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Growth and differentiation of B cells into Ig-secreting plasma cells is regulated by both T cells and macrophages and/or their secreted factors. Although the regulatory role of various cell-derived factors has been examined, the involvement of the macrophage-derived factor, TNF, in human B cell growth and differentiation has not yet been investigated. In the present study we examine the role of rTNF in polyclonal B cell response of human PBL induced by PWM. The addition of rTNF at the initiation of the culture resulted in the dose-dependent inhibition of the generation of both IgG and IgM PFC. Inhibition of PFC development followed the same dose response as rTNF-mediated cytotoxicity against a TNF-sensitive tumor target. The mechanism of rTNF-mediated suppression was examined in different experimental systems. Recombinant TNF did not affect the viability or proliferation of either the T cell or B cell subpopulations, suggesting that TNF does not mediate its suppressive effect by cytotoxic mechanisms. Kinetic studies in which rTNF was added at different times after initiation of culture indicated that inhibition can be observed as late as 4 days of culture and suggested that TNF acts at a late phase of the growth and differentiation pathway of B cells. In further studies we examined the cellular level of TNF-mediated suppression. The addition of rTNF to supernatants containing helper factors and enriched B cells resulted in no inhibition, suggesting that TNF does not act at the B cell level. This was confirmed by demonstrating that rTNF does not inhibit spontaneous PFC development by the CESS B cell line. The effect of TNF on T cell subpopulations was examined by using normal or irradiated T cells, which inactivate suppressor cells. Addition of rTNF to B cells combined with either T cell population suppressed both IgG and IgM PFC development, indicating that the target cell for suppression is the T helper cell but not ruling out an effect on macrophages or the T suppressor cells. Combined, the observed results demonstrate that rTNF suppresses PWM-induced B cell differentiation without affecting B cell proliferation. TNF appears to mediate the suppression by acting directly on T helper cells or else by regulating the production of factors controlling T cell activation and lymphokine secretion.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes (PBL) upon stimulation with PWM proliferate and differentiate to IgM- and IgG-producing cells. The PWM-induced Ig production in B cells was dependent on T cells, and cell-free supernatant (CFS) obtained from PWM-stimulated PBL or T cell-rich fraction replaced T cell helper functions. The active substance(s) in CFS were most likely derived from T cells. The kinetic studies showed that the proliferation of B cells took place in advance of the final differentiation to Ig-producing cells and that T cells or T cell product(s) had to exist at the initiation of cultures in order to give the maximum helper effect. However, the final differentiation of B cells to Ig-producing cells was not dependent on T cells. The helper effect of T cells or T cell product(s) on PWM-induced proliferation and differentiation of B cells was exerted across the MHC barrier. This may make it possible to apply this experimental system to the assessment of quantitative and/or qualitative changes in human helper T cells in several immunologic diseases.  相似文献   

The suppressive effect of human natural killer (NK) cells on B cell differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen (PWM) was investigated. By using Percoll discontinuous density gradient centrifugation, peripheral blood nonphagocytic and nonadherent mononuclear cells were divided into low and high density fractions for which NK cells (Large granular lymphocytes, LGL) and T cells were enriched, respectively. These fractionated mononuclear cells were co-cultured with purified autologous B cells in the presence of PWM, and were examined for their helper and suppressor activities on differentiation of B cells to immunoglobulin-(IgM and IgG) producing cells by a highly sensitive reversed hemolytic plaque assay. The T cell-enriched high density fractions provided help for B cell differentiation to levels higher than that of unfractionated mononuclear cells. On the other hand, the NK-enriched low density fractions did not show helper activity, and when added to the culture of B cells plus helper T cells, they markedly suppressed B cell differentiation. This suppressive activity, as well as the NK cytotoxicity of the NK-enriched fractions, was abrogated by treatment of the cells with monoclonal antibody against human NK cells (HNK-1), but not against T cells (OKT3) in the presence of complement. NK cells also suppressed PWM-driven B cell differentiation in the presence of T4+ (helper/inducer T) but not T8+ (cytotoxic/suppressor T) cells; however, they showed no inhibition of soluble factor-induced B cell differentiation assayed in the absence of helper T cells. It is thus concluded that human peripheral blood NK cells exhibit an ability to suppress PWM-driven B cell differentiation, possibly by acting through the effect on helper T cells but not directly on B cells.  相似文献   

Polyspecific monomeric IgG for i.v. use (IgSRK; Sandoglobulin) can inhibit in vitro pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced B cell differentiation. This antigen-nonspecific inhibition is an early event, because removal of the IgSRK from cultures of PWM-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) after as short a period as 24 hr could not reverse the inhibitory effects. Furthermore, replacement of the IgSRK-exposed T cells after 48 hr of culture with fresh autologous T cells could not abrogate the inhibition. In addition, IgSRK exerted an inhibitory effect on non-T cells even before their activation by PWM. Neither augmentation of T suppressor activity nor inhibition of T helper activity could be demonstrated as a consequence of interaction with IgSRK. Irradiation of the T cells before culture, supplementing the culture medium with exogenous interleukin 2, monocyte depletion, or depletion of the Leu-11+ population had no effect on the IgSRK-mediated inhibition. Tonsil cells were as susceptible to the inhibitory effects of IgSRK as were unseparated PBMC. Taken together, these experiments point to a direct inhibitory effect of IgSRK on the B cell in this antigen-nonspecific system. However, minor roles for monocytes, T cells, and/or Leu-11+ cells cannot be excluded. This inhibitory capacity of IgSRK might be efficacious clinically in the treatment of autoimmune disorders in which pathogenic autoantibodies play a role. However, such treatment might also inhibit desired antibody responses to vaccinations and/or infectious agents.  相似文献   

Human blood lymphocytes were separated into T and non-T cells and cultured with pokeweed mitogen (PWM). It was found that in the absence of T cells no differentiation of B cells into immunoglobulin-containing blasts and plasma cells took place. Moreover, the cell yields and the rate of DNA synthesis and blast transformation were very low. The influence of T cells on PWM-induced B-lymphocyte differentiation was studied in mixtures of T/non-T cells at various ratios. Addition of even a few T lymphocytes caused a considerable stimulation of B cells by all parameters used. The responses of T/non-T mixtures of the original cellular composition were of the same order as those of cultures of unseparated cells. It is concluded that the differentiation of human blood B lymphocytes into cells actively synthesizing immunoglobulins, as induced by PWM, is strongly dependent upon the presence of T cells.  相似文献   

The precursor of the pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced anti-sheep red blood cell (SRBC) plaque-forming cell (PFC) in human peripheral blood was characterized. By a variety of purification procedures, it was demonstrated to be a lymphocyte with surface characteristics of a B cell. Furthermore, it was demonstrated to bind to sheep erythrocytes (E) and thus segregated with the E-rosetting T cells when T cell enrichment was performed by differential fractionation of E-rosetting cells. This binding of the PFC precursor to E was blocked by pretreating the lymphocyte with anti-human Ig before E rosetting, indicating that the PFC precursor specifically bound to SRBC by a surface Ig molecule with binding specificity for sheep red blood cell determinants. Hence, the precursor of the PWM-triggered anti-SRBC PFC is a B lymphocyte with surface Ig expressing specificity for SRBC.  相似文献   

In a previous publication, we reported that B-lymphocyte-deprived mice possess a heightened in vivo resistance to a methycholanthrene-induced syngeneic fibrosarcoma. The present in vitro study has disclosed that spleens of such mice possess a significantly higher cytotoxic activity against the same tumor compared to normal rabbit globulin-injected control animals, and that this increase cannot be accounted for by the mere elimination of B lymphocytes. The cell mediating this response was found to be a natural-killer-like cell on the basis of its organ distribution, its full activation without immunization, its target specificity shown directly and by cold target inhibition experiments, and by its surface markers. It is suggested that this increased activity, which does not appear to decline with age, may be responsible for the heightened in vivo antitumor resistance of T mice.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) lost the capacity to generate immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) in response to pokeweed mitogen (PWM) when depleted of adherent cells (AC). The diminished responsiveness of the nonadherent cells (NAC) could not be ascribed to cell death, altered PWM dose response characteristics, or a change in the length of incubation required to generate a response. Supplementation with autologous or homologous AC, but not 2-mercaptoethanol, restored the capacity of NAC to generate ISC after PWM stimulation. By standard criteria AC were found to contain 85 to 90% monocytes. Furthermore, the monocytes and not the few lymphocytes contaminating the AC were responsible for restoring PWM responsiveness to the NAC. PWM-induced DNA synthesis of NAC also was markedly reduced compared to PBM. Again, supplementation with monocytes restored responsiveness to NAC. The monocyte dependence of PWM-induced proliferation and generation of ISC was most apparent when cultural conditions were employed that limited cell-to-cell interaction.  相似文献   

The potential existence of down-regulation of cytotoxic immune response against an autologous human melanoma line was investigated as a possible explanation for cytotoxic unresponsiveness against the autologous melanoma cells. The melanoma cell line, PJ-M, was established and lymph node resident lymphocytes (LNL) were isolated from a lymph node which was partially infiltrated with the melanoma cells. Autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were sensitized in in vitro co-culture (IVC) against radiated PJ-M cells in the presence or absence of PJ-M-sensitized LNL and enriched suppressor (OKT8+) or inducer (OKT4+) LNL populations, and were assayed for cytotoxicity in a 4-hr 51Cr-release microcytotoxicity assay. Significant cytotoxic response against PJ-M could be generated in the PBL, but not in the LNL. The addition of sensitized, unfractionated LNL, OKT8+, or OKT4+ LNL populations abrogated cytotoxic response in the PBL against PJ-M. The suppression of cytotoxic response was induced selectively against the PJ-M targets, because IVC of PBL in the presence of the sensitized LNL did not affect the generation of polyclonal cytotoxic alloreactivities, nor did they abrogate the generation of cytotoxic response against allogeneic targets in IVC against the corresponding allogeneic targets. These results suggest the possibility that cytotoxic immune response against the autologous melanoma cells might have been suppressed by the individual's own immunoregulatory circuit.  相似文献   

Dose-response relations for pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced B- and T-cell proliferation and differentiation of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes were derived. For each tested concentration of PWM used in stimulating mononuclear cells, proliferation, assayed by cell population size and distribution of cells with respect to cell cycle phases; and differentiation, assayed by incidence of cytoplasmic immunoglobulin, were determined as a function of time following PWM stimulation. Balanced T- and non-T-cell proliferation occurred without necessarily being associated with B-cell differentiation. Differentiation, in contrast, was not observed without proliferation. The onset of balanced T- and non-T-cell proliferation preceded the differentiation of B lymphocytes into plasmacytoid cells bearing detectable cytoplasmic immunoglobulin. The dose-response relations for PWM-induced proliferation and differentiation were dissimilar. Optimum proliferation occurred at a PWM concentration 1100 of that required to induce differentiation. The results indicate that while B- and T-cell proliferation may be necessary for B-cell differentiation, it is not sufficient. Proliferation can be uncoupled from differentiation. The dissimilarity of the dose-response relations for the two responses makes it improbable that PWM triggers a unique cellular process seminal to proliferation coupled inevitably to subsequent differentiation.  相似文献   

The effects of estradiol benzoate (EB) and testosterone propionate (TP) on pituitary and plasma concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and the in vitro synthesis of FSH in pituitary tissue was studied in mature male rats. By the 4th day of treatment with EB, pituitary content and concentration of FSH had declined, and content had fallen to 6% and concentration to 3% of pretreatment values. Similar results occurred during in vitro synthesis. However, serum levels of FSH did not show any decline until the 21st and 28th days of treatment. Administration of TP produced a progressive increase in pituitary content and concentration of FSH, though serum levels remained unchanged for the 1st 7 days, after which they fell slightly. The effect of TP on the in vitro synthesis of FSH showed no consistent pattern, though in no case was a decrease in the uptake of labeled leucine into immunoprecipitable FSH observed. The results suggest that EB and TP have different effects on pituitary FSH in normal adult male rats.  相似文献   

The role of sex-steroid hormones, testosterone (T) and 17beta-estradiol (E2), on the humoral immune parameters of the teleost gilthead seabream Sparus aurata was studied attempting to deepen on the knowledge of the immune-reproductive system interactions. Fish were injected intraperitoneally with coconut oil containing different dosages of T (0, 2, or 5 microg g(-1) body weight [bw]) or E2 (0, 1, or 2 microg g(-1) bw) and sampled 1, 3, and 7 days later. Hormonal levels and immune parameters (complement, peroxidase and antiprotease activities and IgM levels) were determined in plasma. Plasma hormone levels peaked at 1 day post-injection decreasing thereafter. Treatment with T significantly increased both complement and peroxidase activities after 3 days of injection but antiprotease activity and IgM levels remained unchanged. Treatment with E2 enhanced complement activity 1 day post-injection while decreased it after 3 and 7 days. However, peroxidase activity increased at 3 and 7 days post-injection while total IgM levels decreased. Implications of T and E2 in the immune-reproductive system interactions were discussed.  相似文献   

When faced with DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), vertebrate cells activate DNA damage response (DDR) programs that preserve genome integrity and suppress malignant transformation. Three established outcomes of the DDR include transient cell cycle arrest coupled with DNA repair, apoptosis, or senescence. However, recent studies in normal and cancer precursor or stem cells suggest that a fourth potential outcome, cell differentiation, is under the influence of DDR programs. Here we review and discuss the emerging evidence that supports the linkage of signaling from DSBs to the regulation of differentiation, including some of the molecular mechanisms driving this under-appreciated DDR outcome. We also consider the physiologic and pathologic consequences of defects in DDR signaling on cell differentiation and malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Both helper- and suppressor-T-cell activities are generated in the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction and in pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-stimulated cultures. The addition of low numbers of irradiated non-T cells enhance while high numbers suppress spontaneous and PWM-stimulated IgG synthesis by autologous cells. Monocytes are the principal inducers of suppression and exert their influence within the first 24 hr of culture. Suppression in association with PWM stimulation is nonspecific in nature, T-cell mediated, partially radiosensitive, and resistant to hydrocortisone. Neither indomethacin nor dibutyryl cyclic AMP reverses monocyte-related suppression. These findings suggest that the outcome of in vitro Ig synthesis assays is critically dependent upon monocyte-T-cell interaction.  相似文献   

The differentiation of B cells in the in vitro PFC-response to red blood cell antigen proceeds through 2 phases. Antigen-reactive B cells acquire the ability to interact with helper T cells in the first phase. This phase is controlled by macrophages through a mediator that they release (Interleukin 1 ([Il-1]). B cells convert into antibody-secreting cells (PFC) in the second phase, which is controlled by helper T cells or by a mediator that they release (T cell-replacing factors [TRF]). This is demonstrated in experiments in which Il-1 increases the number of B cells capable of responding to T cell help. The majority of antigen-reactive B cells reaches that state of differentiation within 40 hr of incubation with Il-1. After this time, the response of B cells depends no longer on the presence of Il-1 but on the presence of T cells or TRF. The presented data suggest that antigen-primed helper T cells (but not unprimed T cells) induce the release of Il-1 by macrophages, thereby also influencing the early phase of B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The osteogenic potential of the two human osteosarcoma cell lines HOS and KHOS; a cell line produced by the transformation of the HOS cells by the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus, was studied in vitro. HOS cells cultured more than 2 weeks formed nodules composed of two morphologically distinct layers, an epithelial-like surface cell layer and a collagen-rich inner cell layer. Alkaline phosphatase (ALPase) activity occurred in the plasma membrane of the surface cell layer, and calcified substances developing along collagen fibers were detected in the collagen-rich inner cell layer. The calcified substances were further examined by analytical electron microscopy and were shown to be hydroxyapatite crystals. In contrast, there was neither ALPase nor the deposition of a calcified substance in the KHOS cells.  相似文献   

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