJ trees. A high degree of consensus was observed between phylogenetic estimates obtained through MP and ML. NJ trees differed according to the distance model that was used; however, all NJ trees still supported most of the same terminal groupings as the MP and ML trees did. NJ trees were always significantly suboptimal when evaluated against the best MP and ML trees, by both parsimony and likelihood tests. Our analyses suggest that weighted MP and ML provide the best estimates of Agaricales phylogeny. Similar support was observed between bootstrapping and jackknifing methods for evaluation of tree robustness. Phylogenetic analyses revealed many groups of agaricoid fungi that are supported by moderate to high bootstrap or jackknife values or are consistent with morphology-based classification schemes. Analyses also support separate placement of the boletes and russules, which are basal to the main core group of gilled mushrooms (the Agaricineae of Singer). Examples of monophyletic groups include the families Amanitaceae, Coprinaceae (excluding Coprinus comatus and subfamily Panaeolideae), Agaricaceae (excluding the Cystodermateae), and Strophariaceae pro parte (Stropharia, Pholiota, and Hypholoma); the mycorrhizal species of Tricholoma (including Leucopaxillus, also mycorrhizal); Mycena and Resinomycena; Termitomyces, Podabrella, and Lyophyllum; and Pleurotus with Hohenbuehelia. Several groups revealed by these data to be nonmonophyletic include the families Tricholomataceae, Cortinariaceae, and Hygrophoraceae and the genera Clitocybe, Omphalina, and Marasmius. This study provides a framework for future systematics studies in the Agaricales and suggestions for analyzing large molecular data sets.  相似文献   

The superorder Elopomorpha, a grouping which includes all teleost fishes that possess a specialized leptocephalous larva [true eels (Anguilliformes), gulpers and bobtail snipe eels (Saccopharyngiformes), bonefishes, spiny eels, and halosaurs (Albuliformes, including Notacanthiformes), ladyfishes and tarpons (Elopiformes, including Megalopiformes)] comprises >800 species for which phylogenetic relationships are poorly understood. In the present study, we analyzed mitochondrial DNA sequences in segments of the 12S and 16S rRNA genes in 33 elopomorph taxa encompassing all of the previously proposed orders, and 9 of the 15 currently recognized families of the Anguilliformes, as well as outgroup representatives from the superorders Osteoglossomorpha (nine species) and Clupeomorpha (three species), to develop phylogenetic hypotheses based on distance and parsimony methods. Both methods failed to support the monophyly of the Elopomorpha, casting doubt on the validity of the leptocephalus as an elopomorph synapomorphy. The orders Elopiformes, Albuliformes, and Anguilliformes, however, were resolved as monophyletic assemblages. Parsimony analysis supported the separation of the Anguilliformes into two groups (primitive and advanced) based on the presence of divided versus fused frontal bones. In addition, the molecular data indicated a close affinity of the anguilliform Thalassenchelys coheni (incertae sedis), known only from the leptocephalus, with the family Serrivomeridae. The implications of these data as regards the evolution of the elopomorph assemblage are discussed.  相似文献   

Helicosporous fungi form elegant, coiled, and multicellular mitotic spores (conidia). In this paper, we investigate the phylogenetic relationships among helicosporous fungi in the asexual genera Helicoma, Helicomyces, Helicosporium, Helicodendron, Helicoon, and in the sexual genus Tubeufia (Tubeufiaceae, Dothideomycetes, and Ascomycota). We generated ribosomal small subunit and partial large subunit sequences from 39 fungal cultures. These and related sequences from GenBank were analyzed using parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Results showed that helicosporous species arose convergently from six lineages of fungi in the Ascomycota. The Tubeufiaceae s. str. formed a strongly supported monophyletic lineage comprising most species from Helicoma, Helicomyces, and Helicosporium. However, within the Tubeufiaceae, none of the asexual genera were monophyletic. Traditional generic characters, such as whether conidiophores were conspicuous or reduced, the thickness of the conidial filament, and whether or not conidia were hygroscopic, were more useful for species delimitation than for predicting higher level relationships. In spite of their distinctive, barrel-shaped spores, Helicoon species were polyphyletic and had evolved in different ascomycete orders. Helicodendron appeared to be polyphyletic although most representatives occurred within Leotiomycetes. We speculate that some of the convergent spore forms may represent adaptation to dispersal in aquatic environments.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Hapalemur remains controversial, particularly within the Hapalemur griseus species group. In order to obtain more information on the taxonomic status within this genus, and particularly in the cytogenetic distinct subspecies group of Hapalemur griseus, 357 bp sequence of cytochrome b and 438 bp of 12S mitochondrial DNAs were analyzed on a sample of animals captured in areas extending from the north to the south-east of Madagascar. This sample covers all cytogenetically defined types recognized of the genus Hapalemur.  相似文献   

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