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Summary In the lac operon, the existence of a secondary repressor binding site, inside Z gene, had been inferred from in vitro binding studies (Reznikoff et al., 1974; Gilbert et al., 1975).A serie of deletions have been constructed from a lac transducing bacteriophage. Some of those deleted bacteriophages have still the property of derepressing a chromosomal lac operon, even though they do not contain any more the lac operator. This phenomenon is an indication that the secondary repressor binding site is also active in vivo.  相似文献   

Few proteins have had such a strong impact on a field as the lac repressor has had in Molecular Biology. Over 40 years ago, Jacob and Monod [Genetic regulatory mechanisms in the synthesis of proteins, J. Mol. Biol. 3 (1961) 318] proposed a model for gene regulation, which survives essentially unchanged in contemporary textbooks. It is a cogent depiction of how a set of 'structural' genes may be coordinately transcribed in response to environmental conditions and regulates metabolic events in the cell. In bacteria, the genes required for lactose utilization are negatively regulated when a repressor molecule binds to an upstream cis activated operator. The repressor and its operator together form a genetic switch, the lac operon. The switch functions when inducer molecules alter the conformation of the repressor in a specific manner. In the presence of a particular metabolite, the repressor undergoes a conformational change that reduces its affinity for the operator. The structures of the lac repressor and its complexes with operator DNA and effector molecules have provided a physical platform for visualizing at the molecular level the different conformations the repressor and the molecular basis for the switch. The structures of lac repressor, bound to its operator and inducer, have also been invaluable for interpreting a plethora of biochemical and genetic data.  相似文献   

The preceding studies of amino acid substitutions in the lac repressor of Escherichia coli resulting from missense mutations and suppressed nonsense mutations in the lacI gene are combined and critically evaluated with regard to the advantages, limitations and future applications of similar methods in the study of protein structure and function. These analyses reveal regions of the protein involved in different repressor functions. The pattern of mutational sites in the lacI gene leading to loss of inducer binding of the repressor is striking, for in the carboxyl half of the protein the affected residues cluster in nearly equally spaced regions. Possible similarities between the inducer binding site of repressor and the antigen binding site of immunoglobulin are discussed.  相似文献   

Site-specific DNA-affinity chromatography of the lac repressor.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
To test the feasibility of site-specific DNA-affinity chromatography, E. coli lac repressor was bound to an operator-containing DNA column, and in parallel to a non-operator DNA column. Salt gradient elution shows: 1) elution from non-operator DNA was near 250mM KCl or NaCl; interpretation of this result suggests the usefulness of the procedure for studying salt-dependence of DNA-protein affinities; 2) elution from operator-containing DNA was delayed (average elution = 1000mM salt), demonstrating a feasibility of site-specific DNA-affinity chromatography, if one provides a sufficiently favorable ratio of specific to non-specific DNA binding sites; 3) repressor eluted from operator-containing DNA over a very broad salt range, which may represent chromatography-generated repressor heterogeneity.  相似文献   

In order to compare the structures of the DNA-binding sites on variants of the lac repressor, we have studied the influence of these variants on the dimethylsulfate methylation of the lac operator. Since a bound protein changes the availability of specific purines in the operator to this chemical attack, comparisons of the methylation patterns will show similarities or differences in the protein DNA contacts. We compared lac repressor, induced lac repressor (repressor bound to the gratuitous inducer isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside), mutant repressors having increased operator affinities (X86, I12 and the X86-I12 double mutant) and repressor peptides (long headpiece, residues 1 to 59 and short headpiece. residues 1 to 51). All of these repressors and repressor peptides exhibit the same general pattern of protection and enhancement in the operator; however, the short headpiece pattern differs most from that of the repressor while the induced repressor and the long headpiece show intermediate patterns that are strikingly similar to each other. The mutant repressors do not show an isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactoside effect but otherwise are almost indistinguishable from wild-type repressor. These results demonstrate that all molecules bind to the operator using basically the same protein-DNA contacts; they imply that (1) most and possibly all repressor contacts to operator lie within amino acids 1 to 51, (2) inducer weakens many contacts rather than totally disrupting one or even a few and (3) the tight-binding mutants do not make additional contacts to the DNA.These results are consistent with a model in which the amino-terminal portions of two repressor monomers make the DNA contacts. We show that one can understand the affinity of binding as related to the accuracy of the register of the two amino-terminal portions along the DNA. Furthermore, the action of inducer and the behaviour of the tight binding mutants can be accomodated within a two-state model in which the strongly or weakly binding states correspond to structures in which the amino-terminal regions are rigidly or loosely held with respect to each other.  相似文献   

We have constructed a system which allows systematic testing of repressor--operator interactions. The system consists of two plasmids. One of them carries a lac operon in which lac operator has been replaced by a unique restriction site into which synthetic operators can be cloned. The other plasmid carries the gene coding for the repressor, in our case a semisynthetic lacI gene of which parts can be exchanged in a cassette-like manner. A galE host allows us to select for mutants which express repressors with altered specificities. Here we report the change of specificity in the lac system by changing residues 1 and 2 of the recognition helix of lac repressor. The specificity changes are brought about cooperatively by the change of both residues. Exchanges of just one residue broaden the specificity. Our results hint that the recognition helix of lac repressor may possibly have the opposite orientation to those in Lambda cro protein or 434 CI repressor.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that lac repressor binds specifically and quantitatively to lac operator restriction fragments which have been complexed with histones to form artificial nucleosomes (203 base pair restriction fragment) or core particles (144 base pair restriction fragment. We describe here a quantitative method for determining the equilibrium binding affinities of repressor for these lac reconstitutes. Quantitative analysis shows that the operator-histone reconstitutes may be grouped into two affinity classes: those with an affinity for repressor close to that of naked DNA and those with an affinity 2 or more orders of magnitude less than that of naked DNA. All particles in the lac nucleosome preparations bind repressor with high affinity, but the lac core particle preparations contain particles of both high and low affinities for repressor. Formaldehyde cross-linking causes all high-affinity species to suffer a 100-fold decrease in binding affinity. In contrast, there is no effect of cross-linking on species of low affinity. Therefore, the ability of a particle to be bound tightly by repressor depends on a property of the particle which is eliminated by cross-linking. Control experiments have shown that chemical damage to the operator does not accompany cross-linking. Therefore, the property sensitive to cross-linking must be the ability of the particle to change conformation. We infer that the particles of low native affinity, like cross-linked particles, are of low affinity because of an inability to facilitate repressor binding by means of this conformational change. Dimethyl suberimidate cross-linking experiments show that histone-histone cross-linking is sufficient to preclude high-affinity binding. Thus, the necessary conformational change involves a nucleosome histone core event. We find that the ability of a particle to undergo a repressor-induced facilitating conformational change appears to depend on the position of the operator along the DNA binding path of the nucleosome core. We present a general model which proposes that nucleosomes are divided into domains which function differentially to initiate conformational changes in response to physiological stimuli.  相似文献   

The lac repressor and its tryptic core were studied by ir spectroscopy, and their β-structure content was determined by analysis of the spectra. Using protein-derived reference spectra, we find a β-content for lac repressor of 18% and of 23% for its tryptic core. The higher amount of β-conformation in the tryptic core is confirmed by another type of analysis (decomposition of the spectra in Gaussian curves). These results are discussed with respect to their implications for the structure of the N-terminal “headpiece” of lac repressor and for the mode of interaction of lac repressor with lac operator.  相似文献   

An unusual lac repressor mutant   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Plasmids were constructed which carry a synthetic lac operator at various distances from the lac promoter. They were tested in vivo for function in the presence and absence of lac repressor. We found significant repression when the lac operator is situated at the 3' end of the lac I gene or at the 5' end of the lac Z gene. When lac operators are inserted at both sites, we found a greater than 150-fold repression. The complex between lac repressor and DNA carrying these two lac operators is exceedingly stable in vitro suggesting that one tetrameric lac repressor may bind to both lac operators.  相似文献   

DNA binding of the lac repressor   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

We have examined the interactions of lac repressor and RNA polymerase with the DNA of the lac control region, using a method for direct visualization of the regions of DNA protected by proteins from DNAase attack. The repressor protects the operator essentially as reported by Gilbert and Maxam (1) with some small modifications. However, the evidence reported here concerning the binding of RNA polymerase to the DNA of the promoter mutant UV5 indicates that : 1) the RNA polymerase molecule binds asymmetrically to the promoter DNA, 2) RNA polymerase protects DNA sequences to within a few bases of the CAP binding site, suggesting direct interaction between polymerase and the CAP protein at this site, 3) RNA polymerase still binds to the promoter when repressor is bound to the operator, but fails to form the same extensive complex.  相似文献   

Representative members of the six classes of operator constitutive (Oc) point mutations, which have been mapped and well characterized in vivo, were crossed into λφ80 lac phages. The phage DNAs containing the Oc mutations were used to measure the affinity of the lac repressor (R) for each Oc operator by determining the half-lives of the different ROc complexes in vitro. The results provide evidence that: (a) the higher the constitutive level of β-galactosidase in vivo, as the result of an Oc mutation, the lower the affinity of the lac repressor for that Oc operator, with a maximum difference of two orders of magnitude in affinity of the repressor for the highest Oc tested as compared to the wild type O+ operator; (b) the six classes of Oc operators appear to be twofold degenerate, in that two members of each class, which were previously distinguished by mapping, have the same affinity for the lac repressor; (c) an inducer and an anti-inducer have the same effect on the ROc complexes as on the RO+ complexes; (d) the relationship between induction ratios in vivo and the binding constant of the repressor for each Oc mutation in vitro does not follow the mass action equation but rather a more complex dependency, which is discussed.These results suggest a functional symmetry in the lac operator.  相似文献   

Out of the first 62 residues of the lac repressor, 38 positions have been substituted by at least one amino acid exchange. The total number of replacements in this region is 131. Data from several studies are considered.  相似文献   

Tetrameric lac repressor may bind to two lac operators on one DNA fragment and induce the intervening DNA to form a loop. Electron microscopy, non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and DNase I protection experiments were used to demonstrate such DNA loops, where the distance between the centres of symmetry of the two lac operators varies between 63 and 535 bp. Formation of a DNA loop is favoured by correct phasing of the two lac operators and a low concentration of both components of the reaction. When a large excess of lac repressor over DNA is used, a 'tandem' structure is observed, in which both lac operators are occupied independently by two repressor tetramers. When the concentrations of both lac repressor and lac operator are high, a 'sandwich' structure is observed, in which two DNA molecules are connected by two lac repressor tetramers in trans.  相似文献   

How Lac repressor finds lac operator in vitro.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Filter-binding and gel mobility shift assays were used to analyse the kinetics of the interaction of Lac repressor with lac operator. A comparison of the two techniques reveals that filter-binding assays with tetrameric Lac repressor have often been misinterpreted. It has been assumed that all complexes of Lac repressor and lac operator DNA bind with equal affinity to nitrocellulose filters. This assumption is wrong. Sandwich or loop complexes where two lac operators bind to one tetrameric Lac repressor are not or are only badly retained on nitrocellulose filters under normal conditions. Taking this into account, dimeric and tetrameric Lac repressor do not show any DNA-length dependence of their association and dissociation rate constants when they bind to DNA fragments smaller than 2455 base-pairs carrying a single symmetric ideal lac operator. A ninefold increased association rate to ideal lac operator on lambda DNA is observed for tetrameric but not dimeric Lac repressor. It is presumably due to intersegment transfer involving lac operator-like sequences.  相似文献   

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