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There is increasing evidence that hosts within a population may not be parasitized by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus with equal probability. Such non‐randomness has been documented, for example, for host nest sites and host quality. In this study we demonstrate association between successful cuckoo parasitism and host social mating system. We found that nests of socially polygynous great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus were more often successfully parasitized than the nests of their monogamous counterparts. We hypothesize that lack of parental assistance provided by polygynous males to their mates during egg laying period and higher nest activity in their territories could contribute to this discrepancy. These data imply that social mating system should be taken into account in future studies of brood parasitism.  相似文献   

In Hungary an unusually high rate of parasitism on the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus has been maintained for at least the last one hundred years. We evaluated parasitism rate, antiparasite defence and genetic differentiation among Hungarian great reed warblers at three sites located 40–130 km from each other, where hosts suffered from a high (41–68%), moderate (11%), and almost no (<1%) parasitism. We were especially interested in whether the level of antiparasite defence was related to the local parasitism rate, and, if not, to understand why. There was no difference among the three sites in the responses to experimental parasitism by non‐mimetic model cuckoo eggs (rejection rate 71–82%), which can be explained by strong gene flow between populations: there was low level of philopatry and no genetic differentiation in the region. Reproductive success of the host in the heavily parasitised site was about 54% of that in the unparasitised site, indicating that long‐term persistence of host populations in highly exploited areas depends on continuous immigration.  相似文献   

The coevolutionary process among avian brood parasites and their hosts involves stepwise changes induced by the antagonistic selection pressures of one on the other. As long‐term data on an evolutionary scale is almost impossible to obtain, most studies can only show snapshots of such processes. Information on host behaviour, such as changes in egg rejection rates and the methods of rejection are scarce. In Hungary there is an interesting case between the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus and the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, where the level of parasitism is unusually high (around 50%). We compared host rejection rates and methods of rejection from within our own project to that of an early study carried out and published almost 70 yr ago in the same region. Our comparisons revealed high and stable rates of parasitism (range: 52–64%), and marked fluctuations in the ratio of multiply parasitized nests (range: 24–52%). No difference was revealed in egg rejection rates after 7 decades (34–39%). Linear mixed‐effects modelling revealed no year effect on the type host responses toward the parasitic egg(s) during the years of study (categorized as acceptance, ejection, burial, and nest desertion). Cuckoo egg rejection was primarily affected by the type of parasitism, as more cuckoo eggs were rejected during single parasitism than from multiply parasitized nests. Our comparison did not reveal any directional changes in this cuckoo–host relationship, except a slight decrease in the frequency of multiple parasitism, which is likely to be independent from coevolutionary processes.  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus selects host pairs of good phenotypic quality. As there is some evidence that cuckoos may select hosts within a population non-randomly based on external cues reflecting their foster abilities, we predicted that great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus pairs parasitized by the cuckoo would exhibit higher quality than unparasitized ones. To test this assumption, we evaluated two different parameters indicating host quality: body condition and characteristics of host eggs. We found that parasitized females showed significantly better body condition than unparasitized ones, and the model showed that the probability of being parasitized by the cuckoos increased with increasing body condition. Moreover, the likelihood of being parasitized by a cuckoo within the great reed warbler population increased with decreasing colour variability within clutches: parasitized females allocated costly blue pigments to eggshells more equally compared with unparasitized ones. Our study revealed that cuckoos parasitize great reed warbler females of higher quality, as reflected in host body condition and egg colour characteristics. In highly mimetic systems, cuckoos may choose to parasitize hosts with eggs displaying low intraclutch variation, both because this leads to reduced rejection and because these hosts are of high quality.  相似文献   

The risk of cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism for great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests was evaluated in respect to nest and nest site structure in the reedbeds along canals in central Hungary, In total 90 nests were analysed, from which 31 remained unparasitised. 37 were single parasitised and 22 multiple parasitised. Multiple discriminant analysis, based on eight structural variables, separated well the unparasitised clutches from the cases of single and multiple parasitism, but the latter two categories also showed a weaker separation. Nests close to cuckoo vantage points are most vulnerable to parasitism. The variable "distance from nest to closest available cuckoo perch site" (tree or electric wire) played the most important role in the risk of parasitism. It showed highly significant differences among the groups: lowest distances were found in the case of multiple parasitism, and the highest distances were measured when nests remained unparasitised. Additionally, "nest visibility" also showed significant differences among the three groups: a more visible nest is more likely to be parasitised. Risk of parasitism affects on the host on two levels: 1) female cuckoos search for nest-building hosts from a perch site, but 2) when they are in the act of parasitism, they can find more visible nests in the reed. Besides the robust effects of the variables "distance to cuckoo perch site" and "nest visibility", the variable "distance from nest to open water" may reduce, but "nest volume" increases the risk of multiple parasitism. Differences between cases of single and multiple parasitism are weak, mainly affected by chance. We explain it by the high abundance of the cuckoo, the parasitism rate was 65.6% (59/90), Cuckoos parasitised almost all of the available nests in the close vicinity of potential perch sites. There was no evidence that great reed warblers nested closer to each other when risk of parasitism was high.  相似文献   

Using multiple logistic regression analysis, we investigated the influence of nest site characteristics, laying date and nest size in marsh warblers Acrocephalus palustris on the risk of parasitism by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus . Marsh warblers breed in more diverse and dense herbaceous vegetation than other cuckoo hosts investigated in comparable studies. The "perch proximity" hypothesis was supported as parasitized nests were situated closer to trees than non-parasitized ones. Furthermore, demonstrated for the first time in a cuckoo host, tree height was an important predictor of parasitism, with higher trees increasing the parasitism odds ratio. The "nest exposure" hypothesis was also supported since parasitized nests had a shorter stand of vegetation in the close vicinity than non-parasitized nests. However, visibility of the nest from the nearest potential cuckoo perch (cuckoo view) was not selected by the model, probably because most nests were well concealed. Laying date, height of nest above ground and the distance from the nest to the nearest edge of the vegetation were not important predictors of parasitism. Though smaller nests tended to be parasitized more frequently than larger ones, nest size only approached significance, making its importance unclear.  相似文献   

Passerines that are exposed to brood parasitism can evolve reduced intraclutch variation in egg appearance to facilitate recognition and rejection of the parasitic egg. This has been shown to be true for European passerine species that are assumed to have participated in an evolutionary arms race with the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). However, few investigations have been carried out with the aim of finding out whether there is a relationship between these two traits within a species. In this study, we compare the level of intraclutch variation in egg appearance and the rejection of an unlike parasitic egg within a population of reed warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. We parasitized reed warbler nests with an artificial non-mimetic cuckoo egg, and then monitored the reaction of the hosts. In 27 out of 48 nests (56.3%) the parasitic egg was rejected. The rejecter pairs had a statistically significantly lower intraclutch variation in egg appearance than the acceptor pairs. We discuss possible explanations for the observed relationship between rejection of unlike eggs and intraclutch variation in egg appearance within this population of reed warblers. The results are consistent with the evolutionary arms race hypothesis, but the intermediate rejection rate found in this population could also be maintained by an equilibrium between acceptors and rejecters due to rejection costs.  相似文献   

According to honest signalling theory, signals must be costly to produce to retain information about the signaller's quality. The song produced by male birds during breeding is a vocal "ornament" used for intra- and inter-sexual purposes. The energetic cost of this vocal signal remains a contentious issue. We used the doubly labelled water method to measure field metabolic rate by estimating CO2 production and then convert this to daily energy expenditure (DEE) in great reed warbler males singing under natural conditions (10 at low to moderate intensity and 7 at very high intensity from dawn to dusk). There was a significant positive relationship between singing intensity and DEE. From this relationship we extrapolated the average DEE for intensely singing males (i.e., males producing song sounds 50% of the time and hence sitting at their elevated song post in the top of a reed stem more or less continuously throughout the ∼20 h of daylight) to 3.3×BMR (basal metabolic rate) and for non-singing males to 2.2×BMR. The mean DEE measured for the seven males singing with very high intensity was 3.1×BMR. The maximum measured DEE for a single male was 3.9×BMR, i.e. close to the maximum sustainable DEE (4×BMR), and the minimum DEE was 2.1×BMR for a male singing at very low intensity. These results imply that producing intensive advertising song in birds may incur a substantial cost in terms of increased energy expenditure.  相似文献   

The sex of 746 great reed warbler fledglings (from 175 broods) was determined by the use of single primer polymerase chain reaction. The reliability of the technique was confirmed as 104 of the fledglings were subsequently recorded as adults of known sex. The overall sex ratio did not differ from unity. Variation in sex ratios between broods was larger than expected from a binomial distribution. Female identity explained some of the variation of brood sex ratio indicating that certain females consistently produced sex ratios that departed from the average value in the population. The theory of sex allocation predicts that parents should adjust the sex ratio of their brood to the relative value of sons and daughters and this may vary in relation to the quality of the parents or to the time of breeding. In the great reed warbler, the proportion of sons was not related to time of breeding, or to any of five female variables. Of five male variables, males with early arrival date tended to produce more daughters. The sex ratio of fledglings that were a result of extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from that of legitimate fledglings. Hence, there is currently no evidence of that female great reed warblers invest in a higher proportion of sons when mated with attractive males.  相似文献   

The obligate avian brood parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus comprises different strains of females that specialize on particular host species by laying eggs of a constant type that often mimics those of the host. Whether cuckoos are locally adapted for mimicking populations of the hosts on which they are specialized has never been investigated. In this study, we first explored the possibility of local adaptation in cuckoo egg mimicry over a geographical mosaic of selection exerted by one of its main European hosts, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Secondly, we investigated whether cuckoos inhabiting reed warbler populations with a broad number of alternative suitable hosts at hand were less locally adapted. Cuckoo eggs showed different degrees of mimicry to different reed warbler populations. However, cuckoo eggs did not match the egg phenotypes of their local host population better than eggs of other host populations, indicating that cuckoos were not locally adapted for mimicry on reed warblers. Interestingly, cuckoos exploiting reed warblers in populations with a relatively larger number of co-occurring cuckoo gentes showed lower than average levels of local adaptation in egg volume. Our results suggest that cuckoo local adaptation might be prevented when different cuckoo populations exploit more or fewer different host species, with gene flow or frequent host switches breaking down local adaptation where many host races co-occur.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary mechanism (host specificity vs. random searching) maintaining mimicry between cuckoo egg appearance and that of different European cuckoo Cuculus canorus hosts, we studied the level of mimicry between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs in different habitats in southern Finland by using ultraviolet-visible reflectance spectrophotometry. In the main habitat used by C. canorus for reproduction, eggs laid in nests of different host species differed in appearance. Host use by C. canorus was not related to the abundance of hosts, and the level of mimicry was not related to host abundance in the habitat. Furthermore, a close match between C. canorus egg appearance and that of host eggs within habitats was detected after removing the potentially confounding effect of host abundance. In the only two suitable host species nesting in trees (namely chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and brambling Fringilla montifringilla ) we detected changes in C. canorus egg appearance that paralleled those of the two host species. Thus our findings suggest the existence of a correlation between the appearance of C. canorus eggs and that of their hosts' eggs within different habitat types, and suggest that mimicry is maintained by strict host preferences by each C. canorus female when laying.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 57–68.  相似文献   

Csaba Moskát  & Marcel Honza 《Ibis》2002,144(4):614-622
An unusually high frequency (64%) of European Cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism was found in Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus clutches in central Hungary. Sixty-four per cent of the parasitized clutches contained one Cuckoo egg, 23% contained two, 10% had three and 3% had four. This means that 58% of the Cuckoo eggs were found in multiply parasitized clutches. In multiple parasitism the laying second Cuckoo removed an egg from the clutch randomly, so preferred neither the host eggs, nor the concurrent Cuckoo egg. Host response towards the parasitic eggs showed 66% acceptance, 12% ejection, 20% desertion and 2% egg burial. We found great variation in both the host and the parasitic egg colour and pattern. This reduces the chance that the parasitic egg's appearance matched that of the hosts' but, in spite of this, almost perfect mimesis was found in 28% of the Cuckoo eggs. Poorly mimetic Cuckoo eggs were more frequently rejected by Great Reed Warblers than parasite eggs that were very similar to the host eggs. This high level of mimicry sometimes makes it difficult for the observer to identify the parasitic egg, especially when it is similar in size to the host eggs. It is also difficult for the host, as shown by the relatively high recognition error and ejection cost.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism greatly reduces the reproductive success of its hosts and imposes strong selection pressure for hosts to evolve defences against parasitism, such as the ability to recognize and reject dissimilar parasitic eggs, which, in turn, selects for better egg mimicry by the cuckoo. In the co-evolutionary interaction, however, it remains unknown how the cuckoo successfully expanded its range of host usage and how they developed egg mimicry. Most previous studies were conducted in areas where a very few number of host species (i.e. one or two at most) are sympatric with the cuckoo. Several host species, however, breed sympatric with the cuckoo and have been parasitized in the study site in Nagano, central Japan. Such a multiple-hosts system will provide valuable insights for understanding the cuckoo–hosts interactions in the past. In the present study, we report quantitative profiles of eggs based on spectrometer reflectance for four major host species and the corresponding cuckoo gentes. The hosts include the oriental reed warbler ( Acrocephalus orientalis ), bull-headed shrike ( Lanius bucephalus ), azure-winged magpie ( Cyanopica cyana ), and black-faced bunting ( Emberiza spodocephala ). We show that (1) egg morphs of each host and corresponding cuckoo gens can be categorized by two chromatic components of reflectance spectra and (2) there is a significant difference in a particular chroma component between hosts and the cuckoo. We suggest that the cuckoo parasitism in central Japan originated from parasitism on the black-faced bunting.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 291–300.  相似文献   

We present estimates of standardized selection (directional and quadratic) differentials via reproductive success on eight morphological traits in a newly founded long-term study population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus in Sweden. In order to predict the evolutionary response to selection in these traits we present estimates of heritabilities (h2), phenotypic (rP) and genetic (rA) correlations among the same traits. We also examined the extent of parental effects in the expression of the phenotypic traits. Overall, the population is subject to low levels of directional selection and higher levels of stabilizing selection. This makes us predict that the population is changing very little if anything, even though h2 in many cases are considerable. Midparent-midoffspring h2 ranged from 0.14 and 0.94 (mean 0.58) and were significant for seven of eight traits. We found indications of positive maternal effects in tarsus length. Phenotypic correlations between traits ranged from 0.02 to 0.43 (mean 0.15) and showed generally much lower values than the corresponding genetic correlations that ranged between 0.08 and 1.04 (mean 0.46). Overall, the correlation between rP and rA was significant, although moderate, but they tended to differ in magnitude, possibly due to overestimation of additive covariance between traits.  相似文献   

Evolution of host egg mimicry in a brood parasite, the great spotted cuckoo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brood parasitism in birds is one of the best examples of coevolutionary interactions in vertebrates. Coevolution between hosts and parasites is assumed to occur because the parasite imposes strong selection pressures on its hosts, reducing their fitness and thereby favouring counter-adaptations (e.g. egg rejection) which, in turn, select for parasite resistance (e.g. egg mimicry). Great spotted cuckoos ( Clamator glandarius ) are usually considered a brood parasite with eggs almost perfectly mimicking those of their host, the magpie ( Pica pica ). However, Cl. glandarius also exploits South African hosts with very different eggs, both in colour and size, while the Cl. glandarius eggs are similar to those laid in nests of European hosts. Here, we used spectrophotometric techniques for the first time to quantify mimicry of parasitic eggs for eight different host species. We found: (1) non-significant differences in appearance of Cl. glandarius eggs laid in nests of different host species, although eggs laid in South Africa and Europe differed significantly; (2) contrary to the general assumption that Cl. glandarius eggs better mimic those of the main host in Europe ( P. pica ), Cl. glandarius eggs more closely resembled those of the azure-winged magpie ( Cyanopica cyana ), a potential host in which there is no evidence of recent parasitism; (3) the appearance of Cl. glandarius eggs was not significantly related to the appearance of host eggs. We discuss three possible reasons why Cl. glandarius eggs resemble eggs of some of their hosts. We suggest that colouration of Cl. glandarius eggs is an apomorphic trait, and that variation between eggs laid in South African and European host nests is due to genetic isolation among these populations and not due to variation in colouration of host eggs.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 551–563.  相似文献   

We tested the importance of nest cleaning in egg rejection behaviour of the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in a highly parasitised population in which about 64% of nests are parasitised by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus . Three types of objects of the same weight, texture and colour but with different shapes (dummy cuckoo eggs, sticks and disks) were placed into great reed warbler nests. We investigated the response of hosts in two stages of breeding: pre-incubation when the risk of brood parasitism is high, and during incubation when the risk of parasitism is low. The dummy cuckoo eggs were rejected less often than the other objects in both breeding stages, although we did not find any difference in the frequency of rejection between pre-incubation and incubation. We integrate these results into current views on the evolution of host–parasite interactions, and propose a hierarchical concept to understand egg rejection behaviour: (1) hosts reject all non-egg shaped objects as a general cleaning mechanism; (2) adaptations for the hosts' ability to recognise their own eggs allows them to distinguish these eggs from similar objects and parasitic eggs.  相似文献   

Hatching success is a potentially important fitness component for avian species. Previous studies of hatching success in natural populations have primarily focused on effects of inbreeding but a general understanding of variation in hatching success is lacking. We analyse data on hatching success in a population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus in Lake Kvismaren in south central Sweden. The effects of a range of covariates, including three measures of inbreeding as well as effects of classifications in the data (such as identities of individuals), on hatching success are analysed simultaneously. This is done by means of fitting Bayesian binomial mixed models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Using random effects for each individual parent we check for unexplained variation in hatching success among male and female individuals and compare it to effects of covariates such as degree of inbreeding. Model selection showed that there was a significant amount of unexplained variation in hatching probability between females. This was manifested by a few females laying eggs with a substantially lower hatching success than the majority of the females. The deviations were of the same order of magnitude as the significant effect of parent relatedness on hatching success. Whereas the negative effect of parent relatedness on hatchability is an expression of inbreeding, the female individual effect is not due to inbreeding and could reflect maternal effects, that females differ in fertilisation and/or incubation ability, or an over representation of genetic components from the female acting on the early developing embryo.  相似文献   

Capsule Cuckoos in Italy support the ‘host preference’ hypothesis.

Aims To identify the species parasitized in a Mediterranean area, in Italy; to quantify the frequency of parasitism on each host species; and to determine whether some species and/or habitat types are parasitized more than expected from a homogeneous distribution.

Methods Nest records dating from 1865 were compiled from literature, nest card programmes, and personal communication with ornithologists working in the region. Comparisons of parasitism frequencies were made among and within habitats for all cuckoo hosts.

Results The most frequently parasitized hosts were Great Reed Warbler, European Robin, Marsh Warbler, Redstart, and Reed Warbler. The highest number of parasitized species was in anthropic areas (15 host species), whereas wetlands supported the highest number of parasitized nests (471).

Conclusion Cuckoos select a different suite of hosts in Italy from those in continental Europe, but this was not always explained on the basis of different geographical distribution. Results support the ‘host preference’ hypothesis. We suggest further analyses to avoid over‐ or underestimates of parasitism on each host species when parasite preferences are examined.  相似文献   

There is at present considerable variation in the level of antiparasite defences among different host species of avian brood parasites, but in many potential hosts some individuals reject poorly matching parasite eggs. Here we present unique absence of egg discrimination behaviour backed up by a lack of egg recognition abilities in a suitable common cuckoo Cuculus canorus host, the skylark Alauda arvensis. Skylarks did not show any clear rejection response to experimentally added highly non‐mimetic foreign eggs in any behavioural context, even before they had started laying or when the whole clutch was exchanged with foreign eggs. This absence of antiparasite defence can be explained by the breeding habitat of larks consisting of largely treeless open landscapes where cuckoos have little access to the nests, thereby eroding the possibility of coevolutionary interactions. Our results are strikingly consistent with the spatial habitat structure hypothesis proposed to explain the occurrence and extent of avian host‐parasite co‐adaptation.  相似文献   

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